Step by Wicked Step Novel

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Transcript of Step by Wicked Step Novel

  • 7/31/2019 Step by Wicked Step Novel


    Chapter 1

    On a wild and stormy night, five students, Claudia, Colin, Ralph, Pixie and Robbo, are sent

    ahead on a school trip to Old Harwick Hall. Instead of taking the school bus with Miss O'Dell

    and their other friends, they have to ride on a minibus with Mr. Plumley, one of their

    accompanying teachers, to their destination. After arriving, they explore the building and find anold, hexagonal tower room with five beds in it. In the dark of the night, with no electricity due to

    the raging storm, Colin spots a door which leads to an old, abandoned room where they discover

    a diary of a young boy by the name of Richard Clayton Harwick. Prior to reading the diary, they

    wonder why they are put together in the minibus. They achieved the answer after eavesdropping

    on Miss O'Dell and Mr. Plumley's conversation - on Miss O'Dell's list, their names had ticks

    which indicate that they each had two different addresses on their permission slips, one for their

    mother's home and one for their father's home. Each child comes from a divorced family. Pixie

    reads Richard's diary out loud for the other children to hear.

    Chapter 2Richard Clayton Harwick's father is ill and this worries everyone in Harwick Hall. Before his

    death, he tells Richard to take care of his mother and sister, Lilith and Charlotte Harwick. After

    that, Richard only feels sad for his father's death, but also because his father had only thought of

    his mother and sister instead of him until the end of his life. Later in the story, Lilith marries

    Reverend Coldstone, an Anglican priest (he is not Catholic because he is not addressed Father,

    and he marries Lilith, Richard's Mother. Roman Catholic Priests cannot marry) who is cruel

    towards Richard but is very nice towards Charlotte. Richard is then sent to a boarding school

    called Mordanger School, where he is treated like a prisoner. He then decides to run away and

    sail all over the world. He comes back twice to Harwick Hall but never bothers to enter it or meet

    his mother and sister. He finally returns home after reading a print which states that solicitorshave something to his advantage back home, discovering from a letter Charlotte had written

    before her death, that his family had been searching for him until the end of their lives and how

    Reverend Coldstone had turned out to be a very bad man. His decision of whether to stay or

    leave Harwick Hall remains unknown while leaving his green diary back in his tower room. And

    then they discover about Richard's story .

    Chapter 3 - Claudia's Story: Green Pyjamas

    Claudia starts telling her story to the other children: Claudia's parents quarrel a lot until her

    father decides to take his things and move away to his mother's house. One night, there is a floodof phone calls, and for the first time, Claudia hears the name Stella, her dad's new girlfriend.

    After that night, Claudia's dad dare not visit nor come near the house anymore, but only talks to

    Claudia over the phone. On D-Day, Claudia meets Stella for the first time and thinks that Stella

    is a plain and mousy person. After a row with his mother, Claudia's dad then moves into Stella's

    house. Later, Stella gives Claudia a pair of beautiful green pyjamas as a late Christmas present

    even though Claudia is always rude and mean to her. One evening, Claudia's dad and Stella

    holds a dinner party to celebrate his thirty-seventh birthday. During the dinner, Claudia's dad's

  • 7/31/2019 Step by Wicked Step Novel


    friends ignores Stella as they think that by doing so they would be loyal to Claudia's mum.

    Claudia felt sorry and went downstairs to thank her for the green pyjamas and thus making her

    point to the dinner guests that Stella is a wonderful person.

    Chapter 5 - Ralph's Story A Tale of ThreeStepmothers

    Ralph has two brothers, two half-brothers, one half-sister, three stepbrothers, one stepsister,three

    stepmothers, one stepfather, two step-grandmothers and a step-grandfather. Living in a big

    family is no joke. After school on Mondays and Thursdays, he goes directly to Dads place. Hismum or his step dad,Howard sends him. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, he goes straight

    to his Mums place. At times,he will be lost not knowing where to go. The lunchboxes help. M

    for Mickey Mouse and Mum, D for Dumbo and Dad. If he is lost, he has to look at his lunch box

    to confirm his destination. Edward and George are his brothers. The boys liked Annabel,

    stepmother No. 1. The only problem was she never left the boys alone with their dad.Edward andGeorge hated this. Dad and Annabel spent all their time kissing and cuddling. Annabel was

    always on a diet. She disapproved of coffee. So the boys had to drink Dandelion tea every

    morning. She loved to read out her star sign forecast in the mornings and again in the evenings.

    Sometimes, she even tried to look at Edward and George to tell their aura. However, the boys

    would deny anything she said.Yet, their dad would not feel embarrassed.One day, Brandy,

    Ralphs cat was sent over as their Mum was varnishing the hall. The three boys took Brandy in acage. Edward had made it from a broken milk bottle crate and bits of wire. Annabel was annoyed

    and blamed them to be cruel as Brandy did not have room to breathe. Dad distracted her by

    pointing out that they were out of bread. Annabel insisted in baking. The poor boys were starving

    to death.So, they went to the shops. They boys ate three large loaves and before they came home,

    they brushed away the crumbs. Dad was praising of how the dough had risen.When Annabel left

    it on the table, Brandy leapt up on the table and sniffed the dough. Then, Brandy lift edits paw

    and patted the dough. Next, Brandy curled himself comfortably into the dough. Annabel went

    mad.Dad tried to stick up for Brandy. The spell between Annabel and Dad was broken. In the

    end, Annabel ranoff with someone and Dad searched high and low to get the divorce papers

    signed.picture. Edward met herlying on Dads patio with hardly any clothes on. She had thecheek to tell Edward to cover up as she was enjoying the sun. George met Flora when they went

    shopping. Flora was dumping treats like strawberries,kiwi fruits, waffles, Belgian chocolates into

    the trolley. Dad was looking