Storyboard for Trailer

Storyboard for trailer.

Transcript of Storyboard for Trailer

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Storyboard for trailer.

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This scene shows our main character with her friends on her birthday and shows her very happy and like nothing has happened or that nothing could go wrong, is incorporates Todorv’s theory of equilibrium/disquilibrium.

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This next scene is very different to the first scene, this show our main character in a very different light. It’s a tracking shot across the floor and then focus’ in on the main characters hand hold a blade to her wrist, it then fades into the next scene, this scene is here to make audience intrigued to want to see the rest of the trailer. This scene is a powerful scene because it goes straight in there with seeing the blade straight away.

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This next scene is out main character in class with her best friend and we see a piece of paper fall out of her book and it is a letter from her mum saying that she has left home and doesn’t want to see her again, then her best friend asks what the paper is and our main character, Eva, says its nothing and runs out of the classroom.

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Later on that day Eva is walking towards the common room and is stopped by her teacher, her teacher asks her come into her classroom to talk about Eva's essay. The shots used in the scene were tracking shots and medium close ups on the two characters in the scene.

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This is the scene in the classroom with Eva and her teacher discussing her essay, the teacher asks Eva if something has happened at home to make her get such a bad grade, Eva lies and says everything is alright, but the teacher doesn’t believe her. The shots used in this are tracking shots as we follow Eva into the classroom, also over the shoulder shots so we see things from Eva’s perspective.

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Straight after talking to her teacher Eva runs out of the classroom crying telling herself that she is an idiot and that she cant do anything right. Shots used in this scene were medium close ups and tracking shots. Tracking shots are used so we can see things from Eva’s perspective and how she is coping and why she is doing this to herself.

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Soon after Eva’s teacher comes out and finds her outside crying and goes up to her but Eva tries to act alright but then her teacher notices her arm is bleeding and looks at Eva’s wrist and see her cuts and asks her if she did that to herself and Eva replies so what if I did no one cares and then runs off. Tracking and over the shoulder shots are used within this scene.

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Then later that day Eva is in the common room with her best friend, Niamh; her teacher then comes in to talk to Eva about what happened before and tells Eva that she cares about her and wants to help her through it. Tracking , medium close ups and over the shoulder shots are used from Eva’s perspective so we can feel like we have gone through this journey with her and we as audience members have understood her and sympathised with what she is going through.