Storage Devices 2

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Storage Devices 2. (Extended SATA)eSATA. وهو توسع لتقنية SATA ليتمكن من استقبال الأجهزة الخارجية كما يوحي الأسم بذلك وتختلف عن SATA بأنه يمكن وصلها من خارج الحاسب. يمكن أن يصل الكبل الخاص بها حتى 2 متر خارج الحاسب. تتمتع بميزة Hot-Swappable أو التبديل الساخن. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Storage Devices 2

  • Storage Devices 2


  • (Extended SATA)eSATA SATA SATA . 2 . Hot-Swappable . SATA . eSATA PCIe SATA eSATA ..


  • SCSI(Small Computer System) SCSI . SCSI SCSI . CD-ROM, DVD, printer, scanner SCSI. SCSI 320 MBps. SCSI SCSI host adapter card PCI ..


  • SCSI SCSI SCSI Host Adapter. Host Adapter SCSI . Host Adapter SCSI Controler SCSI : . SCSI Host Adapter . Host Adapter . SCSI 68 PATA. Host Adapter 50 . SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI . SCSI 15 ..


  • SCSI (SCSI ID) SCSI . SCSI SCSI ID 0 15 . 7 15 . SCSI ..


  • (Termination) SCSI . . SCSI SCSI. SCSI SCSI terminator .



  • SCSI.


  • SCSI host adapter.


  • SCSI terminator.




  • RAID 0(Disk Striping) : . : File f i l e .: . : : 100 GB 200 GB . .


  • RAID 0 (striping).


  • RAID 0 (striping).


  • RAID 1(Disk Mirroring/Duplexing) : . 2 4 6 .... : File . : : : = \2 100 100 ..


  • RAID 1(mirroring).


  • RAID 1(mirroring).


  • RAID 1(duplexing).


  • RAID 3(Disk Striping with Dedicated Parity) : . : Parity ECC . : Dedicated. : Parity( ) . : = ( -1)* : 3 100 (3-1)*100=200 100 ..


  • RAID 5(Disk Striping with Distributed Parity) : . : parity ECC . : Parity. : : 3 200 400 Parity .( -1)* . .


  • RAID 5(Disk Striping with Distributed Parity).


  • 2000/xp, vista, windows 7 :1- Master Boot Record2- Dynamic Storage Microsoft . MBR Basic Disks Dynamic Disks

  • (Basic Disks) MBR 1- MBR2- Partition Table

  • Basic Disk.


  • MBR(Master Boot Record) Bios Master Boot Sector platter1, side 0, Track 0, Sector 1 MBR Partition Table . . (Volume boot sectore) .

  • Partition Table : Primary Extended . . . Logical Drives D Z ..


  • Partition Table

  • Partition Table.


  • Hardisk Active Partition Table . Enable Disable . . . CMOS ..


  • Page file RAM Swap file Page file Swap partition ..


  • (Dynamic Disks) 2000 Partition Volume. . Basic Dynamic Disk Management Dynamic simple volume, stripped volum ......


  • (Dynamic Disks) Volume Disk Management :Simple volume Spanned volumeStriped volumeMirrored volume RAID 5 volume.


  • Simple VolumeSimple Volume: c D .: Volume ..


  • Spanned volume Spanned volume: Unallocated )) Volume Spanned volume Volume.



  • Spanned Volume.


  • Striped volumeStriped volume: RAID 0 Volume ..


  • Mirrored volumeMirrored volume: RAID 1 . .



  • RAID 5 volume RAID 5 volume: RAID 5 . . : RAID 5 Mirrored servers XP professional Windows 7.



  • Disk ManagementHealthy: .Unallocated: Foreign drive: Dynamic .Formatting: .Failed: .Online: .Offline: ..

