STREAM 8 - SOA IN FOCUS © 2007 IBM Corporation © 2008 IBM Corporation Service Data Objects (SDO):...

STREAM 8 - SOA IN FOCUS © 2007 IBM Corporation © 2008 IBM Corporation Service Data Objects (SDO): Handling Data Consistently in a SOA Environment Kelvin Goodson, IBM UK – [email protected] SW Engineer Open Source SOA, Apache Tuscany

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Service Data Objects (SDO): Handling Data Consistently in a SOA Environment

Kelvin Goodson, IBM UK – [email protected] EngineerOpen Source SOA, Apache Tuscany

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SDO 2.1 Spec Introduction

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What are Service Data Objects?

Service Data Objects (SDO) provide:

– Uniform access to data from heterogeneous sources

• XML, RDB, EJB, LDAP, SOAP etc...

– Has both static (strongly typed) and dynamic programming models

– Disconnected “data graph” capable of tracking changes

– Meta-data for easy introspection of data types

– Relationship integrity enforcement

– Language neutral APIs with implementations in Java, C++ and PHP

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Instance and Model

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How do I store and retrieve SDOs ?

XML Documents

– SDO specification describes serialisation to and de-serialisation from XML documents.

SDO specification discusses a Data Access Service (DAS)

– DAS is a mediator between data sources and SDO applications

– Apache Tuscany currently implements an RDB DAS, and some work done on an LDAP DAS

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Combining SDO and DAS

SDO Client


Data GraphDataObject

: EJB: InvoiceEJB: Customer


XPath / XQuery



CCI / Proprietary

Data Access Service



Web service


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Combining SDO with SCA

SCA is the component model Components may be wired together SDO DataObjects are data passed between and manipulated by Components DAS is a SCA component with a special implementation type (implementation:das)









Composite AccountComposite










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SDO Components and Key Features

Generated data API: POJO beans

Dynamic data API: DataObject

Change summary API: ChangeSummary

Introspection API: Type and Property

Sequence API where instanceorder is preserved

Relationship Integrity

XML and XSD Integration– XPath Navigation through Graphs of Data

XML-based serialization for transferring data sets on the wire– Can conform to pre-defined XML Schema

– Can generate XML Schema

slide on relationship integrityslide on Sequence
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The Strongly Typed SDOs also Implement the Dynamic API

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Static (Generated) Data API

POJO interfaces/classes

Strong-typed accessors

public interface Person {

String getName();

void setName(String name);

Address getAddress();

void setAddress(Address address);


Person p = (Person) dataFactory.create(Person.class);


Address a = (Address) dataFactory.create(Address.class);


<complexType name="Person"> <attribute name="name" type="string"/> <element name=“address" type=“Address"/></complexType><complexType name=“Address”> …

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Dynamic Data API (commonj.sdo.DataObject)

The Dynamic SDO API provides a reflective way to introspect and manipulate data– Recall: Static SDO can be cast to DataObject

Customer c = CustomerFactory.createCustomer();

((DataObject)c).setString("name", "John"); // Set name

<complexType name="Person"> <attribute name="name" type="string"/> <element name=“address" type=“Address"/></complexType><complexType name=“Address”> …

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Example 1 – Accessing DataObjects

// use SDO API to find the employee, at index 1 in the list. List departments = company.getList("departments");

DataObject department = (DataObject) departments.get(0); List employees = department.getList("employees");

DataObject employeeFromList = (DataObject) employees.get(1);

DataObject employee = company.getDataObject


// Get an employee using an SDO xpath expression DataObject employee = company.getDataObject (“departments[number=123]/employees[SN=0002]”);

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// create a new employee DataObject newEmployee = department.createDataObject("employees"); newEmployee.set("name", "Al Smith"); newEmployee.set("SN", "0004"); newEmployee.setBoolean("manager", true);

// Set employeeOfTheMonth company.set("employeeOfTheMonth", newEmployee);

Example 2 – Updating DataObjects

company.setString(“companyName", "ACME");

<company name="ACME" employeeOfTheMonth="0004"> <departments name="Advanced Technologies" location="NY" number="123"> <employees name="John Jones" SN="0001"/> <employees name="Jane Doe" SN="0003"/> <employees name="Al Smith" SN="0004" manager="true"/> </departments> </company>

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SDO Meta-Model

SDO provides a simple, universal meta-model

– Used across JavaBeans, XML, or any data source

– Useful for tools and IDE’s (Model in MVC)

Meta-data Classes

– Type

• Has name, URI, instance class, and properties

– Property

• Has name, type, default value, etc.

