Stirling Local Development Plan: Draft Action Programme · Stirling Local Development Plan: Draft...

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Corporate Operations

Stirling Council Local Development Plan

June 2016

Stirling Local Development Plan:Draft Action Programme

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Contents Page

Introduction 4

Stirling’s City Development Framework 6

Key Transport Projects 10

Other Key City Developments 12

Funding of Infrastructure 13

Schedule 1 - Strategic Development and Regeneration Areas 15

Schedule 2 - Spatial Strategy 22

Schedule 3 - Stirling LDP Policy Actions 23

Schedule 4 - Stirling LDP Development Proposals 27

Housing sites without Planning Permission March 2016 28

Retail sites without Planning Permission March 2016 31

Employment sites without Planning Permission March 2016 31

Appendix 35

Housing sites with Planning Permission March 2016 35

Employment sites with Planning Permission March 2016 37

Retail sites with Planning Permission March 2016 38

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme


This Draft Action Programme supports the delivery of the Stirling Local Development Plan (LDP) by setting out the actions and partnerships that are necessary to implement the strategy of the Plan. In accordance with legislative requirements, the Draft Action Programme contains:

• A list of actions required to deliver each of the Plan’s policies and proposals;• The name of the organisation and/or person required to carry out each action; and• The timescale for carrying out each action.

The Action Programme deals with the implementation and delivery of the Plan’s strategy, policies and proposals, whereas the LDP Monitoring Statement documents the effectiveness and outcomes of policies. The latter requires to be published alongside the LDP Main Issues Report.

The purpose of this Action Programme and ongoing updates, is to highlight the necessary investment required to support the future growth strategy for the Stirling area, to identify over what timeframe this investment is required, and to identify who will be responsible for funding and delivering that investment. The Action Programme will require to highlight any constraints to the delivery of the LDP development proposals and policy actions and the risk this poses on the achievement of the strategic objectives of Stirling Council and its community planning partners.

For specific development proposals in the Plan, the Action Programme focuses on identifying measures to overcome particular constraints that could make these sites more effective and deliverable. This is particularly important where a variety of public sector infrastructure investment is required such as schools, transport and wider community facilities, which will also be reliant on private sector developer contributions. The Action Programme also relates closely to Stirling Council’s City Development Framework 2016 (CDF) ensuring that a collaborative approach to the delivery of key CDF projects and required associated infrastructure is taken forward by the public and private sector.

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

The Action Programme is a working document which is informed by an Infrastructure Delivery Working Group (IDWG), a group comprising of Council Services, Developers, Key Agencies and other infrastructure providers that considers the phasing, and prioritises the infrastructure requirements, for the strategic development sites and other key development proposals within the Plan as appropriate. The funding of a number of the development proposals highlighted in the Action Programme will be dependent on future Scottish Government spending reviews and the availability of public and private sector finance and other sources of funding. Realism and flexibility will therefore be required to ensure delivery is achievable and strong leadership and stakeholder commitment will be key to the successful delivery of the Action Programme.

This is a draft Action Programme written to accompany the Proposed Plan. This will be updated and published in its final format once the LDP has been adopted to present a more up to date position. The Action Programme is not a static document and will require to be updated every 1-2 years to take account of changing circumstances. Ongoing input and liaison with external key stakeholders, key agencies, the Scottish Government and other organisations / delivery bodies specified in this document will ensure that it remains up to date and responds to current circumstances.

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Stirling’s City Development Framework

The Council approved a City Strategic Infrastructure Plan in March 2014 which articulated Stirling’s infrastructure ambitions and investment opportunities to support the sustainable expansion of the City and to grow and diversify the local economy. Since then an opportunity to gain funding from national government has arisen. In this regard the Council recently approved a City Development Framework which has been submitted to the Scottish and UK Governments for approval. The CDF represents a strong vision for the city which seeks to realise the true potential of Stirling as an economic and cultural powerhouse. This will be achieved by building on its assets to create a highly functional and beautiful city that generates wealth and increases opportunity locally, including to its rural areas, whilst contributing to national productivity, and competing internationally.

The projects contained within the CDF will attract further inward investment and support business growth in the key sectors of Financial Services, Tourism, Digital Technology and Food and Drink. Given that the CDF projects are in the early stages of their development, it was not possible to show them as formal LDP site designations. Their locations are, however, indicated on the LDP proposals maps and future delivery of these projects will significantly assist the Council in achieving its vision for the future. The CDF has very much evolved in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders including local communities and consists of 6 key projects as follows:

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Project Project Description Project Cost (public/private)

Project Timescale

1.The Digital District

The Digital District will create world class digital connectivity to allow businesses and residents to flourish by implementing the following projects:-

• Digital Hub involving conversion of a landmark historic building in the City Centre to create a dynamic environment for small business to co-locate with state of the art digital facilities. This will be combined with investment in a number of nearby existing office buildings meeting demand for other complimentary businesses

• Enhancement and extension of the historic Albert Halls to create a state of the art conference and performance venue enhancement of the historic Smith Museum to integrate a Digital Archive

• Enhanced connectivity to 4 Stirling secondary schools and 3 rural secondary schools.

£45.8m 2017-19

2.The Harbour

The harbour project involves the constructions of a new landmark civic building directly adjacent to the Rail Station and will create a new landscape square. It will connect the City Centre and numerous key heritage assets, partners and communities along the river. These include the recently redeveloped Historic Engine Shed promoting traditional skills on the international stage, Stirling University, Forth Valley College, the Sports Village which hosts national and international events, Springkerse Industrial Area, a number of third sector partners in the Historic Barracks the proposed Grow On Space, the Battle of Stirling Bridge, Cambuskenneth Abbey and a proposed Wildlife Sanctuary which seeks to be the most accessible facility of its kind through direct proximity to the station and City Centre.

£36.3m 2017-18

3. Grow on Space

State of the art new business accommodation to meet demand for space suitable to allow co-location of medium sized businesses in the heart of Stirling. This will be located on the riverside to benefit from close proximity to the City Centre, the Station, the existing industrial zone and Stirling Sports Village. The proposal is part of creating a wider connection between a variety of key partners along the river including Stirling University, Forth Valley College, other key business partners and the City Centre thereby reinforcing Stirling’s status as an International City

£60.3m 2016-19

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Project Project Description Project Cost (public/private)

Project Timescale

4.Mercat Cross Regeneration

Mercat Cross Regeneration involves investment in a range of community, cultural and residential buildings, community spaces and streets in the Historic City Centre. This will improve access to this historic part of the city. Individual elements of this project include:-

• Transforming the nursery in the heart of the area along with an adjacent playpark and the derelict Argyll Centre into a dynamic new community hub and skills academy benefiting from panoramic views over the city skyline

• Construction of a state of the art multi-purpose hall with external growing space adjacent to the existing primary school and new digital hub providing sports facilities at key south gateway to the Historic Centre

• Investment in the historic Cowane centre marking a key gateway at the north of the city centre leading to Stirling Bridge and Stirling University

• Investment in a number of cultural buildings at the top of the town to improve community involvement and collaboration

• Investment in a number of key streets which are key to the City Centre retail and café culture to improve the streetscape and provide infrastructure for markets and festivals

£38.2m 2017-19

5. The City Park

The proposal is for a City Park in one of the most iconic locations in Scotland, creating a new gateway into Stirling and enhancing it is a key destination, the aim being to attract more than 250,000 visitors. This is key to retaining talent and attracting families as well as broadening the offer to attract visitors and encourage them to stay longer. The location is to the west of the Castle, capturing iconic views of it by day and night. A key aspect is that it extends to and connects a series of existing stunning walks and open spaces around the castle, to the Historic City Centre, beyond to the River linking these with a range of residential communities. The project will provide an appropriate landmark in the heart of Scotland, creating a platform for Stirling and the surrounding rural communities to celebrate and optimise the contribution it makes to Scotland as a whole.

