Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students...

Student Awards Ceremony 2020

Transcript of Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students...

Page 1: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment





Page 2: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment


Kindred Murillo, Ed.D. Superintendent / President

Hello Southwestern College students, friends and family.

I am Dr. Kindred Murillo, and I am the proud Superintendent/President for Southwestern College.

It is my honor and pleasure to welcome you to the first-ever virtual celebration our college has ever broadcast.

Today we celebrate our Students of Distinction and dozens more scholarship winners. Today’s ceremony

celebrates the diversity of Southwestern College and highlights the significant accomplishments of our students.

To become a Student of Distinction, one must meet strict academic requirements and be nominated by a faculty

or staff member. The Student of Distinction is the highest honor a Southwestern College student can achieve.

SODA winners have amazing stories of perseverance in their studies, service to their community and hope for

the future. Each year I continue to be in awe at the resiliency and singular focus of our students. This year is no

different. Among the Students of Distinction, we have students who have faced adversity that could easily have

derailed them from their educational goals… incarceration… homelessness… hunger…gang involvement.

Every single one of the students being honored tonight—through SODA or scholarships—found an inner

strength to persevere. That inner strength may have been fueled by the desire to make their family proud…to set

the example for their young children or their siblings…to fulfill the economic promise a college degree offers.

We are lucky to hear a brief clip from all of our students through this new technology. You will be able to hear

the passion they have for their education and the compassion they have for each other. These students have

embraced their role in lighting the way for students who come after them. Our 20 SODA winners have set big

goals for themselves, and we know they have the perseverance to achieve those goals.

We know that each of these students didn’t make it here alone. The support network of family, friends, a

favorite professor, counselor, or the staff member who gave them a smile and asked how their day was going,

have all contributed to their success. Students, each of you makes Southwestern College proud because each of

you has been of service to your peers on campus or to the community. But you know who is even prouder? The

family and friends who are watching this special celebration.

I want to take a moment to recognize the generosity of our donors who are investing in your futures. Thank you

to your continued financial commitment… it makes a huge difference in helping our students reach their

academic goals.

Students—this digital ceremony is a recognition of all your hard work. And one that you will be able to keep


On behalf of our college community, I wish you continued success.

Page 3: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment

Message from Southwestern College Foundation

Lisa Johnson Chair, Southwestern College Foundation

Hello, my name is Lisa Johnson and I'm the Chair of the Southwestern College Foundation


On behalf of all of our Board Members I want to congratulate you on being a scholarship


These are really strange times we're living through and even though we can't be together

physically we want to make sure you know how proud we are of your accomplishments.

You should be very proud of yourselves!

If you are a scholarship recipient this year, you are one of more than 2,700 applicants for these

scholarships. We are pleased and proud to give away over $143,000.00 in scholarship funds this


And this last fall we gave away more than $141,000.00 in scholarships.

We are so excited to hear your stories and can't wait to see where you will go!

Again, my deepest congratulations and I convey that from all of our Board Members.

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Student Message

Christian Sanchez President of Associated Student Organization

Hello to everyone that is watching the Virtual Student Awards Ceremony. My name is Christian Sanchez. I am

the Southwestern College Associated Student Organization President. It is an honor and a privilege to be a part

of this prestigious event.

First, I would like to take a moment of silence for those who have lost their life to COVID-19.

I would also like to acknowledge everyone who is taking this drastic change in stride and making due with the

situation that we are currently dealing with. Finally, to all our astute students who are being honored today for

their dedication and relentless academic and leadership efforts. When you think of the students that are being

honored today, words like: inspiration, passion, drive, power, knowledge, action, and perseverance come to

mind when defining this fine group of individuals. One word that many let fall by the way side is failure.

