Sterling Clothing haM gold...

t t L L- I I I S A It Ie- X nMi 11m I Eltblt I v imllr II lt- tltvI 11NCOIA I AM- IUVHM USV IJ htitunh T out ILFh- NilRTa 1 A > II IIHI I 047 IM 142 Itl- iocfldP8i8UflUL Ii IIISCD brllT = AHen vISited Iensniola lust irk Ir vlltl llrlullllu HiitUr 1 n soda Staudlfer went to Murlunnu on Mr R or- Aeask0110 s f utsda more time w hut has become Ilhprntrt lamps TralnliiR Kehool Gemtatber the ummer mneucos on tl uy 9th- A < Bass of Montgomery Ala Hi MtorlieroTuesdnv- l 4 a > Ono Un3 Curt ii OnlillH rittvuBr moJulnlnuTiiliLts LUHiffiindHo muiwy II It fulls ti- int I3U + e- Lltilr ampboll visited rel Flora Ml + s irrSat Marlamia Sunda- yS S M Sparkraan her our thank rtaut public documents lrl Sanders Williams visited her par jyMr and Mrs Tindalo this week ttai Win MHler of It Washington umonlr the visitors hero Monday Pro T li Dowllng of Louisville Ala uamong the visitors hern tills week lost but tcr- rtt subscriber Ula l om l take his Place tcp lip and say > Hon S 51 Robertson und wife was li- IVtoday to atund the meeting of Gooi- lmpiara XOlhcNu Iuy lit is the way all druggists still UKOVKI iiteessChit Tonlu fur vlulls and Main t It simply iron and jr t- setcs4 form Children love It Adults pr 11110 JItter 1II1I llItllI tonics 1rlce oOi dears Honey Bros Co shipped a rge lot of spirits turpentine and ro li- TOJIUCONCEUNED hh week Tho tax book1 o- lijcuuuty doses May 20th pay your tax fore that time Hour list of visitors Is not complete IbiS uirk please dont blame us we dk mr best WI could- Mr It Standlferrccolved carload or hay from Illinois Monday whIch he soli ntto our merchants welcome the delegates of the 10 ITtootir town this week and we hop telrsliivwas a pleasant one We rail attention of our readers to tin prufrssloual card or Ur It A Poler hi Isbue to servo you call on him via JB Williams wife of tux cellec lur Williams of Holmes county ls visit iazMrand Mrs J J Williams here this- Ittk Mr Kuott State Auditor was among the tisitors here this week Wo trust li found tho hooks of our county officers li- moi shape 188 reiidin an ndvutlsemoit of Chiui- ruins Colic Ctinleraand UJim hoeii loon ty In tlie Worcester Knierprlsu recently bich leads me to write this I CUll truth fly say I mixer used any reiucdy equal tlj ilteollc mid drat lhoca1 lunc novel Id to use more IhllI one fIr two doses K urrtbe worst cone wit tn Helf or cblldrei- ASrRotiD W Pnlnmoke city Md rot Is by 11 U Uvlhuny rod J It fRrrlor- Q 1 Junes and W li LasslUer o lfnioii passed through here lost Frldaj tWr way home frpm n business trip Pensacola I re had II pleasant call from Uro R W- TH of Do Kunlak Weduesdiiy Iii tore attcndliiR the Grand Lodge of- ood Templar- sMr c Wright of Hamilton nm- JrTe Helms of Holla Texas hath trPttack men were here thi tlrstof tin I nktnl Ing cattle Shrtl Allen Sunday for Vcrnon 4 St udrtwlI where hu goes to suns n tho next term of courtn- cCaminpn0rs May 10 pa 10 Ollr llolmns I a ani Jallln iunt1C conic and jolt n the Training School t at tnt should at wnd- fwi t a private letter front Mr 1 M l Ilrltl III s ana- arel position tit t ammoued haa- rPd Ln erish Jim success In his new place Poly eight tock cars standing on tin il h V lldnlIdaywultlllf for cattle lru cttl ordered imifVnUli 91hr nay here to load lll till cars that tr8 en rlI 1 n- arork Swindle of WausHU was li terqpertthefarmrshard and cr5 1 n Kiilcl Ho remomtHred fiotineially- Reaalr and helped It la flood DV- CDOJ0 ineang a Cl11II Cutla- 2u It Uwcaixu Candy t tiiO rOUr blood nnl br imsi lg 1111 the 11Illhn and driving ull im from tba bolt JI ill t l- vNtKftVsll hlotthl UucMiMd icniplcsion by tnlinuf- cu rH 7fnuty for ten tn AR drug rd1ck 25cLOc No 127 The Luck Ticket Ihlpley Klu A 11111 11117 Hrllhlll of W I itltllhIL out in l yHi Inn tin fill tut lucky tdiiti Xo In OAHIUKCOTIOX- We nre sun In urn tore hurl vatf sources tint I rt r UUCKHIKU has hoeu quite sick lit St Andrew since II s- 9njnturn there Yo hup to set hint Immo again In ii few days well II lid tutu rty The IUXNKH has been nwtmled tin pHntlna uf tp tax safe of this inunty for this year ulf you want to see thedolln fluent list send us sac MK oral fur a thn slxurtwulvu IIIJI1111e Milwrlptlon Thin HASXKH will keep you ported till various tlllllR- SFiomti private letter from Stutr Suiit- Sheals to Mr V T Horno we urn per- mitted ¬ tll say that the Summer Training School will Incubi here coinmeueliiK uinv hut Our Iltlww should clve Supt Luckey and tilt school tlielr undivided support We look turns to Interest I IIR school Wo hull u pleasant call lust Xiturdi from Col d II Iennrd a prominent tai mar of Camphelltoiitlie Informs us thnt he has been quite lousy dtuing tau last two months scttlns t1 hogs In rendlne for his comlnc crop He will run Ii pins this year and If seasons uru good will nmko a largo II 111111 lit r or stnll he Is II progressive fnrmiT may his brlizlitei hopes bn realized Is or wish He rcmem hard thin HANXKK tlimnclnlly A ward to the wise Is fmihVlent nml word from the wise should l ii nrtleh nt 10111 you a k who me the wise Thse who know The oft repeated expiTlencHoftins- xvoitlit persons innj hctnkeuforknnwlcd- Mr tV 3L Terry says Cbiunberhilns Cons Remedy gives better untUfacIdii than an- other In the nnirket He has heen In tile tlrus business nt Klkton Ky for twel years haM gold hundreds of bottles of Ihls remedy and ready all other cough unedicto niriiiufiirlurcd xvhlet shows concltuhel that ChninbulainH IB the most sallsfuclor to the i 0ple and Is the host For tulv li- II II lUllainy and J It Furrier I HOOD TEMPLAR MEETING The following parties were hero from the places nl + mad to attend the Uran- LouV meeting I 00 T which unit tier Wednesday DKlKOATKH- DK KtiNiAKR W Stori J W How ers DUll McLcod K R Sprague Mrs W H HttrdlcV Mlsi Hurtle Morris Mn C O Audren- sRucllEnANNttoss Katie MeKear Miss Abble L Campbell MisS Mary Camp- bell N C Morriso- n1VdlimxamxC E Levnlra- ORANI I OFFICERS L M Rhoda U C T Milton Kla O U Rogers Grand Secy De Kunlak I Wm RoRersfjrand ChIlJllalllIIlIlIlak- HEHOIUTIO S THANKS To TIII MKMFIIS m EXCKISIUK Lonnx No 21lhat we return our heurtfel