Strategic business plan visionary statement index


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Example of business plan in a visionary high tech energy driven sector

Transcript of Strategic business plan visionary statement index

Page 1: Strategic business plan visionary statement index

Strategic Business Plan Example – Visionary statement

For a sustainable production of electricity from renewable source

Low cost - Low environmental impact

Created by: Davide Zari & Coworkers Copyright 2014

Company Srl

Page 2: Strategic business plan visionary statement index

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Created by: Davide Zari & Coworkers

Page 3: Strategic business plan visionary statement index

Copyright 2014 Company Srl

Table of contents

A. Introduction [6-12]

1. About Company® 2. Context 3. Forward-looking statements 4. Vision for the future 5. Market strategy – Key points

B. Executive summary [13-27]

1. Useful Terms 2. Energy problem and its solution 3. Product services and positioning 4. Product history and strategic goals 5. Market size and trends 6. Team and corporate structure 7. Sales channels and operations 8. Risks and mitigating actions 9. Activities plan 10. Forecasted VNT investments farms excluded 11. Farm forecasted financials 12. Corporate forecasted financials 13. Shareholders forecasted value

C. Demand / Energy Consumption Forecasts [28-35]

1. Overview 2. The “real” (energetic) cost of energy 3. The problem of energy supply 4. Need to accelerate the Transition 5. Transition state of art

D. New Wind Power [36-47] 1. Meaning 2. Historical Perspective 3. Market Development 4. Market Status 5. Competing Methodologies 6. Overview of Players Status 7. Geographical spread of main players

E. The Company® Technology [48-76]

1. The concept 2. Development history 3. Company New generator 3MW 4. Main advantages 5. Wind Farm configuration 6. Company® industrialization plan 7. Current assets

Created by: Davide Zari & Coworkers

Page 4: Strategic business plan visionary statement index

Copyright 2014 Company Srl

Table of contents

8. Prospects of technology development 9. Offshore Company New product 10. Gigawatt Scale Pumping New Generators 11. Onshore Company Big New Generator 12. Offshore Company Big New Generator 13. CO Technology enabled applications 14. Competitivity in the Wind Market 15. Comparison: Company® and Conventional turbines 16. Comparison: Company® and solar photovoltaic

F. Industry analysis [77-108]

1. Addressable market and served market 2. Global market status and trends

a. Wind market b. Wind technology trends c. Electricity power

3. Competition in the energy market a. NWP Players b. NWP Players – IP Rights c. Wind developers/IPP d. Offshore wind e. Solar f. Biomass

4. Market Business opportunities 5. Energy costs levels by sources 6. Energy costs structure by sources

14. Possible new competition 15. Possible substitute products 16. Suppliers view and opportunities 17. Financing 18. Risk factors affecting Renewables 19. Regulatory environment 20. Macroeconomic environment 21. Social acceptance environment 22. Internal resources and skills 23. SWOT analysis 24. Company® Positioning 25. Advantages in the electricity mix 26. Benefits compared to the market

G. Strategic plan and business model [109-163]

1. Key phases of our strategic plan 2. Current Status

a. Company Corporate Structure b. Company Management Team Experience c. Company Historical mission and activities d. Agreement among Company and COR e. Company Financial status f. Companies’ structure and legal information g. Company® Companies Shareholders

Created by: Davide Zari & Coworkers

Page 5: Strategic business plan visionary statement index

Copyright 2014 Company Srl

Table of contents

3. RestrucLocationg and transition a. Organization strategy: changes ongoing b. Transformation into New Ventures SpA c. Goals and activity plan

4. Delivering and strategic goals

a. Cooperation in projects development: present and future activities

b. Competitive advantage of the Company® business model

c. Mission of New Ventures Spa d. NV market strategic activities e. NV Organization

5. Corporate development

a. International development map b. NV Corporate target structure c. Organizational target structure

6. Business Development

a. Step 1: Site Identification, Risk Assessment, and Pre-Development

b. Step 2: Project Development, Legal, Regulatory, and Finance

c. Step 3: Project Permitting: Regulatory, Environmental, or Wildlife Assessment

d. Step 4: ManufacLocationg of Engineered Structures, Wing ManufacLocationg, Power Equipment and Electronics, Sub-Components and Materials

e. Step 5: Distribution or Transport of Wind Energy Products

f. Step 6: On-Site Civil Works g. Step 7: On-Site Mechanical Assembly h. Step 8: On-Site Electrical Work i. Step 9: Operations and Maintenance

6. Technology Development 7. Equity partners exit strategy statistics 8. NWP specific risk factors 9. CO Risk factors 10. Risk mitigation factors and activities

H. Financial forecasts [164-183]

1. Company® Farm forecasted financials 2. NV forecasted financials

Created by: Davide Zari & Coworkers