Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination State of the Art ...

Technical Report/TR-186-2-98-23 ( 22 August 1998) Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination State of the Art Report aszl´ o Szirmay-Kalos Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology, Technical University of Budapest Budapest, M˝ uegyetem rkp. 11, H-1111, HUNGARY [email protected] Abstract This paper presents a state of the art report of those global illumination algorithms which involve Monte-Carlo or quasi-Monte Carlo techniques. First it surveys the basic tasks of global illumination, which can be formulated as the solution of either the rendering or the potential equation, then reviews the basic solution techniques, including inversion, expansion and iteration. The paper explains why stochastic approaches are good to solve these integral equations and highlights what kind of fundamental choices we have when designing such an algorithm. It com- pares, for example, finite-element and continuous methods, pure Monte-Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo techniques, different versions of importance sampling, Russian roulette, local and global visibility algorithms, etc. Then, a lot of methods are reviewed in a unified framework, that also allows to make comparisons. Keywords: Rendering equation, potential equation, Monte- Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo quadratures, finite- element techniques, radiosity, importance sampling, Russian roulette, shooting and gathering random walks, stochastic iteration, Metropolis sampling, distributed ray-tracing, path tracing, photon tracing, light tracing, bi-directional path trac- ing, photon-map, instant radiosity, global ray-bundle tracing, stochastic ray-radiosity, transillumination method, first-shot, error and complexity 1. Introduction Generally, the global illumination problem is a quadruple 28 where is the geometry of surfaces, is the BRDF of surface points, is the emitted radiance of surface points at different directions and is a collection of measuring functions. Global illumination algorithms aim at the modeling and simulation of multiple light-surface interactions to find out the power emitted by the surfaces and landing at the measur- ing devices after some reflections. A light-surface interaction can be formulated by the ren- dering equation or alternatively by its adjoint equation, called the potential equation. The rendering equation 26 expresses the radiance [ ] of a surface point in direction , and has the following form: (1) If only direct contribution is considered, then . The light-surface interaction is described by integral operator , which has the following form (2) where and are the radiance and emission of the surface in point at direction , is the directional sphere, is the visibility function defining the point that is visible from point at direction , is the bi-directional reflection/refraction function, and is the angle between the surface normal and the incoming direction (figure 1). The potential equation 42 , on the other hand, uses the po- tential as a fundamental measure, which expresses the effect of emitting unit power from in direction on c The Institute of Computer Graphics, Vienna University of Technology.

Transcript of Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination State of the Art ...

Technical Report/TR-186-2-98-23 (22 August 1998)

Stochastic Methods in Global IlluminationState of the Art Report

Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos

Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology, Technical University of BudapestBudapest, M˝uegyetem rkp. 11, H-1111, HUNGARY

[email protected]

AbstractThis paper presents a state of the art report of those global illumination algorithms which involve Monte-Carlo orquasi-Monte Carlo techniques. First it surveys the basic tasks of global illumination, which can be formulated asthe solution of either the rendering or the potential equation, then reviews the basic solution techniques, includinginversion, expansion and iteration. The paper explains why stochastic approaches are good to solve these integralequations and highlights what kind of fundamental choices we have when designing such an algorithm. It com-pares, for example, finite-element and continuous methods, pure Monte-Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo techniques,different versions of importance sampling, Russian roulette, local and global visibility algorithms, etc. Then, a lotof methods are reviewed in a unified framework, that also allows to make comparisons.

Keywords: Rendering equation, potential equation, Monte-Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo quadratures, finite-element techniques, radiosity, importance sampling, Russianroulette, shooting and gathering random walks, stochasticiteration, Metropolis sampling, distributed ray-tracing, pathtracing, photon tracing, light tracing, bi-directional path trac-ing, photon-map, instant radiosity, global ray-bundle tracing,stochastic ray-radiosity, transillumination method, first-shot,error and complexity

1. Introduction

Generally, theglobal illumination problemis a quadruple28

hS; fr(!0; ~x; !); L

e(~x; !);W

e(~x; !)i

whereS is the geometry of surfaces,fr is the BRDF ofsurface points,Le is the emitted radiance of surface pointsat different directions andWe is a collection of measuringfunctions.

Global illumination algorithms aim at the modeling andsimulation of multiple light-surface interactions to find outthe power emitted by the surfaces and landing at the measur-ing devices after some reflections.

A light-surface interaction can be formulated by theren-

dering equationor alternatively by its adjoint equation,called thepotential equation.

Therendering equation26 expresses theradianceL(~x; !)[W �m�2 �sr�1] of a surface point~x in direction!, and hasthe following form:

L = Le+ T L: (1)

If only direct contribution is considered, thenL = Le. Thelight-surface interaction is described by integral operatorT ,which has the following form

(T L)(~x; !) =


L(h(~x;�!0); !


0; ~x; !)�cos �


(2)whereL(~x; !) andLe(~x; !) are the radiance and emissionof the surface in point~x at direction!, is the directionalsphere,h(~x; !0) is the visibility function defining the pointthat is visible from point~x at direction!0, fr(!0; ~x; !) isthe bi-directional reflection/refraction function, and�0 is theangle between the surface normal and the incoming direction�!0 (figure 1).

Thepotential equation42, on the other hand, uses thepo-tentialW (~y; !0) as a fundamental measure, which expressesthe effect of emitting unit power from~y in direction!0 on

c The Institute of Computer Graphics, Vienna University of Technology.

2 Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination


h(x, -

L(x, )






L(h(x, - ω ω’ ’



) )

Figure 1: Geometry of the rendering equation


W(y, )





W(h(y, ω ω’ ,


) )



Figure 2: Geometry of the potential equation

a measuring device having sensitivityW e(~y; !0) (for ex-ample, this device can measure the power going through asingle pixel of the image, or leaving a surface element atany direction). If only direct contribution is considered, thenW (~y; !0) = W e(~y; !0). To take into account light reflec-tions, we can establish the potential equation

W = We+ T

0W: (3)

In this equation integral operatorT 0 — which is the adjointof T — describes the potential transport

(T0W )(~y; !

0) =


W (h(~y; !0); !) � fr(!

0; h(~y; !

0); !) � cos � d!; (4)

where� is the angle between the surface normal and the out-going direction!.

According to the definition of the radiance

L(~y; !) =d�(~y; !)

d~y d! cos �;

the power detected by a measuring device can be computed

by the measuring function from the radianceZS


d�(~y; !) �We(~y; !) =



L(~y; !) cos � �We(~y; !) d~y d! =ML; (5)

whereM is the radiance measurement operator. Having in-troduced the scalar producthu; vi

hu; vi =



u(~y; !) � v(~y; !) d~y d!;

and the cosine weighted scalar producthu; vicos

hu; vicos = hu � cos �; vi = hu; v � cos �i;

we can obtain an alternative form of the measurement oper-ator

ML = hL;W eicos:

A simple measurement function for a pinhole camera is

We(~y; !) =

�(! � !f )

cos �� �(h(~y; !))

where!f is the focal point andcos � is the cosine anglebetween the normal of the visible surface and the viewingdirection. With this measurement function, the power goingthrough a pixel of areaP can be obtained using equation (5):Z


L(h(~p;�!~p); !~p) � �(~p) d~p; (6)

whereSP is the support of�. SP is usually, but not neces-sarily, equal to the pixel surface.

Alternatively to the radiance, the power arriving at themeasuring device can also be computed from the potential:Z



d�e(~y; !

0) �W (~y; !

0) =



W (~y; !0) � L

e(~y; !

0) � cos � d~y d!


0W; (7)

whereM0 is the potential measuring operator. Note that un-like the radiance measuring operator, the potential measur-ing operator integrates on the lightsource.

This measuring operator can also be given in a scalarproduct form

M0W = hL

e;W icos: (8)

Since the rendering or the potential equation contain theunknown radiance function both inside and outside the in-tegral, in order to express the solution, this coupling should

c Institute of Computer Graphics 1998

Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination 3

be resolved. The possible solution techniques fall into oneof the following three categories:inversion, expansionanditeration.

OperatorT represents light-surface interaction, thus eachof its application generates a higher-bounce estimate ofthe light transport (or alternativelyT 0 represents potential-surface interaction). For physically plausible optical materialmodels, a reflection or refraction always decreases the to-tal energy, thus the integral operator is always a contraction.However, when the transport is evaluated numerically, com-putation errors may pose instability problems if the scene ishighly reflective. As we shall see, expansion and iterationexploit the contractive property of the transport operator, butinversion does not.

1.1. Inversion

Inversiongroups the terms that contain the unknown func-tion on the same side of the equation and applies formallyan inversion operation:

(1� T )L = Le

=) L = (1� T )�1Le: (9)

Thus the measured power is

ML =M(1� T )�1Le: (10)

However, sinceT is infinite dimensional, it cannot be in-verted in closed form. Thus it should be approximated by afinite dimensional mapping, that is usually given as a matrix.This kind of approximation is provided by finite-elementtechniques that project the problem into a finite dimensionalfunction space, and approximate the solution here. This pro-jection converts the original integral equation into a systemof linear equations, which can be inverted, for example, byGaussian elimination method. This approach was used inearly radiosity methods, but have been ruled out due to thecubic time complexity and the numerical instability of theGaussian elimination.

Inversion has a unique property that is missing in the othertwo methods. Its efficiency does not depend on the contrac-tivity of the integral operator, neither does it even require theintegral operator to be a contraction.

Since no stochastic alternative has been proposed yet forthe deterministic inversion, we do not consider this optionany further in this paper.

1.2. Expansion

Expansion techniques eliminate the coupling by obtainingthe solution in the form of an infinite Neumann series.

1.2.1. Expansion of the rendering equation: gatheringwalks

Substituting the right side’sL by Le + T L, which is obvi-ouslyL according to the equation, we get:

L = Le+T L = L

e+T (L

e+T L) = L

e+T L



(11)Repeating this stepn times, the original equation can be ex-panded into a Neumann series:

L =


TiLe+ T

n+1L: (12)

If integral operator T is a contraction, thenlimn!1 T

n+1L = 0, thus

L =


TiLe: (13)

The measured power is

ML =


MTiLe: (14)

The terms of this infinite Neumann series have intuitivemeaning as well:MT

0Le = Le comes from the emission,MT

1Le comes from a single reflection,MT2Le from two

reflections, etc.

In order to understand how this can be used to determinethe power going through a single pixel, let us examine thestructure ofMT

iLe as a single multi-dimensional integralfor thei = 2 case:

M(T2Le) =Z






w0(~p) �w1(~x1) �w2(~x2) � Le(~x3; !

02) d!




~x1 = h(~p;�!~p);

~x2 = h(~x1;�!01);

~x3 = h(~x2;�!02) = h(h(~x1;�!


02); (16)

and the weights are

w0 = �(~p);

w1 = fr(!01; ~x1; !~p) � cos �


w2 = fr(!02; ~x2; !

01) � cos �

02: (17)

Thus to evaluate the integrand at point(~p; !01; !02), the fol-

lowing algorithm must be executed:

1. Point~x1 = h(~p;�!~p) that is visible through the point~p of the pixel from the eye should be found. This can bedone by sending a ray from the eye into the direction of~p and identifying the surface that is first intersected.

c Institute of Computer Graphics 1998

4 Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination

2. Surface point~x2 = h(~x1;�!01)— that is the point which

is visible from ~x1 at direction�!01 — must be deter-mined. This can be done by sending another ray from~x1into direction�!01 and identifying the surface that is firstintersected.

3. Surface point~x3 = h(h(~x1;�!01);�!

02) — that is the

point visible from~x2 at direction�!02 — is identified.This means the continuation of the ray tracing at direction�!02.

4. The emission intensity of the surface at~x3 in the directionof !02 is obtained and is multiplied with the cosine termsand the BRDFs of the two reflections.



L(x, )ω












Figure 3: The integrand ofMT2Le is a two-step gathering


This algorithm can easily be generalized for arbitrarynumber of reflections. A ray is emanated recursively fromthe visible point at direction!01 then from the found surfaceat!02, etc. until!0n. The emission intensity at the end of thewalk is read and multiplied by the BRDFs and the cosineterms of the stages of the walk.

