Step by Step Lsmw Tutorial 101208040548 Phpapp02

LSMW LSMW Legacy System Migration Legacy System Migration Workbench Workbench

Transcript of Step by Step Lsmw Tutorial 101208040548 Phpapp02

LSMW LSMW Legacy System Migration Legacy System Migration


Legacy System Migration WorkbenchLegacy System Migration Workbench

1 PrepareMe

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3 ShowMe

4 LetMe

5 HelpMe

LSM WorkbenchLSM Workbench

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What is Data migration?What is Data migration?

• In an SAP R/3 implementation the data from legacy In an SAP R/3 implementation the data from legacy system (non SAP R/3) needs to be transferred to system (non SAP R/3) needs to be transferred to the SAP systemthe SAP system

• Periodic data transfer between R/3 and other Periodic data transfer between R/3 and other system (interfacing) is also requiredsystem (interfacing) is also required

• Both of the above form a part of data migrationBoth of the above form a part of data migration

Significance of data migrationSignificance of data migration

• Data migration comes in the end of R/3 implementation.

• To start with Data Migration first configuration should be fully completed

• Data migration is about 20% to 40% of the total implementation expenses.

Data migration toolsData migration tools

The tools for data migration are:-The tools for data migration are:-

• BDC (BBDC (Batchatch D Dataata C Communicationommunication))

• LSMW (LLSMW (Legacyegacy S Systemystem M Migrationigration W Workbenchorkbench))

Difference between BDC & LSMWDifference between BDC & LSMW

• LSMW offers different technique for migrating data: LSMW offers different technique for migrating data: Direct input, BAPI, Idoc, Batch input recording. Direct input, BAPI, Idoc, Batch input recording. While BDC basically uses batch input sessions and While BDC basically uses batch input sessions and CALL TRANSACTION method.CALL TRANSACTION method.

• Limit on number of records which can be uploaded Limit on number of records which can be uploaded

in one session of BDC (999 records). No such limit in one session of BDC (999 records). No such limit in LSMW.

• LSMW is more to do with configuration while BDC LSMW is more to do with configuration while BDC involves programming. involves programming.

LSM WorkbenchLSM Workbench

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What is LSMW?What is LSMW?

• The LSM Workbench is an R/3-based tool that supports you when transferring data from

- Non-SAP systems ("Legacy Systems") to R/3 - Once or Periodically.

• The tool supports conversion of data

• The data can be imported into the R/3 system via - Batch Input - Direct Input - BAPI’s - IDocs.


The LSM Workbench is a tool that supports data transfer from non-SAP systems to R/3. The main functions of the LSM Workbench are:

- Import data (legacy data in spreadsheet tables and/or sequential files)

- Convert data (from source format to target format)

- Import data (into the database of the R/3 application)

Principles of LSM Workbench

• Basic Principles of LSM workbench:-

– Most of the functions should reside in R/3. No collection of individual programs on different platforms.

– The quality and consistence of the data imported into R/3 should be more important than speed and performance of data migration.

– Existing knowledge and coding should be used.

– The developed ”mapping" and rules should be reusable and thus be used repeatedly in projects.

Features of LSMWFeatures of LSMW

• Features:-

Integrated in R/3 and thus independent of individual platforms

The import technique to be used in an individual case, depends on the business object as well as on the availability of standard input programs

Data consistency due to standard import techniques: Batch input Direct input BAPIs (Business Application Programming Interfaces) IDocs (Intermediate Documents)

Structured way of working, because you have to finish every step before starting the next step

Graphical representationGraphical representation

Pre-requisites for LSMWPre-requisites for LSMW

• Make sure that SAP customizing is finished.Make sure that SAP customizing is finished.

• Run the relevant transaction in the SAP system manually Run the relevant transaction in the SAP system manually with test data from the legacy system and see which fields with test data from the legacy system and see which fields must be filled. There may be required fields that do not must be filled. There may be required fields that do not correspond to data fields in the legacy system. In such a correspond to data fields in the legacy system. In such a case, one should better assign a fixed value or establish an case, one should better assign a fixed value or establish an optional field for data transfer.optional field for data transfer.

