Steps of Preparing Drilling

Drilling 1 (Pengenalan Persiapan Pengeboran) PERSIAPAN PENGEBORAN 1. Location Preparation (Persiapan Lokasi) 2. Equipment Mobilization (Pergerakan Peralatan Pengeboran) 3. Worker Placement (Penempatan Pekerja) 4. Rigging Up (Menegakkan Menara Pengeboran) 5. Installing of Supporting Equipment (Pemasangan Peralatan Penunjang) 6. Final Preparation (Persiapan Akhir) 1. Location Preparation (Persiapan Lokasi) Rata-rata lokasi pengeboran adalah lokasi yang berada ditengah hutan atau daerah yang belum terjamah sehingga perlu dilaksanakan penebangan pohon, pengerukan atau penimbunan. Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut : (1). Pembuatan jalan akses, (2) Pembuatan kolam penampung (pond) untuk lumpur (Mud pit), (3) Persiapan luang pengeboran (drill hole (cellar)), (4) Pemasanagan pipa Konduktor (conductor pipe (20-100 ft)), (5) Pembuatan saluran irigasi/buang 2. Equipment Mobilization (Pergerakan Peralatan Pengeboran)

Transcript of Steps of Preparing Drilling

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Drilling 1 (Pengenalan Persiapan Pengeboran)


1. Location Preparation (Persiapan Lokasi)2. Equipment Mobilization (Pergerakan Peralatan Pengeboran)3. Worker Placement (Penempatan Pekerja)4. Rigging Up (Menegakkan Menara Pengeboran)5. Installing of Supporting Equipment (Pemasangan Peralatan Penunjang)6. Final Preparation (Persiapan Akhir)

1. Location Preparation (Persiapan Lokasi)

Rata-rata lokasi pengeboran adalah lokasi yang berada ditengah hutan atau daerah yang belum terjamah sehingga perlu dilaksanakan penebangan pohon, pengerukan atau penimbunan.

Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut :

(1). Pembuatan jalan akses, (2) Pembuatan kolam penampung (pond) untuk lumpur (Mud pit), (3) Persiapan luang pengeboran (drill hole (cellar)), (4) Pemasanagan pipa Konduktor (conductor pipe (20-100 ft)), (5) Pembuatan saluran irigasi/buang

2. Equipment Mobilization (Pergerakan Peralatan Pengeboran)

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Peralatan Pengeboran (Drilling equipments) digerakkan menuju lokasi pengeboran baik melalui darat, udara bahkan menuju ke laut tergantung dari lokasi pengeboran.Pergerakan melalui darat biasanya menggunakan truk yang biasa disebut “flat bed truck“Pada lokasi padang pasir dilakukan dengan metode " Skidding", yaitu dengan menarik melalui pelat baja dengan roda besi, rig kemudian ditarik dengan Bulldozer.Jika pergerakan di darat tidak memungkinkan secara kondisi permukaan (geographical condition), pengiriman dapat dilakukan melalui laut atau udara.

Mobilization through the Air can be conducted if enabling to develop a run away track for landing of plane or helicopter .Pergerakan melalui laut dapat dilakukan jika lokasinya dapat dimasuki oleh Kapal Laut Secara umum Rig diletakkan di kapal “Barge” kemudian di traik tug boat.

3. Worker Placement (Penempatan Pekerja)

The Company Man : (Perwakilan perusahaanor “company man”) merupakan perwakilan dari Perusahaan (kontraktor/KKKS seperti Total, Chevron, Conoco, dll) yang diberikan hak atas wilayah migas. Mereka bertanggung jawab 24 jam dan tinggal di container , bertanggung jawab atas semua kegiatan, termasuk rencana pengeboran. Kemudian juga mengawasi keselamatan dan efisiensi dari operasi peralatan yang rumit dan mahal, kemudian koordinasi dari kontraktor services dan suply, dan membuat semua keputusan di lapangan selama operasi pengeboran.

The Tool Pusher (Rig Superintendent) mewakili kontraktor jasa di lokasi pengeboran. The tool pusher adalah Driller yang berpengalaman semenjak dari Helper hingga Expert pada operasi pengeboran dan peralatan pengeboran. Tinggal di Lapangan selama 24 jam dan mempunyai tanggung jawab langsung terhadap operasi pengeboran dan koordinasi crew pengeboran

The Driller : Mengoordinasi drilling crew dalam melakukan pengeboran sumur dan bertanggung jawab langsung ke tool pusher. Dia mengawasi crew dan prosedure pengeboran dari Meja Control (control console) di lantai pengeboran (rig floor).