thanks to the members of Excelsior ludp for their kindness and hospitality In car- Ing for us while In their midst I R W Storrs For Grand Lode I That the fraud Lodge 10 n T re- turn tilling to Chlplev Baptist church for the use of their building fur our meet- Ing R W Storrs For Grand Lodge ORDER TO MALIT1A- Tullahassee Aprll4 Adjutant Cener I al Houston has Issued the following grit Lral order No 10 Commanders of com unities are hereby directed to uso all dill their command to tin gvnc to recruit full compliment allowed by law UEMEMHERTHIS I A X murk with blue pencil moans that ynut lIhscalption has Just expired a X I mark with red pencil Is for a year or more due and If not noticed the paper will lie I discontinued Thus Is a political year several county offices hi airto hi tilled delinquent tux list MUit to see till you things or public In- terest ¬ To keep posted on all should not ha without thi iLtN yon nlI look for the X mark and give lured to the wit ruing NEW DBNDIS- TIr I H A KoMor has decided to perma- nently ¬ I desires lo Ruth locate In Clilpley Inform tho people of the town and sur- roundlnK country that hi N fully prepur kinds of Dental Work reek rd to do all specialty of extractlnp and making I lug a hits offlru at the ofhce artllUltl tenth I door tu > A next of Dr K C Wilson clOSSwork atrpu5an Cooks Store First able priers Is cuarantecd- KIIKllMATHMtTUKP Chmnl eluhts twin I My wife misuse relief mad rheunamlattt ss Ith groat Italm 111 ilnimeut erdll mllHlId IIIIA u q I ono It fa- thl hot <ebold uAe and other for thcunttibut vniduhleH 1 hwehave rotund it rack Y- Mr CuvIEiI Rrvt thelesdiugmereflnnts ruler I 011101 uM oe uf the most 11111I1 W < t In 1111 S mniroinlntbloWiMy For salt Ly It Editor lieu irrr ltK irlor Ildlllily Iii d1 JIJSI FROM SWEDEN last summer Mr Nudeuhuri of Sw dn visited West Flnrldix with a view ul purvlmsIiiK a large bolt of laud on rule to locum u colony ire looked over Hseai- rhIaSintii Rosa Vnltoiiund Wnvhlnuto- ciiiiii Its While here In company with Mr A J iiitj uud Charlie Setlorllud III lunked well iir the southern pun of tlf- lIountv tumid left well pleased lie tutu n turned to hlshome country promising III return I In fulfilment of this promise Tnesda- In In toot puii with two other Ientlflnrn and two young ladles arrived and hurt I ceeded to I ny Fin n hick place will h tlielr future hump they say they are pet fectly sntMicd with WashlngUm count This only till beginning two hum ndre more Is to soon follow runs havo bought lands of Mr Gay and will settle near there They are u thrifty welltodo lot of people and w- weleomn them to our county Charlie dr sci ve > credit for his energy and effort tn to Induce thorn to come over here W wish them well and hope that theirovor I undertaking may bo u complete succes Will glye thin prunes of thn parties Jllstl arrived ns soon aster can get them and I also will give names of tho others wit I are to follow ii v ilinn t uruvrr- luli CH5ciiis CnndyCatbartla ICio oriXC CC r iri d1 finiil inonov A G1i11ISF1 AT DUNCAN The town Duncan today what tlv years ago was nearly a wilderness Is Ullr of tho most thrifty In the county Only n few years ago Mr W A Duncan Mr rhus- I Owens and a few others lived thero no they have a well kept post often lur- turpentlnu I distillery numerous houses well cultivated farm and In all It Is tho I most progressive place In thin count 3 This runsformatlon was brought alma by thin energy of Messrs Duncan Owem und a few others Wo wish those poopl the best of success with there now town X Y Z- alunble I to Women- isuerially valuable to women Is Browns Ira Killers Backache vanishes henduch SaiiieHr > tfiiglh takes he of reiknrt anil tin of liiulth rcudil lines to tutu pallid cheek when this won lrful remedy taken For sickly clilUlrt- irnrcrwnrktdmenll hasnorqunl Nu hume limld lie wllliont this fninnns remedy sIron hitters Is sold by all dealers VERNON I1RIEKS Tim County Commissioners and Schoo Hoard was In session Monday Amoni Ito business transacted by thin Com nils- iloners I wits the awarding of tho prlutliif IIf delinquent tux list which wont to thll IlANVKK Mr Eil Evans commissioner from Pt kVashlngton could nut moot with tin liourd this time Mr W II Fuller of Pt Washington Utended Commissioners court Mr Emmons of St Andrews editor of he Iluoy was among thin visitors Deputy Sheriff Allen tins ton boarders it present Some of them say they wan the Insurgents- igut fartholrlmidnpmtdeneeasthowoai Ike that butter tuna n Messrs Wlckhlserand Huntlngtou wll- toon Jones resldenco and foil- Ing I cnmpletro then ho will come will ils family Ihn Klna Naval Stores Co urn doing r uistllng business The Strainer Vernnn brought II urge amount ot fertilizer and other good on her last trip Capt J C Davis of the stealuier Vernon ills hen with us n few days Mr H E Collins tumid of tin fcrnon spent several days hero tills leek Mr11 Iohlp has his hands full ooklni after Increasing business McK Campbell Is still working hard at my mallllJn helps keep till hands ip A Q Jones was with us nil this week I ho tux books close May 20th and ho has u lot of work to du- Judge melvln has quite a lotof business 10 niter now Clerk Lassltter minus not have much Idle line now days W 0 Hutler Etsqr of Chlpley wa ore Monday Sheriff Allen Is getting things In shape or the spring term of Court T C Jones put In hIs apperance Mon tidy Quite n large crowd from tho countr was burn Monday attending the meetlm of the Commissioners and School Board JACK UNO Look Here J Q- Havf you seen that new lotof Underwear tint W L FARRIGK has just got In I tell you thoy arc beau- ties Ho has al- so tad he sells thorn cheap the bht line of Clothing at the lowest prier I ev < r saw tad Shoes and Hats they are so cheap that you cant help but down there and get a buy I am going good Flour It Is the halt barrel of that brat I over saw and oh so cheap I He has the finest selection of Pants In I Suspenders to hold them town and good HnwHlBl yoa 3 spools of Thread IUJI for got no excuse for lute so now youve anti that rid wearing those torn pants shirt split up the back 25 cents you