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Transcript of Stitters

  • 8/3/2019 Stitters


    He awoke feeling odd.

    In the house where he lived with his step-mother. Blearily blinking first

    one eye then the other open as he lay upon his back bringing his eyesight to

    focus on the off-white ceiling above him. Wrapped in the covers as if

    swaddled by a caring mother he slowly rolled himself from the bed, thetopsheet and blanket falling away from his nude body.

    He sat upon the edge of the queen-sized pillow top leaning over and

    looking now to the beige Stainmaster carpet of the bedroom. With elbows

    rested upon his knees and arms hanging down between his legs as he

    contemplated the dream he'd just had. If The Thinker had been depressed

    about something and was desperately trying to find his purpose in life he

    could not have posed better.

    Slowly he stood and stretched his body to it's full five foot nine inch

    height, arms extended upwards while a few vertebrae cracked, sounding likepopcorn popping. Walking to the bathroom to begin the daily regimen of

    hygiene, he stopped, having caught a glance of himself in the stand up mirror

    on the wall to his right.

    He studied himself for several moments. He was not overweight,

    netither was he muscular.


    The word clung to him like the folds of a robe. He studied his face last,

    having taken in what he needed to of his own body. A relatively healthy

    looking male, caucasian with higher cheekbones than you would expect. The

    left eye drifted lazily off to the left as if that eye alone saw something that

    the rest of him was completely missing. Light -brown and somewhat too fine

    hair in a short muss atop his head.

    He was not fit for any sort of profession that would involve a camera,

    however Mother Nature had seen fit not to break too many ugly sticks across

    his slightly disjointed nose either. Letting out a deep breath as his mind once

    again drifted to the dream that had awoken him he made to move away

    again to continue his daily hygiene routine.

    One step.

    A small one.

    That is all the progress he made before the entirety of the night's

    happening in his mind came to him. He had been wrestling with it, trying to

    force it to the surface when suddenly, as it usually happens, he stopped

    thinking about it to go on with his day and this is what it took for it all to take

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    him by surprise and to be shown once again in high detail. He shuddered as

    he focused on each part, segmenting it at his own discretion, analyzing that

    piece as he could then storing it to move to the next bit.

    The woman was there.

    Was she here now or was this simply a part of his memory?

    It was impossible for him to tell suddenly, the room shifted slightly to

    his left, but she was there, as she had been in the dream. Whether he

    dreamed now or not.

    The woman. He guessed her height to be around five foot four, though

    the way she was upon her knees made it difficult to guess this. She wore

    slacks, a dark purple long-sleeved shirt with the cuffs buttoned tight. Over

    this shirt was a simple black vest, so very lightly pin-striped with white

    vertical lines, barely able to be seen even in the bright morning sun coming

    in through the window. Her dark skin only visible upon her hands and the

    back of her neck where her pony-tail held her dark-brown somewhat coarse

    looking hair back. He saw the profile of her face, she wore glasses and her

    nose was not too bulbousy. She had lips that were not too large and pouted

    slightly. Somehow he could not make out more of her face than this. When

    he moved closer she moved as if a ghost, drifting away or to the side of him.

    Her pose never changed. She knelt on both knees before a painting,

    he thought it was an oil painting but he couldn't be sure of this, the painting

    did the same sort of strange movement with her when he tried to examine it

    more closely. He knew this, the black woman was kneeling before a painting

    of either flowers or fish with her right hand extended toward it. He thought

    she was pointing to something in the painting, but he never did get to see it

    very well.

    He saw her from her right side at all times, the pose still never moving.

    She never spoke, not a word. The painting lay upon it's side, unfinished from

    what detail he could make out. The splotches of color upon it's surface gave

    the impression that whomever had started it had never bothered to finish it

    as there were portions where he could make out the canvas unpainted.

    He brought his thoughts back to what he had dreamed of. While the

    woman was there, in those dreams he continued to try to focus on more than

    just her.

    He had been dreaming, that much was clear from the first of what he

    remembered. Waking in a similar way to what he just had.

    But the room was dark.

