Student digital experience tracker 2018 Webinar 9 October17

Student Digital Experience Tracker 2018 Sarah Knight, Tabetha Newman & Helen Beetham 09/10/2017 #digitalstudent

Transcript of Student digital experience tracker 2018 Webinar 9 October17

Student Digital Experience Tracker 2018 Sarah Knight, Tabetha Newman & Helen Beetham



Overview of today’s webinar

»Introduction to the Tracker (Sarah)

»What is new for 2018? (Helen)

»Practical steps for launching your surveys (Tabetha)

»Where to go for support & guidance- (Helen)


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Introducing the Tracker team


Jess Francis. Research manager, JiscRuth Drysdale, Senior co-design manager, Jisc

Helen Beetham

Sarah Knight, Head of change: student experience, Jisc

Tabetha Newman Mike Gulliver #digitalstudent

Introducing yourselves…

»In the chat window, please introduce yourselves by name, role, institution and why you are participating in the Tracker…

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A potted history of the TrackerSarah Knight

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»Reviewed students’ expectations and experiencesof the digital curriculum, environment and services:

»in HE (2013-2014)

»among school leavers (2014)

»in FE (2014) and in the adult and skills sector (2015)

»among online learners (2016)

The ‘digital student’ project

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Outcome: student digital experience tracker

From consultations with Jisc stakeholders we found:

› interest in the ‘digital student’ studies

› appetite to find out more locally, engage students in their own digital experience

› no existing instruments, surveys or qualityprocesses captured the digital experience

› organisations wanted something proven, easy to administer, credible, and actionable.

Find out more: #digitalstudent

Tracker 2017

» 74 UK + 10 international institutions involved

» Over 27,000 student responses

» In-depth evaluation and analysis

» New case studies showing organisational impact

» Findings have had high impact and sector interest, see

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Reasons for using the Tracker

1.Inform ourselves about the student digital experience

2.Gather evidence to support specific actions (e.g. in respect of the curriculum, student digital support, and/or digital infrastructure)

3.Demonstrate that we are engaging with students and responding to their feedback

4.Evaluate ourselves – against other institutions (benchmark), or over time (monitor), or in relation to our aims for a specific initiative/strategy/project etc (evaluate)

5.Gain intrinsic value from the project process (e.g. student engagement, other stakeholder engagement, benefits of working with Jisc/other institutions)

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Using the poll

» Have you used the Tracker before?

A. No

B. Yes in 2016/7

C. Yes in 2015/6

D. Yes in 2015/6 and 2016/7

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2018 Tracker

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Introducing 2018 TrackerHelen Beetham

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What’s new for 2018?

» Factor analysis has identified the questions that are robust

» More customisation options

» Option to send out individualised links to learners, which also provides option to link with other sources of learner data

» Completely updated guidance and facts

» Refinement to the question set …

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New in the question set

» New structure for users with clear navigation (four areas)

» Small number of questions removed (e.g. digital skills)

» Digital on my course:

› Questions about digital environment are now core

› New questions on teaching spaces and course software

» Attitude to digital learning:

› New question on preference for independent learning /group work

› New question on: “How much digital?”

» Two new questions which we hope will be your key metrics:

› Satisfaction with digital environment

› Satisfaction with digital learning and teaching

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Practical steps for launching your surveysTabetha Newman

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Tracker 2017-18 Process

Open access sign-up form (closes end Oct)

You: Personalisedemail link to the confirmation form(closes end Oct)

We: Set your permission to enter new TRACKER account and COPY from tracker master(s)

You: Log into BOSafter 11th Oct (we email new users so they can create an account)

You: Copy, customise, launch(Dashboard reminders: (a) current users toggle to new account, (b) everyone de-select checkbox & name trackers)

We: Close trackers 30th April, benchmarking data available 7th


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Once you log into BOS …

» Check you can see the tracker version(s) you wanted and copy them

» Name them with your institution’s name AND tracker version (so we can identify you and put you in correct benchmarking group)

› Versions: HE, FE, Online, Skills, ACL, Welsh HE …

› Naming example: University of Thames HE Tracker

» Customise page 6 (VLE name), page 9 (open access, example templates given), page 10 (thank you) and delete red guidance notes

» Preview, print PDF (cog, top right), proof read, give to others to proof read

» Think: Which students, when, valid sample size needed (guidance available)

» Launch only when you are sure (no edits after launch!)

» Distribute link to your target students09/10/17 #digitalstudent

Where to go for guidance and supportHelen Beetham

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Guidance and support

» Extensive guidance available at

» Email support (up to 3 day turnaround) at [email protected]

» Group mailing list [email protected]

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Question time!

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Next steps

» Signed up to the mailing list [email protected]

» Presenting on the Tracker at the Student experience experts meeting on 18th October to consult on the formation of an Expert panel to support the validation of the findings

» Webinar on draft findings for pilots – end of May 2018

» Executive summary available June 2018

» Report and sector briefings – from September 2018

» Findings for student audience –September 2018

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Get involved

» Sign up for 2018 Tracker by 30th September:

» Join the tracker mailing list

» See project website: to download new briefing booklet and reports

» Guidance available from

» Follow our blog:

» Follow #digitalstudent and @jisc

» Email [email protected]

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