Straight Talk, February 2006

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Transcript of Straight Talk, February 2006

  • 8/14/2019 Straight Talk, February 2006


    Ca n y o u s e ew i t h y o u r e y e st h a t sh e h a s


    I w a s b o r n

    w i t h H I V

    PO Box 22366, Kamp ala.Straight Talk,

    Wo r d s o fw i s d o m





    She told our studen t journa lists: I was bornwith HIV. I tested positive in S2. At first I hate dand stigmatized myself. Most of the time Iwou ld sit away from my friends and cry. I feltvery useless. I was angry and a nnoyed. But thecounseling I got from CDC and TASO changedmy life.

    I am now o n ARVs and d oing well. My adviceto fellow youth is: Avoid self-stigma . Feel freeand get counselling from TASO o r a nea rbyhea lth ce ntre. Learn m ore from Proscoviaon Page 2.

    This yearStraight Talkis comingto you in person ! In 2006 ou reditors are putting togetherevery issue of the new spaperwith a Straight Talk club up-country .

    This Straight Talk was written bystudents in Tororo. We foundthem attending activities at theFPAU youth center. Thanks, FPAU,for welcoming us.

    These students learnt a lot byworking as journalists for StraightTalk. They walked around townand interviewed other

    It is a new year. So Post Officeneeds you to pay for your PO

    Box. Rush now. A schoolwithout a PO Box does not

    easily get Straight Talk.

    adolescents. They also answeredDear Syfa questions.

    Do you belong to a Straight Talkclub in or out-of-school?Would you like to be a journalistfor a day? Write to Journalist for a

    Day, Straight Talk,PO Box 22366, Kamp ala.Students design page one.

    "My opinion is...":Student edit ors at work.

    Headteachers!Renew you r

    PO Box

    Headteachers!Renew you r

    PO Box

    I w a s b o r nw i t h H I V

    Proscovia is 17 a n d ha s ju st com pleted 'O' levels. She isbea u ti fu l a n d strong.

    Proscovia is 17 a n d ha s ju st com pleted 'O' levels. She isbea u ti fu l a n d strong.

    Ca n y o u s e ew i t h y o u r e y e st h a t s h e h a s


    He saw a man blind from birth.His disciples asked Him,"Jesus, who sinned, this manor his parents, that he wouldbe born blind? Jesusanswered, neither that theman nor his parents; but itwas so that the works of God

    might be displayed in him.John 9:1-3

    98.6 FM Mega Sunday 3:30 pm

    91.3 FM Capital Radio Sunday 8:00 pm

    96.1 FM Rhino FM Sunday 7:30 pm

    10 1 FM Voi ce of T or o S und ay 1 1: 30a m

    88.4 FM Voice of Teso Friday 7:30 pm

    87.8 FM Radio Paidha Saturday 7:30 pm

    89 .4 FM N ile B /ca st in g Sunday 7:30 pm

    96.9 FM Radio Rukungiri Saturday 8:30 pm

    103.2 FM Open Gate Friday 8:30 pm

    10 6. 8 F M R ock M ambo Satur day 6:30 pm

    88.6 FM Radio Hoima Friday 7:30 pm

    97.4 FM Freedom II Sunday 6:30 pm

    92.9 FM Apac Sunday 7:30 pm

    97.5 FM Messiah Saturday 6:15 pm

    94.1 FM Nile FM Sunday 6:30 pm

    E N G L I S H P R O G R A M M E S














    J ourn alists for a d ayJ ourn alists for a day

  • 8/14/2019 Straight Talk, February 2006


    Straight Talk, February 20062

    By Brian Pade a nd CaroAthieno"My mother died when I was 13.I was the one in the hospital

    washing her and taking care of

    her. She didnt tell me tha t shehad HIV. I foun d o ut from m y

    dad. She died when I was doingP7 in 2000. In those days we did

    not have ARVs.

    My brother died when he was 8

    in 2001 and my sister died whenshe was 6 in 2002.

    I was also born with the virus

    but I lived without falling sick

    until I reached S2. I got very sick.I had TB and malaria. I was

    coughing seriously.

    Boys started calling m e"sick girl". I took it sim ple

    but reported t o a teacher.She talked to them, andthey stopped.

    The day I went to test, my CD4

    count was just 84. I was verythin, weighing only 32 kgs. Theystarted me on TB treatment.

    After one month I started on

    ARVs. That was 2004. I began

    Ta l k a b o u t i t !

    Pr oscovia s st or yProscovia s st or y

    Proscovia shows hermedicines. You have t o t akeARVs exact ly as t he doctorsays. You need to tr y tonever miss a dose.

    feeling better right away. I got no

    bad side effects. I started gainingweight. I am now approaching 60

    kgs. I finally got my periods in

    2005 when I was over 16.