Failure, you ask? Yes, failure. Failure is the foundation that these students built upon and paved their path to

success. Some may see them and their achievement and think, “Oh they are smart, they did well in high

school,” “They have an easy major, that’s why,” “Their professor probably likes them because they always raise

their hand or are willing to help.” No. No one saw the fact that some of these students had to work an 8-hour

shift, then go home and take care of siblings while their parents work, on top of their studies. No one sees the

single mothers who came back to school, go to work, and come home to their families and still get their work

done, running off three or four hours of sleep. Students who face financial, food, and housing insecurities,

worrying about their situation and still proceed with their education without hesitation. The students who have a

life full of negative experiences and still hold their head up and say to themselves “I can do this!” These people

have a vision and execute on the highest level, leaving any excuse or justification as to why it couldn’t be done

behind. They understand the true value behind anything that is not handed to them. They know that buckling

down and making it happen are top priority. They wake up every day with a purpose and embody what true

grinding is. They chose to not quit. They chose to get in the trenches and move forward, falling down and

getting right back up. Especially during these tumultuous times, it is easy to give up and drop classes. “I’ll try

next semester.” Micheal Jordan once said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Never be afraid to take

a risk and follow your dreams and your passions in life. Dreams without goals, are just dreams.

My fellow classmates, just when you think you have defined yourself, another chapter will open up and you will

continue to define yourself and accomplish greater feats.

This is only the beginning. Continue writing your story of excellence.

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Presentation of Awards

Tina King, Ed.D. Interim Assistant Superintendent / Vice President for Student Affairs

Hello, I am Dr. Tina King, the Interim Assistant Superintendent/Vice President for Student


This is my first SODA ceremony, and what a unique way for me to be celebrating with


I step into the shoes of many before me who have celebrated decades of student achievement.

A celebration such as this is rare in the community college system.

Today we are distributing more than $143,000 in scholarships. That is in addition to more than

$141,000 we awarded to students in the fall semester.

Together, that is $284,000—the most scholarship money that Southwestern College has


I really must applaud all the donors who have created—and continue to fund—all these

scholarships. Your generosity has made—and continues to make a difference for our students.

While I have not been at Southwestern College very long, I have already worked with many of

these student leaders.

I can tell you—without a doubt—they are strong, fearless, humble and more caring than any

group of students I have ever worked with.

Your investment in them will come back to us 100-fold because they are committed to social

justice and equity for all members of our community.

It is an honor and a privilege to work with them. I applaud every single of you.

Let’s begin our student recognition.

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Student of Distinction


The Student of Distinction Award (SODA) is the most prestigious

award a Southwestern College student may receive. It acknowledges 20

current Southwestern College students who excel academically,

participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment to a

goal or purpose. Students may be nominated by an SWC Administrator,

Classified Staff, and Faculty Member. They are judged by selected

members of the college from all constituent groups. The awardee

receives a scholarship, certificate, and a medallion. Students must meet

all eligibility requirements as follows:

Must be a current SWC student enrolled in at least 6 units in Spring


Have an overall minimum GPA of 3.0 at SWC

Must have a minimum of 30 units completed at Southwestern College

Have a Student Education Plan on file as proof of plans to transfer or

complete a program

May not have received a Bachelor’s degree or higher

Must not be a past SODA recipient

Must not have any disciplinary records at Southwestern College

The Student of Distinction Award (SODA) is proudly sponsored by

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Alejandra Aguilar

Nominated by: Michael Speyrer

Kelly Alvarez

Nominated by:

