Stiffness Coefficients for Nozzles in API 650 Tanks_2

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    Manfred Lengsfeld

    Fluor Daniel Inc.


    Kanajett Hathaitham

    Fluor Signature Services Inc.

    ken.hathaitham @

    Kanhaiya L. Bardia

    Fluor Dan iel Inc.

    [email protected]

    Dona ld G. LaBounty

    Fluor Dan iel Inc.

    [email protected]

    Jaan Taagepera

    Valero Refining Co.

    [email protected]

    Mark C. Lengsfeld

    Crane Valves



    The analys is of tank nozzles for API S tandard 650 [1] tanks

    is a comp lex problem. Appen dix P of API 650 provides a

    method for determining the a l lowable external loads on tank

    shel l openings . The method in Appen dix P is based on two

    papers , one by Bil l imoria and Hagstrom [2] and the other by

    Bil l imoria and Tam [3]. Although A ppendix P is opt ional ,

    indus try has used i t for a number of years for large diameter

    tanks. For tanks less than 120 feet (33.6 m) in diam eter,

    Appen dix P is not appl icable .

    In previous ly published papers [4-10], the authors used

    fini te e lement analys is (FEA) to verify the experim ental resul ts

    reported by Bil l imoria and Tam for shel l nozzles . The analys is

    showed the variance between s t i ffness coeffic ients and s tresses

    obtained by FEA and API 650 methods for tanks .

    In this fol low-up paper, the authors present s t i ffness

    coeffic ients for tank nozzles located away from a s tructural

    discontinui ty. Factors to es tabl ish spring ra tes for nozzles

    varying from 6 to 48 inches and tank diam eters from 30 feet to

    300 feet and for nozzles a t different e levat ions on the shel l are

    provided. Mathematical equat ions are provid ed together with

    graphs f or the s t i ffness coeffic ient factors .


    In Appendix P of API 650 a procedure has been es tabl ished

    to determine the a l lowable loads on tank shell openings . This

    procedure is a pract ical solut ion to a complex problem,

    especia l ly s ince low-type nozzles , as defined in API 650, are

    close to the bot tom and thus are affected by the bot tom-to-shel l

    junct ion (See F ig. 1). As mention ed by Bil l imoria and

    Hagstr om, this procedure is conservat ive . Users in indus try

    have ques t ioned the need for such conservat ism. Even though

    Appendix P is not mandatory, many des igners use this method

    for lack of any other guidance.

    In previous ly published papers , the authors used FEA to

    verify the experimental resul ts reported by Bil l imoria and

    Tam. In papers by Lengsfeld, e t . a l [4-7] various degrees of

    conservat ism were reported for different nozzle s izes a t tached

    to tanks . S tress factors and s t i ffness coeffic ients for low-type

    nozzles were published by the authors [8,9]. S tress factors for

    varying nozzles heights were published by the authors [10]. In

    this paper s t i ffness coeffic ients are provided for nozzles away

    from a s tructural discontinui ty. The dis tance a t which a

    discontinui ty has no influence o n the spring ra te of a nozzle i

    defined by Welding Research Counci l (WRC) Bulle t in 297

    [11]. H eight factors are used to calcula te s t i ffness coeffic ient

    for nozzles located c lose to a gross s t ructural discontinui ty

    With the height factors provided , the engineer is able to arr iv

    at s t i ffness coeffic ients for nozzles a t any locat ion on the tan

    shel l , which in turn helps to p redic t m ore accurate ly the pipin

    loads at the nozzle.


