INTRODUCTION Tissue : A group of cells in which cells are similar in structure , function and origin is called tissue. Group of similar cells along with intercellular substance perform a specific function such organisation is called tissue. But in a tissue, cells may be dissimilar in structure and function but they are always similar in origin. Organ : Tissues are organised in specific proportion and pattern to form organ. Organ system: When two or more organ perform common function by their physical &/or chemical interaction, they together form organ system. Division of labour: Cell, tissue, organs and organ systems splits up the work in a way that they exhibit division of labour. 1. Types of Animal Tissue On the basis of functions & structure tissues are of four types : 1. Epithelium/Epithelial Tissue : Covering & protective tissue . 2. Connective Tissue - To connect structures, provide support to the body and transport substances in the body. 3. Muscular Tissue - Helps in contraction & locomotion. 4. Nervous tissue - To generate and conduct nerve impulses in body. 1 CHAPTER STRUCTURAL ORGANISATION IN ANIMALS HISTORICAL BACKGROUND » Word Epithelium was given by - Ruysch » Word animal tissue was coined by - Bichat (Plant tissue by - Grew). » Study of tissue - Histology. » Histology word was given by - Mayer » Father of Histology - Bichat » Detail study of tissue is called Microscopic anatomy. » Founder of microscopic anatomy - Marcello Malpighi A. Epithelium Tissue I. Characteristics of epithelial tissue 1. During embryonic development epithelium orginates first. 2. Power of regeneration is present in this tissue while power of regeneration is absent or least power is found in nervous tissue . 3. This tissue faces either a body fluid or outside environment and thus provide a covering or a lining. 4. Word epithelium is composed of two words. A tissue which grows upon another tissue is called Epithelium. Fig. 1.1 Epi - Upon Thelia - growth CORPORATE OFFICE : Motion Education Pvt. Ltd., 394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota


Page 1: STRUCTURAL ORGANISATION IN ANIMALS · STRUCTURAL ORGANISATION IN ANIMALS HISTORICAL BACKGROUND » Word Epithelium was given by - Ruysch » Word animal tissue was coined by - Bichat


Tissue : A group of cells in which cells are similar instructure , function and origin is called tissue.Group of similar cells along with intercellularsubstance perform a specific function suchorganisation is called tissue. But in a tissue, cellsmay be dissimilar in structure and function but theyare always similar in origin.Organ : Tissues are organised in specific proportionand pattern to form organ.Organ system: When two or more organ performcommon function by their physical &/or chemicalinteraction, they together form organ system.Division of labour: Cell, tissue, organs and organsystems splits up the work in a way that they exhibitdivision of labour.

1. Types of Animal TissueOn the basis of functions & structure tissuesare of four types :

1. Epithelium/Epithelial Tissue : Covering &protective tissue .

2. Connective Tissue - To connect structures,provide support to the body and transportsubstances in the body.

3. Muscular Tissue - Helps in contraction &locomotion.

4. Nervous tissue - To generate and conduct nerveimpulses in body.




» Word Epithelium was given by - Ruysch » Word animal tissue was coined by - Bichat (Plant tissue by - Grew). » Study of tissue - Histology. » Histology word was given by - Mayer

» Father of Histology - Bichat » Detail study of tissue is called Microscopic anatomy. » Founder of microscopic anatomy - Marcello Malpighi

A. Epithelium TissueI. Characteristics of epithelial tissue

1. During embryonic development epithelium orginates first.2. Power of regeneration is present in this tissue while

power of regeneration is absent or least power isfound in nervous tissue .

3. This tissue faces either a body fluid or outsideenvironment and thus provide a covering or a lining.

4. Word epithelium is composed of two words.A tissue which grows upon another tissue is calledEpithelium.

Fig. 1.1

Epi - Upon Thelia - growth

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5. It always rest upon underlaying connective tissue.Epithelium is the only tissue in which cells are alwaysarranged in uniform layer.Epithelium cells are compactly packed with littleintercellular matrix.

6. Due to absence of intercellular spaces blood vessels,lymph vessels & capillaries are unable to piercethis tissue so blood circulation is absent in epithelium.Hence cells depend for their nutrients on underlyingconnective tissue.

7. Basement membrane : Between epithelium andconnective tissue, a thin non living acellular basementmembrane is present which is highly permeable.Basement membrane consist of 2 layers.(a) Basal lamina : Towards epithelium and it

is made up of glycoprotein, which issecreted by epithelium cells.

(b) Fibrous lamina : Towards connectivetissue, in which collagen and reticular fibresare suspended in mucopolysaccharide whichis matrix of connective tissue.Mucopolysaccharide is present in the formof Hyaluronic acid.

(ii) Adhering / Desmosomes - This type of(Macula Adherens) Junction consists ofdisc - like protein plate with intermediatefibre known as tonofibrils composed ofkeratin like protein. These filaments aredeeply situated in the cytoplasm ofrespective cell. These structures providemechanical support to stratifiedepithelium or performing cementing tokeep neighbouring cell together. e.g.Stratified epithelium

(iii) Tight Junction - At some places plasmamembrane of adjacent cells become fusedto form tight junction to stop substancesfrom leaking across a tissue. Thesestructures are mostly found in columnarepithelium.

(iv) Gap Junction - Facillate the cells tocommunicate with each other byconnecting cytoplasm of adjoining cells forrapid transfer of ions, small molecules andsometimes big molecules.

So basement membrane is secreted by both epitheliumand connective tissue.II. Cell Junction: To provide both structural and

functional link between its individual cell epithelialcells modify to form following structures(Intercellular Junctions) :(i) Interdigitation - Finger like processes of

plasma membrane which enter intocytoplasm of adjacent cell. Thesestructures are mainly found in transitionalepithelium.

Fig. 1.2III. Modification of plasma membrane of

epithelial tissue :(i) Microvilli1. These are minute process which are non

motile, non contractile. They increasesurface area by more than 20 times.

2. They help in absorption, secretion andexcretion.These are present in the wall of Intestine,Gall bladder, Proximal convolutedtubule etc.

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(ii) Cilia or Kinocilia1. Long cylindrical process, those are motile

and contractile.2. These helps in movement of particles or

mucus in a specific direction. Mainlypresent in the inner surface of holloworgans.

3. These are found ine.g. - Fallopian tube, Uterus (Cilia is only

present in patches).- Trachea and Bronchioles- Ependymal epithelium: (Inner lining of

ventricles of brain and central canal ofspinal cord. Function of cilia is toconduct substances in CSF)

(iii) Steriocilia(i) Long process those are non motile and non

contractile.(ii) Its plasma membrane is thick and rigid.(iii) They increase surface area and found in

eg . - Epididymis - Vasa deferens

Origin of Epithelium TissueIt is the only tissue which originated from all thethree primordial germinal layers.

eg. (i) Ectodermal- Epidermis (stratifiedsquamous Epithelium)

(ii) Mesodermal - Mesothelium (simplesquamous Epithelium)

(iii) Endodermal - Inner living of gut (simplecolumnar Epithelium)

CHECK YOUR CONCEPTS-11. Epithelial tissue origined from :-

(A) Ectoderm (B) Endoderm(C) Mesoderm (D) All of these

2. Basement membrane is composed of :-(A) Hyaluronic Acid + glycoproteins(B) Only mucopolysacharides(C) Endodermal cells (D) Epidermal cells

3. Stereocilia present in :-(A) Epididymis (B) Seminal vesicle(C) Ureter (D) Kidney

4. Lining of brain ventricle & central canal of spinalcord is lined by :-

(A) Ependyma epithelium(B) Endothelium

(C) Mesothelium(D) Neurosensory

5. Desmosomes :

(A) Connect the Epithelial cells

(B) are types of lysosomes

(C) are granules of muscle fibres(D) Found in Bone

6. Ciliated Epithelium found in :

(A) Oviduct (B) Trachea

(C) Brain ventricles (D) All of these

7. Gap junctions :

(A) help to stop substances from leaking across atissue.

(B) perform cementing to keep neighbouring cellstogether

(C) provide stretchability to the epithelium

(D) facilitate the cells to communicate with eachother by connecting the cytoplasm of adjoining cells

8. Condition necessary for the formation of organsystem:

(A) presence of all four basic type of tissues(B) Chemical interaction

(C) Physical interaction

(D) All of these

9. Tissue which provide support to the body is :

(A) Epithelial tissue (B) Connective tissue

(C) Muscular tissue (D) Nervous tissue

10. Intercellular junction which helps in exchange ofsubstances is :

(A) Tight junction (B) Gap junction

(C) Interdigitation (D) Desmosome

ANSWERKEY1. D 2. A 3. A 4. A

5. A 6. D 7. D 8. A

9. B 10. B

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On the basis of number of cell layers

Types of Epithelium Tissue|

Simple epithelial Tissue

- Composed of single layer of cells- Functions as lining for body cavities, ducts and tubes

Compound epithelial Tissue

- Consists of 2 or more cell layers- It has protective function as it does in our skin

On the bssis of shape / structural modifications of cells

(1) Simple Squamous (2) Simple Cuboidal (3) Simple Columnar (4) Pseudostratified

(a) Simple Epithelium Tissue

1. Simple Squamous epithelium(i) Single layer of flat, scale like cell with irregular boundries.(ii) It is also called pavement epithelium due to its tile like appearance.

Fig. 1.3

(iii) It is also called Tesselated to its wavy epithelium due appearance.


Fig. 1.4

eg. It is found in the lining of :

- Bowman's capsule (podocyte)

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Fig. 1.5

- Alveoli of lungs (Pneumocytes)

Fig. 1.6

- Mesothelium - Covering of coelom is calledas mesothelium.(Tesselated). (Visceral &Parietal peritonium, Visceral and parietalpleura, Visceral and Parietal, (pericardium).

- Endothelium - Inner lining of blood vesselsand lymph vessels. (Tesselated)

- Inner lining of heart wall (Tesselated).2. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

(i) Cells are cube like in shape.(ii) This e pithelium is also called Germinal

epthelium because in gonads (testis &ovaries) cubodial cells divide to form egg& sperm .

Functions : This epithelium helps in absorption,secretion & excretion.

Fig. 1.7

- Tubular part of NephronsModifications of simple cuboidal epithelium(i) Brush bordered cuboidal epithelium : When

microvilli are present on free end of cuboidalcells then it is called as brush bordered cuboidalepithelium. It is found in PCT of nephron.

(ii) Ciliated cuboidal epithelium : When ciliapresent on free end of cuboidal cells then itis called as ciliated cuboidal epithelium. Itis found in neck of the nephron and incollecting duct.

3. Simple columnar Epithelium(i) Cells are pillar like in shape. (Tall and

Slender)(ii) Elongated nucleus is present at the base of

cell.Function: It helps in absorption and . Bile Duct, Liver

Modifications of Simple Columnar epithelium(a) Brush Bordered Columnar epithelium : When

microvilli are present on free end of columnarepithelium.e.g. Gall bladder

(b) Glandular columnar epithelium : Unicellularmucous secreting goblet cells are also present inbetween columnar Stomach, Colon, Rectum

(c) Glandular Brushbordered columnarepithelium: When microvilli present on free endof columnar cells and in between these cells gobletcells are also Duodenum and Ileum

(d) Ciliated Columnar epithelium : When cilia arepresent on free end of columnar cells.

Eg. - Vesicles of Thyroid gland- Acini of Pancreas- Sweat glands- Iris, Choroid, Ciliary body of eye

Eg. Fallopian Tube and Ependymal epitheliumof brain ventricles

(e) Sterio ciliated columnar epithelium: Whensteriocilia are present on free end of columnar cells.Eg. Epididymis and Vasa deferens

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Fig. 1.8


(i) These cells are pillar like in shape so it is also a

modification of columnar epithelium.

(ii) In this epithelium two types of cells are present

i.e.Long cells, Short cells.

Fig. 1.9

(iii) Nucleus in both cells are present on

different level so it appears bilayered because few

cells are too short to reach the top

surface. But all cells are present on single basement

membrane so it is unilayered.

Pseudostratified ciliated columnar glandularepithelium [PSCCGE) :

In this epithelium cillia are present of free end oflong cells and goblet cells are also present in Trachea

BronchiolesRespiratory epithelium of nasalchambers.