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    Swaddled again in the bedsheets, he had opened his eyes in fright, wide open

    and staring blue irises searching the room as they could while he remained

    stock-still beneath the coverings. The streetlight outside his window let in

    some ambience that gave the sparsely decorated room the cuts and swaths it

    needed to look reasonably menacing. The light cut off in just such a way

    that, to see it, you would think monsters and baddies hid within the shadows,biding their time for the opportunity to snatch at a passing ankle.

    He had rolled from the bed slowly, nude again as he expected. He slept this

    way and even in his dreams this seemed constant. Sitting upon the edge of

    the bed he looked around the room slowly. He expected something to either

    jump at him or snarl from the shadows. The over-bearing feeling that

    something or someone watched him from the shadows and corners of the

    room lay upon him heavily. He knew someone was here, he could smell the

    aniticipation they felt at him making just the movement they wanted for

    them to make their strike. Cold and deadly, with a flurry of shadowed

    movements, he knew, this would happen. The one or ones in the shadows

    would bind him and take him to the floor. He continued to look about the


    The lamp was darkened and he did not turn it on. The door to the bathroom

    stood closed with no light coming from within to sneak under the door into his

    bedroom. The closet door was shut, the sliding door all the way to the right

    as it should be. His desk in the corner with stood defiantly dark and silent,

    the looseleaf paper upon it's surface pinned by the Zebra pen he preferred.

    He wanted to scream, to tell whomever it was waiting for him to come on out

    and get it over with. He would not even fight them. He simply knew theywere there and wanted the tense, stressful, heart-tightening pressure to

    recede and simply deal with what they wanted. With a visible show of effort

    in the form of a grimace he pushed the need to scream aside and stood,

    letting out a slow breath.

    Nothing happened.

    He stood and stretched and still felt as if whomever was there waited.

    Though they must have been waiting for him to move more than simply

    stand, stretch, and pop those three or four vertebrae.

    It was cold, this made perfect sense since his step-mother kept it cold within

    the house.

    The woman was there.

    Only as a flash this time, off to his right in the darkness he had seen her,

    posed as she was not speaking and pointing to the unfinished picture. He

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    startled at first, hopping lightly to the left away from the visage. He quickly

    recovered himself and stood staring at the now blank spot, she had been

    there and now was gone, in that quick moment it had taken him to react to

    her presence. She was there, then gone. He breathed a sigh of relief,

    convinced that this was what he had been afraid of being within the room. A

    random sight of a woman and a picture, he could deal with this, people havetheir little light hallucinations all the time.

    He moved about, getting himself ready to go about his day. Even if it was

    dark outside it still was morning and he liked to be prepared. Especially

    prepared for what was to go on this day.

    He had a doctor's appointment, nothing big, just a routine meet with his

    psychiatrist to continue talking about why he didn't work, why he still lived

    with his step-mother, and why he slept naked in his step-mother's house.

    Nothing too terribly important or unusual. He went about his hygiene,

    washing carefully in the shower with the heat turned to just slightly hotterthan he really wanted. He stepped out of the shower, cleaned and steaming.

    He stood upon the bathroom mat and wiped away the condensation from the

    mirror while reaching for the things he needed to shave those pesky thin

    whiskers off his face.

    The woman was there.

    He'd seen her again, this time in the reflection of the mirror, kneeling in that

    same pose in the corner with the painting in front of her. He turned

    immediately, this time irate at the intrusion and with the old-style straight

    razor he refused to give up for the new-fangled five-blade contraptions thatseemed to be so popular these days. He brandished the straight razor at the

    woman with a murderous look upon his face which quickly turned to

    confusion then slowly built itself into a mask of guilt and shame. There was

    nothing there. He had turned quickly and knew that no one could have left

    the roomwithout his knowing of it. The door was closed, the only escape

    from the small lavatory. The eyes did not lie, she was not there. He slumped

    against the sink. This he did not need. Along with the other issues he faced

    with the psychiatrist he did not and would not bring up this, seeing

    hallucinations and reacting to them violently. No, that would not do. Not at


    He set the matter to the side for now, the woman was simply a visual

    representation of some fear or some other nonsense that his brain decided

    was wrong in some way. Though likely the instance of her appearance in this

    way meant nothing and he would not dwell on it. Whatever it was that his

    brain thought he needed was just going to have to wait for after the doctor's

    appointment to be handled, he needed to focus on the tasks at hand now. No

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    He kept this attitude up through the rest of his preparations. Shaving,

