Steven Cooley, WCSO - Vol II - Minor Redaction

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014 Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County 3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201 BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNITED STATES OF DISTRICT COURT 8 WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON AT SEATTLE 9 --------------------------------------------------------------- 10 PAUL MURPHY, together with his ) marital community, ) 11 Plaintiffs, ) ) 12 vs. ) NO. 2:13-CV-00727 ) 13 WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON, a ) VOLUME II government entity; WHATCOM COUNTY ) 14 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT; WILLIAM J. ) ELFO, together with his marital ) 15 community, ) Defendants. ) 16 --------------------------------------------------------------- 17 DEPOSITION UPON ORAL EXAMINATION OF 18 STEVEN COOLEY, VOLUME II 19 --------------------------------------------------------------- 20 3:48PM - 4:18PM March 12, 2014 21 Whatcom County Courthouse 311 Grand Avenue 22 Bellingham, Washington 98225 23 Reported by Kristen M. Uhlig 24 Certified Court Reporter, CCR, CSR Washington CCR #1934 25

Transcript of Steven Cooley, WCSO - Vol II - Minor Redaction

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277










9 ---------------------------------------------------------------

10 PAUL MURPHY, together with his ) marital community, )

11 Plaintiffs, ) )

12 vs. ) NO. 2:13-CV-00727 )


14 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT; WILLIAM J. ) ELFO, together with his marital )

15 community, ) Defendants. )

16 ---------------------------------------------------------------



19 ---------------------------------------------------------------

20 3:48PM - 4:18PM March 12, 2014

21 Whatcom County Courthouse 311 Grand Avenue

22 Bellingham, Washington 98225

23 Reported by Kristen M. Uhlig

24 Certified Court Reporter, CCR, CSR Washington CCR #1934


Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 A P P E A R A N C E S


3 FOR THE PLAINTIFFS:Emily Beschen & Robert Butler

4 Law Offices of Robert Butler103 East Holly Street Suite 512

5 Bellingham, Washington 98225360.734.3448



8 Law Lyman Daniel Kamerrer Bogdanovich2674 RW Johnson Blvd SW

9 Tumwater, Washington 98512360.754.3480


11 FOR WHATCOM COUNTY:Elizabeth Gallery

12 Whatcom County Prosecutor's Office311 Grand Avenue

13 Bellingham, Washington 98225


15 William ElfoTara Adrian-Stavik


17 I N D E X


19 BY MS. BESCHEN...............................................32




23 55....Attachment C, Listing of Allegations...................32



Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277



2 having been first duly sworn, was called as a witness herein and

3 was examined and testified as follows:


5 MR. KAMERRER: Before you start with the questions and

6 for the record, I am withdrawing my objection stated yesterday

7 to Exhibit 29.

8 MR. BUTLER: Okay.


10 (Marked Deposition Exhibit No. 56, which later is remarked as 55)






16 Q Okay. The court reporter has just handed you what's been

17 marked as Exhibit No. 56. Have you ever seen this document

18 before? (Sic)

19 A Yes.

20 Q Okay. Did you create this document?

21 A I did.

22 Q Okay. Good. Going through -- what did you use to create this

23 document?

24 A You mean software?

25 Q No. What documents did you rely upon in the creation of this

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 document?

2 A Different documents depending on which referenced document --

3 referenced complaint we're talking about. Basically, the files

4 that I maintained in my office.

5 Q Okay. Why did you create this document?

6 A I believe that it was in response to a discovery request, an

7 interrogatory.

8 Q Do you remember what that interrogatory was asking?

9 A Not verbatim, no.

10 Q Okay. Do you remember the gist of it?

11 A Yes. It was essentially asking for any inquiry into any

12 allegation of dishonesty -- I'm paraphrasing -- on the part of

13 any deputy sheriff at the sheriff's office between certain

14 dates.

15 Q Okay. What did you do to locate the dishonesty investigations?

16 A I did a hand search through all of the files that I have back

17 to the date in question and a computer search, actually.

18 Q When you did the computer search, what search terms did you

19 use?

20 A I don't remember, but I can tell you some of them.

21 Q Sure.

22 A I'm not going to be able to give you a complete list.

23 Q Sure.

24 A Probably lie, lied, honest to honesty, things like that.

25 Q Okay. Are the computer files related to these investigations

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 kept in PDFs or Word documents?

2 A Various forms.

3 Q Are your PDFs searchable?

4 A Yes.

5 Q Looking at the first line that states 2002A22312 reading across

6 the lines, citizen complaint, 10/27/2002, Craig Wilder,

7 Lieutenant Ferry, sergeant and/or deputy lied about call

8 response. Looking at the first number, the 2002A22312, what

9 kind of a reference number is that?

10 A That's a sheriff's office event number, incident number. It's

11 referred to in different ways, but basically a case report that

12 any deputy would file.

13 Q For, like, a police report in connection --

14 A Correct.

15 Q -- with the criminal investigation?

16 A Yes.

17 Q Okay.

18 A Or not necessarily a criminal investigation. Any time we

19 respond to any request for assistance, whether it be a civil --

20 any time a deputy writes a report, it gets assigned a number

21 and that would -- that's including criminal investigations.