(b) Compound Epithelium

It is multilayered and have limited role in secretionand absorption. It provide protection againstchemical & mechanical stress.On the basis of stretching ability it is of 2 types(1) Transitional epithelium :- Stretchable.(2) Stratified epithelium :- Non-stretchable.

1. Transitional Epithelium (Urothelium)(1) In resting conditions a thin basement membrane is

present but on stretching basement membranealmost get disappeared.

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(2) In this epithelium 4-6 layers of cells are persent.

Fig. 1.10

- Inner most layer of cell is composed of cube likecells.- Middle 2-4 layers are composed of pear shapedor umbrella shaped cells/Polyheadral cells.

- Outermost 1 or 2 layers are of oval shaped cells.- These different shape of cells appears only inresting stage. when this tissue is stretched, all thecells become flattened.- At outermost layer a thin cuticle line is presentwhich makes this tissue water proof.- Cells are interconnected by interdigitation.Eg. Renal Pelvis, Ureter, Urinary Bladder,Proximal part of male urethra.

2. Stratified EpitheliumOn the basis of shape of the cells of outermost layerit is of three types.


(i) Innermost layer of cells are of cuboidal. These cellshave high mitotic index. They get their nutrition fromunderlaying connective tissue. They divide to fromlayers of Stratified epithelium so this layer is calledas Germinativum layer.

Fig. 1.11

(ii) Middle layers are made up of polygonal cells. Thesecells are interconnected with Desmosomes whichprovide rigidity or mechanical support.

(iii) Cells of outermost layer are scale like flat cells. Onthe basis of presence of keratin protein in the outermost cells this epitheluim is of two types.1. Keratinized Stratified squamous

epithelium.If keratin protein is present in scaly cellsand cells become non nucleated dead cells.

eg. Epidermis of skin, Scale, Hom, Nails,Feathers etc.

2. Non Keratinized Stratified squamousepithelium.

If Keratin protein is absent. Cells arenucleated and living.

eg. - Buccal cavity or oral cavity ofmammals- Inner lining of cheeks, lips, hardpalate, tonsils,- Pharynx, Oesophagus, Anal canal,- lining of vagina- Cornea of eye


1. lnner most layer is cuboidal.2. Middle layer - polygonal shaped cells.3. Outermost layer of cells are cube like &

cells are nucleated & living.Eg. Secretory duct of sweat glands, mammary

glands and sebaceous gland, pancreas,salivary glands.


Outermost layer is composed of pillar shaped cells,cells are nucleated. On the basis of presence ofcilia this epithelium is of 2 types

(1) Ciliated stratified columnar epithelium.Eg. Buccopharyngeal cavity of Frog.

Larynx(B) Non ciliated stratified columnar

epithelium. Cilia absent on free end.Eg. Epiglottis.

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Fig. 1.12V. GLANDS

A cell or a group of cells which secretes chemicalsubstances are called glands.All glands are composed of Epithelium tissue. Somecolumnar or cuboidal cells get specialised forsecretion known as Glandular epithelium.Glands can be originate from all the three germinallayers.


(a) On the basis of method of the secretion.(i) Endocrine glands :- Secretory duct

absent and secrete hormones. Theirproducts called hormones are secreteddirectly into the fluid bathing the gland.

(ii) Exocrine gland :- Secretory duct present- secretes mucus, saliva, ear wax, oil, milkand enzymes.

(iii) Heterocrine/mixed gland :- Bothendocrine & exocrine parts are, Pancreas, Gonads etc.

(b) On the basis of nature of secretion :- 3 typesof glands are there(i) Acrine/Merocrine gland :- In these

glands secretory cells secrete substances bysimple diffusion (Exocytosis). No part ofcytoplasm is destroyed in secretion.

Eg. Sweat glands, Goblet cells, Salivarygland, Tear gland, Intestinal glands,Mucous gland.

(ii) Apocrine gland :- In this type of glandssecretory products are collected in apicalpart of secretory cell and apical portion isalso shed alongwith secretory matter.

Secretory matter is comparitivelyconcentrate.

- Mammary glands.


Detachment of whole cell alongwith

secretory material

Pinched off apicalportion of cell


Intact cell

Secretory product


Fig. 1.13

(iii) Holocrine glands :- The production orsecretion is shed with whole cell leading toits destruction. i.e Whole cell is shed assecretion (Secretory matter concentrate)

Example: Sebaceous, meibomian & Zeis gland.

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On the basis of number of cells

(a) Unicellular glands (Isolated glandular cell)Eg. Goblet cells, Paneth cells

(b) Multicellular glands(Consisting of cluster of cell)

Fig. 1.14





Fig. 1.15

(d) On the basis of Shape of secretory unit

(1) Tubular glands (2) Saccular/Alveolar glands (3) Compound tubulo saccular- Active mammary glands- Parotid gland- Pancreas

(A) Simple glands (B) Compound tubular glandseg. - Brunner's gland- Mammary glands of Prototheria- Inactive mammary glands of eutheria

(i) S. Tubular glandseg. Intestinal glands(Crypts of leiberkuhn)

(ii) S. coiled tubular- Sweat glands

(iii) S. branched tubular- Gastric glands

(A) Simple Glands (B) Compound alveolar glandseg - Sublingual gland- Submandibular gland

(i) Simple Alveolareg- Cutaneous glands of frog- Poison glands- Mucous glands

(ii) Simple branched alveolareg. Sebaceous glands

Fig. 1.16

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Simple tubular Simple branched tubular

Simple coiled tubular

Simple alveolar Simple branched alveolar

Compound tubular Compound alveolar Compound tubuloalveolar

Fig. 1.17

CHECK YOUR CONCEPTS-21. Pseudostratified epithelium is present in :

(A) Nephron & Neuron(B) Larynx & Pharynx(C) Trachea & Bronchi(D) Urinary Bladder & Intestine

2. Transitional Epithelium is found in :(A) Renal pelvis & Ureter(B) Urinary bladder(C) Upper part of male urethra(D) All of above

3. Columnar Epithelium with microvilli or Brush Borderis present in :(A) Gall Bladder (B) Stomach(C) Appendix (D) Pharynx

4. The internal lining of blood vessels is called as :(A) Mesothelium(B) Endothelium(C) Pavement Epithelium(D) Stratified Epithelium

5. Which of the following tissue covers moist surfaceof buccal cavity and pharynx?(A) Cuboidal epithelium(B) Columnar epithelium

(C) Transitional epithelium(D) Compound epithelium

6. Non keratinised stratified squamous epithelium isfound in :(A) Skin (B) Stomach(C) Oesophagus (D) Intestine

7. Inner lining of gut, stomach & liver is made up of :(A) Simple squamous(B) Simple cuboidal(C) Simple columnar(D) Pseudo stratified epithelium .

8. Cells of Peritoneum comprise :(A) Ciliated Epithelium(B) Glandular Epthelium(C) Columnar Epithelium(D) Squamous Epithelium

9. Stratified squamous Epithelium :-(A) Outer most layer squamous & Inner most iscuboidal(B) Outer most layer cuboidal & Inner most issquamous

(C) Outer most layer columnar & Inner most iscuboidal(D) Outer most layer cuboidal & Inner most iscolumar

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10. The correct statement with respect to epithelialtissue is :-A - cells are compactly packedB - cells have no intercellular matrixC - cells have little intracellular materialD - it is single or multilayered(A) A & D (B) B & C(C) A, C & D (D) All of these

ANSWERKEY1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B5. D 6. C 7. C 8. D9. A 10. C

B. Connective TissueI. Characteristics of Connective Tissue(i) O. Hartwig called them Mesenchyme because they

originated from embryonic mesoderm(ii) It is most abundant and widely distributed for linking

and supporting.II. Types of Connective Tissue(iii) On the basis of matrix connective tissue is of 3 types.

1. Connective Tissue Proper :- Matrix softand fibrous

2 . Connective Tissue Skeleton :- Denseand mineralised matrix. Due to depositionof minerals it becomes hard.

3. Connective tissue Vascular :- Liquid andfibres free matrix.

In all connective tissue except blood, cellssecretes fibres of structural protein (likecollagen & elastin) and matrix.


Connective Tissue Proper is composed of threecomponents(A) Defferent types of cells.(B) Fibres.(C) Matrix.




(i) Largest cell of connective tissue proper.

(ii) Maximum in number.

(iii) Branched cytoplasmic process arise from these cellsso they appear irregular in shape.


Fig. 1.18

(iv) Main function or primary function of these cells isto produces fibres. Fibres are composed of protein.

(v) They also synthesize most part of matrix ofconnective Tissue. (Chief matrix producing cell)

Connective tissue

Loose connective tissue(More matrix, less fibres)




Skeletal C.T.

Matrix solid andmineralised

eg. Cartilage and bone


Fluid C.T.

liquid and fibrefree matrix

eg. Blood & lymph

Dense connective tissue(More fibres, less matrix)

Specialised C.T.

Fig. 1.19

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(vi) Old fibroblast cells (fibrocyte) are inactive cells andsynthesize only little part of matrix.

(vii) Fibroblast cells are also considered asundifferentiated cells of connective tissue becausethey can be modified into Osteoblast &Chondrioblast cells to produce bone & cartilage.Function: (1) To produce fibres (B) To secretematrix


(i) Amoeboid in shape with bean (Reniform) or kidneyshaped nucleus.

(ii) Cytoplasm quantity is more and cytoplasm isagranular but due to presence of more number oflysosome it appears granular.

Fig. 1.20

(iii) They are phagocytic in nature. They destroybacteria & viruses by phagocytosis

(iv) Also called as scavenger cells of connective tissuebecause they destroy dead or damaged cells toclean connective tissue.


(i) Amoeboidal in shape.

(ii) These are like basophils of blood in structure andfunction .

(iii) In these cells 'S' shaped nucleus is present which isdivided into 2 or 3 lobes.

Fig. 1.21

(iv) In their cytoplasm basophilic granules are presentwhich can be stained with basic dye MethyleneBlue.

(v) It is important cell of connective tissue proper asthey perform important functions.

(a) Histamine :- Histamine is a amino acid derivative.It is a vasodilator which dilate blood vessels andincrease blood circulation in affected area.

(i) It also increase permeability of blood capillaries.

(ii) When allergic substance enter into body mast cellstimulate and secrete histamine so a part of bloodcomes out from blood capillaries with WBC andaccumulate in intercellular spaces. This part of bloodis called as exudate which causes swelling inaffected area. This swelling is red, warm & painful.This type of swelling is called inflammation.

(b) Serotonin :-(i) It is also called as 5-hydroxy tryptamine.

(ii) It is a amino acid derivative. It is a vasoconstrictor.It constricts vessels & decrease blood circulation.

(iii) At the site of cut or injury mast cell secrate serotoninwhich decrease high blood loss.

(c) Heparin :- Heparin is a mucopolysaccharide. It isa natural anti coagulant. It prevents clotting of bloodin uninjured blood vessels. (Prevent the conversionof prothrombin into thrombin).

(d) Matrix is also synthesized by Mast cells.


(i) Oval shaped cells which stores fat.

(ii) Fat is collected in the form of fat globule. Fat globuleis formed by the fusion of small oil droplets.

(iii) On the basis of number of fat globules adipocytesare of two types.

(a) Monolocular adipocytes :(i) In these cells single large and central fat globule is


(ii) Nucleus and cytoplasm is peripheral and cytoplosmis less in amount

(iii) Due to compression of fat globule, nucleus becomeflattened in shape. These adipocytes form whitefat.

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(b) Multilocular adipocytes :- In these cells manysmall fat globules are distributed in the cytoplasmaround nucleus

(i) Cytoplasm is more in quantity.

(ii) Nucleus is rounded & found in the centre.(iii) These adipocytes form brown fat. Brown colour is

due to the presence of Cytochrome pigment.


(i) Amoeboidal in shape with a large nucleus andcytoplasm is present as peripheral layer. Cytoplasmquantity is less.

(ii) It's function is to produce, transport & secretesantibodies.

(iii) They divide to form plasma cells of connective tissueproper.

