Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016€¦ · Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August...

Sticks and Stones Sticks and Stones August 2016 Growing together in Christ transforms lives. Our Mission: We embody Christ’s presence by reaching out to receive with open hands and to share with open heart the Word of God, the Bread of Life. DOK meeting 2 Thoughts from our Interim Rector 3 Christian Formation 4-5 Vestry Report 6 New Ministry Guide 7 EYC & Youth News 8 Gun Law Policy 9 August Master Schedule 11 Contents All children and youth are invited to bring their backpacks to the 10:30 am worship service on August 21, the day before classes begin throughout our community. While we call it the Blessing of the Backpacks, we are actually blessing each child and youth to have a wonderful, productive year of learning, confident that God and the prayers of their church family go with them. Take this opportunity to invite children and families of neighbors, friends, coworkers and grandchildren to come, bring their backpacks and participate. Watch the Sunday bulletins and our This Week at St. Timo- thy’s email blasts for additional details. For additional information contact Lela Seay ([email protected] , 979-549-1289). First-ever Blessing of the Backpacks set for Aug. 21

Transcript of Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016€¦ · Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August...

Page 1: Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016€¦ · Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016 Growing together in Christ transforms lives. Our Mission: We embody Christ’s

Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016

Growing together in Christ transforms lives.

Our Mission:

We embody Christ’s

presence by reaching out to

receive with open hands and

to share with open heart the

Word of God, the Bread of


DOK meeting 2

Thoughts from our Interim Rector


Christian Formation 4-5

Vestry Report 6

New Ministry Guide 7

EYC & Youth News 8

Gun Law Policy 9

August Master Schedule



All children and youth are invited to bring their backpacks to

the 10:30 am worship service on August 21, the day before

classes begin throughout our community.

While we call it the Blessing of the Backpacks, we are actually

blessing each child and youth to have a wonderful, productive

year of learning, confident that God and the prayers of their

church family go with them.

Take this opportunity to invite children and families of

neighbors, friends, coworkers and grandchildren to come, bring

their backpacks and participate.

Watch the Sunday bulletins and our This Week at St. Timo-

thy’s email blasts for additional details. For additional information

contact Lela Seay ([email protected], 979-549-1289).

First-ever Blessing of the

Backpacks set for Aug. 21

Page 2: Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016€¦ · Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016 Growing together in Christ transforms lives. Our Mission: We embody Christ’s

Sticks and Stones, a monthly newsletter for members and friends of

St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church 200 Oyster Creek Drive Lake Jackson, TX 77566 (979) 297-6003 The Rev. Mark T. Crawford, Interim Rector Email: [email protected] Submissions for publication must be sent to the editor on/before the 25th of the month prior to the publication. Mary Park, church secretary Email: [email protected]

The Order of the Daughters of the King is a women’s group dedi-

cated to prayer and service. St. Timothy’s chapter was established in

1975. Current projects include praying daily for clergy, for our parish

during this transition and our search, and for our young people going

to Camp Allen or away at school.

We will resume our third-Sunday-of-the-month luncheon meetings on August 21 in the

Youth Hall following the 10:30 worship service. Guests are always welcome, and all women

high school age and older are invited to attend. If you’re interested, there’s information about

DOK in the Welcome Center. I encourage you to contact me or visit with a Daughter. You’ll

recognize us by our emblem, the cross we wear which reminds us of our commitment to Jesus

and to His church. If you’re looking for a time of welcome, relaxed fellowship and prayer, check

us out on the 21st. Don’t worry if you haven’t made a reservation – we’re expecting you.

Daughters of the King Resume Their

Monthly Meetings on Aug. 21

African Team Ministries

Craft Show


The African team Ministries craft show will be

returning for two Sundays in August. August 21

and 28 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Please take time to come and check it out.

All proceeds to African Team Ministries will help

fund water and food for drought-stricken areas

in Africa.

Page 3: Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016€¦ · Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016 Growing together in Christ transforms lives. Our Mission: We embody Christ’s

From our Interim Rector…….

Christian Formation & Growing in Faith

Dear Friends in Christ,

The summer months pass quickly and we are already making plans for

our Fall schedule for services and Christian Formation. Sunday, August

28 will be our “Kick Off Sunday” for the new school year. We have dedi-

cated teachers and leaders for our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, our

EYC and our Adult Classes.

Christian Formation is the central part of our spiritual development

which complements the way we worship as a community of faith. There are many ways you

can become involved, not only on Sundays, but also during the week. Our common life is also

enriched by the music of our choirs for both children and adults led by the Director for Music,

Paul Butt.

Remember that Jesus calls us into a life of discipleship following him as the Master. The

early Christians modeled all aspects of their lives on his teaching. When Jesus gave the apos-

tles the Great Commission he commanded them to “make disciples of all nations baptizing

them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to

obey everything that I have commanded you.”

We hope you and all the members of our church family will be here as we introduce our pro-

gram for Christian Forma-

tion and lay ministries on

Sunday, August 28. The

staff and I have chosen

“Kick Off” as our theme,

because it coincides with

the football season. How-

ever, we know that our

spiritual growth depends

on a year round and life

long process.