• Map the fields in advance in written form: Assign the source Map the fields in advance in written form: Assign the source fields to the target fields.fields to the target fields.

• Determine the form in which non-SAP data will be transferred Determine the form in which non-SAP data will be transferred into the SAP system (e.g. via "Move" or according to a rule).into the SAP system (e.g. via "Move" or according to a rule).

Import methods…Import methods…Preferred methods of input are described in order of preference:1. IDOC’s

Advantages: Fast to load, easy processing, low programming for standard IDOC’sDisadvantages: Good knowledge of IDOC processing required, time consuming if changes have to be made to a created IDOC

2. BAPI’s

Advantages: Fast to load, easy processing, logical interface for functional/end user based on the business processes involved.Disadvantages: Not always complete with all input fields of a transaction

Import Methods…Import Methods…

3. Standard/Direct Input

Advantages: Well tested method, Fast to load, easy processing.Disadvantages: No enjoy transactions, not always complete with all input fields of a transaction.

4. Batch Input

Advantages: Easy modifiable, all fields are available, easy re-processing.Disadvantages: Comparatively slow, to use new screens or tabs a new recording has to be created, not easily usable for enjoy transactions, dependant on user settings, difference in foreground and background processing may occur.

LSM WorkbenchLSM Workbench

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Getting StartedGetting Started

Here is an example showing the way to use the conversion tool LSMW in SAP. It starts in the start-up screen of LSMW transaction and ends with a screen on which the results of the conversion are displayed

If you want to create or change objects, make sure that you are working in change mode. To activate this mode, click Change in the corresponding processing step. Only this mode provides all functions required for changing objects

Step 1 - Enter transaction LSMWStep 1 - Enter transaction LSMW

Enter the transaction code (LSMW) or add this transaction to your favourites (right-click with your mouse on the Favourites map in the start menu and choose Insert transaction, type lsmw and press enter), since LSMW is an additional transaction, it is not available in the standard SAP menu.

Step 2 – project, subproject, objectsStep 2 – project, subproject, objects

At the initial screen, you can create a new project, corresponding subprojects and objects via Edit -> Create new entry. Alternatively you can select from an existing project

• Project: An ID with a maximum of 10 characters to name your data transfer project. If you want to transfer data from several legacy systems, you may create a project e.g. for every legacy system• Subproject: An ID with a maximum of 10 characters that is used as further structuring attribute• Object: An ID with a maximum of 10 characters to name the business object

Step2 contd..Step2 contd..

- At the initial screen, ‘All Objects’ provides a list of all projects created already.

- ‘My Objects’ displays a list of all objects you created personally

- ‘All Project Objects’ displays all objects of the selected project as tree structure.

- ‘Project Documentation’ displays any documentation written for the individual pop-ups and processing steps. You can print the project documentation out, send it and save it in various file formats.

- Select ‘Documentation’ to enter your notes. After clicking, a popup is displayed in which you can write down your personal documentation.

By clicking the button execute or pressing the F8 key on your keyboard you go to the object, you selected.

By clicking the button create a new object for the selected project and subproject with the name entered in the object field is created.

By positioning the cursor on an entry and clicking on the button documentation, you can add change or delete comments.

Initial ScreenInitial Screen

Administration - list of existing projectsAdministration - list of existing projects

In the initial screen, you can display the administration

functions via the menu path Goto Administration. Here you can find a list of all existing projects.

It enables you to create, process, display, delete, copy or rename projects, subprojects, objects and reusable rules.

By double-clicking on an entry you can branch to the entry display.