The Derrick Man : Didalam perjalanan operasi pengeboran, ketika bagian dari pipa pengeboran keluar masuk lubang pengeboran, dia ditempatkan di ketinggian diatas rig floor, lokasi ini disebut juga “monkey board”.Dia juga bertanggung jawab terhadap kondisi cairan pengeboran (Drilling fluid) dan juga perbaikan terhadap sistem sirkulasi dari peralatan.

The Rotary Helpers (Floor Man) membantu driller dan derrick man selama operasi pengeboran. Paling kurang 2 atau 3 orang helpers untuk crew. Tanggung jawab utama mereka adalah merawat peralatan pengeboran.

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The Mud Logger : Tinggal di laboratorium portabel di lapangan, mereka memonitor tanah (Cutting), menganalisa formasi tanah ketika sedang di bor kemudian mendeteksi indikasi adanya minyak atau gas.

The Casing dan Cementing Crew : Mereka memasang, mengoperasikan, serta merawat peralatan yang berhubungan dengan proses casing dan cementing.

4. Rigging Up (Menegakkan Menara Pengeboran)

Rig datang di lokasi pengeboran masih dalam bentuk bagian-bagian. Kontraktor pengeboran dan crew nya melakukan pemasangan dan mendirikan menara rig dengan menggunakan alat berat dengan mesin tarik (heavy winch machine).

Secara umum proses Rigging Up ini terdiri atas Generally, process of rigging up cover some stage : (1) install substructure setelah membuat “cellar”, (2) Install prime mover dan draw work, (3) install overhead tools dan drilling line, and (4) founding the rig.

5. Installing of Supporting Equipment (Pemasangan Peralatan Penunjang)

Setelah rigging up, Pekerjaan dilanjutkan dengan memasang peralatan penunjang seperi pompa lumpur (mud pump), mud pits, etc dan memasang BOP (Blow out Preventer).

6. Final Preparation (Persiapan Akhir)

Menyiapkan lumpur pengeboran dan juga function test dari semua system pengeboran.

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2. Drilling 2 (Step pengeboran)


Drilling Operations

Summary of Work Program :1.Move in and rig up drilling rig.2.Mixing new mud3.Kill well.4.Pull out and recover downhole completion equipment.5.Plug back cementing.6.Make up BHA and Whipstock.7.Run to bottom.8.Open Window.9.Pull out to change BHA.10.Make up BHA MWD.11.Run to bottom.12.Directional drill 8-1/2" hole from 1330 m to 2150 m.13.Circulate hole clean prior to pull out of hole.14.Run logging.

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15.Wiper trip.16.Run 7" casing.17.Cement 7” casing.18.Wait on cement.19.Directional drill 6-1/8” hole from 2150 m to 2320 m.20.Circulate hole clean prior to pull out of hole.21.Run logging22.Wiper trip.23.Run 4-1/2” liner.24.Cement 4-1/2” liner25.Wait on cement.26.Perform casing scrapper run and circulate clean wellbore27.Perforate “A” zone interval 2198.5-2202 m.28.Rig down and move out drilling rig.29.Put well on stream and test.

3. Drilling Equipment


The Drilling SystemSistem-sistem ini berada dalam satu kesatuan unit Rig, menyangkut sumber daya, alat putar, sistem sirkulasi dari cairan pengeboran, dan juga keamanan dari adanya tekanan dari perut bumi. Secara umum terbagi 4 :

Power systemHoisting systemRotating systemCirculating systemBOP system

A. Power System

System of energy in drilling operation consisted of two sub-component, (1). Power Supply Equipment : yielded by machine - big machine which known as " Prime Mover"(2).Distribution equipment ( transmission), convert the energy that is needed for drilling operation.Transmission system can be conducted by one from those system, that are mechanical transmission system and system of electric transmission.

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Almost most available power at rig consumed by hoisting system and circulating system. Other system only a few

consume available power. Fortunately hoisting and circulating system do not need energy simultaneously, so the same machine can provide energy for both of system. Totalize common energy needed in a rig is 1000 until 3000 hp.Generally the activator source of modern the rig powered by internal-combustion diesel engine.In general, it can be classified as follow :1. Diesel-electric type2. Direct-drive typeDepended from method used for the energy transmission to various system at the rig.

