Stress Management. Business Legal Reports, Inc. 0806 Session Objectives You will be able to:...

download Stress Management.  Business  Legal Reports, Inc. 0806 Session Objectives You will be able to: Identify the causes of stress Recognize the different.

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© Business & Legal Reports, Inc Tension, anxiety, worry, or fear of the unknown and things we can’t control Natural physical and emotional reaction to a challenge Positive when kept in balance Tension, anxiety, worry, or fear of the unknown and things we can’t control Natural physical and emotional reaction to a challenge Positive when kept in balance Tension, anxiety, worry, or fear of the unknown and things we can’t control Natural physical and emotional reaction to a challenge Positive when kept in balance What Is Stress?

Transcript of Stress Management. Business Legal Reports, Inc. 0806 Session Objectives You will be able to:...

Stress Management Business & Legal Reports, Inc Session Objectives You will be able to: Identify the causes of stress Recognize the different types of stress Understand how stress affects you Manage stress effectively Business & Legal Reports, Inc Tension, anxiety, worry, or fear of the unknown and things we cant control Natural physical and emotional reaction to a challenge Positive when kept in balance Tension, anxiety, worry, or fear of the unknown and things we cant control Natural physical and emotional reaction to a challenge Positive when kept in balance Tension, anxiety, worry, or fear of the unknown and things we cant control Natural physical and emotional reaction to a challenge Positive when kept in balance What Is Stress? Business & Legal Reports, Inc Stress Factors Personal problems Lifestyle changes Job problems Everyday hassles Business & Legal Reports, Inc Common Stress Incidents Driving in a traffic jam Tight deadlines and a heavy work load Unplanned financial burdens Doing something difficult for the first time A new baby on the way Unexpected illness or death Business & Legal Reports, Inc Types of Stress Acute, or short- term, stress Episodic, or perpetual, acute stress Chronic, or long- term, stress Business & Legal Reports, Inc Acute Stress Pressures and demands of past and future Thrilling and exciting in small doses Exhausting Physical and psychological symptoms Business & Legal Reports, Inc Acute Stress Symptoms Emotional distress Muscular problems Stomach and bowel problems Temporary over- arousal of nerves Business & Legal Reports, Inc Suffering frequent acute stress Too many irons in the fire Nervous energy Ceaseless worry Symptoms and treatment Episodic Acute Stress Suffering frequent acute stress Too many irons in the fire Nervous energy Ceaseless worry Symptoms and treatment Business & Legal Reports, Inc Stems from grinding, day after day stress Destroys body and mind Leads to the belief that hope is lost Leads to suicide, violence, or heart attack Chronic Stress Stems from grinding, day after day stress Destroys body and mind Leads to the belief that hope is lost Leads to suicide, violence, or heart attack Business & Legal Reports, Inc Adrenaline and energy Focus and concentration Improved performance Growth as a person Benefits of Stress Adrenaline and energy Focus and concentration Improved performance Growth as a person Business & Legal Reports, Inc Stress Facts: Definitions STRESS STRESS: Tension, anxiety, worry, or fear of the unknown and things we cant control Business & Legal Reports, Inc ACUTE STRESS ACUTE STRESS: Pressures and demands of the recent past and anticipated near future Stress Facts: Definitions (cont.) Business & Legal Reports, Inc EPISODIC STRESS EPISODIC STRESS: Suffering frequent acute stress Stress Facts: Definitions (cont.) Business & Legal Reports, Inc CHRONIC STRESS Stress Facts: Definitions (cont.) CHRONIC STRESS: Long-term, day after day, year after year stress Business & Legal Reports, Inc Stress Facts Do you understand: Stress factors? Types of stress? Symptoms of stress? Benefits of stress? Business & Legal Reports, Inc POSITIVE THOUGHTS NEGATIVE THOUGHTS REMEMBER THAT SOME STRESS IS SELF-IMPOSED Negative thoughts Positive thoughts Self-imposed stress Control Your Reaction to Stress Business & Legal Reports, Inc Negative Stress Reactions Get angry Expect the worst Business & Legal Reports, Inc Negative Stress Reactions (cont.) Withdraw or suffer silently Take things personally Business & Legal Reports, Inc Recognize stress Use the adrenaline Positive thoughts and self-talk Look for a silver lining Positive Stress Reactions Recognize stress Use the adrenaline Positive thoughts and self-talk Look for a silver lining Business & Legal Reports, Inc Lifestyle management Avoiding stress Stress therapy Organization Lifestyle management Avoiding stress Stress therapy Organization Stress Management Business & Legal Reports, Inc Lifestyle Management Exercise and stretching Proper diet Adequate sleep Business & Legal Reports, Inc Eliminate the minor stresses Pace major lifestyle changes Cooperate with others Understand your limits Avoiding Stress Eliminate the minor stresses Pace major lifestyle changes Cooperate with others Understand your limits Business & Legal Reports, Inc Stress Therapy Laughter is the best medicine Relaxation and quiet time Discuss your problems Pleasant thoughts Business & Legal Reports, Inc Organization Set priorities Develop a routine Maintain a calendar Be flexible Business & Legal Reports, Inc Stress Management: True or False? Keeping your body in good shape can help reduce stress. Its less stressful to make a lot of big changes in your life all at once. Talking about the things that stress you just makes you feel more stressed. People who are well organized are usually less stressed. Business & Legal Reports, Inc Stress Management Do you understand: Positive and negative reactions to stress? Lifestyle management? Stress avoidance? Stress therapy? Organization as a stress-reduction tool? Business & Legal Reports, Inc Key Points to Remember Try to identify the stress factors in your life Examine your reaction to stress Learn to react positively to stress Practice stress management techniques to minimize stress