STEP #1 – DUMP THE JUNK!… ·...


Transcript of STEP #1 – DUMP THE JUNK!… ·...

Page 1: STEP #1 – DUMP THE JUNK!… · foods, but it is in so many prepackaged foods like crackers, chips, salad dressings,
Page 2: STEP #1 – DUMP THE JUNK!… · foods, but it is in so many prepackaged foods like crackers, chips, salad dressings,

STEP #1 – DUMP THE JUNK! Detox Prep List

Whether you are doing a specific cleanse protocol, or you just want to dump the junk out of your life, there are few items that you should avoid or limit when you are cleansing or detoxing. 1.) Added Sugar – Sugar is one of the most toxic foods we can eat. It not only inhibits your body’s ability to produce certain enzymes needed for detoxification, it can cause a host of unnecessary problems like inflammation. Not only can it cause inflammation, it can actually fight good bacteria in the gut, slowing the detoxification process. Sugar (and high fructose syrup) can also set your body up for the desire to overeat. In addition, it triggers your liver to pump out more triglycerides into the bloodstream, raising more risks for heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, the maximum amount of added sugars you should eat in a day are150 calories per day (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons) for men and 100 calories per day (25 grams or 6 teaspoons) for women. To put that into perspective, a 12oz coke has 39 grams of sugar in it, which is about 9 ½ teaspoons of sugar. So, no matter what your gender, one single can of coke would put you over the healthy limit. While it’s Ok to have some sugar in foods (and the right sugar at the right time can actually be helpful), it is super important to keep to a minimum. TIP: Foods surprisingly high in sugar are low-fat yogurts, fat-free foods, barbeque sauce, salad dressings, spaghetti sauce, ketchup, granola, protein bars, canned soup, dried fruit, canned fruit, cereal, cereal bars, bottled smoothies and sports drinks. See DelRae’s tips on ways to eat less sugar in the next section. 2.) Alcohol – Even a small amount of alcohol puts a heavy burden on the body. Alcohol can keep the liver working overtime. In addition to the extra burden it puts on the liver, it reduces the level of detoxifying minerals like zinc and magnesium. During cleansing, it is highly recommended you avoid alcohol to give your liver a break. Not only does your liver need rest, it needs to function properly to help metabolize fat and filter other toxins out of your body. 3.) Artificial Sweeteners – Aspartame, Equal and Splenda are chemical sweeteners that have been shown to create toxicity in the liver. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to just avoid adding these sugar substitutes to your coffee or tea. You have to read labels and look for these sweeteners in many food products, especially “healthy options”. TIP: Artificial sweeteners are often found in diet drinks and diet foods such as snack bars, protein bars, protein shakes, low calorie yogurt, sugar-free jello, low calorie cereal, low calorie fruit juices, low-calories salad dressings and sports supplements in order to lower calorie count. 4.) MSG – MSG, or monosodium glutamate, is one of the worst food additives on the market. MSG is what they call an excitotoxin, which means it overexcites your cells to the point of cell damage. Eeeek! It is most commonly known in Chinese foods, but it is in so many prepackaged foods like crackers, chips, salad dressings, seasoning packets, canned soups, frozen dinners, canned meats and so many other items. Other names for MSG include modified corn starch, carrageenan, glutamic acid and hydrolyzed vegetable protein. 5.) Coffee – Some experts suggest drinking no more than one cup of coffee a day during detoxification. However, you should never cut coffee down too rapidly or you could experience uncomfortable side effects, like headaches. If you are a coffee lover, you may want to slowly cut back caffeine levels over time. Reduce intake or mix regular coffee with decaf coffee to help you reduce your caffeine intake without reducing how much coffee you drink. Another option is to do half and half (half regular and half decaf) on your cleanse days or going to decaf after your first fully leaded cup. 6.) Dairy – Believe it or not, roughly 65% of people have some level of lactose intolerance after infancy. Digesting dairy can be a big task for our body, so it’s best to avoid milk, cheese and other dairy products during your detox. Dairy is acidic to the body, leading to poor cell function. This can lead to slowing the detoxification process down.

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7.) Red Meat – Red meat can be hard on the body, slowing digestion, clogging your bowels and creating bacteria in the gut. For example, meat normally takes 24-72 hours to digest, however, red meat takes 1-3 days to completely digest because of its fat content and high protein. When your body can’t break down red meat properly, or you consume more than your liver can handle, toxic waste can build up in your system. By eliminating red meat from your diet during a detox, your body can use all that energy to eliminate toxins from your body. 8.) Starchy or Refined Carbs - Avoid eating refined carbohydrates and starchy carbs like white rice, pasta, potatoes and white bread. Refined grains have been linked to a host of health issues including heart attacks, insulin resistance and high blood pressure. 9.) Wheat and Gluten – Wheat and gluten can cause constipation, indigestion and bloating. Not only are these conditions uncomfortable, they are hard on your body. Avoiding wheat and gluten can reduce your body’s workload on the liver and help give your digestive system a much-needed break. 10.) Trans Fats – Trans fatty acids impede your body’s ability to burn fat, hinder detoxification, increase fatty deposits within the liver and thicken bile. Yuck! Not only should you avoid these items during your detox and cleanse, you should avoid them altogether. 11.) Pesticides – While I’m sure no one knowingly is purposefully digesting pesticides, there are some precautions you can take to limit the amount you may ingest. For instance, wash your produce thoroughly, peel fruit and vegetables or buy organic products when possible. 12.) Large Fish – Since the ocean and rivers are polluted with heavy metals that end up in fish, larger fish like Tuna, Sea Bass and Swordfish are heavily contaminated and should be avoided during a detox. However, smaller fish like Salmon, tilapia and monkfish are typically okay. 13.) Soy Protein – Soy has been linked to a wide variety of health problems including thyroid dysfunction, reproductive disorders, cognitive decline, digestive problems and decreased sperm counts. It contains phytates, which can also bind to minerals and lead to deficiencies. Non-organic sources may contain high amounts of pesticides and soy is often processed in aluminum casks that leach aluminum into the end product. Soybean products are often found as fillers in protein supplements and are in soy sauce, soybean oil in processed foods, tempeh, tofu, soy milk, soy yogurt, textured vegetable protein. 14.) Peanuts – Peanuts are a very common allergen, and even if your body doesn’t reject them, it can cause an inflammatory response in the body. It would be best to swap peanuts out for almonds, walnuts, cashews or hazelnuts during your cleanse. 15.) Stress – Even if you dump all the toxins in your body, you can create your own toxic body by allowing unnecessary stress to remain in your life. Even if you can’t do something about some of your stressors, there are several things you CAN do. One action to take is to rest. Many people stay up too late and don’t get the proper rest they need to let their body recover from hard days. Rest time is not only healing for the mind, it is the time our body can shut down and take time to repair. The next action to take is to exercise. Sadly, many people skip the gym on their most stressful days. Stressful days are actually the BEST days to exercise. We need to release stress in a very healthy way, instead of turning to drinks, food, TV or self-pity. The third action you can take is to get good nutrition beyond food. Vitamins, minerals and adaptogens are incredibly beneficial for combating stress, improving mental clarity, fighting anxiety, boosting energy, reducing depression and giving your body the support it needs to perform at its best. Lastly, it is important to protect yourself by building a safe and positive environment. Do you let toxic people in your life? Do you watch the news a lot or gravitate toward drama and stressful news, social posts, events or conversation? Are you trying to change people around you, instead of focusing on yourself (you can’t change other people and it can be extremely stressful if you try)? Do you have a quite space you can run to in times of stress? Whether it’s your bedroom, office, porch or a tire swing, you need to have a place that is special to you where you can escape from the kids, dogs, noise and phone – and just get by yourself, pray and regroup. Do you have the support you need? Are you searching for it? Some people won’t reach out to someone and ask them to meet them at the gym because they are commitment shy. Others secretly don’t want someone to hold them accountable, yet accountability and support is exactly what you need. If you struggle to stick with an exercise routine, INVEST in both healthy relationships and finding the right gym, trainer or program. Don’t be cheap when it comes to your health and frivolous with eating out, shopping or vacations. Seriously! You MUST prioritize. Your health is SO important. As you invest in your health, you enhance the rest of your life – time with your kids, shopping, socializing, working and serving. Now!! Start Dumping the JUNK!

