
Place image into Photoshop tab in A4 size. Set up Guide lines to have an idea as to where you will place your text in order to keep a neat presentation.

Transcript of Stepbystepfrontcover

Place image into Photoshop tab in A4 size. Set up Guide lines to have an idea as to where you will place your text in order to keep a neat presentation.

Filter the image using ‘Photo Filter’ option

Add masthead to the top of the image

Add issue number and date/ month. I have only added the month since my magazine is published monthly. Also, I have added the magazine’s website discretely at the sides of the images, below the masthead so that it doesn’t interrupt the main image.

Add the rectangles and circles that will contain your main sell lines using the shapes tool.

Then I begun to add the sell lines into the shapes.

I used the injecting tool to inject the main blue colour from my contents page so that the magazine has the same house style.

Add the plus symbol to indicate that the following articles are included in the magazine.

Begin to add the sell lines

Continue to add sell lines

I then added the name of the artist in the main image which would draw their focus to her mainly.

I continued to be creative with this idea, and make some sort of logo out of her name. I zoomed in really close to the letters, and added an extra rectangle onto the letter ‘Y’.

I proceeded to extend the rectangle since it was coming across quite nicely.

I then put the name of her new album within the rectangles.

I added another rectangle for an added effect.

I then added a quote said by the editors of New Wave magazine so that it sounded more realistic.