    B = 2(12*Dt) in , height from tank bot tom per WR C,

    Bulle t in 297 where tank bot tom has no influence

    on stiffness on nozzles (see Figure 1), in

    D = nominal diameter of tank, f t

    Do = outs ide diameter of re inforcing pad, in

    FR = radial load, lbs

    KBc = s t i ffness coeffic ient due to c ircumferent ia l

    mom ent a t dis tance B, in-lbs /radian

    Kc = s t i ffness coeffic ient for c ircumferent ia l mom ent ,


    KBL = s t i ffness coeffic ient due to longitudinal mom ent

    at dis tance B, in-lbs /radian

    KL = s t i ffness coeffic ient for longitudinal mome nt , in-

    lbs /radian

    KBR = stiffness coeff icient due to radial force at

    dis tance B, lbs / in

    KR = stiffness coeff icient for shell thrust (radial) load,


    L = vert ical dis tance from nozzle centerl ine to tank

    bottom (see F igure 1), in

    LB = vert ical dis tance of nozzle centerl ine where tank

    bottom has no influence on nozzle s t i ffness

    = B + ½Do

    Mc = c ircumferent ia l mom ent , in-lbs

    ME = longitudinal mom ent , in-lbs

    a = outs ide radius of opening connect ion, in

    d = outs ide diameter of nozzle (2a), in

    h = height factorL/L B

    mc = s t i ffness ra t io for c ircumferent ia l mom ent

    Proceedings of PVP20022002 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference

     August 5-9, 2002, Vancouver, BC, Canada


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    ..... ~ 1 ~LONGrlIlJDINALOMENTM~,

    l X .


    Figure 1: Dimensions for nozzles per API 650

    mL = stiffness ratio for longitudinal moment

    m R - stiffness ra tio for radial force

    t = shell thickness of tank, in

    t. = thickness of nozzle wall, in

    tp = thickness of reinforcing pad, in


    Figure 2 shows a detail of the nozzle area. Each tank was

    assumed to be at ambient temperature of 70 ° Fahrenheit. The

    bottom of the shell course for each model had the nodes fixed

    in all displacements while rotations were not fixed. This

    assumes that the annular ring provides little resistance to shell

    rotation due to imposed piping loads. Only an 180 ° section of

    each tank was modeled, utilizing symmetry to reduce model

    size. Stiffness coefficients were calculated from the deflection

    of the nozzle after the loads were applied.

    For the FEA, COSMOS software developed by Structural

    Research and Analysis Corporation was used to construct

    three-dimensional models of the tanks and the nozzles. Large

    tanks (D>30 feet) were modeled with 4 node shell elements

    Smaller tanks were modeled using 8 node solid elements

    Each variation of tank and nozzle diameter had differen

    numbers of elements. The analyses were performed on

    Silicon Graphics Workstation and PC's.

    Figure 3a represents stiffness coefficients due to a radia

    force for tanks from 30 feet to 300 feet in diameter with a wa

    thickness of 3/4 . Figure 3b gives the stiffness ratio due to

    radial force to be used for nozzles located closer to a structura

    discontinuity. Figures 4a and 4b are for circumferentia

    moments where as Figures 5a and 5b for longitudina

    moments. Actual stiffness ratios mi conform to a relativ

    narrow scatter band. For simplicity these bands were combine

    into single lines in Figures 3b, 4b and 5b. Stiffness coefficien

    for above figures 3a, 4a and 5a are for nozzles 6 to 48

    diameter located away from a gross structural discontinuity

    Nozzles were chosen to have reinforcing pads with equivalen

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    Figure 2: Detail of a typica l nozzle and shell area

    dimensions of Table 3-6, column 5 of API 650. The tanks

    modeled were 30 feet to 300 feet in diameter and 64 feet high.

    Several shell-th ickness were investigated for each tank. The

    mathematical method of least-square fits for polynomial curves

    was used to smooth these curves and derive mathematical


    Table 1 lists the equations for tank diameters and

    thickness presently available. These equations were then used

    to produce the graphs of Figures 3a through 5b. Using the

    mathematical equations will simp lify the creation of computer

    programs for the calculation of nozzle stiffness coefficient at

    the nozzle-to-shell junction.


    The same loadings were applied to all finite element models,



    P = 1,000 lbs

    Longitudinal Moment,

    ML = 10,000 in-lbs

    Circumferential Moment,

    Mc = 10,000 in-lbs

    The loadings were applied independently. In excess of 100

    combinations of loading, tank, thickness, and nozzle sizes

    were evaluated.