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STEP #2 – EAT CLEAN Now that you know what needs to go OUT, you need to know what needs to start coming IN. It’s not enough to get the toxins out of your life, you need to start pouring good nutrition into your life to help clean your bodie’s systems, nourish your body and help your body repair and heal. Top on your grocery list should be all the most nutritious foods. These are called superfooods. What is a Superfood? Webster defines a superfood as a food (such as salmon, broccoli, or blueberries) that is rich in compounds (such as antioxidants, fiber, or fatty acids) considered beneficial to a person's health. Superfood Grocery List Vegetables Fruit Protein

❏ Egg whites ❏ Eggs (cage free) ❏ Beef, lean ❏ Fish (small fish like tilapia or monkfish) ❏ Pork, lean  ❏ Salmon, canned or fresh  ❏ Tofu ❏ Turkey, skinless  ❏ Chicken, skinless  ❏ Wild game, skinless


❏ Asparagus ❏ Avocados ❏ Beets ❏ Bell peppers ❏ Broccoli ❏ Brussels sprouts ❏ Cabbage ❏ Carrots ❏ Cauliflower ❏ Collard greens ❏ Crimini mushrooms ❏ Cucumbers ❏ Eggplant ❏ Garlic ❏ Green beans ❏ Kale ❏ Mustard greens ❏ Onions ❏ Peas ❏ Portobello mushrooms ❏ Potatoes ❏ Pumpkin ❏ Rainbow chard ❏ Romaine lettuce ❏ Shiitake mushrooms ❏ Spinach ❏ Summer squash ❏ Sweet potatoes ❏ Swiss chard ❏ Tomatoes ❏ Turnip greens ❏ Winter squash ❏ Yams

❏ Apples ❏ Apricots ❏ Bananas ❏ Black olives ❏ Blackberries ❏ Blueberries ❏ Cantaloupe ❏ Cherries ❏ Cranberries ❏ Figs ❏ Grapefruit ❏ Grapes ❏ Honeydew melon ❏ Kiwifruit ❏ Lemons ❏ Limes ❏ Nectarines ❏ Oranges ❏ Papaya ❏ Peaches ❏ Pears ❏ Pineapple ❏ Plums ❏ Prunes ❏ Raisins ❏ Raspberries ❏ Strawberries ❏ Watermelon

Calcium-Rich Foods Grains ❏ Almond milk ❏ Chia seeds ❏ Cottage cheese, low fat ❏ Dark leafy greens ❏ Kefir ❏ Milk, skim or 1% ❏ Rice milk ❏ Sardines ❏ Seaweed ❏ Yogurt with active cultures, low fat NOTE: Items on the Dump the Junk list should be eliminated or limited during detoxing. The following list is suggested for your regular diet.

❏ Amaranth ❏ Barley ❏ Brown rice ❏ Buckwheat ❏ Bulgur ❏ Millet ❏ Oats ❏ Quinoa ❏ Rye ❏ Spelt ❏ Triticale ❏ Wheat berries ❏ Whole wheat breads, cereal, pasta ❏ Wild Rice

❏ Almonds ❏ Black beans ❏ Cashews ❏ Chickpeas ❏ Flaxseed ❏ Hemp seeds ❏ Hummus ❏ Kidney beans ❏ Kombucha ❏ Lima beans ❏ Lentils ❏ Miso ❏ Navy beans ❏ Nutritional yeast ❏ Nuts ❏ Peanut butter, natural ❏ Pinto beans ❏ Pumpkin seeds ❏ Sesame seeds ❏ Sunflower seeds ❏ Tahini ❏ Tempeh ❏ Walnuts ❏ Black garlic ❏ Coconut oil ❏ Dark chocolate ❏ Dark cocoa powder ❏ Green tea ❏ Matcha tea ❏ Olive oil ❏ Saurkraut and other fermented foods ❏ Turmeric

List provided by Sparkspeople

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Detoxifying Foods Now that you have a grocery list of nutrient-rich foods, it’s time to make sure you include foods that actually help detox the body naturally. While some of you will be taking a cleansing product to help support the detoxifying process, you can also add detoxifying foods to your daily menu.

I found this very helpful list online that shares 19 detoxifying foods and explains why they should be on your grocery list.

Before you hit the store, read over this list and then circle all the detoxifying foods you want to add to your shopping cart.

1. Beets and Carrots: Carrots are rich in Glutathione, a protein that helps detoxify the liver. Both are extremely high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene. Eating beets and carrots can help stimulate and improve overall liver function.

2. Tomatoes: They have abundant amounts of Glutathione (see article above) which, again, are a great detoxifier for the liver. As a side effect, Lycopene in tomatoes will protect against breast, skin, and lung cancer.

3. Grapefruit: Another source of the liver cleansing glutathione, it’s also high in vitamin C and antioxidants, which boost the production of liver detoxification enzymes and increase the natural cleansing process of the liver.

4. Spinach: Raw spinach is also a major source of glutathione, triggering the toxin cleansing enzymes of the liver.

5. Citrus Fruits: Lemons and limes contain very high amounts of vitamin C, which helps stimulate the liver and aids the synthesizing of toxic materials into substances that can be absorbed by water.

6. Cabbage: The isothiocyanates (ITCs) made from cabbage’s glucosinolates provides liver detoxifying enzymes that help flush out toxins.

7. Turmeric: Turmeric is the liver’s favorite spice and helps boost liver detox. It does this by assisting enzymes that actively flush out dietary carcinogens.

8. Walnuts: Walnuts are a good source of glutathione, omega-3 fatty acids, and the amino acid arginine, which supports normal liver cleansing actions, especially when detoxifying ammonia.

9. Avocados: A nutrient-dense superfood, avocado helps the body produce glutathione.

10. Apples: They are high in pectin and other chemicals essential to cleansing and releasing toxins from the digestive tract. Apples make it easier for the liver to handle the toxic load during the cleansing process.

11. Brussels sprouts: Brussels sprouts are high in sulfur and glucosinolate, which forces the liver to release enzymes that block damage from environmental or dietary toxins.

12. Garlic: Garlic is loaded with sulphur, which activates liver enzymes that help your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that also aid in liver cleansing.

13. Dandelion: Dandelion root tea assists the liver in breaking down fats, producing amino acids, and generally ridding it of toxins.