Page 4: Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016€¦ · Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016 Growing together in Christ transforms lives. Our Mission: We embody Christ’s

Update on Christian Formation


Our four competent and reliable nursery workers continue to provide loving care for our


The Nursery is open on Sunday mornings, Wednesdays during the school year from 4:00 to

7:00, and for other occasions with advance notice. Contact the church office to make arrange-


Children and Youth

We’re planning our first-ever Blessing of the Backpacks for August 21 during the 10:30 wor-

ship service. Watch the Sunday bulletins, our website, and our This Week at St. Timothy’s

email blast in August for details.

We’re in the midst of training, selecting and developing curricula, recruiting leaders and

scheduling for ages three through high school. Our youth leaders Stephanie Townes and Chris

Weis are creating an innovative program on embracing God through the Arts for grades seven

through twelve. The sessions will explore music, theatre, film, writing and painting/drawing.

Special thanks to Dena Cline, lead Catechist, for conducting the recent four-day training for

returning Catechists Melissa David, Marianne Essington, Lowrie Smith, Rachel Wilbanks and

new Catechist Colinda Friehauf. Thank-you also to the meal prep volunteers.

Christian Formation Kickoff is scheduled for August 28. Parents, please complete a registra-

tion form for each of your children. You’ll find forms in the Welcome Center, elsewhere in this

issue and at


Plans and scheduling are taking shape for Sunday morning sessions, small group book and

Bible studies, and engaging the Arts through film and poetry. Watch the Sunday bulletins, our

website, and our This Week at St. Timothy’s email blasts in August for details.

Sunday sessions for high school and older will be held in the Blue Room on August 7, 14,

21 and 28 at 9:15 a.m. The topic? Hebrews 11 –


We are committed to lifelong formation through

study, reflection and spiritual practice. I covet your

prayers for our discernment and endeavors. Please

contact me with questions, concerns and ideas.

Lela Seay

[email protected], 979-549-1289

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St. Timothy’s Christian Formation

Registration Form

This information form enables us to maintain accurate information on your child and family. It also serves as a

medical emergency/disaster information card for your child. Please complete a registration form for EACH of

your children participating in Christian Formation.

Child’s Name __________________________________Birth date __________ Age________

Mailing Address________________________________ City _______________ Zip ________

Mother’s Name _________________________________ E-mail ________________________

Home phone ________________Work ______________ Cell __________________

Father’s Name _________________________________ E-mail _________________________

Home phone ________________ Work ______________ Cell ___________________

What grade is your child in now? ____________ Name of school ________________________

Is your child baptized? ________ Has your child participated in Eucharist Instruction? _______

Medical Emergency and Disaster Information

Alternative Emergency Contacts

If parents cannot be reached St. Timothy’s is authorized to release a child to the following people:

Name ___________________________________ Relationship _________________________

Home phone _____________________________ Work/cell ____________________________

Name ___________________________________ Relationship _________________________

Home phone ______________________________ Work/cell ___________________________

Current medications


Allergies to drugs or food


Other health information


Tell us about your child:

Page 6: Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016€¦ · Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016 Growing together in Christ transforms lives. Our Mission: We embody Christ’s

Vestry Notes

St. Timothy’s Vestry has been busy these

past weeks with the day-to-day activities of

St. Timothy’s, but I’d like to call your atten-

tion to a most important event coming your

way on August 13, Saturday, at 9:00 am in

our Parish Hall.

St. Timothy’s Visioning Event will be a

parish-wide effort as we move further into

our search for a new rector. Our Diocese of

Texas provides during this transition time a


tional coach

and our

coach, Dave

Bollinger, will

be with us on

Saturday, Au-

gust 13 to guide all of us

through a process where we, as

a congregation, create our Vi-

sion Statement for this next

chapter and call for a new rec-


Please find time to come be

with us and among each other

so all voices of St. Timothy’s

will be heard. We welcome

youth (16 and up) and all who call St. Timo-

thy’s home to be a part of this very important

happening. It will be an exciting and uplifting

day; so, come and be

part of our Visioning


On July 31, vestry

will be available in

the Welcome Center

after the 8:00 am ser-

vice and in the Parish

Hall at 9:15 am to share updates and insights

into the Search Process.

We are

quickly closing

out the first

phase (Pre-

Search) and

will soon be

moving into the

Active Search phase. Nominations

for Search Committee will be

posted mid-August.

As always, let me or other vestry

members know of questions or

thoughts—so looking forward to the

Visioning Event and to moving into

Active Search with you.

Kim Lehnhoff,

Senior Warden

Page 7: Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016€¦ · Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016 Growing together in Christ transforms lives. Our Mission: We embody Christ’s

Joiful Noyse will begin again in the month

of August for which it will be the perform

the Sunday music. In September we will be-

gin our new system of music in which Joiful

Noyse will sing on the second and fifth Sun-

days of the month.

For the month of August Joiful Noyse will

rehearse at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesdays and

meet at the church around 10:00 (hopefully a

little earlier!) on Sunday mornings.

