Strategic Questions in the Context of the Mobile Social Network Business

Strategic Questions in the Context of th M bil S ilNt kB i the Mobile Social Network Business Maciej Kuszpa Vorlesung „Marketing und E-Business“ Fakultät Digitale Medien Hochschule Furtwangen

Transcript of Strategic Questions in the Context of the Mobile Social Network Business

Page 1: Strategic Questions in the Context of the Mobile Social Network Business

Strategic Questions in the Context of th M bil S i l N t k B ithe Mobile Social Network BusinessMaciej Kuszpa

Vorlesung „Marketing und E-Business“ Fakultät Digitale MediengHochschule Furtwangen

Page 2: Strategic Questions in the Context of the Mobile Social Network Business



3 strategicdecisions

3 strategic questions

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Page 3: Strategic Questions in the Context of the Mobile Social Network Business

Mobile 2.0 — you are the producer!

M. Kuszpa — 16.06.2010 — 3/12

User generated content is a key characteristic of Mobile 2.0 which encourages the publishing of User generated content is a key characteristic of Mobile 2.0 which encourages the publishing of one's own content and commenting on other people's. UGC is exciting, but also's own content and commenting on other people's. UGC is exciting, but also problematic.

Page 4: Strategic Questions in the Context of the Mobile Social Network Business

Mobile blogs

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M. Kuszpa — 16.06.2010 — 4/12

Page 5: Strategic Questions in the Context of the Mobile Social Network Business

Technology: Browser-based Services vs. Apps

2000 2000 —— limited limited bb b d ib d ibrowserbrowser--based servicesbased services 2007 2007 —— iPhoneiPhone hypehype

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[1] …Because of the Because of the iPhoneiPhone hype the public awareness about hype the public awareness about mobile services is mobile services is growing, but for growing, but for developers it is still a developers it is still a niche. Learn from the internet development to target the mass market.niche. Learn from the internet development to target the mass market.

Page 6: Strategic Questions in the Context of the Mobile Social Network Business

Customers: Business vs. Consumer

2005 2005 —— targeting end consumertargeting end consumer20002000 —— focusingfocusing2000 2000 focusing focusing business customersbusiness customers

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Products can be interesting for both business Products can be interesting for both business customers and customers and end consumers end consumers —— both with pros and both with pros and cons. Switching from one to another target group in the course of time can open opportunities.cons. Switching from one to another target group in the course of time can open opportunities.

Page 7: Strategic Questions in the Context of the Mobile Social Network Business

Markets: local vs. global

2005 2005 —— ending up globalending up global

i l li l l

2001 2001 —— going internationalgoing international

2000 2000 —— starting localstarting local

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Starting local, going international and ending up global, is a typical growth path of internet Starting local, going international and ending up global, is a typical growth path of internet companies after reaching technological maturity, but sometimes due market restrictions. companies after reaching technological maturity, but sometimes due market restrictions.

Page 8: Strategic Questions in the Context of the Mobile Social Network Business

Competition: Fight vs. Cooperation

De icesDe icesDevicesDevices ContentContentWeb 2.0Web 2.0

M bil 2 0M bil 2 0Mobile 2.0Mobile 2.0

M. Kuszpa — 16.06.2010 — 8/12

The Mobile 2.0 race just started. A thrilling battle with Players from different industry sectors like The Mobile 2.0 race just started. A thrilling battle with Players from different industry sectors like Device Manufactures, Content Producers, Web Companies, Mobile Specialists and Newcomers. Device Manufactures, Content Producers, Web Companies, Mobile Specialists and Newcomers.

Page 9: Strategic Questions in the Context of the Mobile Social Network Business

Aspects of the law: avoid va. tackle

Data PrivacyData PrivacyData Privacy Data Privacy

Fraudulent UseFraudulent Use

M. Kuszpa — 16.06.2010 — 9/12

It’s early days for Mobile It’s early days for Mobile Web 2.0Web 2.0. Some Players are already doing good business, but overall still . Some Players are already doing good business, but overall still proper services and business models are missing. The goldproper services and business models are missing. The gold--rush with Mobile rush with Mobile Web 2.0 Web 2.0 just began :o)just began :o)

Page 10: Strategic Questions in the Context of the Mobile Social Network Business

Critical Mass: achieved or not

Network EffectNetwork Effect

More effortMore effort

Network Effect Network Effect

M. Kuszpa — 16.06.2010 — 10/12

By achieving the network effect you By achieving the network effect you are not are not really finished really finished with the with the work, because the work, because the surrounding conditions are continuously changing. The vision of surrounding conditions are continuously changing. The vision of a a pure company 2.0 will pure company 2.0 will remain.remain.

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M. Kuszpa — 16.06.2010 — 11/12

Mobile Social Networks and Mobile 2.0 still give good business opportunities. A big market Mobile Social Networks and Mobile 2.0 still give good business opportunities. A big market opportunity is waiting for you, but you have to find the right business model for your company. opportunity is waiting for you, but you have to find the right business model for your company.

Page 12: Strategic Questions in the Context of the Mobile Social Network Business

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Maciej KuszpaPeperoni Mobile & Internet Software GmbHLeibnizstr 1 58097 Hagen Germany

M. Kuszpa — 16.06.2010 — 12/12 1, 58097 Hagen, Germany