22 Q Okay. It states that this was a citizen complaint. Do you

23 recall who the citizen was?

24 A Other than the name there, no.

25 Q Any by the name there, you are referring to where it says Craig

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Wilder?

2 A Craig Wilder is the name of the citizen. That's correct.

3 Q Okay. Who was the deputy that was at issue in that incident,

4 the 2002A22312?

5 A Yeah. Without the paper in front of me, I don't recall.

6 Q Going to the line below with the reference number, 2004-011,

7 what type of reference number is that?

8 A That is, I believe, just a complaint number. I don't know how

9 it was generated. We've changed numbering systems throughout

10 the past 10 years for citizen complaints, for investigations,

11 and that kind of thing. I think that that was -- that's not a

12 case number as described to you a few minutes ago.

13 Q Okay.

14 A That's an internal tracking number of some kind. I can't

15 recall how that was generated.

16 Q Okay. The reporting party is Leda Kiendy, K-I-E-N-D-Y.

17 A Correct.

18 Q With the investigator being Sergeant Flynn. What deputy did

19 this investigation pertain to?

20 A It was two deputies. Your client, Deputy Murphy, and former

21 Deputy Freeman.

22 Q What was the purpose for this search that you recall?

23 A I believe that they were searching a house. I don't recall

24 what they were looking for.

25 Q It says that the outcome was exonerated. What does that mean?

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 A Exonerated is a term that means the deputies did the things

2 that they were alleged to have done, but the conduct was not

3 misconduct. It was acceptable.

4 Q Okay. Going to the next line down, 2006001. It states that

5 this was an administrative investigation with the reporting

6 party being Nadine Ethridge. Do you know who Nadine Ethridge

7 is?

8 A Other than the fact that she's a -- well, I know who -- other

9 than the fact that she's the civilian who reported the

10 complaint. Yes.

11 Q So she's a civilian as opposed to an employee?

12 A Correct.

13 Q Okay. And what deputy was that investigation about?

14 A Deputy Glenn Slick.

15 Q Is he still employed with the county?

16 A Yes, he is.

17 Q It states that the allegation is comments by investigator that

18 the subject deputy may not have been honest during an

19 interview. Do you recall who the investigator was?

20 A Right. As it says on the document there, it's Lieutenant Edge.

21 Q Okay. Do you know what the statement was that the deputy was

22 alleged to have been dishonest about?

23 A One of the acts that he was alleged to have committed, the

24 investigator surmised that either he was lying when he said

25 that he didn't commit it, or that he simply honestly didn't


Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 remember doing it. So there was no direct allegation of

2 dishonesty. It was just that the deputy was doing one or the

3 other.

4 Q What was the act?

5 A I don't recall the specific act. It was just the general

6 conduct of that evening. I believe that it was touching the

7 breast of Ms. Ethridge, if I remember correctly, in public.

8 Q Okay. Do you know if that was ever reported to the prosecuting

9 attorney's office?

10 A I -- I don't recall.

11 Q Okay. Moving down to the line below with the reference number

12 2005A21132. It states an administrative investigation from

13 June 2006, with the reporting party being Deputy Taddonio and

14 the investigator being Chief Moyes. The allegation states,

15 "Investigator stated that circumstantial evidence indicated

16 subject employee lied to a detective during an interview about

17 a criminal case."

18 Which employee is this?

19 A Penny Goodman.

20 Q Okay. What was that investigation about more specifically?

21 A She was alleged to have made some sort of dishonest statement

22 to your client when he was a detective during an interview.

23 Q Is there a file on that?

24 A Yes. There is a file on that.

25 Q Do you know what the contents of that file are?


Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 A There's an administrative investigation, so I can't list them

2 all for you now. But there would be documents and interviews

3 and things like that.

4 Q Okay. It states as the outcome that there was a procedural

5 failure which prevented formal discipline.

6 A Yes.

7 Q Are those your words typing, procedural failure prevented

8 formal discipline?

9 A That's -- those are my words, yes.

10 Q Okay. What is that referring to?

11 A The person who investigated that particular case neglected to

12 read Ms. Goodman some of her -- some of the required rights

13 that she had before interviewing her. And therefore, the

14 decision of the administration at the time was that they were

15 unable to discipline her because of that fact.

16 Q Do you know who made that decision of the administration?

17 A Yes. I believe that it was undersheriff -- former Undersheriff

18 Cary James.

19 Q Okay. Looking down to the next line with the reference number

20 of 2007A03530 states as a citizen complaint with the date of

21 the incident being February 17th, 2007 and the reporting party

22 being Laura Stinson. The allegation is that a deputy falsified

23 a report. Do you remember which deputy that was referring to?

24 A I don't.

25 Q Do you recall -- do you recall what the situation was?

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 A I don't. I'm trying to remember.

2 Q Sure. Yeah. Take your time.

3 A Yeah. I can't remember.

4 Q How long ago was it that you assembled this list?

5 A I'm not sure whenever that discovery request was. A few

6 months?