These walks provide the value of the integrand at “point”~p; !01; !

02; : : : ; !


Note that a single walk of lengthn can be used to esti-mate the 1-bounce, 2-bounce, etc.n-bounce transfer simul-taneously, if the emission is transferred not only from thelast visited point but from all visited points.

The presented walking technique starts at the eye andgathersthe illumination encountered during the walk. Thegathered illumination is attenuated according to the cosineweighted BRDFs of the path.

So far, we have examined the structure of the terms ofthe Neumann series as a single multi-dimensional integral.Alternatively, it can also be considered as recursively evalu-ating many directional integrals. ExaminingMT

2Le again:


w0 �



w1 �



w2 � Led!02

375 d!01

375 d~p: (18)

In order to estimate the outer integral of variable~p, the

integrand is needed in the sample points~p. This, in turn,requires the estimation of the integral of variable!01 at ~p,which recursively needs again the approximation of the in-tegral of variable!02 at (~p; !01).

If the same number — saym— of sample points are usedfor each integral quadrature, then this recursive approachwill usem points for the 1-bounce transfer,m2 for the two-bounces,m3 for the three-bounces, etc. This kind of sub-division of paths is calledsplitting2. Splitting becomes pro-hibitive for high-order reflections and is not even worth do-ing because of the contractive property of the integral oper-ator. Due to the contraction, the contribution of higher-orderbounces is less thus it is not very wise to compute them asprecisely as low-order bounces.

1.2.2. Expansion of the potential equation: shootingwalks

The potential equation can also be expanded into a Neumannseries similarly to the rendering equation.

W =



e; (19)

which results in the following measured power

M0W =



e: (20)

M0W e is the power measured by the device from direct

emission.M0T0W e is the power after a single reflection,

M0T02W e is after two reflections, etc.

Let us again consider the structure ofM0T02W e:

M0T 02W e =ZS




Le(~y1; !1)�w0�w1�w2�W

e(~y2; !~p) d!3d!2d!1d~y1 =




Le(~y1; !1) � w0(~y1) �w1(~y2) � w2(~y3) d!2d!1d~y1:

(21)if ~y3 is visible though the given pixel and 0 otherwise, where

~y2 = h(~y1; !1);

~y3 = h(~y2; !2) = h(h(~y1; !1); !2) (22)

and the weights are

w0 = cos �1;

w1 = fr(!1; ~y2; !2) � cos �2;

w2 = fr(!2; ~y3; !~p) � �(~p): (23)

Thus to evaluate the integrand at point(~y1; !1; !2), thefollowing algorithm must be executed:

c Institute of Computer Graphics 1998

Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination 5

1. The cosine weighted emission of point~y1 in direction!1is computed. Surface point~y2 = h(~y1; !1) — that is thepoint which is visible from~y1 at direction!1 — mustbe determined. This can be done by sending a ray from~y1 into direction!1 and identifying the surface that isfirst intersected. This point “receives” the computed co-sine weighted emission.

2. Surface point~y3 = h(h(~y1; !1); !2) — that is the pointvisible from ~y2 at direction!2 — is identified. Thismeans the continuation of the ray tracing at direction!2.The emission is weighted again by the local BRDF andthe cosine of the normal and the outgoing direction.

3. It is determined whether or not this point~y3 is visiblefrom the eye, and through which pixel. Then the trans-ferred emission is weighted again by only the local BRDFand the contribution to the pixel is incremented by theweighted emission.














Φ(dy , d )






Figure 4: The integrand ofT 02W e is a two-step shootingwalk

This type of walk, calledshooting, starts at a known point~y1 of a lightsource and simulates the photon reflection for afew times and finally arrives at a pixel whose radiance thiswalk contributes to.

Note that in gathering walks the BRDF is multiplied withthe cosine of the angle between the normal and the incom-ing direction, while in shooting walks with the cosine of theangle between the normal and the outgoing direction. On theother hand, in gathering walks, the cosine angle of the emit-ting surface is not used, while in shooting walks the cosineangle of the last visible surface is neglected.

1.2.3. Merits and disadvantages of expansion methods

The main problem of expansion techniques is that they re-quire the evaluation of very high dimensional integrals thatappear as terms in the infinite series. Practical implemen-tations usually truncate the infinite Neumann series, whichintroduces some bias, or stop the walks randomly, whichsignificantly reduces the samples of higher order interreflec-tions. These can result in visible artifacts for highly reflectivescenes.

On the other hand, expansion methods also have an impor-tant advantage. Namely, they do not require temporary repre-sentations of the complete radiance function, thus do not ne-cessitate finite-element approximations. Consequently, thesealgorithms can work with the original geometry without tes-sellating the surfaces to planar polygons.

Expansion techniques generate random walks indepen-dently. It can be an advantage, since these algorithms can besuitable for parallel computing. However, it also means thatthese methods “forget” the previous history of walks, andthey cannot reuse the visibility information gathered whencomputing the previous walks, thus they are not as fast asthey could be.

1.3. Iteration

Iteration techniquesrealize that the solution of integral equa-tion (1) is the fixed point of the following iteration scheme

Ln = Le+ T Ln�1; (24)

thus if operatorT is a contraction, then this scheme willconverge to the solution from any initial functionL0.

The measured power can be obtained as a limiting value

ML = limn!1

MLn; (25)

In order to store the approximating functionsLn, usu-ally finite-element techniques are applied, as for example,in diffuse radiosity57, or in non-diffuse radiosity usingparti-tioned hemisphere21, directional distributions59 or illumina-tion networks8.

There are two critical problems here. On the one hand,since the domain ofLn 4 dimensional, an accurate finite-element approximation usually requires very many basisfunctions, which, in turn, need a lot of storage space. Al-though,hierarchical methods19; 4, waveletor multiresolutionmethods11; 51 and clustering58; 10; 61 can help, the memoryrequirements are still prohibitive for complex scenes. Thisproblem is less painful for the diffuse case since here thedomain of the radiance is only 2 dimensional.

On the other hand, when finite element techniques are ap-plied, operatorT is only approximated, which introducessome non-negligible error in each step. If the contractionratio of the operator is�, then the total accumulated errorwill be approximately1=(1 � �) times the error of a singlestep66. For highly reflective scenes, the iteration is slow andthe result is inaccurate if the approximation of the operator isnot very precise. Very accurate approximations of the trans-port operator, however, require a lot of computation time andstorage space.

In the diffuse radiosity setting several methods have beenproposed to improve the quality of the iteration. For exam-ple, we can use Chebyshev iteration instead of the Jacobi orthe Gauss-Seidel method for such ill conditioned systems5.

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6 Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination

On the other hand, realizing that the crucial part of designingsuch an the algorithm is finding a good and “small” approx-imation of the transport operator, the method calledwell-distributed ray-sets39; 6 proposes the adaptive approximationof the transport operator. This approximation is a set of raysselected carefully taking into account the important patchesand directions. In6, the adaptation of the discrete transportoperator is extended to include patch subdivision as well,to incorporate the concepts ofhierarchical radiosity19. Theadaptation strategy is to refine the discrete approximation(by adding more rays to the set), when the iteration withthe coarse approximation is already stabilized. Since the dis-crete approximation of the transport operator is not constantbut gets finer in subsequent phases, the error accumulationproblem can be controlled but is not eliminated.

Both the problem of prohibitive memory requirementsand the problem of error accumulation can be successfullyattacked bystochastic iteration.

Compared to expansion techniques, iteration has both ad-vantages and disadvantages. Its important advantage is thatit can potentially reuse all the information gained in previ-ous computation steps, thus iteration is expected to be fasterthan expansion. Iteration can also be seen as a single infi-nite length random walk. If implemented carefully, iterationdoes not reduce the number of estimates for higher order in-terreflections, thus it is more robust when rendering highlyreflective scenes than expansion.

The property that iteration requires tessellation and finite-element representation is usually considered as a disadvan-tage. And indeed, sharp shadows and highlights on highlyspecular materials can be incorrectly rendered and light-leaks may appear, not to mention the unnecessary increaseof the complexity of the scene description (think about,for example, the definition of the original and tessellatedsphere). However, finite-element representation can alsoprovide smoothing during all stages of rendering, which re-sults in more visually pleasing and dot-noise free images.Summarizing, iteration is the better option if the scene is nothighly specular.

2. Why should we use stochastic methods?

Expansion techniques require the evaluation of very high-dimensional — in fact, infinite dimensional — integrals.When using classical quadrature rules for multi-dimensionalintegrals44, such as for example the trapezoidal rule, in orderto provide a result with a given accuracy, the number of sam-ple points is in the order ofO(MD), whereD is the dimen-sion of the domain. This phenomenon is called thedimen-sional coreor dimensional explosionand makes classicalquadrature rules prohibitively expensive for higher dimen-sions. The reason of the dimensional explosion is that theserules are usually based on uniform grids — that are simpleCartesian products of the 1D grid in higher dimensions — inwhich different dimensions do not effectively interact.

However, Monte-Carlo or quasi-Monte Carlo techniquesdistribute the sample points simultaneously in all dimen-sions, thus they can avoid dimensional explosion. For ex-ample, the probabilistic error bound of Monte-Carlo integra-tion is O(M�0:5), independently of the dimension of thedomain.D-dimensional low discrepancy series41 can evenachieveO(logDM=M) = O(M�(1��)) convergence ratesfor finite variation integrands.

Furthermore, classical quadrature cannot be used for infi-nite dimensional integrals, thus the Neumann series shouldbe truncated afterD terms. This truncation introduces a biasof order�D+1

� jjLejj=(1 � �). Using a Russian roulettebased technique, on the other hand, Monte-Carlo methodsare appropriate for even infinite dimensional integrals.

Thus we can conclude that the stochastic approach is in-dispensable for expansion methods.

The application of randomized techniques in iteration isnot so evident, but can also be justified. On the simplestlevel, these methods also use integration in each iterationstep. The dimension of the domain is usually not very high.For example, iterative diffuse radiosity methods need toevaluate 4-dimensional integrals to obtain form factors. Thedimension is often reduced to 2 by a brutal simplification,which computes one of the two surface integrals from asingle value. For even 4-dimensional integrals Monte-Carlomethods are superior than classical quadratures thus in ac-curate algorithms they are highly recommended.

Furthermore, when stochastic iteration is applied, the op-erator should be like the real operator just in the averagecase. This allows us to use significantly simpler realizations.For example, the integral part of the operator can also be ap-proximated as an expectation value, thus in a single transferusually no explicit integral is computed. As we shall see, itis relatively easy to apply random operators whose expectedcase behavior gives exactly back that of the real operator.Thus the error accumulation problem can also be avoided.

If the operator is highly simplified, it does not require theintegrand everywhere in the domain, thus a lot of storagespace can be saved. Compared to the astronomical storagerequirements of non-diffuse radiosity methods, for example,with stochastic iteration we can achieve the same goal withone variable per patch69. This argument loses some of its im-portance when view-independent solution is also required,since the final solution should be stored anyway. This is nota problem if only the diffuse case is considered, since using asingle radiosity value per patch the image can be generatedfrom any viewpoint. For the non-diffuse case, the reducedstorage gets particularly useful when the image is to be cal-culated in only a single, or in a few eye positions.

Summarizing, the advantages of stochastic iteration arethe simplicity speed, affordable storage requirements andnumerical stability even for very large systems containinghighly reflective materials.

c Institute of Computer Graphics 1998

Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination 7







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Regular grid







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Random points







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

First 100 Halton points of base (2, 3)

Figure 5: 100 points distributed by a regular grid (left), random distribution (middle) and Halton low-discrepancy sequence(right)

3. Options in constructing stochastic rendering methods

3.1. Monte-Carlo versus quasi-Monte Carlo

The core of the computations of all methods is the evaluationof high-dimensional integrals (for inversion and iteration itmeans 4 dimensional integrals, for expansion, it means, atleast theoretically, infinite-dimensional integrals). To evalu-ate an integral, we can use quadrature formulae, that havethe following form in the simplest case:


f(z) dz �1



f(zi): (26)

Those sets of sample points that provide an exact integralvalue in the asymptotic sense are calleduniform sequences.

