Story board

StoryBoard Germain

Transcript of Story board




Protagonist – John Halloway - brother to Cal

Femme fatale – Isobel Halloway – wife of Cal

Main villain – Detective Cal Halloway – brother to John

Mother of Halloways – Susanne Halloway

Danielle Halloway – sister to Cal and John and daughter to Susanne Halloway

Ed Newick – Old man who kno

Other members of the force and John’s kids

Overall Story Board

Act 1

Act 1 - The Set Up

• Detective John Halloway, is at home, with his children and his mother. They are discussing his recent retirement from the force in the wake of an accidental killing of an unarmed man. John mentions Linda, his ex wife leaving him 3 years ago. John is becoming increasingly bored with his retirement and having nothing to do, he doesn’t like living in the ‘real world’ without solving crimes. As we see him begin to get increasingly bored by playing computer games and trying to write a book, his home phone rings, he goes to pick it up and the person on the other line speaks in a low voice, “ Detective, you should not have quit., the phone then hangs up, John is freaked out but shrugs it off, as he walks away the phone rings once more, this time threatening to kill80 a member of his family of ‘great fortune’, the phone then hangs up once more. Halloway thinks it’s a sick joke and keeps it to himself. However over the coming week, things begin to happen that his put his family’s lives in danger.

Act 2

Act 2

• Halloway decides to investigate, as he is now being sent letters and clues that might lead him to the person who is making the calls. One letter is decrypted to lead to him to a house in which a family friend lives in. John realises he has seen him before by his house, so immediately thinks suspicious of him and has a go at him, ringing his Brother to arrest him, as he is his brother, he just arrests him on little evidence. Things go quiet for a while, as threats stop. However whilst Ed Newick is in prison, Halloway begins to receive more letters and calls. Mother then dies of suspicious causes; Cal is first on scene to investigate. Ed is released but is still tailed and watched closely. Cal’s wife Isobel turns up on the doorstep of Johns to offer her condolences and support. She leads him into wrong direction by making him focus on the wrong information (using her sexual manipulation). They sleep together, he now trusts her as she continues to send her in wrong direction.

Act 3

Act 3

• John visits Mothers grave and sees a dark figure standing over the grave and as he gets closer the figure begins to run, turning into a chase scene. Isobel stops John. They go for a walk. She is picked up by Cal who says he was wondering where she was, the two say they just bumped into one another.

Act 4

Act 4

• Cal and John speak, shortly after Cal and Isobel leave, the public phone box rings, John answers the call, and the speaker says “you’ve been wasting time, sleeping with taken women, you’re out of time”. Across the road, John sees his sister has been shot and is holding her chest as she walks towards him. John begins to get extremely depressed and angry, pushing Isobel away.

Act 5

Act 5

• John is called to a meeting with Cal regarding inheritance of Mothers money as she is now dead and so is sister after both being killed. The two argue about who should get which amount of money. As they leave, Cal invited John over for drinks. John decided to go, upon arrival, uses Cal’s upstairs loo, and sees a false wall, behind which is a desk with scattered newspapers and clippings, with glue etc.… John is shocked and leaves through bathroom window.

• John calls Isobel to tell her to meet him by secret alleyway (so Cal wont find them) so he can tell her what he saw and to stay away from Cal. She leads him to a ‘safe house’. The house is dark and suspicious. Cal suddenly arrives and it is revealed through argument that it was him who killed Mother and Sister. All for inheritance, it was his plan to kill John eventually. It is also revealed that Isobel who pressured him into it, in the end it is left to John who shoots Cal in the arm, not killing him, then Isobel suddenly grabs Cal’s gun and shoots him dead. Eventually after an emotional breakdown, She shoots John, as he slowly dies he sees her walk away with the claim to the inheritance money.