April Brenner, Bridget Cavaiola, Dr. Guadalupe Corona,

Craig Dolce, Dr. Sylvia Garcia-Navarette, Minerva Garcia

Alexandria Baker

Nominated by Michael Meehan

Jacob Bingham

Nominated by Minerva Garcia, Mourad Mjahed

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Gamaliel Carreno

Nominated by Dr. Max Branscomb

Mariah Cooper

Nominated by Crystal Alberto

Donna Escobar

Nominated by Nora Rodriguez

Jenai Funk

Nominated by Myriam Moody, Rob Shaffer,

Dr. Michael Odu, Peter Herrera

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Jennifer Gomez

Nominated by Danielle McAneney, Dr. Michael Odu

Ashley Hernandez

Nominated by Carole Ziegler, Bulent Bas

Sole McMillan-Ruiz

Nominated by Dr. Max Branscomb

Natalia Mercado

Nominated by Mimi Rasky, Mourad Mjahed

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Alondra Osuna

Orozco Nominated by Angela Chelik, Anthony Campbell,

Carolina Soto

Omar Ramirez-Pimienta

Nominated by Mourad Mjahed, Dr. Michael Odu,

Minerva Garcia

Bree Robinson

Nominated by Oscar Gomez

Erica Ruiz

Nominated by Rob Shaffer, Chris Vito, Angelica Gonzalez,

Michael Wickert

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Christian Sanchez

Nominated by: Dr. Kindred Murillo, Rob Shaffer,

Francisco Bustos, Jessica Posey, Dr. Art Guaracha

Laura Shimasaki

Nominated by Nghiep Quan, Kimberly Puen Eclar,

Myriam Moody

Nicole Slade

Nominated by Juan Gonzalez-Gonzalez

Isaac Wright

Nominated by Dr. Art Guaracha

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Page 13: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment

A.B.L.E. Club

Alexys Lizarraga Bautista

Gian Marco Zuno

A.B.L.E. DSS Student

Keddy Salas Valdez

Adelyne Jean Wear Memorial Scholarship

Claudia Duran

Lucia Ornelas

Altrusa Club of Chula Vista - Astra Scholarship

Anthony Belen-Gonzalez

Earl Danzy

Amelia Poveda Memorial Scholarship

Karen Ochoa-Flores

Page 14: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment

ASO Academic Excellence

Nestor Aguayo-Vejar

Andress Alatorre

Brittany Cruz-Fejeran (Fall & Spring)

Nina Desmond

Claudia Duran

Nathaniel Enriquez

Ayona Hudson (Fall & Spring)

Natalie Lopez Dubon

Alejandro Martin-Cruz

Sole McMillan-Ruiz (Fall & Spring)

Sara Meza

Saleh Mohamed

Esteban Mora

Marina Nava

Karen Ochoa-Flores (Fall & Spring)

Alondra Osuna Orozco

Rachel Perez

Isabelle Rojas

Keddy Salas Valdez

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ASO Academic Excellence (cont’d)

Claire Saliers

Matthew Sandlin

Nicole Slade

Katelyn Stegall

Brianna Tan

Eduardo Zepeda

Gian Marco Zuno

ASO Athlete

Javon Davis

Myah Montoya

Alondra Osuna Orozco (Fall & Spring)

Andrea Reyes (Fall & Spring)

Adriana Siordia

Isaac Wright (Fall & Spring)

Luis Zarzosa

ASO Campus Involvement

Isaiah Adkins

Andress Alatorre

Ashlee Baker

Francisco Basso

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ASO Campus Involvement (cont’d)

Earl Danzy

Mark Delgadillo

Claudia Duran

Brigid Gee

Jennifer Gomez

Dulce Gonzalez

Ashley Hernandez

Paula Hildebrandt

Chase Lapira

Andrea Leyva

Juan Leyva Carrillo

Lizeth Lopez Vazquez

Sole McMillan-Ruiz

Saleh Mohamed

Marina Nava

Aura Padilla

Omar Ramirez-Pimienta

Betina Rubio

Keddy Salas Valdez

Alix Sharp

Nathan Torres

Kathelyn Torres-Sutterfield

Rachel Tyree

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ASO Campus Involvement (cont’d)

Cesar Vizcaino

Veronica Zarate

Gian Marco Zuno

ASO Higher Scholastic

Monserrath Cebrero Michel (Fall & Spring)

Claudia Duran

Jennifer Gomez

Ashley Hernandez

Paula Hildebrandt

Lizeth Lopez Vazquez

Alondra Osuna Orozco

Christian Sanchez

Matthew Sandlin

Katelyn Stegall

Kathelyn Torres-Sutterfield

ASO Honors Completion

Kyle O'Dell

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ASO Honors Continuing

Lizeth Lopez Vazquez

Beacon Cove Apartments Scholarship

Wil Meribeth Chua

Bernard Osher Endowed Scholarship Fund

Doaa Alsagri

Amanda Brodell (Fall & Spring)