Remember too that every which cull spend with him gets tx ticket at that Hike chance ties you to uIII Go W stn him at once away hs giving L01V and get the benefit of thus e EXTRA I PRICES i trrnflnI emlxr th place II L FAKlllOttS I Or the IliucK STORE a = = CAMPBELL BUTLERA- t Dcklon Old Slum Art Afijentafor Till GKLKHIt- ATICDHamiltonBrown Shoes The New Home Sewing Machine Clauss Shears and Razors Kvery pair Imiurlndc d satlsfnctorv nrnmnuy refunded I The Featherbohe Corsets Tlint take Anierleiiu Beauties Chattanooga Plows and Parts I Sterling Clothing Tlint rats anti We- iirsMariam I Flour Which we UuirantH the llnesl on the market Reel Snapper Tobacco The May field Pants WuHnaranten ihnn allwool Filling PfOj alt these goods our prices arc tljc Xowes- tGAHIHEIL u3 BOW lIIE CATTLK TRADE i I WKST KIKltll MAKING HlltlMKXTN T I INDIAN TEKKtTOllV i Buyers from the Indian Territory am I jn Western Florida purchasing M th- bettf > cattle obtainable It Is said tliny un paying good priers The first shipment of twenty carloads lIIl1tllrt from Mnrianna over the Louts vllle timid Nnshvlllo road tomorrow for I Wagner 1 T f I Tills shipment wlllho followed on April irth by n much larger movementsixty- carloadswhlelt I are to be sent forward from ChllItr- OthH shipments are to follow Tills demand fnr their cattln has opened the eyes of the Western Florida cattle men mind they will engage In thn Industry on n much larger scale than ever before IVnsacola News April Whcro oh whero morn tho street lumps I We dont ask the Marshal we ask the City Fathers 1 Duncan Fla April II tis- EniTOIl ItANNKlt I Everything Is moving on smoothly hero I I Thin turpentine tlrm of Leach McCols key Is moving to the root now they arc doing a lot of work here Tho farm of Mr W A Duncan Is onn best In this part of the county amid his ral en Us thu best to ho anywhere- Wo want to know down hum lousy It Is that a man tho Hoard of County Commis- sioners ¬ I shall say how muc1 tax wo arc to when tutu name Is not on thn tax Cay Did he como n thousand miles to dlctnto to us Let those who govern us pay part of the burden More noon SUllBCllIIIKIt NOTHING nUT WAR The solo Interest In tho public mind Is that of war You cannot speak to n man for a minute without mention of war War Is thin byword and tho word of greet- ing ¬ as mOil pass each other every day Ono cannot hold their attention long to anything but war It seems to have per- meated ¬ thorn Irrevocably this u sign- of wars Imminence Unless a newspaper- Is crammed with war news or war Infor- mation ¬ It Is unspeakably dull and un- Interesting Who yould havo thought a few weeks ago that this sentiment would spread so widely Is It to bo war Is tho question which keeps many uf our born lighters snake at night nnd restive In the day As for tho timid thn question affects them In a very different way And the men whose bread and butte depends upon peace are none the les troubled and distracted If only the do cislon would come the situation would become less Intolerable Two Mlllloni a Year When people nnd buy again i- incitiiH theyre satisfied The of tin United Stolen are now buying ClRCnrct- arlll Cathartic at the rate two nulhoiI- KUCS n yeorntd it will be three million be- fore New It menus merit prwcd- tlint Cn nrctn ore the nioxUWlightful liowf nKn1nnr fur everybody the year All di ugeists1 ° V e ubox cure guaranteed FOH 0 1 KUFIKI Y YEARS Tin Vlnnlow Soothing Syrup has been med by million ol mothers for their url dun while ictthliic with perfect success It sootbeS ihn child softens thin guns nllnys nil curs wind colic and Is the best- remedy for lilnrrhoe It will relieve the morlittle snfliTC linmcdlntely Sold by lruirlst In eve y pnrtoftho iV a Mittle HeBtiro mini ask or Mrs Wlnslowt- v otlilin Hynip und take no iihe lord Oitjf Tonsorial TorE Loo Thomas Propr- My prices urn 10 cents SUAVE 20 cent HAIRCUT SIIAVB AVDHAIBCCT 25 teats lOceat- spCouutry SHAMIUH trade solicited ulso Only First iJluss Work Dune In Circuit Court of WIltIII1 IOU County Klnrli W K lUll Complalnuit 11111- 1to for PULLS ANN OIASS Defendant r 11orco TIlt ilt fundnnt In the nlmvu mated cue on the Jiul div > of slay A x188 Is Illrellr iviiulrcd to appenr to the Comptnlnnnis bill lien in tilt iDtnlniit her or the nlleuntli of Bind bill wlllbv taken as uonlVgMed I 11111 tided this order Is published In the Chip IttNNK fur the perlm of four cnneecut weeks hurler to sild bay W lilies my bunch unit seal this the 1st day of April Al 18 S Seal W ih LASS1TTKH Clerk Circuit conrt A U Canufuhaeli Sol for oniplt- NOT1CB FOU PUBLIC ATK I lIIIOmlc at lalneHvllle Fill April I IsiS Nothio In hereby given that the fnlloxvi mimed settler Iais tiled notice of his intllI thou to mane bout proof In support of hl claim and Unit enid proof IC he fort Clerk Circuit Court nt Vernon Flit on MnySUt lstk viz < lad fates of Chlll le Kin d No ilfll bur the HU of N t SeeniTp 4 N It 14 He names the following witnesses 10 pi ova his continuous residence iii cn 111111 liiiltivatlon olsald bind viz J tin It M- lli Lovl Yates Jr loCI Johnson John ItUBh all of Chip lev Flit J M MARCO Ed fee paid Register HfCKLKNS ARNICA SALTS The best salvo In tho world for Cllts llrulses tines Ulcers Stilt Sores letter Clinpped huts chhbllllns urns timid iltlklll Kriii llonHbndiiQsith- ly cures IlUo or no pny reqiilrid H- nnruntecd Is- to give satisfaction or iiiiiniy refunded 1 rite 25 cents per box for solo by J U Fnrrlor 1T AS mTllUSTVORTHY AND nct Ive or Indies to travel- uepmtetbie Inr esttibllHhid House In Klnrl- cMonthlvV500andexiengeB IOB tlousl ly Enclose self mlcireet tamped envelope Thu Dominion Comp iy Dept R lilcngo NOTICE Ktilt IUIILIOATION Laud Rico at Onluesvlle Kl March 21 It 8 Notice In hereby given that the follow armed settler hoe tiled notice ol his Ink iou to make in support of his ibilm and that said proof will bo miulu bc fore Clerk Circuit Comt at Miulnnni FI niil 7tb 189S viz IxiuU A ltoglstt of OrncevHIe Kii lid No 2J974 lur tnc S Wji Sec J6 Tp 0 N 1113 V Ito names the tallowing witnesses to irovH hie continuous realdeico upon ond nltlvatlon of nulil land viz LIt Miles I Danford