Student Name Class - Frankston Heights Primary School · Student Name _____ Class _____ the ......

Student Name ________________ Class ________________

Transcript of Student Name Class - Frankston Heights Primary School · Student Name _____ Class _____ the ......

Page 1: Student Name Class - Frankston Heights Primary School · Student Name _____ Class _____ the ... afternoon cheese easy lamb poor sweet ... vacancy aerosol analysis typical

Student Name ________________

Class ________________

Page 2: Student Name Class - Frankston Heights Primary School · Student Name _____ Class _____ the ... afternoon cheese easy lamb poor sweet ... vacancy aerosol analysis typical
Page 3: Student Name Class - Frankston Heights Primary School · Student Name _____ Class _____ the ... afternoon cheese easy lamb poor sweet ... vacancy aerosol analysis typical

the that was is it of and be to in had we not but her as one two went at on with you said for are his have dog cat mum dad did sat got let zoo man pig hat bug my vet wet cap up do go no me or big has can see old she new like from wig pot ran hop let

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all dog has little ring this and doll hat lost roof time as eat hay man room tin at fat he me run today bag feet hen men see top book fish hill moon send toy box five him most she tree bus food his mother sheep up but foot home name shop was can fox hot nine show wave car go ice old sit we cat good in out six will cow got into pet so wind cup green is pie sun yes did had it ran ten you do hand let red tent zoo

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a down her nest river stop air drum hit net sad swing away egg house nice sand tall bad end land not sat tell ball feed leg nut save that bed fill like on say the been fine long over sea things best fun look pat seen under boy game love pen set us butter gave may pig ship west cap get milk pin sing wet coat give more pond sister window cut gold mud rain sleep wing days happy must rat song wood dig have my ride soon wool

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after boat fly line seventy teeth alive bone football lived shot them along bring for log shut then am by from lot sixty thirty an cake gate named sky tonight apple camp girl never small town are cream grow night snow war arm cry gum off sold way baby door help plant star week back face how played step well band far inside pool still went bat farm just put street winter be father lake read swim yellow bell fell life road tea yet belong flag four new sang thin across cart garden no saw train

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asleep cave gather nothing school twenty awake clock hard once seed two became come hole or shed wall below cook hope our shout wash bend dark hunting pack sick water bird done late park side wheel bit drink left party soft when black drive letter pink some wide blow duck lunch rag son win brave dug made rest spot with bread dust march rich state yard broom eighteen meat rock stove year bump eighty mice round string yesterday call ever mouse same such your came fix mouth card forget eye

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about cool head nose sharp they apart cross hide o'clock shell tiger bank deep hop only shoot till beach dress horse outside sixth together beside each keep pay slave told better fall key port slow took branch farmer later queen snake track brick fast lift race soap trip brother fifty light reach spent very brown flower low rent stand walked bunch form mine rope stick what bush found much rug stone white cannot funny near said stood who chain grass neck self story wish chest hang next sent strong without close hate north seventh summer work cold crown hold place silly thick also dead killed please smile think ate draw kind pony smoke thunder bark east kitten quick smooth ticket beast even lady rabbit sorry timber begin every last rang south tiny

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bite fifteen lay rubber spend trick block finger lion safe splash truck blue first many sail spring twice both forgot market sale storm uncle bother glass morning sell table were bull gone now sheet tame wolf

children hair paint shine thank word city hear paper shoe there worm clean held pillow short picked started cover chair early hundred plate straw able chalk earth jumped pocket sunny

afternoon cheese easy lamb poor sweet amount church fairy match rather tail another class felt meal ready talk arrow clear fence mean real team asked cloth few miss row thousand bath cloud floor money should used become could full of skin visit before dance glad office slide wake birthday dinner father order smell which body donkey mother other sound why build dream ground people catch half

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almost buy here maid opened stable alone cattle hollow master own stocking any chicken hour message person sugar army coal hung middle police taken around died jungle mind pulled teacher awhile doctor knee mixed pure these axe drank knife moment report toe battle elephant know monkey running warm behind fight large move shall where blood find leather music size woke brought flames leave nearly skipping won brush flew locked number soil would bucket getting loud nurse speed wrote button dirty iron matter powder sweep again evening island merry pretty tax always factory jelly midnight puppy telephone aunt fellow kitchen motor right thirsty

backwards fifth knew narrow rode thought beat finish knot native seat thrown beef folk ladder nature second try bottle follow lame newspaper something wanted

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bow glove lead oven spear weak bright goes leaf pair stream weather bullet heart living past struck welcome burst high main patch stuck wheat chase inch making penny study young coast invited death husband prize toast agree creek flour kicked reason trail angry crept front knock score true animal dairy fruit lawn season trunk basket dozen goodbye load shirt twelve blown drew great marry silver valley bottom during grew meet simple village bridge duty handle met sitting watch built edge heard might steep while bundle empty hero mountain store whip cabin engine history often stuff wild captain family holiday picnic sudden wore cheap fancy honey point those worth circle fired hotel potatoes to wrong cliff float hurry country