7 Q Going to the next line down, the reference number, OPS

8 2009-008. What type of reference number is that?

9 A That's another iteration of our numbering system for

10 administrative investigations.

11 Q Okay. So is that -- later we see administrative investigations

12 with an AI number starting. That's the new way and the old way

13 is OPS?

14 A Correct.

15 Q So going across that line with the date of incident being

16 March 18th of 2009 and you being the reporting party, which

17 deputy is this referring to?

18 A Deputy Mark Lann.

19 Q What is the false statement that he's alleged to have made

20 during an interview?

21 A I don't recall the specific statement in that investigation.

22 Q What led him to be interviewed in the first place?

23 A He was the subject of that investigation. So in other words,

24 he was the one that was accused of misconduct.

25 Q And you don't recall what the initial misconduct was?

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 A That was during a period where I was doing essentially -- we

2 did five investigations on him in a row. That was the fourth

3 of them. I believe that that was the investigation in which he

4 allegedly failed to document additional items that were stolen

5 during a burglary after a victim called him to report those

6 items missing. But I'm not positive of that.

7 Q Do you recall why it states, going across the line, that the

8 allegation was not sustained? Do you recall who made that

9 decision to not sustain that allegation?

10 A That probably would have been Sheriff Elfo.

11 Q Okay. Going down to the next line with the reference number

12 OPS 2009-009, this is an administrative investigation from

13 March 23rd, 2009 with you as the reporting party and you as the

14 investigator.

15 It states that the allegation, again, is that the deputy

16 made a false statement during the interview. Do you know which

17 deputy this referred to?

18 A The same deputy, Deputy Mark Lann.

19 Q Okay. Do you know how many times he was interviewed in

20 connection with that administration investigation?

21 A That particular investigation?

22 Q Mm-hm.

23 A I don't recall the total number of times. Usually, it's at

24 least once.

25 Q Okay. It looks -- so OPS 2009-008 and OPS 2009-009, why did

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 those have two different reference numbers?

2 A Because they're different instances of misconduct. If you look

3 at the dates of the incidents, they were about a week apart.

4 Q So would it be correct if I presumed that the date of incident

5 was the date of his interview?

6 A No. No. The date of the incident would be the date that the

7 actual act of misconduct allegedly occurred.

8 Q Okay. Do you know what the OPS 2009-009 underlying misconduct

9 was?

10 A As I mentioned, that's the fifth in the series of five. I did

11 them in very short order.

12 Q Do you -- if you're thinking --

13 A Yeah. I can't remember that one specifically.

14 Q Okay. Do you recall if you recommended any of those

15 allegations to be sustained?

16 A It's not my place as the investigator to recommend whether an

17 allegation should be sustained or not.

18 Q Have you ever made a recommendation to sustain an allegation?

19 A I think when I was new to the job, I may have during some early

20 investigations. But we kind of redesigned the way that we did

21 internal investigations and kind of looked at whose role it was

22 to do certain parts of the process.

23 I determined that given the fact that I was doing the

24 investigations themselves and it was my job to gather the facts

25 and the circumstances surrounding those and document that, that

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 it was probably not appropriate for me to make then judgments

2 based upon those facts and conclusions.

3 Q Okay.

4 A So since that time, I have not.

5 Q Okay. Moving down to the next line with the reference number

6 OPS 2009-014, it states that this is administrative

7 investigation from November 28, 2009 with Inspector Cooley,

8 you, as the reporting party and Inspector Cooley, you, as

9 investigator. The allegation states, "Reserve deputy made

10 false statements during interview."

11 Do you recall who that reserve deputy was?

12 A Yes. Reserve Deputy Cody Chambers.

13 Q And is Cody Chambers still a reserve deputy?

14 A I believe so, yes.

15 Q Do you know what he was interviewed in connection with?

16 A Yes. I don't remember all of the specifics, but I can

17 summarize for you, if that's what you would like.

18 Q Yeah. That would be great.

19 A There was an issue with signing a ride-along waiver. When we

20 have a civilian ride-along with us, they -- we require them to

21 sign a waiver of liability, basically, in case they get hurt or

22 killed while they're riding-along with us.

23 Again, I don't remember the details, but basically that

24 form did not get signed. And somehow we found out that it got

25 signed after the fact instead of before the ride-along.

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 During the course of the investigation to figure out

2 exactly what happened, he made a false statement that I was

3 able to verify was false.

4 Q Okay. Was the prosecuting attorney's office notified about

5 that?

6 A Not to my knowledge.

7 Q Okay. What about the instances with Deputy Lann? Was the

8 prosecuting attorney's notified about those?

9 A He has been in the past about Deputy Lann, but I don't know

10 about those two investigations specifically. I don't recall.

11 Q Okay. Moving down to the next line. It states -- there is no

12 reference number. The type is an employee complaint with the

13 date of the incident being February 20th, 2013. The allegation

14 is, "Sergeant reported veracity concerns about another

15 sergeant."

