Status as of August 26, 2020 - INCOSE

Status as of August 26, 2020

Transcript of Status as of August 26, 2020 - INCOSE

Status as of August 26, 2020

Table of contentsKeynote - Plenary ................................................................................................................................................................. p. 3

Keynote - Plenary#K2: Engineering Americas Most Ambitious Regional Transit Expansion. ..................................... p. 3

Keynote - Plenary#K1: Migrating to MBSE on Legacy and New Programs. ................................................................ p. 4

Keynote - Plenary#K3: Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: The significant opportunities for healthcare improv ... p. 5

Keynote - Plenary#K4: Nuclear Technology Development with Systems Engineering ............................................... p. 6

Welcome Plenary - Introduction ................................................................................................................................... p. 6

Presentation ......................................................................................................................................................................... p. 7

Presentation#9: A Proposed Model-Based Approach for Product Verification ............................................................ p. 7

Presentation#35: Comparison of FDA Quality System Regulation and INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook .... p. 8

Presentation#20: Complexity of Dynamic Systems in Mining Operations ................................................................... p. 9

Presentation#26: Customer Analytics for Service Excellence in Systems Engineering ..............................................p. 10

Presentation#30: Distributed, Data-centric Collaborative Information Management (DDCIM) for Project Managem ..p. 11

Presentation#8: Early System V&V Using SysML Simulation .....................................................................................p. 12

Presentation#27: Flight Test: The Ill-regarded Tail-End-Charlie of a Project ..............................................................p. 13

Presentation#5: Hardware-Inclusive DevOps: Applying DevOps Principles & Practices to Cyber-Physical System ..p. 14

Presentation#22: How to Realign Engineering Teams for Remote Work with Minimal Disruption ..............................p. 15

Presentation#24: INCOSEs Guide to Verification and Validation: Context, Progress, and Content ............................p. 16

Presentation#10: Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification and Industrial Challenges ..............................................p. 17

Presentation#15: Model of Models Methodology .........................................................................................................p. 18

Presentation#14: ModelCenter MBSE: The Bridge Between Systems Engineering and Multi-Fidelity Analytical M ...p. 19

Presentation#7: Perspectives on the Boeing 737MAX MCAS .....................................................................................p. 20

Presentation#23: Sensitivity Classification of Information Assets Using Machine Learning ........................................p. 20

Presentation#36: Systems Engineering for Small and Medium Nuclear Projects .......................................................p. 22

Presentation#4: Systems Engineering Problem Solving for Undergraduates ..............................................................p. 23

Presentation#19: The Future of Performance Design with MBSE: Electric Powertrain Example ................................p. 24

Presentation#32: The Powerful Advantages of Developing a "Failure Resume" .........................................................p. 25

Presentation#11: The Role of Analytics in the Digital Twin .........................................................................................p. 26

Presentation#33: The Surprising Benefits of Virtualizing Traditional In-Person Training for Complex Engineering ...p. 27

Presentation#34: The Unforeseen Impacts of Cognitive Bias .....................................................................................p. 27

Presentation#3: What to do about global warming: Examining problem and solution alternatives ..............................p. 29

PDC Presentation ................................................................................................................................................................p. 30

PDC Presentation#13: An Agile-Like Approach to Hardware Development: The Ejectable Data Recorder (EDR) f ..p. 30

PDC Presentation#31: Equipping Tomorrow’s Systems Engineering Workforce ........................................................p. 31

PDC Presentation#6: On Track to Sounder Requirements - A Sound Transit Light Rail Vehicle case study?. ..........p. 32

PDC Presentation#25: Systems Engineering and the Insider Threat Problem ............................................................p. 32

PDC Presentation#29: Transitioning Legacy Systems to Model-based Systems Engineering ...................................p. 34

PDC Presentation#2: Using Architecture and MBSE to Develop Validated Requirements .........................................p. 36

Table of contents .................................................................................................................................................................. p. 2

Keynote - PlenaryKeynote - Plenary#K2

Engineering America's Most Ambitious Regional Transit Expansion.

