STEP 1: Loading & Unloading at Large Vehicle Sites (Royal ...

Yes / No Work Equipment • All employees operating RM Material Handling Equipment (MHE) have been trained and authorised to do so with documented evidence. • There is documented evidence that existing employees have completed manual handling training – see Content on Demand or Logistics specific training. • Only suitably competent and authorised persons use specific equipment such as dock levellers, trailer doors, boom conveyors etc. • All new employees have received an appropriate site induction including safe instructions for loading & unloading activity. • There is documented evidence that the Unit Manager and sufficient deputies have been trained in ‘A Safe Place to Work’ (or equivalent) and PIC Essentials within the last 3 years. • A Workplace Onsite Risk Assessment has been completed. All elements relevant to vehicle/person risk in the loading and unloading area have been reduced to a minimum of Moderate. • The loading and unloading area has been defined on site to ensure risk is assessed by either the Workplace Onsite Risk Assessment or the Yard Risk Assessment and safety controls are clear. • No individuals operate as a Yard Marshal or Banksman unless trained and authorised to do so. See guidance on Yard Marshals and Banksman. ROYAL MAIL GROUP RISK MANAGEMENT STEP 1: Loading & Unloading at Large Vehicle Sites (Royal Mail Operations) - Pre Assessment Controls All of the following Pre-Assessment Controls must be in place in order to validate the Task Risk Assessment. Use the drop down boxes on the right hand side to confirm completion. Risk Assessment Workplace • A Yard Risk Assessment has been completed and risks reduced to a minimum of Moderate. • A Severe Weather Preparation Checklist is up to date and a comprehensive Severe Weather Risk Assessment is completed when appropriate. • The SHE Noticeboard is up to date and compliant with Standard 4.3. • Monthly Site Inspections take place and actions completed accordingly. People • The Driver Pack process is in place to identify hazards and risks offsite or Visiting/Third Party premises. • All employees identified as a Person Specifically at Risk have been assessed with appropriate controls implemented with the support of occupational health where required. • Where ground level access to Docks is required safe and suitable access/egress provided and compliance is enforced. • The site has a suitable, enforced process in place to prevent vehicle drive away during loading/unloading including key control e.g. drivers hanging keys on the loading bay door. • The controls for equipment (e.g. Dock Levellers, Loading Bay doors etc.) are situated in a safe area. • Site/Yard Rules including loading bay instructions have been produced, displayed and communicated to staff and in a format suitable to visiting drivers. • The site has a suitable, enforced process in place for controlling vehicle movement into/on to loading bays/designated areas. Owner: J Cannon Date: Apr 2017 Task Risk Assessment Template v3.0 Classified: RMG – Internal

Transcript of STEP 1: Loading & Unloading at Large Vehicle Sites (Royal ...

Yes / No

Work Equipment

• All employees operating RM Material Handling Equipment (MHE) have been trained and authorised to do so with documented evidence.

• There is documented evidence that existing employees have completed manual handling training – see Content on Demand or Logistics specific training.

• Only suitably competent and authorised persons use specific equipment such as dock levellers, trailer doors, boom conveyors etc.

• All new employees have received an appropriate site induction including safe instructions for loading & unloading activity.

• There is documented evidence that the Unit Manager and sufficient deputies have been trained in ‘A Safe Place to Work’ (or equivalent) and PIC Essentials within the last 3 years.

• A Workplace Onsite Risk Assessment has been completed. All elements relevant to vehicle/person risk in the loading and unloading area have been reduced to a minimum of Moderate.

• The loading and unloading area has been defined on site to ensure risk is assessed by either the Workplace Onsite Risk Assessment or the Yard Risk Assessment and safety controls are clear.

• No individuals operate as a Yard Marshal or Banksman unless trained and authorised to do so. See guidance on Yard Marshals and Banksman.