    I take three tablets twice a day. MyCD4 count increased slowly by

    slowly. It is now 504.I have told five people that I am

    HIV positive. They are close tome. If I am absent, they cop y

    notes for me.

    Before, when I was very sick, they

    would say: Prossie, what?! So I

    told them that I am HIV positiveand they should pray for me.

    They said: Dont be worried.

    I am talking now to Straight Talk

    to help others in my situation.

    At TASO we have a club of nine

    adolescents on ARVs. We bringour experiences and advise each


    Boys come to me. I tell them I amnot ready for a relationship. But

    we still chat.

    I am not planning to get married.

    I do no t want to infect anyone. IfI get a job, Ill just stay with that."

    Asking questions: journalists for a day Caro and Brianinter view Proscovia. Caro is in S6 at Kithende SS, Wakiso.

    Brian has just completed S6 at Kiira College, Jinja.

    In some couples one partner hasHIV, while the o ther do es no t. This

    is called discordance. How does

    this happen?

    Think about a bag of white beanswith a few red beans in it,

    rep resen ting HIV.

    When you put your hand in, you

    might pull out just white beans. Soon that act of sex, you did no t get

    the virus, but you could have.

    But the next time you put your hand

    in the bag, you pick a red bean. Soon that act of sex, you got HIV.

    If your partner has a high viral load

    of HIV or one of you has an STD,there will be more red beans in the

    bag. You will have mo re cha nce ofgetting infecte d. You can no t tell

    someone with a high HIV load or

    STDs by just looking at them

    Unless they stop sex or usecondoms for every act of sex,

    sooner or later the negative personin a discordant couple gets


    Getting HIV is chance. Do not

    gamble with it.

    Proscovia was brave t o tel l

    her story. Let us learn fromit. Discuss in a Straight Talk

    or any o ther club:

    Why do people g ive

    n icknames to peop le whothey th ink have HIV?

    What can you do to s top i t

    f rom happen ing? How can you he lp

    classmat es w ith HIV? What do you th ink abou t

    Prossie's decision never tom a r r y ?

    Le t 's g e t m e d i c a l !

    Tuberculosis (TB)

    This is the main infection thatattacks the immune systemwhen HIV has weakened you.If you test p ositive for HIV, ge tchecked right away for TB.You can ha ve it withou tknowing. Treatment is free, and

    TB is curable.

    Septr in

    Taken twice daily, this antibioticredu ces sickness due to HIV.

    You ge t less ma laria, diarrho eaand skin or chest infections. Ithelps your CD4 count not to

    fall. Everyone with HIV needs totalk to their counselor aboutSeptrin.

    CD4 count

    CD4 cells are the white blood cellstargeted by the HIV. A hea lthyperson has a CD4 count of 500-1000. When the CD4 count fallsbelow 200, a person with HIVneeds ARVs.

    Prossies CD4 count rose from just84 to 504 after 2 years on ARVs.

    ARVs (Antiretrovirals)

    ARVs are the only medicines thatstop HIV from reproducing. About9% of people with HIV in Ugandaneed ARVs.

    ARVs are not a cure: you can stillinfect others. And you need totake ARVs for life. When you stop,the HIV starts to multiply again.

    A CD4 cell with HIVs (seen as s mallblue dots ) att ached to it . The HIVswill eventually destroy the cell.

    You d o n ot p icka red bean : no

    infect ion .

    You a re m ore likelyto p ick a red bean(get HIV) if on e ofyou has an STD oryour par tn er hasa high viral load.

    You d o pick a redbean. Now youare infected . Thiscan happen onyour first act ofsex.



    Proscovia passed her 'O' levelexams. Straight Talk Foundation/ Mvu le Trust w ill pay for her 'A' Level education.



  • 8/14/2019 Straight Talk, February 2006


  • 8/14/2019 Straight Talk, February 2006


    Straight Talk, February 20064

    Publisher: STRAIGHT TALK FOUNDATION45 Bukoto St., Kamwokya, P. O. Box 22366, Tel: 0312-262030, 0312-262031 041-

    530088 Kampala (U), Fax: 041-534858, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Web: Communications Director: Cathy Watson ,,,,,

    Programme Director:Anne Akia Fiedler, Editors: Teopist a Agut u, Bett yKagoro,Edith Kimuli, Gilbert Awekofua. Designers: MeBK, G.bM, Funded by

    DANIDA, DFID, Ireland Aid, and SIDA Printer: Vision Printing






    My boyfriend promised to marryme. He ha s finishedhis studies but I amstill studying. Healways asks me forsex w hich I do notwan t at this t ime.W ill this boycont inue to be mylover?A Nabakooza, 17,S3, Kagadi

    Academ y, Kibaale

    He is actually not yourboyfriend because hedoes not respect thecompletion of yourstudies. Insist on yourdecision to wait. Patiencepays to those who wait.Anita, remember. Goodmen love ladies whostick to wise decisions.So do not be afraid ofbeing dumped.He may not keep hispromise to marry you ifyou give into sex. Answerby M Malengerera, S Osere