Direct-Drive TypeMechanical Power Transmission ( mechanic energy transmission ) meant that energy yielded by machine continued mechanicallyEnergy is yielded by prime mover connected together with other machine to supply sufficient energy. It is conducted by hydraulic Coupling (Torque Converters), that connected together ( compounded).This energy is continued through elaborate sprocket and chain linking system (chain system ), in the physical distribute energy to unit needing energy. This system now is replaced by electrical transmission ( formation of electric power transmission).

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Diesel-Electric Type Mostly drilling rig now have used electric transmission system power which must be conducted through cable. This diesel engine give mechanic energy and convert to be electrics by generator attached in front of the block. Generator yields electrics current and conducted through the cable and transmitted to other device by " Control Unit" ( control cabinet).From control cabinet, electric power continued through additional cable to electromotor interfaced to other equipments system, like hoisting, rotary, Circulation system, lighting and other.

B. Hoisting System

Hoisting system represent one of drilling equipments component, functioning to give sufficient workroom for “tripping in” and “tripping out” of drill string and casing into/from the drill hole during drilling operationHoisting system is very important which this system getting or suffering of biggest burden, burden vertically and also burden horizontal. Vertical burden come from tower burden, drill string ( drill pipe and drill collar), casing string, tension of dead line, tension from fast line and also tension from the block. Horizontal burden come from puff of wind and also drill pipe leaned at tower. Burden which is because of this puff of wind is very influence hoisting burden system when drilling conducted at offshore, as in north sea field where wind speed very bigHoisting system is consisted of two sub- component, these are :

Supporting structure (Rig) :

SubstructureRig FloorDrilling tower ( Derrick / Mast )

Hoisting equipment :

DrawworkOverhead Tools (Crown Block, Travelling Block, Hook, and Elevator)Drilling Line Continue.

4. Drilling

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Substructure is construction of steel framework as platform attached above drill hole directly. Substructure gives workroom for workers and equipments below/above floor drill.Height of substructure is determined by type of rig and blow-out preventer stack. Substructure able to detain very big burden, that generated by derrick or mast, hoisting equipments, rotary table, drill string ( drill pipe, drill collar etc.) and burden of casing.

Rig Floor :

Rig floor is placed above substructure functioning for : (1). Accommodating small drilling equipments, (2). Place to stand up the tower, (3). Sitting of drawwork,(4). Workplace for Driller and rotary helper ( roughneck)This component is important in well depth calculation because point of zero drilling depth is started from rig floor.

The drilling equipments which be at rig floor consisted of :Rotary TableRotary DriveDraw workDrillers Console

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Make-up and Break-out tongsMouse HoleRat HoleDog HousePipe Ramp (V-ramp)Cat WalkHydraulic cathead

Cat WalkA walkway between pipe racks at base of pipe ramp, next to rig where pipe is laid out prior to

placement against pipe ramp

Driller Console The driller’s console is instrument center of rotary drilling rig.Its located on the rig floor usually near draw works. The console is the heart of the rig instrumentation system.The console provides the drillers with comprehensive view of what is happening in each of the major subsystem.

The console’s gauge usually provide information on :

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(1) mud Pump,

(2) pump pressure, (3) Rotary torque, (4) Rotary speed,(5) Tong torque, (6) suspended weight (weight indicator).

Mud pump stroke indicator measures circulation rate by recording the number of stroke or cycles being produced by the mud pump each minuteMud pump pressure measures pressure on pipe. Point of measurement originated on mud pump discharge manifold and stand pipe, also referred to as the “pump pressure” or “standpipe pressure”. Rotary Tachometer estimates relative rotary speed . Point of measurement originates on the drawwork or rotary drive. Also referred to as “ bit RPM” or “rotary RPM”Rotary Torque Indicator measures relative torque being applied by rotary table. Point of measurement originates under the rotary drive chain electronically.Tong Torque Indicator measures relative line pull being applied by cathead. Point of measurement originates from either tong or tong line.Weight Indicator measures weight of the drill stem suspended and weight being applied to the bit. Point of measurement originates at the dead line anchor.

The Derrick :The main function of the derrick is the part of hoisting system in providing vertical space for “tripping in” and “tripping out” of drill string and casing into/from the drill hole during drilling operation.Working principle of Derrick is to detain generated burden when “tripping in” and “tripping out” of drill pipe and casing in drilling operation, other burden arising out from drill pipe leaned to the derrick and puff of the wind as horizontal burden.

The Mast :

Mast have the same function with the Derrick, The difference is at process , where the mast can be rigged up as one full of unit, but the mast is installed part by part.

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Mast is rigged up above rig floor and close over rig floor partly, owning same job mechanism with Derrick. Mast is used for shallow drilling operation

Dog house

Dog house ini adalah sebuah kontainer sebagai ruangan di atas rig flor, juga bisa dipakai tempat berlindung.