16 Who were the two sergeants involved in that allegation?

17 A Sergeant Moyes, as it says here, was the reporting party and

18 the sergeant he was alleging had veracity issues was Sergeant

19 Mede.

20 Q Okay. It states in the outcome that those allegations were

21 unfounded.

22 A Correct.

23 Q Who made that determination?

24 A I don't know if it was Undersheriff Parks or Sheriff Elfo that

25 finally, as I recall seeing -- it left a final letter from

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Undersheriff Parks. I don't know if Sheriff Elfo was involved

2 in it or not.

3 Q Okay. Did you write a report in that case or did you have

4 anything to do in that case?

5 A I did have something to do in the case, yes.

6 Q What was your involvement in the case?

7 A Sergeant Moyes sent me a request to meet with me, basically to

8 talk to me about this matter. And then the next day or --

9 within a day or two, we did. He met in my office and he

10 expressed his concerns -- listed several concerns about this

11 particular sergeant, Sergeant Mede. So I listened to him and

12 took notes.

13 And then the following day, I relayed those concerns to

14 Chief Chadwick because they were -- it was all within his

15 bureau. He and I conferred and agreed that he would address it

16 as a bureau matter. It didn't really rise to the level of me

17 as the investigation -- as the inspector investigating it at

18 that time. And that if it needed to, that he would later refer

19 it to me.

20 Q Okay. Did he later refer it to you?

21 A No.

22 Q What were the concerns that you took note about in your meeting

23 with Moyes?

24 A I summarized them in the memorandum for the undersheriff later,

25 but I can try to tell you off the top of my head, if you want.

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Q Yes.

2 A There were some concerns that when confronted by deputies, kind

3 of in an interpersonal interaction about something, that

4 Sergeant Mede had allegedly said -- Sergeant Mede would deny

5 that he had said it.

6 You know, for instance, did you say this to so and so?

7 Sergeant Mede would say, no, I didn't. And then the deputy

8 would find out that he actually had. Sort of a: He said, she

9 said sort of thing.

10 Q Okay. Any others that you can recall?

11 A I'm trying. There were other concerns, not just veracity

12 concerns. I included it in this particular table because there

13 were veracity concerns, but there were other issues as well.

14 That was the gist of the -- well, there was a -- I'm

15 sorry. There was a -- the reason that I believe Moyes came to

16 me in the first place was that I had just finished

17 investigating a crash in which I believe Moyes had been

18 involved following a pursuit.

19 During that investigation, I documented the fact that

20 Moyes told me one thing and Mede told me the other. And they

21 both were opposite basically. I didn't really have any way of

22 verifying which was true, and so I simply documented it that

23 way in the investigation.

24 And Moyes reiterated at the beginning of our talk when

25 we came to see me, that he believed that Mede had lied and that

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 his version was true. So that was essentially the gist, I

2 think, of the veracity concerns. The rest were just how Mede

3 conducted himself.

4 Q Do you know if the concerns about Mede were ever communicated

5 to the prosecuting attorney's office?

6 A This particular issue was reviewed later, yes.

7 Q Who reviewed that issue?

8 A I'm not sure.

9 Q Were you present in the meeting?

10 A I may have been. I'm trying to remember. I know that we

11 talked about it. I can't recall.

12 Q Okay. Why does that particular line item not have a reference

13 number?

14 A Oh, because it wasn't -- I didn't take it as a -- as a -- enter

15 it into my system. It wasn't an official complaint that I

16 would handle. It was more of, like I said, it was more of an

17 internal employee issue that we wanted to explore. And then if

18 it needed to be officially investigated by me, then I would

19 assign it a number.

20 Q Okay. And Chadwick is the one who told you -- who directed you

21 not to?

22 A Well, we're colleagues so we sort of -- we --

23 Q Decided?

24 A Yes. We collaborated on what the best course of action to do

25 was and we both agreed that the best course of action, again,

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 since it was -- we had one -- basically one sergeant telling us

2 one thing. And that it would be best for him to kind of talk

3 to the employees involved and see if, in fact, there were some

4 concerns that needed to be investigated.

5 Q Okay. Have there been other officer veracity concerns that

6 have not been assigned case numbers?

7 A Not to my knowledge, because they would be on this list.

8 Q Okay. Going back to the last line item, which is AI 2003-003

9 states, "Administrative investigation," with the date of the

10 incident being September 25th, 2013. The reporting party is

11 Sergeant Huso and you as the investigator. The allegation is

12 the, "Deputy made false statement during interview."

13 Which deputy is this investigation referring to?

14 A It's Deputy Mark Lann.

15 Q Do you recall what the false statement was in that case?

16 A Yes.

17 Q What was it?

18 A It was a sequence of events issue. Deputy Lann stated that a

19 certain sequence of events occurred in a certain sequence. And

20 I was able to -- I found out during an investigation that, in

21 fact, it did not occur in that order.

22 Q Okay. Did you provide, responsive to our discovery requests,

23 any of the reports or case files that are referred to in this

24 sheet?

25 A No. As you probably know, you didn't ask for that during the

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 discovery, but you subsequently filed a public disclosure

2 request, which I'm in the process of fulfilling.