£43.1m 2016-20

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Project Project Description Project Cost (public/private)

Project Timescale


The River

This project seeks to reverse the trend of the city ‘turning its back’ on the river and exploit the opportunities it offers.

• Incorporation of 6 boats stops combining including one at The Harbour/Engine Shed, Wallace Monument/Stirling University, Stirling Bridge, Cambuskenneth Abbey/Sports Village, Forth Valley College and Kildean Business Park. Each boat stop will provide parking and visitor facilities with direct links to the pedestrian and cycle paths to create a cohesive active travel network.

• Significant expansion and enhancement of the pedestrian and cycle paths, connecting the key assets along the river with each other and to the City Centre and City Park.

• Development of the peninsulas and associated riverbanks to provide a variety of outdoor experiences with themes including environment, heritage, sports, energy and performance.

• Incorporation of a barrage to allow water levels and water quality to be controlled, mitigating flooding and opening access to the river.

• Utilising the river as a sustainable means of generating energy, providing district heating and cooling to new developments on brownfield sites providing to support sustainable business space, residential and other uses.

£130.3m 2016-21

Enabling Environment

In addition to the above 6 projects an active travel network will be created which connects existing communities and assets whilst significantly enhancing the quality of environment. This includes:-

• new road links to improve connections between University, College and Business and reduce congestion in the City Centre and Residential Neighbourhoods

• significant investment in cycle and path networks to provide attractive active travel environments for residents and visitors, improving connection between within Stirling key assets including City Centre, University, College, Businesses, Residential Communities, Heritage Assets and other local amenities. There is a key emphasis on creating attractive environments for businesses such as cafes and retail to flourish.

• significant investment in the wider cycle networks as a key link in the national cycle network from the central belt to the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park and along with strengthening cycle links with the diverse network of surrounding rural communities

• boats becoming a key element in the transport network for commuters and leisure use by all. • a city ‘hop on hop off’ tourist train providing a transport focused on families.


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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Key Transportation Projects

There are a number of transportation improvements which, through the Development Planning and Management Transport Appraisal Guidance (DPMTAG) process have been shown to be required to accommodate the growth of the LDP area that will occur as a result of the development of LDP sites. These projects will also assist in implementing the City Development Framework projects. The projects all support one or more key headings in the City Transport Plan: Maximising the Attractiveness of the City Centre, Promoting Modal Shift and Sustainable Communities and Maintaining Strategic Access.

Project Project Description and Outcomes Project Cost

Project Timescale

Relationship to LDP and Strategic Development Sites


Improvements at Craigforth, M9 junction10

DPM-tag process highlights that improvements at Craigforth are required. Work required to understand the most appropriate solution.

TBC 2027-2037 Maintenance of acceptable journey times between a growing Stirling and Scotland’s cities and between Stirling and its hinterland; and maintaining acceptable journey times and safety on the trunk road network

DPM-tag process has highlighted the need for improvements to address queuing and journey times in the Craigforth area.

M9/A811 New Junction

New slip roads would improve access to city centre and reduce traffic on other key routes in and around the city.

£14.2m 2027-2037 Plan new junction to maximise strategic access to Stirling City and minimise traffic to/from trunk roads within the City area. DPM-tag process has highlighted the need for new M9 junction to maintain journey times at acceptable levels

SC to work with Transport Scotland to plan and deliver new junction.

Durieshill and South Stirling Gateway Transport Improvements

Upfront delivery of road capacity improvements, including park and ride facilities, walking and cycling routes to support outcomes of developments.

£17.9m 2017-2037 Allocated Strategic Development Sites (H057/B09/R10) and (H055/B10/R09). Key site requirements include provision of site for park & ride and improvements to M9 junction 9 Pirnhall and upgrading of the A91 (Pirnhall to Greencornhills) and A872 N & S. The cumulative impacts of development on the network in the Core Area is managed through the Core Area transport infrastructure fund.

Secure on-site transport measures relative to each site. Developer contributions and capital investment in the transport infrastructure in the Core Area including upgrading A91 required.

Support Transport Scotland’s STPR for a strategic park and ride site at Bannockburn.

A91 major upgrade

Junction improvement and dualling from Greencornhills to Manor Powis to prevent significant congestion reducing access

• to Springkerse and Forthside between Clackmannanshire and the M80

• between the Eastern villages and Stirling city/ the motorway network

• between the Eastern villages and Stirling city/ the motorway network

TBC 2022-2027 Maintain access to major development areas Forthside, Springkerse and the Eastern villages

SC to deliver through City Transport Plan.

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Project Project Description and Outcomes Project Cost

Project Timescale

Relationship to LDP and Strategic Development Sites


Kildean to Bridge of Allan Corridor phases 1 and 2

New road to open up Kildean and improve accessibility and traffic flows north of the river Forth.

£25m 2022-2027 Plan identifies requirement to safeguard land for new road link including new bridge to maintain access to and from Stirling and keep unnecessary traffic from out of the urban area and maintain access to key employment locations. Helps accommodate the planned growth of the City.

Kildean to Cornton road link; Cornton to Airthrey road link and investigating maximising access to Bridge of Allan station is in City Transport Plan. Developer contributions and capital investment in the transport infrastructure in the Core Area

Viewforth Link Road and public realm improvements to adjacent City Centre streets

Complete Inner Ring Road to improve traffic flows and accessibility across the city, enhance city centre environment, Viewforth development site, and support modal shift.

£7m 2017-2022 Viewforth site allocated in Plan (H050). Masterplan (SG08) in place referring to need to take account of the alignment of the road in the site design. New road will connect development site to A9 and links with the city centre, and with existing residential areas to the south of the city.

Within City Transport Plan. Developer contributions and capital investment in the transport infrastructure in the Core Area. Submission of planning application imminent.