Fig. 1.22


(i) Amoeboidal in shape.(ii) In these cells rounded nucleus is present in which

chromatin material is arranged like spokes (radialrows) in a wheel so they are also called as Cartwheel cells.

Fig. 1.23

(iii) According to scientists these cells are formed bythe division of lymphocytes. So they are also calledas clone of lymphocytes.

Function: To produce, Secrete & transport ofantibody.


I. Collagen fibres (White fibres)1. They are bright & white fibres composed of collagen

protein.2. It is present in maximum quantity in vertebrates and

only collagen fibres constitutes one third part ofconnective tissue fibres.

3. They are wavy & tough fibres always arranged inbundle. Bundle is called fascia.

4. On boiling they convert into gelatin.II. Elastic fibres - (Yellow fibres)1. They are yellow in colour and composed of elastin

protein.2. They are branched fibres but always arranged

singly. Branches of these fibres form network.3. In these fibres maximum elasticity is present.

4. They are highly resistant to chemicals.

5. When boiled they do not dissolve.

III. Reticular Fibres :-

1. Also known as arzyrophil fibre since they can bestained with silver salts.

2. They are composed of reticulin protein.

3. They are highly branched fibres which always formdense network.

4. They are delicate fibres. Elesticity is completelyabsent.

5. These are mainly distributed in lymphoid organs likespleen or lymph nodes .

MATRIX (Ground substance)

- Matrix is compsed of mucopolysaccharide (modifiedpolysaccharide) which is present in the form ofhyaluronic acid

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Connective Tissue)

Fig. 1.24

(i) Also known as loose connective tissue or spongytissue.

(ii) It is most widely distributed tissue in the body.

(iii) In this tissue maximum intercellular space orsubstances/ matrix is present.

(iv) Due to irregular arrangement of bundle of collagenfibres many gaps are present. These spaces arecalled Areolae.

(v) In areolae other components of connective tissue aredistributed like fibres, cells & matrix.

(vi) Few elastic fibres are present but reticular fibres andreticular cells are completely absent.

(vii) In cells mast cells, macrophage & fibroblast aremore in number.

(viii) In these areolae blood vessels & nerve fibres arealso present.

(ix) It is also present below the skin.Eg. Tela Subcutanea:- A thin continuous layer which

connect skin with underlaying skelatal muscles(Panniculas carnosus) . In mammals skin is tightlyattached with muscles.Sub mucosa of Trachea, Bronchi, Intestine


(i) It is a modification of areolar connective tissue(Loose connective tissue). But in areolae majorcomponent is adipocytes which store fats. Bloodvascular system is also present in this tissue. It isalso present beneath the skin.

Fig. 1.25

(ii) If this tissue is treated with alcohol (organic solvent) Fatwill be dissolved completely and adipocytes willbecome vacuolated.

(iii) On the basis of adipocytes 2 type of fats are foundin animals.

(a) White fat (b) Brown fat

(a) White fat :- It is composed of monolocularadipocytes in which single large fat globule,peripheral cytoplasm and peripheral nucleus is present.Due to less amount of cytoplasm, Mitochondria arealso less in number. So they produce less energy.

Eg. Panniculas adiposus :- A thin continuous layer ofwhite fat under the dermis of skin which is also,called hypodermis of skin.

Yellow bone marow.Blubber :- Thick layer of white fat found underdermis of skin. Found in whale, seal elephants.

Hump of camel, Tail of marino sheep(b) Brown fat :- It is composed of multilocular

adipocytes in which many fat globules are present.Cytoplasm is more in amount. Due to more numberof mitochondria it produces 20 times more energythan white fat. Brown colour of fat is due topresence of cytochrome Pigment.

(i) Cold resistance device in new born baby isdue to presence of brown fat.

(ii) Rodents like rat, shrew. They arehibernating animals & during hibernationthey obtain energy from stored brown fat.

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C. Dense Connective Tissue(i) Fibres and Fibroblast are compactly packed.

Fig. 1.26


(i) In this tissue bundle of collagen fibres are more inquantity & other components of connective tissueproper are less in quantity.

(ii) Yellow fibres & reticular fibres are completelyabsent.

(iii) In cells fibroblast and mast cells are more in number.

On the basis of arrangement of fibres & matrix thistissue occurs in two forms.

(a) Cord (Dense regular tissue) :

1. Bundle of collagen fibres & matrix aredistributed in regular pattern (alternatepattern).

2. Fibroblast cells are arranged in a series.Mast cells are scattered in matrix.

eg. Tendon :- A structure which connects muscles& bones.

Strongest tendon of the body is Tendocalcanealtendon. This tendon connects gastrocnemius muscleof shank with calcaneum bone of ankle.

(b) Sheath (Dense irregular) :- In this form there isno regular pattern of fibres & matrix. Cells and fibresare criss - crossed arranged.

eg. - Pericardium Outer covering of heart.

- Periosteum Outer covering of bone.

- Perichondruim Outer covering of


- Epimysium Covering of muscle.

- Renal capsule Around kidney.

- Glisson's capsule Around hepatic lobule- Duramater Outermost covering of

brain.- Cornea of eye


(i) In this tissue yellow fibres are more in quantity butcollagen fibres are also present.

(ii) Reticular fibres are absent.(iii) On the basis of distribution of fibres & matrix they

are of two types.(a) Cord (Dense regular) :- In this form bundle of collagen

fibres & matrix distributed in a regular pattern & inmatrix yellow fibres form Ligaments - A structure which connects bones.

(i) Strongest Ligament of body is Ilio femoral ligament.(ii) This ligament connects Ilium bone of pelvic girdle

with femur bone of hind limb.(b) Sheath (Dense irregular) :- Irregular distribution of

fibres and matrix with elastic . - Wall of lymph vessels & blood vessels

True vocal cordsIt is also present in the skin


(i) It is also called lymphoid Tissue.(ii) It is mostly found in lymphoid organs.(iii) Provide support and strength and form the

stroma (Frame work) of soft . - Spleen

- Lymph nodes (Tonsils, Payer's Patches).- Endosteum (covering of bone marrow cavity).

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5. MUCOID CONNECTIVE TISSUEAlso calJed embryonic tissue becasue it is mainlyfound during embryonic life. Its matrix is composedof jelly like material called Wharton's Jelly.

eg . - Umbilical cord (connect placenta with foetus)- Viterous humor -In viterous body of eye.- Comb of cock.

CHECK YOUR CONCEPTS-31. Muscles are connected to Bone by means of :

(A) Cartilage (B) Ligaments(C) Tendon (D) Adipose tissue

2. Brown adipose cells contain :(A) Only one fat globule(B) More than one fat globules(C) Without fat-globules(D) Peripheral nucleus

3. Histocytes destroy bacteria by :(A) Phagocytosis(B) Producing Antitoxins(C) Producing antibodies

(D) Producing antigen

4. Plasma cell :

(A) Is modified B - lymphocytes of blood(B) Produce antigen

(C) Produce Heparin, Histamine, serotonin(D) Produce matrix & Fibres

5. Yellow , White & Reticular fibres made up of protien

(A) Elastin , Reticulin, Collagen, respectively(B) Reticulin , Elastin, Collagen , respectively

(C) Collagen , Elastin, Reticulin protien

(D) Elastin , Collagen , Reticulin protien6. Which of the following is known as spongy

connective tissue :(A) Dense fibrous connective tissue(B) Adipose connective tissue

(C) Areolar connective tissue(D) Reticular fibrous connective tissue

7. Which type of connective tissue used to formperimysium :(A) Dense fibrous C.T.

(B) Adipose C.T.(C) Reticular fibrous C.T.

(D) Areolar C.T.8. a. Monocular b. less mitochondria

c. less energyThe above three statements are related to(A) White fat - rat(B) White fat-new born baby

(C) Brown fat - camel hump(D) White fat - yellow bone marrow

9. Yellow fibrous connective tissue is found in :-a. Renal capsule b. True vocal cordsc. Walls of blood vessels d . Epimysium(A) a, b (B) b, c (C) c, d(D) a, b, c

10. Lymphocytes are more in :-

(A) White fibrous connective tissue(B) Reticular fibrous connective tissue

(C) Yellow fibrous connective tissue(D) Adipose connective tissue

ANSWERKEY1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A5. D 6. C 7. D 8. D9. B 10. B

b. Specialised Connective Tissue

(Skeleton Connective Tissue)I. Characteristics

(i) Matrix is dense & mineralised. Due todeposition of minerals it becomes hard.

(ii) Also known as Supporting Tissue i.e .Provide support to body.

Types1. Cartilage 2. Bone


(i) Outermost covering of cartilage is calledPerichondrium which is composed of white fibresconnective tissue.

(ii) Cartilage producing cells are arranged on peripheryof cartilage known as Chondroblast.

(iii) These are active cell & divide to formchondrocytes, and synthesize the matrix ofcartilage.

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Fig. 1.27

(iv) Mature cells of cartilage is called Chondrocytes

(v) They are found in vacuole like space in matrix called

Lacuna. In which 1 - 4 Chontrocytes are present.

(vi) Chondroclast are cartilage destroying cells.

(vii) Matrix of cartilage is called chondrin composed of

chondromucoprotein having Chondrotin-6-sulphate

and mucopolysacchride (Hyaluronic acid)

(viii) Matrix of cartilage provides rigidity & elasticity to

cartilage (matrix solid, pliable and resists


(ix) Blood circulation is absent in the matrix of cartilage but

blood supply present in perichondrium. Type of Cartilage

- There are following types of cartilage

1. Hyaline cartilage

(i) It is maximum in human body.

(ii) Most of the part of embryonic skeleton is composed

of this cartilage. So maximum bones of body are

cartilagenous bones because they are developed

from cartilage.

(iii) Outermost covering perichondirum is present.

(iv) Matrix of this cartilage is glass like clear or hyaline

matrix because fibres are completely absent in the

matrix of this cartilage.

(v) Colour of matrix is bluish & it is transluscent/glass


eg. (a) Nasal septum.

(b) 'C' shaped rings of trachea and bronchi.

(Incomplete in dorsal surface)

(c) Sternal part of ribs.(Coastal cartilage)

(d) Larynx

(e) Articular cartilage :- At the junction of

two long bones on articular surface. At the

end of long bone periosteum is absent and

Hyaline cartilage is present known as

Articular cartilage .2. Fibrous cartilage(A) Elastic cartilage(i) In the matrix of this cartilage yellow fibres form

network so it is highly flexible cartilage of body.(ii) Colour of matrix is pale yellow.

Eg. a. Tip of Nose

b. Ear Pinna (Outer ear joint)

c. Epiglottis

d. Wall of Eustachian tube(B) White fibrous cartilage(i) Perichondrium is absent because complete WFCT

is converted into cartilage.(ii) In matrix bundle of collagen fibres are more in

quantity so it is strongest cartilage.Eg. (a) Pubic symphysis: Pubis bone (Half part of

pelvic girdle Os innominatum are interconnected bypubic symphysis.(b) Intervertebral disc: A pad of cushion likestructure which absorb mechanical shock & jerksand protect vertebral column. Central part of thisdisc is soft called as Nucleus pulposus. Slightelongation of body after death or in sleeping postureis due to relaxation of this disc.

3. Calcified cartilage(i) It is modified hyaline cartilage but due to deposition of

calcium salts. Its matrix becomes hard like bones.(ii) It is hardest cartilage of the body.(iii) Ca salt deposits in the form of Hydroxyapatite .Eg. Head of femur & humerus in man.


(i) Study of Bone - Osteology(ii) Process of bone formation - Ossification(iii) Hardest Tissue - Bones

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Fig. 1.28

(iv) Softest Tissue - Blood. Hardest substance - Enamel.(It is not a group of cell but it is formed by the secretionof ameloblast cells of teeth.)

(v) Outermost covering of bone is Periosteum composed ofwhite fibrous connective tissue.

(vi) Bone producing cell is called Osteoblast. They divide toform Osteocyte & synthesize organic part of matrix.

(vii) Mature cell of bone is called as Osteocyte which is foundin lacuna. Only one osteocyte is found in one lacuna.

(viii) Bone destroying cells are Osteoclast cellsMatrix - Hard and Non-Pliable

It has two partsInorganic Part :- 65 - 68%Ca3(PO4)2 - 80% max. rest 20% CaCO3 (10%),Mg3(PO4)2 (10%),Flourides (very less).