    Stiffness coefficients vary with the location of the nozzle in

    height on the tank wall. Stiffness coefficients increase as the

    nozzle moves closer to a gross structural discontinuity. Factors

    have been established to calculate spring rates for nozzles a

    any location on the tank wall using as a basis the rates for

    nozzles away from a discontinuity . Stiffness coefficients are

    inverse proportional to the height, the lower the location on the

    tank, the higher is the spring rate. Depending on the location o

    the nozzle, the value for the stiffness coefficients from Figures

    3a, 4a or 5a wil l be divided by the height factor from Figures

    3b, 4b or 5b respectively.

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    The procedure for the evaluation of stiffness coefficients is

    as follows:

    1. Calculate the distance B

    2. Establish the height LB

    3. Establish the height factor h

    4. For a given nozzle on a tank with established wall

    thickness read the stiffness coefficient from Figures

    3a, 4a or 5a for the corresponding loading

    5. Fro m Figures 3b, 4b or 5b establish the stiffness ratio

    factors mi

    6. Divide the value of the spring rate from (4) by the

    stiffness ratio factor from (5) to arrive at the stiffness

    coeff ic ient for the nozzle under cons iderat ion


    The graphs presented in this paper were cons tructed to be on

    the conserv ative side.

    The presented results may be interpolated to establish

    stiffness coefficients for other nozzles, tank diameters and

    shell thickness.

    The purpose of this paper is to give the des igner a s imple

    means to arrive at a spring rate at a nozzle to tank shell

    connect ion.

    For more complex or critical applications, i t is

    recommended to perform an FEA analys is including the

    complete piping sys tem.


    The method presented in this paper provides the des ign

    engineer a means to calculate stiffness coefficients at the shell

    to nozzle junction . With these rates applied piping loads can

    be established.

    Once accurate piping loads have been established, stresses at

    the nozzle-shell junctio n can be calculated using the metho ds

    published previously [10].

    The use of the finite element analysis models in determining

    the stiffness coefficients for tank nozzles is recommended

    when piping loads indicated by the method provided in this

    paper are excessive and would result in expensive piping


    Additional data for other tank sizes are being developed

    Time and size constrains prevent the authors from

    investigation of several mo re shell thickness.


    The authors grateful ly acknowledge the support of th

    managements of Fluor Daniel , Valero Refining Co and CCI t

    prepare and publish this paper. Special thanks to Gilber

    Chen, Avtar S. Mann and Dennis Mitchell for their review o

    the manuscript and their encouragement.


    [1] American Petroleum Institute, API Standard 650 tent

    Edition, Novem ber 1998 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

    [2] Billimoria, H.D., and Hagstrom, K .K, Stiffnes

    Coeff ic ients and Allowable Loads for Nozzles in Flat Bot tom

    Storage Tanks Paper 77-PVP-19. ASME 1977

    [3] Billimoria, H.D., Tam, K.K., 1980, Experim enta

    Investigation of Stiffness Coefficients and Allowable Load

    for a Nozz le in a Flat Bott om Tank ASM E Publication 80


    [4] Lengsfe ld, M., Bardia, K.L, Taagepera, J ., 1995 Nozz l

    Stresses Resul t ing fro m Piping Load s a t Lo w-Type Nozzles i

    API 650 Storage Tanks ASME PVP-Vol . 315

    [5] Leng sfeld, M., Bardia, K.L, Taagepera, J ., 1996 FEA v

    API 650 for Low Tank Nozzles ASME PVP-Vol . 336

    [6] Lengsfe ld, M., Bardia, K.L, Taagepera, J ., 1997 FEA v

    API 650 for Low Tank Nozzles (2) ASME PVP-Vol . 359

    [7] L engsfeld , M., Bardia, K.L, Taagepera, J ., 1998 Sprin

    Rates for Low Tank Nozzles ASME PVP-Vol . 368

    [8] Lengsfeld, M., Bardia, K.L, Taagepera, J ., Hathaitham

    K., 1999 Stress Factors for Low-Typ e Nozzles in API 65

    Tanks ASME PVP-Vol. 388

    [9] Lengsfeld, M., Bardia, K.L, Taagepera, J ., Hathaitham

    K., 1999 Spring Rates for Low Tank Nozzles in API 65

    Tanks ASME PVP-Vol . 388

    [10] Lengsfeld, M., Bardia, K.L., Taagepera, J ., Hathaitham

    K., LaBo unty, D.G., Lengsfe ld, M.C., 2001 Analysis o

    Loads for Nozzles in API 650 Tanks ASME PVP-Vol . 430

    Il l ] Bu l le t i n 297, September1987, Local Stresses

    Cylindrical Shells due to External Loadings on Nozzle

    Welding Research Counci l (WRC), New York

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    o ~ 200






    . . . . .





