Stewart scott 3rd_period_english_4_sleep_what


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Transcript of Stewart scott 3rd_period_english_4_sleep_what

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Sleep: What it is and What it does

Presented by: Stewart Scott SLC: Magnet Program


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     Why is this topic important                         to me? 

• Sleep is very important to teens, more so than they could imagine.

• I am aware of how little sleep Americans get, so I wanted to look into just how important it is.

• I truly enjoy sleeping, so i wanted to look into the science behind what happens when we sleep.

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Thesis Statement

• Sleep is a state in which the body is in a state of unconsciousness.

• Sleep rejuvenates the body, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

• If we do not get enough sleep, our overall health can suffer tremendously.  It can, in very severe situations, can result in death.

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    What is sleep?

• Sleep has 5 stages: collectively, they are called non REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep.

• The first stage of sleep is known as the "dozing stage".  This is where a person begins to transition into light sleep.

• During this stage, the muscles relax, body temperature drops, and the eyes begin to move slowly from side to side.  Although a person begins to lose awareness of his or her surroundings, her or she can still be waken up easily. 

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     More Stages of Sleep

• Stage 2 begins the "onset of established sleep".  The eyes cease movement, heart rate and breathing rate slows down, and brave waves slow down, with the ocassional burst of rapid waves.


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Even more stages of Sleep.....

• Stages 3 and 4 are called "deep sleep".  This is the point where a person completely loses conciousness of his or her world.

•  During stage 3, brain waves continually slow down and deep waves (Delta Waves) start to appear among the smaller, faster brain waves.

• At stage 4, brain waves become almost completely delta waves, and deep sleep goes into full effect.  It is very difficult to wake someone up during deep sleep.

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 Still Understanding sleep.......

• Our circadian clock, or biological clock, effects our timing of sleep, daily rhythm of alertness, body temperatures, and several other functions.

• Small structures in the brain, Suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) help us coordinate our circadian rhythms.  They are sensitive to the light and the dark, which is why daytime is typically less restful than the night is.

• Body temperature and alertness directly correspond to the biological clock.  They are typically at their lowest from 2-6 AM and at their peak from 6-8 PM.  The lower someone's body temperature, the sleepier that person will be.

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Benefits of Sleep: Physical Strength

• Sleep does wonders for our physical strength.  Our bodies are able to heal themselves more efficiently while we are asleep than while we're awake.  

• The healing process takes place during deep sleep.  At the beginning of stage 3, the brain releases growth hormone, which stimulates tissue growth and muscle repair.

• During deep sleep, there are increased levels of interleukin, a chemical that activates the immune system.  This leaves the suscpicion that deep sleep helps the body protect itself against disease.

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Benefits of Sleep: Mental Health

• REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep is rumored to be linked to enhancing memory grain and promote learning.

• Studies show that students that were tested to measure how well they learned a new task improved their scores after having a good night's rest.

• Based on this research, it is concluded that cramming for a test is never a good idea!

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 Benefits of Sleep: Emotional Well-being

• It is a well known fact that people that get their desired amount of sleep are generally in a better mood than those that do not get enough sleep.

• Even while relaxing, the brain is in "quiet readiness" every moment we are awake so that when the moment arises, the brain is able to respond to a situation quickly.

• The only time the brain is able to relax is during sleep;  this is why sleep loss mainly effects our behavior.

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   What happens when you don't get sleep:                                        Obesity?

• Evidence shows that sleep deprivation may actually be linked to obesity.  A Colombia University study shows that those who receive less than 9 hours of sleep are more likely to be obese than those who receive the recommended amount.

• Sleep deprived individuals have lower levels of Leptin, a blood protein that helps the body decide if it has eaten enough.

• As levels of Leptin rise, levels of Ghrelin, the hormone that makes people want to eat, rises.

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What else could happen if we don't get sleep...

• Sleep debt - for the sleep we lost, we will make up at some point.

• Level of alertness will decrease.  This means not being able to respond quickly in moments on panic.

• sickness, and maybe even death.

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What you can do to better                 your sleeping habits

• Never go to sleep with a troubled mind.  Relax by listening to soothing music or by performing deep breathing exercises.

• Turn out the lights!  Humans were meant to sleep in the darkness.

• Humans were also meant to sleep in quietness.  Make sure your sleep setting is quiet.  Consider using a white noise machine.

• Be sure to associate your bedroom with sleeping.  Make sure the room is comfortable, and turn your tv off!

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So In Conclusion...

• The body needs sleep.  It energizes our bodies so that can function properly for the oncoming day.

• Without sleep, we are susceptible to obesity, more prone to human error, and in extreme cases, we can die.

• There are numerous ways to assure a good night's rest.  But the most important is to make sure your sleeping place is comfortable!

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