Strategy to Action: The Power of HSD Session 4: HSD and Communications December 10, 2008

Strategy to Action: Strategy to Action: The Power of HSD The Power of HSD Session 4: HSD and Communications Session 4: HSD and Communications December 10, 2008 December 10, 2008 Glenda H. Eoyang, Ph.D. [email protected] Jennifer Schuster-Jaeger [email protected]


Strategy to Action: The Power of HSD Session 4: HSD and Communications December 10, 2008. Glenda H. Eoyang, Ph.D. [email protected] Jennifer Schuster-Jaeger [email protected]. Communications. What’s behind a complaint about communications? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Strategy to Action: The Power of HSD Session 4: HSD and Communications December 10, 2008

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Strategy to Action:Strategy to Action:The Power of HSDThe Power of HSD

Session 4: HSD and CommunicationsSession 4: HSD and CommunicationsDecember 10, 2008December 10, 2008

Glenda H. Eoyang, [email protected]

Jennifer [email protected]

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© 2008. HSD Institute. 2


What’s behind a complaint about communications?

What can you do to make a difference?

How can you encourage effective and efficient communications?

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Series GoalSeries Goal

Improve your performance as you:

Manage projectsPlan for changeTrain and develop capacity

Manage performance

CommunicateLead virtual teams

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Series OverviewSeries Overview

Introduction to HSD July 9

HSD & Project Management September 10

HSD & Performance Management October 8

HSD & Planning for Change November 5

HSD & Communications December 10

HSD & Training and Development January 7

HSD & Virtual Teams February 11

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Your Guide . . . Your Guide . . . Glenda EoyangGlenda Eoyang

[email protected]

Executive Director of HSD Institute

I communicate with: Family and friends Clients Students Network Colleagues

I am a natural communicator, but it is hard to know what to do when natural doesn’t work!

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Your Guide . . . Your Guide . . . Jennifer Schuster-JaegerJennifer Schuster-Jaeger

[email protected] [email protected] HSDP Associate Manages performance Many roles:

Managed workgroups, teams and projects since 1996

Varied roles a large local government organization

Performance management involves three distinct roles

Individual supervisor Team developer and manager Up-line management on behalf of individuals

and the team

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Today we will . . . Today we will . . .

Redefine communication. Identify four design criteria to

improve effectiveness and efficiency of communication.

Apply new learnings to old challenges.

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Communication = Exchange

Information Energy Money Signals Talk Social connection Natural resources Products And, and, and . . .

What are the most critical exchanges in

your team or organization?

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Exchanges support Coupling

Tight couple—Change in one agent causes immediate change in another.

Loose couple—Change in one agent leads to sympathetic change in another.

Un couple—Change in one has no observable effect on another.

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Coupling and Predictability

Tight couples >>Predictable Behavior

Loose couples>>Emergent Behavior

Un couples >>Random Behavior

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Ponder this . . .

Not all exchanges are transforming. Boundaries can distort exchanges. Time and/or distance can dissipate effects. Exchanges can form “interference patterns.” Agents have finite resources to commit. It takes two to tango. One exchange design isn’t better than

another. The question is “fit.”

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Design Exchanges

Current FutureLength





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Exchange LengthOptions

Long Exchanges Loose coupling Cross boundaries Take long time Connect distant agents Tend to be:

Ambiguous Unreliable Enriching Creative

Short Exchanges Tight coupling Don’t cross boundaries Take short time Connect close/near agents Tend to be:

Clear Reliable Controlling Restrictive


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Exchange LengthExamples

Long Exchanges Annual goals Strategic Planning performance reviews Mission/Vision Reputation Spam Traffic regulations Retirement income

Short Exchanges Mgt by walking around Water cooler chat Performance feedback Physical touch Voice message Personal email Stop light Pay check


Does your organization depend on long, short, or mixed exchanges?

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How does it work?How does it work?


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Exchange WidthOptions

Wide Exchanges Loose/resilient coupling Carry many messages Include many paths Rich with meaning Tend to:

Ambiguity Carry connotations Be subtle Context dependence

Narrow Exchanges Tight but brittle coupling Carry single messages Focus on single path Specific meaning Tend to:

Clarity Carry only denotation Be obvious Context independence


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Exchange WidthExamples

Wide Exchanges Sharing a meal Personal relations Non-verbal signals Employee relations Cultural messages Personal appearance Tone of voice

Narrow Exchanges Email Personal transaction Branding Contract relations Rules Standard greetings Content of words


Does your organization depend on wide, narrow, or mixed


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How does it work?How does it work?


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Exchange DynamicOptions

Amplifying Exchanges Loose coupling “Keep doing . . . “ Encourage increase Increases energy Moves beyond limits

Damping Exchanges Tight coupling “Stop doing . . . “ Discourage decrease Decreases energy Enforces limits


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Exchange DynamicExamples

Amplifying Exchanges Loose coupling “Good job” Rewards/recognitions Positive stories Thanks! Smiles Post-event debriefs

Damping Exchanges Tight or uncoupling Ignoring efforts Punishment Scapegoats Accusing questions Frowns Lack of



Does your organization depend on amplifying,

damping, or mixed exchanges?

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How does it work?How does it work?


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Exchange DirectionOptions

Feed Forward Tight/uncoupling Future surprises Unknown effects Lack of “fit” Tends to:

Waste energy Isolate the sender Frustrate receivers

Feed Back Loose coupling Emerging intelligence Iterative learning Developing “fitness” Tends to:

Encourage adaptation Connect the sender Satisfy the receivers


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Exchange DirectionExamples

Feed Forward Memos from mgt Proclamations Top Down Mission/Vision Corporate commands Hierarchical decisions Newsletters Broadcast email

Feed Back Town hall meetings On-line discussions Emergent Mission/Vision Open door policy Mgt by walking around 360 degree feedback E-Bulletin Board


Does your organization depend on feed forward,

feedback, or mixed exchanges?

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How does it work?How does it work?


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Interesting Websites for other resources and connections for health care applications for knowledge management

applications for many

different applications for E:CO Journal

tml for research and practice

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Next time we will . . . Next time we will . . .

Consider complex human systems dynamics of Training and Development.

January 7, 2008Same placeSame time

What are your training and development