Organic part :- 32 - 35% Ossein in which bundleof collagen fibres suspended in sulphatedmucopolysaccharide.

Structure of long bone :

Long bone has three region

(1) Epiphysis (B) Diaphysis (C) Metaphysis


(i) Ends of long bone is called Epiphysis. This part iscomposed of spongy tissue. If this part is present atthe joint then on articular surface periosteum isabsent & articular cartilage (Hyaline cartilage) ispresent.

(ii) It consist of lamellae that are arranged in an irregularpattern of thin columns called Trabeculae. Betweenthe trabeculae are present spaces filled up with redbone marrow.

(iii) It is composed of myeloid tissue which produceblood corpuscles so epiphysis act as a haemopoieticorgan.


(i) Middle part or shaft of long bone is diaphysis whichis composed of compact bone.

(ii) In this region hollow cavity is present called bonemarrow cavity filled with yellow bone marrow.Function of yellow bone marrow is storage of fat.

Metaphysis(i) It formed little part between epiphysis & Diaphysis.(ii) In this region epiphyseal plate is present which is

made up of osteoblast cells. They divide to formosteocyte and also synthesize matrix of bone, soepiphyseal plate is responsible for elongation of bone.

(iii) After complete development of long bone this plateis destroyed. So in completely developed bone only2 regions are found while in a developing bone 3regions are present.

Special points:Spongy Bones(i) Bones in which haversian canal systems are absent.

In these bones marrow cavity is present in the formof trabeculae filled with RBM. So all spongy bonesof body are haemopoietic.

Fig. 1.29

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Eg. Ribs, Pubis, Sternum, Vertebrae,Clavicle, End of long Bones, Scapula

Compact BoneIn this bone haversian system is present.Eg. Diaphysis of long bone.

Diploic/Heterotypic In these bones middle part of bone is composed of

spongy bone, in which trabeculae is filled with redbone marrow.While this bone is covered by compactbone on upper & lower surface.Eg. All flat bones of skull.



It has following major structures.1. Periosteum2. Matrix3. Endosteum4. Bone marrow cavity

1. Periosteum(i) Outermost covering of bone is called Periosteum.(ii) It consists of two layers.(iii) Outer layer consist of white fibrous connective tissue

in which blood circulation is present.

(iv) Inner layer - consists of single layer of osteoblast


(v) They divide to form osteocyte and secrete layers

of matrix.

2. Matrix

It is composed of inorganic & organic compounds.

In the matrix of bone two types of canals are


1. Haversian canal 2. Volkmann's canal

Haversian Canal

Longitudnal canals which are arranged parallel to long

axis of bone. In these canals one or two blood

capillaries and nerve fibres are present.

Volkamann's canal

(i) These are transverse/horizontal or oblique canals.

(ii) Haversian canals are interconnected by volkmann's canal.

(iii) Matrix of bone is synthesized in the form of layer.

These layers of matrix are called Lamellae.

On the basis of arrangement three types of lamellae

are present in the matrix.

Fig. 1.30

1. Haversian lamellae2. Interstitial lamellae3. Circumferential lamellae.Haversian lamellae

(i) Concentric layers of matrix which are presentaround haversian Canal.

Fig. 1.31

(ii) Between these lamellae layer of osteocyte cells arealso present.

(iii) Haversian canal, Haversian lamellae & Osteocyteform Haversian system or Osteon.

(iv) Presence of haversian canal system is a typicalfeature of mammalian compact bones.

(v) Osteocyte are present in the lacuna. Each osteocyteis inter connected with adjacent osteocyte by theircytoplasmic process.Cytoplasmic process of osteocyte are present inthe canals of lacuna called as canaliculi.

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Interstitial LamellaeThese layers of matrix are present in the spacebetween two haversian systems.Circumferential lamellaeCircumferential layer of matrix are of two types.

1. Outer circumferential lamellae:- These are present around all haversian system.- These are peripheral layers of matrix.

2. Inner circumferential lamellae :- Present around bone marrow cavity.

3. EndosteumEndosteum consist of two layers.

1. Towards bone marrow cavity layer lined withreticular fibrous connective tissue.

2. Towards matrix of bone endosteum is lined withlayer of osteoblast cells. They divide to formosteocyte & synthesize matrix. So growth of boneis bidirectional (Periphery & central region). WhileGrowth of cartilage is unidirectional.

4. Bone marrow cavity In the central region hollow cavity is present which

is filled with yellow bone marrow. It is composedof white fat & its function is collection of fats orstorage of fats.


On the basis of development or location ofossification bones are of four types.

1. Cartilagenous bones/Replacing/Endochondralbone- These bones are developed from cartilage or theyare formed by the ossification of cartilage.- In the formation of these bones two types of cellsare required.

1. Chondroclast :- Which reabsorb cartilagenousmatter.

2. Osteoblast :- Which deposit bony matter intocartilage so cartilage is replaced by bone. Hencethese bones are also called as replacing bones.Eg. Maximum bones of our body likeforelimb and hindlimb bones, Ribs.

2. Membranous bones/Dermal bones/Investingbones

These bones are devloped from the connectivetissue of dermis or formed by ossification in theconnective tissue of dermis.Eg. Pubis, Sternum, Clavicle, Scapula bone. Flatbones of skull

3. Sesamoid Bones(i) These bones are developed by the ossification of

tendons at the joints.Eg. (a) Pisiform (wrist bone) of man.

(b) Patella (knee bone) Largest sesamoid bone.MEMORY BOOSTER

(i) Decalcified Bones :- If a bone is kept in dil HCLfor 3 days then complete mineral part of the matrixget dissolved in acid & organic part remain in thebone so bone becomes soft & flexible.

(ii) Dried Bone :- If a bone is kept in sunlight for longtime then complete aqueous part of the bonedisappear. In these bones empty lacuna & emptybone marrow cavity is present. Shape of boneremain unchanged.If a bone is burn or kept into very high temp thencomplete organic part of bone is burn and mineralpart of matrix remain as such in the form of ashcalled dried bone.

(iii) Bright Bone :- If a bone is kept into KOH thencomplete attached muscle fibres are dissolve inKOH & bone becomes clear & bright called brightbone. Bone will remain unchanged.Eg. Bones of laboratory(iv) Special Types of Epithelium

Fig. 1.32

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(a) Neuro sensory epithelium :In the structure of this epithelium in between pillershaped supporting cells modified sensory cells arepresent. On the free end of sensory cell sensoryhair is present by which they receive sensation.Base of these cells is attached with sensory nerve.Eg. - Gustatory Epithelium - Covering oft a s t e

bud of tongue- receive taste sensation.

- Olfactory epithelium - Schneidarianmembrane receive smell sensation.

- Stato - acoustic - Lining of internal ear.- In Retina of eye receive optic sensation.

(b) Myoepithelium :- Around mammary and sweatgland (around secretery unit)

(c) Pigmented epithelium (Cuboidal) :- In Retinaof eye.

(v) llio-femoral ligament - strongest ligament.Another strongest ligament is ligamentum flava,present between two adjacent vertebrae.

(vi) In quardripeds like cow & buffalo strongest ligamentis ligamentum nuchea present in the neck betweentwo cervical vertebrae.

(vii) Sharpey's fibres :- extra bundle of collagen fibreswhich are present in the outermost layer of matrixcalled sharpey fibres. Which provide extramechanical support to bone.

(viii) Visceral Bones

(a) If Ossification takes place in the visceral organsthen visceral bones are formed. These are rarebones, found in few animals. In rabbit & man thesebones are absent.

Eg. Os Cordis : Present in inter ventricular septum ofdeer's heart.

Os Palbebrae : In the eyelid of crocodile.

Os Penis (Baculum) : In the penis of rodents rat,shrew, bat, whale, tiger.

Os rostralis : In the snout of pig.

CHECK YOUR CONCEPTS-41. Longitudinal channels of Bone called :

(A) Haversian canal (B) Volkmann's canals(C) Narrow cavity (D) Lacunae

2. Glass like cartilage is :(A) Hyaline cartilage (B) Fibro cartilage(C) Calcified cartilage (D) Elastic cartilage

3. Formation of cartilagenous Bone involves :(A) Deposition of Bony matter by osteoblasts &Reabsorption by chondrioclasts(B) Deposition of Bony matter by osteoblast only(C) Deposition of Bony matter by osteoclasts &Reabsorption by chondrioblast(D) None of above

4. Major Inorganic components of Bone ;(A) Calcium phosphate (B) Calcium carbonate(C) Sodium hydroxide (D) Potassium hydroxide

5. Haversian system is feature of :(A) Amphibian Bones (B) Reptiles Bone(C) Pneumatic Bone (D) Mammalian Bone

6. Bone desolving cells :(A) Osteoblast (B) Osteocyte(C) Osteoclast (D) Fibroblast

7. Eustachian tube is supported by :(A) Elastic cartilage(B) White fibros cartilage(C) Calcified cartilage(D) Hyaline cartilage

8. Perichondrium is :(A) Adipose tissue(B) White fibrous connective tissue(C) Yellow fibrous connective tissue(D) Areolar connective tissue

ANSWERKEY1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A

5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B

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\2. MUSCULAR TISSUEStudy of muscles known as Myology (Sarcology).

Muscle of Iris, ciliary body & myoepithelial cell ofsweat gland develop from ectoderm. Conductivity& contractility are the two main characterestics ofmuscle.Three types of muscles are found in the body.(i) Voluntary or skeletal muscles.(ii) Involuntary or smooth muscles.(iii) Cardiac muscles.

(i) Voluntary Muscle–

It develops from the epimeric layer of myotome.

Skeletal muscles constitutes around 40% of adultbody mass in an average healthy person.

They are related to the skeletal system. So alsocalled as skelatal muscles.

Transverse lines are found at regular interval.Hence these muscles are also called as striped orstriated muscle

Their contractions are controlled by will power ofanimal so also called voluntary muscles.

(a) Structure of Muscle Fibre

Fine structure of muscle fibre :- The outer membrane of muscle fibre is called

sarcolemma. This cell membrane contain collagen fibres. Each muscle fibre contain multinucleated

sarcoplasm. Nucleus & sarcoplasm are found in peripheral part. Myofibril are arranged in parallel row & form the

dark & light line. These lines are found in alternate order. These lines are made up of actin & myosin protein.

Both proteins are filamentous proteins. Actin filaments are thin while myosin filaments are

thick. Light line or band is made up of only actin filament,

these band are monorefractive in polarised light soit is called Isotropic band (I band).

Actin filaments are connected with a disc of Z–line protein (Actinin) which is called as Z line(Zweichenschiebe) or (Doble's membrane) or(Krause's membrane).

Dark line is made up of actin & myosin filament soit is double monorefractive in polarised light due tooverlaping so it is called Anisotropic band.


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The terminal end of actin filament are embededamong the myosin filament so peripheral part of Aband is darker as compared to the middle part of Aband which is called as H-Zone or Hensen zone.

A dark line is also found in the central part of H-zonewhich is called as M line or mesogramme line.

The distance between two Z–lines is called asSarcomere.

It is structural unit or functional unit of voluntarymuscle fibre.Sarcomere = 1A band + two half I bandThe Length of Sarcomere is 2.5 µm.(I band = 1µm, myosin = 1.5 m)

1 Myosin filament is surrounded by 6 Actin filaments& 1 Actin filament is surrounded by 3 Myosinfilaments.

Muscle fibre is covered by a layer of connectivetissue which is called Endomysium.

Many muscle fibres are combined to form a groupwhich is called fasciculi.

Each fasciculi is covered by a layer of connectivetissue which is called Perimysium.

Many fasciculi combined to form a muscle. Muscle is also covered by a layer of connective

tissue which is called as Epimysium. Muscle fibre is a cylindrical or tubular shape. The muscle fibres attached to a tough cord of

connective tissue called Tendon & Tendon isfurther attached with a bone.


It is develop from hypomeric layer of Myotome. It is not related to the skeleton so also called as

Non skeletal muscle. These muscle are found in the visceral organ so

are called as visceral muscles or smoothmuscles.

