Students Skeletal system Notes F2015

ISN Pgs. 52, 53, 54

Transcript of Students Skeletal system Notes F2015

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ISN  Pgs.  52,  53,  54

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5  Major  Functions  of  the  Skeletal  System

1. Provide  shape  and  support2. Enables  you  to  move3. Protects  your  organs4. Produces  blood  cells5. Stores  minerals  and  other  

materials  until  your  body  needs  them

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Movement  &  Protection�Your  skeleton  allows  you  to  move�Muscles  attach  to  the  bones,  pulling  on  them  to  make  body  move.

�Bones  protect  many  of  the  body  organs�Example:  the  skull  protects  the  brain  and  the  rib  cage  protects  the  heart  and  lungs.

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Cartilage/Bone  Development� As  an  infant,  most  of  your  skeleton  is  cartilage

� Cartilage is  a  strong  flexible  tissue.� Over  time  the  cartilage   is  replace  by  solid  bone  cells.

FYI:  Not  all  cartilage  is  replaced  in  adults.  Many  joints  contain  cartilage,  protecting  the  ends  of  bones.  (Ex.  ears  and  the  end  of  the  nose  is  also  cartilage)

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Bone  Joints�A  joint is  a  place  where  two  bones  come  together.

�Joints  allow  the  bones  to  move  in  different  ways

�Two  types  of  Joints:�1.  Immovable  �2.  Movable  Joints

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Immovable  Joint�Allows  little  or  no  movement,  called  Fixed  joint

�Example:  the  bones  of  the  skull

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Movable  Joints�Most  of  the  joints  are  of  this  type

�Allow  the  body  to  move  in  a  wide  range  of  movements.

�Bones  in  movable  joints  are  held  at  joints  by  rubbery  tough  strands  called  ligaments (b0ne  to  bone  attachment)

• Four  types  of  Movable  Joints:1.  Hinge  2.  Ball-­‐and-­‐socket3.  Pivot  4.  Gliding

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Hinge  Joint�Allows  forward  or  backward  motion

�Example:  knee,  elbow

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Ball-­‐and-­‐Socket  Joint�Allows  the  greatest  range  of  motion

�Example:  shoulder  (the  ball-­‐and-­‐socket  joint  allows  you  to  swing  your  arm  freely  in  a  circle)

�Example:  Hips,  shoulder

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Pivot  Joint�Allows  one  bone  to  rotate  around  another.

�Example:  Neck�Allows  you  to  turn  your  head  from  side  to  side.

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Gliding  Joint�Allows  one  bone  to  slide  over  another

�Example:  wrist  or  ankle�Enable  you  to  bend  and  flex  as  well  as  make  limited  side  to  side  motions

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Bone  Marrow• a soft tissue at the center of bones. Two  types  of  Marrow:• 1.  RedMarrow produces  most  of  the  body’s  blood  cells.  Red  marrow  makes  red  and  white  blood  cells.• 2.  Yellow  Marrow  stores  fat  that  can  serve  as  an  energy  reserve