Well known examples for uniform sequences are the uni-form grid or the uniformly distributed random samples (fig-ure 5). The application of random samples can be justifiedby assuming that the integrand is multiplied by a constantp(z) = 1 function which is the probability density of a uni-formly distributed random variable, then realizing that theintegral is the formula of the expectation off(z). Expecta-tions can be approximated by averages if sample points areselected according to probability densityp(z) = 1:


f(z) dz =


f(z)�p(z) dz = E[f(z)] �1





To find out which are those sample sets that can effec-tively be used in numerical integration, theKoksma-Hlawkainequality41 gives us some hints (unfortunately, it is validonly for finite-variation functions, but the basic observations

are still useful in more general circumstances):



f(z) dz�1



f(zi)j � VHK �D�(z1; : : : zN );

(28)whereVHK is thevariation of f in the sense of Hardy andKrause, andD�(z1; : : : zN ) is the star-discrepancyof theused sample set (for the bounds and computation of the dis-crepancy refer to41; 53; 16).

According to this inequality, the error can be upper-bounded by the product of two independent factors, thevariation of the integrand and the discrepancy of the usedsamples set. The discrepancy shows how uniformly the setis distributed53. This immediately presents two orthogonalstrategies to improve the quality of quadratures. Either wetry to make the function flat by appropriate variable trans-formations, or use very uniformly distributed sample sets.The first technique is calledimportance sampling60, whilethe second involves thestratification60; 36; 1 of random pointsor the application oflow-discrepancy series41; 82; 44; 29; 60.

Low-discrepancy samples are deterministic point sets thatare designed to be optimally uniform, thus replacing the ran-dom points by them improves the accuracy of the integralquadrature. Quadrature rules that use low-discrepancy seriesinstead of random points are calledquasi-Monte Carlo meth-ods.

Quasi-Monte Carlo techniques have been first applied tosolve the diffuse rendering equation by Keller27, where theintegrand was generally discontinuous and therefore of in-finite variation, thus the superiority of quasi-Monte Carlomethod could not been theoretically justified (note thatthe Koksma-Hlawka inequality is meaningless if the vari-ation is infinite). However, the numerical evidence showedthat quasi-Monte Carlo methods can slightly be better thanMonte-Carlo techniques.

The quasi-Monte Carlo integration of infinite variationfunctions has been analyzed in44; 70, where it was concludedthat quasi-Monte Carlo methods are still better but lose their

c Institute of Computer Graphics 1998

8 Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination




1 10 100 1000

L1 e



Error of single-ray based random walk in the reference sphere (D=1, light=25%)





1 10 100 1000

L1 e



Error of single-ray based random walk in the reference sphere (D=5, light=25%)





1 10 100 1000

L1 e



Error of single-ray based random walk in the reference sphere (D=10, light=25%)


Figure 6: Error measurements for 1, 5 and 10 bounces

advantage in higher dimensions. The other important prob-lem is that although a low-discrepancy series has almost lin-early decreasing discrepancy in the asymptotic sense, thisdiscrepancy can still be high for not very many points (inthe solution of the rendering equation we rarely use morethan 1000 samples for the estimation of a single pixel). Inthe case of the Halton series, for example, thebaseof theseries strongly affects the initial behavior of the discrepancy.These base numbers are different prime numbers for differ-ent dimensions, thus for high-dimensional integrals the basenumbers can be quite high, which results in degraded perfor-mance.

To demonstrate this, in figure 6 the errors of differentbounces generated by quasi-Monte Carlo and the Monte-Carlo quadratures have been compared for a spherical dif-fuse scene where only a part is lightsource. For this scene theanalytical solution of the rendering equation is possible20; 70.

3.2. Continuous versus finite-element based methods

Iteration requires the representation of the temporary radi-ance functionLn. So does expansion if view-independentsolution is needed since the final radiance distribution mustbe represented in a continuous domain.

To represent a function over a continuous domain, finiteelement methods can be used which approximate the func-tion in the following form:

L(~x; !) �


Lj � bj(~x; !) = bT(~x; !) � L (29)

wherebj(~x; !) is a system of predefined basis functions, andLj factors are unknown coefficients.

This representation can also be seen as projecting the in-finite dimensional space of the possible radiance functionsinto a finite-dimensional function space defined by the basisfunctions.

Substituting this approximation into the rendering equa-

tion we can obtain:

bT� L � b

T� L

e+ T (b

T� L): (30)

Note that equality cannot be guaranteed, since even ifbT (~x; !) � L is in the subspace defined by the basis func-tions, the integral operatorT may result in a function that isout of this space. This can be solved by projecting the resultback to the subspace and using a projected integral operatorTF in the following way:

TFL = hT bT� L; ~bi: (31)

wherehT L; ~bi is a vector of scalar products

hT L;~b1i; : : : hT L;~bni

and ~bi is an adjoint basis ofbi, since we require thath~bi; bji = 1 if i = j and 0 otherwise.

SinceL is constant, we can also obtain

TFL = hT bT; ~bi � L = F � L; (32)

whereF = hT bT ; ~bi is a matrix, where thei; j element ishT bj ;~bii:

Thus the projection converts the original integral to thefollowing form:

L = Le+ TFL = L

e+ F � L: (33)

An adjoint of this linear equation can be derived by sup-posing that each basis functionbi is associated with a mea-surement deviceW e

i that measures the powerPi leaving thesupport of the basis function. Thus we obtain

hW e

i ;bT� Licos = hW e

i ; biicos � Li = Pi:

Similarly, the measured emission power is


i ;bT� L

eicos = hW


i ; biicos � Le

i = Pe

i :

Applying measurement operatorW e

i for equation (33),

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Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination 9

we can obtain the following equation:


i ; biicos�Li = hWe

i ; biicos�Le


i ; biicos�



(34)This can also be presented in matrix form

P = Pe+H �P; (35)


Hij = Fij �hW e

i ; biicos

hW e

j; bjicos

: (36)

When finite-element techniques are used together with ex-pansion, finite-element representation can either be used torepresent the final result27, or even be involved in the randomwalk42.

The latter case may correspond either to the random-walksolution of the linear equation derived by projecting the inte-gral equation, or to the Monte-Carlo evaluation of the multi-dimensional integral containing both the transport and theprojection operators. The second case is preferred, becauseit does not require matrixF to be explicitly computed andstored.

The main problem of finite-element representations isthat they require a lot of basis functions to accurately ap-proximate high-variation, high-dimensional functions. Notsurprisingly, finite-element methods become really popularonly for the diffuse case, where the radiance depends on 2scalars and is relatively smooth. For solving the non-diffusecase, they are good only if the surfaces are not very specular.

3.3. Diffuse versus the general case

If the surfaces have only diffuse reflection and emission —which is a general assumption of theradiosity method12 —then the rendering (or the potential) equation has a simplifiedform:

L(~x) = Le(~x)+


L(h(~x;�!0))�fr(~x)�cos �

0d!0: (37)

In this case, the BRDF and the radiance depend on thesurface point, but not on the direction, which reduces theinherent dimensionality of the problem and simplifies thefinite-element representation:

L(~x; !) � L(n)

(~x) =


Lj � bj(~x): (38)

A widely used approach is the application of piece-wiseconstant basis functions for whichbj(~x) = 1 if ~x is on sur-face elementAj and 0 otherwise. An appropriate adjoint ba-sis is bj(~x) = 1=Aj if ~x is on surface elementAj and 0otherwise.

Using this set of basis functions, the original renderingequation is projected to the following linear equation:

L = Le+ F � L (39)


Fij = hT bj ;~bii =ZS


bj(h(~x;�!0)) � fr(~x) � cos �

0d!0~bi(~x) d~x: (40)

Let us extend the formula of the solid angle to be validfor cases when~x and~y are not necessarily visible from eachother. If the visibility indicator isv(~x; ~y), then

bj(h(~x;�!0)) � d!


d~y � cos �

jj~x� ~yjj2� v(~x; ~y):

Using this substitution we obtain

Fij =



bj(~y)�~bi(~x)�fr(~x)�cos �0 � cos �

jj~x� ~yjj2�v(~x; ~y) d~y d~x:


Taking advantage that the base functions are zero exceptfor their specific domain, we get

Fij =fi




bj(h(~x;�!0)) � cos �

0d!0d~x =





cos �0 � cos �

jj~x� ~yjj2� v(~x; ~y) d~y d~x: (42)

Applying the

bi(h(~y; !)) � d! =d~x � cos �0

jj~x� ~yjj2� v(~x; ~y):

substitution, we can derive yet another form of the transportmatrix

Fij =fi




bi(h(~y; !)) � cos � d! d~y: (43)

For the diffuse case, the adjoint equation can be derivedas a special case of equation (35). LetW e

i be1 in points ofAi and at the directions of the hemisphere ofAi.

Thepower equationis then

P = Pe+H �P; (44)


Hij = Fij � Ai=Aj = Fji � fi=fj : (45)

Note that using equation (43), we can also obtain

Hij =fi




bi(h(~y; !)) � cos � d! d~y: (46)

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10 Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination

In order to solve the projected integral equation, basicallythe same techniques can be applied as for the original inte-gral equation: inversion, expansion and iteration.

3.3.1. Random walk solution of the projected integralequation

Expansion expands the solution into a discrete Neumann se-ries

L = Le+ F � L

e+ F

2� L


3� L

e+ : : : (47)

Let us again examine theF2� Le term. Using the defini-

tion of the matrixF, this can also be expressed as a multi-dimensional integral:

(F2 � Le)ji =



Fij � Fjk � Le






~bi(~x1) �w1(i) �



~bj(~x2) �w2(j) �


bk(h(~x2;�!02)) � Le




w1(i) = fi � cos �01;

w2(j) = fj � cos �02: (48)

Considering the integrand,~x1 should be in patchi for ~bito be non zero. Then, only a singlebj will give non-zerovalue for the~y1 = h(~x1;�!

01) point. To select this, a ray

has to be traced from~x1 in direction�!01 and the visiblepatch should be identified. Following this, another point onthe identified patchi should be selected, which is denoted by~x2, and a ray is traced in direction�!02 to obtain an indexkof a patch whose emission should be propagated back on thewalk. During propagation, the emission is multiplied by theBRDFs (fi; fj) and the cosine (cos �02; cos �

01) factors of the

visited patches (figure 7).

Note that this is basically the same walking scheme, asused to solve the original integral equation. The fundamentaldifference is that when a patch is hit by the ray, the walk isnot continued from the found point but from another pointof the patch.

The power equation can be treated similarly. Again, let usexamine the two-bounce case

(H2 �Pe)ji =



Fji �fi


�Fkj �fj










1 2





Figure 7: Random walk solution of linear equation






k� ~bk(~y1) �w1(k) �


bj(h(~y1; !1))�

~bj(~y2) �w2(j) �


bi(h(~y2; !2)) � w3(i) d!2d~y2d!1d~y1;


w1(k) = cos �1;

w2(j) = fj � cos �2;

w3(i) = fi: (49)

It means that the integrand in a single point can be obtainedby selecting a point~y1 on patchk, then tracing a ray in di-rection!1. Having identified the intersected patchj a newpoint~y2 is selected on this patch and the ray-tracing is con-tinued at direction!2. The patch which is hit by this rayreceives the power of patchk attenuated by the BRDFs andthe cosine factors of the steps.

3.4. Global versus local methods

Randomized transport operators transfer the radiance or thepotential in the scene. The source and destination of thetransfer can be points in the case of continuous methods orpatches in the case of finite-element methods.

If the random operator is such that it always selects a sin-gle source for shooting or single destination for gathering,then the method is calledlocal method. On the other hand, ifmany sources and destinations are taken into considerationsimultaneously in each transfer, then the method is calledglobal methodor multi-path method47.