14. Leafy Green Vegetables: Green veggies are extremely high in plant chlorophylls that absorb environmental toxins, increase bile production, and neutralize heavy metals, chemicals, and pesticides, which lowers the burden on the liver.

15. Cruciferous Vegetables: Eating broccoli and cauliflower will increase production of glucosinolate in your system, which helps flush out carcinogens and other toxins.

16. Asparagus: Asparagus is a great diuretic, helping in the cleansing process and sharing the detox load of the liver and kidneys.

17. Green Tea: Green tea is full of plant antioxidants known as catechins, a compound known to assist liver function.

18. Olive Oil: Cold-pressed organic oils such as olive, hemp, and flaxseed offer great support for the liver, providing the body with a liquid base that can suck up harmful toxins in the body.

19. Alternative Grains: Gluten rich grains such as wheat and rye increase the load on the liver’s detox function and enzyme production. Switch to alternative grains like quinoa, millet, and buckwheat. List by

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I’ve recruited some other amazing people to contribute to our Spring Clean materials. One of which is Dr. DelRae Messer (right). Here are some tips she shared for cleaning up the diet. Dr. DelRae’s Tips to Eat Less Bad Fats • Not all fat is created equal. It has been long believed that fat has been one of the most important contributing factors to heart disease. Unfortunately, when fat was taken out of foods, it was replaced with high amounts of sugar.

• It has also been believed that cholesterol in foods increases risk of heart disease. Foods with cholesterol and saturated fats were replaced with margarine and transfats (bad fasts such as hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats and oils in fried foods and packaged foods). Rates of heart disease rose and have never been higher. Research shows avoiding these bad fats are essential to our health.

• We now know there are certain beneficial fats, even saturated fats that are essential for cellular healing and repair hormone production, hear, brain and nervous system function. It also helps us feel fuller longer and decrease cravings for empty calories and sugar.

• Buy local, grass-fed and finished meats. The loin or round cuts for beef are the leanest.

• But local, pasture-raised poultry and eggs. There are beneficial protein and fats in farm fresh egg yolks. If you’re concerned about your cholesterol use two egg whites to every egg yolk.

• Use only coconut oil for sautéing as it is the most heat-stable oil and despite recommendations to avoid coconut products because it has saturated fats, the type of saturated fats (medium chain) are beneficial and healing at the cellular level. It is also anti-viral and anti-bacterial and can be used as an alternative to toxic skin care.

• Olive oil should never be heated and can be used in small amounts with balsamic vinegar on a salad.

• Raw nuts and seeds are a good source of fats as well as ground flax meal or flaxseeds.

• Avocado makes a great topping to a salad or sandwich and has beneficial healing fats.

• Cultured and aged cheeses and yogurts are a good source of fats and probiotics (beneficial bacteria for the gut, which aid in immune system function, digestive function and elimination).

• Avoid margarine, I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter, and other butter alternatives. Raw, unsalted butter can be used in small amounts.

• *Key: watch serving size and amount of good, healthy fats in your diet. A small amount every meal is sufficient.

• Bake, grill or roast your food and avoid frying or consuming foods that contain bad oils such as canola, soybean, and vegetable oil.

• Use tomato, lemon juice, broth, wine or water for sautéing or basting.

• When baking, an equal amount of applesauce or plain yogurt can be used in place of shortening or bad oils.

• Substitute Miracle Whip or Mayonnaise for Grape Seed Oil Veganaise, a product that has a better fat and tastes great mixed with mustard or avocados.

• If you have cream with your coffee, choose So Delicious Coconut Creamer.

Dr. DelRae’s Tips to Eat Less Sugar • Eliminate soda, diet soda, fruit drinks, energy drinks, and even beverages marketed as “healthy or natural”. Eliminate processed and packaged food. Look at the sugar and carbohydrate content on the label. Any word ending in –ose and the term “enriched” indicated sugar.

• Watch for hidden sources of sugar in foods like yogurt and condiments such as ketchup, bbq sauce and salad dressings.

• Eliminate artificial sweeteners like Splenda, Aspartame, Equal and Nutrasweet. They have been shown to affect hunger centers in the brain that tell you whether you are hungry or full.

• Use natural alternatives to sugar like Stevia or small amounts of raw honey when baking. • Serve berries for dessert and snacks.

• Enriched breads, crackers, white pasta, white rice, white potatoes, cookies and candy quickly break down into sugar after we consume them.

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Dr. DelRae’s Tips to Eat More Fiber • Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet. There are two types of dietary fiber: water soluble and water insoluble. Both are needed by the body, but serve different functions.

• Soluble fiber has a gummy consistency allowing it to “grab” onto cholesterol as it passes through the body. It also aids in helping you feel fuller. Good sources include whole oats, flaxseeds, psyllium, beans and legumes, raw apples and other fruits and vegetables.

• Insoluble fiber is needed for bulk and regular elimination. Good sources include whole sprouted grains and raw fruits and vegetables.

• Top 10 Fiber SuperFoods: Whole oats, beans, berries, green leafy vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, edamame, pear, and squash.

• Add Fiber Pro to your shakes.

Ways to Eat Less Sodium

• Limiting sodium is necessary because sodium causes fluid retention and places a greater strain on the heart. It is important to limit the amount of salt you add to foods, but most sodium in our diets comes from processed and pre-packed foods.

Fresh foods have less sodium that processed foods. For example:

s Cucumbers have less sodium than pickles

s Fresh vegetables have less sodium than canned vegetables

s Fresh meats have less sodium than deli meats, pork, bacon, imitation crab, shrimp and shellfish

s Homemade soups have less sodium than canned soups

s Homemade meals have less sodium than pre-packaged frozen meals

s Homemade meals have less sodium than fast food

s Water has less sodium than soda, diet soda, and fruit drinks

s Eliminate table salt and use real mineral sea salt sparingly

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STEP #3 – START CLEANSING Detox vs Cleanse DETOX: A detox is when you eliminate toxins from your diet and allow your body's metabolic process and natural filtering systems (liver, kidneys, digestive track) to convert toxins into waste that can be eliminated naturally. CLEANSE: A cleanse acts as support to help enhance the detoxification process. I loved what naturopathic doctor Andrea Maxim said, "A cleanse is like sending somebody in with a scrub brush to ‘clean up’ your insides and make them look pretty." Cleansing Methods There are various ways to cleanse. There are different cleansing solutions, methods and cleansing schedules. You can gently cleanse daily by adding detoxifying foods and beverages to your daily routine or you can set aside specific cleansing days into your diet, where all you do is consume cleansing foods or beverages. My cleansing protocol combines a specific cleanse drink with intermittent fasting. My cleanse day is a day I give my whole digestive system a break and let it rest by fasting while I’m cleansing. Here are a few options my cleansing system suggests to give you some ideas when determining your own cleansing protocol. 4 Ways to Cleanse

#1 Gentle Cleanse: Drink one cleanse drink daily at night.

#2 Weekly Cleanse: Dedicate one day a week to fasting and cleansing.

#3 Two-Day Cleanses: This is a more aggressive cleanse where you would fast and cleanse 2 days a week back to back, for 2 weeks on, and 2 weeks off.

#4 Deep Cleanse: This cleanse is only to be done with nutritional support for optimal health. You would nourish your body with great nutrition for 2 days, then cleanse and fast for 2 days, get more nourishment for 5 days and end with 2 more days of fasting and cleansing.