Mr. Peter Brown ( Director, Systems Engineering and Integration, Sound Transit) - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Brown. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Friday, 09:15-10:15


Mr. Peter Brown ( Director, Systems Engineering and Integration, Sound Transit) - [email protected] Brown is the Director of Systems Engineering and Integration at Sound Transit. After joining the agency in 2011,Peter played an instrumental role in the delivery of the University Link and Angle Lake light rail extension projects inaddition to other significant projects including the implementation of Positive Train Control. In his current role Peter isresponsible for the design, construction and testing of signaling, power and communications infrastructure and lightrail vehicles worth over a billion dollars in support of Sound Transit’s system expansion plan. Since graduating from theUniversity of Sydney with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering, Peter has held various engineering, construction andoperational roles in critical road and rail infrastructure in Sydney, London and Washington, D.C. Peter’s internationalexperience in the public and private sector covering all life-cycle phases of critical infrastructure has resulted in a deepappreciation of the value of diverse perspectives and the importance of systems thinking in effective project delivery.

Keynote - Plenary#K1

Migrating to MBSE on Legacy and New Programs.

Ms. Christi Gau Pagnanelli (Director, Systems Engineering, Boeing Defense, Space and Security) [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Pagnanelli. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 09:15-10:15


Ms. Christi Gau Pagnanelli (Director, Systems Engineering, Boeing Defense, Space and Security) [email protected] her current role, Christi is responsible for defining and implementing Systems Engineering and Model Based SystemsEngineering best practices, processes and tools to be used across Boeing programs. She has over 31 years ofexperience in the Aerospace Industry primarily in Program/Project Management, Systems Engineering and GlobalEngineering Management. Her experiences include Deputy Program Manager of Vigilare for Boeing Australia Limitedwhere she was responsible for program execution. Gau Pagnanelli joined Vigilaire from various satellite andproprietary programs where her last position was the Director of Systems Engineering. Prior she held leadershippositions responsible for systems integration and test laboratory, mission software, hardware/software integration,and program tools and processes. Christi began her career at McDonnell Douglas Corporation working on theInternational Space Station program as a member of the technical staff where she worked on designing a number ofintegrated systems. She continued to hold a variety of leadership positions. Her last position on the ISS program was asSegment Integrated Product Team Leader. She held this position throughout the final design and assembly,integration, test, sell-off to the NASA customer and on-orbit mission support. Christi received her Bachelor of Sciencedegree in aerospace engineering from Iowa State University.

Keynote - Plenary#K3

Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: The significant opportunities forhealthcare improvement through the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr. Geoff Austin (Chief Operating Officer at University of Washington Medical Center / Northwest Hospital & MedicalCenter ) - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Austin. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Friday, 12:15-13:15


Mr. Geoff Austin (Chief Operating Officer at University of Washington Medical Center / Northwest Hospital & MedicalCenter ) - [email protected] Austin, MBA, MHA is the Chief Operating Officer for the newly integrated University of Washington MedicalCenter, in Seattle, which across several campuses consists of over 1,500 medical staff, 7,000 employees, and 500residents. Previously, he was the Executive Director for the University of Washington Medical Center, ranked as thenumber one hospital in the state of Washington and the number five cancer hospital in the country. He has over 25years of experience in health care and has worked for UW Medicine since 2005. Prior to his executive roles in UWMedicine, he led strategic service lines including Oncology, Organ Transplantation, and Neurosciences. Before UWMedicine, Geoff was a consultant with ECG Management Consultants and led strategic, financial and operationalplanning engagements for academic medical centers and schools of medicine across the country. He began his careeras a management engineer with Kaiser Permanente in Southern California. Geoff is a clinical instructor with the Masterof Health Administration program at the University of Washington. He is the current board treasurer and past boardpresident with Community House Mental Health Agency, and is an advisory board member of LifeCenter Northwest(the northwest region’s organ procurement organization).