3 MS. BESCHEN: Let's take a five minute break and go

4 off the record.

5 (Recess Taken)

6 (Deposition Resumed)

7 MS. BESCHEN: Let's go back on the record.

8 Q (By Ms. Beschen) Okay. The court reporter has just handed you

9 what was previously marked in another deposition as Exhibit 9.

10 Go ahead and read that and let me know when you're done.

11 A Okay.

12 Q Do you recall sending this e-mail?

13 A Yes.

14 MS. BESCHEN: I have no further questions. He may

15 have some questions for you.

16 MR. KAMERRER: No questions.

17 (Signature Reserved)

18 (Deposition Adjourned)








Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 C E R T I F I C A T E



4 I, Kristen M. Uhlig, the undersigned CCR in and for the Stateof Washington, do hereby certify:

5 That the annexed and foregoing deposition of the witness

6 named herein was taken stenographically before me and transcribedby me;

7 I further certify that the witness examined, read, and signed

8 the deposition after the same was transcribed, unless indicated inthe record that the parties and the witness waive the signature;

9 I further certify that all of the objections made at the time

10 of said examination to my qualifications or the manner of takingthe deposition, or to the conduct of any party, have been noted by

11 me upon said deposition;

12 I further certify that I am not a relative or employee orattorney or counsel of any of the parties to said action or

13 counsel, and that I am not financially interested in the saidaction or the outcome thereof;

14 I further certify that the deposition, as transcribed, is a

15 full, true, and accurate transcript of the testimony, including allquestions and answers, and all objections, motions and exceptions

16 of counsel made and taken at the time of the foregoing examination;

17 I further certify that I am sealing the deposition in anenvelope with the title to the above cause thereon and marked

18 "Deposition Upon Oral Examination" of said witness and promptlycausing the same to be delivered or forwarded to Counsel for the

19 Opposing Party;

20 IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixedmy official seal this ___ day of____________, 2014.


22 __________________________

23 Kristen M. Uhlig, #1934 Certified Court Reporter,

24 Residing in Clinton, Washington.


Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277

Page 50

Aable 33:22 43:3

47:20acceptable 36:3accurate 49:15accused 39:24act 37:4,5 41:7action 46:24,25

49:12,13acts 36:23actual 41:7additional 40:4address 44:15Adjourned 48:18administration

38:14,16 40:20administrative

36:5 37:12 38:139:10,11 40:1242:6 47:9


affixed 49:20ago 35:12 39:4agreed 44:15 46:25ahead 48:10AI 39:12 47:8allegation 33:12

36:17 37:1,1438:22 40:8,9,1541:17,18 42:943:13,16 47:11

allegations 31:2341:15 43:20

alleged 36:2,22,2337:21 39:19

allegedly 40:4 41:745:4

alleging 43:18and/or 34:7annexed 49:5answers 49:15apart 41:3appropriate 42:1asking 33:8,11

assembled 39:4assign 46:19assigned 34:20 47:6assistance 34:19Attachment 31:23attorney 49:12attorney's 37:9

43:4,8 46:5Avenue 30:21


Bback 33:16 47:8

48:7based 42:2basically 33:3

34:11 42:21,2344:7 45:21 47:1

beginning 45:24believe 33:6 35:8

35:23 37:6 38:1740:3 42:14 45:1545:17

believed 45:25Bellingham 30:22

31:5,13Beschen 31:3,19

32:12,15 48:3,7,848:14

best 46:24,25 47:2Blvd 31:8Bogdanovich 31:8break 48:3breast 37:7bureau 44:15,16burglary 40:5Butler 31:3,4 32:8

CC 31:1,23 49:1,1call 34:7called 32:2 40:5Cary 38:18case 34:11 35:12

37:17 38:11 42:2144:3,4,5,6 47:6,15

47:23cause 49:17causing 49:18CCR 30:24,24 49:4certain 33:13 41:22

47:19,19Certified 30:24

49:23certify 49:4,7,9,12

49:14,17Chadwick 44:14

46:20Chambers 42:12

42:13changed 35:9Chief 37:14 44:14circumstances


37:15citizen 34:6,22,23

35:2,10 38:20civil 34:19civilian 36:9,11

42:20client 35:20 37:22Clinton 49:24Cody 42:12,13collaborated 46:24colleagues 46:22comments 36:17commit 36:25committed 36:23communicated