Since global methods handle larger transfers in a sin-gle step, they can be expected to be more efficient thanlocal methods. On the other hand, the single source ordestination points of local methods directly correspond tothe single “eye” of classical visibility algorithms. Thus, toexploit the capabilities of global methods, classical visi-bility algorithms should also be generalized for “moving”eye positions. These algorithms are calledglobal visibilityalgorithms43.

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4. Stochastic expansion: random walks

In computer graphics the first Monte-Carlo random walk al-gorithm — calleddistributed ray-tracing— was proposedby Cook et al.13, which spawned to a set of variations, in-cluding path tracing26, light-tracing17, bi-directional pathtracing30; 77, Monte-Carlo radiosity54; 37; 42, and two-passmethodswhich combine radiosity and ray-tracing52; 84; 79.

The problem of naive generation of walks is that the prob-ability that a shooting path finds the eye is zero for a pin-holecamera or very small if a non-zero aperture camera modelis used, while the probability that a gathering random pathends in a lightsource may be very little if the lightsources aresmall, thus the majority of the paths do not contribute to theimage at all, and their computation is simply waste of time.Note that shooting is always superior for view-independentalgorithms since they do not have to face the problem ofsmall aperture.

Thus, on the one hand, random walk must be combinedwith a deterministic step that forces the walk to go to theeye and to find a lightsource. On the other hand,impor-tance sampling60 should be incorporated to prefer usefulpaths along which significant radiance is transferred. Notethat although the contribution on the image is a functionof the complete path, computer graphics applications usu-ally assign estimated importance to individual steps of thispath, which might be quite inaccurate. In a single step theimportance is usually selected according to the BRDF17; 30,or according to the direction of the direct lightsources56.Combined methods that find the important directions usingboth the BRDF and the incident illumination have been pro-posed in76; 22; 31; 64. Just recently, Veach and Guibas78 pro-posed the Metropolis method to be used in the solution ofthe rendering equation. Unlike other approaches, Metropo-lis sampling35 can assign importance to a complete walk notjust to the steps of this walk, and it explores important re-gions of the domain adaptively while running the algorithm.Thus no a-priori knowledge is required about the importantrays to construct a probability density function in advance.Instead, the algorithm converges to this probability densityautomatically.

4.1. Handling infinite-dimensional integrals

Expansion methods require the evaluation of infinite-dimensional integrals. One way of attacking the problemis truncating the Neumann series, but this introduces somebias, which can be quite high if the scene is highly reflec-tive.

Fortunately, there is another approach that solves theinfinite-dimensional integration problem through random-ization. In the context of Monte-Carlo integration, this ap-proach is called theRussian roulette2, but here a somewhatmore general treatment is given that can also justify this ap-proach for quasi-Monte Carlo quadratures.

The basic idea is very simple. Higher order terms are in-cluded in the quadrature only randomly with probability de-creasing with the order of the term. In order to compensatethe missing terms in the expected value, the computed termsare multiplied by an appropriate factor. If the used proba-bility goes to zero quickly, then the possibility of requiringvery high dimensional integrals is rather low, which savescomputation time but increases the variance. However, theexpected value will still be correct, thus the integral quadra-ture will provide an asymptotically unbiased estimate.

A term of the Neumann series has generally the followingform

In =

Z: : :

ZW (z1; : : : zn) � L

e(z1; : : : zn) dz1 : : : zn;

(50)whereW (z1; : : : zn) = w0 � w1 � : : : � wn is the product ofthe weights including the cosine functions of the angles andthe BRDFs.

Let us randomize this integral by introducing a randomvariable C(z1; : : : zn), called thecontribution indicator,that is 1 if a samplez1; : : : zn should be taken into accountin the integral quadrature and 0 if it should not. Using this,we can define the following random variable,

I�n =

Z: : :

ZC � ~W � ~L

edz1 : : : zn; (51)

where ~W and ~Le are appropriate modifications ofW andLe, which can compensate the missing terms.

The expectation value of this random variable is

E[I�n] =

Z: : :

ZE[C(z1; : : : zn)] � ~W � ~L

edz1 : : : zn =

Z: : :

Zp(z1; : : : zn) � ~W � ~Le dz1 : : : zn; (52)

where p(z1; : : : zn) is the probability of using samplez1; : : : zn in the integral quadrature.

Obviously, this equals to the original integralI if

p(z1; : : : zn) � ~W � ~Le= W � L

e: (53)

There are many possible selection of the contribution in-dicator and the~W and ~Le functions, that can satisfy thisrequirement, thus there are many different unbiased estima-tors.

A widely used selection is letting

~W = 1; ~Le= L

e and p(z1; : : : zn) = W (z1; : : : zn):

which corresponds to continuing the walk after stepi withprobabilityw(zi).

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12 Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination

4.2. Importance sampling

When solving the rendering equation, usually directionalintegrals (or surface integrals in other formulation) shouldbe evaluated. Thus to allow the application of random orlow-discrepancy point sets, the integration domain should betransformed to the unit cube or square.

For example, when dealing with directions, we have tofind a mapping! = T (z) that projects the unit square to thesurface of the sphere (or hemisphere) and use the followingintegration ruleZ

f(!) d! =



(z)) �


���� dz; (54)

where ����dT�1(z)dz

���� = 1


is the Jacobi determinant of the inverse mapping.

If the Jacobi determinant is large, then a small portion ofthe unit square is mapped onto a large region. Thus samplepoints that are uniformly distributed in the unit square willbe quite rare in these regions. Alternatively, where the Ja-cobi determinant is small, the sample points will be dense.Considering this, the meaning oft(T�1(z)) is thedensityofsample points in the neighborhood of! = T�1(z). This hasan illustrative content for the random case. Ifz is uniformlydistributed random variable, then the probability density of! = T (z) will be t(z).

The same conclusion can also be made in the context ofpure Monte-Carlo integration assuming that the samples arenot uniformly distributed in the domain but following ap(z)probability density:Z


f(z) dz =



p(z)� p(z) dz =










The variance of this estimate is low iff(z)=p(z) is flat, thusp(z) should be, at least approximately, proportional tof(z).

Mathematically, the solution of either the rendering or thepotential equation for a given point(~x; !) requires the eval-uation of the following multi-dimensional integral

L(~x; !) = Le+ T L

e+ T

2Le+ : : : =Z

: : :






e+: : : dz1dz2 : : : (56)

which can be estimated using formula (26) by evaluating theintegrand in sample points and averaging the results.

An important design decision of such an algorithm is the

selection of mappingsTi. Using probabilistic approach, itmeans the determination of the probability densities of find-ing new directions during the walks.

Following the directions concluded from the Koksma-Hlawka inequality, the mappings should make the integrandflat — that is of low variation, or constant in the ideal case. Itmeans that the probability of selecting a walk is proportionalto its contribution.

Looking at formula (56), which is the single multi-dimensional solution of the rendering equation, this decisionseems to be hard to made, since there are too many free pa-rameters to control simultaneously. Fortunately, this solutioncan also be presented in the following recursive form:



t1� [L



t2� [L

e+ : : :] : : :] dz1dz2 : : : (57)

If we could ensure that each of the integrands of the formZwi

ti� [L


Z: : :] dzi

is constant (at least approximately), then the integrand of thesingle multi-dimensional integral will also be constant.

An optimal importance sampling strategy thus requiresdensityti to be proportional to the product of the incom-ing illuminationLe +

R: : : and the cosine weighted BRDF

wi. Unfortunately, during random walks the incoming non-direct illumination is not known (the random walk is justbeing done to estimate it).

Thus, we have three alternatives. Information about theillumination in the space can be gathered in a preprocessingphase, then this information can be used to obtain probabilitydensities for importance sampling. This is called theglobalimportance sampling.

The second alternative is using the information gainedduring previous walks to approximate the illumination. Thisstrategy is calledadaptive importance sampling.

In the third alternative, the problem is simplified and theindirect illumination is not considered in importance sam-pling. When the directions are generated, we use onlywi

depending on the local orientation, the BRDF andLe rep-resenting the direct illumination of the actual point. This iscalled thelocal importance sampling.

It turns out that we have to encounter severe problemswhen we have to find a mapping which has density that isproportional to the product of the effects of the BRDF andthe direct lighting. Consequently, local importance samplingstrategies usually use only eitherwi orLe to identify impor-tant directions. The first alternative is called theBRDF sam-pling, while the second is called thelightsource sampling.

4.2.1. BRDF sampling

BRDF based importance sampling means that at stepi thedensityti of the sample points is proportional to the weight

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Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination 13

wi, that is

ti / wi = fr(!in; ~x; !out) � cos � (58)

In gathering algorithms!out is known, � is the angle be-tween!in and the surface normal, and!in should be de-termined. In shooting algorithms, on the other hand,!in isknown,� is the angle between!out and the surface normal,and!out should be determined.

Due to the fact thatti represents density (probability den-sity for Monte-Carlo methods), its integral is 1. Thus forgathering walks, the ratio of proportionality in equation (58)isZ

w d!in =

Zfr(!in; ~x; !out)�cos �in d!in = a(~x; !out)

wherea(~x; !out) is thealbedoof the surface at point~x inthe outgoing direction. Similarly, the proportionality ratiofor shooting walks isZ

w d!out =

Zfr(!in; ~x; !out)�cos �out d!out = a(~x; !in):

Thus the weightswi=ti are the albedos at the visitedpoints.

When combining this with Russian roulette of type~W =

1; ~Le = Le, the probability of continuing the walk will beequal to the albedo. This can also be interpreted in the fol-lowing way. When the next direction is sampled, we use asubcritical densitywi which does not integrate to 1 but to avaluea(~x; !) and with the “missing” probability1�a(~x; !)it is decided whether or not the walk is stopped.

4.2.2. Lightsource sampling

Lightsource sampling is used indirect lightsource calcula-tions56 and as a complementary sampling strategy to BRDFsampling in random walks.

Since in this case, the samples are selected from the light-source instead of the directional sphere, the surface integralform of the transport operator is needed:

(T Le)(~x; !) =Z

Le(h(~x;�!0); !0) � fr(!0; ~x; !) � cos �0 d!0 =


Le(~y; !~y!~x)�fr(!~y!~x; ~x; !)�

cos �0~x� cos �~y

jj~x� ~yjj2�v(~x; ~y) d~y;

(59)wherev(~x; ~y) is 1 if points~x and~y are not occluded fromeach other and 0 otherwise.

If the scene has a single, homogeneous lightsource, it isrelatively small and is far from the considered point, then theintegrand will be approximately constant on the lightsource

surface, thus point~y can be generated using a uniform dis-tribution on the lightsource.

If the scene has many lightsources, either one ray is sentto each of them, or just a single lightsource is sampled thatis selected randomly.

4.2.3. Sampling the lightsources in gathering randomwalks

Since lightsource sampling generates samples only on thedirect lightsources, it completely ignores indirect illumina-tion. Thus it cannot be used alone in global illumination al-gorithms, but only as a complementary part of, for example,BRDF sampling.

The simplest way to combine the two strategies is to gen-erate all but the last directions of the gathering walk by sam-pling the BRDF and to compute the last direction by sam-pling the lightsource. Note that when stopping the walk, theindirect illumination is assumed to be zero, thus followingthe directions of the lightsources is a reasonable approach.

Another combination strategy is to trace one or moreshadow rays from each visited point of the walk towards thelightsources, not only from the last of them.

Formally, this approach can be presented as a restructur-ing of the Neumann series

L = Le+ T L

e+ T

2Le+ T

3Le: : : =

Le + (T Le) + T (T Le) + T2(T Le) : : : (60)

and using lightsource sampling for theLe� = (T Le) inte-gral while sampling the BRDFs when evaluating theT iLe�

integrals. Practically it means that having hit a surface, oneor more shadow rays are traced towards the lightsources andthe reflection of the illumination of this point is estimated.This reflection is used as if it were the emission of the sur-face. This method is particularly efficient if the scene con-sists of point lightsources. Tracing a single ray to each pointlightsource, the illumination due to the point lightsourcescan be determined exactly (with zero variance).