Keir Roundabout Improvements

Grade separation proposed in STPR to reduce congestion and accidents on A9/M9

TBC TBC Reduces queues into and through Stirling. Transport Scotland to deliver project

Road Bridge at Cornton/Bridge of Allan

Closure of Cornton level crossings and replacement with road bridge proposed by Network Rail

TBC 2018 Alternative full barrier crossings would limit capacity for development north of river without significant impacts on Causewayhead Road

To be delivered by Network Rail

Walking and cycling network/safer routes to school

Expand and improve walking and cycling networks throughout the LDP area to encourage modal shift and improve access to jobs, services and opportunities

£21m 2017-2027 Modal shift required to minimise congestion arising from new development

SC to deliver through Active Travel Plan

Bus network improvements

Bus corridor improvements including bus priority measures and passenger facilities

£1.7m 2017/2027 Modal shift required to minimise congestion arising from new development

SC to deliver through City Transport Plan

City Corridor improvements

Improvements required at major junctions and along major corridors within the city to maximise capacity of the existing network to accommodate future growth without severe congestion

TBC 2017-2022 Minimising congestion arising from new development and therefore maintaining access to and through the city/development sites

SC to deliver through City Transport Plan

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Other Key City Developments

A number of other developments are proposed in and around the city which will assist in the implementation of the LDP Vision and Spatial Strategy.

Project Project Description and Outcomes

Project Cost (public / private)

Project Timescale

Relationship to LDP and Strategic Development Sites


Stirling Station Gateway Street Enhancement

Public realm and access improvements to enhance streets, support modal shift and public transport access and support development of vacant sites.

£4m / £13m 2014-2017 City Centre Development Framework (SG08B) identifies key vacant site/redevelopment and enhancement opportunities.

City of Stirling Development Framework to set out how opportunities will be implemented – see Schedule 2.

Establishment of Steering Group involving relevant stakeholders to inform design and investigate funding opportunities being established.

Business Premises at Kildean Office development to attract new business and high value jobs.

£2m / £29m Tbc Allocated ‘Strategic Development Site’ (B06/H054) for employment and housing purposes. Development Framework (SG08) in place. Upgrading of electricity network may be required.

Input from Scottish Power required. Investment in Kildean to Cornton to Airthery link road required.

Sports Village Extension National and regional facilities to provide health and wellbeing benefits and increased tourism.

£3m 2015/2016 Site falls within the ‘Springkerse Commercial Centre’ which is supportive of commercial leisure development.

No specific infrastructure requirements identified.

Project underway

Care Village Project will bring a wide range of health and social care, training and GP services together on the site of the former Stirling Royal Infirmary.

Tbc Tbc Site is shown on LDP maps as care village development. Part of the site will be developed for affordable housing (HO52)

No specific infrastructure requirements identified.

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Funding of Infrastructure:

The Council has committed to an investment of £2million from its capital programme in 2016/17 to be allocated to the CDF signature projects. These funds will also be spent on rural development and the marketing of Stirling’s ambition. This will act as a catalyst for securing larger externally sourced investment.

Scottish and National Governments will announce funding awards relating to the City Development Framework in Autumn 2016.

Transport infrastructure costs will be met through a combination of developer contributions and capital investment.

Education infrastructure costs will be met through 50/50 split of developer contributions and Council capital investment.Health – pressured areas identified, developer contributions to be secured, NHS Forth Valley to confirm total investment required.Waste - developer contributions to be secured for on-site and off-site waste management facilities.Drainage – Scottish Water is investigating the options for waste water drainage infrastructure for the strategic development areas and the total investment required.Green infrastructure/open space – developer contributions to be secured for on-site and off-site provision.

SCHEDULES: The Action Programme contains four Schedules:

Schedule 1: Strategic Development and Regeneration Areas – The actions required to deliver the major development proposals within the LDP.Schedule 2: Spatial Strategy – The actions which help to support the wider Spatial Strategy of the LDP.Schedule 3: Stirling LDP Policy – The actions to deliver the planning policies set out in the LDP.Schedule 4: Stirling LDP Development Proposals – The actions required to deliver the remaining proposals within the LDP.Appendices: List of development proposals (housing, employment, retail) already with planning permission/under construction.The Schedules chart the progress and status of particular actions and how far along an action has progressed.

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Abbreviations used:

A+DS – Architecture and Design Scotland

HS – Historic Scotland

NHSFV – NHS Forth Valley

OSS – Open Space Strategy

RSHA – Rural Stirling Housing Association

SDA – Stirling Development Agency

SEPA – Scottish Environmental Protection Agency

SHIP – Strategic Housing Investment Programme (Stirling Council)

SNH – Scottish Natural Heritage

SW – Scottish Water

TS – Transport Scotland

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Schedule 1: Strategic Development and Regeneration Areas

Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name

Units / Hectares / Floorspace

Plan period Cumulative / Pressured Area

Actions / Infrastructure Required Responsibility and Funding Source

Progress / Constraints to Delivery at March 2016

Cowie H074 / B01 - Berryhills

380 / 0.8 Ha 2015/2037 Adjoins City Transport Area. Pressured Area for Housing. Education Core Area. Pressured Area for Health.

• Masterplans required. • Contributions to primary (Cowie)

and Secondary (Bannockburn/Durieshill) required.

• On and off site contributions to Open Space required.

• Upgrade of Cowie WWTW required.

• Wider regeneration benefits for the village.

Capital investment required by Stirling Council. Developer Contributions required. Input from NHS Forth Valley and Scottish Water.

Multiple planning applications under consideration (14/00546/PPP, 14/00652/PPP and 15/00007/FUL) at March 2016. Dual ownership a constraint to delivery

H075 - Station Road

50 2015/2022 Contact required with developer to bring site forward for development.

H076 - Ochil View

80 2015/2022 Contact required with developer to bring site forward for development.

H146 - St Margaret’s

15 2022/2027 Newly allocated site. Council owned site. Affordable housing funding required.

B02 - Berryhills Main Street West of Units 1 - 3

0.7 ha 2015/2027 Contact required with developer to bring site forward for development.

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Schedule 1: Strategic Development and Regeneration Areas

Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name

Units / Hectares / Floorspace

Plan period Cumulative / Pressured Area

Actions / Infrastructure Required Responsibility and Funding Source

Progress / Constraints to Delivery at March 2016

Durieshill H057 / B09 / R10 - Durieshill

2500 / 5ha / 4,000 Sq.m

2015/2037 Within City Transport Area. Pressured Area for Housing. Education Core Area. Pressured Area for Health.

• Masterplan required. • M9 Junction 9 Pirnhall

improvements. • Campus required to provide

2 new primary schools and secondary provision.

• New / improved sewage treatment works required.

• New / expanded community facilities.

• Electricity infrastructure required. • Significant open space required,

both on and off site provision.• Ground conditions to be

assessed. • Infrastructure Delivery Working

Group (IDWG) to be established to assist in site delivery.

• New GP practice may be required.

Capital investment required by Stirling Council Developer Contributions required. Input from NHS Forth Valley, Transport Scotland and Scottish Water.

Stirling’s Major growth Area - Durieshill (SG08A) prepared. National House builder in discussions with multiple landowners. Masterplan not yet commenced.

Fallin H077 - East Fallin

400 2015/2037 Adjoins City Transport Area. Pressured Area for Housing. Education Core Area. Pressured Area for Health.