Subproject Object

Step 3 – ExecuteStep 3 – Execute

Once the project and subproject along with Once the project and subproject along with the object are determined we execute to the object are determined we execute to find the list of steps to be performed for find the list of steps to be performed for data transferdata transfer

Process stepsProcess steps

Process stepsProcess steps

• The number of process steps is dynamic and shall depend The number of process steps is dynamic and shall depend on factors like input methodon factors like input method

• By clicking the ‘By clicking the ‘User menuUser menu’ button one can select – deselect ’ button one can select – deselect the Process stepsthe Process steps

• To proceed through the processing steps one needs to start To proceed through the processing steps one needs to start from the first one and execute each of themfrom the first one and execute each of them

• A step can be skipped by selecting the next available A step can be skipped by selecting the next available processing steps’ radio buttonprocessing steps’ radio button

Maintain object attributesMaintain object attributes

Choose if the data

transfer is once or periodic

Choose method for input of data.

If Batch input recording is selected one can enter further recordings by clicking at the arrow

In the method to input data from a BAPI, one needs to select the Business Object and the corresponding method.

Application Toolbar in Process stepsApplication Toolbar in Process steps

User Menu: Here you can make an individual selection from the displayed processing steps. Pressing button ‘Main steps’ automatically activates all processing steps mandatory for a data conversion.

Numbers On or Off: You can activate or deactivate the numbering of the individual processing steps.

Double click = Display or Double click = Change: Here, you can determine whether display mode or change mode is selected by double clicking.

Object overview: Displays all object information for the selected object.

Information includes object information, source structures, target structures, structure relations, source fields, target fields, field mapping.

Action log: Displays a detailed overview for all processing steps already carried out. You can reset the action log via the menu path Extras -> Reset Action Log. This action is stored with a reference to the user and the date.

In the step ‘Maintain Source Structures’ you define the structures of the object with name, description and the hierarchical relationships:

Click on Change button. You can now define, change, reassign or delete structures. All these functions are available via pushbuttons.When you define more than one structure, a popup is displayed querying the relations between the structures: equal/subordinate?

Note: For migration objects created via transaction recording, you may only define one structure per recording, since only one flat target structure per recording is available.

Maintain Source structuresMaintain Source structures

Maintain source fieldsMaintain source fields

In the step ‘Maintain Source Fields’, fields are created and maintained for the source structure defined in the preceding step

Use source fieldnames with the same names as the target fieldnames as much as possible, because it allows you to use the ‘auto-field mapping’ function in step 5 ‘Maintain field mapping and conversion rules’.

Maintain source fieldsMaintain source fields Different possible ways of defining and maintaining

the source fields:

Make sure that you are in change mode and the cursor is positioned on a source structure or an existing source field

1. Create Individual source fields - By clicking on the button ‘Create source field’ you can specify the field name, field label, field length and field type

During data read, you can specify whether date values are converted into the internal date format (YYYYMMDD) and amount fields are converted into the calculation format (1234.56)

‘Selection Parameter’ can be set during Read/Convert data. If you select this indicator, the corresponding field is made available as selection parameter when reading or converting data.

2. Maintain Source Fields in Table Form – Clicking on the ‘Table Maintenance’ button displays the fields in a tabular format.

Maintain source structure… contdMaintain source structure… contd

Different possible ways of defining and maintaining the source fields:

• 3. Copy Source Fields from Other Sources : By selecting ‘Copy Source Fields’ displays the following options:

- Upload (Text separated with Tabs) – The source field description is stored in a text file the columns of which are separated by tabs

- Copy from Another Object – Source field can be copied from source structure of another object

- Copy from Data Repository – Source field can be copied from a structure in SAP Data Repository

- From Data File (Field Name in 1 Line) - Source fields can be copied from a data file which should be stored on the PC in the form of text separated by tabs and contain the fields in the first line.

Maintain structure relationsMaintain structure relations

In the step ‘Maintain Structure Relations’, the structural relationships between source and target structures are defined. The possible target structures are defined during the selection of the object type and the import technique

To define structural relationships, position the cursor on the field target structures. Clicking create Relationship button opens a window that displays the existing source structures for selection

If you want to change the relation, remove the existing relation first. In addition, you can use Check to check the structural relationships for errors

Maintain Field mapping & conversion rulesMaintain Field mapping & conversion rules

• In the step ‘Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules’, you assign source fields to target fields and define how the field contents will be converted

• All fields of target structure, which you selected in the previous step, will be displayed.

