Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.

Humility In Leadership: Abandoning the Pursuit of Unattainable Perfection Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra

Transcript of Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.

Page 1: Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.

Humility In Leadership:Abandoning the Pursuit of

Unattainable Perfection

Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014Dr. Erik Hoekstra

Page 2: Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.
Page 3: Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.

LeaderIf we start with a simple definition of a ‘leader’ as “someone with followers”—what are the characteristics which a follower might want to see in a leader?

Page 4: Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.

Thoughts/Truths about Humility The dominant paradigm in leadership has not

been ‘humility friendly’ in the past 50 years Humility has a definitional problem Humility doesn’t ‘sell well’ at least not as a

pickup line Servant Leadership, Level 5 Leadership,

Transformational Leadership are all concepts with relatively strong doses of ‘humility’ thrown in

It is a sad commentary on Christian leadership theory that we haven’t made a differentiated leadership theory based on appropriate humility in leadership

Page 5: Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.
Page 6: Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.

Thoughts/Truths about Humility It is very difficult to get at humility directly

Organizational hierarchy has a gravitational pull away from the conditions which make humility grow

It is like brain surgery—very difficult to do it yourself

It is like making diamonds—small doses of pressure consistently over many years is the best method

It is most needed by those who find it the most difficult to develop it

In settings with individual senior administrators (and volunteer boards) the refinement process for humility can be very challenging

Page 7: Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.


An appropriate self-awareness that avoids thinking too highly of ourselves, blended with a healthy self-respect that avoids thinking too little of ourselves—allowing us to realistically assess our own accomplishments while continuing the pursuit of our own personal development.

Page 8: Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.

Fallibility Recognition—”I make mistakes” Response—”I need your patience” Result—Authenticity

Why is this difficult? What happens when it is missing?

Page 9: Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.


Recognition—“I was wrong” Response— ”I need your forgiveness” I am sorry, will you forgive me? Result—Reconciliation

Why is this difficult? What happens when it is missing?

Page 10: Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.


Recognition—”I don’t know” Response—”I need your ideas” Result—Innovation

Why is this difficult? What happens when it is missing?

Page 11: Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.


Recognition—”I can’t do it all” Response—”I need your talents” Result—Work/Life Balance

Why is this difficult? What happens when it is missing?

Page 12: Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.


Recognition—”I’m not here for me” Response—”I need your collaboration” Result—Talent Development

Why is this difficult? What happens when it is missing?

Page 13: Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.

Practical Tools forDevelopment of Humility

Commitment to Growth & Development◦ Journaling

Accountability◦ Personal Board of Directors◦ Spouse, Peers, Outsiders◦ Culture of Accountability

Feedback◦ 360 > survey instruments (developmental, non-

evaluative)◦ Safe environment for informal feedback◦ Trolling for Feedback

Importance of Questions & Listening

Page 14: Strengthening Christian Schools November 2014 Dr. Erik Hoekstra.

Final ThoughtsPhilippians 2: 1 – 7

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.