    My boyfriend an d Iagreed to delay sex butrecently he tried torape m e. I fought himand he ran aw ay inshame. Later he wroteto apologise. He said hehad been overcome byemotions. We have beenapart for four months. I still have feelings forhim. But I feel he couldbe violent again.Dorcus, 14, NyakyeraSS , Ntungamo

    Please Dorcus, at 14 you

    are still too young tohave a boyfriend. Lookahead of you. There is abright future after youreducation.He is not the right personfor you since he cannotrespect your feelings andambitions and alsocannot control his sexualdesire. Answer by F Armani

    I have a girlfriend. Weusual ly have protectedsex . The last t ime w emet she told me that she is pregnant yet sheis in S6. W hat can I do

    because I dont wantmy p arents to knowabout it .Charles , KawempeMus l im

    Now Charles, accept thefact that this happenedand, like you said, youactually seem to beresponsible for it.We advise you to involveyour parents since youfeel you cannot handlethis matter alone. Or youcan involve your closestrelatives. If this does notwork, consult acounselor or healthworker for help. Answer by

    Vincent, Mark, Roney and Banda.

    Straight Talk adds:Charles, this is whathappens if you use acondom only usually (most times). Condomgive little or no protectionunless you use it always(all the time) not usually.

    I love my boy likenothing on earth. We

    used to stay together inthe same district butnow w e s tay very far and m eet only once in awh i le . When w e meet , hedemands for sex . W hen I refuse, he tells me th at Ive lost respect for him.He neve r used to te ll mesuch. Please advisebecause I am w orried of loosing him.Agnes, Zika FoundationSchool, Kibaale

    Agnes, first understandwhat true love is. Truelove means waiting,

    patience and beinggenuine. If this is lackingin your relationship, it isnot good enough. Pleasetalk to your boyfriendwhen he is in a goodmood.Ask him if the relationship

    is for sex or for marriage.If it is for marriage, thenhe waits. If it is for sex,then you put an end to it.

    Answer by Vincent, Mark, Roney

    and Banda.

    I am an S 6 vacist and avirgin. Friends say thatat the university I mustget a girl to fit in. Theysay campus girls are sosharp and p ut on out f i t sthat even the impotent can ha rdly resist .Advise me in time.Tom, S oroti

    Thanks, Tom. Despite thepressure, fitting in oncampus does not meanyou should have a girl.Have educational friendswho can help you to stay

    safe by delaying sex oralways using a condom.The outfits girls put onshould not scare you.Have self-control and

    Areyou inaStraightTalkorany club?Ifyes, do thefollowing a

    sa clubactivity. If

    not, take it asyour ownassignment.

    Talkwith a friendabout theroleofmoneyandthings inyourlif

    e. Is it right tohavea

    relationship formoney and things?When aremoney and thing

    s good in a

    relationship?When do they cause problems?

    Based on thosequest ions, priv ately w rit e tous

    answ ering these questions:Have you everhada

    relationship formoney and th ings? What

    happened? What did youget?

    OR:Haveyouever offered thingsor money to get

    a relationship?Whatdid yougive?Didyouget

    what you wanted? Tellus the storyofyour

    relationship.Your letters will go into araffle for

    prizes. Wait andsee!WritetoSTMoneyQuiz,

    POBox22366, Kampala


    healthy decisions in yourmind.Answer by V incent, Mark,

    Roney and Banda.

    W hen a girl startsmenstruat ing and

    misses a month does it mean that she ispregnant? If not, what isthe cause?R Nakasan ye, 14,Nakaseke 2000A c a d e my

    It is normal to haveperiods then stop,especially for a beginner.However, if you miss yourperiods and had earlierhad unprotected sex,then it is possible that oneis pregnant. Visit a healthcentre for peace of mind.

    Answer by B Pade, Ramaz an N, C

    Kutosi, C Athieno, Peter M, all S6vacists.

    All these Dear SYFA quest ions were answeredby t he Tororo FPAU youth group (in pic tur e),

    who were Straight TalkJournalist s for a Dayfor t his issue of Straight Talk. You can also be

    a Journalist for a Day. Writ e toP.O. Box 22366, Kampala.

    Kachaina Anita ,Rwentobo HS,

    N t u n g a m o

    Mubiru Isa, ChairmanST Club, Buzibw era

    SS, Luweero

    Iw u m b w e J o e l,

    Headboy, Lw am ataCentral Academ y,Kiboga

    Munankone Jafal i , STc lub mem ber,

    Kangulumo SS,Busembat ia

    Educat ion and sayingNo to sex is ourpriority, ST club

    members , LwangosiaSS, Bugiri

    Straight Talk Foundationthanks the Journalistsfor a Day in Tororo forthese great answers.