John Miller + ol Orncevll lit M W VVilliatnH Chlplev FIll I M1l ABCO- l fee paid Ueglste NOTICE KOIl IUIILIOATION Land Oticu ut Unlucsville Fill March 21 1803 Notice Is hereby eiven that the followii- nimwl settler huts tiled notice of hU lute tlon tomske tlnul proof in support of l- ilulni and thin said proof nn de b- ore Clerk Clioult Court ut Vernen Flu on I lay 7th IH S vizi Wllllnm D Morris at hlplev Flat lid No 23147 for hoe K- iBKSco 01- I 0 Tp 4 N IL 13 W- Ile names ihe following witnesses t- oro his continuous residence Upon and ultlvnllon of sold laud viz Jack t- lliirfleld U H F Smith 0 Q Allen all 01 lilpley Fla J M DAItCU- d fee paid Itegitei NOTICK 1OH IMHLIUATION Land Ofllee nt GiilneBVllle Fl- itFebS1et8 Notice Is hereby given that the tollowln- inuU settler humus tiled notice di his talon 11011 to mo In support of bl- 8clalmnnd hut said proofwlll be- foro D D Melvin County Vernon a00 April 10 1893 vl7 Jninni Dante SIlJIII of Vernon Flu lid No 2 1GI forth 8 NWX Sec 28 Tp 3N K 14 V lie names the following witnesses te eve his cor tlnuoUB residence and Itlvntlon of said land vizu W S Jones 01 Vnusau Kla Henry MeKeltlicn K D IfivT Lewis Onlner Vernon Fin J3IUARCU- Kglster HIIKltlFFS SALE I Ii ylrtu of two executions tram the ClrI- cull Court of XYnsliliiirlon county Floridn In favor of Jnbu M Ilurper maul agAliiet men A Jordan I have day levied lpon and will on Monday the 2nd duty of- bill iy A D78 H expose to public ante 10- thu Ulgbe cub bidder before the Court- hiJuee door In the town of Vernon In said within the legal hours of sale the- othngdescribedreal estate situated In to wit The the county 8 If of NM li tumid S Ki of rtrtJi less two- Kcrl8 In 8W corner of I ha NEK of 8MK oil In colon 18 Tp 1 N 1118 W urthRKcr to pay fur deed 1 U LLEN Sheriff Washington Co his Go YLAR- 8itPURIENC TRADE MARU- DUIONS OOPYRIOH78 Ac t Anyone endlnj a rketcli and description may qolcklruo rtaln free whether an n CommunIcations tlrlMly- conndeottat Oaetarrencytnrrcuringftteeta In America We have a Patenti inica through Muou A Co tecclr- ip clal notice lha- 8CIENTIFIC AMERICAN l1IaltratfOd lirirett ot Anaelentlaolournalweetlytermrtains Tur II JO ill mouths tipeclmrn iIAxn UOOK os lUTEXTH Seat Addreu MUNN 4 CO 3U1 Broadway enr York < P11OD11 Ii m AND Commis ion Co VIlOlfeALK Jobbers in all Kinds of I PRODUCE I ilECfAlTIES Irish unit Sit crt Io j tillS Cabling Onions Itutabnps licet- itrmt Apples Ornlllotl Ilulter and i hers until Ionltry nf nil klinU THIS ISTIIK1LA < E- IhNvSACOLA FliOlllUA I 120 llnt tint eminent trout Ponce de Leon House t 110 East IntendeittiaiS- tIctisncola i Florida FIRST CLASS HOARDING I AT- PKASONAI1LK RATES fiE Centrixlly located iENI S LinUON JUAN EAOAX- KxChlef Justice Atly mid Con Stnte of FIt miHor at Lnw Liddoii Eagai Attorneys Counsel lors- At Iptisnroln Law Klnrldn j cs Will tlce In nil the Courts of First linticlnl Circuit ofFloridn In the United i Shills Court nt ItMisncdln arid Tnllnbntsti uolii tho IHenln Counol the Santo nf- nrldii Jud e llddon will give special ittention to liiislnifla In Wnslilnnloni- olnicK Jnckiin sad ndjolnlmr con ntles ilr KiiLiui will vivo spec nl intention to hUHtlle8 In the United otittes cnrt J C COTTON ATTOhNEY AT LAW VKSTVILLK FLU1UDA HUM II years experience Nee In Court house D CABMIUHAEL 11 Attorney at Law 1Colloctlo08 a Specialty lhipleo FIR I NOTICE I ill1UIILiCATIONw Land UQIco nt Gainesville t hi March 141898 Sauce la hereby then but the loll wing coned staler Inin lllwl notice of his Inten tlon to imikn flush l riof Ii support nf his < liiini and that siild proof will bo mode be- ueCleik Circuit Court ut VeMvilln Flit 011 April OOlh 1t 8r Luxenln it liar 111 MK Register of ilonlfiy IIIlId No nil of X VJf and N MofSI < 8tc 34Tpfitf H 14 X- VHe names the following witnesses to It roxe his continuous residence upon timid ultlvatlon of lIalit land viz J W llegls t John Kills D L Hnrrcll B BJ liar elf nil of yonirav Fin J M HAItCO- i fee puld Register NOTICK IUHLIOATION Hind onico at Onlnesx flic Flu Fehy 2818U8 Notice Is hereby given that the following timed settler Inxs tiled notice of his Intro tlon to nmke flnnl proof tu support of hit lain nnd Ihat soul proof will bu made be- fore Clerk Circuit Court nt Mnrlannn Fin- on April Kith 1W18 viz Jesse ISmllhof hlpley Fin lid Xo 23041 for thu SW if- Y r 8K of MWJi Section 14 Tp 0 N- lle W names the following witnesses in rove hi continuous residence upon nod jltlvtttlon of Bull d hind tlz J K n lUrk Icr Lafayette Rlchler1 J Ollei K F Dnv18 nil of Fin J MnAIlLO- d fee paid Itexlstrr- NOTIOK TO DKDTOU3 All Indebted to J N Dnnlel de sneer ore hereby notified to settle thu nounts owe with me nl outer If 9 more convenient you may make payrnent to Mr W A Mnxwrll at Chlpley < Ice Puts mntteryour Imnledinte attentlin IILd thus save further IIIHIIIIIUCO- W I II MlLTdVJr Adair EstI N Daniel 1205 Mariunnn Flu NOTICE Volt PUUIdCAT1ONLan- d Land omen nt Oamesvllle Flit February 21 IKW Notice hereby given hut fjltowlng n red settler has Hied notice of Ids Inten lOIIIOlIIl1koflIIOI proof In support of hi- claIm and that nntil proof will be made Il- Ilote Clerk Circuit Court lit Vestvlllf Fla on April Jib iww viz Kllshn Acock of < ilwville l lu IM Mo 204 for thc Sjf of- t 8W X ec8 Tp 7 X It 14 W- IIc names the following witnesses to vc his continuous residence upon old clllllvutlon ofsnlillonlvlr Wlll InlltC1 C Ittidd WMley Clark W 1 Voodwllrd nil ofConlsvlllp Flu rji u Aitao- 1tlIILlCATIOX Full Iteglster- NUr1CE I and Oltlce nt Gainesville Flu f- itiee i March 18tt Is hereby given that tht ollolog- nnmld utttlcr hnsfllcrt notice of his lute tloll to niiiko mini nroot In support of hiM- Cllllol and that MId proof will be made hen foo Clerk Circuit Court at Ucstvlllo Flu on Isv lllh 181 viz Ullllum1 lteyi- DfOraeuvlllp 111 Fin IM Xo 20775 fur kt Ihr tM ofSKJf NWJi of SKJl1 and tit Jt o- ff f I toH sec 28 11 7 It HI t V 11 names the following wllnesHcS to tt f 0 Ins continuous residence upon nd- ClllIlnllon ofsald land viz 31 L ColIIlIl- lloorlo Kelly Solomoi Huxley Jobn J 11111118 nil of Ornccvllle Fin J bl UARCH- KcgUter t