STEP 1: Loading & Unloading at Large Vehicle Sites (Royal Mail Operations) - Pre Assessment ControlsAll of the following Pre-Assessment Controls must be in place in order to validate the Task Risk Assessment. Use the drop down boxes on the right hand side to confirm


Risk Assessment


• A Yard Risk Assessment has been completed and risks reduced to a minimum of Moderate.

• A Severe Weather Preparation Checklist is up to date and a comprehensive Severe Weather Risk Assessment is completed when appropriate.

• The SHE Noticeboard is up to date and compliant with Standard 4.3.

• Monthly Site Inspections take place and actions completed accordingly.


• The Driver Pack process is in place to identify hazards and risks offsite or Visiting/Third Party premises.

• All employees identified as a Person Specifically at Risk have been assessed with appropriate controls implemented with the support of occupational health where required.

• Where ground level access to Docks is required safe and suitable access/egress provided and compliance is enforced.

• The site has a suitable, enforced process in place to prevent vehicle drive away during loading/unloading including key control e.g. drivers hanging keys on the loading bay door.

• The controls for equipment (e.g. Dock Levellers, Loading Bay doors etc.) are situated in a safe area.

• Site/Yard Rules including loading bay instructions have been produced, displayed and communicated to staff and in a format suitable to visiting drivers.

• The site has a suitable, enforced process in place for controlling vehicle movement into/on to loading bays/designated areas.

Owner: J Cannon Date: Apr 2017Task Risk Assessment Template v3.0#Classified: RMG – Internal

Unit Manager (PIC) Name:

Date of confirmation

Confirmation of Pre-Assessment Controls

I confirm that all relevant Pre-Assessment Controls (as listed) are in place.Statement of confirmation


• There is documented evidence that footwear checks are regularly completed for staff.

• All vehicles, MHE, and equipment (e.g. Dock Levellers, Loading Bay Doors) are in good working order and maintained as part of a preventative maintenance programme and local inspection process.

• There is documented evidence that all employees have been issued with the appropriate PPE as identified in the RMG PPE Matrix e.g. Hi Viz clothing and a safety footwear if required.

Owner: J Cannon Date: Apr 2017Task Risk Assessment Template v3.0#Classified: RMG – Internal

Yes / No

11) Regular and targeted Manager SMAT / Observations (Yard and Vehicle) take place to correct unsafe acts / conditions.

1) The new Loading & Unloading (Royal Mail Operations) SSOW has been communicated to all staff with documented evidence and the content explained.

9) All staff understand the requirement to act safely and are empowered to make decisions based on risk (using the 'Look-Consider-Decide' method).

10) Arrangements to prevent falling from height, vehicle drive-away and reversing on to the Loading Bay have been re-assessed in conjunction with the site Safety Representative to make sure the risk is adequately controlled with improvement actions implemented where required.

2) The Loading & Unloading SSOW has been discussed at the Unit SHE Committee Meeting (or directly with a Union Representative).

3) The Loading & Unloading WTLL/Brief has been communicated to all relevant staff.

6) The Transportation of Yorks and RSCs SSOW has been communicated to all staff in the last 12 months with documented evidence and the content explained.

7) The Site/Yard Rules and any relevant loading bay instructions have been reviewed to ensure the communication of safe loading/unloading activity is sufficient, updated where necessary, and the current version communicated to all staff within the last 12 months with documented evidence.

8) Third Party/Visiting sites considered a significant risk for loading and unloading have been identified and suitable arrangements been put in place, including updating the vehicle Driver Pack, to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

5) The Driving SSOW has been communicated to all staff in the last 12 months with documented evidence and the content explained.

4) The York SSOW and Manual Handling SSOW have been communicated to all staff in the last 12 months with documented evidence and the content explained.


STEP 2: Loading Unloading at Large Vehicle Sites (Royal Mail Operations) - Additional ControlsAll of the following Controls must be in place in order to validate the Task Risk Assessment. Use the drop down boxes on the right hand side to confirm completion

Additional Controls

Confirmation of Controls

Date of Confirmation

Statement of confirmation I confirm that all relevant Pre-Assessment Controls (as listed) are in place.

