Student-Centered Coaching Instructional Design and Assessment Presented by Diane Sweeney Author of:...

Student-Centered Coaching Instructional Design and Assessment Presented by Diane Sweeney Author of: Student-Centered Coaching (Corwin, 2010), Student- Centered Coaching at the Secondary Level (Corwin, 2013), and Learning Along the Way (Stenhouse, 2003)

Transcript of Student-Centered Coaching Instructional Design and Assessment Presented by Diane Sweeney Author of:...

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  • Student-Centered Coaching Instructional Design and Assessment Presented by Diane Sweeney Author of: Student-Centered Coaching (Corwin, 2010), Student- Centered Coaching at the Secondary Level (Corwin, 2013), and Learning Along the Way (Stenhouse, 2003)
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  • Our Learning for Today Participants will: Learn how to design teaching to focus on mastery of the standards Learn how to embed content standards into daily instruction Learn how to embed formative assessment into daily instruction Learn strategies for differentiation of learning Learn how teachers can drive their own collaboration to meet their students needs
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  • Morning Reflection: How do you approach planning and instructional design? In what ways does your planning set you up to meet your students needs? In what ways do you feel challenged to do so? Please spend 3-5 minutes to write reflectively and share with a partner.
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  • What is Student-Centered Instructional Design and Assessment
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  • How Its Done 1.Design learning targets (I can statements) 2.Analyze student work against the learning targets 3.Plan differentiated instruction based on the analysis of student work 4.Deliver differentiated instruction and collect student evidence during instructional time 5.Design ways for students to self-assess against the learning targets
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  • Step 1: Design Learning Targets (I can Statements)
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  • Robotics (MS) I can break up the problem visually I can develop and explain a step-by-step plan that includes equations, geometry, and measurement I can work with a partner to develop my thinking I can revise my plan to solve the problem I can reflect on how to approach the problem differently based on what I learned. Language Arts (ELEM) I can select an event from my life to write about. I can establish the situation at the beginning of the piece. I can describe the people or characters in my writing. I can tell the events in an order that makes sense to my reader. I can use words that show how time is passing (temporal words). I can describe what my characters are thinking, feeling, and doing. I can end my piece in an interesting way. Technology (ELEM) I can stick with an app I can use different apps to help my learning I can keep my hands and fingers clean I can swipe and click I can open and close apps I can take a clear picture I can share a picture via email I can navigate folders and pages I can record my voice Math (MS) I can identify solutions for single equations I can identify methods of solving equations (graphing, substitution, and elimination) I can recognize the number of solutions for a system and solve for y I can create linear equations with two variables
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  • Please read the standard and craft a series of 5-8 I can statements, or learning targets that you feel summarize what the students should know and be able to do.
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  • Step 2: Analyze Student Work Against the Learning Targets
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  • We will: Analyze the student work at the center of your tables to determine where the students are in relation to the learning targets.
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  • Learning Targets for 6 th Grade Literature I can annotate text to capture my thoughts, questions, and feelings. I can identify the main idea of the text. I can identify clues, or evidence, that helped me form the main idea.
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  • Step 3: Plan Differentiated Instruction
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  • We will: Use the planner in your handouts to group students according to their needs.
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  • Step 4: Deliver Differentiated Instruction and Collect Student Evidence
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  • Guiding Questions for Planning Does the lesson make the students thinking visible? Does the lesson explicitly connect to the learning targets? Do the students have the opportunity for feedback and self-evaluation? Do the students have opportunities to engage deeply in what they are learning?
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  • Then, work as a table group to plan a lesson for the 6 th grade LA students. Be prepared to share with another group.
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  • Practices to use when collecting student evidence: Create a note-taking sheet with the learning targets at the top and space to record what specific students are doing as learners throughout the lesson. Share my coaching notes with the teacher during our weekly planning meeting. Help the teacher design instruction that makes student learning visible so we can gather a lot of student evidence. (turn and talks, written work, group work)
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  • Monitoring Student Learning: Two Coaches Collecting Student Evidence
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  • Step 5: Design Ways for Students to Self-Assess Against the Learning Targets
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  • Add quote about power of self evaluation from Hattie!
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  • Mid Day Reflection: How might this method of planning and delivery enable you to design and deliver differentiated instruction?
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  • Time for LUNCH!
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  • Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. Andrew Carnegie
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  • What are the pros/cons to collaboration? What are some systems and structures that make collaboration worthwhile?
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  • Guiding Principles for Student-Centered Collaboration Its about student learning. Student evidence always informs instructional planning. Norms are set and participants are held accountable to the norms. Protocols provide a clear structure for the meeting time. Ownership is shared among group members.
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  • Common Structures for Collaboration Learning Labs PLCs Data Driven Conversations Team Meetings The big question is How do we apply the guiding principles of student-centered collaboration to these structures?
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  • Developing Collaborative Structures Read through the protocols and processes for collaboration on pages 7-8 in your handouts. Choose one of the following areas to explore: Data Driven Conversations Learning Labs PLCs
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  • Developing Collaborative Structures ProcessTime Form groups no larger than 4 people. Choose a facilitator.2 minutes Identify a group member who will share a goal around developing collaborative structures in their school. The goal is shared in future tense to thoroughly describe what it looks like, sounds like, and feels like to accomplish the stated goal. 4 minutes Participants then work together to brainstorm steps that can be taken to support the stated goal. The group member who shared the goal, does not respond but rather listens and takes notes. 12 minutes The group member who shared the goal responds to the following questions: How did your vision change as a result of the conversation? What are some next steps that you plan to take? Who else in your school will you engage in the process? Why and how? 12 minutes
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  • How do you plan to apply what was learned today? What questions do you still have?
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  • Thank you and keep in touch! If you would like more information, feel free to visit to read our blog or explore our resources and videos. Email us: [email protected] Tweet me: @SweeneyDiane