4.2.4. Importance sampling in colored scenes

So far, we have assumed that the weights containing theBRDFs and the emissions are scalars thus the densities canbe made proportional to them. This is only true if the render-ing equation is solved on a single wavelength.

However, if color images are needed, the rendering equa-tion should be solved on several (at least 3) different wave-lengths. If the different wavelengths are handled completelyindependently, then the proposed importance sampling strat-egy can be used without any modifications. However, thisapproach carries out geometric calculations, such as trac-ing rays, independently and redundantly for different wave-lengths, thus it cannot be recommended.

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14 Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination

A better approach is using rays that transport light on allwavelengths simultaneously. In this case the emission andthe BRDF can be represented by vectors, thus to allow im-portance sampling, we need a scalarimportance functionIthat is large when the elements in the vector are large andsmall when the elements are small. A straightforward way isusing theluminanceof the light as the importance function.

4.2.5. Multiple importance sampling

So far, we mentioned two basic importance sampling strate-gies, the BRDF sampling and the lightsource sampling,which are local in the sense that they focus on a single re-flection. It is easy to imagine that if the sampling considerssimultaneously many reflections, then the number of possi-ble strategies increases dramatically.

Obviously, we desire to use the best sampling strategy.Unfortunately the performance of a sampling strategy de-pends on the properties of the scene, which is usually notknown a-priori, thus the best strategy cannot be selected. In-stead of selecting the best, Veach and Guibas77 proposed tocombine several strategies in a way that the strengths of theindividual sampling methods are preserved.

Suppose that we can usen different sampling techniquesfor generating random paths, where the distribution of thesamples is constructed from severalp1; :::; pn importancesampling distributions. The number of samples taken frompi is denoted byMi, and the total number of samples byM =

PiMi. TheMi values are fixed in advance before

any samples are taken. The “average probability density” ofselecting the samplez is then

p(z) =



M� pi(z): (61)

Thus the integral quadrature using these samples isZ[0;1]D

f(z) dz =



p(z)� p(z) dz �











wi(zi;j) �f(zi;j)


(62)wherezi;j is thejth sample taken from theith distribution,and the weights are

wi(z) =Mi � pi(z)Pn

k=1Mk � pk(z)

: (63)

Other heuristic weight factors can also provide goodresults30; 75. For the unbiased estimation

Piwi(z) = 1

should hold for allz.

4.2.6. Global importance sampling

Global importance sampling methods are two-phase proce-dures. In a preprocessing phase they build a data structurethat guides the second phase to find important directions.These methods can be classified according to their incorpo-rated data structure. Since the ray-space is 5-dimensional,it is straightforward to apply a5D adaptive tree31 that issimilar to the well-known octree to store radiance informa-tion. Jensen proposed the application of thephoton-mapasthe basis of importance sampling22. We assigned the powercomputed in the preprocessing phase tolinksestablished be-tween two interacting patches64.

4.2.7. Adaptive importance sampling

Adaptive importance sampling methods neither require thenon-uniform probability densities to be constructed in ad-vance, nor simplify them to take only into account localproperties, but converge to a desired probability density us-ing the knowledge of previous samples. Three techniques areparticularly important, which have also been used in render-ing: genetic algorithms32 the Metropolis sampling35; 78 andthe VEGAS method33; 62. In this paper only the Metropolissampling is discussed.

4.2.8. Metropolis sampling

The Metropolis algorithm35 converges to the optimal prob-ability density that is proportional to the importance, that isin the limiting caseI(z) = b � p(z):

However, this probability density cannot be stored, thusin the Monte-Carlo formula the importance should be usedinstead, in the following way:

I =



I(z)� I(z) dz = b �



I(z)� p(z) dz =

b � E









In order to generate samples according top(z) = 1=b �

I(z), a Markovian process is constructed whose stationarydistribution is justp(z). Informally, the next statezi+1 ofthis process is found by letting an almost arbitrarytentativetransition functionT (zi ! zt) generate atentative sam-ple zt which is either accepted as the real next state or re-jected making the next state equal to the actual state usingan “acceptance probability” a(zi ! zt) that expresses theincrease of the importance (if this “acceptance probability”is greater that 1, then the sample is accepted deterministi-cally).

The formal definition of this Markovian processfz1; z2; : : : zi : : :g is as follows:

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Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination 15

for i = 1 to M doBased on the actual statezi,

choose another random, tentative pointzt

a(zi ! zt) = (I(zt) � T (zt ! zi))=((I(zi) � T (zi ! zt))

if a(zi ! zt) � 1 then accept(zi+1 = zt)

else // accept with probabilitya(zi ! zt)

Generate random numberr in [0; 1].if r < a(zi ! zt) then zi+1 = zt

else zi+1 = zi


Note that “acceptance probability”a(x! y) has the fol-lowing property:a(x! y) = 1=a(y! x).

The transition probability of this Markovian process is:

P (x! y) =

(T (x! y) if a(x! y) � 1 ;

T (x! y) � a(x! y) otherwise:(65)

In equilibrium state, the transitions between two statesx andy are balanced, that is

p(x) � P (x! y) = p(y) � P (y! x):

Using this and equation (65), and assuming without the lossof generality thata(x! y) � 1, we can prove that the sta-tionary probability distribution is really proportional to theimportance:



P (y! x)

P (x! y)=

T (y! x)

T (x! y)� a(y! x) =




If we select initial points according to the stationary distri-bution — that is proportionally to the importance — then thepoints visited in the walks originated at these starting pointscan be readily used in equation (64).

When we use Metropolis sampling in the solution of theglobal illumination problem, the “state”z corresponds toa complete walk. Mutation strategies are responsible forchanging the walk a “little”, by perturbing one or more direc-tions or surface points, adding or deleting steps in the path,etc.

The first use of Metropolis sampling in rendering aimedat speeding up bi-directional path tracing78.

4.3. Gathering-type random walk algorithms

Gathering type random walks correspond to the Monte-Carlo solution of the rendering equations. They start at theeye position and gather the emission of the visited points.This approach is quite ineffective if the lightsources aresmall, since it has rather low probability that a walk visitsa lightsource.

4.3.1. Visibility ray-tracing

Classical ray tracing is a deterministic algorithm and is in-cluded here only for completeness. It only models ideal re-

flections and transmissions (also called thecoherent compo-nents) that follow the laws of geometric optics — i.e. the lawof reflection and the Snellius-Descartes law of refraction —but does not take into account multiple diffuse or incoherentspecular reflection or refraction.




Light Source


Image Plane

Shadow Ray

Figure 8: Visibility ray tracing

In visibility ray tracing (backward tracing) rays are emit-ted from the viewpoint. Rays are traced until they reach asurface which have no coherent reflection or refraction (un-less they leave the environment or the length of the walkexceeds a predefined limit), so child rays are only generated(and traced recursively) when the given ray hits a surfacethat is reflective or transmissive. Restricting the continuationto coherent components, a ray can spawn to maximum twochild rays, which is low enough not to necessitate randomtechniques.

The diffuse and incoherent specular reflection of a sur-face, on the other hand, is determined by taking into accountonly the direct illumination. For point lightsources, this canbe done deterministically by tracing one ray, calledshadowray, to each lightsource to decide whether or not the givenlightsource is visible from the intersection point. For arealightsources, the illumination can be computed by tracingrandom shadow rays as proposed by direct-lightsource com-putation.

4.3.2. Distributed ray-tracing

Distributed ray tracingsuggested by Cook13 can model allthe possible paths. In this method the ray tracing is not termi-nated when reaching a diffuse surface. After a ray has hit adiffuse surface, child rays are generated randomly accordingto the BRDF characterizing the surface. For the appropriateestimation of the diffuse interreflection, child rays have tobe traced and the average of their contributions have to becomputed.

This approach is based on the recursive formulation of theintegrals in the Neumann series (equation (18)).

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16 Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination

Light Source


Image Plane

Figure 9: Distributed ray-tracing

4.3.3. Path-tracing

Another Monte-Carlo approach proposed by Kajiya ispathtracing 26, which is based on the multi-dimensional inte-gral formulation of the terms of the Neumann series (equa-tion (15)).

Light Source


Image Plane

Figure 10: Path tracing

This method simply creates a path history for a single par-ticle interacting with the environment until absorption. Thatis, rather than spawning new rays at an intersection, it sim-ply chooses a random direction according to the BRDF forthe ray to follow. The walk is continued with a probabilityequal to the albedo.

4.4. Shooting-type walks methods

Shooting walks are based on the Monte-Carlo solution of thepotential equation.

4.4.1. Photon tracing

Photon tracing(forward ray-tracing) is the inverse of visi-bility ray-tracing and uses similar simplifying assumptions,

thus they also stop tracing when hitting a surface that doesnot have coherent reflection or refraction. In photon tracingthe rays are emitted from the light sources, and at each hit itis examined whether the surface has ideal reflection, refrac-tion and incoherent reflection or refraction. In the directionsof ideal reflection or refraction, the tracing is continued bystarting new child rays. The effect of incoherent interactions,on the other hand, is stored in a map or is projected to the eyeby tracing a ray towards the camera position.

4.4.2. Light Tracing

In light tracing17 photons perform random walk through thescene starting at the lightsources. Whenever a surface is hit,a ray is traced from the intersection point to the eye and thecontribution is added to the selected pixel (if any).

Light Source


Image Plane

particle pathcontribution path

Figure 11: Light tracing

Light tracing is the direct implementation of the Monte-Carlo quadrature of the multi-dimensional formulation.When the next direction is determined, the BRDF based im-portance sampling can be applied and combined with therandom termination according to the albedo.

4.4.3. Bi-directional Path Tracing

Bi-directional path tracing30; 77 is based on the combinationof shooting and gathering walks thus it can combine the ad-vantages of both techniques. Namely, it can effectively han-dle small lightsources and small aperture cameras.

Walks are initiated at the same time from a selected lightsource and from the viewpoint. After some steps, either asingle deterministic shadow ray is used to connect the twotypes of walks77, or all points of the gathering walk are con-nected to all points of the shooting walk using deterministicrays30. If the deterministic shadow ray detects that the twopoints are occluded from each other, then the contribution ofthis path is zero.

Note that gathering and shooting walks use different in-tegration variables, namely a gathering walk is specified by

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Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination 17

a point on the pixel area and a sequence of incoming di-rections, while a shooting walk is defined by a point on thelightsource and a sequence of the outgoing directions. Thuswhen the two walks are connected, appropriate transforma-tions should take place.

Let us first consider a walk of a single bounce (figure 12).According to the definition of the solid angle, we obtain


=dA � cos �out=r



dA � cos �in=r22=


�cos �out

cos �in; (67)

and for the substitution of the surface integral on the light-source

d!02 =

d~y � cos �


: (68)

Thus the transformation rule is

cos �01 � cos �in d!


02 =

cos �01 � cos �out


� cos � d!2d~y;

which means that when converting a shooting type walk to agathering type walk, then the radiance should be multipliedby

cos �01 � cos �out













θ θ


out in





Figure 12: Correspondence between the solid angles of in-coming and outgoing directions

When the shooting walk consists of more than 1 steps,then formula (67) should be applied to each of them, butformula (68) only to the last step. This conversion replacesthe incoming directions by the outgoing directions and thesubsequent steps compensater2k+1=r


k scaling. Finally, weend up with a formula which is similar to the 1-step case:

cos �0k � cos �

0k+1 � : : : cos �

0n d!

0k : : : d!

0n =

cos �0k � cos �n�k+1


�cos �n�k�: : : cos �1 d!n�k : : : d!1d~y:

Figure 13 shows an example whenk = 2 andn = 4.This formula means that we can use the rules of sections1.2.1 and 1.2.2 to generate the shooting and gathering walks— gathering walks use the cosine of the incoming angle,

while shooting walks use the cosine of the outgoing angle— and the transformation of the combined walk to a singlegathering walk requires a multiplication by

cos �0k � cos �n�k+1



Image Plane






eye path

deterministic step

light path

θθ θ θ θ θ










3 2

Figure 13: Bi-directional path tracing with a single deter-ministic step

Light Source

Image Plane

y0 y1





eye path

light path

shadow rays

Figure 14: Bi-directional path tracing with multiple deter-ministic steps

In Lafortune’s version of the bi-directional path tracing30

not only the endpoints of the shooting and gathering walksare connected, but all intersection points are linked byshadow rays. The flux is estimated by a weighted sum ofthe different walks as suggested by the concept of multipleimportance sampling.