• For each target field the following information is displayed: - Field description - Assigned source fields (if any) - Rule type (fixed value, translation etc.) - Coding

Maintain Field mapping & conversion rulesMaintain Field mapping & conversion rules

Layout determinationLayout determination

The layout of the ‘The layout of the ‘Maintain field mappingMaintain field mapping’ screen ’ screen can be determined. i.e. we can decide whether the can be determined. i.e. we can decide whether the ‘Global data’, ‘Technical fields’ should be displayed ‘Global data’, ‘Technical fields’ should be displayed

Maintain Field mapping & conversion rulesMaintain Field mapping & conversion rules

To assign a source field, position the cursor on a target field in the tree structure and select Assign source field.

This displays a list of all available source fields for selection. You can assign the fields by double-clicking on them as well

Maintain Field mapping & conversion rulesMaintain Field mapping & conversion rules

After assigning the source fields, you define the After assigning the source fields, you define the conversion rules. The default rule is ‘Move’. conversion rules. The default rule is ‘Move’. However, you can select various standard However, you can select various standard techniques via pushbutton:techniques via pushbutton:

This deletes the coding assigned to the target field. In addition, source fields assigned to the target fields are removed as well.

The target field is assigned a fixed value

The data is transferred using ABAP command ‘Move’

A ‘fixed value object’ (variable) named FV_<fixed value> is assigned to the target field. This fixed value object is filled with an actual value in step ‘Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines’.

The target field is assigned coding carrying out field contents conversion using a translation table

Maintain field mapping & conversion rulesMaintain field mapping & conversion rules

By clicking this button, after clicking once on a target field (in blue), LSMW displays the list of available source fields, by choosing one the standard rule ‘move’ is used to link the 2 fields

By clicking this button, after clicking once on a target field (in blue), the source field is deleted from the target field

By clicking this button, the display of this step can be changed. There are possibilities to show or hide several aspects of the field mapping

By clicking this button, a syntax check is performed for the conversion program, generated from the field mapping

These 3 buttons, which are available for every target field, display the help function (‘I’), the possible entries (?) and the last one displays the documentation in LSMW

Maintain Fixed values, translations…Maintain Fixed values, translations…

In the step ‘Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines’, you can process the reusable rules of a project, which are defined at project level, so they are the same for all objects

Fixed value: Here you can specify the length, type flag for lowercase/uppercase and value in addition to the name of the field.

Translation: Here you can enter information on the source field and the target field. If you are creating a new translation you have to save data first before you can change it

User Defined Routines: This routine can be re-used in other objects of the project. The system adds in ‘ur_’ to the name that you suggest to use for this routine. It opens up an editor wherein you can enter your ABAP code

Process Step- Specify FileProcess Step- Specify File

In the step ‘Specify Files’, you describe all files to be used

If your legacy data is on the PC: In change mode, position the cursor on the line ‘Legacy data On the PC (Front-end)’. Select Add entry. A popup is displayed. Specify file path, file name and description and other properties

If your legacy data is on the R/3 server: In change mode, position the cursor on the line ‘ Legacy data On the R/3 server (application server)’. Select Add entry. A popup is displayed. Specify file path, file name and description and other properties

File for Imported data: Here, the file name is entered with file extension ’’.

File for Converted data: Here, the file name is entered with file extension ’.lsmw.conv’. This file will contain all your converted data after applying the conversion rules if any.

Process Step – Assign FileProcess Step – Assign File

In the step ‘Assign Files’, you can assign the file name in step 7 declared as source file to the target structure defined in step 2 .

If you click on the Assign File button, after clicking once on a target structure (in yellow), LSMW displays the list of available source files.

If you click on the Delete Assignment button, after clicking once on a target

structure (in yellow), the source file is deleted from the target structure.