Transverse lines are absent so also called asunstriated muscle.

Its contraction is not controlled by will power ofanimal. so it is called as Involuntary muscle.

Autonomic nerves are connected to this type ofmuscle.



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It is spindle shaped, short, Unbranched.

Cells are connected through gap junction.

It contains uninucleated cytoplasm

All cell organelles are found in cytoplasm.

Contractile fibrils are found in the cytoplasm due to

this reason this cytoplasm called sarcoplasm.

This contractile fibre called as myofibril which found

in scattered form.

Myofibril are made up of actin & myosin but

remarkably less than skeletal muscle But filaments

are not placed in a highly ordered pattern so striation

is absent.

Actin is more than myosin.

Myofibril is functional unit of involuntary muscle.

The sarcoplasmic reticulum or L tubular system is

not well developed. This makes the contraction of

smooth muscles strongly dependent on the ECF

Ca++ ions.

Its contraction period is longer.

It remain in contracted stage for longer period due

to this reason muscle called Nonfatigue muscle.


It is special type of muscle which found only in heart

so it is also called as cardiac muscle. On the basis

of structure it is striated type of muslce. It is also

cylindrical fibre. Fibre are branched. Many

transverse septa are found in the muscle fibre which

are called as intercalated disc. Junctional regionb/w the cell membrane called intercalated discs &

these are made up of sarcolemma.

Due to septa fibres are divided into many segments

each segment is Uninucleated. Each segment

called individuals cells.

Dark & light line also found in the Muscle fibre.

Intercalated disc, helps in the propagation of impulse

& contraction. It is also Nonfatigue type muscle.

Its contraction is not controlled by will power of



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On the basis of function it is involuntary type & control by pacemaker (SA, AV & Purkinje fibres). Both centralnerve & autonomic nerves are supplied to this type of muscle.

Striated Non striated Cardiac

1. They are present in Iris of eye (Ciliary muscle of eye) They are present inupper limb & lower limb etc. Urinary bladder, Urinogenital tract, Dermis walls of Heart

of skin – Erector pill muscle of dermis

2. Cylindrical Spindle in shaped Cylindrical

3. Fibres Unbranched Unbranched Fibres are branched

4. Multi Nucleated fibres Uninucleated Uninucleated

5. Light and Dark band present Absent Present

6. Oblique bridges & Absent Present

Intercalated disc absent

7. Controlled by CNS. ANS Both CNS + ANS

8. Blood supply abundant. Less Richly Blood supply

9. Soon fatigue. Donot get fatigue Never fatigued


Nervous tissue originates from ectoderm and isspecialized for receiving stimuli(Excitability orInrritability) and transmit message (conductivity).


Neuroglia Neuron

Cyton Process of Neuron (Neurites)

Dendron Axon

A. Neuron as Structural and Functional

Unit of Neural System Structure of a


Structure of a neuron : Nerve cell is made up of cellbody & cell process – (Dendron and Axon = Neurites)

(i) Cell body or Cyton or soma or perikaryon:- It contains uninucleated cytoplasm. Except centriole, all cell organelles are found in


Centriole is absent or immaturely present in the nervecell thus cell division is absent.

Some other cell organelles like Nissl's granule andNeurofibril are also found in nerve cell.

Nissl's granules :

Endoplasmic reticulum coils around the ribosome andform granule like structure called as Nissl'sgranules or Tigroid body.

It is the centre of protein synthesis. Chemically – Ribonucleoprotein containing Iron. Site – Cyton & dendron (Rod shape) Many small fibrils are found in the cytoplasm called

neurofibrils, these help in internal conduction in the cyton.

Cell processes :

(i) Dendron :–It is small cell process. It's fine branches are calleddendrites. Some receptor's are found on the dendrites,so dendron receive the stimuli & produce centripetal(towards the cell body) conduction.

(ii) Axon (Long process = Axon = Nerve fibre) –It is longest cell process of cyton, its diameter isuniform. It contain axoplasm.

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Nissl's granules are absent in the axoplasm. (Axoplasm of axon contains only neurofibrils and mitochondria). Axon is covered by axolemma. Part of cyton where axon arises called axon hillock. The axon hillock is the neuron's trigger zone, because it is the site where action potential are triggered. The terminal end of axon is branched in button shape branches which are called as Telodendria. More mitochondira are found in the telodendria which synthesize Acetylcholine (Ach) with the help of choline

acetyl transferase enzyme.

Ach is stored in the vesicles. Axon is the functional part of nerve cell, therefore term nerve fibre usually refer to Axon.


Differences between Axon & Dendron

Axon Dendron1. It is always single. 1. One or more.2. It has Neurofibrils but no Nissl's granules. 2. It has both.3. It is long sized process. 3. Small sized4. Nerve impulse travels away from the 4. Nerve impulse travels towards the cell body.

cell body. (Centrifugal) (Centripetal)

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Axon is covered by a layer of phospholipids(sphingomyelin) which is called as medulla or myelinsheath.

Medulla is covered by thin cell membrane, which iscalled as neurilemma or sheath of schwann cells.

The neurilemma is composed of schwann cells. Schwann cell takes part in the deposition of myelin

sheath (myelinogenesis). Myelin sheath acts as insulator and prevent's leakage

of ions.Myelinogenesis in the Peripheral nervoussystem (PNS) :–

In the peripheral nerves, myelinogenesis begins withthe deposition of myelin sheath in concentric layeraround the axon by schwann cells.

Myelin sheath is discontinuous around the Axon.These interruptions where Axon is uncovered by

Nuclei - term use for CNS (Brain and spinal cord)Collection of cytons (Group)

Ganglia - outside the CNS term use for PNSTract — CNS

Collection of nerve fiber Nerve — PNS


Unipolar Bipolar MultipolarSingle process arises from cyton. Two process arises Neuron which have one(1 Axon) from cyton axon but many

(1Axon & 1 dendron) dendrons.e.g. Nervous system of embryo e.g. Retina (Rod & cones) e.g. Most of neurons

Olfactory epithelium of vertebrates.

myelin sheath are called node of RanvierMyelinogenesis in the Central nervous system(CNS) :– Neurilemma or schwann cells are notpresent therefore myelinogenesis process occurs withthe help of oligodendrocytes (Neuroglia)

Neurons in which myelin sheath is present, are calledmedullated or myelinated neurons. In some nervecells where myelin sheath is absent, called as nonmedullated or non myelinated neurons.

Collaterals of Axon –

These are small process or branches of axon. It'sstructure is similar to axon. It help in the conductionof nerve impulse in more area.

Gray matter :– It is composed of nerve cells. Itconsist of cytons & nonmedullated nerve fibres (Greyfibers).White matter – It contain myelinated nerve fibres(White fibres).

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Apolar/Nonpolar Neuron :– No definite dendron/axon. Cell process are either absent or if present are notdifferentiated in axon and dendrons. Nerve impulse radiates in all directions. e.g. Hydra, Amacrine cell of Retina.

Pseudounipolar :– In this type, nerve cell has only axon but a small process develop from axon which act asdendron. eg. Dorsal root ganglia of spinal cord

Types of Neurons on the basis of function

Inter neuron orInter connecting neuron or internuncial neuron

C. Synapse Name synapse was proposed by Charles Sherrington

Telodendria of one neuron form synapse with dendron of next neuron. It is the junctional region between two neurons where information is transferred from one neuron, to another

neuron but no protoplasmic connection.Synapse = Pre synaptic knob + synaptic cleft + post synaptic membrane

Telodendria membrane is called pre synaptic membrane & membrane of dendron of other neuron called as postsynaptic membrane. Space between pre and post synaptic membranes is called synaptic cleft.Type of synapse :(i) Axodendritic – b/w axon & dendron (ii) Axosomatic – b/w axon & cyton (iii) Axoaxonic – b/w axon & axon

Electrical ChemicalConduction Fast SlowSynaptic cleft 0.2 nm > 20 nmNeurotransmitter Absent PresentSynaptic delay Absent Present

Blocking Can not be controlled Controlled by neurotransmitter

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Special point : electrial synapses are rare in our body,


D. Neuroglia/Glial cellsThese are supporting cells which form a packing substance around the neurons. These are of three types :

Astrocytes Oligodendrocytes MicrogliocytesOrigin :-Ectodermal in origin Ectodermal in origin Mesodermal in origin

Morphology :-Large cell Smaller SmallestNumerous process few process With branchingFunction :-

1. Provide repair mechanism Formation & preservation Scavenger cells of CNS and

and replace the damage of Myelin sheath in CNS. phagocytic in nature.tissue.

2. It forms blood brain barrier

Neurotransmitters or Neurohumors or Neurohormones


stimulates impulse at synapse e.g. Acetyl choline (Ach), Nor-epinephrine or Nor-adrenaline or sympathetin

Inhibit impulse at synapsee.g. GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid)Dopamine Glycine



1. Which statement is correct about nerve fibres?(A) All nerve fibres of CNS are enclosed by Schwanncells.(B) Only myelinated nerve fibres of PNS are enclosedby Schwann cells.(C) All nerve fibres of PNS are enclosed by Schwann cells.

(D) Only myelinated fibres of CNS are enclosed byschwann cells.

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2. Which neuroglial cell helps in formation of blood brainbarrier?(A) Capillary endothelial cells(B) Astrocyte(C) Both (A) and (B)(D) Oligodendrocyte

3. Which statement is true?

(A) In PNS, only non-myelinated neuron are found.(B) In CNS, myelinated and non-myelinated neuronsare found.(C) In PNS, myelinated and non-myelinated neuronsare found.(D) Both (B) and (C)

4. Which structure is not found in white matter?(A) Telodendria

(B) Cell body(C) Dendrons and non-myelinated axons(D) All of the above

5. Nissl's granules are made up of ?

(A) Endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria

(B) Ribosome and Mitochondria

(C) Ribosome and Endoplasmic Reticulum

(D) Golgi body and Ribosome

6. Which of the following is true for Neurilemma?

(A) Discontinuous at nodes of Ranvier

(B) Continuous at nodes of Ranvier and made byschwann cells

(C) Discontinuous at nodes of Ranvier and made byschwann cells

(D) Continuous at nodes of Ranvier and made byoligodendrocytes

7. Fibres which transmit impulses towards the cell bodycalled as :

(A) Axon terminal (B) Axon

(C) Dendrites (D) Axon hillock

8. The axonal membrane is _______ to negativelycharged proteins present in the axoplasm :

(A) Selectively permeable(B) Permeable

(C) Semipermeable (D) Impermeable

ANSWERKEY1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D

5. C 6. B 7. C 8. D

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Exercise - 1 Objective Problems

8. Stretchable & Water proof Epithelium :-(A) Simple cuboidal (B) Simple squamous(C) Simple Columnar (D) Transitional

9. Mesothelium is :-(A) Lining of coelom which originated from meso-derm(B) Lining of coelom which originated from ectoderm(C) Lining of heart which originated from Endoderm(D) Lining of heart which originated from Mesoderm

10. Lining of brain ventricle & central canal of spinal cordis called as:(A) Ependyma (B) Endothelium(C) Mesothelium (D) Neurosensory

11. This epithelium is made up of a single thin layer offlattened cells and is involved in diffusion, it is foundin :(A) Walls of blood vessels(B) Ducts of glands(C) Tubular parts of nephrons(D) All of these

12. Exoskeleton originated from (Eg feathers, nail, horn,hoofs) :(A) Connective tissue proper(B) Epithelium tissue(C) Skeletal tissue(D) Vascular tissue

13. Germinative layer of Keratinized stratified squamousEpithelium :(A) Cuboidal (B) Squamous(C) Pseudo stratified (D) Transitional

14. Mucus cells (Goblet cells) :-(A) Unicellular gland(B) Multicellular glands(C) Endocrine glands(D) Parietal cells of gastric glands

15. Sweat glands are :-(A) Merocrine (B) Endocrine(C) Holocrine (D) Unicellular


1. Epithelial tissue with thin flat cells appearing likepacked tiles occurs on(A) Inner lining of intestine(B) Inner lining of stomach(C) Inner lining of fallopian tubes(D) Outer surface of Intestine