Transcript of Sterling Clothing haM gold...

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AHen vISited Iensniola lust

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Staudlfer went to Murlunnu onMr R



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more time w hut has become

Ilhprntrt lampsTralnliiR Kehool

Gemtatber the ummermneucos on tl uy 9th-

A< Bass of Montgomery AlaHi



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LUHiffiindHo muiwy II It fulls ti-

intI3U+ e-

Lltilrampboll visited relFloraMl + s

irrSat Marlamia Sunda-

yS S M Sparkraan her our thankrtaut public documents

lrl Sanders Williams visited her par

jyMr and Mrs Tindalo this week

ttai Win MHler of It Washington

umonlr the visitors hero Monday

Pro T li Dowllng of Louisville Ala

uamong the visitors hern tills week

lost but tcr-


subscriberUla l oml take his Placetcp lip and say >

Hon S 51 Robertson und wife was li-

IVtoday to atund the meeting of Gooi-


XOlhcNu Iuylit is the way all druggists still UKOVKI

iiteessChit Tonlu fur vlulls and Maint It simply iron and jr t-

setcs4 form Children love It Adults pr11110 JItter 1II1I llItllI tonics 1rlce oOi

dears Honey Bros Co shipped a

rge lot of spirits turpentine and ro li-


hh week

Tho tax book1 o-

lijcuuuty doses May 20th pay your taxfore that time

Hour list of visitors Is not completeIbiS uirk please dont blame us we dkmr best WI could-

Mr It Standlferrccolved carload or

hay from Illinois Monday whIch he solintto our merchants

welcome the delegates of the 10ITtootir town this week and we hoptelrsliivwas a pleasant one

We rail attention of our readers to tinprufrssloual card or Ur It A Poler hiIsbue to servo you call on him

via JB Williams wife of tux celleclur Williams of Holmes county ls visitiazMrand Mrs J J Williams here this-


Mr Kuott State Auditor was amongthe tisitors here this week Wo trust li

found tho hooks of our county officers li-

moi shape

188 reiidin an ndvutlsemoit of Chiui-

ruins Colic Ctinleraand UJim hoeii loonty In tlie Worcester Knierprlsu recently

bich leads me to write this I CUll truthfly say I mixer used any reiucdy equal tlj

ilteollc mid drat lhoca1 lunc novelId to use more IhllI one fIr two doses K

urrtbe worst cone wit tn Helf or cblldrei-

ASrRotiDW Pnlnmoke city Md rotIs by 11 U Uvlhuny rod J It fRrrlor-

Q1 Junes and W li LasslUer o

lfnioii passed through here lost FrldajtWr way home frpm n business tripPensacola


re had II pleasant call from Uro R W-

TH of Do Kunlak Weduesdiiy Iiitore attcndliiR the Grand Lodge of-

ood Templar-

sMr c Wright of Hamilton nm-

JrTe Helms of Holla Texas hathtrPttack men were here thi tlrstof tin I

nktnl Ing cattleShrtl Allen Sunday for Vcrnon4 St udrtwlI where hu goes to sunsn tho next term of courtn-cCaminpn0rs May 10pa 10 Ollr llolmns I

a ani Jallln iunt1C conic and joltn the Training School t

at tnt should at wnd-


a private letter front Mr 1 M


Ilrltl IIIs ana-arel position tit tammoued

haa-rPd Lnerish Jim success In his new placePoly eight tock cars standing on tinil h V lldnlIdaywultlllf for cattle

lru cttl ordered imifVnUli91hr nay here to load lll till cars that

tr8 en

rlI1 n-


Swindle of WausHU was literqpertthefarmrshard

and cr51

nKiilcl Ho remomtHredfiotineially-


and helped Itla flood DV-

CDOJ0 ineang a Cl11II Cutla-


It Uwcaixu Candyt tiiO rOUr blood nnl brimsi

lg 1111 the 11Illhn and driving ull imfrom tba bolt JI ill t l-

vNtKftVsll hlotthl UucMiMdicniplcsion by tnlinuf-

cu rH 7fnuty for ten tn AR drugrd1ck 25cLOc

No 127The Luck Ticket

Ihlpley Klu A 11111 11117Hrllhlll of W I itltllhIL out in

l yHi Inn tin fill tut lucky tdiiti XoIn OAHIUKCOTIOX-

We nre sun In urn tore hurl vatfsources tint I rt r UUCKHIKU hashoeu quite sick lit St Andrew since II s-

9njnturn there Yo hup to set hint Immoagain In ii few days well II lid tutu rty

The IUXNKH has been nwtmled tinpHntlna uf tp tax safe of this inunty forthis year ulf you want to see thedollnfluent list send us sac MK oral fur a thnslxurtwulvu IIIJI1111e Milwrlptlon ThinHASXKH will keep you ported till varioustlllllR-

SFiomti private letter from Stutr Suiit-Sheals to Mr V T Horno we urn per-mitted


tll say that the Summer TrainingSchool will Incubi here coinmeueliiK

uinv hut Our Iltlww should clve SuptLuckey and tilt school tlielr undividedsupport We look turns to InterestI IIR school

Wo hull u pleasant call lust Xiturdifrom Col d II Iennrd a prominent taimar of Camphelltoiitlie Informs us thnthe has been quite lousy dtuing tau lasttwo months scttlns t1 hogs In rendlnefor his comlnc crop He will run Ii pinsthis year and If seasons uru good willnmko a largo II 111111 lit r or stnll he Is II

progressive fnrmiT may his brlizliteihopes bn realized Is or wish He rcmemhard thin HANXKK tlimnclnlly

A ward to the wise Is fmihVlent nmlword from the wise should l ii nrtleh nt 10111

you a k who me the wise Thse whoknow The oft repeated expiTlencHoftins-xvoitlit persons innj hctnkeuforknnwlcd-Mr tV 3L Terry says Cbiunberhilns ConsRemedy gives better untUfacIdii than an-

other In the nnirket He has heen In tiletlrus business nt Klkton Ky for twelyears haM gold hundreds of bottles of Ihlsremedy and ready all other coughunedictoniriiiufiirlurcd xvhlet shows concltuhelthat ChninbulainH IB the most sallsfuclorto the i 0ple and Is the host For tulv li-