Process step – read dataProcess step – read data

In the step ’Read Data’, the file specified in previous step is, as linked to the target structures in . Even though you can select a range of transaction numbers, the whole file is being read, only the amount of transactions written is influenced. So for tests it is easier to read all data and convert only a certain range, because in that step the program stops after finishing the range.

Process Step – Display read dataProcess Step – Display read data

In the step ‘Display Read Data’, you can display the read data, choosing to show all read data or an interval as shown above. The data are shown as the source structures, in case more source structures are being used in one transaction, the hierarchy of the transaction is displayed by the use of a different colour legend. By clicking on one of the lines, you proceed to the field level of the line, where you can check the read data as shown below.

Process Step – Convert dataProcess Step – Convert data

In the step ‘Convert Data’, works like the step ‘read data’, but uses the conversion program instead of the read program. You can define a range of transactions to be converted, at the end of this range the conversion program stops running.

Note: It is recommended that when you load big amount of data in production, load the first 10 records so that you can check and change when necessary.

Process Step - Display converted dataProcess Step - Display converted data

In the step ‘Display Converted Data’, you can display the converted data, choosing to show all converted data or an interval as shown above. The data are shown as the target structures, in case more target structures are being used in one transaction, the hierarchy of the transaction is displayed by the use of a different colour legend. By clicking on one of the lines, you proceed to the field level of the line, where you can check the converted data as shown below.

Process StepProcess Step

After the step ‘Display Converted Data’ the exact content of the next steps may differ, depending on the import technique that you have chosen in step 1. The steps displayed by the program for the different import techniques are:

Standard batch input or recording: Generate batch input session Run batch input session

Standard direct input:Start direct input session

BAPI or IDoc:Start IDoc creation

         Start IDoc processingCreate IDoc overviewStart IDoc post-processing  

LSM WorkbenchLSM Workbench

1 PrepareMe

2 TellMe

3 ShowMe

4 LetMe

5 HelpMe

Practical LSM WorkbenchPractical LSM WorkbenchExercise 1Exercise 1

Create LSMW object and upload Vendor Master data to SAPCreate LSMW object and upload Vendor Master data to SAP

1.1. Analyzing the test data (in attached XLS file) Analyzing the test data (in attached XLS file) select the appropriate upload methodselect the appropriate upload method

2.2. Develop simple LSMW object - No major Develop simple LSMW object - No major conversions requiredconversions required

Practical LSM WorkbenchPractical LSM WorkbenchExercise 2Exercise 2

Create LSMW object and upload Purchase Requisition data to SAPCreate LSMW object and upload Purchase Requisition data to SAP

1.1. Analyzing the test data (in attached XLS file) Analyzing the test data (in attached XLS file) select the appropriate upload methodselect the appropriate upload method

2.2. Develop simple LSMW object - No major Develop simple LSMW object - No major conversions requiredconversions required

Using Direct Input methodUsing Direct Input method

Using Direct Input methodUsing Direct Input method

• We now look at an example to change Customer We now look at an example to change Customer master record using the direct input method.master record using the direct input method.

• SpecificationsSpecifications::

ObjectObject : 0050 - Customer Master : 0050 - Customer Master

MethodMethod : 0000 : 0000

Program NameProgram Name: RFBIDE00: RFBIDE00

Program TypeProgram Type :B :B

Using Direct Input methodUsing Direct Input method

• Step 1: Enter transaction LSMWStep 1: Enter transaction LSMW

• Step 2: Enter project, subproject and objectStep 2: Enter project, subproject and object

Using Direct input methodUsing Direct input method

Step 3:Step 3: Enter the descriptions for Project, Enter the descriptions for Project, Subproject and Object as prompted Subproject and Object as prompted

Using Direct Input methodUsing Direct Input method

• Step 4: Click on execute. The process steps are Step 4: Click on execute. The process steps are displayed (the process steps displayed depend on displayed (the process steps displayed depend on the input method chosen)the input method chosen)