Unit Unit Manager (PIC) Name:

Task Risk Assessment Template v3.0 Owner: J Cannon Date: Apr 2017

(L) L



(S) S



( R) R



(L) L



(S) S



( R) R




2 3 6 2 2 4

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EI OE CV2 5 10 1 5 5

EI OE OE2 2 4 2 1 2

EI CV2 3 6 1 3 3

EI CV2 3 6 1 3 3

EI OE CV2 3 6 1 3 3


STEP 3: Loading Unloading at Large Vehicle Sites (Royal Mail Operations) - Task Risk AssessmentThe following Task Risk Assessment must reflect the local Unit. Check all of the steps, hazards, risks and risk ratings before confirming that this is a true reflection of the local activity by saving

and submitting the file.

Unit / Site RMG Operations National Generic Risk Assessment Workplace Location Loading & Unloading Large Vehicles

Task Being Assessed Loading & Unloading Large Vehicles (Royal Mail Operations)

Assessment Team

Manager Safety Representative Other Contributors

James Cannon; Richard Lewis; Mark Griffin Karl Maginn; Mark Fuller Richard Low; Jay Dowd; Corinne Parsons

What ADDITIONAL CONTROLS are required?There may be more than


RESIDUAL Risk Rating


TASK ASSESSEDWhat are the HAZARDS associated with the task


What are the SIGNIFICANT RISKS associated with the

hazard.There may be more than one

Groups of people or individuals affected by this hazard?

What CURRENT CONTROLS are in place?

There may be more than one

CURRENT Risk Rating


1) Operating on Loading Dock/Loading & Unloading Area

Refer to the Unit Workplace Onsite Risk Assessment

Congestion/Moving Containers Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal

Uneven/slippery surfaces Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike

Poor housekeeping Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/StrikeSnow/Ice/Rain (surface) severe weather Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike

Work at height - Dock/Loading&Unloading Area

Fall from height; Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike from falling objects; musculoskeletal

Manual Handling - Yorks etc. Musculoskeletal

MHE/Pedestrian Mix Impact/Strike; Slip/Trip/Fall

Vehicle/pedestrian mix Impact/Strike; Slip/Trip/Fall

Additional Controls Competed

Pre-Assessment Controls Completed

EI2 2 4 2 1 2

EI CV2 4 8 1 4 4

EI OE CV2 5 10 1 5 5

EI2 4 8 1 4 4

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 4 8 1 4 4

EI CV1 3 3 1 3 3

EI2 2 4 2 2 4

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 2 4 2 1 2

EI2 2 4 2 1 2

EI2 5 10 1 5 5

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 2 4 2 2 4

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

Injuries suffered during lone/isolated working Worsening of injury/condition

Refer also to the Unit Yard Risk Assessment EI

2) Operating on Loading Dock/Distribution Hall (Third Party Sites)

Refer to the Site Rules EI

Refer also to the Workplace Offsite Risk Assessment (WRAP) where risks are identified.

MHE/pedestrian mix Impact/Strike

Vehicle/pedestrian mix Impact/Strike; Slip/Trip/FallWork at height - Dock/Loading&Unloading Area

Fall from height; Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike from falling objects

Manual Handling - Yorks, Trays etc. MusculoskeletalFall from height - (e.g. bridging plates) Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike

Falling objects Impact/Strike

Congestion/Moving Containers Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal

Uneven/slippery surfaces Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike

Poor housekeeping Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/StrikeSnow/Ice/Rain (surface) severe weather Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/StrikeInjuries suffered during lone/isolated working Worsening of injury/condition