• Masterplan required.• Contributions to extend Fallin

Primary School. • Contributions to Secondary

School. • Flood Risk Assessment

Required. • Upgrade to Fallin WWTW

required. • Wider regeneration benefits


Capital investment required by Stirling Council. Developer Contributions required. Input from NHS Forth Valley, SEPA and Scottish Water.

Planning application (15/00146/PPP) under consideration at March 2016.

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Schedule 1: Strategic Development and Regeneration Areas

Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name

Units / Hectares / Floorspace

Plan period Cumulative / Pressured Area

Actions / Infrastructure Required Responsibility and Funding Source

Progress / Constraints to Delivery at March 2016

Plean H069 - Cushenquarter

100 2022/2037 Adjoins City Transport Area. Pressured Area for Housing. Education Core Area. Pressured Area for Health.

• Masterplan required. • Contributions required to extend

Plean Primary School.• Contributions required to extend

/ build Secondary schools (Bannockburn / Durieshill).

• On and off site contributions to open space required.

• Land may require to be safeguarded for potential new GP facility in the vicinity of this site should Plean be chosen as the most appropriate location for this facility.

• Upgrade required to Plean WWTW.

• Wider regeneration benefits. • Total units on site may be

constrained by education capacity.

Capital investment required by Stirling Council. Developer Contributions required. Input from NHS Forth Valley, SEPA and Scottish Water.

Persimmon Homes have interest in taking site forward.

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Schedule 1: Strategic Development and Regeneration Areas

Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name

Units / Hectares / Floorspace

Plan period Cumulative / Pressured Area

Actions / Infrastructure Required Responsibility and Funding Source

Progress / Constraints to Delivery at March 2016

Raploch H053 - Area 23 Kildean Hospital

30 2022/2027 Within City Transport Area. Pressured Area for Housing. Education Core Area. Pressured Area for Health.

• Conformity with Raploch Masterplan.

• Treatment/removal of contaminated soil

Developer Contributions required. Scottish Government affordable housing Grant subsidy required

Stirling Council and Raploch URCProgress in delivering Raploch masterplan hindered by slow house sales on sites with planning permission.

H061 - Area 8 Raploch Schools

184 2015/2022

H063 - Area 7 Craigforth Crescent

89 2022/2027

H066 - Area 6 Gowanhill Gardens

114 2015/2027

H067 - Area 9 Kildean

15 2022/2027

H131 - Area 22 Drip Road Frontage

8 2015/2022

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Schedule 1: Strategic Development and Regeneration Areas

Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name

Units / Hectares / Floorspace

Plan period Cumulative / Pressured Area

Actions / Infrastructure Required Responsibility and Funding Source

Progress / Constraints to Delivery at March 2016

Stirling H055 / B10 / R09 - South Stirling Gateway

800 / 7.9 ha / TBC

2015/2037 Adjoins City Transport Area. Pressured Area for Housing. Education Core Area. Pressured Area for Health.

• Conformity with South Stirling Gateway Masterplan and South Stirling Development Framework (SG08).

• New junctions required A91 / A872. M9 Junction 9 Pirnhall improvements.

• Bus/coach Park and Ride.• Contributions required for a new

Primary School. • Contributions required to extend

Bannockburn High School. • New / expanded GP facilities in

Durieshill / Plean. • Significant open space required

both on and off site. • Ground conditions to be


Capital investment required by Stirling Council. Developer Contributions required. Input from NHS Forth Valley and Transport Scotland.

South Stirling Development Framework (SG08) prepared. South Stirling Gateway Masterplan approved April 2016. Regular contact with developers and landowners, however site is in multiple ownership and may present delivery issues. Infrastructure Delivery Working Group has been established to assist in the delivery of the site.

B11 - Millhall East

5 2015/2037 Within City Transport Area.

• Sites to be promoted for development by Council to attract inward investment.

Contact to be established with Landowner to bring site forward for development.

Development Briefs prepared.

B12 - Broadleys B Expansion

1 2015/2037

B13 - Broadleys Extension Area

10 2015/2037

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Schedule 1: Strategic Development and Regeneration Areas

Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name

Units / Hectares / Floorspace

Plan period Cumulative / Pressured Area

Actions / Infrastructure Required Responsibility and Funding Source

Progress / Constraints to Delivery at March 2016


B50 - Stirling University Innovation Park, Site 6a

0.6 2027/2037 Within City Transport Area.

• Compliance with Stirling University’s Masterplan.

• Sensitive sites and design must take account of Airthrey Castle Garden and Designed Landscape,the Green network, the setting of the Wallace Monument and the listed Airthrey Castle.

Stirling University to bring forward the sites for development.

Sites identified for development in the University of Stirling campus masterplan.

B51 - Stirling University Innovation Park, Site 5

0.4 2015/2027

B52 - Stirling University Innovation Park, Site 7

1.9 2015/2027

B53 - Stirling University Innovation Park, Site 8

1.7 2015/2027

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Schedule 1: Strategic Development and Regeneration Areas

Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name

Units / Hectares / Floorspace

Plan period Cumulative / Pressured Area

Actions / Infrastructure Required Responsibility and Funding Source

Progress / Constraints to Delivery at March 2016

Throsk H080 - Throsk

75 2015/2027 Adjoins City Transport Area. Pressured Area for Housing. Education Core Area. Pressured Area for Health.

• Masterplan required • Contributions required to extend

Fallin Primary School.• Contributions required to

secondary education. • On site open space contribution

required. • Augment sewage treatment

works. • Wider regeneration benefits


Capital investment required by Stirling Council. Developer Contributions required. Input from NHS Forth Valley and Scottish Water.

Discussions required with developer to bring forward development. Likely to be developed in conjunction with H081.

H081 - East of 39 Kersie Road

5 2015/2022 Discussions required with developer to bring forward development. Likely to be developed in conjunction with H080.

B15 - Bandeath East

7.3 2027/2037 • Masterplan for wider Bandeath area to be prepared.

Longer term designations (period 2 2027/2037).

B16 - Bandeath Industrial Estate

1 2027/2037

B17 - West of Throsk House

1.8 2027/2037

B18 - Thorsk B

0.3 2027/2037

B19 - Bandeath Infill

0.9 2027/2037

B20 - Bandeath North

43 2027/2037

B21 - Bandeath West

41 2027/2037

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Schedule 2: Spatial Strategy

Issue Action Required Milestones Responsibility & Contact

Supporting the Spatial Strategy and Vision for the Core Area and the City Centre

City Development FrameworkThe CDF represents a strong vision for the city which seeks to realise the true potential of Stirling as an economic and cultural powerhouse. This will be achieved by building on its assets to create a highly functional and beautiful city that generates wealth and increases opportunity locally, including to its rural areas, whilst contributing to national productivity, and competing internationally.

Turner Townsend, appointed to assist in preparing CDF bid

Council Approval June 2016.

Submission of bid to Scottish and UK Government July 2016.

Stirling Council, Turner Townsend, key stakeholders (key partners, agencies, communities, businesses, academics, interest groups).