    brushing, combing, and dressing in his comfortable slacks that matched his

    polo shirt in color along with dress socks and moderately expense shoes that

    matched his moderately expensive watch. He looked himself over again inthe full-length mirror with the sun coming through now brightly as it had gone

    about it's own business of rising and bringing light to everyone for the day.

    Satisfied that he looked acceptable and ready he left the room. Not long

    after this, having conceded to a pointless and brief conversation with his

    step-mother accompanied by toast with butter and orange juice, he left the

    house and set about walking to the bus stop to take the route he knew so

    well to his appointment.

    Nothing strange or unusual happened on his bus ride, so long as the normal

    type of things that occur on a public transit of any sort are not considered

    strange or unusual. He pulled the cord for the stop he needed, stepped offthe bus and began walking west along the street to his destination. The

    building showed itself to him in a few minutes worth of walking. It sat there

    with it's own presence, a welcoming and warming sort of building of old red

    brick. The undercurrent of something he could never quite put his finger on

    about the building sprung up in his mind as expected, every time he saw the

    building this way he had the feeling that through it's welcoming look there

    existed a sinister background. Something was just never quite right about

    the building.

    He had searched of course, tried to find any sort of reason for this feeling.

    Even going so far as to walk through the building from top to bottom, lookingand seeking anything at all that would ease his suspicions. He had searched

    the address of the building several times on the internet, combing any public

    records he was allowed to look into for anything, something, even the

    smallest tidbit of anything that he could point to and ease his mind. A

    justification for this feeling of sinister backdraft that came from the building.

    He wanted that, that one thing to point to and say, "There it is. That is why

    I'm so uncomfortable here. It all makes sense now.". However, he never

    found this. There was nothing. This in and of itself was unsettling because

    even the most respectable of buildings seemed to have at least one little

    thing that marked them. This one, no. Nothing. All his research, all theseeking he had done, it led to nothing more than compounding the feeling

    that there was something off about the whole place.

    Doing his best to set this to the side, he moved across the street to the

    building, feeling as though the white painted frames of the windows were

    moving to watch him. Going in the door he felt what was to him a palpable

    feeling of having been swallowed whole in the most unsatisfying way to the

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    monster. It did not enjoy the actual act of mastication, the taking in. The

    true fun, he felt, was when he was inside and the digestion could begin.

    He was now sitting as he remembered all this to this point. Cross-

    legged and nude upon the floor with a dazed expression upon his face that no

    one would see as he was alone. He went over the events he had dreamed upto this point. Nothing terribly unusual or out of place. The flashes of the

    woman gave him pause, especially considering what he knew was to follow.

    Moving his hands to either side of his head, he looked to the floor and

    focused. He furrowed his brow with widened eyes while hunched this way

    and tried to steady his breathing as he meticulously remembered what had

    happened next.

    Entering the building he felt the same as he always had when he did so. A

    looming sort of presence of being watched presided over him while at the

    same time a sort of strange comfort settled itself into his spine. He walked

    slowly through the brightly lit, wood-paneled corridor to the stairwell. Threestories he had to navigate upwards in order to finally reach his destination

    and get this over with. He began climbing the stairs and pacing himself for

    the haul to the top.

    The stairs themselves presented no problems for him. Even though he did

    not exercise regularly and didn't eat all that healthy he still maintained a

    relatively healthy body and had no issues with climbing some stairs. The

    things he heard and sensed while climbing were the difficult part. Often

    enough he would pause in his upward climb as a voice would drift from the

    hallways of the floor he had just passed.

    "Down! He needs to be down! Hold him!". This came from the second floor.