Tongs ini berfungsi untuk meng-eratkan sambungan ulir antara pipa pengeboran


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Fungtion of drawwork :

Transmitting energy from prime mover ( power system ) to drill string during drilling operation.Transmitting energy from prime mover to rotary drive.Transmitting energy from prime mover to catheads to joint or free parts of drill string.

Crown Block :

Representing corps of wheel which used as place of circumference drilling line in drilling operation, below crown block is travelling block.

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Crown Block is installed above or top of the mast which it can be the form of pulleys, connected to travelling block by using drilling line, for lifting various drilling equipments. Crown Block work when drilling line pulled or degraded by draw work..

Travelling Block :

The block make a movement relevant with crown block, fluctuation moving vertically to lift hook block..Traveling block represent formation where drilling line is girded, this matter enable traveling block move fluctuately below crownblock and above rig floor.

Drilling Line

Drilling of Line has function to detain of burden suffered by hook when tripping of drill string, installation of casing and fishing operation...Drilling Line is located between crown block and traveling block controlled by Revolving drum. At drilling operation, drilling line has very important function to ascending - degrading and detaining burden from drill string. So the strength of drilling line is very important factor in order to able to be used at the drilling operation.

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Elevators has function hold drill pipe or drill collar joint by joint, so that can be entered or released from drill hole.

Hook Hook has function to suspend swivel and drill pipe (drill string) during drilling operation.Hook is located beneath the traveling block

LinkLink has function as link between hook and elevator.

5. Drilling

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The main function of rotating system is to transmit power to rotate drill string and give burden to drilling string above the bit.Rotating system consisted of Four sub-component :

(1) rotary assembly (2). drill string (3). The Bit. (4) Specialized Down hole tools

Rotating system has function for :Rotate drill string during drilling operation.Suspend drill string by slip that attached at rotary table when jointed or release parts/joint of drill pipe .

Rotating System

1. Rotary Assembly Rotary tableMaster BushingKelly BushingRotary Slips

2. Drill String :SwivelKellyDrill Pipe (DP)Drill Collar (DC)

3. The Bit :

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Drag BitRock Bit (Roller-Cone Bit) Diamond Bit.

4. Specialized Down Hole Tools :

StabilizerRotary ReamerShock Absorber

Rotary Table :

Generate power to rotate drill string through kelly bushing and kelly. Detaining drill pipe in hole when make up or release drill pipe. Speed of rotary table controlled by a driller with handle that exist in draw work ( driller console).Rotary Table located in floor of rig beneath crown block and precisely the above hole. Work with master bushing, kelly bushing to rotate kelly and drill pipe network.

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Rotary Slip :

As Holder drill pipe at joining or release of section of drill string.

Work Mechanism :When make up and releasing the pipe, the slip inserted into master bushing at rotary table in order to the pipe not fall when jointed or released.

Drill Pipe :

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Connecting kelly to drill collar and the bit.Giving long of length to penetrate to the deeper formationAllow to travel up and down of the bit.Transmit rotation from rotary table.To circulate the drilling mud from swivel to the bit..

Basic Type :Standard is used from the surface to the top of drill collars. The normal arrangement is drill pipe followed by drill collars above the bit.Heavy-Weight DP (HWDP) is used in special situation in place of drill collars where differential wall sticking and other down hole problems are encounter

Stand :•Drill pipe joint are usually connected and disconnected from the drill stem in section. This section are called “stands”. The Number of joints in a stand is determined by rig height and whether range 2 or range 3 DP is used.

Drill Colar

Giving weight on bit / WOB > 3 ton), so allow drill string in tension when drilling operation to keep hole straight (dog leg).Making rotation of Drill string stable (2-60 DC).Strengthen underside from of drill string in order to able to detain torsion

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StabilizerStabilizers are used in the “bottom hole assembly” to stabilize the bit and drill collars in the hole during drilling operations.

Improving penetrationMinimize possibility of broken (fatigue) to drill collar.Prevent pipe sticking

Shock Absorber

Shock Absorber placed underside of installation of drill collar to absorb vibrations and every shock load which possible happened when crushing the formation by the bit once drill interspersed (intermittent) hard and soft formation, so it reduce the possibility of damage of drill stem and the rig.

•Primary function Sock Absorber are to reduce : (1) drill collar and drill pipe connection fatigue and failure, (2) Shock loads on the bit, protecting teeth and bearings.

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