Framework to inform and will be supported by the following:City Skyline and key Castle and Old Town Views Study - Carry out a detailed study to identify specific views to and from the City Centre worthy of protection.

2015 onwards Stirling Council and A+DS.

Forthside Masterplan & Design Guide: setting out holistic development principles and design guidance for the remaining vacant sites/buildings at Forthside including the MOD housing site and their environs, and which are identified as the locations for a number of key projects within the CDF.

2017 Stirling Council

City Park Masterplan & Design Guide: setting out detailed design principles and guidance relative to the location, layout and design of various elements of the new City Park.

2017 onwards Stirling Council

Mercat Cross Design Guide: will focus and encompass the vacant City Centre sites (previously identified in the Council’s City Centre Development Framework), plus projects falling out of the CDF in the area

2017/18 Stirling Council

City Corridor Development Study and Design Guide: development capacity of the ‘City Spine’ based on an urban design framework for the Corridor and its role in the City Transport Strategy. The study will promote the urban ‘repair’ of appropriate infill development, and inclusion of active travel linkages to/from the City Centre

2017/18 Stirling Council

Stirling City Centre and Bridge of Allan and Dunblane Town Centre Health Checks: to assess the city centre/town centre’s strengths, vitality and viability, weaknesses and resilience.

2017 Stirling Council

Supporting the Green Network

Open Space Audit Update – further work required to update the audit to cover open spaces not assessed in terms of qualitative issues in the OSS.

Commence Review 2018 /2019 to tie in with LDP and OSS review.

Stirling Council

Supporting the Spatial Strategy for individual settlements

Develop the Settlement Statements into Settlement Strategies in conjunction with local communities. Continue to collect local housing area information to inform and update the Settlement Strategies.

To inform next full review of Plan – 2019 onwards

Stirling Council/local communities

Prepare a vision and strategy for Dunblane town centre and its immediate environs with the aim of identifying improvements that will assist the economic and tourism potential of the town centre and maximise its assets.

Charrette held in April 2015. Work ongoing to assist community in preparing vision and strategy for Dunblane

Dunblane Community Council, Dunblane Development Trust, Stirling Council, Planning Aid Scotland

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Schedule 3: Stirling LDP Policy Actions

Policy Action Required Lead / Participants & Contacts Milestones / Timescale / Status

OP - Overarching Policy

The effectiveness and outcome of all policies will be monitored in planning application decisions and reported through the LDP Monitoring Statement.

Stirling Council Publication of Monitoring Statement June 2015Further statement to be produced 2018

PP1 - Placemaking

Revise SG01: Placemaking Stirling Council Draft late 2016 Consult early 2017Adopt once LDP adopted

Policy 1.3 Green Infrastructure

Produce a Playing Field Strategy to support Policy 1.3 Stirling Council In progress

Take forward the Green Network projects as set out in settlement statements.

Stirling Council 2018 onwards (includes City Park CDF project)

Review open space designation and potential for rationalisation (in update to OSS).

Stirling Council 2018 onwards

Ongoing refinement of Open Space Settlement Opportunity Plans Stirling Council 2016 onwards

Policy 1.5 Green Belts

Framework for the landscape enhancement of the Green Belt.Update SG03 to reflect new LDP housing sites

Stirling Council 2018 onwards.2017

PP2 - Supporting the Vision and Spatial Strategy

Produce SGs in the form of Development Frameworks, Masterplans and Planning Briefs for specific sites.

Stirling Council See Schedules 2 and 3

Policy 2.1 – The 5 Year Effective Housing land Supply

Monitor the effective housing land supply through the annual Housing Land Audit (HLA).

Stirling Council Annually each June

Policy 2.4 - Safeguarding employment land and property

Monitor the supply and take-up of employment land through the Employment Land Audit.

Stirling Council Annually each June

Policy 2.5 - Employment development

Stirling Council Annually each June

Policy 2.7 - Retail and commercial leisure development

Monitor the supply of retail floorspace through the annual production of the Retail Monitoring Report.

Stirling Council Annually each October

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Schedule 3: Stirling LDP Policy Actions

Policy Action Required Lead / Participants & Contacts Milestones / Timescale / Status

Policy 2.8 - Sites suitable for a mix of uses

Monitor the progress of delivering mixed use through the annual HLA, Retail Monitoring and Employment Land Audit.

Stirling Council Annually each June

Policy 2.9 - Economic development in the countryside

Monitor take-up of employment land through Employment Land Audit. Stirling Council Annually each June

Policy 2.10 -Housing in the Countryside

Revise SG10: Housing in the Countryside Stirling Council Draft mid 2016Consult Autumn 2016Adopt once LDP adopted

Policy 2.13 - Residential caravans

Ongoing monitoring of gypsy traveller sites usage and demand. Stirling Council Ongoing monitoring.

Policy 3.1 - Addressing the travel demands of new development

Monitoring the submission of ‘Accessibility Checklist’ forms with planning applications.

Stirling Council Ongoing

Assist in preparation, delivery & monitoring of new Stirling Local Transport Strategy (if frequent and severe congestion is not to undermine the delivery of the LDP’s growth aspirations). Monitoring to include: -• the ability of proposed new development to support access by

walking, cycling and public transport• modal shift• congestion

Stirling Council Delivery programmes will be set out in the forthcoming LTS and associated delivery programmes

Review SG14- Ensuring a Choice of Access to simplify TA evidence, review developer contributions and identify active travel networks in line with SPP.

Stirling Council Draft, consult and adopt 2017

Policy 3.2 -

Site drainage

Produce a strategic drainage assessment for the Strategic Development Areas to support policy 3.2.

Scottish Water, Stirling Council, developers

SW to produce options appraisal

Policy 3.3 -

Developer Contributions

Monitor contributions. Review the level of contributions within specific SG at the Plan Review stage.

Stirling Council Commence comprehensive review of all contributions in 2016/17. Complete by late 2017

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Schedule 3: Stirling LDP Policy Actions

Policy Action Required Lead / Participants & Contacts Milestones / Timescale / Status

PP4 -

Greenhouse Gas ReductionPolicy 4.1 -

Low and Zero Carbon development

Keep % under review with regard to provisions of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act and Scottish Building Standards Regulations.

Stirling Council Report through LDP Monitoring Report and at full Plan review stage.

Review SG17 to reflect new percentage change in policy Stirling Council Draft mid 2016, consult Autumn 2016 adopt once LDP adopted.

Policy 4.3 –

Heat Generation

Produce Supplementary Guidance on Heat Generation to include heat mapping exercise in line with SPP

Stirling Council Draft early 2017, consult mid 2017, adopt once LDP adopted

PP5 –

Flood Risk Management

Update SG18 to take into account changes introduced by SPP 2014. Stirling Council Draft Autumn 2016, consult early 2017, adopt once LDP adopted


Historic Environment

Maintain a Local List of buildings of architectural and historic interest. Stirling Council Ongoing - adding buildings to the list as and when they are identified.

Buildings at Risk – Strategy to reduce the number of buildings at risk including mechanisms for the development and reuse of buildings on register.