II II lUllainy and J It Furrier I


The following parties were hero from

the places nl+ mad to attend the Uran-

LouV meeting I 00 T which unit tierWednesday


DK KtiNiAKR W Stori J W How

ers DUll McLcod K R Sprague Mrs

W H HttrdlcV Mlsi Hurtle Morris MnC O Audren-

sRucllEnANNttoss Katie MeKear

Miss Abble L Campbell MisS Mary Camp-

bell N C Morriso-n1VdlimxamxC E Levnlra-


L M Rhoda U C T Milton KlaO U Rogers Grand Secy De Kunlak

I Wm RoRersfjrand ChIlJllalllIIlIlIlak-


No 21lhat we return our heurtfel

thanks to the members of Excelsior ludp

for their kindness and hospitality In car-

Ing for us while In their midstI R W Storrs

For Grand Lode


That the fraud Lodge 10 n T re-

turn tilling to Chlplev Baptist church

for the use of their building fur our meet-

Ing R W StorrsFor Grand Lodge


Tullahassee Aprll4 Adjutant CenerI

al Houston has Issued the following grit

Lral order No 10 Commanders of com

unities are hereby directed to uso all dill

their command to tingvnc to recruitfull compliment allowed by law


A X murk with blue pencil moans that

ynut lIhscalption has Just expired a XI

mark with red pencil Is for a year or more

due and If not noticed the paper will lieI

discontinued Thus Is a political year

several county offices hi airto hi tilled

delinquent tux listMUit to see tillyou

things or public In-



To keep posted on allshould not ha without thi iLtN


nlI look for the X mark and give lured

to the wit ruing




H A KoMor has decided to perma-




desires loRuthlocate In Clilpley

Inform tho people of the town and sur-

roundlnK country that hi N fully prepur

kinds of Dental Work reekrd to do all

specialty of extractlnp and makingIlug a

hits offlru at the ofhceartllUltl tenth

I door tu > Anextof Dr K C WilsonclOSSwork atrpu5an

Cooks Store First

able priers Is cuarantecd-

KIIKllMATHMtTUKPChmnl eluhts twin


My wife misuse relief madrheunamlattt ss Ith groat

Italm 111 ilnimeuterdllmllHlId IIIIA u qI ono It fa-


hot <ebold uAeand other

for thcunttibut vniduhleH 1

hwehave rotund itrack Y-

MrCuvIEiI Rrvt thelesdiugmereflnnts

ruler I 011101

uM o e uf the most11111I1

W < t In 1111 SmniroinlntbloWiMy

For salt Ly It

Editor lieu irrrltK irlorIldlllily Iii d1

JIJSI FROM SWEDENlast summer Mr Nudeuhuri of Sw

dn visited West Flnrldix with a view ulpurvlmsIiiK a large bolt of laud on ruleto locum u colony ire looked over Hseai-rhIaSintii Rosa Vnltoiiund Wnvhlnuto-ciiiiii Its While here In company withMr A J iiitj uud Charlie Setlorllud III

lunked well iir the southern pun of tlf-

lIountv tumid left well pleased lie tutu nturned to hlshome country promising III

return I

In fulfilment of this promise Tnesda-

In In toot puii with two other Ientlflnrnand two young ladles arrived and hurt


ceeded to I ny Fin n hick place will h

tlielr future hump they say they are petfectly sntMicd with WashlngUm countThis only till beginning two hum ndremore Is to soon follow

runs havo bought lands of Mr Gay

and will settle near there They are u

thrifty welltodo lot of people and w-

weleomn them to our county Charlie drsci ve > credit for his energy and effort tnto Induce thorn to come over here W

wish them well and hope that theirovor I

undertaking may bo u complete succesWill glye thin prunes of thn parties Jllstl

arrived ns soon aster can get them and

Ialso will give names of tho others wit


are to follow

ii v ilinn t uruvrr-luli CH5ciiis CnndyCatbartla ICio oriXC

CC r iri d1 finiil inonov


The town Duncan today what tlv

years ago was nearly a wilderness Is Ullrof tho most thrifty In the county Only n

few years ago Mr W A Duncan Mr rhus-

I Owens and a few others lived thero nothey have a well kept post often lur-

turpentlnuI distillery numerous houses

well cultivated farm and In all It Is thoI most progressive place In thin count 3

This runsformatlon was brought almaby thin energy of Messrs Duncan Owem

und a few others Wo wish those pooplthe best of success with there now town

X Y Z-

alunbleI to Women-isuerially valuable to women Is Browns

Ira Killers Backache vanishes henduchSaiiieHr > tfiiglh takes he ofreiknrt anil tin of liiulth rcudillines to tutu pallid cheek when this wonlrful remedy taken For sickly clilUlrt-irnrcrwnrktdmenll hasnorqunl Nu humelimld lie wllliont this fninnns remedy

sIron hitters Is sold by all dealers


Tim County Commissioners and SchooHoard was In session Monday AmoniIto business transacted by thin Com nils-ilonersI wits the awarding of tho prlutliifIIf delinquent tux list which wont tothll IlANVKK

Mr Eil Evans commissioner from PtkVashlngton could nut moot with tinliourd this time

Mr W II Fuller of Pt WashingtonUtended Commissioners court

Mr Emmons of St Andrews editor ofhe Iluoy was among thin visitorsDeputy Sheriff Allen tins ton boarders

it present Some of them say they wanthe Insurgents-

igut fartholrlmidnpmtdeneeasthowoaiIke that butter tuna n

Messrs Wlckhlserand Huntlngtou wll-

toon Jones resldenco and foil-

IngI cnmpletro then ho will come willils familyIhn Klna Naval Stores Co urn doing r

uistllng businessThe Strainer Vernnn brought II

urge amount ot fertilizer and other goodon her last trip

Capt J C Davis of the stealuier Vernonills hen with us n few days

Mr H E Collins tumid of tinfcrnon spent several days hero tillsleekMr11 Iohlp has his hands full