    KBR = 3.4604X + 70,876

    1 gO'Dia.xa/4

    KBR = 2.3202x + 47.251


    KBR = 0.4032X + 4.4569

    30 40 50


    Note 3/4 thicknesses are solid line

    Nozzle Size in)

    Figure 3a







    I¢ 0.4-


    0 . 2



    ,,, , .. .. ,

    0.1 0.2

    0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

    h=L/L B

    mR = -0.2504h 2 + 1.2516h - 0.0086

    , , , , , ,

    0.7 0.8 0.9

    Figure 3b

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    S T I F F N E SS C O E F F I C I E N T D U E T O C IR C U M F E R E N T I A L M O M E N T

    200 -


    160 -

    1 4 0

    o8 ~


    7 1oo.

    f f , -

    ~.~ 80-


    40 . . . . .

    0 . . . . . . .


    KBC = 0 .0243x = + 0 .0 707x + 2 .221 8

    3 O ' D i a , x l / 2


    120 'D ia .x3 /4 KBc = 0 .0421 x2 - 0 .272 3x + 9 .9571

    KBC = 0 .036 4x ~ + 0 .106 x + 333 27 ~ I = .

    3O'Oia .x3 /4

    K~ = 0 .0622 x 2 + 0 .451 lx + 9 .1617

    t 300 'D ia .x3 /4

    K e c = 0 . 0 0 7 5 x2 + 0 .2921x + 4 .1626

    i ........

    1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0


    Nozzle Size in)

    Note 3 /4 th ickn esses are so lid l ine

    Figure 4a

    S T I F F N E S S R A T I O D U E T O C I R C U M F E R E N T I A L M O M E N T





    ~ 05

    E 0.4





    mc = -0.2947h2 + 1.0205h +


    0.1 0.2 03 0.4 0.5 06 0.7 0.8 0.9


    Figure 4b

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    : e l i _

    / / - ~ K ,L = o .2~ o o , - o .o 88 3 ,+ 2o . , ~


    I - /

    00 - - - 30'Dia.xl/2 - . . . . . . .

    ~ ~ 300 1 I ~ ,20'Dia.x3/4

    I / ~

    2 ° 1 . . . . . / . . . . , , ~ = o . , 3 , ~ e - o . , , , x + , . o , , ~ . . . . . -

    . . . .

    50 1 ~ ~ ~ - 300'Dia.x3/4

    o | ~,L= o o249x~ + o 2o8,x +

    , , , ~ 9

    0 t 0 20 30 40 50

    Nozzle Size (In) Note 3/4 thicknesses are solid ine

    Figure 5a




    0 . 7

    . j 0.6 . . . . . . . . . .