Stirling Council, Historic Scotland (HS)

2015 – 2019

Policy 7.2 -

Development within and outwith Conservation Areas

Develop specific opportunities for Planning action, opportunities for enhancement and Conservation Area Management Strategies.

Stirling Council Identify priorities – 2016

Draft strategy – 2017

Final action plan/strategy – 2018

PP8 –

Conservation and Enhancement of BiodiversityPolicy 8.1 -

Biodiversity Duty

Monitor the submission of ‘biodiversity checklists’ with relevant planning applications in accordance with SG26.

Stirling Council Reported through LDP Monitoring Report and Plan Review Stage.

Policy 8.2 –

Proposals affecting Local Nature Conservation Sites

Identify Local Nature Conservation Sites to support Policy 8.2. Deliver actions that will enhance the status of these sites.

Stirling Council Work ongoing – report back in Autumn 2016.

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Schedule 3: Stirling LDP Policy Actions

Policy Action Required Lead / Participants & Contacts Milestones / Timescale / Status

PP9 - Managing Landscape Change Policy 9.1 - Protecting special landscapes

Review boundaries of local landscape areas where a better fit to landscape features and character might be achieved and scope for new local landscape designations.Review of landscapes (and associated policies) in and around settlements to inform future Settlement Strategies.

Stirling Council with local communities and interested stakeholders

Consult with communities – 2017/18.

Amend boundaries at review of LDP – 2019 onwards.

PP10 – Forests, Woodlands and Trees

Review SG to include section on new tree planting in section 6, referring to BS8545:2014

Stirling Council 2016/17

PP11 - Minerals and Other Extractive Activities

Produce SG to support PP11 considering the availability, quality, accessibility and requirement for minerals in the Stirling area and identifying any search areas for minerals.

Stirling Council in liaison with industry and operators and neighbouring PEDL area authorities.

2016 onwards.

PP12 - Renewable EnergyPolicy 12.1 - Wind Energy Developments

Monitor effectiveness of SG33 Wind Energy Developments Stirling Council 2016 onwards

PP14 - Soil Conservation and Agricultural Land

Policy 14.1 - Encourage local food production

Produce a community food growing policy as part of taking forward the Open Space Strategy.

Stirling Council Policy in place by 2019.

PP15 – Tourism and Recreational Development

Policy 15.1 Tourism Development including facilities and accommodation

Update SG35 – Chalet Developments to include reference to ‘huts’ in line with SPP and to include Carbeth locational and design guidance.

Stirling Council Draft, consult and adopt during 2017

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Schedule 4: Stirling LDP Development Proposals

The development progress of all plan proposals for housing, employment and retail space will be monitored through the annual Housing Land Audit, Employment Land Audit and Retail Monitoring Report. Any required actions to assist their progress is highlighted in the Action Programme below.

Sites that already have planning permission will continue to be monitored through the above reporting mechanisms and through updates to the Action Programme, and are listed in the attached Appendix for information only.

Schedule 4: Stirling LDP Development Proposals

Housing Sites without Planning Permission - March 2016Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name Units Plan period Nature of Constraint Progress / Actions / Milestones / Status at March 2016

Responsibility and Contact for Action

Balfron H083 - Depot Site

10 2015/2022 Council owned site. Affordable housing funding required. Planning brief needed.

Not yet featured in SHIP. Stirling Council

H088 - K H Parsons Workshop

19 2022/2027 Site owner not actively marketing site.

Site still has potential for development, landowner has had architect drawings made.

Stirling Council

Bannockburn H130 - Milne Park Road

15 2015/2027 Possible ground contamination and undermining.

Current developer interest. Landowner / Agent

H134 - Catherine Street

8 2022/2027 Council owned site. Affordable housing funding required.

Not yet featured in SHIP. Stirling Council

Buchlyvie H153 - South of Fisher Place

15 2027/2037 Site is constrained by access and education capacity.

To be determined at future LDP reviews.

Landowner / Agent

Bridge of Allan H005 - 4 Inverallan Road

12 2015/2022 Previous planning permission lapsed (09/00477/FUL)

Site still has potential for development, landowner still keen to develop the site.

Landowner / Agent

H132 - Sheriffmuir Road

7 2015/2022 In grounds of listed building. Application under consideration (15/00603/FUL).

Cala Homes

H135 - Sunnylaw

4 2015/2022 Potential drainage issues. Newly allocated site. Establish contact with developer to discuss taking the site forward to planning application.

Landowner / Agent, SEPA and Stirling Council

Cambusbarron H011 Hayford Mills Phase 2

37 2015/2022 Current planning permission and listed building consent no longer extant. Funding constraints.

Ongoing discussions required with site owners to bring forward development.

Hayford Estates / Bobby Halliday Architects

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Schedule 4: Stirling LDP Development Proposals

Housing Sites without Planning Permission - March 2016Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name Units Plan period Nature of Constraint Progress / Actions / Milestones / Status at March 2016

Responsibility and Contact for Action

Dunblane H133 - Whitecross

8 2015/2022 Access constraints. Need to establish contact with owner Stirling Council

H137 - Hillside

15 2015/2022 Sensitive edge of settlement site Planning application (ref 16/00251/FUL) submitted for larger site for 129 units. Council to promote development of smaller site as identified through LDP.

Stirling Council/ Developer/ landowner

H138 - Barbush

80 2015/2022 Screening required to mitigate noise from A9. Impact on nearby listed building. Improvements to walking routes to Newton Primary School and Dunblane High School required.

Pre-application submission received from Miller Homes

Stirling Council/ Developer/ landowner

Fintry H098 - Menzies Terrace

40 2015/2022 Sensitive edge of settlement site. Flood Risk Assessment required.

Discussions ongoing with RSL and landowner. In SHIP for 2018/2019.

Stirling Council, Rural Stirling Housing Association and Landowner

Killearn H102 - Blairessan

30 2015/2022 Sensitive edge of settlement site. On edge of Conservation Area.

Discussions ongoing between landowner, Council and Community Council

Stirling Council and Landowner

Kippen H103 - Burnside

30 2022/2027 Sensitive edge of settlement site. Possible drainage issues.

Discussions required with developer and SEPA to bring forward development.

Cala Homes, SPEA and Stirling Council.

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Schedule 4: Stirling LDP Development Proposals

Housing Sites without Planning Permission - March 2016Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name Units Plan period Nature of Constraint Progress / Actions / Milestones / Status at March 2016

Responsibility and Contact for Action

Stirling H023 - Braehead 1 (Broom Road)

150 2022/2037 Council owned site. Affordable housing funding required. Development will need to be carefully phased due to Primary School capacity constraints. Ground contamination issues may constrain the development of the entire site.

Updated investigatory works regarding ground contamination and viability of development required. Possibility of release of site to the market.

Stirling Council

H028 - Riverbank Works

80 2015/2022 Flooding constrains may constrain the development of the entire site.

Planning application (02/01419/DET) deferred.

Taylor Wimpey and SEPA

H036 - 21 Dumbarton Road East

6 2015/2022 Parking constraints. Planning application (16/00098/FUL) under consideration.

