Steps for installing Asha Kirana Mahiti Application Word -...

Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation 1 Steps for installing Asha Kirana Mahithi Application. I. Deploying Database (1) Install Oracle 10G Software Double Click on OracleXEUniv in Oracle Database Setup Folder. (2) Copy Asha Kirana Mahiti folder & Dumps and Scripts folder to C:\ (3) Create Users & Grant access to Users a. Goto Command prompt Start -> Run -> cmd Type sqlplus Username : sys as sysdba Password : sys b. create user akm_master identified by akm_master; grant dba to akm_master; /* Here Sagar ULB is taken for illustration. Enter your ULB name in place of Sagar */ c. create user akm_data_sagar identified by akm_data_sagar; grant dba to akm_data_sagar; d. commit; e. exit Snap shot of the same is given below

Transcript of Steps for installing Asha Kirana Mahiti Application Word -...

Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation


Steps for installing Asha Kirana Mahithi Application.

I. Deploying Database

(1) Install Oracle 10G Software

Double Click on OracleXEUniv in Oracle Database Setup Folder.

(2) Copy Asha Kirana Mahiti folder & Dumps and Scripts folder to C:\

(3) Create Users & Grant access to Users

a. Goto Command prompt

Start -> Run -> cmd

Type sqlplus

Username : sys as sysdba

Password : sys

b. create user akm_master identified by akm_master;

grant dba to akm_master;

/* Here Sagar ULB is taken for illustration. Enter your ULB name in place of Sagar */

c. create user akm_data_sagar identified by akm_data_sagar;

grant dba to akm_data_sagar;

d. commit;

e. exit

Snap shot of the same is given below

Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation


(4) Import akm_master.dmp & run the scripts (grant_akm_master.sql) by connecting to the specific database [Location C:\Dumps and Scripts] a. imp [Type in command prompt in c:\imp] b. Username : akm_master

Password : akm_master c. Give the dump file path & press Enter key

import file : EXPDAT.DMP> C:\Dumps and Scripts\akm_master.dmp Import entire export file (yes/no:no> y

Snap shot of the same is given below

Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation


Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation


d. Type sqlplus /*Run scripts in grant_akm_master.sql */ e. Username : akm_master

Password : akm_master f. Open grant_akm_master.sql file in C:\Dumps and Scripts folder.

Replace ‘akm_data_ulb’ with the db user created as that of your ULB name and save. Ex: For Sagar ULB, replace ‘akm_data_ulb’ with ‘akm_data_sagar’. Copy entire file [CTRLl+A & CTRL+C] & paste it in command prompt [right click paste]

Snap shot of the same is given below

Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation


Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation


Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation


Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation


g. exit;

(5) Import akm_data_ulb.dmp & run the scripts (user_insert_scripts.sql) by connecting to the

specific database [Location C:\Dumps and Scripts] a. imp [Type in command prompt in c:\imp] b. Username : akm_data_sagar Password : akm_data_sagar c. Give the dump file path & press Enter key import file : EXPDAT.DMP> C:\Dumps and Scripts\akm_data_ulb.dmp Import entire export file (yes/no:no> y

Snap shot of the same is given below

Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation


Creating Admin user

a. Type sqlplus [Type in command prompt in c:\] b. Username : akm_data_sagar

Password : akm_data_sagar c. Open ULBs pdf file in Dumps & Scripts folder. Note down your ULB id. For Example Sagar

ULB id is 184 d. Open users_insert _scripts.sql file in C:\Dumps and Scripts folder. Replace YOUR _ULB_ID

field with 184 . e. Copy entire file & paste it in command prompt [right click paste]

Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation


Snap shot of the same is given below

Exporting Database Dump (Taking Backups)

a. Goto Command prompt

Start -> Run -> cmd

b. Type exp

Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation


c. Username : akm_data_sagar Password : akm_data_sagar

d. Give the path & name of the file where & how the dump should be stored in your system.

Export file : EXPDAT.DMP> C:\Dumps and Scripts\akm_data_sagar.dmp User to be exported (RETURN to quit) > akm_data_sagar Press enter for all steps

Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation


NOTE : akm_data_sagar.dmp is the backup file. This file has to be sent to MRC for migration.

Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation


Restoring the database (Backup)

/* This procedure is needed if the system crashes due to any S/W problem, you need to restore the database.

Reinstall Oracle 10G Software & create users as given in Steps I (1) (2) & (3) */

a. Copy the backup file akm_data_sagar.dmp to c:\

b. Start -> Run -> cmd

c. Type imp

d. Username : akm_data_sagar Password : akm_data_sagar

e. Give the dump file path & press Enter key import file : EXPDAT.DMP> C:\ akm_data_sagar.dmp

f. Import entire export file (yes/no:no> y

Asha Kiran Mahiti Software Installation


II Installing Application

(1) Copy Asha Kirana Mahiti folder & Dumps and Scripts folder to C:\

(2) Copy ‘run. bat – shortcut ‘ file to desktop.

(3) Double Click on ‘run.bat – shortcut’

(4) User Name : app_admin

Password: app_admin

(5) Do Settings as database is already created.

Under Town Database Settings correct username & Password to specific ulb data

Ex : User name : akm_data_sagar

Password : akm_data_sagar

(6) Save the settings

(7) If database setup is done properly you can login as admin according to your specific town admin ex : user name : akm_admin

Password : akm_admin

(8) In admin role, Create atleast two roles operator (akm_op_sagar) & Chief Officer/Commissioner (akm_co_sagar).