Keynote - Plenary#K4

Nuclear Technology Development with Systems Engineering

Mr. Eric Williams (Vice-President of Engineering, TerraPower) - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Williams. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 12:15-13:15


Mr. Eric Williams (Vice-President of Engineering, TerraPower) - [email protected] Williams is the Vice President of Engineering at TerraPower. In this role, he oversees the engineering associatedwith TerraPower’s advanced reactors and medical isotope programs. He works closely with the senior programmanagers to provide design, analysis, and testing to meet project objectives. Williams has 22 years of experience inengineering and has spent the last 15 years developing nuclear power plant designs, with an emphasis on safety.Before coming to TerraPower, Williams spent four years at B&W mPower developing a new small modular reactordesign and worked to develop the safety of the plant and take the design through pre-licensing with the U.S. NuclearRegulatory Commission. He also led the development of an Integrated Systems Test facility, which was a small-scale,electrically powered version of the nuclear power plant used to demonstrate the safety characteristics of the plantduring simulated accident scenarios. Earlier in his career, Williams worked on another new reactor design where he leda team that analyzed severe accidents. He developed the analysis and documentation needed to license the design andtook the severe accident analysis through the licensing process. Prior to working on new nuclear reactor designs,Williams worked on making the current fleet of nuclear power plants in the U.S. more efficient by upgrading theirequipment and modernizing their systems. He worked directly with electric power utilities and visited operatingnuclear power plants to understand the issues they faced and helped develop solutions. Williams holds a Bachelor ofScience in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida, a Master of Business Administration from LynchburgCollege and a Professional Engineer license.

Welcome Plenary - Introduction

Copyright © 2020 by . Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Friday, 09:00-09:15


A Proposed Model-Based Approach for Product Verification

Raymond Wolfgang - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Wolfgang. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Friday, 14:15-15:00

Keywords. MBSE;Verification & Validation;Qualification;Using MBSE for V&V

Topics. SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. For many systems in highly regulated industries, Verification and Validation is very formal - this type of V&V issometimes called product or system qualification. This presentation will present an MBSE approach to productverification. This approach was considered, because even for simple products sold to the government, qualificationengineers must create, organize and then deliver a large data package as part of the formal submission to thegovernment. Much has been written about using MBSE to improve and accelerate design; this presentation suggeststhat such a tool may also be used to curate the final qualification package for customer acceptance. A simplified coffeemaker example is used to illustrate the idea. The end result can be a more credible, organized, and readable V&Vpackage, as well as reduced labor hours spent by the V&V engineer on package preparation. This is of particularinterest to the author, who performs such engineering as part of his normal work.


Raymond Wolfgang - [email protected] currently works as a Systems Engineer on several programs at Sandia National Laboratories. He hasexperience on many types of projects - from software development work to multi-year defense programs. Currently heperforms system engineering, requirements development and qualification engineering for several developmentproducts. He has also performed requirements engineering and management, safety engineering, and verificationstrategy implementation. Before joining Sandia he worked at the Naval Information Warfare Systems Command(NAVWAR) San Diego (formerly SPAWAR). There, he matured requirements for several programs, performed R&D, andsupported acquisition for several ship-board technology upgrades. His interests include using MBSE to improverequirements analysis, and overall SE process improvement. He has presented at several INCOSE conferences. Agraduate of both Purdue and Penn State Universities in the United States, he is originally from the Philadelphia, USAarea.


Comparison of FDA Quality System Regulation and INCOSE SystemsEngineering Handbook

Daniel Piraino - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Piraino. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 10:30-11:15

Keywords. Medical Devices;Quality System Regulation;Design Controls

Topics. Education and Workforce Development;Healthcare and Medical Devices;SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the primary regulatory responsibility for thesafety and effectiveness of medical devices in the United States. The primary regulation is promulgated in the QualitySystem Regulation (21 CFR 820) (QSR). The section of the regulation of most concern to System Engineers is Subpart Cof the regulation, Design Controls (820.30)

Comparison of Design Controls to the corresponding sections of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook raisesmany questions about what is meant by the Quality System Regulation. Since many engineers are trained on conceptssimilar to those in the Systems Engineering Handbook and since most FDA officials have no experience in either formalSystems Engineering or industry, this causes considerable confusion.