Developer and Stirling Council

H037 - 32 Baker Street

6 2022/2027 Latest consent now expired. Development has viability concerns.

Discussions required with developer to bring forward development.

Developer and Stirling Council

H049 - Ministry of Defence Site

250 2022/2027 Large mixed use development site. Requires a master planned approach and careful phasing due to education capacity constraints. Site still in active use. Potential for site to contribute to the aspirations of the City Development Framework.

Discussions required with landowner to bring forward development on site and the wider aspirations of the City Development Framework.

Ministry of Defence and Stirling Council

H050 - Viewforth

80 2015/2027 Conformity with Viewforth Masterplan. Requirement for Viewforth Link Road.

Viewforth Masterplan prepared (SG08). Work underway on designing the Viewforth Link Road.

Stirling Council

H052 - Former Royal Stirling Infirmary Site 1

41 2015/2022 Conformity with Randolph Road Planning Brief. Affordable housing funding required.

Randolph Road Planning Brief prepared (SG08). Site in shadow SHIP for 2019/2020.

Stirling Council, NHS Forth Valley

H058 - Newpark Farm

150 2015/2027 Conformity with wider Cultenhove Development Framework (SG08). Development needs to take account of impact on the Battle of Bannockburn Inventory Site.

Cultenhove Development Framework (SG08) prepared. Planning application (15/00669/FUL) under consideration.

Ogilvie Homes and Stirling Council

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Schedule 4: Stirling LDP Development Proposals

Housing Sites without Planning Permission - March 2016Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name Units Plan period Nature of Constraint Progress / Actions / Milestones / Status at March 2016

Responsibility and Contact for Action

.....Stirling continued

H128 - Stirling Ice Rink

20 2022/2027 Site in multiple ownership. Access requires to be taken through new housing development on former Stirling High School (H029).

Site to be marketed 2016/17 Stirling Council and other landowners

H142 - Former MFI

30 2015/2022 Newly allocated site. Planning application (15/00581/FUL) under consideration.

Allanwater Homes and Stirling Council

Strathblane H153 - South of A81

20 2022/2027 Development has to take account of soak away for adjacent resident’s sceptic tanks. Affordable housing funding required.

Discussions ongoing between developer, the Council, Rural Stirling Housing Association and the Community Council.

Developer and Stirling Council

Thornhill H109 - Burnside Works

5 2022/2027 Mixed Use Site (B49) Developer not actively marketing the site. Within Conservation Area and there is a need to conserve the Tannery Managers House on site which is identified as a Building at Risk.

Discussions required with developer to bring forward development.

Stirling Council and Landowner

Countryside H124 - Land at Wester Cambushinnie Farmhouse

6 2022/2027 Planning permission expired. Discussions required with developer to bring forward development.

Stirling Council and Landowner

H157 - Killearn Hospital

tbc 2027/2037 Mixed use site (B47). Sensitive countryside location. Ground contamination issues. Residential element required to unlock development of the wider site. Exact number of housing units required still to be determined.

Discussions ongoing between landowner and Stirling Council to bring the site forward for development.

Stirling Council and Landowner

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Schedule 4: Stirling LDP Development Proposals

Retail sites without Planning Permission March 2016Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name Plan pe-riod Nature of Constraints Progress / Status at March 2016

Responsibility and Contact for Action

City Centre R03 - Station Road South

2015/2037 Sensitive gateway site to City Centre. Historic centre may con-strain the form of development.

No progress with site devel-opment

Stirling Council and Standard Life

Springkerse Commercial Centre

R11 - Springkerse

2015/2037 Planning permission expired. No progress with site devel-opment

Stirling Council

R12 - Crookbridge

2015/2037 Gas pipeline runs through site. No progress with site devel-opment

Stirling Council

R13 - Millhall East / Broadleys B Expan-sion

2015/2037 Retail proposal to come forward as part of Development Framework for wider Springkerse area.

No progress with site devel-opment

Stirling Council

Schedule 4: Stirling LDP Development Proposals

Employment sites without Planning Permission - March 2016Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name Hectares Plan period Issues Progress / Status at March 2016

Responsibility and Contact for Action

Balfron B43 - Balfron Depot

0.5 2015/2027 Site still in active use as a waste facility by the Council. Planning Brief required.

Site still has potential for development. Discussions ongoing to bring site forward for development.

Stirling Council

Callender B44 - East of Keltie Bridge

0.9 2015/2027 Sensitive countryside location. Planning Brief required.

Contact required with land-owner to bring the site forward for development.

Stirling Council and landowner

Deanston B46 - Lochills

0.6 2015/2027 Sensitive coun-tryside location. Planning Brief required.

Contact required with land-owner to bring the site forward for development.

Stirling Council and landowner

Fallin B03 - Polmaise Park (Former Depot)

0.8 2015/2027 Brownfield Council owned site.

Discussions ongoing to bring site forward for development.

Stirling Council

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Schedule 4: Stirling LDP Development Proposals

Employment sites without Planning Permission - March 2016Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name Hectares Plan period Issues Progress / Status at March 2016

Responsibility and Contact for Action

Raploch B04B - Back O’Hill B

0.73 2015/2027 Conformity with Raploch Masterplan.

Masterplan in place. Site is currently being marketed.

Raploch URC

Stirling B27 - Forthside

0.5 2015/2027 Part of the City Development Framework pro-posals

Site is integral to the deliv-ery of the City Development Framework. Potential location for national Tartan Centre

Stirling Council

B26 - Crookbridge

2.5 2015/2027 Multiple land ownerships in a mixed commercial use area. Co-ordinated ap-proach is required to the delivery of development in this area to ensure appropriate planning and funding of transport, drainage and other infrastructure, Green Network enhancements etc.

Discussions required with landowners/developers to bring the sites forward for development and to support the wider aspirations of the City Development Framework.

Stirling Council, Landowners, Developers and SDA

B29 - Broadleys 13/14, Craig Leith Road

1.9 2015/2027

B30 - Broadleys 18

1.7 2015/2027

B31 - Broadleys 17, Craig Leith Road

1.1 2015/2027

B33 - Broadleys 2

0.2 2015/2027

B34 - Springkerse Roundabout, Spring-kerse

0.7 2015/2027

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Schedule 4: Stirling LDP Development Proposals

Employment sites without Planning Permission - March 2016Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name Hectares Plan period Issues Progress / Status at March 2016

Responsibility and Contact for Action

......Stirling continued

B35 - Munro Road A, Springkerse

0.6 2015/2027 Multiple land ownerships in a mixed commercial use area. Co-ordinated ap-proach is required to the delivery of development in this area to ensure appropriate planning and funding of transport, drainage and other infrastructure, Green Network enhancements etc.

Discussions required with landowners/developers to bring the sites forward for development and to support the wider aspirations of the City Development Framework.

