Strategic Marketing In The Age of Google

Elevating Your Online Presence to Increase Profits STRATEGIC


A slide show about harnessing the power of the Internet to increase clients and customers for your business By Search Strategy Marketing

Transcript of Strategic Marketing In The Age of Google

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Elevating Your Online Presence to Increase Profits


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With the exception of really well-known companies or brands, most

customers search for what they need on search engines with keywords, or general

terms based what they know about a particular product.

Nowadays, customers turn to search engines first…..

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…thus, acquiring customers from search engines should be a core business strategy.

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To some, the Internet might seem like its too big, a mighty force that’s un-navigable.

But if you knew how to reach the customers that are searching for exactly what you have to offer….you could turn that mighty force in the favor of your business.

What if you could harness all that power to make it work for you?

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What if you could locate a majority of your customers and lead them to your products?

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You see, selling doesn’t have to be difficult. Andon the Internet, it’s not.

Technology has found a way to link payingcustomers with the products that they’re


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It is true that there has never been a more precise and measurable way to advertise or market a product than on the Internet.

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Businesses that understand the importance of non-ad-based search acquisition will make online marketing a central piece of their overall strategy in order to connect with high-quality customers for long-term growth and success.

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Consumers [increasingly] depend on search tools to locate products, services and

information. Search engines continue to usurp traditional means of advertising such as newspapers, phone books and


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Businesses that use data about how people are searching online have a distinct advantage, and will reach customers before their competition.

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Integrate search strategy into all parts of your

business to elevate its presence and give it a major advantage over

its competitors.

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So, what’s the catch? Well, actually, there’s an un-


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Google places a high valueon authenticity. Organic

search uses algorithms todecide on the top spot for

page 1, awarded to the Website with the freshest, most

pertinent content andtargeted keywords.

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With a little savvy, your company canincrease its representation on the

Web by:

Finding the exact words that people are using to search for your product

Making sure that search engines can properly read your Web site

Considering how you’re listed -- beyond your Web pages

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Most business owners fall into one of thefollowing camps:

• Those who know search has become an important part of the customer engagement cycle, but aren’t sure where to start.

• Those who don’t think search is all that important and believe that even if it is, businesses shouldn’t have to concern themselves with it. It’s Google’s job to sort things out.

• Those who get so caught up in optimizing their sites and ranking number one that they don’t step back to look at the bigger picture: to understand how searchers behave, how to engage with them, and how to turn them into lifelong customers.

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Unleashing the POWER of the

Internet to work for your business means

that your online strategy….

IS your business strategy.

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With a little savvy, your company canincrease its representation on the Web


a.) Finding the exact ways that people are searching for your product

b.) Making sure that search engines can properly read your Web site

c.) Consider how you’re listed beyond your Web pages – video, audio and text results

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As consumer behavior changes, businesses

remain successful by changing with them.

Search is becoming the primary way forpeople to get information, decide whatto buy and make purchases.

Search strategy is your businessstrategy, whether you realize it or not.

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It’s the new STAR


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And it’s here to stay.

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Our evolution as a searching culture was a fundamental shift in behavior; fully realizing

thepotential of search often requires such a shift

in your business, and will help you to:

a.) Better communicate with potential customers, 24/7

b.) Make more informed business decisions

c.) Remain relevant as our world continues to change

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It’s called the World Wide Web for a reason. When you establish your business’ online

presence, many pathways are created.

You will build relationships and see customers for years to come.

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Today, over 50 percent of online Americans use

search engines everyday and over 90 percent

use search engines every month.

This equates to: • 22.7 billion online searches per month in

the U.S.• 131 billion online searches per month

worldwide• 29 million searches per minute (where??)

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The Internet is the information superhighway. More customer research and transactions takeplace online now than ever before, and thosenumbers are only going to increase.

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How will you evolve your business to takeadvantage of this changing landscape? How

willyou weave the value that search provides

into allaspects of your organization?

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Presentation created by Christine Powell

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