4.4.4. Photon-map

Bi-directional path tracing connects a single gathering walkto a single shooting walk. However, if the effects of a shoot-ing walk, for instance, could be stored, then when a newgathering walk is computed, it could be connected to allof them simultaneously. This is exactly what Jensen24; 23; 25

proposed, also giving the definition of a data structure, calledthe photon-mapwhich can efficiently store the effects ofmany shooting walks.

A photon map is a collection of photon hits generated in

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18 Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination

the shooting phase of the algorithm. The photon-map is or-ganized in akd-treeto support efficient retrieval. A photonhit is stored with the power of the photon on different wave-lengths, position, direction of arrival and with the surfacenormal.

The gathering phase is based on the following approxima-tion of the transport operator:

L(~x; !0) =


L(h(~x;�!0); !


0; ~x; !)�cos �




dA cos �0d!0� fr(!

0; ~x; !) � cos �




�A� fr(!

0i; ~x; !); (69)

where��(!0i) is the power of a photon landing at the sur-face�A from direction!0i. The�� and�A quantities areapproximated from the photons in the neighborhood of~x inthe following way. A sphere centered around~x is extendeduntil it containsn photons. If at this point the radius of thesphere isr, then the intersected surface area is�A = �r2.

4.4.5. Instant radiosity

Instant radiosity28 elegantly subdivides the shooting walksinto a view-independent walk and into the projection of thecontribution to the eye. Let us call this last step with eyeprojection theeye-step. The view-independent walk is quitesimilar to the light-tracing algorithm, but the new directionsare sampled from the Halton sequence instead of a randomdistribution.

When a surface hit is found, the eye-step is calculated tak-ing advantage of the rendering hardware of advanced work-stations. The reflection of this hit is assumed to be a pointlightsource (in the radiosity setting the emission of the light-source is also diffuse), and the rendering hardware is usedto render the effect of this lightsource on the scene and alsoto compute shadows. The final image is the average of suchestimates, which are computed using the hardware accumu-lation buffer.

Instant radiosity is quite similar to photon-map basedtechniques. However, instead of using ray-tracing for fi-nal gather, the photons in the photon map are used aslightsources and fast and hardware supported visibility andshadow algorithms are applied. The other fundamental dif-ference is that instant radiosity allows just a relatively lownumber of photons which therefore should be very welldistributed. The optimal distribution is provided by quasi-Monte Carlo light walks.

4.4.6. Random walks for the radiosity setting

As mentioned, the projected rendering equation can also besolved by random walks54; 47. The basic difference is thatwhen a patch is hit by a ray, then instead of initiating the nextray from this point, another independent point is selected onthe same patch.

Considering the concept of importance sampling and Rus-sian roulette, many different strategies can be elaborated byappropriately defining thep, ~W and~Le functions (recall thataccording to equation (53) the requirement of an unbiasedestimate isp � ~W � ~Le = W � Le).

For example, let us use the following simulation54; 47 toobtain a radiance estimate of patchi1:

First a ray is found that starts on this patch. The startingpoint ~x1 is sampled from a uniform distribution, while thedirection!01 is sampled from a cosine distribution, thus theprobability density is1=Ai1

�cos �01=�. This ray is traced andthe next patch is identified. Let it be patchi2. At patchi2 itis decided whether or not the walk should be stopped withprobability of the albedo of the patch. Note that for diffusesurfaces the albedo isa = f ��. If the walk has to be contin-ued, then a new starting point~x2 is found on patchi2, andthe same procedure is repeated recursively.

With this strategy, the probability density of completingann step walk is

p(~x1; !01; ~x2; !

02; : : : ~xn�1; !

0n�1) =



�cos �01�


�cos �02�

: : :ain�1


�cos �0n�1

��(1�ain ) =


�cos �01 �


�cos �02 : : :



�cos �0n�1 �

1� ainai1


W �1� ainai1

: (70)

Thus the required weight~W of the walk is

~W =ai1

1� ain: (71)

Thus if the patch on which the walk is terminated is a sourcehaving emissionLen, then the estimator of the radiance ofpatchi is


n �ai1

1� ain:

Other gathering or shooting estimators have been pro-posed and their variances have been estimated in54; 47.

4.4.7. Global ray-bundle tracing

Realizing that an accurate solution requires great many sam-ples,global ray-bundle tracing68; 69; 62 uses a bundle of verymany (e.g. 1 million or even infinite) global parallel rays,

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Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination 19

which can be traced simultaneously using image coherencetechniques. In order to represent the radiance that is trans-ferred by a ray, finite-element techniques are applied that ap-proximate the positional (but not the directional) dependenceof the radiance by piece-wise continuous or piece-wise lin-ear functions67.

L(~x; !) �


bj(~x) � Lj(!) = bT� L(!): (72)

Note that this is a mixed finite-element and continuousmethod, since the positional dependence of the radiance isapproximated by finite-elements, while the directional de-pendence is not.

Substituting this into the rendering equation and project-ing that into an adjoint base we obtain

L(!) = Le(!) + TFL(!); (73)

whereTF is a composition of the original transport operatorand its projection to the adjoint base

TFL(!) = hT bT� L(!); ~bi: (74)

Let us use again piece-wise constant basis functions. Thenthe result of the application of the transport operator on patchi is

TFL(!)ji =1




L(h(~x;�!0); !0)�cos �0� ~fi(!0; !) d~x d!0:

(75)Taking into account that the integrand of the inner surface

integral is piece-wise constant, it can also be presented inclosed form:Z


L(h(~x;�!0); !

0) � cos �

0� ~fi(!

0; !) d~x =


~fi(!0; !) �A(i; j; !

0) � Lj(!

0); (76)

whereA(i; j; !0) expresses the projected area of patchj thatis visible from patchi in direction!0. In the unoccluded casethis is the intersection of the projections of patchi and patchj onto a plane perpendicular to!0. If occlusion occurs, theprojected areas of other patches that are in between patchi

and patchj should be subtracted as shown in figure 15.

This projected area can be efficiently calculated simulta-neously for all patch pairs using global discrete or continu-ous visibility algorithms62 and also exploiting the hardwarez-buffer69. These algorithms can also have random nature,that is, they can result inA(i; j; !0) � Lj(!0) just as an theexpected value63.

Using equation (76) the rendering equation can be ob-




iA(i,j, )

projection of

projection of

Akprojection of





A j


projection plane

Figure 15: Interpretation ofA(i; j; !0)

tained as:

L(!) = Le(!) +


F(!0; !) �A(!

0) � L(!

0) d!

0; (77)

whereL(!) is the vector of radiance values,F(!0; !) is adiagonal matrix of BRDFs, andgeometry matrixA containsthe relative visible areas:A(!0)jij = A(i; j; !0)=Ai.

Note that equation (77) is highly intuitive as well. The ra-diance of a patch is the sum of the emission and the reflectionof all incoming radiance. The role of the patch-direction-patch “form-factors” is played byA(i; j; !0)=Ai.

This is also an integral equation but unlike the originalrendering equation it provides the radiance of not only a sin-gle point but for all points at once. This integral equation issolved by random or quasi-random shooting type walks.

image plane

direction 1

direction 2

direction 3

Figure 16: A path of ray-bundles

A single walk starts by selecting a direction either ran-domly or quasi-randomly, and the emission transfer of allpatches is calculated into this direction (figure 16). Then anew direction is found, and the emission is transferred andthe incoming radiance generated by the previous transfer isreflected from all patches into this new direction. The algo-rithm keeps doing this for a few times depending on howmany bounces should be considered, then the emission issent and the incoming radiance caused by the last transferis reflected towards the eye. Averaging these contributionsresults in the final image. There are basically two differentmethods to calculate the image estimate. On the one hand,evaluating the BRDF once for each patch, a radiance value

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20 Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination

is assigned to them, then in order to avoid “blocky” appear-ance, bi-linear smoothing can be applied.

Using Phong interpolation, on the other hand, the radianceis evaluated at each point visible through a given pixel us-ing the incoming radiance field, the surface normal and theBRDF of the found point. In order to speed up this proce-dure, the surface visible at each pixel, the visibility directionand the surface normal can be determined in a preprocessingphase and stored in a map. Phong interpolation is more timeconsuming but the generated image is not only numericallyprecise, but is also visually pleasing.

In the simplest case, when the global ray-bundles are han-dled similarly to the light-tracing algorithm, this requires justone variable per patch. In the more elaborate versions of thealgorithm, the radiance of the steps of a walk are combinedin all possible ways, which significantly improves the per-formance but needs more storage space.

The global directions defining the ray-bundles are sam-pled from uniform random and low-discrepancy sequences.In 69; 62 adaptive importance sampling, such as the Metropo-lis method, is also considered, but it is concluded that thismethod does not offer significant improvement for relativelysmooth integrands.

4.4.8. Multi-path method using global random lines

Multi-path methodsrepresent a bridge between random walkand iterative methods. They are essentially random walkmethods, but in their single step many random walks are ad-vanced parallely.

Sbert47; 50; 49 proposed a complete family of multi-pathmethods, that are based on randomglobal lines, which wasthe basic “engine” to advance the walks. A single global linetransfers the reflected power of all those patches that are in-tersected by this line to the direction of this line. The globalline also transfers a portion of the emission of the intersectedpatches. Thus a line initiates those walks that would start ina patch intersected by this line, and continues those previ-ous walks which carried some power onto the intersectedpatches.

4.5. Software implementations of the random-walkmethods

An important practical implementation of the path-tracingalgorithm is theRADIANCEsystem80. It incorporates a lotof coherence, importance sampling and caching techniquesto efficiently handle complex scenes. For example, the sceneis stored in an octree to reduce ray-object intersections. Theirradiance is cached in another octree81 to take advantage ofthe fact that diffuse reflections do not change abruptly. Thisallows to compute the color of neighboring pixels withouttracing rays in the directions responsible for diffuse inter-reflections.

Another versatile package is theART72 developed at theVienna University of Technology. It is an open system thatcan easily be extended by new global illumination algo-rithms, BRDF models, object types, etc. ART has an efficientray-casting engine using hierarchical bounding boxes to re-duce ray-object intersection calculations, a scene processingsubsystem that takes generalized CSG models as scene de-scriptions, and an image postprocessing subsystem to handledifferent image formats. Visibility ray-tracing, path tracingand photon tracing have already been implemented. Thesemethods use BRDF based importance sampling and termi-nate the walks using Russian roulette. Bi-directional pathtracing with Metropolis sampling is being implemented. Thesystem can work withR;G;B coordinates and also with dif-ferent spectral representations.

5. Stochastic iteration

The basic idea of stochastic iteration is that instead of ap-proximating operatorT in a deterministic way, a much sim-pler random operator is used during the iteration which “be-haves” as the real operator just in the “average” case. Theconcept of stochastic iteration was proposed for the diffuseradiosity problem in37, that is for the solution of finite-dimensional linear equations.

In this section we present a generalized formulation thatis somewhat different from the original concepts to allow toattack also non-diffuse global illumination problems63.

Suppose that we have a random linear operatorT� so that

E[T�L] = T L (78)

for any integrable functionL.

In the case of finite-element representations, equation (78)should be true for theTFL operator that also involves theprojection to the finite function space.

During stochastic iteration a random sequence of oper-atorsT �1 ; T

�2 ; : : : T

�i : : : is generated, which are instantia-

tions of T �, and this sequence is used in the iteration for-mula:

Ln = Le+ T

�n Ln�1: (79)

Since in computer implementations the calculation of arandom operator may invoke finite number of random num-ber generator calls, we are particularly interested in randomoperators having the following construction scheme:

1. Random “point”pi is found from a finite dimensionalset� using probability densityprob(p). This probabilitydensity may or may not depend on functionL.