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answer coach fresh lying return tire berry company friend month saddle tore biggest containing fur muddy scale treated blew corner garage navy sight tribe board cough ghost noise spare tried bowl delighted grocer orange spoilt truth broken dentist group path spoke turned busy discovered heavy pencil stayed ugly butcher does hiding plenty stole voyage camel else hospital problem suit waiting candle escape hungry proper supper whole captured failed instead question tears women castle fair interesting quite their worry changed feast jolly radio tied worst choose forty kept mistake pupil soup address climbed grey model purple stairs afraid clothes guess modern replied station against coming happened obeyed rifle strange already counted harvest ocean rooster strike although dare healthy ought sailor threw among daughter heaven palm scared through bathe dear herd peace scream tomatoes because deer hurt perfect secret too

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between direction idea picture shadow travel blanket enjoyed including porch shore tunnel bought enough journey present shoulder wear brakes fed juice prison since wonderful burnt flood keen product single wound chance forest learn proud sore write charge giant million offered seem tomorrow climate crawl field period served towards accident crowd forced piano several trouble ankle cupboard frightened pleasure share union bandage delivered haul population sign useful blossom desert important possible solid visitor break different insects produced square voice cause distance joined public steel wealthy chimney division joyful raised supply weight collect double judge remained surface whispered colour enemy listened rough surrounded whistle complete entered lonely saucer taught woman control excited machine science though worn correct expected mirror search tight written cotton explore naughty section court noticed couple feathers

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allowed certain divided gentle plain special arithmetic cheered drowned guard plough spirit banana chief eighth harbour pour steal bare chocolate either increased prepared stopped bear chosen electric laid prisoner sure beauty circus example level promise terrible breakfast coffee except measured quarter touch cabbage collar explained minute quite tyre calves costume famous national refused until capital cousin fastened needle ribbon vegetables careful curtain feel paid scene waste caught dangerous figure passed settled weigh centre decided gain pioneer sort yelled century decorated general material safety surprise aeroplane developed guide medicine scratched system awful dining handkerchief neighbour screen taste beautiful dropped honour parade sentence theatre

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believe earn imagine parents sew tongue bicycle electricity industry pigeon signal umbrella breath engineer instrument plane silence upon breathe excuse language pleasant skate usual canoe exercise lantern position slippery valuable carriage experience laughed purpose steer view celebrated finally library queer stomach whose cocoa fourth lie rapidly straight witch

considered furniture lightning remembered success wrapped continued further loose roam suppose soldier course government lose poison sandwiches speech buried especially meant practise scissors thief business examined museum practice secretary tobacco characters favourite necessary probably sense truly college foreign neither program separate whether

disappeared its niece received sincerely piece disease lettuce

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vessel aisle angle shallow apparent arctic senate attacked awkward balance basis victim bracelet breadth squeeze cancel college razor committed skill radiator compliment continent thirst cultivate definite definitely democratic dimension discipline dividend divine enemies enormous succeed forty – fourth friction further graph guilty hopping ignorant immediately women innocence reckon interfere invalid invasion inventor justice lawyer recent license potion medieval misspelled remedy neither ninetieth nylon original particular restrict relate permanent replies possess premium pressure quality quantity receipt recipe referred refrigerator vanilla residence reverse ridiculous selfish semester similarly standard storage substance superior supreme rumour telescope therefore thorough triangle union universal ventilation vicinity youth

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architect barbarous barren beneficial bulletin catalogue democracy dachshund endeavour etiquette gypsy exclaim heir hygiene pleasant religious

spectrum stenographer retrieve vivacious possibility poultry unanimous waltz collapsible asterisk gauge density circumference compulsory diffidence disastrous congratulate physical plague porcelain pronunciation noisily nuisance molecular microphone indelible initial kerosene legislature lullaby opportunity ordinance pamphlet paradise parliament penicillin perpetual precipitation pneumonia propaganda

transcontinental mosquito mythical prosperous publication pursuit questionnaire partial inquisitive insecticide vaccine trophy sergeant singeing rehearsal sequence sorority subterranean symbol revelation synthetic squabble upheaval whispering

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vacancy aerosol analysis typical satellite aspirin refrigerator auditorium scuba stenographer air conditioner against

astronaut sneakers software sonar laptop antenna fantastic volume

automatic bacteria serial stereo sputnik mobile supersonic cellophane cassette synthetic computer soften microchip cheque microwave cosmonaut telecast television custodian nuclear monorail nylon nebula subscription fungus documentary thistle transistor relieve fax machine plastic video periscope priest polyester affect recorder word processor skull floppy disk fission heliport helicopter rayon summon government radar symptom postcode policy whisper known zipper ascend through anchor committee aquarium athletics delicacy secretary mystery luxury dictionary territory quarry infantry dinghy quantity laundry handkerchief mosquito aphid spectacles scissors chorus radius crystal encyclopaedia inquisitive

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accidentally accumulation affect affectionately amateur anecdote aspect assimilate

autobiographies boundary cafeteria campaign centuries changeable chauffeur clarifying classical cliche commission conduct confusion conscience consistent context continuity culminating debater decimal depict despair diagnose diary dignity disastrous documentary dramatise effective eligible embarrass enjoyment enunciate essay etiquette exaggerated examine excursion expository fascinate frontier fulfil illusion immobile insatiable lieutenant living luxurious maintenance mastery memorise mileage monotonous myth noticeable obscure omission omitted pastime persistence physical playwright privilege probably professor rehearse religious respectfully revere revolutionary rhyming salary scope serenade society sophomore stigma tolerance unrelenting hypothesis verify villain vivid mortgage

Page 20: Student Name Class - Frankston Heights Primary School · Student Name _____ Class _____ the ... afternoon cheese easy lamb poor sweet ... vacancy aerosol analysis typical