Strauss, Shklovsky and Thompson

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Transcript of Strauss, Shklovsky and Thompson

1. Levi-Strauss, Shklovsky andBordwell & Thompson 2. Levi-Strauss Narrative is based on binary opposition, and agood narrative comes from good opposition (goodv. evil, weak v. strong) In order to find these he focused on: Paradigmatic relations the events and featuresfound in the wider genre as a whole. MORE SO THAN Syntagmatic relations the aspects of oneparticular product 3. Shklovsky Distinguish between plot (events we see in thenarrative) and the story (the information andevents affecting characters on and off screen). AKA Fabula order of the events in real time takingplace (timeline) the raw material Syuzhet employment of narrative structure (howput together, if the order is changed) 4. Bordwell & Thompson Viewed film narrative as having 3 keytime zones: Story set of all the events of thenarrative (both presented and inferred)compose the story. Plot everything visibly and audiblypresented before us. Screen Time time taken to broadcastproduct.