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Transcript of STELLAR EPK - Dutch

  • 8/14/2019 STELLAR EPK - Dutch


  • 8/14/2019 STELLAR EPK - Dutch


  • 8/14/2019 STELLAR EPK - Dutch


    An ancient innocent

    godlike couple is torn

    apart when evil

    infiltrates the heart ofthe man, the woman is

    forced to leave and must

    find her way back to

    save the world anddefeat the power

    of darkness.-logline

  • 8/14/2019 STELLAR EPK - Dutch


    1930, when 8 year old Lotus questions the meaning of hername, her grandfather has an extraordinairy tale to tell.

    The story takes her to the very beginning of mankindwhere innocence is created in a male, Kreios, and a female, Ishtar.

    When Kreioss heart is inltrated by evil, Ishtar is forced to leave the world.Centuries go by while the darkness poisons the lands, but not all hope is lost.

    When the sixth and nal birth of innocence takes place, evil decides on destroyingit. Kreios, now a mighty Viking king, is summoned and fully posessed to lead the

    battle with his Viking warriors. While Ishtar, ready to return, is bound to protect the lasthope of mankind. In a thrilling, epic battle, the future of the entire world is at stake.

    1930, wanneer de 8 jarige Lotus naar de betekenis van haar naam vraagt, heeft haarovergroot opa een opmerkelijk verhaal te vertellen. Zijn stem voert haar mee naar het begin van

    de schepping, waar de onschuld werd geboren in de vorm van een man, Kreios, en een vrouw,Ishtar. Wanneer de duisternis het hart van Kreios vergiftigd, is Ishtar genoodzaakt de aarde teverlaten. Jaren gaan voorbij en langzaam wortelt het kwaad zich in de uitgestrekte landen, maarde hoop is nog niet verloren. Wanneer de zesde, en laatste, onschuld geboren wordt besluithet kwaad dat het vernietigd moet worden. Kreios, aan de macht gekomen als Viking koning,wordt volledig bezeten door Celthor en gaat de strijd aan met zijn viking krijgers. Ishtar, ge

    reed voor haar terugkeer, doet er alles aan om de laatste hoop voor de wereld te beschermen.In een bloedstollende, epische strijd, staat de toekomst van de gehele wereld op het spel.

    Full Synopsis

    1930, when 8 year old Lotus questions the meaning of her name, her grandfather has anextraordinary tale to tell. His story takes her on a journey to where it once all began, whenraging elements ruled our planet. When their rst alliance was forged a new balancemanifested, giving birth to innocence by the creation of a male (Kreios) and a female (Ishtar).Both unaware of the evil (Celthor) also incarnated on their planet, they form a magical openunion. Hungry for power, the dark force is attracted and nds a way into the heart of Kreios,forcing Ishtar to retrieve from her beloved world. Many centuries go by and slowly the darknessruns deep in the soil, poisoning the earth. Meanwhile Ishtar awaits her return, providing herpower only for a select secret group of followers called: the order of Merkabah.

    A new hope for mankind lights the skies when Aaron is born, he forms the sixth and nal birthof innocence. When Aaron retrieves the lost power of Ishtar in his heart, Celthor knows andlongs for his destruction. Possessed by evil Kreios, now a mighty Viking prince, gathers a groupof Viking warriors and sets out to destroy the young Aaron. Protected by the order ofMerkabah, Aaron is taken to a sacred ritual where Ishtar is summoned back to earth. WhenIshtar returns in a Merkabah of blue light, the reunion is quickly disturbed by Kreios and hisbloodthirsty Vikings. Most of the Merkabah followers are killed in a erce and epic battle,protecting Ishtar whos ed the scene with the last hope of mankind. After a thrilling chasethrough the woods Ishtar and her six stand face to face with Kreios and his warriors. In a nal,brutal attack Kreios jumps to destroy Ishtar with his erce aming sword. Suddenly the earth

    trembles and an enormous power manifests in Ishtar, enforced by the six. A giant spurtof water emerges from Ishtars hands, destroying Kreios and his sword. Celthor is defeated andthe Viking warriors ee the scene. In the smoking ashes of Kreioss remains a newborn baby isfound. Ishtar recognizes her soul companion and takes him with her. In the newfound harmony,together they walk into the deep forest and dissappear.

  • 8/14/2019 STELLAR EPK - Dutch


  • 8/14/2019 STELLAR EPK - Dutch


    The Heyl Brothers (Justin Heyl & Jol Heyl) are two talented award winning lmmakers who decided tokeep it in the family when they teamed up as a producing/directing duo. Both graduated at the prestigious

    Utrecht school of arts, they are ready to seriously kick some ass. They seem to hold the ingredients forcinematographic gold. Its no surprise theyve won an award for every single release since they started in2010. With their unique talent and cutting edge technical approach their names will soon be established

    worldwide. More about the Heyl Brothers on

  • 8/14/2019 STELLAR EPK - Dutch


    arly in life Manon developed a strong interest in music and dance, as a young girl shetarted writing songs to express her thoughts and emotions. Like a diary she kept themor herself, secretly dreaming of becoming a singer one day. When she heard aboutuditions for a local theatre play at the age of 16 she decided to give it a try... and goterself a part! The play turned out to be a success as they performed at festivals acrosshe country. Manon didnt stay un-noticed, a producer saw her perform and asked heror his pop project, they recorded 2 singles and a video. The following years she

    worked on several projects, exploring different styles of music to keep developing herself.n 1999 she decided to take a rest from it all and started travelling, while discovering newlaces she fell in love with Mexico and got herself a job as a piano-bar singer and dancer in a small diner-show. Singing andancing every day gave her the condence she needed to make the next steps. After living in the sun for a year she decided toet her songs out there and moved back to Holland. While working as a M.C/Vocalist in clubs she met a couple of producers

    who wanted to work with her and within a year she signed her rst publishing-deal. After releasing a few dance records,ncluding the major hit single The beat goes on, she wanted more and felt ready to work on her own songs and discover herwn style. A friend told her about the Tiestos search for talent contest and encouraged her to send him a tape. Esmaye won!

    Out of hundreds of contestants they chose her for her exceptional voice and qualities as a songwriter and offered her aecord-deal. She released her debut single Easy and soon after that the worlds most famous DJ asked her to accompany himn his Just Be tour. Together they performed at prestigious festivals throughout Europe. After the tour she totally committederself to her own career. She wrote and released her debut album Elements in Me alongside two beautiful videos in7 countries worldwide. Now shes back in the studio working on her 2nd album & writing for several EDM collaborations.

    oshua Petit is an upcoming composer/producer with a big feel for epicness.eaving a magical touch on every production, Joshua is denitely set forreatness. With an already impressive contribution to the Dutch movie scenend his own sounddesign company, Stellar seemed a logical step on his pathowards the stars.

    We work with an amazing loyal crew, theyve all shown their dedication over the past three years and weve all created manymazing productions! An exact crew list will follow.

  • 8/14/2019 STELLAR EPK - Dutch


  • 8/14/2019 STELLAR EPK - Dutch


  • 8/14/2019 STELLAR EPK - Dutch


    igh Speed Slow Motion (2000 fps)

    igh Dynamic Range Film

  • 8/14/2019 STELLAR EPK - Dutch
