
QUOTES : Stress should be a powerful driving force, not an obstacle. "Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world." "If you can change your mind, you can change your life." “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. Stress is the response of the body to certain changes that requires an adjustment physical, mental or psychological. Stress has a notable characteristic that hinders in many vital functions of the body like that of the immune system. Studies suggested that people who are subject to stress is most often more at risk to illnesses and other conditions like allergy, autoimmune response and even conditions related to the cardiovascular system. Stress slows the activity of the body. A person subjected to stress would normally manifests difficulties related to the digestive and immune system. Stress also affects the person not just physiologically but emotionally and psychologically as well. Many illnesses may have been a result of weakened immune system due to stress. Aromatherapy offers a potentially good alternative treatment to stress less the side effects due to its natural origin. What Causes Stress Life is difficult, this is a fact we must acknowledge. It is sad but true that with living come other factors like uncertainty, depression and fear. All this is life on its own so it is important to know how we will be able to cope with these.

Transcript of Stressfff

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Stress should be a powerful driving force, not an obstacle.

"Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world."

"If you can change your mind, you can change your life."

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.

Stress is the response of the body to certain changes that requires an adjustment physical, mental or psychological.

Stress has a notable characteristic that hinders in many vital functions of the body like that of the immune system. Studies suggested that people who are subject to stress is most often more at risk to illnesses and other conditions like allergy, autoimmune response and even conditions related to the cardiovascular system.

Stress slows the activity of the body. A person subjected to stress would normally manifests difficulties related to the digestive and immune system. Stress also affects the person not just physiologically but emotionally and psychologically as well.

Many illnesses may have been a result of weakened immune system due to stress. Aromatherapy offers a potentially good alternative treatment to stress less the side effects due to its natural origin.

What Causes Stress

Life is difficult, this is a fact we must acknowledge. It is sad but true that with living come other factors like uncertainty, depression and fear. All this is life on its own so it is important to know how we will be able to cope with these.

Time Magazine quoted that the generation of the current time is in the Age of Anxiety. In the bigger picture we have terrorist attacks, bomb threats and others that make uncertainty worse. In the picture of our surroundings or just yourself you see around you that many things are happening and they are not good.

Additionally, the recession being experienced by Americans at this time is not helping too. Many jobs are lost, many homes foreclosed and many other negative things like increasing prices of commodities are becoming a major problem by their entire economy. There are those citizens that needs to work on 2 jobs to make both ends meet, stressful indeed.

Widespread across the globe is the competition among students for scholarships. This will aid their parents financially and will ensure a promising future. Competition is tough and so extra effort is required.

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Experiencing stress is part of living. When it becomes bigger than we are then it becomes and issue.

Practically any situation can cause stress ranging from mild to severe. When the feeling of things getting out of hand comes this is when red flags are raised. These situations would normally create a feeling of fear in general.

Before doing anything you must believe that you are capable of doing it otherwise it will not end up good for you. Intrinsically, as human, we have the ability to do things beyond what the other species can and we have the intellect to turn the table and make things work to our advantage.

By identifying the factors affecting you or causing stress you will be able to direct appropriate treatments to solve these.

Negative self talk and negative energy can affect you in many ways and cause you additional stress. Because of this, developing more positive self talk is an important way to reduce stress in your life. You can help yourself maintain a positive frame of mind—which will help with positive self-talk—by surrounding yourself with positive energy in your life. You can get that by adding the following elements to your life:

Uplifting Music: Listening to music that not only has a soothing melody, but an uplifting message, can be great for developing positive self-talk. Have you ever had a song ‘stuck in your head’ for a few hours or days, the lyrics repeating themselves in your mind? If those lyrics were positive and inspirational, that would be a good thing. It’s a much better mental soundtrack to have than a running stream of complaints, criticisms or self-limiting thoughts, or even songs that had more depressing or sad lyrics. (When times get tough, I often think of Wilson Phillips’ classic, “Hold On”, but there are dozens of good ones out there.)

Inspirational Books: Books on strength, personal power, enlightenment, or self help can be good resources to help you change your outlook and the things you say to yourself. Rather than triggering habitual self-defeating thoughts, you can find yourself thinking of new can-do concepts when times get toughPositive People: One of the most important ways you can get (and keep) positive energy in your life is with the company you keep. Do your friends uplift you, or bring you down? Are they critical, or complementary? Ideal friendships provide support when you’re down, fun when you’re up, wisdom when you’re lost, and positive regard. Good friends can inspire you to reach greater heights, and see your strengths even when you don’t always. Pay attention to how your friends make you feel, and if they’re less than supportive, start putting your energy and time toward people who are better suited to be your friend. (For more on social support and friendships, see the Relationship Section.)