2. Germinal Epithelium of ovary is formed of :(A) Columnar Epithelium(B) Squamous Epithelium(C) Cuboidal Epithelium(D) Stratified Epithelium

3. Epidermis of skin of vertebrates comprises :(A) Simple Epithelium(B) Stratified Epithelium(C) Transitional Epithelium(D) Columnar Epithelium

4. Inner lining of Blood vessels and heart is tesselletedEpithelium. Which is :(A) Simple squamous due to wavy appearance(B) Simple squamous due to tile like appearance(C) Simple cuboidal due to wavy appearance(D) Simple columnar Epithelium

5. Lining of larynx is :-(A) Stratified ciliated columnar Epithelium(B) Stratified squamous Epithelium(C) Stratified cuboidal Epithelium(D) Stratified columnar Epithelium

6. Olfactory Epithelium (Scheneidarian membrane) is com-posed of :(A) Neuro sensory Epithelium(B) Simple squamous Epithelium(C) Simple cuboidal(D) Germinal Epithelium

7. Basement membrane can not be seen in :-(A) Streched Transitional Epithelium(B) Squamous Epithelium(C) Columnar Epithelium(D) Unstreched transitional epithelium

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16. Ependyma is :-(A) Ciliated pseudostratified columnar(B) Ciliated columnar(C) Ciliated cubical epithelium(D) Non Ciliated Columnar

17. Pigmented Epithelium is found in :-(A) Iris (B) Retina(C) Choroid (D) Cornea

18. Lining of blood vessel and air sacs of lungs are madeup of :(A) Squamous Epithelium(B) Columnar Epithelium(C) Cuboidal Epithelium(D) Pseudo stratified Epithelium

19. Lining of uterus (Endometrium) is :(A) Stratified squamous(B) Simple squamous(C) Simple columnar epithelium(D) Ciliated Pseudostratified

20. In Transitional Epithelium :(A) Inner most layer is Cuboidal rest-on underlyingconnective tissue(B) Inner most layer is Columnar rest-on underlyingconnective tissue(C) Inner most layer is Pear shaped rest-on Base-ment membrane.(D) Inner most layer is umbrella shaped rest on un-derlying Basement membrane.

21. Lining of sebaceous duct is composed of :(A) Cuboidal stratified Epithelium(B) Startified squamous(C) Simple columnar (D) Simple squamous

22. Choroid of eye lined by :(A) Cuboidal Epithelium (B) Squamous Epithelium(C) Ciliated Epithelium (D) Columnar Epithelium

23. Brush border Epithelium (Microvilli containing) foundin:(A) PCT (B) Loop of henle(C) Collecting duct (D) Bowman's capsule

24. Epithelium of Retina & Thyroid is made up of whichtype of cells :(A) Squamous + Cuboidal(B) Columnar + Cuboidal(C) Columnar + squamous(D) Only Cuboidal

25. Characteristic of simple epithelium is :(A) They are arranged in discriminately(B) They make a definite layer(C) Continue to divide and help in organ function(D) Never divide

26. Who is founder of microscopic anatomy :(A) Bichat (B) Ruysch(C) Malpighi (D) Hartwig

27. Tesselated epithelium is present in:(A) Ependymal membrane(B) Endothelium(C) Schnederian membrane(D) Alveoli of lungs

28. Basement membrane of epithelium tissue is composedof:(A) Lypoprotein (B) Polypeptide(C) Mucopolysaccharide(D) Mucopolysaccharide and glycoprotein

29. Germinal epithelium is composed of :(A) Cubodial epithelium(B) Columner epithelium(C) Squamous epithelium(D) Glandular epithelium

30. Inner line of vagina is composed of :(A) Stratified ciliated columnar epithelium(B) Cubodial epithelium(C) Simple squamous epithelium(D) Stratified squamous epithelium

31. Secretory part of sweat gland is composed of :(A) Cuboidal epithelium(B) Columner epithelium(C) Pseudostratified epithelium(D) Squamous epithelium

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32. Glands of vertebrates are originated from :(A) Ectodermal (B) Endodermal(C) Mesodermal (D) All the above

33. Select the false statement with respect to epithelialtissue.(A) It has a free surface(B) It faces body fluids sometimes(C) It faces the external environment sometimes(D) it sometimes forms middle structure part of or-gans

34. Gall bladder lined by :(A) Simple columner epithelium(B) Stratified columner epithelium(C) Brush border columner epithelium(D) Brush border cuboidal epithelium

35. Which one is a apocrine gland :(A) Oil gland (B) Mammary gland(C) Goblet cell (D) Parotid gland

36. Inner lining of stomach, rectum and colon is made of:(A) Simple squamous epithelium(B) Simple cuboidal epithelium(C) Simple columner epithelium(D) Pseudostratified epithelium

37. Wall of Bowman's capsule in nephron is made up of(A) Cuboidal epithelium(B) Columner epithelium(C) Squamous epithelium(D) Glandular epithelium

38. Lining of salivary glands is made up of :(A) Stratified Squamous epithelium(B) Stratified Cuboidal epithelium(C) Stratified columner epithelium(D) Transitional epithelium

39. Duct of mammary gland is composed of:(A) Stratified cuboidal epithelium(B) Stratified columnar epithelium(C) Stratified squamous epithelium(D) Pseudostratified epithelium

40. Which of the following is made up of cube like cells?(A) Epithelium of fallopian tubes(B) Epithelium of PCT(C) Epithelium of stomach(D) Epithelium of alveoli

41. Sweat glands of human being originate from:(A) Ectoderm (B) Mesoderm(C) Endoderm (D) All the above

42. Mesothelium or peritoneum originate from:(A) Ectoderm (B) Endoderm(C) Ectomesoderm (D) Mesoderm

43. Vesicles of thyroid gland is composed of:(A) Simple squamous epithelium(B) Simple cuboidal epithelium(C) Stratified squamous epithelium(D) Stratified cuboidal epithelium

44. Which gland secretes chemical by simple diffusion:(A) Apocrine gland (B) Holocrine gland(C) Merocrine gland (D) Oil gland

45. Compound squamous epithelium occurs in(A) Stomach (B) Pharynx(C) Intestine (D) Trachea

46. Epithelial tissue is(A) Protective covering(B) Reproductive structure(C) Nerve cells (D) Corpuscles.

47. Stratified and nonkeratinised squamous epitheliumoccurs in(A) Epidermis of skin (B) Vagina and cervix(C) Buccal cavity (D) Both 2 and 3.

48. Basement membrane is formed of(A) Epidermal cells (B) Endodermal cells(C) Both 1 and 2(D) None of the above but present below epithelialcells.

49. Regeneration after injury is absent in(A) Nervous tissue (B) Skin epidermis(C) Tendon (D) Smooth muscles

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50. Brush border epithelium occurs in(A) Trachea (B) Stomach(C) Small intestine (D) Fallopian tube

51. Adjacent epithelial cells are held together by meansof(A) Liposomes(B) Glyoxisomes/glyoxysomes(C) Desmosomes (D) Microsomes

52. Vertebrate salivary glands and exocrine part of pan-creas are(A) Apocrine (B) Holocrine(C) Epicrine (D) Merocrine

53. Simple epithelium is made of(A) Noncellular layer of hyaluronic acid(B) Actively dividing cells(C) Loosely arranged cells(D) Compactly packed single layer of cells.

54. Sebaceous glands are(A) Apocrine (B) Holocrine(C) Merocrine (D) Endocrine

55. Characteristic of epithelial tissues is(A) Never produce glands(B) Cells can undergo rapid divisions(C) Abundant vascularisation(D) Large intercellular spaces.


56. Volkmann's canal Inter connect :(A) Bone marrow(B) 3rd & 4th ventricle of Brain(C) Central canals & 4th ventricle(D) Haversian canals

57. Our heart consists of :-(i) Epithelial tissue(ii) Connective tissue(iii) Muscular tissue(iv) Neural tissue(A) Only ii (B) i & iii only(C) ii, iii, iv only (D) All of these

58. Supportive connective tissue means :(A) Tendon (B) Cartiiage & Bone(C) Ligaments (D) Blood & Lymph

59. Inter vertebral disc are composed of :(A) Hyaline cartilage(B) Elastic cartilage(C) White fibrous cartilage(D) Calcified cartilage

60. Epiglottis is composed of(A) Hyaline cartilage(B) White fibro cartilage(C) Both(D) Elastic cartilage

61. Calcified cartilage found in :(A) Pubis of frog(B) Diaphysis (shaft of long Bone)(C) Articular surface of long Bone(D) None

62. Decalcified Bone is(A) Bone with organic matter(B) Bone with Inorganic matter(C) Bone without living cells(D) Bone without periostium

63. Femur & Humerus are :-(A) Membranous Bone(B) Investing Bone(C) Cartilagenous Bone(D) Sesamoid Bone

64. Pattlela is largest :-(A) Membranous Bone (Develop in dermis)(B) Cartilage Bone (Replacing Bone)(C) Heterotypic Bone (Visceral Bone)(D) Sesamoid Bone (Develop in Tendon)

65. Epiphysis & Diaphysis of bone is :-(A) End and shaft of long bone respectiveily(B) Shaft & end of long bone respectivily(C) Head & neck of long bone(D) Spongy bone only

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66. Clavicle is :-(A) Membranous bone (B) Cartilagenous bone(C) Visceral bone (D) Sesamoid bone

67. Haversian canal contain :(A) Blood vessels and Nerves(B) Blood vessels only(C) Lymphatic only(D) Connective tissue only

68. All the following cells produces collagen except :(A) Osteoblast (B) Chondroblast(C) Fibroblast (D) Mast cells

69. Alveoli has :(A) Yellow fibrous connective tissue(B) White fibrous connective tissue(C) Areolar connective tissue(D) Adipose connective tissue

70. Wharton jelly in umblical cord is :(A) Mucoid connective tissue(B) Reticular connective tissue(C) Areolar connective tissue(D) Adipose connective tissue

71. Vitreous humour is :-(A) Reticular (B) Areolar(C) Adipose(D) Mucoid connective tissue

72. Fibro blast secretes :(A) Matrix (B) Fibres(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Cells

73. Scavanger cells of alveoli called :(A) Melanophage(B) Monocytes / Macrophage(C) Dust cell(D) Microglial cell

74. Mast cell secreat :(A) Anticoagulant: Heparin(B) Vasodilator: Histamine(C) Vaso constrictor: Serotonin(D) All of the above

75. Matrix of cartilage produced by :(A) Chondrocytes(B) Chondro clasts(C) Osteocytes (D) Histiocytes

76. Which of following is lack of blood supply :(A) Bone (B) Cartilage(C) Connective tissue (D) All

77. In Hyaline cartilage matrix is :(A) Granular (B) Transparent(C) Agranular (D) Semi transparent

78. Sprain of body is due to pulling of :(A) Muscles (B) Ligaments(C) Tendon (D) Nerves

79. Haversian canal occur in :(A) Humerus (B) Pubis(C) Scapula (D) Clavicles

80. Protein present in cartilage & bone :(A) Chondrin & ossein respectively(B) Chondrotin sulphate(C) Cartilagein(D) None

81. Which type of connective tissue present in the wallof bronchiole :(A) White fibrous connective tissue(B) Areolar connective tissue(C) Yellow fibrous connective tissue(D) Reticular connective tissue

82. Macrophages of spleen are :(A) Microgleal cell (B) Dust cell(C) Reticular cel l (D) Monocyte cell

83. Hypodermis of Human skin is composed of :(A) Mucoid connective tissue(B) Adipose connective tissue(C) Areolar connective tissue(D) Pigmented connective tissue

84. Skeletal tissue originated from which embryonic ger-minal layer :(A) Ectoderm (B) Mesoderm(C) Endoderm (D) All the above

85. Scavanger cell of connective tissue proper is called as(A) Fibroblast cell (B) Mast cell(C) Plasma cell (D) Macrophages

86. Septa which connect skin with underlaying muscleare made up of :(A) Epithelium tissue(B) Yellow fibrous connective tissue(C) Adipose connective tissue(D) Areolar connective tissue

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87. Which protein is present in largest amount in humanbody :(A) Collagen (B) Elastin(C) Albumin (D) Keratin