Cleansing Ingredients Make the most of your cleansing by packing the most nutrients in your cleanse day. The cleanse drink I take has a bunch of wonderful ingredients in it like: Ø Alfalfa: Detoxifies the blood, liver and circulatory system while nourishing the body. Ø Aloe Vera gel: Cleanses and soothes the colon. Ø Berry extracts (bilberry, blueberry and raspberry): Powerful antioxidants. Ø Pau d’Arco: Contains a chemical compound called lapachol, which is a powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agent

which makes it perfect for helping to cleanse the body of candida albicans, also known as yeast. Ø Ashwagandha: Ayurvedic herb which helps reduce stress and improve memory. Ø Turmeric: Powerful anti-inflammatory helps reduce inflammation of any kind including allergies and pain, and exhibits anti-

carcinogenic benefits. I also take a full dose of vitamins and minerals, as well as adaptogens and a daily digestive cleanse capsule that helps with digestion on cleanse days. If you are not familiar with adaptogens, they are a pretty magical set of natural herbs that have been used for centuries to improve health and heal the body. They are nature’s way to combat stress and fatigue. Adaptogens Webster defines adaptogens as a plant extract that increases the body's ability to resist the damaging effects of stress and promote or restore normal physiological functioning. Wikipedia defines adaptogens as adaptogenic substances, compounds, herbs or practices refer to the pharmacological concept whereby administration results in stabilization of physiological processes and promotion of homeostasis, for example, decreased cellular sensitivity to stress.

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6 Powerful Adaptogens Here are some of the adaptogens I take every day. (Confession: I cheat. I don’t buy these adaptogens individually. They are part of my nutrition program, but I highly recommend adding them to your diet). You can get adaptogens through your naturopath or holistic physician or at most health food stores. Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) is a red-orange berry of the Solanaceae nightshade family that includes tomato, eggplant, chili pepper, and potato. Ancient herbalists regarded Wolfberry as nourishing to the liver, kidney, and eyes. Modern studies support these traditional claims by showing that the extracts from Wolfberry have antioxidant properties and protect the body from oxidative stress. Eleuthero root (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is a small, woody shrub native to Northeastern Asia. It has been used in China for more than 2,000 years as a natural remedy for reducing fatigue. Recent studies have also indicated eleuthero root to help maintain mental and physical performance under stressful conditions such as working in an emergency room. Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) is a plant that grows in the coldest regions of the world, including Northern Asia. It’s been used as an herbal medicine for several centuries in Russia and Scandinavia to increase physical endurance, improve energy levels, and help resist high altitude sickness. In clinical trials Rhodiola has been shown to help strengthen the body’s resistance to stress. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), like Wolfberry, is a plant in the Solanaceae nightshade family and is native to the dry regions of India, North Africa, and the Middle East. It’s been an important component in Indian Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times, mostly for its restorative benefits. In recent studies Ashwagandha has demonstrated antioxidant effects. Studies have also shown it to support healthy brain and immune function (10,11). Bacopa (Bacopa monniera) is a plant popular in traditional Indian medicine practices for the enhancement of memory and to promote longevity. Preclinical studies have shown it to have antioxidant and adaptogenic effects on the central nervous system. Schizandra (Schisandra chinensis) is known as the “five flavor berry” because it contains all five of the basic flavors: sweet, salty, sour, pungent, and bitter. The berry grows as part of a woody vine native to the forests of Northern China and Eastern Russia. It has long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to nourish the kidneys and heart. In human studies, schisandra has shown to increase work accuracy and antioxidant protection and decreased feelings of fatigue and exhaustion.

Note: I am not including product information in this packet because I realize there are people on different products and I do not want anyone to feel like I’m pushing products or exclude anyone. In addition, I don’t want anyone to feel like they can’t do this without the help of products. Good nutritional support most definitely helps make things easier, but you can always make incredible improvements without products. Remember, supplements are just that; they are supplements, to supplement what you are missing from whole foods. I still encourage everyone to get at least 60% of their nutrition from whole foods.

Make Your Own Cleanse Drink Not all cleanses are equal. For example, my cleanse also has a vitamin Bs and adaptogens in it, where other cleanses may be primarily fruit and vegetable juices. There are several beverages on the market that help our body release toxins. While I prefer to rely on scientists to mix up the perfect cleanse for me, since I don’t have the knowledge or the time to make a homemade cleanse beverage, I will be using a premade cleanse. However, you can experiment in your kitchen and make different types of cleanse beverages. Here are a few cleanse recipes I found online. DR. AXE’S SECRET DETOX DRINK RECIPE 1 glass of warm or hot water (12-16 oz.) 2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoon lemon juice ½-1 teaspoon ground ginger ¼ teaspoon cinnamon 1 dash cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon raw, local honey (optional) DIRECTIONS: Warm the water. Mix all ingredients together. Best served warm but drink at desired temperature.

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GREEN DETOX DRINK This vegetable detox drink is made up primarily of green vegetables, providing an effective natural body cleanse of the digestive system. For this detox drink, you will mix all the ingredients (below) with water and puree in a blender: 3 carrots 3 kale leaves 2 celery stalks 2 beets 1 turnip

½ bunch of spinach ½ cabbage ½ bunch of parsley ½ onion 2 garlic cloves

LEMONADE CLEANSE Lemon contains ascorbic acid, assisting in the cleansing process. Known also as the staple beverage of Stanley Burroughs’ Master Cleanse, this detox drink is easy to make. Mix 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of pure maple syrup and 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in 8 ounces of purified water. Proponents of the Master Cleanse recommend you drink 6-8 glasses of this lemonade drink and eat nothing each day of your cleanse. Despite its popularity, nutritionists warn against the lack of essential nutrients in this drink. DETOX DANDELION TEA According to classical homeopathic practitioner Sonya McLeod, B.A., D.C.H., dandelions are a great source of vitamin A, potassium, iron, and calcium. According to McLeod, dandelion detox tea is a diuretic that will eliminate bodily toxins through your liver and kidneys. She recommends brewing 6 tablespoons of 1-year-old dried dandelion root and 12 tablespoons of fresh dandelion leaves in 4 cups of purified, boiling water. Other recipes call for simply adding 2 teaspoons of crushed dandelion leaves to a cup of boiling water and allowing it to brew for about 10 minutes. FRESH CRANBERRY JUICE According to Mayo Clinic, there is some evidence to suggest that drinking cranberry juice may help prevent urinary tract infections and ulcers in healthy individuals. Cranberry juice also contains vitamin C, manganese and antioxidants. Though not advocated by any authoritative body, cranberry juice has become a popular detox drink, and according to Mayo Clinic, two 16-oz. glasses of full-strength juice can be safely consumed on a daily basis by healthy adults. To make this detox drink, dilute one part cranberry juice in four parts water. Then, add 1 tablespoon each of apple pectin and psyllium fiber to stimulate gentle intestinal elimination. FRUIT DETOX DRINK Because fruit is high in fiber and packed with essential vitamins and minerals, it’s a wonderful natural detox for the body. This recipe incorporates fruit, along with flax oil and lecithin, to provide essential fatty acids while you detox. In your blender, combine: 8 oz. of orange juice 4 oz. of purified water ½ cup banana ½ cup strawberries ½ cup yogurt ½-inch slice of ginger 1 small garlic clove 1 tablespoon flax oil 1 tablespoon lecithin granules 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice, if desired 1 tablespoon of protein powder or spirulina powder Source: DR. AXE’S DETOX WATER RECIPES: After adding the ingredients to a glass jar or pitcher, let it sit for 3–5 hours or overnight. Add ice to your detox drink before enjoying. All of these detox recipe ideas call for 12 ounces of water, but you can always play with these portions and tweak the combinations. Any combination of these awesome detox drink ingredients will help to remove toxins from the body, boost energy, reduce inflammation and promote weight loss. A handful of mint leaves, 2 cups of cubed watermelon and wedges from 1 lime Wedges from 1 lemon and 1 cucumber sliced Lemon juice from 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons of pure maple syrup and 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper 1 cup of sliced strawberries, 2 cups of cubed watermelon and 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, lemon juice from 1/2 a lemon, a teaspoon of cinnamon and slices from 1/2 an apple Lemon juice from 1 lemon and 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel Lemon juice from 1/2 a lemon and 1/2 inch knob of fresh ginger root, grated You can also try my Secret Detox Drink recipe, which also features apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and cayenne pepper. Source:

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STEP #4 – DETOX YOUR HOME What good is it if you work SO hard to get all the toxins out of your fridge, but you are still pouring toxins all over your body? While this list may overwhelm you at first, be encouraged!! You don’t have to do this overnight. Just slowly start replacing toxic items with healthier ones as you run out.

Week 1: Clean up your shower. Look in your shower for hair products you need to begin replacing. Week 2: Clean up your bath. Examine bath products, soaps and shower gels for toxic ingredients. Week 3: Clean up your sink. Start looking at the products that are sitting on your bathroom counter, including hand soaps, facial cleansers, skin care products, deodorant, shaving gels, body powder and make-up. Week 4: Clean up your home. Look around the house for items that may have some of these toxic ingredients. What have you missed? Start exploring healthier cleaning agents to promote a healthier household.

Toxins Found in Personal Care Products By Dr. DelRae Messer The average lipstick contains 29 different toxins & women ingest 9 pounds of lipstick in their lifetime! Leaded or Unleaded? Before I share this list of dangerous and deadly toxins found in personal care products like shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, cosmetics, lotion, & more I want to make sure everyone reading realizes the words natural, pure, organic, botanical, herbal, etc. mean NOTHING in the personal care industry. I learned this after buying Tom’s of Maine toothpaste and deodorant without reading the ingredients. I just trusted the label and was willing to pay more for “natural” (& what I thought meant safe, toxin free) products. As a concerned consumer I started researching companies that claimed to make safe personal care products. What they put in their products was no different than the toxic ones I was buying. The only thing that changed was the price! Why? The more I researched the more frustrated I became. We are smothering ourselves, our children & our environment with a chemical cocktail, scientifically proven to cause neurological & endocrine disruption, cancer, degenerative disease and more! Avoid These Toxins In Personal Care Products “It’s not just about what’s in our products, it’s about what’s not in them.” Tom Mower Sr. 100% Toxin Free Cosmetics Women have four times the toxins as men because we have about 10% more body fat than men & store more fat-soluble toxic materials. These toxins in personal care products have been tentatively linked to breast cancer and hormone disruption. Women transfer toxins to children in utero and through breast milk, which some researchers suggest can affect fetal development and childhood growth. Ref: Women’s Foundation of California. 22 Toxins In Personal Care Products: 1. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) & Laureth (SLES): used in shampoo, soap, toothpaste, facial cleansers, car washes, garage floor cleaners & engine degreasers and in 90% of products that foam. 1. SLS (sodium laurylsulfate): acts as a detergent. Used in the laboratory as a membrane destabilizer& solubilizerof proteins and lipids, causing potential harm to skin and eyes. Young eyes may not develop properly if exposed to SLS because proteins are denatured. Recent studies have shown a link between the use of toothpastes containing SLS and the occurrence of RAS (canker sores). In a study at the University of Oslo in Oslo, Norway, Drs. Barvolland Brokstadrevealed a 60-70% reduction in the number of canker sores in patients who used SLS free toothpaste during the 3 month test period.SLS & SLES is also a poison. References 1. Herlofson, Benteand Pal BarkvollSodium laurylsulfate and recurrent aphthousulcers 1994;52:257-259 2. 1996; 54(3): 150-153

2. PROPYLENE GLYCOL: used in cosmetics, hair care, food, deodorant industrial and RV antifreeze, brake fluid, concrete additive, tobacco products. Many deodorant formulations contain a higher amount of propylene glycol than industrial applications (Tom’s of Maine is one of them). Topical application to injured skin or intravenous administration has sometimes been associated with Lactic acidosis, Comas , Seizures & Renal Failure. Linked to: Central Nervous System Effects, Metabolic Effects & Poisoning Ref: ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Ref: Reprotext2004 UK scientists have claimed: In their analysis of 20 breast tumors found high concentrations of para-hydroxybenzoicacids (parabens) in 18 samples.

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3. PARABENS (Mehtyl, Isobutyl, Ethyl-, Butyl-, Propyl-): used in hair care, lotions,creams, cosmetics, deodorants and soaps. Also used in pet care and food additives. Parabens can mimic the hormone estrogen, which is known to play a role in the development of breast cancers. The preservatives are used in many cosmetics and some foods to increase their shelf-life. These preservatives have been shown to cause skin rashes, eye irritation, respiratory irritation, are very harmful if swallowed. (Published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology 2004.)

4. Alph-hydroxyAcids: used in cosmetics, skin creams & facial peels -causes redness, peeling & irritation. Should ONLY be used under dermatologist supervision because of dangerous nature.

5. MEA: used in shampoos, body washed, skin creams & shaving gels as a solvent & wetting agent. Shows clear carcinogen activity.

6. DEA (Diethanolamine): used in shampoos, body wash, skin creams, shaving creams.Is a solvent, wetting agent or emulsifier. Is a carcinogen, U.S. Dept of Health’s National Toxicology Program suggests warning labels on all products containing DEA.

7. Dioxin: a hidden unlabeled ingredient commonly found in plastic bottles, lotions & shampoos. Known carcinogen & endocrine disruptor.

8. Flouride: used in toothpaste to help prevent decay. Studies suggest it contributes to bone disease, may be a carcinogen. In high doses flouridecan be fatally toxic. Children are known to swallow 1⁄2 of the toothpaste during brushing!

9. Benzophenones: used in personal care products & sunscreens to protect fragrances from UV light damage. Is a derivative of highly toxic Benzene & are known eye, skin & respiratory irritants.

10. Formalin or Formaldehyde: used in nail polish, antiperspirant, perfumes, dyes, shampoos & more.Is a carcinogen & neurotoxin that may be fatal if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through skin.

11. BiphenolA: used as coating or ingredient for bottles, canned food, plastic containers. Link between it & increased risk of diabetes & heart disease. Is an endocrine disruptor & has negative prenatal effects.

12. PABA (Para Amino enzoicAcid): used in sunscreen & as a dietary supplement. Side effects include dry skin, nausea, vomiting, depletion of VitD & carcinogen activity in some people.