This paper will examine details of the differences of such concepts as Stakeholder Requirements (Design Input in theQSR), System Requirements (also termed Design Input in the QRS), Verification and Validation. It will explore some ofthe consequences on the differences in concepts. Finally the strengths and weaknesses in the authors view of the twosystems is examined.


Daniel Piraino - [email protected] Piraino has been in the medical device field for 44 years, with experience in noninvasive devices, includingtranscutaneous oximetry, laser Doppler blood flow, diagnostic ultrasound, electrocardiography, cardiopulmonaryfeedback devices and defibrillation. He earned a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington in1981, and is currently on the research staff at Stryker Emergency Medical Division in Redmond, Washington, formerlyPhysio-Control Corporation.


Complexity of Dynamic Systems in Mining Operations

Michael Do - [email protected] Yost - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Do, Yost. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 13:30-14:15

Keywords. Complexity;Normal Accident Theory;Mining Operations;Haulage Operations;Systems Approach

Topics. Transportation;

Abstract. The mining industry experiences significant incidents involving haulage operations up to and includingsevere injuries and fatalities. Normal Accident Theory (NAT) posits that accidents occur due to a combination of theinteractive degree of system elements (complexity) and the degree to which elements are bound together in space ortime (coupling). This paper evaluates the applicability of Normal Accident Theory (NAT) to haulage operations in themining industry. Given that the theory was developed for somewhat static systems, one of the initial challenges inapplying NAT to haulage operations was the need to develop an appropriate index for quantifying complexity indynamic environments, where elements that contribute to the spatial complexity could enter and exit a workspacefreely. By viewing haulage operations as a system composed of elements and nodes, a quantitative complexity index isproposed, calculated for a conceptual operation and compared to Mine Safety and Health Administration statistics forbaseline validation. Initial results indicate that there appears to be a correlation between the computed complexity ofsubcomponents of the haulage cycle and the incidence of haulage accidents.


Customer Analytics for Service Excellence in Systems Engineering

Dr. Kenneth Preston - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Preston. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 14:15-15:00

Keywords. systems engineering;big data;customer analytics;service of excellence;communication;Mitigation;technicaldata

Topics. Education and Workforce Development;

Abstract. Customer Analytics is an important element in meeting service excellence for customers. Technical andbusiness efficiencies resulting from affordability, predictive forecasting, strong decision-making and strategic growthare influential events when focusing on customer service. Customer Analytics is the result from customer behaviorpatterns can effectively dissect, evaluate, analyze, and respond to large amounts of analyses, evaluations, modeling,and assumptions made in procuring a design by engineering. This information in systems engineering, have grown solarge and complex that it is difficult to manage and determine its value while meeting conditions required forcustomer’s service excellence. This justifies the need behind the importance of Customer Analytics within systemsengineering. Analytics is the process used by customers to make key technical, marketing, and business decisions aswell as enhance relationships. Building a supportive environment that inspires excellence in everything done is key tohaving these successful and productive relationships (Service Excellence Team, Much of thistechnical data obtained from systems engineering analyses and databases are highly specialized in nature and can beredundant at times. It makes it difficult for the customer to understand the results and make effective decisions. Amodel will be presented focusing on Customer Analytics demonstrate the relationship between systems engineeringand customers. Customer Analytics is critical to the success of the overall growth of any systems engineeringorganization with respect to service of excellence and enhance competitiveness. This analytics helps businesses “to winclients” in an extremely competitive environment and facilitate cost savings (Dive the Customer Service ImprovementCompany, Possessing an effective model can be used to satisfy a consumer’s service ofexcellence and enhance those relationships required to have a positive influence upon the vision and value of allparties.