Using Direct Input methodUsing Direct Input method

• Step 5Step 5 : : Select the 1st Process Step “Maintain Object Select the 1st Process Step “Maintain Object Attributes” and select “Execute” and select ‘Standard Batch/ Attributes” and select “Execute” and select ‘Standard Batch/ Direct input’. Enter the data as shownDirect input’. Enter the data as shown

Using Direct Input methodUsing Direct Input method

• Step 6: Save and Click at BackStep 6: Save and Click at Back

• Step 7:Maintain Source StructureStep 7:Maintain Source Structure

Using Direct Input methodUsing Direct Input method

• Step 8 : Create source structure - XD02SStep 8 : Create source structure - XD02S

Using Direct Input methodUsing Direct Input method

• Step 9Step 9 : Maintain Source Fields: Maintain Source Fields

Click at the table maintenance icon, to specify the Click at the table maintenance icon, to specify the fields. fields.

Using Direct Input methodUsing Direct Input method• Step 10Step 10: : Maintain structure relationsMaintain structure relations

• Step 11Step 11: Execute, structures for standard object : Execute, structures for standard object ‘0050’ are displayed.‘0050’ are displayed.

Using Direct Input methodUsing Direct Input method

• Step 12Step 12: Place cursor at the target structure and : Place cursor at the target structure and click at create relationship icon click at create relationship icon

Using Direct Input methodUsing Direct Input method

• Step 13 - Maintain Field mapping and conversion Step 13 - Maintain Field mapping and conversion rulesrules

- Place cursor at the field ‘TCODE’ in ‘BNK00’ and - Place cursor at the field ‘TCODE’ in ‘BNK00’ and click at ‘Rule’ - Then choose ‘Constant’ click at ‘Rule’ - Then choose ‘Constant’ and enter ‘XD02’.and enter ‘XD02’.

Using Direct Input methodUsing Direct Input method• Step 14Step 14: Place cursor at the fields and click at the : Place cursor at the fields and click at the

‘Source Field’ icon to map with the respective field ‘Source Field’ icon to map with the respective field in the source. in the source.

The above is applicable for BNK00, BNKVV and all The above is applicable for BNK00, BNKVV and all the other structures assigned ‘XD02S’ in source the other structures assigned ‘XD02S’ in source relationrelation

Using Direct input methodUsing Direct input method• Step 15Step 15 : Specify Files : Specify Files

Enlist files wherefrom legacy data would be extracted.Enlist files wherefrom legacy data would be extracted.


Using Direct input methodUsing Direct input method• Step 16Step 16: Assign files: Assign files

The structure XD02S is correlated with the specified The structure XD02S is correlated with the specified file.file.

Using Direct input methodUsing Direct input method• Step 17Step 17: Read data from legacy files.: Read data from legacy files.

Using Direct input methodUsing Direct input method• Step18Step18: Display the read data: Display the read data

Using Direct input methodUsing Direct input method• Step 19Step 19: Create batch input session: Create batch input session

Using Direct input methodUsing Direct input method

• Step 20Step 20: Execute the batch input session: Execute the batch input session

Using Batch Input MethodUsing Batch Input Method

Using Batch Input MethodUsing Batch Input Method

• The Sessions method provides more flexibility The Sessions method provides more flexibility since user can record any transaction required. since user can record any transaction required.

• In the following slides we observe the differences In the following slides we observe the differences between the between the Sessions Sessions and the ‘and the ‘Direct Input Direct Input methodmethod’ for the same scenario – Change customer ’ for the same scenario – Change customer Master data.Master data.

Using Batch Input MethodUsing Batch Input Method• Create Project, Subproject and Object in transaction LSMWCreate Project, Subproject and Object in transaction LSMW

• Step – ‘Maintain Objects attributes’, select ‘Step – ‘Maintain Objects attributes’, select ‘Batch input Batch input recordingrecording’. Enter the recording name if a recording already ’. Enter the recording name if a recording already exists else create a new one by clicking at the icon exists else create a new one by clicking at the icon ‘Recording overview’‘Recording overview’

Recording overview


Using Batch Input MethodUsing Batch Input Method• Recording..Recording..