    A woman's voice that echoed sharply along the hallway to the stairwell. She

    had the sort of voice that could be raised without causing it to shriek or

    distort. A commanding female voice that the owner knew how to handle in a

    situation where autority was needed. He knew that that floor consisted of

    some testing facilities as well as one specific area designed for high intensity


    He had paused when hearing this. He'd not heard the woman say something

    like this before, usually if he heard her from this distance it was while she

    was in the middle of a dress-down of someone else. She clearly controlledthings on this floor and luckily he had never seen her in person.

    He continued on his way with a shake of his head. It was not any of his

    business and he had somewhere to be regardless. His curiosity would have

    to be sated later. He alighted to the third landing and took the only way

    available for him to go, to the left, his destination at the end of the hallway

    on the right.

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    The woman was there.

    As he came off the last stair and turned to the left, he saw her. Against the

    wall and again in this same pose, kneeling and seeming to point at the

    unfinished painting. At first, he had no reaction to this beyond the halt in his

    movement and his mouth going agape. Then in a rush, it all hit him at once.Hours had passed since her last appearance and having attempted to

    continue normalcy he had forgotten about her.

    Yet, there she was. No readable expression upon her face, the same pose as

    he had seen before. He reacted without thinking and charged then to where

    she was, a grunt emitting from him as his leg cramped from the sudden

    violent movement. He stumbled slightly and caught himself with his right

    hand upon the newel post. He never took his eyes off the woman, though

    this was extraordinarily difficult as her form, along with the painting, drifted

    in ghost-like fashion moving from one corner of his vision to the other as he

    attempted to keep her in focus.

    As if she were nothing more than a strange appearance of muscae volitantes

    she drifted out of his direct line of vision. He huffed out a great sigh of

    exasperation and instead of charging toward her tried to move slowly as if

    creeping upon an unsuspecting victim.

    He carefully placed each foot slowly upon the hardwood floor. Moving along

    in this way he found that even though he moved towards the spot where she

    knelt he made not progress in getting closer to her. Still, he tried, he kept

    moving. He arrived at the wall in some seven or eight steps and still felt as if

    she were not within grasping reach. Undeterred by this he brought both hishands up and in a sudden and erratic movement lunged at her.

    In that moment of him being airborne, sprawled in the air like a panther

    having snuck up on it's prey and making the final lunge to bare it's fanged

    teeth upon the neck of it and snap it cleanly in two. The perfect kill. Several

    things happened.

    The voice from the second floor floated up to him once more through the

    blind rage he felt, he heard her, "Almost there! Watch that, don't let his face

    hit the wall!".

    The woman in front of him dissipated cleanly. She did not fade away as in an

    over-powered and expedient erosion happened, no. She dissipated in the

    way that the couch will seem to simply exist to the eyes once the only light in

    the room is turned off at three A.M.

    In shock he struck the wood paneled wall full-on face first and fell to the

    ground. In an almost comical way he thought that it would be akin to

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    watching a cartoon character become squished against a wall and simply

    hang there before falling down after the appropriate amount of time had

    passed to make the watcher guffaw out loud.

    He lay on the floor writhing in pain, and gripping his nose in a fitful way.

    There was more blood than he had expected, and he did expect some. Inthat moment, that very short moment, when one is faced with the realization

    that they will be hurt in some way, the mind immediately turns to

    imagination and offers visions of just how bad what is to come will be. He

    had not expected quite so much blood. He continue to lay there, surprised

    he had not fully lost conciousness from the blow and did what little he knew

    to do in order to stop the blood gushing from his nose.

    He had woken then, serenely and quietly. He sat still upon the beige

    carpeting in the middle of his room and stared at the closed door. Clearly it

    was nonsense, all of it. He had no reason to believe any of what he had

    experienced had any sort of basis or effect on anything to do with himself.He had an imagination and his subconcious had decided that this was the

    way to express it for the night.

    Succesfully dismissing this for himself he stood and pinned his

    shoulders back in the perfect posture of one at attention, he shrugged once

    as if denying anything to do with what had just occured and moved to

    continue with what he intended. Wash the body, brush the teeth, shave the

    whiskers, and comb the hair. These were all things that made sense to him

    and there was a beautiful normal feeling to even thinking about them.