Nathaniel Enriquez (Fall & Spring)

Nget Yun Fu (Fall & Spring)

Didi Gomez (Fall & Spring)

Alma Guerra (Fall & Spring)

Michelle Herrera (Fall & Spring)

Natalia Islas (Fall & Spring)

Denisse Lopez

Christina Pinuelas (Fall & Spring)

Cecilia Ragsdale (Fall & Spring)

Omar Ramirez-Pimienta (Fall & Spring)

Dae'vion Randle (Fall & Spring)

Martha Soto (Fall & Spring)

Angel Torres (Fall & Spring)

Page 19: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment

Bonita Valley Garden Club Scholarship

Krystaliza Guerrero-Gracia

Sandra Montoya-King


(Committee for African -American Students Success in Education Scholarship Fund):

The Lavern Cumby Memorial Scholarship

Lashaunte Brown


(Committee for African -American Students Success in Education Scholarship Fund):

The SWC Black Alliance Student Excellence Scholarship

Ayona Hudson


(Committee for African -American Students Success in Education Scholarship Fund)

The CAASSIE Close the Gap Scholarship

Saleh Mohamed

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CalCoast Cares Foundation

Claudia Duran

Sandra Montoya-King

Jose Ramos Cervantes

Kathelyn Torres-Sutterfield

California Association of Nursery & Garden

Centers (cangc)

Krystaliza Guerrero-Gracia

Sandra Montoya-King

California School Employee Association

Scholarship (CSEA)

Veronica Howard

Nora Rodriguez

Caregivers Second Chance at Life Scholarship

Sandra Montoya-King

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Carolyn Brady Scholarship Fund

Natalie Macarena Chavez

Chicano Latino Coalition: AB540

Cesar Vizcaino

Chicano Latino Coalition: Cesar E. Chavez

Isaac Wright

Chicano Latino Coalition: Community

Christian Sanchez

Chicano Latino Coalition: Transfer

Diego Alvarado

Chicano Latino Coalition: Vocational

Gian Marco Zuno

Page 22: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment

Chula Vista Art Guild- Loey Crane swc scholarship

Christian Gutierrez

Mark Delgadillo

Chula Vista Garden Club

Krystaliza Guerrero-Gracia

Paula Hildebrandt

Corky McMillin Memorial

Giuseppe Luna

Coronado Democratic Club:

John F. Kennedy Scholarship

Ayona Hudson

Cynthia Ross Memorial

Christopher Chavez

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Davy Architecture Veterans

Cherilyn Street

DeVore Family Memorial Scholarship

Isaac Wright

Douglas E. Barnhart, Inc.

Natalie Lopez Dubon

Dr. Virginia Lopez Hansen Scholarship

Keddy Salas Valdez

Eastlake Company

Juan Leyva Carrillo

Andrew Penalosa

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Friends of the Library

Nicholas Julius Celso

Guardian Scholars

Nina Desmond (Fall & Spring)