During the recording the system calls the transaction code During the recording the system calls the transaction code XD02 and prompts you to complete the Change.XD02 and prompts you to complete the Change.

Select at least one area of processing .

Using Batch Input MethodUsing Batch Input Method

• RecordingRecording

Default values

Using Batch Input MethodUsing Batch Input Method

• Process recordingProcess recording - Replace the default values in the previous slide with Field - Replace the default values in the previous slide with Field


- Double click on each of the lines to effect the change. - Double click on each of the lines to effect the change.

Using Batch Input MethodUsing Batch Input Method

• Rest of the steps remain the same as Rest of the steps remain the same as the ‘the ‘Direct input methodDirect input method’ other than ‘ ’ other than ‘ Maintain Field mapping and conversion Maintain Field mapping and conversion rulesrules’ ’

Using Batch Input MethodUsing Batch Input Method• Sessions methodSessions method • Direct InputDirect Input

The fields specified in the recording are displayed Fields part of

the structure available with Standard Object 0050

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

• We now go through a step by step process of We now go through a step by step process of realizing LSMW through a BAPIrealizing LSMW through a BAPI

• Details of BAPI used:Details of BAPI used: - - Business ObjectBusiness Object: BUS2012: BUS2012 - - Method:Method: CreateFromData  CreateFromData 

• Details of Message Type and Basic IDoc Type:Details of Message Type and Basic IDoc Type: - - Message Type:Message Type: PORDCR PORDCR - - Basic IDoc TypeBasic IDoc Type: PORDCR02  : PORDCR02 

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

• Step 1Step 1 : Go to transaction LSMW : Go to transaction LSMW

• Step 2Step 2 : Enter project, subproject and object : Enter project, subproject and object and click on Createand click on Create

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Step 3:Step 3: Enter the descriptions for Project, Enter the descriptions for Project, Subproject and Object as prompted Subproject and Object as prompted

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Step 4Step 4: Now select Settings : Now select Settings IDoc Inbound IDoc Inbound Processing Processing

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Step 5Step 5 :“IDoc Inbound Processing” screen appears. Enter :“IDoc Inbound Processing” screen appears. Enter the required details as shown below: the required details as shown below:

Step 6Step 6 :Click on “Activate IDoc Inbound Processing”. :Click on “Activate IDoc Inbound Processing”.

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

• Step 7Step 7 : Click on “Yes” when prompted for “Activate IDoc : Click on “Yes” when prompted for “Activate IDoc Inbound?”Inbound?”

• Step 8Step 8 : Hit on “Back” to return to the main screen : Hit on “Back” to return to the main screen

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

• Step 9Step 9: : Click on Continue (F8). Following Screen appears

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Step 10Step 10: Select the Step 1 “Maintain Object Attributes” and : Select the Step 1 “Maintain Object Attributes” and select “Execute”select “Execute”

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Step 11Step 11 : Select the radio button “Business Object : Select the radio button “Business Object Method” and enter the following details:Method” and enter the following details:

Business ObjectBusiness Object: BUS2012: BUS2012

MethodMethod: CreateFromData: CreateFromData

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Step 12Step 12: Save and click on BACK button. Following : Save and click on BACK button. Following information message is displayedinformation message is displayed

Step 13Step 13: Maintain Source Structure: Maintain Source Structure

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Step 14Step 14:Create source structure ‘HEADERDATA’ :Create source structure ‘HEADERDATA’ and a lower level structure ‘ITEMDATA’and a lower level structure ‘ITEMDATA’

Save and go back to main screenSave and go back to main screen

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

• Step 15Step 15 : Maintain source fields : Maintain source fields

Enter the fields as shown below:Enter the fields as shown below:

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Step 16Step 16:Maintain Structure Relations:Maintain Structure Relations

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Maintain structure relations:Maintain structure relations: - Select ‘E1PORDCR’ in previous fig. and click on CREATE - Select ‘E1PORDCR’ in previous fig. and click on CREATE