13. Phthalates: used in nail polish, hair spray, deodorants & more Damage liver, kidney, lungs & reproductive system & may be carcinogenic.

14. Quaternuim15 & 51: used in cosmetics & personal care items. Known allergen that can release formaldehyde. Causes contact dermatitis.

15. TEA (Triethanolamine): used in household cleaners, cosmetics, personal care products. Similar to DEA & MEA, is used to adjust PH levels in cosmetics & modify fatty acids to create the base for cleaners. Causes dry skin & hair, eye problems & toxicity

16. PEG (Polyethylene Glycol): used in cosmetics, shaving cream & personal care products. Considered so toxic that workers are required to wear protective gloves, clothing etc. while disposing. Petroleum derivative that penetrates skin, weakens proteins & cellular structure causing kidney, brain & liver abnormalities.

17. Toluene: used in nail polish. Potential carcinogen & endocrine disruptor which may cause liver & respiratory damage as well as birth defects.

18. Talc: used in cosmetics, baby powders, foot prep. Known carcinogen. Used in the genital area of women leads to a 60% increase in risk of ovarian cancer.

19. Mineral Oil: used in skin care products, cosmetics, etc. to soften & moisturize. Baby oil is 100% mineral oil. Is a petroleum by-product that dries skin, clogs pores which leads to acne & premature aging. It also slows the development of new skin cells.

20. Lanolin: used as a moisturizer in skin creams. Naturally it is NOT harmful but is often contaminated with harmful pesticides & harsh chemicals that are used on the sheep wool from which lanolin comes. The majority of lanolin is contaminated to some degree.

21. Glycerin: used in moisturizers & lotions. It attracts moisture from the air to your skin, but can also attract moisture from your skin, leading to dryness.

22. Aluminum: used in antiperspirants & cosmetics. Possible link between it & central nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer’s.

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STEP #5 FEED FOR FUEL Once you have dumped the junk and you now have a good idea of what to put in your body when it comes to micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), now we need to look at macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrate). These substrates each have a purpose. Food is not just entertainment for the tongue. SURPRISE! Lol! Each substrate has a specific purpose. If you eat with purpose, you will not only feel better and look better, you will perform better too. Fueling for your Day Since protein is not the best fuel, you don’t need as much in the morning as much as you need it at night. However, you need more protein at night since your body does most of its muscle and tissue repair while you sleep. Since carbs are great for giving you energy to move, you need fewer carbs as you get closer to bedtime. This means your first meal should be a high-carb low-protein meal and your last meal of the day should be a high-protein low-carb meal. Fats help give you energy, burn fat and keep you feeling satisfied, so your fats should stay pretty level. (See graph below)


Fueling for your Workout Strengthening: You need to eat prior to a strength workout in order to have the energy you need to power through each session. If you don’t, you will likely get light-headed or nauseous. Your body needs low-glycemic carbohydrates (whole foods, oats, grains, sweet potato) with a little protein and fat. You don’t need a lot of protein prior to working out, as protein is not the best fuel source. However, the perfect time to eat protein is after your workout for muscle repair. Cardio: You do not have to eat prior to doing low to moderate fat-burning cardio. This type of exercise is not intense and powerful like plyometrics or resistance training. Your body will have time to tap into fat stores, and turn them into blood sugar for your body to use as energy. This is why we suggest doing cardio on an empty stomach. CALORIE FACTS: Carbohydrates: 4 calories per gram Protein: 4 calories per gram Fat: 9 calories per gram Alcohol: 7 calories per gram TIP: Since fat is high in calories, people often try to avoid fat in their diet. However, fat is incredibly important. Fat slows digestion so you absorb more nutrients from your meals with healthy fats included and you will find this slower digestion means your body is more satisfied for a longer period of time. In addition to feeling fuller, you will have more energy throughout the day when you are keeping a steady stream of healthy fats in your diet.




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K.I.S.S. YOUR FOOD Keep It Simple Stupid. Complicated recipes are harder to track and manage. The fewer ingredients, the fewer calories and unnecessary ingredients. Season foods with herbs, lime juice, lemon juice, garlic, vinegar, olive oil, vegetables (like onions, peppers, green onions, hot peppers, olives, etc). Marinate and season your meat with natural herbs, juices and vinegar to give it more flavor without the extra calories. TIP: Remember to eat what your body needs first. Food’s number one purpose is to fuel our body, not entertain us. Once you have determined what you need (see DelRae’s plate chart, left), then you can determine how to make it yummy. SAMPLE MENU #1 BREAKFAST Healthy Meal Replacement Shake or superfood smoothie SNACK 10 raw almonds LUNCH Turkey (low-sodium thin sliced) sandwich (whole, sprouted grain bread), side spinach salad with green apples SNACK 1-2 Tablespoons almond butter in a celery stick DINNER Chicken breast, broccoli, spinach salad with olives SAMPLE MENU #2 BREAKFAST 2 eggs, cooked oatmeal, blueberries SNACK 10 raw almonds LUNCH Meal Replacement Shake or superfood smoothie SNACK Raw almonds, sliced cucumber and hummus DINNER Salmon and asparagus

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Dining on a Diet One of the hardest temptations we face is dining out. Whether we go to restaurants out of necessity or luxury, we are faced with the difficult task of weeding through delicious high-calorie menu items in search of the healthiest choice. Often times the deciding factor is not based on solid information but what looks or sounds healthy. Other times, we talk ourselves into deserving it based on how hard we’ve worked out or dieted. No matter what you tell yourself, if you are not losing weight then you are not making the right choices. How do we make better choices? My suggestion is to get educated and be prepared. In every other area of our life we do what it takes to make the wisest decisions. Whether it’s buying a car, choosing a new computer or investing our money – we do our homework. We should treat eating out the same way. Here are a few tips that can give you the edge you need when facing the menu. Do your homework. Buy a calorie guide at your local bookstore. There are plenty of pocket-sized books available that offer great information from whole foods to fast food. Study the book and highlight low-calorie items that fit your tastes. Search the restaurants and highlight menu items that are within your limits. Make a fast food emergency list for the times you must eat on the go. Plan ahead. You need to have a plan for every situation. The most common stumbling block is eating out. If you plan to eat out, decide on what you will eat before you even go to the restaurant. Many restaurants will fax you a menu or provide a menu online. There are also many websites, like, that offer nutritional information for popular restaurants. If you are craving a high-calorie item, plan on adjusting the portions to meet your needs. After you have made your decision, don’t give yourself an opportunity to change your mind by looking at the menu once you get to the restaurant. If you are eating a high-calorie meal, ask your waiter to bring out a to-go box with the meal so you can divide your food into the correct portions before you take your very first bite. Don’t go hungry. Don’t let your big eyes and empty stomach make your decisions for you. Most of our moms taught us not to eat before supper or we’ll spoil our dinner. If you have to go somewhere you know doesn’t offer healthy alternatives, go ahead – spoil your dinner! Eat a small snack or meal before dining out to avoid overeating or ordering off your diet. Always keep snacks on you. This step starts at the grocery store. You must shop smart to snack smart. Be realistic and honest with yourself. Your snacks need to be more than just healthy – they must be convenient and satisfying. Having a snack on hand can help you when you are in a bind and are tempted to get fast food. Know your weaknesses. If you are trying to diet, it is important to recognize and avoid your greatest temptations. Don’t take the kids for ice cream if you love sweets. Avoid buffets and all-you-can eat restaurants if you struggle with portion control. You MUST set parameters for your healthier lifestyle to help you keep focused and in control. Demand support. Your family needs to understand your goals and support you in your quest to lose weight. It is just as important for you to control your surroundings as it is for an alcoholic to avoid being around alcohol. Both situations require the support of friends and family. Never quit. If you struggle with your weight, there will probably never be a day that you will be able to eat whatever you want whenever you want. That doesn’t mean that you can’t have whatever you want every once and a while, but it does mean that eating healthy should not be for a season, but for a lifetime. Common questions Dr. DelRae asks her waiter or waitress when she dines out:

May I get veggies instead of bread please? Do you have hummus or guacamole for dipping? Can you take the cheese, croutons, bacon, and dressing off my salad and add veggies instead? Can I have grilled chicken, fish, or steak instead of breaded or fried? Can I have this burger without the bun? Can I get my vegetables steamed and without butter? Can I get an omelet loaded with vegetables and no cheese? Can I get vegetables instead of french fries? Can you leave the creamy sauce off this dish and use marinara instead? Can I get a box for half of my meal? Can I have olive oil and balsamic vinegar for my salad?

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Eat Clean with Kristie Belliston I asked one of my favorite clean-eating friends to contribute to our 30-Day Cleanse Challenge. Here are a few of her favorite recipes to use during her cleanse. NOTE: Going dairy-free is optional while detoxing, depending on your sensitivity. Some of these recipes may include dairy. Adjust accordingly. Green Lemonade 3 stalks kale leaves 4-5 stalks celery 1 handful parsley 1 green apple 1 lemon 1 inch fresh ginger Wash all the produce thoroughly. Feed all ingredients into your juicer by order of the ingredients listed. Enjoy! Kristie’s Hungry Girl Omelet Makes 1 serving 4 eggs 1 cup any vegetable 1⁄4 cup onions, chopped Whisk the eggs in a large bowl. Add the vegetables. Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add the vegetable mixture and cook until the eggs become semi firm. Than layer the cheese onto the omelet. Fold and continue to cook until lightly brown on both sides and the egg is no longer runny. Enjoy with a lot of baby greens. Taco Salad Makes 1 serving 1 head Butter Lettuce 1⁄2 cup salsa 1 avocado, sliced 1 tomato, sliced or diced 1⁄2 zucchini, chopped 1⁄4 cup red onion 1 lemon or lime, juice Sea salt 1-tablespoon Vegenaise In a large bowl place the butter lettuce leafs flat until the bottom of the bowl is covered. In a medium bowl add remaining ingredients except the yogurt or Veganise and toss to mix. Add this mixture to your large bowl on top of the lettuce leafs. Top with the Greek Yogurt or Vegenaise. Grilled Chicken Cabbage Wraps Makes 2 Servings 2 ‘Simple Grilled Chicken Breasts’, sliced for sandwiches 8 large cabbage or romaine lettuce leafs Real mayo or Vegenaise Amy’s Organic Horse Radish Mustard 1 Tomato, sliced thin 4 ounces raw cheese On a large cabbage leaf spread mayo or Vegenaise and mustard. Add 1 slice chicken breast and 1⁄2 ounce raw cheese. Wrap lettuce leaf around to form a “burrito”. Kristie’s Favorite Salad Makes 2 servings 4-6 cups fresh Arugula 1⁄2 cup raw walnuts 1⁄4 cup red onion, diced 1 zucchini, spiralized or sliced thin 1 lemon, juiced 2-tablespoons olive oil 1/4 –teaspoon sea salt or 2-teaspoons liquid aminos or balsamic vinaigrette In a small bowl mix the lemon juice, olive oil, and other and set aside. In a large bowl place the arugula, feta, walnuts, red onion, and zucchini. Drizzle the dressing evenly and toss to mix.

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Beet this Flounder Makes 2 servings 2 half pound flounder or trout fillets, rinsed 1-cup beets, chopped 1 cove garlic, diced 2-tablespoons lemon, juice 1-teaspoon butter, melted Sea salt and fresh pepper to taste 1 cup raw corn cut off the cob {do not use frozen corn} 2-4 springs of your favorite herbs [optional} Preheat oven to 450 Degrees Fahrenheit. Place the fish in a shallow baking dosh, add the beets, then distribute the garlic, lemon juice, butter, and salt and pepper evenly over the whole dish. Bake uncovered for 25 minutes or until the fish begins to flake. On a dinner plate, place 1⁄2 cup of the raw corn and top with the baked fish and beets. Garnish your plate with your favorite herbs. Enjoy! Zucchini Chips with Guacamole Makes 1 serving 1 Zucchini, sliced think 1⁄2 avocado, mashed 1-cup salsa 1-tablespoon real mayo or Vegenaise 1 lemon or lime, juice 1⁄4 teaspoon sea salt In a medium bowl, mix the avocado, salsa, mayo, lemon juice, and sea salt to your liking. The sliced zucchini will be used as “chips” to dip into the dip. Enjoy! Warm Kale Quinoa Salad 4 cups of kale, removed from stem and rinsed 2 tsp coconut oil 1 cup of cooked quinoa (see cooking directions below) 1 Tbs tahini 1 Tbs tamari (or soy sauce if not gluten- free) Juice of half a lemon 1 avocado, sliced Salt and pepper to taste To prepare the dressing, mix together tahini, tamari, lemon juice and agave (if using) in a small bowl or cup. Heat coconut oil in a pan on the stove. Add kale and saute ́ for 1 to 2 minutes, until kale begins to wilt. Add quinoa and stir until warm. Mix in dressing, then transfer to plates. Top with avocado, sprinkle with salt and pepper and enjoy! HOT TIP! How to prepare delicious, fluffy quinoa Rinse 1 cup of dry quinoa with a fine- mesh strainer. Heat a drop of coconut oil in saucepan. Add quinoa to saucepan and toast for a minute or two. (This adds a slightly nutty flavor.) Add two cups of vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Simmer for 15 minutes with the lid on, then turn heat off and let quinoa sit covered for 5 to 10 minutes. Serve right away or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator

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STEP #6 GET MOVING LiveStrong explains how exercise is important for staying healthy, saying “Exercise helps the body's organs of elimination to function optimally simply by getting them going. Moving the body helps to circulate both blood and lymph. The more they circulate, the more the liver and lymph nodes can do the job of cleansing and purifying the blood and lymph.” As a part of the Spring Clean 30-Day Challenge, I encourage you to exercise at least three days a week and purposefully create more activity in each day. DID YOU KNOW? Department of Health and Human Services recommends you get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity. Before you begin, it’s great to document your “starting point”. How do you know if you improve if you don’t know where you started? Complete the following exercises, counting repetitions and document your results each week. Physical Fitness Test

EXERCISES Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Push Ups Reps in 60 Seconds

Pull Ups (optional) Reps in 60 Seconds

Burpees Reps in 60 Seconds

Sit Ups Reps in 60 Seconds

Air Squats Reps in 60 Seconds

Dips Reps in 60 Seconds

¼ Mile Walk/Jog Reps in 60 Seconds

CARDIO & ABS I love combining cardio with abs to mix things up. Here is an example of one of our cardio and ab routines.