Hayden Stewart Memorial Scholarship

Diego Garcia

Allowe Grant

Hugh Hyde Scholarship

Julius Manabat

Jason's Courtyard Cafe

Entrepreneurial Scholarship

Jason Canonigo

Monserrath Cebrero Michel

Alondra Osuna Orozco

Harold Palmer

Page 25: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment

Jerry Gonzalez Scholarship

Junaid Malik

John & Adeline Valenzuela

Memorial Scholarship for Transfer Students

Jacob Bingham

Omar Ramirez-Pimienta

John & Adeline Valenzuela

Memorial Scholarship for Continuing Students

Christian Sanchez

Clarissa Sepulveda

Gian Marco Zuno

John Bibbo Scholarship

Errysteinn Frondarina

Page 26: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment

Jonathan M. De Guzman Scholarship

Alejandra Aguilar

La Jolla Garden Club Scholarship

Sandra Montoya-King

LIPP Foundation

Academic Excellence Scholarship: Engineer

Daniel Aguirre

Juan Leyva Carrillo

LIPP Foundation

Academic Excellence Scholarship: Mathematics

Kareli Lopez Gonzalez

LIPP Foundation

Academic Excellence Scholarship: Pre-Allied


Danielle Shaw

Page 27: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment

Loera Suarez Family Scholarship for Dreamers

Briseyda Blanco

Marcia Lydia Luckman Memorial Scholarship

Brittany Glauz

Maria Elena Moreno Women's

Leadership Scholarship

Claudia Duran

Julisa Perez Isaac

Marilyn Lassman Memorial Scholarship

Jamie Kizy

Metalic Power Technology

Alexis Rincon

Page 28: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment

Michael Lee Watkins Memorial Scholarship

Alyssa Campbell

Michelle Dubberly Memorial Scholarship

Cesar Vizcaino

Mission Hills Garden Club Scholarship

Krystaliza Guerrero-Gracia

Paula Hildebrandt

Sandra Montoya-King

MSE Garden of Giving Scholarship:

Barbara Hampson Science Academic Excellence Award

Valeria Lora

MSE Garden of Giving Scholarship:

Engineering Academic Excellence Award

Eduardo Zepeda

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MSE Garden of Giving Scholarship:

Roy Olsen Biology & Biotechnology Academic Excellence


Veronica Zarate

Nadia Smit Memorial Journalism Scholarship

Katelyn Stegall

Norma A. Cazares & Family Scholarship

Jennifer Gomez

NSF S-STEM Scholarship

Mara Alonso

Doaa Alsagri

Rickey Anderson

Alexis Begay

Marian Collins

Errysteinn Frondarina

Brandon Ismael Gonzalez

Page 30: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment

NSF S-STEM Scholarship (cont’d)

Leeza Gutierrez Ramirez

Marion Eunika Jaring

Jessica Lang

Lizeth Lopez Vazquez

Esteban Mora

Kayla Rasmussen

Clark Bryan Rodriguez

Nicole Slade

Promise Scholarship

Ciennore Agonos

Valeria Amador

Ericka Ambriz

Ashley Arias

Eneri Ayala

Elayna Bagaporo

Sajida Behroz

Itzy Bernabe Huerta

Lakisha Carson

Maria Castorena

Benjamin Cespedes Garcia

Page 31: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment

Promise Scholarship (cont’d)

Brigitte Chavez

Michael Deblieck

Paloma Diaz

Eloisa Espinoza

Brisia Garcia

Leeza Gutierrez Ramirez

Halema Hasani

Linda Herrera

Nicolette Jaghab

Dennise Juarez Aguilar

Skylar Kindred

Guadalupe Martinez Gomez

Sarah Mauldin

Hector Oropeza

Evelin Otanez

Marcia Powell

Yosceline Ramirez

Natalia Reynoso

Elizabeth Rivera

Jennifer Rodriguez

Angel Rozado

Gabrielle Sanchez

Page 32: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment

Promise Scholarship (cont’d)

Ruth Serrano Bautista

Mikaela Tagle

Kevin Valdivia

Ma.Angela Isabel Veloria

Khadra Yusuf

Ray Brock Automotive scholarship

Christian Samuel Anguiano

Rodarte Ante

Edward Arfman

Joab Isrrael Beltran

Nicholas I Carrion

John Defiori

Alexander Esparza

Jose Gael Gonzalez

Jose Luis Lopez Jr (Fall & Spring)

Ruben Lopez Pena

Elias Macias

Cesar A Solorio

Melgar Stuardo

Mario Swaezy

Alejandro Valladolid

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Raymond Albert Orozco Memorial