ooklni after Increasing businessMcK Campbell Is still working hard at

my mallllJn helps keep till handsip

A Q Jones was with us nil this weekI ho tux books close May 20th and ho has

u lot of work to du-

Judge melvln has quite a lotof business10 niter now

Clerk Lassltter minus not have much Idleline now days

W 0 Hutler Etsqr of Chlpley waore MondaySheriff Allen Is getting things In shape

or the spring term of CourtT C Jones put In hIs apperance Mon

tidyQuite n large crowd from tho countr

was burn Monday attending the meetlmof the Commissioners and School Board


Look HereJ Q-

Havf you seen that new lotof Underwear


has just got In I tell you thoy arc beau-

tiesHo has al-


tad he sells thorn cheap

the bht line of Clothing at the lowest

prier I ev < r saw tad Shoes and Hats

they are so cheap that you cant help but

down there and get abuy I am going

good Flour It Is thehalt barrel of thatbrat I over saw and oh so cheap

I He has the finest selection of Pants In

I Suspenders to hold themtown and good

HnwHlBl yoa 3 spools of ThreadIUJI forgot no excuse

for lute so now youveanti that rid

wearing those torn pants

shirt split up the back25 cents you

Remember too that everywhich cull

spend with him gets tx ticketat that Hikechanceties you to uIII

Go W stn him at onceawayhs giving L01Vand get the benefit of thus e EXTRA


PRICESi trrnflnIemlxr th place

II L FAKlllOttSI Or the IliucK STORE


= =


Art AfijentaforTill GKLKHIt-

ATICDHamiltonBrown ShoesThe New Home Sewing Machine

Clauss Shears and RazorsKvery pair Imiurlndc d satlsfnctorv nrnmnuy refunded I

The Featherbohe CorsetsTlint take Anierleiiu Beauties

Chattanooga Plows and PartsI

Sterling ClothingTlint rats anti We-



FlourWhich we UuirantH the llnesl on the market

Reel Snapper TobaccoThe Mayfield Pants

WuHnaranten ihnn allwool Filling

PfOj alt these goods our prices arc tljc Xowes-







Buyers from the Indian Territory amI

jn Western Florida purchasing M th-



cattle obtainable It Is said tliny unpaying good priers

The first shipment of twenty carloads

lIIl1tllrt from Mnrianna over the Loutsvllle timid Nnshvlllo road tomorrow for I

Wagner 1 T f

ITills shipment wlllho followed on April

irth by n much larger movementsixty-carloadswhlelt


are to be sent forwardfrom ChllItr-

OthH shipments are to follow

Tills demand fnr their cattln has opened

the eyes of the Western Florida cattlemen mind they will engage In thn Industryon n much larger scale than ever before

IVnsacola News April

Whcro oh whero morn tho street lumpsI

We dont ask the Marshal we ask theCity Fathers 1

Duncan Fla April II tis-


Everything Is moving on smoothlyhero I

I Thin turpentine tlrm of Leach McColskey Is moving to the root nowthey arc doing a lot of work here

Tho farm of Mr W A Duncan Is onnbest In this part of the county amid hisral en Us thu best to ho anywhere-

Wo want to know down hum lousy It Is

that a man tho Hoard of County Commis-

sioners¬ I

shall say how muc1 tax wo arc towhen tutu name Is not on thn tax

Cay Did he como n thousand miles todlctnto to us Let those who govern uspay part of the burden More noon



The solo Interest In tho public mind Is

that of war You cannot speak to n man

for a minute without mention of warWar Is thin byword and tho word of greet-



as mOil pass each other every dayOno cannot hold their attention long to

anything but war It seems to have per-



thorn Irrevocably this u sign-

of wars Imminence Unless a newspaper-

Is crammed with war news or war Infor-



It Is unspeakably dull and un-

InterestingWho yould havo thought a few weeks

ago that this sentiment would spread so

widely Is It to bo war Is tho questionwhich keeps many uf our born lighters

snake at night nnd restive In the dayAs for tho timid thn question affects themIn a very different way

And the men whose bread and buttedepends upon peace are none the lestroubled and distracted If only the do

cislon would come the situation would

become less Intolerable

Two Mlllloni a YearWhen people nnd buy again i-

incitiiH theyre satisfied The of tinUnited Stolen are now buying ClRCnrct-

arlll Cathartic at the rate two nulhoiI-

KUCS n yeorntd it will be three million be-

fore New It menus merit prwcd-tlint Cn nrctn ore the nioxUWlightful liowfnKn1nnr fur everybody the year Alldi ugeists1 ° V e ubox cure guaranteed

FOH 0 1 KUFIKI Y YEARSTin Vlnnlow Soothing Syrup has been

med by million ol mothers for their urldun while ictthliic with perfect successIt sootbeS ihn child softens thin guns nllnysnil curs wind colic and Is the best-remedy for lilnrrhoe It will relieve themorlittle snfliTC linmcdlntely Sold by

lruirlst In eve y pnrtoftho iV aMittle HeBtiro mini ask or Mrs Wlnslowt-v otlilin Hynip und take no iihe lord

Oitjf Tonsorial TorELoo Thomas Propr-

My prices urn10 centsSUAVE20 centHAIRCUT



trade solicited ulso

Only First iJluss Work Dune

In Circuit Court ofWIltIII1 IOU County Klnrli

W K lUll Complalnuit 11111-1to for

PULLS ANN OIASS Defendant r 11orcoTIlt ilt fundnnt In the nlmvu mated cue

on the Jiul div> of slay A x188 Is Illrellriviiulrcd to appenr to the Comptnlnnnis billlien in tilt iDtnlniit her or the nlleuntliof Bind bill wlllbv taken as uonlVgMed I 11111

tided this order Is published In the ChipIttNNK fur the perlm of four cnneecutweeks hurler to sild bay

W lilies my bunch unit seal this the 1stday of April Al 18 S

Seal W ih LASS1TTKHClerk Circuit conrt

A U Canufuhaeli Sol for oniplt-

NOT1CB FOU PUBLIC ATKI lIIIOmlc at lalneHvllle Fill

April I IsiSNothio In hereby given that the fnlloxvi

mimed settler Iais tiled notice of his intllIthou to mane bout proof In support of hlclaim and Unit enid proof IC hefort Clerk Circuit Court nt Vernon Flit onMnySUt lstk viz < lad fates of Chlllle Kin d No ilfll bur the HU of N tSeeniTp 4 N It 14

He names the following witnesses 10

pi ova his continuous residence iii cn 111111

liiiltivatlon olsald bind viz J tin It M-

lli Lovl Yates Jr loCI Johnson JohnItUBh all of Chip lev Flit

J M MARCOEd fee paid Register


The best salvo In tho world for Clltsllrulses tines Ulcers StiltSores letter Clinpped huts chhbllllns

urns timid iltlklll Kriii llonHbndiiQsith-ly cures IlUo or no pny reqiilrid H-


to give satisfaction oriiiiiniy refunded 1 rite 25 cents per boxfor solo by J U Fnrrlor

1T AS mTllUSTVORTHY AND nctIve or Indies to travel-


esttibllHhid House In Klnrl-cMonthlvV500andexiengeB IOB tlouslly Enclose self mlcireettamped envelope Thu Dominion Compiy Dept R lilcngo

NOTICE Ktilt IUIILIOATIONLaud Rico at Onluesvlle Kl

March 21 It 8

Notice In hereby given that the followarmed settler hoe tiled notice ol his Inkiou to make in support of hisibilm and that said proof will bo miulu bcfore Clerk Circuit Comt at Miulnnni FIniil 7tb 189S viz IxiuU A ltoglsttof OrncevHIe Kii lid No 2J974 lur tnc

S Wji Sec J6 Tp 0 N 1113 VIto names the tallowing witnesses to

irovH hie continuous realdeico upon ondnltlvatlon of nulil land viz LIt MilesI Danford John Miller+ ol Orncevlllit M W VVilliatnH Chlplev FIll


l fee paid Ueglste

NOTICE KOIl IUIILIOATIONLand Oticu ut Unlucsville Fill

March 21 1803

Notice Is hereby eiven that the followii-nimwl settler huts tiled notice of hU lute

tlon tomske tlnul proof in support of l-

ilulni and thin said proof nn de b-

ore Clerk Clioult Court ut Vernen Flu on

I lay 7th IH S vizi Wllllnm D Morris at

hlplev Flat lid No 23147 for hoe K-



0 Tp 4 N IL 13 W-

Ile names ihe following witnesses t-oro his continuous residence Upon andultlvnllon of sold laud viz Jack t-

lliirfleldU H F Smith 0 Q Allen all 01

lilpley FlaJ M DAItCU-

d fee paid Itegitei

NOTICK 1OH IMHLIUATIONLand Ofllee nt GiilneBVllle Fl-

itFebS1et8Notice Is hereby given that the tollowln-inuU settler humus tiled notice di his talon