Paul Butt,

Organist and

Choir Director

Ministries Guide coming Aug. 28

Have you ever wondered what exactly an

Acolyte does, who’s eligible to be one, and

how much time is required to do it? What

about the Joyful Noise? What is it, who does it,

what’s involved in doing it, and what kind of

commitment does it involve? Who do I ask to

find out answers to these and similar ques-

tions about the wide variety of ministries and

programs here at St. Timothy’s?

Have we got an answer for you! The Minis-

tries Coordination team is working with Parish

Council to put all this information together in a

publication we’re calling St. Timothy’s Minis-

try Guide 2016-2017. We aim to make it avail-

able both on our website and in paper form on

Kickoff Sunday, August 28.

In other Ministries Coordination (formerly

Members and Ministry) news, we’re trying

out this new name – Ministries Coordination

– to better fit its current function within the

Parish Council framework. Coordinating

communication within the parish through our

monthly newsletter, the email blast This

Week at St. Timothy’s and our parish direc-

tory will continue to fall under the Ministries

Coordination umbrella. The primary role will

be to assist parishioners in identifying their

gifts for ministry and to help them get in-

volved in ministries that fit their gifts, talents

and interests.

This plan is still evolving. A parishioner has

expressed willingness to assume leadership

of the Ministries Coordination team. Watch

for an official announcement soon.

This year I hope to have four youth in the

choir and of course more are welcome! We

welcome eveyone 6th grade and older.

After September, Joiful Noyse will re-

hearse the Wednesday before we sing at

6:00 and sometimes the Wednesday of the

preceding week at 6:30.

Because of our new schedule, it is not a

huge time commitment and I hope you will

join us in singing God's praise!

Page 8: Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016€¦ · Sticks and StonesSticks and Stones August 2016 Growing together in Christ transforms lives. Our Mission: We embody Christ’s

This summer, St. Timothy’s youth have been focusing on having

intentional conversations with each other and with those around them.

Some of the conversations have been more fun (which character in

Star Wars do you identify with and why?) and others have been more

serious (why do we help others?), but all the conversations have had

the intention to go below the surface and engage with other people on

a deeper level. Having intentional conversations has allowed the youth to find out about others’

stories and their hopes and dreams, and find places for empathy and connection with the other


Some of the youth found these conversations difficult as we began, as they aren’t used to

being asked more than about their school work or activities, and actively listening to others is a

skill even adults find difficult at times. However, especially in the divisive political climate we

find ourselves in today, actively listening to those around us – even those that are different –

seems like an important part of our calling as Christians to be peacemakers in the world. Per-

haps this active listening is what Jesus was referring to when he told Mary that her sister Mar-

tha had “chosen the better part” by sitting at Jesus’ feet and listening to what he was saying

(Luke 10:38-42). Truly hearing and understanding another human being is one of the greatest

gifts we can give others, just as Christ did to the hurting world in which he lived.

Intentional Conversations

Stephanie Townes,

Youth Minister

EYC Summer

2016 August 10: S@C 10 am - 1pm

August 14: Lunch & a Movie

August 21: No EYC

August 28: EYC Kickoff 5-7 pm

Sept. 4: No EYC - enjoy your

Labor Day weekend!

EYC members along with Youth Minister Stephanie

Townes and CUSE intern Davis Mathis at Episcopal

Night at the Astros July 1

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Gun Law Policy

As of January 1, 2016, Texas law permits a person licensed to carry a concealed hand-

gun to carry that handgun openly or concealed in most public places. An article from the

Chancellor states, “Nevertheless, it remains the policy of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas

that, except in the hands of law enforcement officers, handguns have no place on our

church and school campuses.”

In order to make an affirmative response to this policy, the Vestry of St. Timothy’s at its

meeting on June 21 decided to include the following wording of this policy in our service


The Episcopal Diocese of Texas does not permit any person, including clergy, staff, stu-

dents, volunteers, and visitors, to carry a weapon in our churches or school. This prohibition

applies even if the person is licensed to carry a concealed weapon under Texas law. Sec-

tion 3.6 Clergy Manual.

If you have any question about this policy please ask any member of the Vestry or me for

an explanation. Please pray that we will continue to have a safe and loving environment for

all of our parishioners and visitors.

Rev. Mark Crawford, Interim Rector

Graduating seniors Nick Paul (left) and Carter

Hutchison (right) are presented their quilts from

the parish along with prayers from their mothers

Audrey Paul and Andrea Hutchison (middle) as-

sisted by Rev. Mark Crawford

Pub Bible Study group

enjoys summer study of

the book of Revelations

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St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church

200 Oyster Creek Drive

Lake Jackson, TX 77566


Service Schedule

Sundays Wednesdays

8:00 AM — Holy Eucharist, Rite I

9:00 AM — Fellowship

10:30 AM — Holy Eucharist, Rite II

5:00 - 7:00 PM — EYC

8:30 AM — Army of Retired Men (ARM)

5:15 PM — Centering Prayer (Guild Room)

6:00 PM — Gentle Yoga (Blue Room)

6:00 PM — Joiful Noyse Rehearsal