46:4community 30:10

30:15complaint 33:3

34:6,22 35:836:10 38:20 43:1246:15

complaints 35:10complete 33:22computer 33:17,18


concerns 43:1444:10,10,13,2245:2,11,12,1346:2,4 47:4,5

conclusions 42:2conduct 36:2 37:6

49:10conducted 46:3conferred 44:15confronted 45:2connection 34:13

40:20 42:15contents 37:25CONTINUATION

32:12Cooley 30:18 32:1

32:12 42:7,8correct 34:14 35:2

35:17 36:12 39:1441:4 43:22

correctly 37:7counsel 49:12,13,16

49:18county 30:13,13,21

31:7,11,12 36:1549:3

course 43:1 46:2446:25

court 30:7,24 32:1648:8 49:23

Courthouse 30:21Craig 34:6,25 35:2crash 45:17create 32:20,22

33:5creation 32:25criminal 34:15,18

34:21 37:17CSR 30:24

DD 31:17Dale 31:7Daniel 31:8date 33:17 38:20

39:15 41:4,5,6,643:13 47:9

dates 33:14 41:3day 44:8,9,13 49:20Decided 46:23decision 38:14,16

40:9Defendants 30:15

31:7delivered 49:18deny 45:4DEPARTMENT

30:14 31:7depending 33:2deposition 30:17

32:10,13 48:6,948:18 49:5,8,1049:11,14,17,18

deputies 35:20 36:145:2

deputy 33:13 34:734:12,20 35:3,1835:20,21 36:13,1436:18,21 37:2,1338:22,23 39:17,1840:15,17,18,1842:9,11,12,1343:7,9 45:7 47:1247:13,14,18

described 35:12DESCRIPTION

31:22details 42:23detective 37:16,22determination

43:23determined 41:23different 33:2

34:11 41:1,2direct 37:1directed 46:20discipline 38:5,8,15disclosure 48:1discovery 33:6 39:5

47:22 48:1

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277

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dishonest 36:2237:21

dishonesty 33:1233:15 37:2

DISTRICT 30:7,8document 32:17,20

32:23 33:1,2,536:20 40:4 41:25

documented 45:1945:22

documents 32:2533:2 34:1 38:2

doing 37:1,2 40:141:23

duly 32:2

EE 31:1,1,17 49:1,1e-mail 48:12early 41:19East 31:4Edge 36:20either 36:24Elfo 30:14 31:7,15

40:10 43:24 44:1Elizabeth 31:11Emily 31:3employed 36:15employee 36:11

37:16,18 43:1246:17 49:12

employees 47:3enter 46:14entity 30:13envelope 49:17essentially 33:11

40:1 46:1Ethridge 36:6,6

37:7evening 37:6event 34:10events 47:18,19evidence 37:15exactly 43:2examination 30:17

31:18 32:12 49:1049:16,18

examined 32:3 49:7exceptions 49:15Exhibit 31:22 32:7

32:10,17 48:9exonerated 35:25

36:1explore 46:17expressed 44:10

FF 49:1fact 36:8,9 38:15

41:23 42:25 45:1947:3,21

facts 41:24 42:2failed 40:4failure 38:5,7false 39:19 40:16

42:10 43:2,347:12,15

falsified 38:22February 38:21

43:13Ferry 34:7fifth 41:10figure 43:1file 34:12 37:23,24

37:25filed 48:1files 33:3,16,25

47:23final 43:25finally 43:25financially 49:13find 45:8finished 45:16first 32:2 34:5,8

39:22 45:16five 40:2 41:10 48:3Flynn 35:18following 44:13

45:18follows 32:3

foregoing 49:5,16form 42:24formal 38:5,8former 35:20 38:17forms 34:2forwarded 49:18found 42:24 47:20fourth 40:2Freeman 35:21front 35:5fulfilling 48:2full 49:15further 48:14 49:7


GGallery 31:11gather 41:24general 37:5generated 35:9,15gist 33:10 45:14

46:1give 33:22given 41:23Glenn 36:14go 48:3,7,10going 32:22 33:22

35:6 36:4 39:7,1540:7,11 47:8

Good 32:22Goodman 37:19

38:12government 30:13Grand 30:21 31:12great 42:18

Hhand 33:16 49:20handed 32:16 48:8handle 46:16happened 43:2head 44:25hereunto 49:20Holly 31:4honest 33:24 36:18honestly 36:25

honesty 33:24house 35:23hurt 42:21Huso 47:11

III 30:13,18 32:13incident 34:10 35:3

38:21 39:15 41:441:6 43:13 47:10

incidents 41:3included 45:12including 34:21

49:15indicated 37:15

49:8initial 39:25inquiry 33:11inspector 42:7,8

44:17instance 45:6instances 41:2 43:7interaction 45:3interested 49:13internal 35:14

41:21 46:17interpersonal 45:3interrogatory 33:7

33:8interview 36:19

37:16,22 39:2040:16 41:5 42:1047:12

interviewed 39:2240:19 42:15

interviewing 38:13interviews 38:2investigated 38:11

46:18 47:4investigating 44:17

45:17investigation 34:15

34:18 35:19 36:536:13 37:12,2038:1 39:21,23

40:3,12,20,2142:7 43:1 44:1745:19,23 47:9,1347:20

investigations33:15,25 34:2135:10 39:10,1140:2 41:20,21,2443:10

investigator 35:1836:17,19,24 37:1437:15 40:14 41:1642:9 47:11

involved 43:16 44:145:18 47:3

involvement 44:6ISLAND 49:3issue 35:3 42:19

46:6,7,17 47:18issues 43:18 45:13item 46:12 47:8items 40:4,6iteration 39:9

JJ 30:14James 38:18job 41:19,24Johnson 31:8judgments 42:1June 37:13

KK-I-E-N-D-Y 35:16Kamerrer 31:7,8

32:5 48:16kept 34:1Kiendy 35:16killed 42:22kind 34:9 35:11,14

41:20,21 45:247:2

know 35:8 36:6,836:21 37:8,2538:16 40:16,1941:8 42:15 43:9

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277

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43:24 44:1 45:646:4,10 47:2548:10

knowledge 43:647:7

Kristen 30:23 49:449:23

LLann 39:18 40:18

43:7,9 47:14,18Laura 38:22Law 31:4,8led 39:22Leda 35:16left 43:25Let's 48:3,7letter 43:25level 44:16liability 42:21lie 33:24lied 33:24 34:7

