Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online...


Transcript of Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online...

Page 1: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select
Page 2: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

Step 4. Journals

Step 4. Find journal articles dealing with the topic of “Domestic partnerships” or “unmarried fathers”

Print or hardcopy versions of the South African Law Journals are found on level 1 of the library. Arranged alphabetically by Journal Title – De Jure, Obiter, De Rebus, SA Law Journal.

You may go directly to the journal on the library shelves, if you have a reference to a journal article, like:

Louis Harms. Plain packaging and its impact on trademark law.” De Jure, 2013. 46(2). Page 387-400.

Online: First use an index – this will give you references to the articles within the journals. The indexes we use are ISAP, Jhb Bar Library and ISALPi.

Choose ISAP (Index to South African Periodicals) and search for “unmarried fathers” in the ‘Title’ field

Go to Journals : Go to the Joburg Bar Library . This is a free database. Choose ‘Journal Article Index’.

Note for each result on result list the word “From” is followed by the Journal Title, e.g. Obiter, De Jure or African Law Review. Note the year, volume, page, etc.

Must also select format: Journal Article Index . Search for “unmarried fathers” or “Domestic partnerships. From the list of results – choose latest articles. See screenshots: 4.5 to 4.6

Open each reference and note “View Full Text Issues”

From : Go to iSALPi (Constitutional Court : Library ; Catalogue; iSALPi webite) Search in iSALPi. This is a free database for journal references. See screenshots 4.7 to 4.9

Select iSALPi from the tabs. Search for unmarried fathers.

Go to Sabinet Reference , Journal Articles and then to ISAP. See screenshot: 4.1 to 4.4

Page 3: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals

Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select the “A-Z list”; 4.10 Also use Jutastat- Juta’s Electronic Law

Journals 4.11 ; LexisNexis –Journals and SAFLII (go to Google) 4.12

Or: HeinOnline 4.13 to 4.14

( Use these to find the articles that you have found by searching in the indexes: ISAP, Jhb Bar Library and iSALPi)


A-Z list of journal titles, for example: South African Law Journal; Stellenbosch Law Journal; Mercantile Law Journal, Obiter, TSAR, THRHR.

HeinOnline has many South African Law Journals in full-text.

Also use SAFLII – a free database containing 8 South African Law Journals in full-text.

From note the list: “Where to find SA Law Journals” for the full-text access. See screenshot 4.15 to 4.16

Page 4: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.1 From go to Sabinet Reference – Journal Articles – ISAP

Page 5: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.2 Sabinet Reference – ISAP. Search for unmarried fathers in the Title field.

Search in the title field here

Page 6: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.3 Sabinet Reference – ISAP – results of the above search:

List of short records. Click on the title to go to the full record

Use the ‘My Action list’ for

email, download and print.

Page 7: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.4 Sabinet Reference - ISAP – a full record. Note also the View full text issues

Details of the article. Journal

title, year, volume,

author etc

View full text options. Note

that not all journals are

full text nor all years.

Page 8: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.5 Johannesburg Bar Library: select Journal Article Index

1. Select: Journal article


2. Select: Journal article


Enter search terms: e.g. Domestic partnerships

Page 9: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.6 Johannesburg Bar Library – search results for ‘Domestic partnerships”

Use “Details” to see the full record of the article

Page 10: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4,7 Constitutional Court of SA website: Go Library and then to iSALPi.

1. Select iSALPi

2. Search here for the example: “unmarried fathers”

Page 11: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.8 Constitutional Court of SA website: List of results for the search for “unmarried fathers”

Use details to see more info on

the reference

Page 12: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.9 Constitutional Court of SA website: See the full record – click on “Catalog Record”

‘Catalog record’ for full details on the reference

Note the journal title, year, volume and pages for this


Page 13: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.10 Sabinet: SA ePublications. Full text articles from some of the SA Law journals can be found here:

Page 14: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.11 Jutas Electronic Law Journals

Juta’s Electronic

law journals

Page 15: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.12 SAFLII Law Journals – free open access

Law journals

Page 16: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.13 HeinOnline – Law Journal Library

Click here

Page 17: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.14 HeinOnline. A – Z list of journal titles available. Includes a number of South African Law journal titles.

Page 18: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.15 From Law Library homepage: Information Resources; Journals and Where to find SA Law Journals

Page 19: Step 4. Journals · Step 4. continued – Fulltext online journals . free database. Online full-text articles: Use: Sabinet Reference, Journal Articles and SAePublications- select

4.16 “Where to find SA Law Journals” (page 1 only shown below)