Step by step double page spread

Step by Step Double Page Spread Bethany Harvey

Transcript of Step by step double page spread

Page 1: Step by step double page spread

Step by Step Double Page Spread

Bethany Harvey

Page 2: Step by step double page spread

Step 1- Drawing DraftsBefore I started to develop my magazine and taking any images, I did 2 layouts in which I would like my double page spread to have. I drew these layouts, considering my target audience because I wanted it to be clear enough to read as well a looking appealing to the audience. However, I wanted this page to be full of information as this is the main story within the magazine and if this appeals to the consumers then their is a chance of repeat custom.I also looked at similar music magazines who have the same target audience as my magazine does, e.g. Q. From looking at other magazine layouts I saw that they used different techniques to make the title and the band stick out, e.g. Putting the writing within the first letter of the band name. Therefore, at this point I was trying to come up with some ideas that would appeal to the consumers.

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Step 2 Computer Based Drafts

After I designed my hand-drawn layout, I produced the layout on the computer of my preferred layout that I will be using for my magazine, so it becomes more clearer and I can use this as a guide for when I start producing my double page spread.I decided to use this one, because I wanted to make the double page spread appealing but informative, so that it attracts the target audience enough so that are interested in the interview as well as wanting to buy the magazine.

The fonts I have chosen to use are basic and easy to read. They also follow on from the front cover and the contents so there isn’t to much variation that the audience get confused. However, I have used some of the changed fonts and colours from the previous front cover and contents so that the magazine is relatable all the way through.

The colours are simple and don’t clash with the background or with each other. The colour scheme is continued within the contents page so the magazine can be noticed from any page within. The colours will vary with the text as the questions will be asked in blue and the answer in black, as you can see from the layout on the right. However, to keep with the rest of the magazines colour scheme, I have chosen to ask the questions in red instead.

The sizes are in order of importance, starting from the title of the band being the biggest so it stands out the most. After that, the text will be near enough all the same size.

The images will be varied in between the text as well as some of the quotes being bigger from the text. This is to attract the customers to read the interview and the images are to breakup the text to stop it looking like an essay.

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Step 3 – First Draft

After creating an exact replica from the computer based draft, the draft above was produced. However, you can see there are obvious changes that need to be made to make the magazine more appealing. The problems are;

• Images were to small• The larger image wasn’t edited good enough• The title of the band is to small• There was to much room for the quote in the middle• More text is needed• The page wouldn’t go on two pages evenly

After collecting the negatives, I decided to do a second draft and change what needed to be changed.

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Step 4 – Second Draft

After producing my second draft as shown, I still wasn’t satisfied. After looking at the bullet points on what needed to be changed, I planned out what needed to be done.

I decided to put more information on the page and make the images a little bit bigger, even though everything would still not fit on the page properly. I chose a different image of the band and only used one within the text, however this image I took and edited isn’t edited to magazine standards, therefore I feel I need to change this image. To be more creative I decided to change the style of the band title and make it relate to the contents. Also, I gave the interview a title in the colour scheme to make it easier to read and understand what the page is about.

For my next draft magazine I will be changing;

• The position of the band image• Moving the little image so it looks less edited • Possibly move the smaller image into the middle of the text as it looked better on the first draft• Have less stars as they make the magazine look young• Have a longer slogan • Use a different band image• Make it look more appealing

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Step 5 – Final DraftFor this draft I made all the changes I said I would from the previous draft (2) and also some other minor changes, i.e. Having a different font.

As you can see from the previous draft there are a number of changes that have made me extremely pleased with this one, that no more drafts will be needed. I have added the red border line, so it can bring out the red in the magazine. I have made all the changes I said I would previously as well as making a few minor changes. The minor change is having the 4 little images and moving the title of the band to the top of the page and the band image on the next page. The reason I did this is to be diverse from other magazines as the majority of magazines have the image on the left and the writing on the right.

I decided to leave my double page spread this way because it stands out more and the images and the text relate to the magazine genre as well as having a few extras that make the magazine more appealing,i.e. ‘Girl Power.’

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ConclusionIn conclusion, it took me 3 attempts to get the right double page spread that I was 100% pleased with. I used Macromedia Fireworks, Quark Express and Photoshop to produce this magazine. I feel it helped that I come up with a favourite layout even though my final magazine cover didn’t quite match, however working from the layout guide helped me see where everything could go and where it may look better. I think I have progressed excessively from the first draft and that is down to researching other magazine and getting some more ideas for my magazine and simply finding ways in which it helped the magazine looked more appealing to my target audience.

The colours in the end became more of a red, black and white theme and I feel this is because the magazine looks better when it has a colour theme, rather than loads of different colours as it makes the magazine more recognisable to the audience as well showing the type of magazine by using the colour red.

The sizes were a lot bigger than I anticipated at the start, but after seeing the sizes on the magazine I realised that my predictions were wrong and the title, band name and slogan need to be bigger, as well as different colours.

The images I used were better in the second and final draft as I edited them better in Photoshop. The outfits that the actors were wearing also made them stand out in the magazine. Learning from the contents and front cover I decided not to highlight the clothes red and make them greyscale and decided just to enhance the colour red to make it stand out more and this was done in Photoshop.

Finally, I feel the last draft was the best and therefore I didn’t make any more as I was fully satisfied. Also, I feel the best page of my magazine is the double page spread.