Street Detectives - Lubenham Primary School · Street Detectives Class 2 February 2017 This half...


Transcript of Street Detectives - Lubenham Primary School · Street Detectives Class 2 February 2017 This half...

Street Detectives Class 2 February 2017

This half term we have been finding out what Lubenham used to be like long ago. We

started our topic with a walk around the village looking for clues that showed us how

the village has changed over the years

We found out that Lubenham used to have a village pond , a station and even a fac-

tory that used to make silks and lace for carriages. We were very interested to learn

that there used to be a blacksmith in the village called Monty Connell and that was

In Maths we have been learning about multi-

plication and division and the children have

really worked hard to learn their 2, 5 and 10

times tables. We have also been working on

‘Money ‘ and are now able to count money

confidently. We know how to order the coins,

separate the pound and pence and can record

their answers in £and p. Why not challenge

the children to find out how much money you


On Wednesday 8th February we had a

wonderful Family Story Evening, when

KS1 children came back to school in their

PJ’s for a selection of bedtime stories. The

In English we have been writing our

own versions of the Gingerbread Man

but in our versions, the Gingerbread

Man ran all around the village visiting

all the places that we had visited on

our walk. He met lots of familiar char-

acters on the way like Mrs Meadows,

Ginni and even some soldiers at the

Finally, I would like to thank all the par-

ents, helpers and governors who have

given up their time to help in class 2

this half term and wish everyone a

very restful and relaxing holiday.

Mrs Foster


Class 3 have had an exciting half term studying

the Blue Abyss. We have created our own

aquarium with Ollie the Octopus and Sidney

the Shark. Lots of children bought their

parents in to see it, and next Wednesday we are

off to Birmingham to a real life aquarium!!

On Thursday 2nd February we had an Eco Morning

and invited the year 3&4 Class from North Kilworth

to join us. We had a fantastic morning, rotating

around 3 activities.—weaving using recyclable

materials, making bug hotels on the field with leaves

and twigs and anything else we could find, and a

walk and scavenger hunt along the old railway line.

The morning was rounded off with Mr Holder

teaching us some Eco Songs and playing his guitar,

and we finished by eating our packed lunches all to-

gether. The weather was kind for us, the children

behaved fantastically and interacted together, and

we are looking forward to spending the morning at

North Kilworth school next term. Thanks especially

to Mr & Mrs Holder for giving up their time.

On Thursday 26th January the school choir, made up of children from years 3,4,5,6 went to

Birmingham Genting Arena to sing as part of the massed choir of 6583 children!! We spent

the afternoon rehearsing the songs which we have been learning in school, a break for tea,

and then the live performance at 7pm. Quite a few of our parents came to

watch and were even able to spot us in the crowd!!

An absolutely amazing experience, all the children were a credit to the

school, singing their hearts out and displaying some great dance moves!!

Well done Choir.

We hope all the children and parents have an enjoyable half term, and see you all back on

20th February! Mrs Mugridge and Mrs Dewis


Class 4 have been working in a Frozen Kingdom this half term.

During literacy we had a very exciting lesson where we went

through a wardrobe full of 100 year old furs and entered the

magical kingdom of Narnia. The classroom smelled of Christmas

trees for days!

We hope you have a restful and funfilled half termWe hope you have a restful and funfilled half termWe hope you have a restful and funfilled half term

Mrs Brown and Mrs HooperMrs Brown and Mrs HooperMrs Brown and Mrs Hooper

Some of the Yr 5 & 6 girls went to the Leisure Centre for a

GALS event. GALS stands for Girls Active Life Style, so this

event was just for girls. The girls in GALS do cheerleading

with a lady who comes into teach us every Thursday


At the event we started with a warm up with one of the

leaders and then went to our first workshop which was core

stability where you worked your tummy and back. The next

workshop we did some boxercise and the final workshop

was martial arts. We finished with a cool down and had a

demonstration from a kickboxer called Natasha. We then

went back to school. Thank you to Mrs Gordon for taking

us! Report by Georgie and Sarah.

We have also been working very hard in Class 4 on our

maths. We have been concentrating on our fractions, as

well as decimals, worded problems and column addition

and subtraction.

On 26th January our school choir took part in the Young Voices massed choir

event at the Birmingham Genting Arena, which included some of our year 5 & 6

children. We sang with 6,583 other children! What a wonderful experience for

all involved!