2. Usingpi a “deterministic” operatorT �(pi) is applied toL.

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Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination 21

Pointpi is called therandomization pointsince it is respon-sible for the random nature of operatorT �.

Using a sequence of random transport operators, the mea-sured power

Pn =MLn (80)

will also be a random variable which does not converge butfluctuates around the real solution. Thus the solution can befound by averaging the estimates of the subsequent iterationsteps.

Formally the sequence of the iteration is the following:

P1 = ML1 =M(Le+ T

�1 L


P2 = ML2 =M(Le+ T

�2 L

e+ T

�2 T

�1 L



PM = MLM =M(Le+ T


e+ T



e+ : : :)

Averaging the firstM steps, we obtain:

~P =1



MLi =

M(Le +1



T �iLe +




T �i+1

T �iLe + : : :) =




T �iLe+

M � 1



M � 1


T �i+1

T �iLe+: : :):


In order to prove that~P really converges to the solutionof the integral equation, first it is shown that the expectationvalue of


�i+k�1 : : : T


�i L


is T k+1Le. For k = 0, it comes directly from the require-ment of equation (78). Fork = 1, thetotal expectation valuetheoremcan be applied:


�i L

e] =



�i L

ejpi+1 = p] � prob(p) dp:

(82)Since for a fixedpi+1 = p, operatorT �i+1 becomes a deter-ministic linear operator, its order can be exchanged with thatof the expected value operator:


�i L

ejpi+1 = p] = T

�i+1(p) (E[T

�i L

e]) : (83)

Using requirement (78) for the expected value we furtherobtain


�i L

ejpi+1 = p] = T

�i+1(p)(T L

e): (84)

Substituting this back to equation (82), we get


�i L

e] =


T�i+1(p)(T L

e) � prob(p) dp =

E[T�i+1(T L

e)] = T (T L

e) = T

2Le: (85)

which concludes our proof for thek = 1 case. The verysame idea can be used recursively for more than two terms.

Returning to the averaged solution~P , its expected valueis then

E[ ~P ] =

M(Le+T Le+M � 1

MT 2


M � 2

MT 3

Le+: : :+




(86)which converges to the real solution

M(Le+ T L

e+ T

2Le+ T

3Le+ : : :)

if M goes to infinity. Note also that there is some power “de-fect” because of the missing higher order terms for finiteM

values. Denoting the contraction ratio of the integral opera-tor T by �, and assuming that the measuring device is cal-ibrated to show unit power for unit homogeneous radiance,this defect can be upperbounded by63




(1� �)2� jjLejj:

Another error formula is presented for the diffuse case in47.This can be neglected for high number of iterations, or caneven be reduced by ignoring the first few iterations in theaveraged result37; 47.

Finally, it must be explained why random variable~P con-verges to its expected value. Looking at formula (81) we canrealize that it consists of sums of the following form:


M � k�



�i+k�1 : : : T


�i L


According to the theorems of large numbers, and particularlyto the Bernstein46 theorem, these averages really converge tothe expected value if the terms in the average are not highlycorrelated (note that here the terms are not statistically inde-pendent as assumed by most of the laws of large numbers).It means that random variablesT �i+kT

�i+k�1 : : : T

�i L

e andT�j+kT

�j+k�1 : : : T

�j L

e should not have strong correlation ifi 6= j. This is always true if the sequence of operators aregenerated from independent random variables.

5.1. Other averaging techniques

In the previous section we solved the problem that stochas-tic iteration is not convergent by simply averaging the val-ues generated during iteration. There are other averagingschemes, however, that use even more combinations of the

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22 Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination

preceding random operators. In the subsequent sections twosuch schemes are presented.

5.1.1. Semi-iteration

Semi-iteration37 uses the following formulae to derive a newvalue from the previous one:

L0n = L

e+ T

�n Ln�1;

Ln = �n � L0n + (1� �n) � Ln�1;

~Pn = MLn; (87)

where�n is an appropriate sequence that converges to 0, asfor example,�n = 1=n.

To allow comparison, the corresponding formulae of thenormal iteration are also presented here:

Ln = Le+ T

�n Ln�1;

~Pn = �n � MLn + (1� �n) � ~Pn�1 (88)

Note that the fundamental difference is that semi-iterationuses the average of the previous samples not only in the finalestimate but also to continue iteration. Semi-iteration thuscan use all combinations of the preceding random operatorsto compute the actual result. However, it also has energy de-fect.

5.1.2. D-step iteration

Let us approach stochastic iteration from the direction of re-ducing the bias of finite-length random walks. The bias canbe eliminated using a simple correction of the emission func-tionLe when calculating higher order interreflections.

Note that a global walk of lengthD provides the followingterms:

Le+ T

�1 L

e+ T


e: : :+ T




T�(i;j) = T

�j T

�j�1 : : : T


�i :

Thus having computed the first walk, we also have an esti-mate forT �

(1;D)Le = T


�D�1 : : : T

�2 T

�1 L

e. Let us use thisestimate to correct the emission function in the higher orderterms when the second walk is computed:





e)+: : :+T




e) =

Le+ T


e+ : : :+ T




e+ : : :+ T


e: (89)

This gives us estimates not only for the bounces from 0 toD

but also for the bounces fromD + 1 to 2D. Again the last-bounce will storeT �

(1;D)Le+ T �

(1;2D)Le, which can be used

to compensate the emission. Thus after the second step wehave estimates for the 0 to3D bounces. Asymptotically, thismethod will generate estimates for all bounces. However, if

M global walks are generated, then the number of estimatesfor bounces of 0 toD isM , for bounces ofD + 1 to 2D isM � 1, for bounces2D+1 to 3D isM � 2 etc., which stillresults in some small energy defect.

This type of iteration takesD steps before making an it-eration step, which allows the combination of the steps inmore sophisticated ways. Such a combination happens in bi-directional path-tracing using multiple deterministic steps30

and also in global ray-bundle tracing62.

5.2. Definition of random transport operators

In order to use this general stochastic iteration scheme inpractice, the key problem is the definition of the randomtransport operator. This operator should meet the require-ment of equation (78) and should be easy to compute.

For the continuous case, a single application of the trans-port operator contains a directional integral. For the finiteelement case, the transport operator also includes the projec-tion to the adjoint basis which requires additional integrationin the domain of basis functions. This additional integrationmeans a surface integral for the diffuse radiosity setting andalso for the ray-bundle tracing. For other non-diffuse finite-element methods a surface and a directional integrals needto be evaluated (note that directional integrals are sometimes“hidden” by integrals on the surfaces visible at different di-rections).

Following the general concepts of Monte-Carlo methods,we usually do not intend to compute the integralsexplic-itly, but want to get them as an expected value. Thus dif-ferent random transport operators can be classified accord-ing to which integrals are evaluated explicitly using somedeterministic quadrature and which integrals are computedimplicitly as an expectation value.

5.3. Transport operator for the continuous, non-diffusesetting

The continuous formulation has just a single directional inte-gral, thus a random transport operator can evaluate this sin-gle integral implicitly. This results in a method that uses a“single” random walk to obtain the solution.

An example of such single walk techniques is the follow-ing modification of the light tracing algorithm63:

In each stepi a ray is obtained that has random origin~yiand direction!i with a probability that is proportional to thecosine weighted radiance of this point at the given direction.This ray is traced and the whole power

� =



L(~y; !0) cos �~y d!


is transported to that point~xwhich is hit by the ray. Formally

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the random transport operator is

(T�L)(~x; !) = � � �(~x� h(~y; !i)) � fr(!i; ~x; !): (90)

Interestingly this iteration is a sequence of variable lengthrandom walks, since at each step the point that is last hitby the ray is only selected with a given probability as thestarting point of the next ray. This probability depends onthe albedoa~xi(!i) of the found point.

The algorithm selects initially a point from a lightsourceand then starts a random walk. The walk finishes after eachstep with probability1=(1+a~xi(!i)) and also when the rayhits no object. If a walk finishes, another walk is initiatedfrom the lightsource. When the walk is continued, the trans-ferred power is weighted by(1 + a~xi(!i)), which providesunbiased estimate even if less number of samples are used tosimulate higher order bounces. This technique is called theRussian roulette2; 57.

5.4. Random transport operators for the diffuseradiosity

In the gathering type radiosity algorithms the projectedtransport operator has the following form

TFL = F � L:

Alternatively, shooting radiosity algorithms are based on theprojected potential equationT 0FP = H �P:

According to the basic requirement of stochastic iterationwe need to find random operatorsT �F or T


�F that behave as

the real operator in average, that is

E[T�F L] = F � L; (91)


�F P] = H �P: (92)

The evaluation of(F � L)i or alternatively(H � P)ji re-quires a surface and a directional integration (or in other for-mulations two surface integrations).

The possible alternatives for a random transport operatorare

1. Both integrals are explicitly computed but only for a ran-domly selected subset of the patches.

2. The surface integral explicitly computed but the direc-tional integral implicitly.

3. Compute the surface integral implicitly but the direc-tional integral explicitly. This method can, for example,use hemicubes for the directional integration but selectsthe center of the hemicube randomly on the patch.

4. Both integrals are computed implicitly.

5.4.1. Stochastic radiosity

In stochastic radiosity38, the randomized operator is simpli-fied in a sense that it first selects a single (or a few) patches

with probability proportional to their power and then calcu-lates the transfer only from this important patch as if it hadall the power� =


k=1Pk: Thus here both integrals are

explicitly computed but only for a subset of patches.

To prove that it meets requirement stated by equation (92),let us examine the new power of patchi and suppose thatpatchj has been selected.


�F P)ji = Hij � � (93)

Since the probability of selecting patchj is Pj=�, the ex-pectation of the new power is


�F P)ji] =


Hij � � �Pj



Hij �Pj (94)

which we wanted to prove.

5.4.2. Transillumination radiosity

The transillumination radiosity method37; 66 has also astochastic iteration version. It defines the random transportoperator by uniformly selectingM transillumination direc-tions !01; : : : !

0M and allowing patches to interact only in

these transillumination directions. In order to calculate theseinteractions, a large discretized window is placed perpendic-ularly to each transillumination direction and the radiancetransfer to a patch is approximated by elementary transfersgoing through the pixels covering the projection of the patch.

Let us consider a single transillumination direction. Pro-jecting patchAi onto a plane that is perpendicular to thetransillumination direction and then approximating the inte-gral of the incoming radiance here by a discrete sum, we getZ


L(h(~x;�!0d)) � cos �

0d d~x =




0d)) � d~x





Lbu�erd[P ]� �A: (95)

wherebu�erd[P ] stores the index of that patch which is vis-ible in pixel P in the transillumination direction!0d frompatchi, and�A is the size of a pixel of the buffer (figure 17).

x A













Figure 17: Integration on the transillumination plane

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24 Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination

Thus the random transfer operator is

(T�F L)ji =

4� � fi � �A






Lbu�erd[P ]: (96)

If the transillumination directions are uniformly dis-tributed and the buffer is uniformly jittered, then the ex-pected value of this operator is

E[(T �FL)ji] =









Lbu�erd[P ]� fi � dp d!


If uniform jittering is applied during rendering into thebuffer, then we can usually assume that the discrete approxi-mation of the positional radiance distribution gives back thereal distribution in the average case, that isZ





Lbu�erd[P ]dp =



L(h(~x0;�!0d)) d~x0: (97)

However, this statement is not always true if incrementalpolygon filling algorithms are applied62; 63. Note, for exam-ple, then an incremental polygon filling algorithm alwaysgenerates an approximation whose width and height are atleast 1. Thus this assumption is correct if the resolution ofthe discrete buffer is high enough to project each polygononto at least a few pixels.

Substituting this to the expectation value integral we get

E[(T �FL)ji] =







L(h(~x0;�!0d)) d~x0 � fi d!




L(h(~x0;�!0)) � fi � cos �0d~xd!