Refer also to the Unit Yard Risk Assessment EI

3) Working in and around vehicles on RM Premises

Refer to the Unit Workplace Onsite Risk Assessment EI

Refer also to the Unit Yard Risk Assessment

Refer also to the Driving Task Risk AssessmentInjuries suffered during lone/isolated working Worsening of injury/condition

4) Working in and around vehicles at Third Party/Visiting Sites

Refer to the Driving Task Risk Assessment EI

Refer to the relevant Site Rules

Vehicle/pedestrian mix Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal

MHE/pedestrian mix Impact/Strike

Manual Handling - Yorks Musculoskeletal

Congestion/Moving Containers Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal

Falling objects Impact/Strike

Uneven/slippery surfaces Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike

Poor housekeeping Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 2 4 2 1 2

OE TP2 5 10 1 5 5

OE TP2 2 4 2 1 2

OE TP2 4 8 1 3 3

OE TP2 1 2 2 1 2

OE TP2 3 6 1 3 3

OE TP2 4 8 1 3 3

OE TP2 4 8 1 4 4

EI TP2 2 4 2 1 2

EI OE TP2 5 10 1 5 5

EI OE TP2 2 4 2 1 2

EI OE TP2 4 8 1 3 3

EI OE TP3 1 3 3 1 3

EI OE TP2 3 6 1 3 3

EI OE TP2 4 8 1 3 3

EI OE TP2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 2 4 2 1 2

EI2 3 6 2 2 4

EI2 4 8 1 4 4

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

Snow/Ice/Rain (surface) severe weather Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/StrikeInjuries suffered during lone/isolated working Worsening of injury/condition

5) Reversing into Loading Bay on RM Site

Refer to the Unit Workplace Onsite Risk Assessment

Refer to the Unit Yard Risk Assessment

Refer also to the Delivery Task Risk Assessment (where relevant)

Vehicle/pedestrian mix Impact/Strike

Other vehicles/Objects Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal

Poor lighting or visibility Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal

Uneven surfaces Impact/Strike; MusculoskeletalSnow / Ice / Rain (surface) - Severe Weather Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal

Glare from sun Impact/Strike; MusculoskeletalHitting Loading Bay / Bay Doors Impact/StrikeInjuries suffered during lone/isolated working Worsening of injury/condition

6) Reversing into Loading Bay/Area on a Third Party /Visiting Site or Public Area

Vehicle/pedestrian mix Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal

Other vehicles/Objects Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal

Poor lighting or visibility Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal

Uneven surfaces Impact/Strike; MusculoskeletalSnow / Ice / Rain (surface) - Severe Weather Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal

Glare from sun Impact/Strike; MusculoskeletalHitting Loading Bay / Bay Doors Impact/StrikeInjuries suffered during lone/isolated working Worsening of injury/condition

Refer also to the Driving Task Risk Assessment

Refer also to Site Rules

Refer also to the Collection Task Risk Assessment (where relevant)

Refer also to the Delivery Task Risk Assessment (where relevant)

Refer also to the Workplace Offsite Risk Assessment (WRAP) where risks are identified.

7) Preparing the Vehicle for Loading / Unloading Inc. Access and Egress

Refer to Sections 1-4

Work at height - Dock/Loading&Unloading Area

Fall from height; Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike from falling objects

Access/Egress Trailer bed from ground

Fall from height; Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike from falling objects

Opening Vehicle Shutter Doors from ground

Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal; Slip/Trip/Fall


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EI2 3 6 2 2 4

1 3 3 1 3 3

EI2 4 8 1 4 4

2 2 4 2 2 4

2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 3 6 2 2 4

EI1 3 3 1 3 3

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

EI1 4 4 1 4 4

EI2 2 4 1 2 2

EI OE2 3 6 1 3 3

to TrailersOpening Vehicle Shutter Doors from Loading Bay

Impact/Strike from falling objects; Musculoskeletal; Slip/Trip/Fall; Fall from height; Trapping