11011 to mo In support of bl-8clalmnnd hut said proofwlll be-

foro D D Melvin County Vernon

a00 April 10 1893 vl7 Jninni DanteSIlJIII of Vernon Flu lid No 2 1GI forth8 NWX Sec 28 Tp 3 N K 14 V

lie names the following witnesses teeve his cor tlnuoUB residence and

Itlvntlon of said land vizu W S Jones01 Vnusau Kla Henry MeKeltlicn K D

IfivT Lewis Onlner Vernon FinJ3IUARCU-



IIi ylrtu of two executions tram the ClrI-cull Court of XYnsliliiirlon county FloridnIn favor of Jnbu M Ilurper maul agAliietmen A Jordan I have day levied

lpon and will on Monday the 2nd duty of-

billiy A D78 H expose to public ante 10-

thu Ulgbe cub bidder before the Court-

hiJuee door In the town of Vernon In saidwithin the legal hours of sale the-

othngdescribedreal estate situated Into wit Thethe county

8 If of NM li tumid S Ki of rtrtJi less two-

Kcrl8 In 8W corner of I ha NEK of 8MK oilIn colon 18 Tp 1 N 1118 W

urthRKcr to pay fur deed1 U LLEN

Sheriff Washington Co his



OOPYRIOH78 Ac tAnyone endlnj a rketcli and description may

qolcklruo rtaln free whether an nCommunIcations tlrlMly-

conndeottat OaetarrencytnrrcuringftteetaIn America We have a

Patenti inica through Muou A Co tecclr-ip clal notice lha-

8CIENTIFIC AMERICANl1IaltratfOd lirirett ot

Anaelentlaolournalweetlytermrtains TurIIJO ill mouths tipeclmrn iIAxnUOOK os lUTEXTH Seat Addreu

MUNN 4 CO3U1 Broadway enr York <

P11OD11 Ii mAND

Commis ion CoVIlOlfeALK

Jobbers in all Kinds of I


ilECfAlTIES Irish unit Sit crt Io jtillS Cabling Onions Itutabnps licet-

itrmt Apples Ornlllotl Ilulter and i

hers until Ionltry nf nil klinUTHIS ISTIIK1LA < E-

IhNvSACOLA FliOlllUA I120 llnt tint eminent trout

Ponce de Leon House t

110 East IntendeittiaiS-tIctisncola





KxChlef Justice Atly mid ConStnte of FIt miHor at Lnw

Liddoii Eagai

Attorneys Counsel lors-At


Klnrldn j

cs Will tlce In nil the Courts of Firstlinticlnl Circuit ofFloridn In the United i

Shills Court nt ItMisncdln arid Tnllnbntstiuolii tho IHenln Counol the Santo nf-

nrldii Jud e llddon will give specialittention to liiislnifla In Wnslilnnloni-olnicK Jnckiin sad ndjolnlmr con ntlesilr KiiLiui will vivo spec nl intention to

hUHtlle8 In the United otittes cnrt


VKSTVILLK FLU1UDAHUM II years experience

Nee In Court house

D CABMIUHAEL11 Attorney at Law1Colloctlo08 a Specialty

lhipleo FIRI

NOTICE I ill1UIILiCATIONwLand UQIco nt Gainesville t hi

March 141898Sauce la hereby then but the loll wing

coned staler Inin lllwl notice of his Intentlon to imikn flush lriof Ii support nf his< liiini and that siild proof will bo mode be-

ueCleik Circuit Court ut VeMvilln Flit011 April OOlh 1t 8r Luxenln it liar111 MK Register of ilonlfiy IIIlId No

nil of X VJf and N MofSI <

8tc 34Tpfitf H 14 X-

VHe names the following witnesses to It

roxe his continuous residence upon timid

ultlvatlon of lIalit land viz J W llegls t

John Kills D L Hnrrcll B BJ liarelf nil of yonirav Fin

J M HAItCO-i fee puld Register

NOTICK IUHLIOATIONHind onico at Onlnesx flic Flu

Fehy 2818U8

Notice Is hereby given that the followingtimed settler Inxs tiled notice of his Intro

tlon to nmke flnnl proof tu support of hitlain nnd Ihat soul proof will bu made be-

fore Clerk Circuit Court nt Mnrlannn Fin-

on April Kith 1W18 viz Jesse ISmllhofhlpley Fin lid Xo 23041 for thu SW if-

Yr 8K of MWJi Section 14 Tp 0 N-

lleWnames the following witnesses in

rove hi continuous residence upon nodjltlvtttlon of Bull d hind tlz J K n lUrkIcr Lafayette Rlchler1 J Ollei K FDnv18 nil of Fin

J MnAIlLO-d fee paid Itexlstrr-


All Indebted to J N Dnnlel desneer ore hereby notified to settle thu

nounts owe with me nl outer If 9

more convenient you may make payrnentto Mr W A Mnxwrll at Chlpley< Ice Puts mntteryour Imnledinte attentlinIILd thus save further IIIHIIIIIUCO-


II MlLTdVJrAdair EstI N Daniel

1205 Mariunnn Flu



Land omen nt Oamesvllle FlitFebruary 21 IKW

Notice hereby given hut fjltowlngn red settler has Hied notice of Ids IntenlOIIIOlIIl1koflIIOI proof In support of hi-

claIm and that nntil proof will be made Il-

Ilote Clerk Circuit Court lit Vestvlllf Flaon April Jib iww viz Kllshn Acock of< ilwville l lu IM Mo 204 for thc Sjf of-

t8W X ec8 Tp 7 X It 14 W-

IIc names the following witnesses tovc his continuous residence upon old

clllllvutlon ofsnlillonlvlr WlllInlltC1 C Ittidd WMley Clark W 1

Voodwllrd nil ofConlsvlllp Flurji uAitao-



NUr1CEI and Oltlce nt Gainesville Flu f-



March 18tt

Is hereby given that tht ollolog-nnmld utttlcr hnsfllcrt notice of his lutetloll to niiiko mini nroot In support of hiM-

Cllllol and that MId proof will be made hen

foo Clerk Circuit Court at Ucstvlllo Fluon Isv lllh 181 viz Ullllum1 lteyi-

DfOraeuvlllp111 Fin IM Xo 20775 fur ktIhr tM ofSKJf NWJi of SKJl1 and tit Jt o-

fff I

toH sec 28 11 7 It HI tV

11 names the following wllnesHcS to tt f

0 Ins continuous residence upon nd-ClllIlnllon ofsald land viz 31 L ColIIlIl-lloorlo Kelly Solomoi Huxley Jobn J11111118 nil of Ornccvllle Fin

J bl UARCH-KcgUter
