
Digital Strategy

Transcript of Strategyfordummies

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Digital Strategy

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Strategy for dummiesA potential framework for digital strategy.

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Digital strategy

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Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.

Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.- Sun Tzu

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First...What is Strategy?

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Strategy is the action plan that describes when to use what means to reach a certain goal, given the current context.

Questions this document has to answer:

‣ What is the context?

‣ What are the goals?

‣ Which means do we need?

‣ When, how and with what priority do we use these means?

What is Strategy?

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Strategy is the action plan that describes when to use what means to reach a certain goal, given the current context.


‣ 1. context

‣ 2. goal

‣ 3. means

‣ 4. action plan

What is Strategy?

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‣ 1. context - macro: relevant trends in society - meso: sector and competitors analysis - micro: company trends and resources

‣ 2. goals- target audience: personas and user stories - kpi’s and kpi dashboard

‣ 3. means - channels - tactics

‣ 4. action plan - roadmap with timing


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‣ What: society trends that are relevant and applicable to sector and company

‣ Methods:- desk research- internal trend library- external sources ( ...)

‣ Deliverable:- document outlining trends

1. Context: macro

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Trend: FOMO (“Fear Of Missing Out”)Societal trend where people are anxious not to miss anything exciting (reinforced by social media).Reaction:- Exploit: “Follow us to miss nothing!”- Use: “We will aggregate the coolest stuff for you!”- Counter: “Come to us to unplug!”

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‣ What: sector trends that are relevant and applicable to sector and company; competitor analysis

‣ Methods:- desk research (sector organisations)- keyword research- benchmark audits

‣ Deliverable:- document SWOT sector

1. Context: meso

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‣ What: sector trends that are relevant and applicable to sector and company; competitor analysis

‣ Methods:- desk research (sector organisations)- keyword research- benchmark audits

‣ Deliverable:- document SWOT sector

1. Context: meso






Januari Maart Mei Juli September November

‣ Grootste pieken rond beurzen en campagnes

‣ Dips tijdens bouwverlof

Online cycli | Seizoenaliteit in zoektrends

woensdag 10 juli 13

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Source: Think Finance with Google, April 2011

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Source: Think Finance with Google, April 2011

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Source: Think Finance with Google, April 2011

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A Wijs-example: paths to conversion

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‣ What: analysis of current situation of company, constraints in resources company

‣ Methods:- vision, mission, target audience (in-company docs)- Google Analytics- social media audit, usability audit- stakeholder interviews

‣ Deliverable:- document company situation

1. Context: micro

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‣ Constant traffic throughout the year, with peaks in summer (festivals & start school year).

‣ Extra peak at feb 2012, caused by strike.

Example: trends (for public transport)

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‣ Branded keywords most commonly used (ex. “De Lijn dienstregeling”).

> Keywords with city, incl. Brussel & Antwerpen (3,6%).

> Keywords with city, excl. Brussel & Antwerpen (2,0%).

> Keywords with bus (1,9%).

> Keywords with province (1,8%).

Example: search behaviour (for public transport)

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‣ What: definition of target audiences, where they are online, what triggers them online

‣ Methods:- keyword research- Google Analytics- online surveys- user tests- focus groups

‣ Deliverable:- user stories- personas

2. Goals: target audience

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DIY & Garden Equipment

Bron: TNS, IAB and Google » Consumer Barometer » Belgen die het product/dienst hebben aangeschaft, en onderdeel zijn van de online populatie

7% 43%21%4% online96% offline

0% online

100% offline

89% offline11% online

Uitsluitend offline onderzoek

Off & online onderzoek

Uitsluitend online onderzoek

Verhouding tussen off & online kopen

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2. Goals: target audience

‣ Na zijn scheiding is hij nu gelukkig samen met zijn vriend, Alex

‣ Heeft 2 kindjes: Lotta en Gillian

‣ Wil niet terug gaan huren door een te hoge energiefactuur

‣ Wil meer tijd spenderen met de kindjes

Meet Luc, 36

Source: picture by Anaïs Stoelen

woensdag 10 juli 13

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2. Goals: target audience

‣ Geniet van pensioen samen met zijn vrouw Agnes

‣ Is bang om snel oud en versleten te worden

‣ Ziet zijn enige dochter Marie ontzettend graag

‣ Is mee met zijn tijd en kocht net een smartphone

Meet Marcel, 68

Source: picture by Anaïs Stoelen

woensdag 10 juli 13

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2. Goals: target audience

‣ Werkt 3 jaar als verpleegster

‣ Wil gaan samenwonen met haar vriend

‣ Heeft altijd bij haar ouders gewoond

‣ Heeft een drukke job

‣ Wil ooit kindjes

Meet Katrien, 24

Source: picture by Anaïs Stoelen

woensdag 10 juli 13

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‣ What: definition of relevant kpi’s, based on business goals of company

‣ Methods:- analysis of business goals- translation into digital kpi’s- based on 4 A’s

‣ Deliverable:- definition of kpi’s- (automated) kpi dashboard

2. Goals: kpi’s

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AutomatedKPI dashboard

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‣ What: within the context of the company, target audience and kpi’s - what channels are best suited?EPO

‣ Channels:- website- search- Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/...- e-mail- affiliate- bannering- ...

‣ Deliverable:

3. Means: channels

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Awareness Appreciation




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‣ What: based on the chosen channels, what tactics work best

‣ Tactics:- search -> SEO or SEA?- Facebook -> ads, posts, shares?- e-mail ->bought list? content or promotion?- ...

‣ Deliverable:- list of tactics

3. Means: tactics

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AAAA dashboard

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‣ What: roadmap for a finite period (1-2-3 years) that describes when to use what tactics

‣ Deliverable:- list of tactics- timetable

4. Action plan

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‣ tactics <> strategy

‣ strategy as a project vs strategy in the process

‣ just one framework


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Strategy is not just a chain of different tactical actions; how cleverly they may be disguised in an action plan.

Strategy binds the tactical actions together with a narrative and a purpose.

Tactics <> strategy

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People fill the word ‘strategy’ with different meanings.

Confusion: strategy as a finite project with deliverable versus strategy as a skill in a process. Everything in the digital process is (or should be) strategic. From concept over design and development to online marketing.

But ‘strategy’ is also a project: deliver a document that outlines the strategy to be followed in the future.

Strategy as project vs process

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Compare it to ‘usability’.

1. Usability in the processEvery step in the process should include attention for usability; everyone (designer, front-ender, developer) should have notions of usability

2. Usability as a projectA ‘usability audit’ is a finite project with an end deliverable - a document that outlines the steps to take to improve usability

Strategy as project vs process

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This document talks about strategy as a project; as the first step in the complete process. It has a clearly defined duration and a clearly defined deliverable.

(For me it is obvious that strategy and strategic thinking should be

involved throughout the whole process. Developers, designers,

frontenders, IA’s, online marketeers should all include strategic

thinking in their work, and contribute to the overall strategy of

the project.)

Strategy as project vs process

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This is just one version and one view of Strategy.

There are several ways to reach the same goal...

Just a framework!

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Think & Do.

Always embedded!

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