37:16 45:25Lieutenant 34:7

36:20line 34:5 35:6 36:4

37:11 38:19 39:739:15 40:7,1142:5 43:11 46:1247:8

lines 34:6list 33:22 38:1 39:4

47:7listed 44:10listened 44:11Listing 31:23locate 33:15long 39:4look 41:2looked 41:21looking 34:5,8

35:24 38:19looks 40:25lying 36:24Lyman 31:8

MM 30:23 49:4,23maintained 33:4manner 49:10March 30:20 39:16

40:13marital 30:10,14Mark 39:18 40:18

47:14marked 32:10,17

48:9 49:17matter 44:8,16mean 32:24 35:25means 36:1Mede 43:19 44:11


meet 44:7meeting 44:22 46:9memorandum

44:24mentioned 41:10met 44:9minute 48:3minutes 35:12misconduct 36:3

39:24,25 41:2,7,8missing 40:6Mm-hm 40:22months 39:6motions 49:15Moving 37:11 42:5

43:11Moyes 37:14 43:17

44:7,23 45:15,1745:20,24

Murphy 30:1035:20

NN 31:1,17Nadine 36:6,6name 34:24,25 35:2named 49:6necessarily 34:18

needed 44:18 46:1847:4

neglected 38:11new 39:12 41:19note 44:22noted 49:10notes 44:12notified 43:4,8November 42:7number 34:8,9,10

34:10,20 35:6,7,835:12,14 37:1138:19 39:7,8,1240:11,23 42:543:12 46:13,19

numbering 35:939:9

numbers 41:1 47:6

Oobjection 32:6objections 49:9,15occur 47:21occurred 41:7

47:19office 31:12 33:4,13

34:10 37:9 43:444:9 46:5

officer 47:5Offices 31:4official 46:15 49:20officially 46:18Oh 46:14Okay 32:8,16,20,22

33:5,10,15,2534:17,22 35:3,1335:16 36:4,13,2137:8,11,20 38:438:10,19 39:1140:11,19,25 41:841:14 42:3,5 43:443:7,11,20 44:344:20 45:10 46:1246:20 47:5,8,2248:8,11

old 39:12once 40:24opposed 36:11Opposing 49:19opposite 45:21OPS 39:7,13 40:12

40:25,25 41:842:6

Oral 30:17 49:18order 41:11 47:21outcome 35:25 38:4

43:20 49:13

PP 31:1,1PAGE 31:18,22paper 35:5paraphrasing

33:12Parks 43:24 44:1part 33:12particular 38:11

40:21 44:11 45:1246:6,12

parties 49:8,12parts 41:22party 35:16 36:6

37:13 38:21 39:1640:13 42:8 43:1747:10 49:10,19

PAUL 30:10PDFs 34:1,3Penny 37:19period 40:1person 38:11pertain 35:19place 39:22 41:16

45:16Plaintiffs 30:11

31:3police 34:13positive 40:6present 31:14 46:9presumed 41:4prevented 38:5,7

previously 48:9probably 33:24

40:10 42:1 47:25procedural 38:4,7process 41:22 48:2promptly 49:18prosecuting 37:8

43:4,8 46:5Prosecutor's 31:12provide 47:22public 37:7 48:1purpose 35:22pursuit 45:18


49:10question 33:17questions 32:5

48:14,15,16 49:15

RR 31:1 49:1read 38:12 48:10

49:7reading 34:5really 44:16 45:21reason 45:15recall 34:23 35:5,15

35:22,23 36:1937:5,10 38:25,2539:21,25 40:7,840:23 41:14 42:1143:10,25 45:1046:11 47:15 48:12

Recess 48:5recommend 41:16recommendation


41:14record 32:6 48:4,7

49:8redesigned 41:20refer 44:18,20reference 34:9 35:6

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277

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35:7 37:11 38:1939:7,8 40:11 41:142:5 43:12 46:12

referenced 33:2,3referred 34:11

40:17 47:23referring 34:25

38:10,23 39:1747:13

reiterated 45:24related 33:25relative 49:12relayed 44:13rely 32:25remarked 32:10remember 33:8,10