Dr. Kenneth Preston - [email protected] L. Preston, DBA - Systems Engineering and Integration/Parts Management. Ken has 33 years of aerospace anddefense industry experience (over 25 years in Project Management). He is a Sr. Project Engineer and Technical LeadEngineer on the C-17 Program. He leads the technical oversight of the parts management obsolescence. He worked onthe Space Shuttle program in various technical and management positions as well as a project lead for theReturn-to-Flight Safety and Engineering team’s computational foam fracture mechanics assessment. Dr. Preston servesas an Instructor at California Institute of Technology’s Center for Technology and Management Education (CTME). He isVice-Chair of the Cal State LA Industry Advisory Board (IAB) for Mechanical Engineering and Ambassador for theCalifornia State University (CSU) system/Faith-Based partnerships. He presented and had published a paper in 2016 tothe INCOSE Regional Mini-Conference entitled “Big Data Analytics/Role of Analytics in Systems Engineering”. Dr. Prestonreceived his Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) and MBA in Project Management from Columbia SouthernUniversity, and M.S. and B.A. from Hampton University/Institute in Physics. . Ken has been married for over 34 yearsand resides in Southern California with his family.


Distributed, Data-centric Collaborative Information Management (DDCIM)for Project Management and SE&I

Kristina Rojdev - [email protected] Williams - [email protected] Devolites - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Rojdev, Williams, Devolites. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 13:30-14:15

Keywords. Data-centric;Information management;Collaboration;Project management

Topics. SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. Over the past decade, a team at NASA’s Johnson Space Center has been developing and testing innovativeapproaches to streamline project processes across the full life cycle, applied to two successful in-house flight projects.Both projects made use of an approach called Distributed, Data-centric Collaborative Information Management(DDCIM). DDCIM is a data-centric approach to managing project information, with a primary goal of greatly reducingthe inefficiencies of document-centric information management approaches. DDCIM relies upon the use of adata-centric collaborative environment with linked data relationships. DDCIM is scalable and can be used standalone orto augment traditional document management or MBSE approaches to development. This paper describes theapplication of DDCIM to project management and systems engineering approaches over the project life cycle, fromconceptual development through flight operations.


Jennifer Devolites - [email protected] Devolites received a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from Texas A&M University. She has been with NASA JohnsonSpace Center for over 25 years, starting out in guidance, navigation and control, and moving into increasingly complexresponsibilities for project management and systems engineering. From 2015-2019, she served as the Orion AscentAbort-2 flight test’s Crew Module and Separation Ring (CSR) Flight Test Conductor, SE&I Lead, and Deputy ProjectManager. For the final nine months of the project and through the successful flight test in July 2019, she served asProject Manager. She is currently serving as SE&I Lead for NASA’s Gateway Production Office.


Early System V&V Using SysML Simulation

Saulius Pavalkis - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Pavalkis. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Friday, 13:30-14:15

Keywords. SySML;Simulation;Validation and Verification

Topics. Aviation and Space Systems;SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. Presentation will demonstrate recent trends in system model execution with SysML to perform earlyvalidation and latter architecture and design verification. We will demonstrate system simulation, automatedrequirements verification, test cases specification and automated execution. We will use Cameo Simulation Toolkitwhich is integrates pluggable evaluation engines and standards to enable out of the box system model execution andanalysis.

NASA perspective on recent trends in executable models:"This is an important development since it requires minimal configuration, can be used earlier in the lifecycle and canevolve as the design matures."

Presentation will be done in context of satellite model.