DataObject obj = …;Type type = obj.getType();Collection c = type.getProperties();Iterator i = c.iterator();while (i.hasNext()) {

Property prop = (Property);System.out.println(prop.getName());



Type Class Type

Property Field Element


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Type System Scopes


– Agent of scoping for Types

– provides access to

• TypeHelper• DataFactory• XSDHelper• XMLHelper• EqualityHelper• CopyHelper• DataHelper

– HelperProvider.getDefaultContext()

– Application can create new HelperContexts

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XML/XSD integration

Key interfaces: XMLHelper and XSDHelper

Direct correspondence between XML and DataObjects

– commonj.sdo.XMLHelper

• Load and save DataObjects to XML streams

XSD mapping to and from SDO

– commonj.sdo.XSDHelper

• Get XML Schema specific information:

– isElement, isMixed, local name, appinfo

– Define Types and Properties from XSDs

• Annotations or XSLT for mapping control

– Generate XSDs from Types and Properties

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Create SDO types from an XML schema

XSD model can be directly used to define SDO types

XSDHelper xsdHelper = …;

TypeHelper typeHelper = …;

// Populate the SDO types from the XSD

URL url = XMLSample.class.getResource(“/stockquote.xsd”);

InputStream inputStream = url.openStream();

xsdHelper.define(inputStream, url.toString());


// Look up the SDO Type

Type type = typeHelper.getType(“http://stock”, “Quote”);

// Get the XSD namespace URI for a SDO type

String ns = xsdHelper.getNamespaceURI(type);

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Registering Type-System for SDO Runtime

Register types dynamically from XSD

Register types statically (strongly typed)

Instance is still of type Employee

→ Data Object instantiation:DataObject employee = dataFactory.create(NAMESPACE, “Employee”);

→ Data Object instantiation:Employee empl = (Employee)dataFactory.create(Employee.class);OrDataObject empl = dataFactory.create(NAMESPACE, “Employee”);

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CreateCompany Example

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SDO API for Programatic Type Creation

Uses DataObject API

Build data graph describig Typs system – then compile

Type TypeHelper.define(DataObject)

List<Type> TypeHelper.define(List<DataObject>)– Permits circular references in metadata (Properties of Type as yet not “defined”)

DataObject cType = scope.getDataFactory().create("commonj.sdo", "Type"); cType.set("uri", ""); cType.set("name", "Customer");

Type intType = typeHelper().getType("commonj.sdo", "Int"); DataObject cNumProperty = customerType.createDataObject("property"); cNumProperty.set("name", "custNum"); cNumProperty.set("type", intType); …… Type registeredType = typeHelper.define(cType);

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Load/Save XML documents

XMLHelper can load SDO from XML or save SDO to XMLDataObject quote = …;

XMLHelper xmlHelper = …;

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

// Save the data object as an XML document, "", "stockQuote", baos);

byte[] xml = baos.toByteArray();

// Load the XML bytes as an XMLDocument

XMLDocument document = xmlHelper.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml));

// Get the root DataObject

quote = document.getRootObject();

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<purchaseOrder orderDate="1999-10-20">

<shipTo country="US">

<name>Alice Smith</name>

<street>123 Maple Street</street>

<city>Mill Valley</city>






country= USname= Alice Smithstreet= 123 Maple Streetcity= Mill Valleystate= PAzip= 90952

XML / SDO Mapping





SDOPurchaseOrder Type

USAddress Type

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Use SDO to invoke a Web Service

Load the SOAP Envelope model from the XSD

// Create the helperContext

HelperContext helperContext = SDOUtil.createHelperContext();

// Load the soap envelope XSD

XSDHelper xsdHelper = helperContext.getXSDHelper();

URL xsd = SoapEnvelope.class.getClassLoader().getResource("soap-envelope.xsd");

InputStream xsdStream = xsd.openStream();

xsdHelper.define(xsdStream, null);


// Load the WSDL model

URL wsdl = SoapEnvelope.class.getClassLoader().getResource("stockquote.wsdl");

InputStream wsdlStream = wsdl.openStream();

xsdHelper.define(wsdlStream, null);


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Open Types

SDO “Open” Types

– Type.isOpen()

– Presence of <xsd:any/> implies Type.isOpen() = true

– TypeHelper.defineOpenContentProperty(String, DataObject);

– TypeHelper.getOpenContentProperty(“namespace”, “name”);

– XSDHelper.getGlobalProperty(“namespace”, “name”)

Property p = typeHelper.getOpenContentProperty( “myExtraInfoUri”, “usefulData”);DataObject usefulExtraInfo = dataFactory.create(p.getType);…openDataObject.getList(p).add(usefulExtraInfo);assert usefulExtraInfo.getInstanceProperties().size() == usefulExtraInfo.getType().getProperties().size() +1;

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Create and populate the SOAP message

Construct the SOAP Envelope as a DataObject

DataFactory dataFactory = helperContext.getDataFactory();

DataObject envelope = dataFactory.create("", "Envelope");

DataObject header = envelope.createDataObject("Header");

DataObject body = envelope.createDataObject("Body");

Property prop = xsdHelper.getGlobalProperty("", "getLastTradePrice", true); // is element

