Strive to Thrive 90 Day Factory Boot Camp

90 Day Factory Fitness Boot Camp Your chance to get your factory sorted quickly … the way you have always wanted!

Transcript of Strive to Thrive 90 Day Factory Boot Camp

Page 1: Strive to Thrive 90 Day Factory Boot Camp

90 Day Factory FitnessBoot Camp

Your chance to get your factory sorted quickly … the way you have always wanted!

Page 2: Strive to Thrive 90 Day Factory Boot Camp

Business Coaching for Small Manufacturers

Does this look familiar?Do you operate a small manufacturing business

and need a better organised factory?

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Business Coaching for Small Manufacturers

A Sustainable Solution!Would you like a solution so good that your factory will not slip back into that unorganised state again?

You can have that perfectly organized and tidy factory you

have always wanted ..

I can show you how!

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Business Coaching for Small Manufacturers

Stop losing money!I can help you save $1000’s on lost production time each month and put this

saving directly into your profits.

The typical factory looses 6 weeks per employee per year in lost time due to disorganisation. You can quickly do the maths to see how much you are

loosing each year

Page 5: Strive to Thrive 90 Day Factory Boot Camp

Business Coaching for Small Manufacturers

How do we do this?o First lets meet up and have a talk and work out the best plan

of action. o We will develop an action plan for you and I will assist your

team to implement every step of the way.o In just 5 easy steps you will see a new factory that stays that

way for good !o Within a very short period of time you will have a factory you

can be proud of any day or time of the week.Don’t be worried if a customer looks at your factory any more

because you will know it looks awesome and will empress them!

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Business Coaching for Small Manufacturers


Design the Perfect Workflow

Clean It Up Until it Shines

The New Norm

Maintain the Standard

5 easy steps

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Business Coaching for Small Manufacturers

Step 1 - Decluttero We sort our all

the unneeded items :o Scraps and off-

cutso Old unused

machineryo Anything that

does not have a specific need

Get rid of all the clutter so you can see what you are doing and work


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Business Coaching for Small Manufacturers

Step 2 – Design the Perfect workflow

Design the perfect layout so

everything flows

Create the perfect workflow environment

Mark locations for things

Make it easy to find things and put

them back

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Business Coaching for Small Manufacturers

Step 3 – So Clean It Shines

Make it clean..Very clean..

So clean it shines !

Make it clean- keep it clean

Paint lines for walkways

Create a roster for staff to follow to

keep things clean

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Business Coaching for Small Manufacturers

Step 4 - The new norm!o Create rosters for people to

follow so things get maintained on a regular basis

o Make these new standards part of your new culture

o Everyone has great ideas … everyone is responsible for their own areas improvements and standards.

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Business Coaching for Small Manufacturers

Step 5 – Maintain the New Standardo Make this new “norm” the

old “norm” and look for new ways to improve on this againo Regularly check the

standards are being kept up and if not, force the bar back up again!

o Talk about these things in your regular meetings .. And if you don't have regular meetings , start them !

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Business Coaching for Small Manufacturers

Why would you do this?• Happier, safer & more

productive staff

• Happier customers

• More profit

• All of this will make you very happy!

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Business Coaching for Small Manufacturers

How to start?1. Call, message, email, PM me so we

can have a chat and set up a schedule

2. For the next 3 months I will coach you and your staff on exactly what to do

3. I will provide initial training session to all staff and weekly/daily guidance to keep things on track and keep everyone accountable

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Business Coaching for Small Manufacturers

Contact Me

oBruce Poling – 0439 249 007oE –

[email protected]

oCall now, lets get started