Stirling Council, Landowners, Developers and SDA

B37 - 11 Borrowmeadow Road, Springkerse

0.1 2015/2027

B38 - South West of Springkerse Roundabout

0.9 2015/2027

B39 - Cunningham Road, Springkerse

0.3 2015/2027

B40 - 15 Borrowmeadow Road, Springkerse

0.3 2015/2027

B56 - Ministry of Defence Site

TBC 2015/2037


TBC 2015/2037 Part of the City Development Framework Proposals and a mixed use site with retail (R06).

Site is integral to the deliv-ery of the City Development Framework. Part of the site has consent for a Class 1 superstore.

Stirling Council, STEP/Vico

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Schedule 4: Stirling LDP Development Proposals

Employment sites without Planning Permission - March 2016Settlement / Area

LDP Reference and Name Hectares Plan period Issues Progress / Status at March 2016

Responsibility and Contact for Action

Thornhill B49 - Burnside Works

0.3 2015/2027 Mixed Use Site (H109) Developer not actively marketing the site. Within Conservation Area and there is a need to conserve the Tannery Managers House on site which is identified as a Building at Risk.

Discussions required with landowner to bring the site forward for development.

Stirling Council and landowner

Countryside B47 - Killearn Hospital

2.5 2015/2037 Mixed use site (H157). Sensitive countryside location. Ground con-tamination issues. Enabling residen-tial element re-quired to unlock development of wider site, how-ever exact num-bers are currently unknown

Discussions ongoing be-tween landowner and Stir-ling Council to bring the site forward for development. Initial investigations show up to 70 enabling houses may generate sufficient funds to remove contamination and derelict buildings from the site. Further detailed studies will be re-quired as part of any planning application.

Stirling Council and Landowner

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Appendix - Housing Sites with Planning Permission – March 2016Settlement / Area LDP Reference and Name Units Plan period Progress / Status at March 2016

Balfron H085 - Dunmore 4 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H086 - Kiltrochan 32 2015/2022 Planning Permission granted

H091 - 15-23 Buchanan Street 4 2015/2022 Planning Permission granted

Bannockburn H002 - Firs Crescent 5 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

Bridge of Allan H008 - 90 Henderson Street 7 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H009 - Inverallan Lodge 6 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

Cambusbarron H013 - Polmaise Home Farm II 43 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

Cowie H145 - 12 Burns Terrace/North of Cowie Parish Church 10 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

Doune H096 - Moray Street 6 2015/2022 Site has an implemented consent

Dunblane H015 - Dunblane High School 42 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H020 - Bogside 8 2015/2022 Planning Permission granted

H139 - Estate Yard and Redundant Reservoir 1, Glen Road 1 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

Fallin H146 - Falcon House 24 2015/2022 Planning Permission granted

Plean H071 - Coal Merchants Yard 12 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H072 - Touchill Farm 167 2015/2027 Planning Permission granted

H073 - Main Street 1 16 2015/2022 Planning Permission granted

Raploch H065 - Area 4A Glendevon 25 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H147 - Area 4B Glendevon 95 2015/2022 Planning Permission granted

H148 - Former Raploch Local Office 4 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H149 - Woodside Road 4 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

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Appendix - Housing Sites with Planning Permission – March 2016Settlement / Area LDP Reference and Name Units Plan period Progress / Status at March 2016

Stirling H029 - Stirling High School 83 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H030 - Wallace High School 3 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H032 - St Modans High School B 19 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H034 - Forthside Phase 2 60 2022/2027 Site has an implemented consent

H041 - Former Bolt Works Sunnyside 4 2015/2022 Site has an implemented consent

H047 - Station Road 53 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H051 - Edward Avenue 4 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H054 - Former Kildean Auction Market 202 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H059 - Cultenhove 84 2015/2027 Multiple land parcels, 28 units Under Construction

H060 - Cornton 91 2015/2027 Multiple land parcels, 16 units Under Construction

H140 - Former Stirling Royal Infirmary Site II 1 2015/2022 Site has an implemented consent

H144 - Former Riverside Pool 8 2015/2022 Planning Permission granted

Strathblane H106 - Campsie Road 28 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

Thornhill H111 - Norrieston Glebe 14 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

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Appendix - Housing Sites with Planning Permission – March 2016Settlement / Area LDP Reference and Name Units Plan period Progress / Status at March 2016

Countryside H116 - Dalnair House 22 2015/2027 Planning Permission granted

H117 - Auchenteck Farm 2 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H119 - Craigforth 8 2015/2022 Planning Permission granted

H122 - Powis Mains 11 2015/2022 Planning Permission granted

H126 - Fairfield Farm 5 2015/2022 Planning Permission granted

H150 - South of North Doll Farmhouse 5 2015/2022 Planning Permission granted

H151 - Lower Canglour Farm 2 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H154 - Hill O’Drip Farm 10 2015/2022 Planning Permission granted

H155 - Former Mink Farm 4 2015/2022 Site Under Construction

H156 - Killearn Home Farm 11 2015/2022 Planning Permission granted

Appendix - Employment sites with Planning Permission – March 2016Settlement / Area LDP Reference and Name Hectares Plan period Progress / Status at March 2016

Blairlogie B24 - Manor Farm Business Extension 9.2 2015/2027 Planning Permission Granted on part of the site

Bridge of Allan B55 - Airthrey Kerse Dairy Farm 0.4 2015/2027 Planning Permission Granted

Doune B45 - Station Wynd 0.5 2015/2027 Planning Permission Granted

Raploch B04A - Back O’Hill A 0.16 2015/2027 Planning Permission Granted

Stirling B06 - Killdean 12 2015/2027 Planning Permission Granted

B07 - Pirnhall 6.5 2015/2027 Planning Permission Granted

B36 - Munro Road C, Springkerse 0.4 2015/2027 Planning Permission Granted

B41 - 12 Whitehouse 0.8 2015/2027 Planning Permission Granted

Throsk B22 - Throsk C (Part 4) 3.2 2015/2027 Planning Permission Granted

B23 - Throsk C (Part 1) 0.7 2015/2027 Planning Permission Granted

Countryside B14 - Craigforth 8 2015/2037 Planning Permission Granted

B54 - Tradstocks 3 2015/2027 Planning Permission Granted

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Stirling Local Development Plan : Draft Action Programme

Appendix - Retail sites with Planning Permission – March 2016Settlement / Area LDP Reference and Name Plan

periodProgress / Status at March 2016

City Centre R01 - Rainbow Slides 2015/22 Planning Permission Granted. Further application (15/00542/FUL) under consideration at March 2016.

R02 - Station Road North 2015/22 Site Under Construction

R06 - STEP/Vico 2015/22 Southern part of site demolished in preparation for new retail development.

Page 39: Stirling Local Development Plan: Draft Action Programme · Stirling Local Development Plan: Draft Action Programme. T: ... Project Project ... including one at The Harbour/Engine

Stirling Council Viewforth Stirling FK8 2ET

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If you need help or this information supplied in an alternative format please call 0845 277 700.


Further Information Please contact:

PlanningInfrastructure DeliveryCorporate OperationsTeith HouseKerse RoadStirling FK7 7QA

Telephone: 01786 233660E-mail: [email protected]/localdevplan