Opening Barn Doors from ground

Impact/Strike from falling objects; Musculoskeletal; Slip/Trip/Fall

Opening Curtain Sided Trailers - Manual Handling

Impact/Strike from falling objects; Musculoskeletal; Slip/Trip/Fall

Faulty doors/equipment Musculoskeletal

Trailer Straps Impact/Strike; Cuts/bruisesUneven surfaces/Dock Leveller edge Slip/Trip/Fall

Severe weather - wind - doorsImpact/Strike; Musculoskeletal; Slip/Trip/Fall

Refer also the Unit Yard Risk Assessment (where relevant)

Refer also to the Workplace Onsite Risk Assessment (where relevant)Refer also to the Workplace Offsite Risk Assessment (where relevant and risks are identified)

Refer also to Site Rules

Refer also to relevant vehicle Loading Plans

8) Operation and Use of a Dock Leveller (N/A for sites without a Dock leveller)

Refer to Sections 1-2

Work at height - Dock/Loading&Unloading Area

Fall from height; Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike from falling objects

Dock Leveller controls Electric shock

Dock leveller plate movement Crushing; STFVehicle /Dock Leveller creep age Slip/Trip/FallUneven surfaces / Dock Leveller edge Slip/Trip/FallSlopes (man handling of Yorks) Musculoskeletal; Slip/Trip/Fall

Refer also to Operator Instructions

9) Operation and Use of a Loading Bay Doors (N/A for sites without Loading Bay Doors)

Refer to Sections 1-2

Work at height - Dock/Loading&Unloading Area

Fall from height; Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike from falling objects

Bay Door Leveller controls Electric shock

Moving Door Impact/Strike/Trapping

Falling door Impact/Strike/Trapping

Damaged door Impact/Strike; cuts and bruises

Refer also to Operator Instructions

10) Loading & Unloading Large Vehicles with

Refer to Sections 1-2

Pushing full Yorks (manual handling)

Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal; Slip/Trip/Fall

EI OE2 3 6 1 3 3


2 3 6 2 2 4

EI OE CV2 4 8 1 4 4

EI OE CV2 5 10 1 5 5

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EI OE3 2 6 2 2 4

EI OE2 2 4 2 1 2

EI OE2 2 4 2 1 2

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EI OE CV2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 2 4 2 1 2

EI OE2 3 6 1 3 3

EI OE2 3 6 1 3 3


2 3 6 2 2 4

EI1 3 3 1 3 3

EI OE CV2 4 8 1 4 4

OE2 4 8 1 4 4

EI OE CV2 5 10 1 5 5

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

EI OE OE2 2 4 2 1 2

EI CV2 3 6 1 3 3

Vehicles with Yorks on Loading Bay

Pushing/pulling nested/empty Yorks (Manual Handling)

Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal; Slip/Trip/Fall

Work at height - Dock/Loading&Unloading Area

Fall from height; Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike from falling objects; musculoskeletal

MHE/Pedestrian Mix Impact/Strike; Slip/Trip/Fall

Vehicle/pedestrian mix Impact/Strike; Slip/Trip/Fall

Congestion/Moving Containers Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal

Uneven/slippery surfaces Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike

Dock Leveller surface/incline Slip/Trip/Fall

Dock/Bay slopes and inclines Musculoskeletal; Slip/Trip/Fall

Trailer Straps Impact/Strike; Cuts/bruises

Housekeeping Slip/Trip/FallsSnow/Ice/Rain (surface) severe weather Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/StrikeInjuries suffered during lone/isolated working Worsening of injury/condition

Refer to the Workplace Onsite Risk Assessment (where relevant)

Refer to the Workplace Offsite Risk Assessment (where relevant and risks are identified)

Refer also to relevant vehicle Loading Plans

Refer also to Transport of Yorks and RSCs SSOW

Refer also to Site Rules

11) Loading and Unloading of Tail Lift Vehicles

Refer to Sections 1-4

Refer to Sections 10

Pushing full Yorks (manual handling)

Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal; Slip/Trip/Fall

Pushing/pulling nested (Manual Handling)

Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal; Slip/Trip/Fall

Work at height - Tail Lift

Fall from height; Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike from falling objects; musculoskeletal

Tail Lift controls Electric shock

Moving Platform Impact/Strike; Slip/Trip/Fall

Loaded Platform (containers) Impact/Strike

Vehicle/pedestrian mix Impact/Strike; Slip/Trip/Fall

Tail Lift York Stop Slip/Trip/Fall; Fall from height

Congestion/Moving Containers Impact/Strike; Musculoskeletal

Uneven/slippery surfaces Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike

EI OE2 2 4 2 1 2

EI OE2 3 6 1 3 3

EI OE CV2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 2 4 2 1 2

OE TP2 4 8 1 4 4

EI OE2 4 8 1 4 4

EI OE2 4 8 1 4 4

EI OE2 2 4 2 1 2

EI OE2 2 4 2 1 2

EI OE2 2 4 2 1 2

Trailer Straps Impact/Strike; Cuts/bruises

Housekeeping Slip/Trip/FallsSnow/Ice/Rain (surface) severe weather Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/StrikeInjuries suffered during lone/isolated working Worsening of injury/condition

Refer to the Unit Yard Risk Assessment

Refer to the Workplace Onsite Risk Assessment (where relevant)

Refer also to Site Rules

Refer also to Transport of Yorks and RSCs SSOW

Refer also to relevant vehicle Loading Plans

MHE/pedestrian mix Impact/Strike

MHE on trailersFall from height; Slip/Trip/Fall; Impact/Strike from falling objects

Falling RSC/Pallet Impact/Strike

Faulty Equipment Impact/Strike

Uneven surfaces/slopes Impact/Strike

Trailer Straps Impact/Strike; Cuts/bruises

Refer to the Workplace Onsite Risk Assessment (where relevant)

Refer also to the Workplace Offsite Risk Assessment (where relevant and risks are identified)

Refer also to relevant vehicle Loading Plans

Refer to the Unit Yard Risk Assessment

13) Loading and Unloading of Double Deck Trailers

Refer to Sections 1-2

Refer to Section 10

Refer also to the specific Double Deck Trailer SSOW

Refer to the Workplace Onsite Risk Assessment (where relevant)

Refer also to the Workplace Offsite Risk Assessment (where relevant and risks are identified)

12) Loading and Unloading Large Vehicles with RSCs/Pallets

Refer to Sections 1-4

14) Loose Loading / U l di

Refer to Sections 1-2

Refer also to Site Rules

Refer also to relevant vehicle Loading Plans

Refer also to Transport of Yorks and RSCs SSOW

Refer also to Transport of Yorks and RSCs SSOW

EI OE TP2 4 8 2 2 4

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

EI2 3 6 1 3 3

EI OE TP2 5 10 1 5 5

Persons Affected by the HazardEI = Employee involved in task OE = Other Employee CV = Contractor or visitor MOP = Member of Public


Name of Risk Assessor(s) James Cannon; Richard Lewis; Mark Griffin Review date: Name

Risk Assessor(s) Signature James Cannon; Richard Lewis; Mark GriffinDate completed 01/03/2018

Local confirmation of a nationally produced generic Task Risk Assessment (where applicable)

/ Unloading -Additional Instruction

Refer also to relevant vehicle Loading Plans

Refer also to Transport of Yorks and RSCs SSOW

Refer also to Site Rules

Refer to the Site Rules

Impact/StrikeCoupling vehicle and trailer airlines Fall from height, Slip/Trip/Fall

Raising Trailer Legs Musculoskeletal; Slip/Trip/Fall

Connecting Unit Impact/Strike

Refer also to the Driving Task Risk Assessment

16) Person

Physical characteristic

Increased risk:• Task performed more difficult• Existing condition make worse by task• Fatigue

Medical History / Condition

History of medical issues or known condition.