DataObject request = dataFactory.create(prop.getType());

request.setString("tickerSymbol", "IBM");


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Producing the XML for the SOAP message

StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

XMLHelper xmlHelper = helperContext.getXMLHelper();

XMLDocument doc = xmlHelper.createDocument(envelope, "", "Envelope");, writer, null);

// We can write to an HTTP output stream to invoke the Web Service

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?><tns:Envelope xmlns="http://ns1" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsd1=""> <tns:Header> <myHeader>001</myHeader> </tns:Header> <tns:Body> <xsd1:getLastTradePrice> <tickerSymbol>IBM</tickerSymbol> </xsd1:getLastTradePrice> </tns:Body></tns:Envelope>

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Relationship Integrity


– By default Properties represent containment relationships

DataObject root = …DataObject originalChild = root.getDataObject(“child1”);DataObject parent = originalChild.getContainer();

assert parent == root;

DataObject newChild = dataFactory.create(ChildType.class);root.set(“child1”, newChild);

assert originalChild.getContainer() == null;assert newChild.getContainer() == root

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Other Relationships


– Properties can be made to represent Non-containment relationships

• xsd:ID and xsd:IDREF in Schema translate to non-containment

– Without non-containment all data graphs would be single rooted hierarchies


– Bidirectional relationships (other than parent-child)

– Requires non-containment (Property type = xsd:ID, xsd:IDREFS or anyURI)

– sdo:oppositePropertyType required

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Sequenced Types

Type.isSequenced() for instance ordered DataObjects

Triggered by

– xsd:mixed=“true”

– repeating choice

– sdo:sequenced=“true”

– …


– Iterate over Lists of Property Value pairs

– Sequence.getProperty(int), Sequence.getValue(int)

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Sequenced Example

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Tracking changes for disconnected data

Service data is often disconnected from the source in SOA Service data can be changed in the flow of business processes

// Create an empty data graph and add a root object, an instance of type Quote

DataGraph dataGraph = SDOUtil.createDataGraph();

DataObject quote = dataGraph.createRootObject("", "Quote");

// Begin logging changes: usually DAS responsibility

ChangeSummary changeSummary = dataGraph.getChangeSummary();


// Modify the data graph: client code

quote.setString("symbol", "fbnt");

quote.setDouble("change1", 1000);

changeSummary.endLogging(); // DAS code

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

// Serialize with change summary data

SDOUtil.saveDataGraph(dataGraph, baos, null);

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Data Access Services - DAS

Data Access Services (DAS) provides the data access solution with two fundamental capabilities:

– Results of a data source query execution returned as a graph of Data Objects

– Graph modifications reflected back to data source as a series of Creates/Updates/Deletes

SDO Client


Data GraphDataObject

: EJB: InvoiceEJB:


XPath / XQuery


CCI / Proprietary

Data Access Service



Web service


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DAS High Level Architecture

SCA component with DAS impl. type

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Apply changes back to the data store

Change-aware DAS can retrieve the data and update the data by applying the deltaDAS das = DAS.FACTORY.createDAS(getConnection());

// Read customer

Command select = das.createCommand("Select * from CUSTOMER");

// ChangeSummary is enabled by DAS

DataObject root = select.executeQuery();

DataObject customer = (DataObject) root.get("CUSTOMER[1]");

// Modify customer

customer.set("LASTNAME", "Pavick");

// Build apply changes command


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DAS example

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SDO Implementations

Open Source implementations of in context of SDO– The Tuscany project (incubating at Apache) for SCA, SDO and DAS– The Eclipse SOA Tools Platform Project– The SOA for PHP project

Commercial SDO Implementations– XIC from Xcalia– HydraSDO from Rogue Wave Software– FireStorm/SDO from CodeFutures Software– AquaLogic Data Services Platform 2.0 from BEA– Virtual XML Garden from IBM– IBM WebSphere Process Server V6.0.x– IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1– IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 Feature Pack for SOA (beta)– SAP NetWeaver Application Server, Java(TM) EE 5 Edition

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WID has a “Bo-Editor” to define XSD/SDO

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WAS v6 EJB – RSA Tooling

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WAS v6 JDBC DAS – RSA Tooling

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WAS v6 JDBC DAS – RSA Tooling

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Summary Unified data access to heterogeneous data sources

– Unified programming model for business data– DAS layers to take care of different data sources and format conversions on the edges

Unified support for both static and dynamic data APIs– Generated POJO interfaces/classes for strongly-typed APIs– Dynamic APIs: DataObject/Type/Property– Static SDOs can be mixed with Dynamic SDOs

Support for disconnected programming models– ChangeSummary to track changes– Change-aware DAS update– DAS specification mentioned in the SDO 3 objectives document

Multiple language support– Java– C++– PHP– …

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Finalised specs -- OSOA collaboration


Articles etc.





Open Source

– Apache Tuscany Project



update with oasis