88. Endosteum is composed of :(A) White fibrous connective tissue(B) Reticular connective tissue(C) Yellow fibrous connective tissue(D) Areolar connective tissue

89. Matrix of connective tissue proper is secreted by(A) Mast cell (B) Fibroblast cell(C) Fibrocyte cell (D) All the above

90. Yellow fibers are present in :(A) Arrange in bundles(B) Singly and branched(C) Singly and unbranched(D) Unbranched & arrange in bundles

91. Arzyrophill fibers are present in :(A) In spleen (B) In tendons(C) In ligament (D) In blood vessel

92. Strongest ligament of human body is :(A) Ligamentum flava(B) Ilio-femoral Ligament(C) Ligamentum nuchae(D) Ligamentum arteriosis

93. The covering of articular cartilage is made up of :(A) Areolar connective tissue(B) Yellow fibrous connective tissue(C) White fibrous connective tissue(D) Reticular connective tissue

94. Maximum cartilage of larynx are the example of(A) Calcified cartilage(B) Elastic cartilage(C) White fibro cartilage(D) Hyaline cartilage

95. Which of the folloWing are specialised connectivetissue :(A) Cartilage (B) Bone(C) Blood (D) All

96. Protoplasmic process of osteocytes are present in(A) Central canal (B) Volkman canal(C) Haversion canal (D) Canaliculi

97. Condrin is composed of :(A) Condrotin- 6-sulphate and ossein(B) MAG and GA(C) Condrotin- 6-sulphate and hyluronic acid(D) Condrotin- 6-sulphate and condrocyte)

98. Histiocyte of brain is :(A) Reticular cell (B) Microgleal cell(C) Hessel's granule (D) Monocyte

99. Most of the cells present in areolar connective tissue are :(A) Mast cell (B) Plasma cell(C) Fibroblast (D) Macrophages

100. Cartilage is present in :(A) Between adjacent bones of vertebral column andlimb(B) In middle of the long bone(C) Both (D) None

101. Spleen and lymph nodes are made up of :(A) Areolar connective tissue(B) White fibrous connective tissue(C) Reticular fibrous connective tissue(D) Mucoid connective tissue

102. Which structure composed of yellow fibrous cartilage(A) Thyroid (B) Cricoid(C) Epiglottis (D) Tracheal rings

103. Heparin is :(A) Protein (B) Fat(C) Carbohydrate (D) Mucopolysacchride

104. Transverse channels present in long bones ofmammals :(A) Osteal's canal (B) Haversian's canal(C) Volkmann's canal (D) Vascular canal

105. Which cartilage present on the end of long bone :-(A) Hyaline cartilage (B) Fibrous cartilage(C) Calcified cartilage (D) Elastic cartilage

106. Which of the following have hard and non pliableground substance :(A) Cartilages (B) Bones(C) Both (D) Areolar tissues

107. Marcophages of Lymphnodes are:(A) Dust cell (B) Monocyte(C) Reticular cell (D) Kupffer cell

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108. Mammalian pinna is supported by(A) Hyaline cartilage(B) Calcified cartilage(C) Elastic cartilage(D) White fibrous connective tissue.

109. Connective tissue belongs to(A) Ectoderm (B) Mesoderm(C) Endoderm (D) All of the above.

110. Which one is unrelated?(A) Keratin (B) Elastin(C) Dextrin (D) Collagen

111. Protein present in cartilage is(A) Cartilagin (B) Chondrin(C) Ossein (D) Casein

112. Ends of two long bones are 'connected' by(A) Cartilage (B) Muscles(C) Ligaments (D) Tendons.

113. Regeneration of cartilage can occur from its(A) Matrix (B) Plasma(C) Perichondrium(D) A piece without perichondrium

114. Mast cells occur in(A) Connective tissue (B) Epithelial tissue(C) Skeletal tissue (D) Nervous tissue.

115. White fibrous tissue is(A) Nervous (B) Muscular(C) Ligaments (D) Tendons.

116. Loose conective tissue is(A) Areolar (B) Bone(C) Blood (D) Cartilage.

117. Ligament is(A) Modified white fibrous tissue(B) Solid white fibrous tissue(C) Modified elastic connective tissue(D) None of the above.

118. Cartilage present in trachea , larynx and bronchi is(A) Fibrous (B) Elastic(C) Hyaline (D) Calcified.

119. Cartilage is(A) Nonvascular (B) Poorly vascular(C) Highly vascular (D) Irregularly vascular.

120. An anticoagulant is(A) Heparin (B) Hirudin(C) EDTA (D) All the above

121. Collagen and elastin are formed by(A) Macrophages (B) Fibroblasts(C) Mast cells (D) Chondrocytes

122. Which is not a component of areolar tissue(A) Macrophage (B) Plasma cell(C) Schwann cell (D) Adipose cell.

123. Bones are mainly formed of(A) Calcuim and Magnesium(B) Calcium and Phosphorus(C) Calcium and Sulphur(D) Calcium and Iron.

124. Nasal septum gets damaged. Its recovery requirescartilage called :(A) Fibrous cartilage (B) Elastic cartilage(C) Hyaline cartilage (D) Calcified cartilage.

125. What will happen if ligaments are cut or broken :(A) Bones will move freely at joints(B) No movement at joint(C) Bone will become unfix(D) Bone will become fixed

126. Which one of the following contains thelargest quantity of extracellular material :-(A) Striated muscle(B) Areolar tissue(C) Stratified epithelium(D) Myelinated nerve fibres

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Exercise - 2 NCERT Based Questions

1 . How many of the following junctions are found inepithelium tissue :-Tight junction, Gap junction, Adhering and Interdigitation.(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1

2 . Read the following (1-4) statements.(1) It is made of more than one layer (multi-layered)of cells.(2) It has a limited role in secretion and absorption.(3) Their main function is to provide protection againstchemical and mechanical stress(4) It covers the dry surface of the skin and the moistsurface of buccal cavity.How many of the above statements are correct forcompound epithelium :-(A) Four (B) Three(C) Two (D) One

3 . How many of the following substances are secretedby exocrine glands.mucus, thyroxine, saliva, earwax, insulin, oil, milk,digestive enzymes,melatonin and adrenalin :-(A) Four (B) Five(C) Six (D) Seven

4 . Which connective tissues are present beneath the skin(1) Areolar tissue(2) Adipose tissue(3) Dense irregular connective tissue(A) Only 2 (B) Only 1(C) Only 1 and 2 (D) All 1, 2 and 3

5 . Read the following (A-D) statements :-(1) Connective tissue are most abundant and widelydistributed in the body of complex animals(2) They are named connective tissues because oftheir special function of linking and supporting othertissues/organs of the body(3) They range from soft connective tissues tospecialised types, which include cartilage, bone,adipose and blood(4) The cells of connective tissue secrete modifiedpolysaccharides , which accumulate between cellsand fibres and act as matrixHow many of the following statements are correct :-(A) Four (B) Three(C) Two (D) One

6 . Identify the given below tissue with its type and selectthe right option for the two together

Option:Tissue Type

(A) Cartilage Specialised connectivetissue

(B) Tendon Dense irregularconnective tissue

(C) Ligament Dense regularconnective tissue

(D) Bone Specialised connectivetissue

7 . Which of the following is incorrect statement for thesimple columnar epithelium :-(A) It is composed of a single layer of tall and slendercells(B) Their nuclei are located at the base(C) Free surface may have microvilli(D) They are found in the walls of blood vessels andair sac of lungs

8 . Connective tissues includes :-(a) Cartilage (b) Bone(c) Adipose tissue (d) Blood(A) a, b, and d(B) a, band c(C) b and d(D) All a,b,c and d

9 . In multicellular animals a group of similar cells alongwith intercellular substances perform a specificfunction such an organisation is called :-(A) Tissue(B) Organ(C) Body (D) Organ system

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10. Identify the figure of animal tissue given below, alongwith it's correct location :-

Tissue Location(A) Dense regular Heart

Connective tissue(B) Dense irregular At bone joints

Connective tissue(C) Adipose tissue Beneath skin(D) Areolar connective Beneath skin


11. The four sketches (A, B, C and D) given belowrepresent four different types of animal tissues. Whichone of these is correctly identified in the option givenalong with its correct location and function

(1) (2)

(3) (4)Tissue Location Function

(A) 2 Simple Fallopian tube Transportsquamous of gameteepithelium

(B) 3 Simple Wall of blood Diffusioncuboidial Vessels and boundaryepithelium air sac of lungs

(C) 4 Compound Skin Protectionepithelium

(D) 1 Simple Tubular part Secretioncolumnar of nephronEpithelium

12. Read the following (1 - 4) Statements :-(1) Tight junctions help to stop substances from leakingacross a tissue(2) Adhering junctions perform cementing to keepneighbouring cells together.(3) The simple epithelium consists of two or morecell layers and has protective function.(4) The columnar epithelium is made of a single layerof flattened cells with irregular boundariesHow many of the above statements are correct(A) Four (B) Three(C) Two (D) One

13. Identify the glands (1) and (2) shown below and selectthe right option for location and function:-

(1) (2)Gland Location Function

(A) Unicellular Alveoli SecreteGland Saliva

(B) Multicellular Oesophagus Secretegland enzyme

(C) Multicellular Alimentary Secretegland Canal Mucous

(D) Multicellular Buccal Secretegland Cavity Saliva

14. Which of the following is correct match of epithelialtissue?

(A) Squamous Bronchiole andepithelium fallopian tube

(B) Columnar Ducts of glandsepithelium and tubular part

of nephron(C) Cuboidial Walls of blood

epithelium vessels and airsacs of lungs

(D) Compound Buccal cavityepithelium and pharynx

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44 | Theory and Exercise Book

15. Read the following (1 - 4) statements ;-(1) Areolar tissue present beneath the skin(2) Adipose tissue is a type of dense connective tissue(3) Tendons attach one bone to another(4) Ligaments attach skeletal muscles to bonesHow many of the above statements are incorrect:-(A) Four (B) Three(C) Two (D) One

16. Ligament connects:(A) Bone to bone (B) Bone to muscle(C) Muscle to muscle (D) Both B and C

17. Mammary glands are modified :(A) Sweat gland (B) Sebaceous gland(C) Lacrymal gland (D) Endocrine gland

18. The tissue which forms the basic structure oflymphoid organs , spleen etc, is :(A) Lymphoid tissue (B) Cartilage tissue(C) Elastic tissue (D) Areolar tissue

19. Haversian canal is situated in(A) Glandular connective tissue(B) Skeletal connective tissue(C) Fibrous connective tissue(D) Nervous tissue

20. Stratified squammous epithelium is found in:(A) Pharynx (B) Trachea(C) Ileum(D) Bowman's capsule

21. Collagen fibres are secreted by :(A) Mast cells (B) Macrophage(C) Histiocytes (D) Fibroblasts

22. Haversian canal is found in the bone of :(A) Mammals (B) Reptiles(C) Aves (D) Pices

23. Tendons and ligaments are specialized types of(A) Nervous tissue(B) Epithelial tissue(C) Muscular tissue(D) Fibrous connective tissue

24. Which one of the following is transparent tissue?(A) Tendon (B) Ligament(C) Fibrous cartilage (D) Hyaline cartilage

25. Ciliated epithelium is present in(A) Trachea (B) Ureter(C) Intestine (D) Nasal chamber

26. Difference between bone and cartilage is(A) Haversian canal (B) Blood vessel(C) Lymph vessel (D) None of these

27. Minimum regeneration power is present in(A) Nervous tissue (B) Connective tissue(C) Epithelial tissue (D) Muscular tissue

28. Which of the following cells of connective tissuesecrete antibodies?(A) Mast cells (B) Reticular cells(C) Adipose cells (D) Plasma cells

29. The cavities of brain are lined by(A) Cuboidal cells(B) Polygonal cells(C) Ependymal cells(D) Simple squamous cells

30. Ligament is mainly made up of(A) Reticulin (B) Elastin(C) Myosin (D) Collagen

31. Which is a sesamoid bone?(A) Patella (B) Femur(C) Ulna (D) Pubis

32. Mammary glands are modified :(A) Holocrine(B) Merocrine(C) Simple branched alveolar(D) Compound tubulo-alveolar

33. The main function of ligament is :(A) Joining of two bones(B) Joining of muscles(C) Joining of muscle to bone(D) Joining of muscle to nerves

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34. The type of epithelium found in conjunctiva of eye is(A) Stratified cuboidal(B) Stratified columnar(C) Stratified squamons(D) Transitional epithelium

35. Haversian canals are found in the :(A) Bones of birds(B) Bones of mammals(C) Bones of frog(D) Cartilage

36. Volkmann's canals are found in :-(A) Bones of birds(B) Bones of amphilbians(C) Bones of mammals(D) Cartilage of mammals

37. An example of merocrine gland is(A) Sebaceous gland(B) Pineal gland(C) Salivary gland(D) Mammary gland

38. Bones formed by ossification of a tendon is called(A) Membrane bone (B) Sesamoid bone(C) Dermal bone (D) Cartilage

39. Epithelial tissues are arise from:(A) Ectoderm (B) Endoderm(C) Mesoderm (D) All the aboves

40. White adipose tissue contains:(A) Multilocular fat cells(B) Bilocular fat cells(C) Unilocular fat cells(D) Alocular fat cells

41. In human fibrous cartilage is found abundantly(A) Hyaline cartilage of joints(B) Nostrils(C) Intervertebral discs(D) External ear

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Exercise - 3 AIPMT & NEET Previous Year Questions

AIPMT (MAINS) – 2012

8 . Given below is the diagrammatic sketch of a certain

type of connective tissue. Identify the parts labelled

A, B, C and D, and select the right option about them.





