Student texual analysis

STUDENT TEXUAL ANALYSIS Main Production: The Art of Artistry

Transcript of Student texual analysis

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Main Production: The Art of Artistry

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Firstly we see the definition of creativity appear on screen taken from the Oxford Heritage Dictionary. This connotes that the documentary is going to be investigating the ‘art of artistry’ in depth as it is starting with base meaning of what creativity is. It also suggests that the documentary is going to be questioning and intellectual , this shows that it is suited towards an older audience. This is because they are more sophisticated and therefore enjoy a questioning documentary as it satisfies their intellectual pleasures.

Next there is a long shot of an empty warehouse where the lights slowly turn on. The warehouse is a blank space which connotes that with the power of creativity you can do anything you want to as it is a blank canvas that you can build upon and take into your own hands. Furthermore the lights in the warehouse turn on slowly , this connotes that even though creativity has the potential to go far it takes people a while to realise this.

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Following this there is a CU of a drawing by the first interviewee , Jeff Kindleysides. The close up of the drawing connotes that it is the focus of his life and that it is all he wants to do, suggesting that creativity is more his way of live and something he is passionate about rather than just a career/job. This is emphasised though the dialogue of Jeff stating that there isn’t a moment ‘ where you are not thinking of something in a creative way’. Later there is another shot of the drawing but with springs in the way of the shot. This connotes that even though creativity is at the centre of some peoples lives , there is often obstacles that stop them from pursuing it such a lack of money to make a living.

After Jeff’s interview there are videos of people walking through the street and cars on the road, then there is a time-lapse of a park with a crowd of people walking through it. This connotes that creativity is in a constant state of change and motion, therefore it is constantly evolving so that each individual is capable of using creativity in their own way and to their own advantage. This could also mean that due to creativity always changing and being used in different way then there is no clear definition of what ‘artistry’ is.

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Later there is a MCU of David Gauntlette whilst he is talking within the interview. Surrounding David is a lot of empty frame , this is whilst he is talking about giving kids more opportunity to be creative within schools. The blank space around David connotes that there are a lot of opportunities with creativity and the way it can be used. He is also sitting slightly off centre towards a rule of this , this connotes that these opportunities with creativity are not always seen and are often ignored.Shortly after this there is a low angle MCU of Judith-Anne Lawrence sitting on the steps with her sketchbook. She is placed in low-key lighting and shadow whilst there is high key lighting at the back of the frame. This connotes that she views creativity with a more relaxed approach eg. Like a hobby or for recreation. Therefore her art is hidden as she does not seem to want to put it within the spot life of her life. Judith states that she is always surprised when someone is interested in her art which connotes that she doesn’t think other people take it too seriously either as she Is hidden in the low key lighting and slightly off centre so that she isn’t in the spotlight.

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At the beginning of Toby Moore's interview there are five different shots at different angle that introduce him to the audience. This connotes that the definition of creativity can be seen from different angles and perspectives depending on the type of person and what they actually what to use creativity for. Further more we then here Toby state that – his life is definedby creativity’. This connotes how creativity can help a person reach their full selves/ potential as the shots gradually work up from a CU to a LS. This demonstrates how the use of creativity can help your realise your full potential.

The music used throughout the documentary is rhythmic and has a fairly slow and basic beat with a more complex melody line placed over the top. This connotes that creativity is just a basic idea but once it is taken and explored in depth it can become more complex and something beautiful. It demonstrates that creativities overall definition is quite basic but becomes more complex when applied to each individuals personal experience.

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During Toby Moores interview there is high key lighting and a shot where toby is in the centre of the frame. Furthermore he speaks about creativity ‘changing his life’. The high key lighting and framing connotes that he's proud of his creativity and how he has used it to his advantage, as it has made him more balanced in life, hence why he is in the centre of the frame. Toby therefore views creativity as a way to help people within their lives and to show them how to look at things from a new angle. Following this there is an interview with an recreational artist, where they are seen drawing but the person is a silhouette within the frame. This connotes that some people view creativity/artistry as something that ought to be hidden. However later there is a close up which focuses upon the work he has produced , this connotes that when creativity is unleashed and not hidden great things can be produced. Lastly there is a pan from left to right showing some models upon a desk , this connotes that creativity is a vast concept that spans upon many different areas. Therefore there is not one definition as it does not focus upon one subject.