Relationship. Following screen appears:Relationship. Following screen appears:

-- Select HEADERDATA and hit ENTER. Do the same for otherSelect HEADERDATA and hit ENTER. Do the same for other structuresstructures

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

• Step 17Step 17 : :Maintain Field mapping and conversion Maintain Field mapping and conversion rules. Maintain field mapping as shown:-rules. Maintain field mapping as shown:-

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Step 18Step 18 : : Specify FileSpecify File

Provide the link for the test file. Maintain the same Provide the link for the test file. Maintain the same structure of the test file as defined beforestructure of the test file as defined before

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Step 19Step 19: Select ‘Assign Files’ & execute: Select ‘Assign Files’ & execute

Step 20Step 20: Read Data: Read Data

Step 21Step 21: Display read data: Display read data

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Step 22Step 22: : Return to main screen and select ‘Convert Return to main screen and select ‘Convert Data’ followed by ‘Display Convert Data’Data’ followed by ‘Display Convert Data’

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Step 23Step 23: Return to main screen and select “Start : Return to main screen and select “Start IDoc generation”IDoc generation”

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Step 24Step 24 : Process Idoc through the step ‘Start Idoc : Process Idoc through the step ‘Start Idoc Processing’ on main screenProcessing’ on main screen

Using BAPI in LSM WorkbenchUsing BAPI in LSM Workbench

Step 25Step 25: : Click on ‘Create Idoc Overview’ on the Click on ‘Create Idoc Overview’ on the main screen. Here the data record and status main screen. Here the data record and status record of the Idoc can be viewedrecord of the Idoc can be viewed

LSM WorkbenchLSM Workbench

1 PrepareMe

2 TellMe

3 ShowMe

4 LetMe

5 HelpMe

HelpMeHelpMeObject Overview

Complete overview of Data Migration object can be obtained from the Menu: Extras Object Overview

• Overview in List format• Overview in Table format

HelpMeHelpMeObject Overview cont…

• Overview in List format

HelpMeHelpMeObject Overview cont…

• Overview in Table format

HelpMeHelpMeSettings for IDoc inbound processingThis can be obtained from the initial LSMW screen Menu: Settings Idoc Inbound ProcessingSpecify the following:

• File/tRFC port• Partner Type• Partner Number

These can be maintained by clicking on the respective buttons on the right.

Click on the Activate IDoc Inbound Processing button after entering all thedetails above.

HelpMeHelpMeTo transport data migration objectsThis can be done in 2 ways:

• By generating a change request or• By import/export of a project from one system to another

From the initial LSMW screen Menu: Extras See screen print below

Help MeHelp Me

ProblemsProblems SolutionsSolutionsRecordingRecording

Fields cannot be seen in the field Fields cannot be seen in the field mapping after a recording has been mapping after a recording has been created.created.

Check to see whether the field Check to see whether the field names have been maintained names have been maintained correctly in the recording process.correctly in the recording process.

From the list of steps, choose From the list of steps, choose Maintain source fieldsMaintain source fields..

Check the names of the source Check the names of the source fields. If they are missing, double-fields. If they are missing, double-click on the corresponding field to click on the corresponding field to branch to the branch to the Change source fieldChange source field dialog box. dialog box.

Fill in the corresponding fields.Fill in the corresponding fields.

Confirm by choosing Confirm by choosing ContinueContinue..

Repeat the recording process.Repeat the recording process.

Help MeHelp MeProblemsProblems SolutionsSolutions The source file contains data in The source file contains data in one data record out of which to records one data record out of which to records are to be created after conversion.are to be created after conversion.

In step In step Maintain field mapping and Maintain field mapping and conversion rulesconversion rules, choose the transfer , choose the transfer record function.record function.

Error message during/after importError message during/after import See the object attributes to determine See the object attributes to determine which import program was used, and which import program was used, and search for documentation and notes on search for documentation and notes on this import method directly.this import method directly.