Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free...


Transcript of Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free...

Page 1: Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free Of Stereotypes” Judges 4.
Page 2: Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free Of Stereotypes” Judges 4.
Page 3: Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free Of Stereotypes” Judges 4.
Page 4: Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free Of Stereotypes” Judges 4.
Page 5: Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free Of Stereotypes” Judges 4.
Page 6: Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free Of Stereotypes” Judges 4.

Steve PetchSunday 16th March 2014

“Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl”or

“Breaking Free Of Stereotypes”Judges 4

Page 7: Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free Of Stereotypes” Judges 4.

Sisera – an enemy Deborah – a hero

Barak – a half hero Jael – a hero

Page 8: Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free Of Stereotypes” Judges 4.

Steve PetchSunday 16th March 2014

“Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl”or

“Breaking Free Of Stereotypes”Judges 4

Page 9: Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free Of Stereotypes” Judges 4.

Sisera – an enemy

The Macho Man

“I take what I want”

Barak – a half hero

The Wimp

“I’ll only go if you go with me”

Page 10: Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free Of Stereotypes” Judges 4.

“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus, who,

being in very nature God,

did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;

rather, he made himself nothing

by taking the very nature of a servant,

being made in human likeness.

And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself

by becoming obedient to death

– even death on a cross!”

Phil 2 v 5 - 8

Page 11: Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free Of Stereotypes” Judges 4.

Deborah – a hero

Jael – a hero

Leader / Prophet

“Hasn’t God told you…”

Warrior for God

“Most blessed of women”Judges 5 v 24

Page 12: Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free Of Stereotypes” Judges 4.
Page 13: Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free Of Stereotypes” Judges 4.

Sisera – an enemy Deborah – a hero

Barak – a half hero Jael – a hero

Page 14: Steve Petch Sunday 16 th March 2014 “Bananaman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl” or “Breaking Free Of Stereotypes” Judges 4.