Struggle and survival in colonial america


Transcript of Struggle and survival in colonial america

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Antonio de Gouveia• Antonio de Gouveia was a Portuguese priest who

once lived during the 15th century and was born in the year 1518 in Terceira and was advanced to the holy priesthood at the age of twenty at Lisbon

• Not following the norm of his era, he traveled consistently about the Atlantic Ocean. He also captured Indians for the slave trade.

• Antonio was a very intelligent man who studied many things like astrology, alchemy and also practiced medicine.

• People seemed to follow him and later in Bahia and Pernambuco he became known as the Gold Priest.

• Antonio also had a talent for mining and had many exploration

• s in the search of gold and silver

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Antonio de Gouveia• In 1557 he was arrested for the second time

in his life for charges against him conveying him with witchcraft and commencing with the devil. During these accusations many people testified against him.

• After being found guilty after waiting four years in jail for a verdict, Antonio escaped jail only to turn himself in the next morning.

• With punishment for escaping Antonio was then placed in the galleys for four months. After numerous pleading to be released, he was granted leave and told to leave Portugal for good.

• Overall Gouveia led a very interesting and eventful life where he learned many talents as well as lessons until he passed away in 1566

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Catarina de Montay Sinay• Catarina de Montay was Portuguese and became a nun in

1696 to the only Covent in Brazil, the Desterro Convent she was also an entrepreneur who lived in Bahia, Brazil in the 16th and 17th centuries.

• Catarina looked up a fellow nun from her past named Madre Victoria de Encarnacao. Madre Victoria had the same views that Catarina had and they shared a similar childhood and background.

• Her life as a nun gave her peace and companionship with her fellow nuns. It also showed her life purposes and time to reflect on life.

• Bahia had been a powerful area for trade and one of the largest producers of sugar but the competition of the Caribbean made supply and demand lower and brought down Bahia’s economy severely.

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Catarina de Montay Sinay• Bahia began experiencing droughts,

floods, and other environmental destructions and many people were losing their income and means for survival.

• In the 1690’s Bahia became known as the Bay of All Saints and All Sinners when the gold rush came and brought gold miners looking for a bigger income.

• Catarina keep busy mostly by preparing and selling sweets and she kept six males and six female slaves to help her in the preparations.

• Throughout the years of her life, Catarina had saved a considerable amount of money and used the funds to donated to the chapel as well as a slave so that the chapel would grow in her eyes to be worthy of worship to her savior

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• Diego Vasicuio was born in 1671 into the mestizo reality of Spanish Peru and he lived in the Village of Salamanca.

• During his life in Salamanca he became and influential figure of a group of Peruvian Indians.

• The Peruvian Indians had a belief system of Sorimana

• Diego Vassicuio was accused of creating a cult at the age of 90 from Father de Prado.

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• With multiple story attempts to lead Father de Prado to believe anything other than being in a cult of heresy, Diego told Father de Prado about a different cult using witchcraft.

• In the end Father de Prado demanded to have the guaca and told his men to search all over for it.

• At the age of 90 Father de Prado charges Diego Vasicuio which lead to the termination of Sorimana.

• Later on Diego and his followers eventually went back to practicing their religious ceremonies that they believed in with their sacred stone that was an image of Sorimana. This was the true guaca that Father de Prado had been looking for.

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Francisco Baquero• Francisco Baquero was born in

the 18th century in Buenos Aires and was labeled a mestizo.

• Francisco Baquero became an apprentice shoemaker and ended up opening up a shop after he was married to earn a means of living.

• Because of constant discrimination from his skin color he built a guild where other mestizos could be treated fairly

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Francisco Baquero• Later on in his life he became an officer in a segregated

military unit.

• His contribuations for darker skinned shoemakers made the trade last and accumulate income until the turmoil of independence in 1810.

• Francisco Baquero became wealthy and after buying a house for his family, he then spent his time working long day hours with his son teaching his son the trade of shoemaking

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Beatriz de Padilla• Beatriz de Padilla was born in the 1620’s in Lagos, Mexico and

although claimed to be a lighter skinned morisca was actually of milatto heritage and worked as a housekeeper.

• Beatriz started a relationship with Diego Ortiz at the age of fourteen

• Beatriz lived with Diego de las Marinas and was his mistress until Diego Ortiz became upset with her relationship and took her away from Diego de las Marinas to live with himself instead.

• Although never married, Beatriz mothered four children

• A couple years after Diego and Beatriz moved in together, Diego passed away and some believed her to have poisoned him. She was arrested and charged for poisoning Diego, causing his death and using magic.

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Beatriz de Padilla• Diego Ortiz upon his death left all of his

possessions to Beatriz which made his relatives livid

• His relatives then began to fabricate a story that she had murdered the Priest. This lie continued to grow when his family brought over Beatriz ex-servant lady who agreed to lie for them and continue their story of the murder

• All was set straight in the end when the servant confessed her lies and Beatriz name was once again clean.

• Beatriz had what other white women did not have in her era, freedom.

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• Miguel Hernandez was a second generation Mexican and born in the 16th century

• Miguel was a free mulatto

• Miguel was a literate man and he developed relationships with people of money.

• In 1604 Miguel owned twenty mules which was worth many thousands of acres of grazing land

• In Queretaro where Miguel moved too became the town of transportation of wheat and mutton which required freighters.

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• Miguel used means of income from buying and selling properties throughout his life and was able to control his spending well.

• Many of Miguel's relationships were considered risky for his era and crossed racial boundaries.

• Miguel earned the title of Senor de Recuas which was rare for a Mulatto to be addressed that way.

• Through his life long dedication and tough work he was very successful for himself and family for his ear.