Mental healthPsycho-social risks including stress, anxiety and depression

15) Large Vehicles Leaving the Dock

Refer to Sections 3-4

Loading Bay Drive away

Refer to the Unit Workplace Onsite Risk Assessment (where relevant)

Refer also to the Unit Yard Risk Assessment (where relevant)

Refer to specific equipment task risk assessment / SAC1

Refer to specific equipment SSOW

Refer to the Workplace Onsite Risk Assessment

Statement of confirmation I confirm that I have reviewed the above nationally produced generic Task Risk Assessment and that it replicates the hazards, levels of risk and necessary control measures in place at the named Unit and as such it is deemed that local amendments are not required. (NOTE: Where the local task is significantly different from the nationally produced generic Task Risk Assessment the Unit Manager is responsible for ensuring a local version is produced.)

Confirmation of risk assessment accuracy - assuming review requirements as per SHEMS

Standard.Master copies of a nationally produced generic Task Risk Assessment are held on the SHE Knowledge

Database. Printed copies may not match the current version).


Unit Manager (PIC) Name:

Date of confirmation:

Likelihood of injury/incident

No history or any indication of future incidents but cannot be ruled out Improbable 1 1 2 3 4 5Some history but over a long period of time and in very small numbers Remote 2 2 4 6 8 10Historical evidence indicates occurrence at least monthly Foreseeable 3 3 6 9 12 15Historical evidence indicates occurance at least weekly Probable 4 4 8 12 16 20Historical evidence indicates occurrence throughout the day Likely 5 5 10 15 20 25

1 2 3 4 5 SEVERITY (consequence of injury/incident)

Superficial injury/ damage

Moderate injury/ damage

Significant injury/ damage

Serious injury/damage

Fatality/ catastrophic

damageMinor injury or ill health

(laceration/bruising/swelling) causing no absence

from work.

Damage resulting in low cost repair

Injuries or ill health resulting in absence from work (of less than 7 day ).

Damage causing temporary disruption to operations of around an


Major injury or ill health, temporary physical

disability resulting in absence from work (of

more than 7 days)

Damage causing significant disruption to or cessation of operations of

around one day

Permanent physical & health disability.

Damage causing long term termination of operations

for more than one day

Premature death.

Complete destruction of property and permanent termination/relocation of operations until rebuild


Risk Level Risk RatingSuggested

Minimum Controls

Adequately controlled 1- 3 Visual Aids

Tolerable 4 - 5 Safe Working

Instructions plus Visual Aids

Substantial 15-16Prevent task until

suitably controlled by task redesign or similar

Intolerable 20 - 25Prevent task, look for alternative solutions. Invoke permit to work


Task should be prohibited until the risk has been reduced. Resources may have to be allocated to redesign the task in order to reduce the risk. Where the task is already in progress, it should be stopped

when it is safe to do so. These two bands usually fall outside the normal day to day risk assessment and ought to be reserved for concurrence processes

Task should be prohibited. If it is not possible to reduce the risk, even with unlimited resources, the work has to remain prohibited. Alternative solutions should be found that avoid the need to complete the

origional task.

Some additional controls would be beneficial to further reduce the risk. Consideration may be given to a more cost-effective solution or improvement that imposes no additional cost burden. Monitoring is

required to ensure that the controls are maintained.


Efforts should be made to reduce the risk, although the costs of prevention should be carefully measured within a cost/benefit analysis to ensure the control is appropriate. Risk reduction measures

should be implemented within a defined time period. Where the risk level is associated with Serious and Significant Injuries consequences, further task assessment and/or task redesign may be necessary to

achieve suitable control measures.

6 - 12 SSOW plus Visual Aids



Control action and timescale (nominally from BS8800)No additional control measures required. Current controls suitable and sufficient to reduce the risk to

adequately controlled. Good practice would be to record the assessment and share findings with operators