Options:Part-I Part-II Part-III Part-IV

(A) Macro- Collagen Fibroblast Mast cellphage fibres

(B) Mast cell Collagen Fibroblast Macro fibres phage

(C) Macro- Fibroblast Collagen Mast cellphage fibres

(D) Mast cell Macro- Fibroblast Collagen phage fibres

9 . The four sketches (A,B,C and D) given below,

represent four different types of animal tissues. Whichone of these is correctly identified in the options given,

along with its correct location and function?

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Tissue Location Function

AIPMT – 2006

1 . Areolar connective tissue joins :-(A) Fat body with muscles(B) Integument with muscles(C) Bones with muscles

(D) Bones with bones2 . Mast cells secrete -

(A) Hippurin (B) Myoglobin(C) Histamine (D) Hemoglobin

AIPMT – 2007

3 . In which one of the following preparations are youlikely to come across cell junctions most frequently?(A) Hyaline cartilage (B) Ciliated epithelium(C) Thrombocytes (D) Tendon

AIPMT – 2009

4 . The cell junctions called tight, adhering and gapjunctions are found in :-(A) Neural tissue (B) Muscular tissue(C) Connective tissue (D) Epithelial tissue

5 . The kind of tissue that forms the supportive structurein our pinna (external ears) is also found in :-

(A) Tip of the nose (B) Vertebrae(C) Nails (D) Ear ossicles

6 . The epithelial tissue present on the inner surface ofbronchioles and fallopian tubes is :-(A) Squamous (B) Cuboidal

(C) Glandular (D) Ciliated

AIPMT (PRE.) – 2010

7 . The kind of epithelium which forms the inner walls ofblood vessels is :(A) squamous epithelium(B) cuboidal epithelium(C) columnar epithelium(D) ciliated columnar epithelium

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(A) (4) Smooth HeartHeart

muscle contraction


(B) (1) Columnar Nephron Secretion


epithelium absorption absorption

(C) (2) Glandular Intestine Secretion


(D) (3) Collagen cartilage Attach

fibres skeletal

muscles to


10. The supportive skeletal structures in the humanexternal ears and in the nose tip are examples of :-

(A) bone (B) cartilage

(C) ligament (D) areolar tissue

AIPMT – 2014

11. Choose the correctly matched pair :-

(A) Tendon-Specialized connective tissue

(B) Adipose tissue - Dense connective tissue

(C) Areolar tissue - Loose connective tissue

(D) Cartilage-Loose connective tissue

RE-AIPMT – 2015

12. The function of the gap junction is to :(A) stop substance from leaking across a tissue(B) performing cementing to keep neighbouring cellstogether(C) Facilitate communication between adjoining cellsby connecting the cytoplasm for rapid transfer of ions,small molecules and some large molecules(D) separate two cells from each other,

NEET PHASE-(I) – 2016

13. Which type of tissue correctly matches with its


Tissue Location

(A) Smooth muscle Wall of intestine

(B) Areolar tissue Tendons

(C) Transitional epithelium Tip of nose

(D) Cuboidal epithelium Lining of stomach

NEET- 201814. Which of the following features is used to indentify

a male cockroach from a female cockroach?

(A) Forewings with darker tegmina

(B) Presence of caudal styles

(C) Presence of a boat shaped sternum on the 9th

abdominal segment

(D) Presence of anal cerci

NEET- 201915. The ciliated epithelial cell are reuired to move

particles or mucus in a specific direction. Inhumans, these cells are mainly present in:(A) Eustachian tube and Salivary duct(B) Bronchioles and Fallopian tubes(C) Bile duct and Bronchioles(D) Fallopian tube and Pancreatic duct

16. Select the correct sequesnce of organs inthe alimentary canal of cockroach startingfrom mouth:

(A) Pharyn Oesophagus Gizzard IleumCrop Colon Rectum

(B) Pharynx Oesophagus Ileum CropGizzard Colon Rectum

(C) Pharynx Oesophagus Crop Gizzard Ileum Colon Rectum

(D) Pharynx Oesophagus Gizzard Crop Ileum Colon Rectum

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AIIMS – 2006

1 . The type of epithelial cells which line the inner surfaceof fallopian tubes, bronchioles and small bronchi areknown as :-(A) Squamous epithelium(B) Columnar epithelium

(C) Ciliated epithelium(D) Cubical epithelium

AIIMS – 2010

2 . What is the similarity between bronchi and fallopiantube?(A) Pseudostratified epithelium(B) Ciliated epithelium(C) Cuboidal epithelium(D) Columnar epithelium

AIIMS – 2011

3 . Tendon and ligaments are example of -(A) Dense regular connective tissue.(B) Dense irregular connective tissue.(C) Loose connective tissue.(D) Specialised connective tissue.


Directions for Assertion & Reason questions

These questions consist of two statements each,

printed as Assertion and Reason. While answering

these Questions you are required to choose anyone

of the following four responses.

(A) If both Assertion & Reason are True & the Reason

is a correct explanation of the Assertion.

(B) If both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason is

not a correct explanation of the Assertion.

(C) If Assertion is True but the Reason is False.

(D) If both Assertion & Reason are false.

4. Assertion :- Lymphocyte cells of connective tissueproper are called as cart wheel cells.Reason :- Lymphocyte cell is largest cell ofconnective tissue proper.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

5. Assertion :- Lymphocytes are the largest corpuscles.Reason :- Nucleus of lymphocyte is large and kidneyshaped.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

6. Assertion :- Ureter and Urinary bladder are lined withTransitional Epithelium.Reason :- Transitional Epithelium rest directly onConnective tissue.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

7. Assertion :- Calcified cartilage is formed by thecalcification of hyaline cartilage.Reason :- Calcified cartilage is the strongestcartilage.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

8. Assertion :- Reticular fibrous connective Tissue iscalled as embryonic tissue .Reason :- Reticular fibrous connective tissue ismainly found in embryonic stage.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

9. Assertion :- New Born baby is resistant for cold.Reason :- The immune system of new born baby isvery well developed.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

10. Assertion :- Simple columnar epithelium is also calledas Germinal epithelium.Reason :- Columnar cells of gonads forms gametes.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

11. Assertion :- Epithelia are highly regenerative.Reason :- When epithelia gets damaged theyregenerate more rapidly than other Tissue.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

12. Assertion :- Bone and cartilage are rigid connectivetissueReason :- Blood is a connective tissue with fluid matrix.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

Exercise - 4 AIIMS | Assertion & Reason Questions

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13. Assertion :- Glands originate from all germinal layers.Reason :- All glands are composed of epitheliumtissue.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

14. Assertion :- Brown fat produces more energy.Reason :- Brown fat composed of monolocularAdipocyte(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

15. Assertion :- Simple cuboidal epithelium is also calledas germinal epitheliumReason :- Cuboidal cells of gonads forms gametes.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

16. Assertion :- Mucoid connective tissue is called asembryonic tissue.Reason :- Mucoid connective tissue is mainly foundin embryonic stage.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

17. Assertion :- Epithelium cells get their nutrientes fromAdjacent cells.Reason :- In epithelium tissue large intercellularspaces are present.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

18. Assertion :- Urinary Bladder is lined by transitionalepithelium.Reason :- Transitional epithelium keeps the size ofthe bladder constant at all times.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

19. Assertion :- Patella bone of knee is a sesamoid boneReason :- Skull bones and clavical bones aremembranous bones(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

20. Assertion :- Epiphysis of long bone is haemopoieticReason :- In epiphysis yellow bone marrow ispresent which produce blood corpuscles(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

21. Assertion :- Perichondrium in white fibrous cartilageis absent.Reason :- Perichondrium is a white fibrousconnective tissue.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

22. Assertion :- Fibrous cartilage posses thick densebundle of collagen fibre in matrix.Reason :- Fibrous cartilage is the hardest cartilage.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

23. Assertion :- All diploic bones of body arehaemopoietic.Reason :- Red bone marrow is present in the diploicbone.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

24. Assertion :- Most of bones of body are cartilagenous.Reason :- Connective tissue originated first duringembryonic development.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

25. Assertion :- Squamous epithelium helps in glomerularfiltration.Reason :- It forms inner lining of Bowman's capsule.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

26. Assertion :- Lower most layer of stratified squamoustissue is known as Germinative layer.Reason :- Lower most layer of stratified tissue ismostly cuboidal in shape and rest directly onconnective tissue.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

27. Assertion :- Cells of epithelium tissue rest on a thinbasement membrane.Reason :- Basement membrane has both fibrous andbasal lamina part secreted by connective tissue andepithelial tissue respectively.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

28. Assertion :- Originwise hair are epithelial tissue whichare of ectodermal origin .Reason :- Epithelial tissue can be formed frommesoderm and endoderm also.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

29. Assertion :- Mast cells are undifferent iated cells ofconnective tissue proper.Reason :- Mast cells modified to form other cells ofconnective tissue proper.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

30. Assertion :- Blood circulation is absent in epithelium.Reason :- Power of regeneration is absent inepithelium.(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

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50 | Theory and Exercise Book

ANSWER KEYExercise - 1 Objective Problems


1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. A8. D 9. A 10. A 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. A15. A 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. A22. A 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. C 27. B 28. D29. A 30. D 31. A 32. D 33. D 34. C 35. B36. C 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. B 41. A 42. D43. B 44. C 45. B 46. A 47. D 48. D 49. A50. C 51. C 52. D 53. D 54. B 55. B

CONNECTIVE TISSUE56. D 57. D 58. B 59. C 60. D 61. A 62. A63. C 64. D 65. A 66. A 67. A 68. D 69. A70. A 71. D 72. C 73. C 74. D 75. A 76. B77. D 78. B 79. A 80. A 81. C 82. C 83. C84. B 85. D 86. D 87. A 88. B 89. D 90. B91. A 92. B 93. C 94. D 95. D 96. D 97. C98. B 99. C 100. A 101. C 102. C 103. D 104. C105. A 106. B 107. C 108. C 109. B 110. C 111. B112. C 113. C 114. A 115. D 116. A 117. C 118. C119. A 120. D 121. B 122. C 123. B 124. C 125. C

126. B

Exercise - 2 NCERT Based Questions

1. A 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. D8. D 9. A 10. D 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. D15. B 16. A 17. A 18. A 19. B 20. A 21. D22. A 23. D 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. D29. C 30. B 31. A 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B

36. C 37. C 38. B 39. D 40. C 41. C

Exercise - 3 AIPMT & NEET Previous Year Questions

1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. A

8. C 9. C 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. B15. B 16. C

Exercise - 4 AIIMS | Assertion & Reason Questions

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. C

8. D 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. C

15. A 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. C 21. B

22. C 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. B

29. D 30. C

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