Exercise Time Exercise Description (40 Minutes) Cardio 10-Minutes Treadmill – Jog/Run

30 Seconds of Each: Sit Ups Weighted Crunches Reverse Crunch Plank Knee to Chest 30 Seconds Rest

Abs 10-Minutes

X 4 Sets Cardio 10-Minutes Elliptical – Ramp up Resistance and Go Hard!

30 Seconds of Each: Bicycle Crunches Right Oblique Crunch Left Oblique Crunch Diagonal Knee 30 Seconds Rest

Abs 10-Minutes

X 4 Sets

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3-Day Bodyweight Conditioning Program


Push Ups 30 sec on/30 sec off X 3 Pull Ups (optional, if you have a pull-up bar) 30 sec on/30 sec off X 3 Mountain Climbers 30 sec on/30 sec off X 3 Tricep Bodyweight Dips 30 sec on/30 sec off X 3 Up Up Down Down 30 sec on/30 sec off X 3

Push Ups 30 sec on/30 sec off X 1 Pull Ups (optional, if you have a pull-up bar) 30 sec on/30 sec off X 1 Mountain Climbers 30 sec on/30 sec off X 1 Tricep Bodyweight Dips 30 sec on/30 sec off X 1 Up Up Down Down 30 sec on/30 sec off X 1 Rest 30 seconds rest Repeat above 3 times

Core Circuit Repeat entire circuit X 3 Plank 60 seconds (do your best) X1 Side Plank Left 30 seconds X1 Side Plank Right 30 seconds X1 Rest (No rest between exercises) 30 seconds -


Squats (bodyweight) 30 sec on/30 sec off X 3 Walking Lunges 30 sec on/30 sec off X 3 Curtsy (Left foot weighted) 30 sec on/30 sec off X 3 Knee Repeaters (Left foot weighted) 30 sec on/30 sec off X 3 Stomps (Left foot weighted) 30 sec on/30 sec off X 3 Repeat the above exercises on the Right Leg 30 sec on/30 sec off

Squats (bodyweight) 30 sec on/10 sec off X 1 Walking Lunges 30 sec on/30 sec off X 1 Curtsy (Left foot weighted) 30 sec on/30 sec off X 1 Knee Repeaters (Left foot weighted) 30 sec on/30 sec off X 1 Stomps (Left foot weighted) 30 sec on/30 sec off X 1 Repeat above 1 time through on the right leg. 30 sec on/30 sec off

Glute & Core Circuit TIME/INTENSITY (quality, not speed) SETS Squat Thrusts 60 seconds (do your best) X1 Cook Hip Lift (left) 30 seconds X1 Cook Hip Lift (right) 30 seconds X1 Bridges 30 seconds X1 Rest (No rest between exercises) 30 seconds - Repeat above circuit X 2


Burpees 40 on/ 20 sec off X 1 Overhead walking lunges (hold arms up) 40 on/ 20 sec off X 1 Mountain Climbers 40 on/ 20 sec off X 1 Push Ups 40 on/ 20 sec off X 1 Tuck Jumps or Jump Squats 40 on/ 20 sec off X 1 Sit Ups 40 on/ 20 sec off X 1 Diagonal Knee 40 on/ 20 sec off X 1 Repeat above for 5 rounds

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3-Day Gym Workout Schedule Upper Body Workout - Upper Body: Do 12-15 reps for 3 SETS, going up each time but not going below 8 reps. Choose 2 Chest Exercises - 1 Press and 1 Fly

CHEST LBS REPS NOTES (Could you do more weight? List any settings, etc.) Dumbbell Chest Press Machine Chest Press pr Bench Press Cable Cross Over, Pec Deck or Flies

Choose 2 Back Exercises - 1 Wide Grip & Choose 1 Close Grip

BACK LBS REPS NOTES (Could you do more weight? List any settings, etc.) Pull Ups or Assisted Pull Up Machine Lat Pull Downs Bent Over Barbell Row or Machine Row

Choose 3 Shoulder Exercises

SHOULDERS LBS REPS NOTES (Could you do more weight? List any settings, etc.) Barbell Dumbbell Shoulder Press Upright Row Lateral Raise Rear Delt Dumbbell Raise

Choose 2 Bicep Exercises

BICEPS LBS REPS NOTES (Could you do more weight? List any settings, etc.) Preacher Curl Straight Bar Preacher Curl or Curl Machine Alternating Dumbbell Curls

Choose 2 Tricep Exercises (preferably 1 dip and 1 extension)

TRICEPS LBS REPS NOTES (Could you do more weight? List any settings, etc.) Dips or Assisted Dip Machine Tricep Extension (machine or dumbbells) Tricep Kickbacks Cable Rope Pull Down Tricep Extension

Lower Body Workout - 18-20 reps for 4 SETS. Go up each set, not going lower than 12-15 reps. Choose 3 Quad Exercises – 1 from the first group and 2 from the second group.

QUADS LBS REPS NOTES (Could you do more weight? List any settings, etc.) Group #1: Squats Group #1: Leg Press Group #1: Hack Squat Group #2: Leg Extensions Group #2: HEAVY walking lunges Group #2: Step Ups (1 leg at a time)

Choose 3 Hamstring Exercises

HAMSTRINGS LBS REPS NOTES (Could you do more weight? List any settings, etc.) Straight Leg Deadlifts Romanian (1-leg) Deadlifts Prone Hamstring Curls Seated Hamstring Curls Standing Hamstring Curls

Cardio & Core Workout - 18-20 reps for 4 SETS. Go up each set, not going lower than 12-15 reps. 10 Minutes on Cardio & do 1 Couplet. Repeat for all 3 Couplets. 20 Seconds of Each X 4 - NO REST

CARDIO & CORE LBS REPS NOTES (Could you do more weight? List any settings, etc.) #1 Hanging Knees/Toes to Bar Squat Thrusts #2 Diagonal Knee on Bosu (flat side up) Burpees #3 Crunch Machine or Weighted Abs Mountain Climbers

Page 21: STEP #1 – DUMP THE JUNK!… · foods, but it is in so many prepackaged foods like crackers, chips, salad dressings,

HIIT Cardio Here is an example of a HIIT cardio workout on a treadmill. HIIT training is a great way to burn more fat and get more fit all in one short training segment. NOTE: We have provided a speed goal for you to try. Of course this will depend on your fitness level, but try your HARDEST to go as fast as you can.

Conditioining Workout This is a great set of circuits to bring your heart rate up without cardio equipment.

Conditioning REPS Circuit #1 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Push Ups Sit Ups Burpees

Air Squats Jump Rope Circuit #2 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Mtn. Climbers Get Ups

Jumping Jacks Burpees

Butt Kicks Circuit #3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Push Ups Jump Rope

Sit Ups Jump Rope Air Squats ¼ Mile TIME Walk/Jog

MINUTE TIME Exercise Speed Incline 1:00 3-Minutes Walk 3.5-4.0 0% 4:00 1 Minute Run/Jog 6.0 0% 5:00 1 Minute Run/Jog 7.0 2% 6:00 1 Minute Run like Forest Gump 7.5 3% 7:00 1 Minute Run like you stole it 8.0 4% 8:00 1 Minute Run like you are running from a ravenous dog 8.5 5%

DO 3 ROUNDS, and end with a 3-minute walk for a 30-minute workout.