33:20 37:1,738:23 39:1,341:13 42:16,2346:10

report 34:11,13,2038:23 40:5 44:3

reported 30:2336:9 37:8 43:14

reporter 30:2432:16 48:8 49:23

reporting 35:1636:5 37:13 38:2139:16 40:13 42:843:17 47:10

reports 47:23request 33:6 34:19

39:5 44:7 48:2requests 47:22require 42:20required 38:12reserve 42:9,11,12

42:13Reserved 48:17Residing 49:24respond 34:19response 33:6 34:8responsive 47:22rest 46:2Resumed 48:6

reviewed 46:6,7ride-along 42:19,20

42:25riding-along 42:22Right 36:20rights 38:12rise 44:16Robert 31:3,4role 41:21row 40:2RW 31:8

SS 31:1says 34:25 35:25

36:20 43:17seal 49:20sealing 49:17search 33:16,17,18

33:18 35:22searchable 34:3searching 35:23SEATTLE 30:8see 39:11 45:25

47:3seeing 43:25seen 32:17sending 48:12sent 44:7September 47:10sequence 47:18,19

47:19sergeant 34:7 35:18

43:14,15,17,18,1844:7,11,11 45:4,445:7 47:1,11

sergeants 43:16series 41:10set 49:20sheet 47:24sheriff 33:13 40:10

43:24 44:1sheriff's 30:14 31:7

33:13 34:10short 41:11

Sic 32:18sign 42:21signature 48:17

49:8signed 42:24,25

49:7signing 42:19simply 36:25 45:22situation 38:25Slick 36:14software 32:24sorry 45:15sort 37:21 45:8,9

46:22specific 37:5 39:21specifically 37:20

41:13 43:10specifics 42:16ss 49:2start 32:5starting 39:12State 49:2,4stated 32:6 37:15

47:18statement 36:21

37:21 39:19,2140:16 43:2 47:1247:15

statements 42:10states 30:7 34:5,22

36:4,17 37:12,1438:4,20 40:7,1542:6,9 43:11,2047:9


STEVEN 30:1832:1,12

Stinson 38:22stolen 40:4Street 31:4subject 36:18 37:16

39:23subsequently 48:1Suite 31:4

summarize 42:17summarized 44:24sure 33:21,23 39:2

39:5 46:8surmised 36:24surrounding 41:25sustain 40:9 41:18sustained 40:8

41:15,17SW 31:8sworn 32:2system 39:9 46:15systems 35:9

TT 49:1,1table 45:12Taddonio 37:13take 39:2 46:14

48:3taken 48:5 49:6,16talk 44:8 45:24

47:2talked 46:11talking 33:3Tara 31:15tell 33:20 44:25telling 47:1term 36:1terms 33:18testified 32:3testimony 49:15thereof 49:13,20thereon 49:17thing 35:11 45:9,20

47:2things 33:24 36:1

38:3think 35:11 41:19

46:2thinking 41:12time 34:18,20 38:14

39:2 42:4 44:1849:9,16

times 40:19,23

title 49:17told 45:20,20 46:20top 44:25total 40:23touching 37:6tracking 35:14transcribed 49:6,8

49:14transcript 49:15true 45:22 46:1

49:15try 44:25trying 39:1 45:11

46:10Tumwater 31:9two 35:20 41:1

43:10,16 44:9type 35:7 39:8

43:12typing 38:7

UUhlig 30:23 49:4,23unable 38:15underlying 41:8undersheriff 38:17

38:17 43:24 44:144:24

undersigned 49:4unfounded 43:21UNITED 30:7use 32:22 33:19Usually 40:23

VVarious 34:2veracity 43:14,18

45:11,13 46:247:5

verbatim 33:9verify 43:3verifying 45:22version 46:1victim 40:5VOLUME 30:13

30:18 32:13

Steven Cooley, March 12, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277

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vs 30:12

Wwaive 49:8waiver 42:19,21want 44:25wanted 46:17Washington 30:8

30:13,22,24 31:531:9,13 49:2,4,24

wasn't 46:14,15way 39:12,12 41:20

45:21,23ways 34:11we're 33:3 46:22We've 35:9week 41:3WESTERN 30:8Whatcom 30:13,13

30:21 31:7,11,12Wilder 34:6 35:1,2William 30:14

31:15withdrawing 32:6witness 32:2 49:5,7

49:8,18,20Word 34:1words 38:7,9 39:23write 44:3writes 34:20

XX 31:17

YYeah 35:5 39:2,3

41:13 42:18years 35:10yesterday 32:6



110 35:10

10/27/2002 34:6103 31:412 30:2017th 38:2118th 39:161934 30:24 49:23


30:122002A22312 34:5,8

35:42003-003 47:82004-011 35:62005A21132 37:122006 37:132006001 36:42007 38:212007A03530 38:202009 39:16 40:13

42:72009-008 39:8

40:252009-009 40:12,25

41:82009-014 42:62013 43:13 47:102014 30:20 49:2020th 43:1323rd 40:1325th 47:102674 31:828 42:729 32:7

33:48PM 30:20311 30:21 31:1232 31:19,23360.734.3448 31:5360.754.3480 31:9

44:18PM 30:20


512 31:455 31:23 32:1056 32:10,17




99 48:998225 30:22 31:5

31:1398512 31:9