0: (98)

UsingL(h(~x0;�!0)) =P



0;�!0)) � Lj andequation (42), we can prove that the expectation really givesback the real projected transport operator:

E[(T �FL)ji] =




bj(h(~x0;�!0))�fi �cos �


0 �Lj =


Fij �Lj :


5.4.3. Stochastic ray-radiosity

Stochastic ray-radiosity40 approximates the transport oper-ator byM random rays that are sampled proportionally tothe power of the patches. On a patch the starting point of

the ray is sampled using a uniform distribution, while thedirection follows a cosine distribution. A single ray carries�=M power. Thus this method approximates both integralsimplicitly.

Let us examine the case when a single ray is selected(since different rays are sampled from the same distribution,the effect ofM rays will beM times the effect of a singleray in the expected value). Suppose that patchj is selectedas a shooting patch. The probability of the selection event isPj=�. Thus the probability density of selecting a point~x ofa patch and a direction! is




� cos �:

This transfers�=M power to the patch that is hit by theray where the reflected power is computed. Thus the randomtransport operator for a single ray is

E[(T0�FP)ji] =

M � fi �




bi(h(~y; !)) ��




� cos � d~yd! �Pj







bi(h(~y; !)) � cos � d~yd! �Pj =


Hij �Pj :


5.5. Transport operators for the non-diffusefinite-element case

When moving towards the non-diffuse case, another require-ment must be imposed upon the random transport operator. Itmust not only meet the requirement of equation (78), be easyto compute, but it must also allow the compact representa-tion of theT �i L functions. This extra requirement is evidentif we take into account that unlike in the diffuse case, thedomain ofL is a 4-dimensional continuous space, so is thedomain ofT �i L (for ray-bundle tracing only 2-dimensionalcontinuous space). From the point of view of compact rep-resentation, what we have to avoid is the representation ofthese functions over the complete domain.

Thus those transport operators are preferred, which re-quire the value ofL just in a few “domain points” (e.g. in asingle “domain point”). Note that the evaluation ofT �i L nowconsists of the following steps: first a randomization pointpiis found to define random operatorT �i , which in turn deter-mines at which domain point the value ofL is required. Upto now, we have had complete freedom to define the set ofrandomization points. One straightforward way is definingthis set to be the same as the domain of the radiance func-tion and using random transport operators that require the

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value of the radiance function at their randomization points.Although this equivalence is not obligatory, it can signifi-cantly simplify the computations, since when the random-ization point is generated, the required domain point is alsoknown.

Using random operators that evaluate the radiance in asingle point is not enough in itself, since even a single“point” can result in a continuousT �i L function, which mustbe stored and re-sampled in the subsequent iteration step andalso by the measurement. The solution is the postponing ofthe complete calculation ofT �i L until it is known where itsvalue is needed in the next iteration step and by the mea-suring device. In this way, the random operator should beevaluated twice but just for two points. Once for the actualand the previous “points” resulting in[T �(pi)L(pi)](pi+1),and once forpeye which is needed by the measuring deviceand for previous point providing[T �(pi)L(pi)](peye).

The complete iteration goes as follows:

P = 0Findp1 randomlyL(p1) = L


for i = 1 to M doPnew = L

e(peye) + [T �(pi)L(pi)](peye)

P =MPnew � 1=i+ (1� 1=i) � P

Findpi+1 randomlyL(pi+1) = L

e(pi+1) + [T �(pi)L(pi)](pi+1)

endforDisplay final image

Note that using normal iteration we have to store the ra-dianceL just in a single pointpi, while in semi-iteration allthe previous points should be remembered. In semi-iterationthe important feature that the transport operator should beevaluated just for a single point pairpi; pi+1 is lost. In thecase ofD-step iteration, the computation needs to be doneat a finite number of point pairs whose number is limitedby�D


�. For semi-iteration, however, there is no such up-

per limit, which eventually results in requiring the completerepresentation of the function. This can be allowed in diffusecase, but not in the general case, thus in methods handlingthe non-diffuse case normal iteration is preferred,D-step it-eration is still allowed, but we have to avoid semi-iteration,despite of its better combination capability.

5.5.1. Global ray-bundle based iteration

Recall that the finite-element approximation applied by ray-bundle tracing converts the rendering equation to the follow-ing form (section 4.4.7):

L(!) = Le(!) + TFL(!); (101)

whereTF is a composition of the original transport operatorand its projection to the adjoint base

TFL(!) =


F(!0; !) �A(!

0) � L(!

0) d!

0: (102)

Let the random approximation of the transport operatorbe the transfer of the radiance of all surface points of thescene in a single uniformly distributed random direction.This transfer can be effectively realized by sending a ray-bundle into this direction. Thus the random transport opera-tor is!0

(T�L)(!) = 4� � F(!

0; !) �A(!

0) � L(!

0): (103)

If the directions are sampled from a uniform distribution,then this obviously gives back the integral operator as anexpected value:

E[(T �L)(!)] =


4��F(!0; !)�A(!0)�L(!0)d!0

4�= TFL(!):

(104)In the definition of the random operator! is the actually

generated direction and!0 is the previously generated direc-tion. Thus a “randomization point” is a global direction inthis method.

The resulting algorithm is quite simple. In a step of thestochastic iteration a new direction is found and this direc-tion together with the previous direction are used to evalu-ate the random transport operator. Then an image estimateis computed by reflecting the previously computed radianceestimate towards the eye. The complete algorithm is summa-rized in the following:

Generate the first random global direction!1for each patchi doL[i] = Le


for m = 1 to M do // iteration cyclesCalculate the image estimate relfectingthe incoming radianceL[1]; L[2]; : : : L[n] from!m towards the eyeAverage the estimate with the ImageGenerate random global direction!m+1

for each patchi doLnew[i] = Le


4� �P



~fi(!m; !m+1) �A(i; j; !m)=Ai � L[j]

endforendforDisplay Image

The methods to calculate the reflection of the incomingradiance towards the eye are the same as in ray-bundle trac-ing.

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26 Szirmay-Kalos / Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination

5.6. Can we use quasi-Monte Carlo techniques initeration?

Stochastic iteration can also be viewed as a single walkwhich uses a single sequence of usually 4-dimensional ran-domization points (for ray-bundle tracing 2-dimensionalrandomization points), and theT �i+kT

�i+k�1 : : : T

�i L

e termsare used in integral quadratures simultaneously for allk.

It means that the randomization points should support notonly 4-dimensional integration, but using subsequent pairsalso 8-dimensional integration, using the subsequent triplets12-dimensional integration, etc. Sequences that supportk-dimensional integrals when subsequentk-tuples are selectedare calledk-uniform sequences29. The widely used Haltonor Hammersley sequences are only 1-uniform, thus theoreti-cally they should provide false results.

This is obvious for the Hammersley sequence, in whichthe first coordinate is increasing. Such a sequence wouldsearch for only those multiple reflections where the anglecorresponding to the first coordinate always increases in sub-sequent reflections. It is less obvious, but is also true for theHalton sequence. Due to its construction using radical in-version, the subsequent points in the sequence are rather far,thus only those reflections are considered, where the respec-tive angle changes drastically.




1 10 100 1000 10000

L1 e


number of iterations

Error of stochastic iteration in the Cornell box

stochastic iteration (rand)stochastic iteration (drand48)

QMC iteration (Halton)QMC iteration (Hammersley, m=10000)

QMC iteration (pi^n)

Figure 18: Ray-bundle based stochastic iteration with ran-dom and quasi-random numbers

In order to avoid this problem without getting rid ofthe quasi-Monte Carlo sequences,66 proposed the randomscrambling of the sample points. The same problem arises,for example, when generating uniform distributions on asphere, for which9 proposed to increase the dimension ofthe low-discrepancy sequence.

Note that this problem is specific to quasi-Monte Carlointegration and does not occur when classical Monte-Carlomethod is used to select the sample points (a random se-quence is1-uniform29).

In order to demonstrate these problems, we tested theray-bundle based iteration for different random (i.e. pseudo-random) and low-discrepancy sequences. The test scene wasthe Cornell box. In figure 18 we can see that the Hammers-ley sequence gives completely wrong result and the Haltonsequence also deteriorates from the real solution. The tworandom generators (rand and drand48), however, performedquite-well.

The figure also included a modification of theqn = f�ng

quasi-Monte Carlo sequence (operatorfg selects the frac-tional part of a number). This is believed to be (but has notbeen proven to be)1-uniform15. However, this sequenceis very unstable numerically, therefore we used theqn =

f(� � 2) � qn�1 mod100000g scheme.

6. Initial smoothing: first shot

Monte-Carlo integration is efficient if the integrand is rel-atively smooth and does not exhibit high variations. Forglobal methods, point lightsources may pose problems. For-tunately, these lightsources can be easily handled separatelyby deterministic techniques.

This algorithm can be applied in a preprocessing step, andis called thefirst-shot. For the diffuse radiosity problem, thepreprocessing type first-shot algorithm has been first pre-sented in50, extended to multiple interreflections in9 andhas been generalized to non-diffuse environments in69.


Figure 19: First shot technique

Formally, the unknown radianceL is decomposed intotwo terms:

L = Lep + Lnp (105)

whereLep is the emission of the small, point-like light-sources,Lnp is the emission of the area lightsources and thereflected radiance. Substituting this into the rendering equa-tion we have:


+ Lnp

= Le+ T (L

ep+ L

np): (106)

Introducing the new lightsource term


= Le� L

ep+ T L

ep (107)

which just replaces the point lightsources (Lep) by their ef-fect (T Lep), the equation forLnp is similar to the originalrendering equation:


= Le�

+ T Lnp: (108)

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It means that first the direct illumination caused by thepoint lightsources must be computed, then they can be re-moved from the scene and added again at the end of thecomputation.

In diffuse environments the storage of the direction in-dependentLe� function requires just one extra variable perpatch.

In non-diffuse environments, however,Le� can be a non-constant function, which is difficult to represent and store.Instead, the incoming radiance received by the patches fromeach point lightsource should be stored (this requiresl ad-ditional variables per patch, wherel is the number of pointlightsources). WhenLe� is needed for a given direction, thenit is computed on the fly from these incoming radiances.

7. Error and complexity of the stochastic globalillumination methods

This paper reviewed a lot of different global illuminationtechniques. Thus at the end of the paper, a natural expec-tation would be a qualitative comparison of these methods,or set of criteria that tell for a particular scene which methodis better than the others. However, ranking these methods isa very hard task.

Even the quality metrics are difficult to define. We canuse, for example, error metrics and running time measure-ments, and say that if a methods gets more accurate resultsin shorter time than it is better than the other. The error met-rics can be simple norms of the difference of the actual and areference radiance function, or can even be based onpercep-tual based metrics45. Running time measurements dependalso on the computer used. To formulate resource require-ments of a particular algorithm in a machine independentway, complexity measures can be used.

Unfortunately, error measures and even abstract complex-ity measures are very difficult to derive analytically for agiven algorithm. A taxonomy of different errors occurringwhen solving the rendering equation is presented in3. Theerror of the solution of the diffuse rendering equation wasanalyzed by34. An error metric to guide Russian rouletteand splitting has been introduced by7.

The complexity of classical radiosity algorithms has beeninvestigated in71 and concluded that deterministic, non-hierarchical algorithms requireO(n2) time, wheren is thenumber of patches. Stochastic methods seem to be bet-ter, since they can achieveO(n log n) time complexity48; 43; 54; 65; 6.

In 66, we have provided a technique based on the tran-sillumination method to reformulate the diffuse radiosityproblem to make the integrand have finite variation, to fullytake advantage of the improved performance provided by thelow-discrepancy series. This reformulation also allowed toapply the Koksma-Hlawka inequality in analytic error for-mulae.

8. Conclusions

This paper presented a review of stochastic global illumina-tion algorithms.

9. Acknowledgements

This work has been supported by the National Scientific Re-search Fund (OTKA), ref.No.: F 015884 and the Austrian-Hungarian Action Fund, ref.No.: 29p4, 32¨ou9 and 34¨ou28.


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c Institute of Computer Graphics 1998