Strategic HR and reinforcement in Verizon

Strategic HR and Reinforcement Verizon India


Strategic HR and reinforcement techniques in Verizon to get best outcome from employees

Transcript of Strategic HR and reinforcement in Verizon

  • 1. Strategic HR and Reinforcement Verizon India

2. Company Profile Largest wireless and fixed telephone line service provider company. Started in 1983 Fortune 15 company and headquartered in New york Services Voice and Data Info./Dir Publishing Products Handsets Accessories Calling cards 3. Balanced score Card 4. Balance score card and Employees How Verizon implemented this balance score card to get the desired behavior from the employees..?? The Scorecard was designed to integrate HR policies with that of the business strategy 5. Balance score card and Employees Balance Score Card and Employees Total Reward Concept Reward System Baisc Pay Performance Pay Indirect Pay Motivations and Enforcements Other Benefits 6. Total Reward Concept Non Monetary People own their Career Training and Development Flexibility Work Life balance Open Culture & Security Job Enrichment Accountability Awards & Recognition Belongingness Safety Monetary Basic Pay Performance bonuses Profit Sharing Overtime Payments Other Benefits 7. Total Reward Concept(Non Monetary factors) Employees Own Their Career - IDP (Internal development Plan ) Employees decides how they want to develop in the organization on their own. - Company wants workforce to have careers not just jobs Job Enrichment It includes more challenging task to be included in day to day task performed by the employee. Lack of interest of employee due to monotonous job can be avoided by this method. "CHANGE ENERGIZES US widely used quotes in Verizon Accountability 8. Total Reward Concept(Non Monetary factors) Training and Development Amongst 80 hours of mandatory training, 40 hours is for technical training and 40 hours training is up to an employee what they want to learn Invested more than $280 million in 2012 for learning and development Offered more than 11,000 courses in a variety of formats, from collaborative learning in a classroom to self-directed learning online. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2010 2011 2012 Avg. Training hours Avg. Training hours 9. Total Reward Concept(Non Monetary factors) Flexibility It enables an employee to work as per their convenience and employees are responsible enough that they plan in such a way that deliverables will not exceed timelines.Exm: Work from home facility Awards and Recognition This can be monetary or non monetary. Few of the awards and recognitions given by Verizon to its employees are as follows On the spot Award Credo award Best Learner Award Best Team Award Five years completion Award 10. Total Reward Concept(Non Monetary factors) Diversity Verizon is improving in terms of maintaining diversity. It seeks diversity in terms of gender, skills etc. So that all people will get equal employment opportunity Work Life balance Fun Friday Every Friday some games, experience sharing etc. Day Care support for Mother having small Child, Largest leave provider in Industries 11. Total Reward Concept(Non Monetary factors) Belongingness Punch line of Verizon is WE ARE VERIZON from the name itself it gives a feeling of belongingness Verizon seeks advice from its employees to become a better organization, When employee take part in this kind of things they felt proud Open Culture and Security Verizon prefers open culture in the organization, any person can meet any other subordinates, peers of bosses at any point of time. No need to take prior permission or 12. Total Reward Concept(Non Monetary factors) Safety Safety is a top priority at Verizon. They are committed to ensuring that all employees have a safe and productive work environment. BE SAFE The focus is on raising safety awareness, encouraging safe behaviours and creating personal accountability for safety. Ahead in safety across industries with a standard of 1.35 which is far better than 2.10 industry standard 0 5 2010 2011 2012 Injuries and Illness rate(Per 100 employee) Injuries and Illness rate(Pe r 100 employ ee) 13. Total Reward Concept(Monetary Factors) Basic Pay A fixed pay that constitutes a standard rate for the job defined by market pricing and job evaluation. It helps to establish mutual commitment in the employment relationship Performance or variable Pay : A component of pay that is directly related to work related behavior of an employee. Two types of variable pay in Verizon : Performance related pay(PRP) Based on individual or team performance Organization performance pay Based on the profitability of the firm like employee 14. Total Reward Concept(Monetary Factors) Overtime payments For employees coming on weekends, regular payment plus some additional amount of payment is given by the company Leave Compensation Verizon provides highest number of leaves in the industries. It provides total of 32 leaves. Leave breakup is as follows Earned Leaves 18 EL, Casual Leave 12, Floating leave 2 An employee can use this as per the convenience and they may use it for monetary benefits if there is some leave available at the 15. Impact of Total reward Concept Through Total reward Concept Verizon is able to integrate Business strategy with HRM strategy and below results is a proof for the same..!! Price Quality 16. Last but Surely Not the Least..!! Apart from following best practices Verizon is also doing things which is creating awareness in society and making the brand value more credible, more famous. Below is one of such activities : Internet Safety Month : Verizon supports the Family Online Safety Institute's mission to promote a culture of responsibility online and encourage a sense of digital citizenship for all. Watch the Video and Enjoy..!