    He took a step.

    The woman was there.

    He heard the voice again, "He's lucid, step away.". She was no longer

    raising her voice, but this did nothing to relieve the clear sense of authority

    that was conveyed.

    He stopped and looked around, he was no longer in his room. His

    room was gone, utterly, and completely gone. In it's place was a room he did

    not know. The walls, floor and ceiling all had a somewhat bumpy looking

    texture to them. The off-white color visible only faintly from the light that

    came in from the open doorway. Silhouted against the light from the

    doorway was the woman.

    She was not kneeling, she stood with her hands at her side. Her face

    not visible from the angle he viewed her, though he knew from the way her

    body was shaped that this was her. He snarled and reached forward,

    intending to grab ahold of this woman and find out what it was she wanted

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    with him. She plagued him and he was weary of all the games.

    This was when he noticed the straight jacket. Having moved his arms

    forward without thinking, the jacket prevented him from doing as he wanted

    and in a shock of surprise and confusion he fell to the floor. He noticed now

    as well the floor, the padding it had upon it. Well, at least he was not hurtfrom the fall, though it did knock the wind out of him somewhat.

    From his position upon the floor he now had, laying there halfway upon

    his back he tilted his head back and glared at the woman. He snarled out the

    question he knew she would not answer, "What do you want with me?". He

    had such hatred and rage that he could do nothing with. This combined with

    frustration and confusion in a cocktail of emotion that was shaken together

    within him. Each ingredient variably expressed upon his face as he now

    awaited her words and thought over what she had done to him. Yes, it was

    her fault this. All of it. Why else would she appear in the way she had and

    why else would she be looming over him now?

    "I want you to get better, Stitters.". She spoke now in a tone he did

    not expect. The soft and calming voice was not what he had heard before

    from her in any way. Yelling, yes he expected that. Even welcomed it. The

    authoritative tinge to the other two that he barely even noted in the room,

    yes, he had heard this as well. Calm and soothing? She played a game that

    went even further than he thought possible. He did not want to play

    anymore, he simply tired of even the thought of doing so.

    He laughed. Quietly, at first. He snickered and chuckled, letting the

    laugh build within him upwards more and more. He never let his eyes off thewoman. His wide and crazed eyes focused solely on the form of this maniac

    before him. He laughed and laughed, the sound maniacal and deep, it was

    absorbed into the padding of the room, making the sound seem somewhat

    hollow. Yet he laughed more and more, louder and louder.

    The woman shook her head some and made a gesture to the other two

    men in the room, each of which nodded and moved through the open

    doorway to the hall. She followed and stood a the doorway looking in to him.

    The light shown on her right side, giving him a first look at her face.

    It was her. There was no doubt. The woman that had plagued him.He rolled over upon the floor twice and was now even with her as she stood

    in the doorway. He continued to laugh and stare wide-eyed. She spoke once

    more, "We'll see you tomorrow, Stitters.".

    She bent down and he stopped laughing immediately. When she bent

    down to retrieve her clipboard he saw her. He saw her exactly as he'd seen

    her in his dream. Bent upon her knees with her right side facing him. On the

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    wall behind her was the painting, the flowers, he thought they were flowers.

    When she reached up to grasp the handle of the door while looking down at

    the clipboard she looked as if she were pointing at the painting.

    This he saw and it seemed to freeze itself upon his mind. She was a

    mastermind! She controlled so much while he simply was her toy! A trifle tobe brought out when she felt the whim! The door slammed closed with an

    eerie echo of a bang. He screamed then. He kept screaming. On and on. He

    roared and writhed upon the floor. Trying desperately and futiley to escape

    from the straight jacket.

    As he screamed he thought on himself and thought he saw himself from

    above. Within his own mind he shook his head and sat upon the floor of his

    room as he watched. "Poor Stitters.". He laid down upon the floor then and

    continued to watch the crazed and maniacal man who was tortured by the

    woman. He closed his eyes and whispered one last time before drifting to

    sleep.. "Poor Stitters.".