Sandra Montoya-King

Rey-Etta Morrel, Altrusa Club of Chula Vista

International Foundation Scholarship

Gian Marco Zuno

Rising Scholars

Marco Linear

Rose Tantalo & Elizabeth Conti Memorial for

Health Related Fields

Brigid Gee

Rose Tantalo & Elizabeth Conti Memorial for


Nicole Renteria

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Rose Tantalo & Elizabeth Conti Memorial for

Transfer Students

Kathelyn Torres-Sutterfield

Soroptimist International of Coronado

Sandra Montoya-King

Rachel Tyree

Southwestern Community College District

Administrator's Association (sccdaa)

Kelly Alvarez

Susan Luzzaro Memorial Scholarship

Brittany Cruz-Fejeran

Julia Woock

SWC Dreamer Center- Continuing

Casandra Morales

Samantha Moreno

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SWC Dreamer Center- Transfer

Nathaniel Enriquez

Casandra Morales

SWC Foundation Transfer

Kelly Alvarez

Christina Pinuelas

SWC Veterans Scholarship

Donald Campbell

James Gaspar

Allowe Grant

Alondra Osuna Orozco

Katherin Patino

Emily Qualls

Ruben Ramos

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SWC Veterans Student Scholarship:

Military Spouses and Dependents

Gabrielle Hubbard

Marjorie Maher

Kayleah Rierson

Maysa Wilson

Thomas A. Crescenzo Memorial Scholarship

Giuseppe Luna

Julia Woock

University of Phoenix Scholarship

Sole McMillan-Ruiz

Walmart Stores, Inc.

Stephanie Martinez

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Closing Remarks

Nora Vargas President, Southwestern College Governing Board

Hello friends and families, and thank you for attending our celebration of Southwestern College’s scholarship

winners and Students of Distinction.

I am Nora Vargas, and I am the President of the Southwestern College Governing Board.

As we conclude today’s ceremony, we are reminded every day that we are in unique times.

What is not unique, however, is our commitment to recognize our talented and hardworking students.

We may be practicing safe practices individually, but today we have come together as a college community to

honor the accomplishments of our students.

In some ways, today’s event will reach even more people than the ceremony we hold each year in Mayan Hall.

Students, I hope you have sent the invitation of this digital celebration to your friends and family far and wide.

You are so deserving of these honors, and we love to see more people celebrate your achievements.

As you heard, the Student of Distinction Award is the highest honor a student can receive at Southwestern


It’s no secret that the life of any student is not easy—especially this semester.

Yet these students have not only chosen to be rigorous scholars, they’ve chosen to be leaders in their

community and at Southwestern College.

In addition to today’s SODA winners, we have recognized dozens of scholarship recipients. On behalf of the

Governing Board, I commend all these students for their hard work and their dedication.

Today’s event would not have been possible if not for the more than 60 organizations and donors who fund

these scholarships each year. Many of the scholarships are funded by our own employees and clubs. Your

generous giving and legacy lives on through the impact you’re making on our students’ lives.

We also had an army of scholarship readers—170 this year—who read through hundreds of applications to

select today’s recipients and those scholarship winners we recognized in the fall.

Thank you for your time. I know we have many worthy students, and the selection process was surely difficult.

I’d also like to thank the directors of the Southwestern College Foundation who work year-round to fundraise

for the prestigious SODA scholarship. We are grateful for the staff and board that continues to work tirelessly to

fund not only this scholarship but many other projects throughout the year.

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Finally, I want to thank the dedicated Student Activities staff and the entire Student Awards Ceremony

Committee. We thank you for helping us celebrate student success.

I know shifting gears and finding a way to honor our worthy students in a different way this year meant long

hours and creativity.

Each of you demonstrate the meaning of “Students First.”

Again, congratulations to all of our winners. We are so proud to have you as students, and we know that you

will continue to achieve great things.

Thank you. Please continue to stay safe and well.

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Student Awards Ceremony Committee

A special thank you to the members of the Student Awards Ceremony Committee for

their dedication in actualizing this virtual celebration for our students. Your hard

work, devotion, and commitment to student recognition is very much appreciated.