    0 . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    E 0.4




    0.1 0.2 0.3

    0.4 0.5


    m L = - 0 . 25 12h 2 + 0 . 641 h + 0 . 60 34

    0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

    Figure 5b

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    F o r m u la e

    KBC = 0. 052 9x 2 + 4.040 5X - 26.14 6

    KBL = 0.266 2X 2 + 4.3 491X - 35.67 8

    KBR = 0.0079X + 0.19 19

    KBC = 0. 0421 X 2 - 0.272 3X + 9 .9571

    KBL = 0.15X 2 1.0719X + 6.463 2

    KBR = 4.1196 X + 50. 97

    Kac = 0.0421X 2 - 0.27 23x + 9.9571

    K B L = 0 . 1 5 X 2 1.0719x + 6 .4632

    KBR = 4.1196 X + 50. 97

    K B C = - 0 . 0 5 8 9 X 2 +

    4 .9 4 4 7 x + 2 .4 0 1 6

    KBL = 0.1462X 2 - 3.7726X + 54 .295

    KBR =

    0.5828x + 88 .103

    KBc = -010199x 2 + 1.66 14x - 4.0694

    KBL = 0.0215X 2 + 0.22 08X + 5 .321 3

    KBR = 0.3677X + 38.3 96

    KBC = 0.0364X 2 + 0.106X 3.332 7

    KBL = 0. 1373 X 2 - 0.798X - 9.0 685

    KBR = 3.4804X + 70. 876

    KBC = 0-008 9X 2 + 0.77 1X + 1 3.23 6

    KBL = 0.0393X 2 + 0 .5196X + 13.023

    KBR = 0.1211 X + 3 4.9 77

    KBC = 0.0 421X 2 - 0.27 23X + 9.95 71

    KBt_ = 0 . 15 X 2 - 1.0719x + 6 .4632

    KBR = 4.1196 X + 50. 97

    S i z e

    30' Tank, 1 Wal l

    30 ' Tank, 1 Wal l

    30 ' Tank , 1 Wa l l

    30 ' Tank, 1/2 Wal l

    30 ' Tank, 1/2 Wa l l

    30 ' Tank, 1/2 Wal l

    30 ' Tank , 3 /4 Wa l l

    30 ' Tank, 3/4 Wa l l

    30 ' Tank, 3/4 Wal l

    120 ' Tan k 1 W al l

    120' Tank. 1 Wal l

    120 ' Tan k 1 W al l

    120' Tank. 1/2 Wal l

    120' Tank. 1/2 Wal l

    1 2 0 ' T a n k 1 /2 W a l l

    120 ' Tan k 3 /4 Wa l l

    120' Tank. 3/4 Wal l

    120' Tank, 3/4 Wal l

    300 ' Tank , 1 Wa l l

    300 ' Tank , 1 Wa l l

    300 ' Tank , 1 Wa l l

    300 ' Tank , 3/4 Wa l l

    300 ' Tank , 3 /4 Wa l l

    300 ' Tank , 3/4 Wa l l


    Calcula te the spr ing ra te for the fo l lowing tank:

    Mater ia l : A36

    D = 30 feet (360 in)

    t = %i n

    d = 30 in

    t, = 3/4 in

    L = 2 8 in ( r e gu la r p e rA PI 6 5 0 )

    The nozz le has a re inforc ing p la te in accordance wi th API


    Do = 49.5 in

    t = ½ in

    = 32.8 6 in

    2) Establish the centerline dis tance of the

    nozz le of no d iscont inui ty inf luence

    LB = B+0.5*D0

    = 32.86 + 0.5 * 49.5

    = 57.61 in

    3) Establ ish the he ight fac tor

    h = L/LB



    4) From Figure 3a , 4a , 5a read the s t i f fness

    coeff ic ien ts

    KBR = 280 ,000 lbs/in (Fig. 3a)

    KBC = 80 ,000 in-lbs/rad (Fig. 4a)

    KBL = 200 ,00 0 in-lbs/rad (Fig. 5a)

    5) From Figure 4 , 5 , 6 read the coeff ic ien t

    fac tor

    mr = 0.6 for Kr ( Fig. 3b)

    mc = 0 .68 for Kc (Fig. 4b)

    mE = 0.88 for KL (Fig. 5b)

    6) Divide the stiffness coefficients

    established in step 4 by the factors from step

    5 to arrive at the stiffness coefficients for the

    nozz le under invest iga t ion .

    K R = KB R m R

    280,000 / 0 .6

    466,000 lbs/ in

    K c = K B c / m c

    80,000 / 0 .68

    117,600 in-lbs/rad

    KL = KBL me

    200,000 / 0 .88

    227,000 in- lbs/ rad

    Thus for th is sample problem the above ca lcula ted s t i f fness

    coeff ic ien ts should be used when establ ish ing the loads for the

    pip ing system a t tached to the nozz le , namely:

    KR= 466 ,00 0 lbs/in for a radial load

    Kc = 117,600 in- lbs/ rad for a c i rcumferent ia l mom ent

    KL = 227,0 00 in- lbs/rad for a longi tudina l mo ment


    1) Calcula te the d is tance where the bot tom

    discont inui ty has no inf luence on the spr ing


    B = 2(12*D t) °5

    = 2* (12 3 0 0.7 5) 0.5

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