Practice Affirmations: Positive affirmations can subtly but pervasively change your self talk from negative to positive. See this article for some creative ways to begin working positive affirmations into your life.

Keep Stress at Bay: Striking a BalanceBy BEN MARTIN, PSY.D.

There is no shortage of causes of stress in today’s busy lifestyle. The percentage of employees reporting work-related burnout grew from 39 percent to 53 percent between

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1995 and 1998, according to an Aon Consulting survey. Whether generated by job, family or community obligations, stress can trigger physical problems such as heart disease, rash and digestive trouble. It also can cause what one author describes as the “general erosion of spirit.”

Avoiding all stressful situations may be an obvious solution, but it is not a practical one. Many of the sources of stress cannot be fully eliminated. While we cannot rid ourselves of workplace stress or family needs, we can adjust the time we give ourselves.

Here are some effective ways to diminish stress and derive more balance in your life:

You cannot do it all: Set limits and simplify. Step back to assess how you spend your time and consider how you can set parameters. Limit-setting is a healthy way to set your priorities and to determine realistic expectations. The benefits can be numerous: You pare down demands to manageable steps while taking charge of your time in a proactive way.

You should not do it all: Share the load. Whether at work or at home, consider what tasks on your plate could be shared. Are co-workers, associates or interns available to share the workload? Create a plan and suggest it to your manager. Offering a solution is more effective than merely presenting a problem. On the home front, consider the ways household members can pitch in. Hold a family discussion to get everyone’s thoughts about how work can be shared. Getting input moves the issue from your shoulders to a shared responsibility. Do not forget to include children in the process. Learning to assume responsibility for one’s living space is a valuable life skill.

Give yourself space: Make time for personal time. Allowing yourself some personal time can be a challenge, but it is critical to your well-being. The amount of time is less important than how you choose to spend the time. Exercising, visiting with a friend or reading a book can be rejuvenating. It offers needed perspective as a reminder that you are more than an employee, co-worker, spouse, parent, adult child, community member, sibling or friend.

Positivity in life is very important. No matter what we do, we should always have something positive to look forward to otherwise; our life can be very irritating and monotonous. You must be thinking that it's nearly impossible for you to be happy and motivated every single day, especially, in the world today where many different kinds of problems are arising. Well, it's not as hard as assumed. There's a good law becoming very popular day by day and that is the law of attraction.

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Law Of Attraction Techniques Defined

Applying The Law Of Attraction Techniques

For many, the law of attraction is fake and does not exist in reality. While, for others, this law has proven to be very fruitful. Such people look at their lives enthusiastically and everyday of their lives become exciting. They learn to start their day as a new beginning. The law of attraction is a simple way of keeping oneself positive yet realistic. It states that we attract the positive or the

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negative factors in our lives. Thus, if we keep our intentions optimistic then all the positive forces start working for us and vice versa.

This law became more famous after the release of the movie "The Secret" law of attraction -was the main theme of this movie and it was released in 2006. It was written by an Australian television writer and was produced by the famous producer Rhonda Byrne. The secret law of attraction is considered to depict one of those strong forces which (if acted upon) can change a person's life optimistically. Many people learned to make it work with their conscious creations.

People who are interested in learning more about this law can also take guidance from different law of attraction videos. These, law of attraction videos consist of recordings and clips which act as guidelines for different individuals to inspire their lives and how they can be motivated towards betterment in every aspect. A law to success is bringing positivity in your life means that you are welcoming bright intentions in your mind and you are willing to your work way through towards attracting all that's good and healthy in life and what better way can there be then encouraging all the positive forces to act for you. Make your own law of success by deciding your optimistic approach.

Many people who do not believe in this theory narrate that sometimes a person really wants something but still does not get it. That's plain hard luck they say but we should all remember the famous quote "good luck is when hard work meets opportunity". We should stay motivated for a better tomorrow. Every problem has a solution and we just need to find it. When we attract positive factors in our lives, it gives us a chance of looking at things more enthusiastically. Then, even a boring household work like cleaning the dishes or washing a car may look like a fun thing to do. Many people think of it as just another theory but remember, this theory is easy, simple and doesn't necessarily need any counselor.