Dr. Tina King

Lillian Leopold

Brenda Mora

Ernesto Rivera

Amy Bosler

Erica Johnson

Sofia Salgado Robitaille

Claudia Gaitan

Adrianne Lee

Rachel Fischer

Ronnie Hands

Jenny Marasigan

SODA Selection Readers

Sofia Corona, SWC Foundation Board Director

Omar Orihuela, EOPS Director

Diane Palmer, Professor of Humanities & Philosophy

Antoinette Nagai, Counselor

Rommel Vazquez, Instructional Lab Technician

Page 40: Student Awards Ceremony 2020 - Southwestern College€¦ · current Southwestern College students who excel academically, participate in leadership activities, and demonstrate commitment

Scholarship Readers

Katherine Abara Kimberly Puen Eclar Jennifer Lewis Eva Salas

Brenda Airo-Dyer Zaneta Encarnacion Anna Lohse Angel Salazar

Areli Albarran Henry Flores Fernando Lopez Maria Salgado

Kevin Alston Veronica Flores Kathleen Lopez Sofia Salgado Robitaille

Laura Arana Patti Flores-Charter Lynette Lopez Jose Sandoval

Yvonne Armstrong Youssef Francis Alejandra Lucero Canaán Samone Sayasenh

Cristal Arredondo Cesar Gaitan Frank Luzzaro Andrea Schnitz

Bianca Avila Claudia Gaitan Javier Madrigal Jean Seager

Diana Avila Alejandra Garcia Desi Marquez Eric Shapira

Carl Bailey Minerva Garcia Sergio Marquez Noemi Sicard

Fredric Ball Michelle Gates Alejandro Martinez Helyn Sloan

Angelina Barrera Oscar Gomez Courtney McClair Rachael Smithey

Maggie Barrios Melissa Gonzalez Cathy McJannet Myrian Solis Coronel

Patricia Bartow Juan Gonzalez-Gonzalez Antonio Melchor Mary Lou Soto

Mike Bergdahl Edry Goot Monica Melgoza Michael Speyrer

Amy Bosler Susan Guerra Mourad Mjahed KC Spring

Vanessa Braito Diane Gustafson Michelle Montano Renee St. Louis

Max Branscomb Ronnie Hands Chayo Moreno John Stanton

Megan Burke David Hecht Ursula Morris Williams Anna Sundstrom

Virginia Castillo Ninfa Hernandez Raul Vargas Navarro Julie Swanson

Heather Cavazos Jonathan Higa Trishana Norquist Stefanie Tellez

Norma Cazares James Hiskey Michael Odu Mitch Thompson

Debbie Cervantes Alex Hofler Alejandro Orozco Patricia Torres

Fatemeh Chadegani Mary Jo Horvath Andre Ortiz Kathy Tyner

Cinnamon Clark Veronica Howard Eun Park Mark Valen

Marc Colcleaser Alison Hunter Jacqueline Penhos Robert Valerio

George Conley Marquise Jackson Irene Plummer Serene Vannoy

Rebecca Contreras Mark Jacobs Kimberly Puen Eclar Raul Vargas Navarro

Yulian Cordero Maria Jelaca Byron Purse Rommel Vazquez

Myrna Cortes Erica Johnson Nghiep Quan Jeff Veal

Sandra Cortez Allie Jordan Ofelia Rayos David Wales

Joe Davis Jon Jordan Ernesto Rivera Michelle Waters

Mora de Murguia Arnold Josafat Danielle Robello Betty Waznis

Christine Degano Patty Karstein Julie Robello Jonathan White

Iris Delaney Regis Komperda Monica Rodriguez Suzanne Woods

Erika Delos Reyes Patricia Larkin Kimi Rodriguez-McSwain Charles Yang

Alexandra Demontano Angie Lasagna Maureen Roeber Kenneth Yanow

Michael Derouin Tiffany Lawrence Gen Rohan

Walberto Diaz Jamie Ledezma Carol Ross

Margaret Drehobl Hok Kong Lee Julia Running

Megan Eckles Lillian Leopold Mike Sabellico