Saulius Pavalkis - [email protected] years at Dassault Systems (No Magic) in model based solutions and R&D Expert in systems modeling, simulation,MBSE ecosystem, interfaces / integrations, traceability, queries INCOSE CSEP, OMG OCSMP, No Magic lifetime modelingand simulation excellence award Community author for simulation ( and MBSE successcases ( Author of multiple papers on MBSE. In 2020 got NAVAIR $20M budget for V&V paperimplementation Representative at INCOSE CAB Supporting MBSE adoption in A&D, T&M and other domains. Majorclients: P&W , Boeing, NASA, BAE Systems, Raytheon Technologies, NGC, FORD


Flight Test: The Ill-regarded Tail-End-Charlie of a Project

Jorg Largent - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Largent. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 11:15-12:00

Keywords. Test;Flight Test;Requirement;Test Requirement;Systems Engineering;Design;Divide between design andtest;Types of data;Traceability;Requirement owner

Topics. Aviation and Space Systems;SE Processes and Methods;Transportation;

Abstract. Testing has often been the ill-regarded tail-end-Charlie of a project. This presentation uses an overview ofthe history of flight test to illustrate its utility and to further illustrate the importance of testing in general. Testing andsystems engineering are complementary in their maturation and execution, intertwined in the successful execution ofa project.Enthusiasm, schedule, and money are often lavished upon the beginnings, with only the dregs of enthusiasm andmoney left as the end of development as an immovable milestone, such as production and a promised initial operatingcapability, looms large on the Gantt Chart. The ever-quickening pace of changes in technology has increased thepressure. The history of the changes is littered with failures, such as the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (also known as“Gallopin’ Gertie”) failure in 1940 to the recent recall by Volvo of all 2019 and 2020 model year vehicles sold in theUnited States. While the bridge failure was an aeroelastic phenomenon and the Volvo problem is a software problem,the common thread throughout the history of technology is the penchant for inadequate testing. This fertile field ofdisasters and disappoints spawned systems engineering as a science and a discipline, but there is evidence to suggestthat the practitioners are being intellectually seduced by the novel, at the expense of the fundamentals.This presentation illustrates the importance of the fundamentals and the role of tools to facilitate them by examiningsome of the challenges facing flight test before the organization of the National Council on Systems Engineering. Thisexamination is interspersed with advances in the discipline of systems engineering to illustrate the utility of thediscipline as a tool. And while this presentation uses historical flight test as a sounding board, the principles areapplicable to all the testing that need be done as a part of any project and transcend the passage of time.


Jorg Largent - [email protected] Largent’s career spans 55 years and ranges from the enlisted ranks of the United States military to Lead SystemsEngineer on the B-2. In between he matriculated at the Georgia Institute of Technology. After completing his formaltraining, he worked in orbital mechanics on the Apollo Program. At the close of the Apollo program Jorg became aFlight Test Engineer, primarily on the CH-46E, the B-1A, and the B-2. After he left Flight Test he moved on to liaisonengineering and then to system engineering on the B-2 program and special projects. Jorg has studied transportationfor over 50 years and has worked as a conductor on the Sierra Railroad. He has mentored high school and college levelengineering students, has been a judge for the California State Science Fair, and has a passion for STEM. Jorg has beenactive in INCOSE working groups, including Transportation, Very Small Entity, and Systems Engineering QualityManagement. Jorg is a writer and the Editor of the INCOSE Los Angeles Newsletter.


Hardware-Inclusive DevOps: Applying DevOps Principles & Practices toCyber-Physical System Engineering

Bryan Smith - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Smith. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 10:30-11:15

Keywords. Agile Systems Engineering;Lean Product Development;DevOps;Scaled Agile Framework;SAFe

Topics. Artificial Intelligence;Autonomous Systems and Resilience;Aviation and SpaceSystems;Communications;E-Commerce, Cloud Services, and System Security;Education and WorkforceDevelopment;Energy;Healthcare and Medical Devices;SE Processes and Methods;Transportation;

Abstract. Much like the Agile Manifesto itself, DevOps surfaced and was developed with a strong software-centricfocus. As software becomes more pervasive within the systems engineering context, our more recent frontier is theapplication, and scaling, of DevOps practices to the development of large, complex, 'cyber-physical' systems composedof software AND non-software components.

In this presentation, we'll examine how agile development (Dev) exposed a bottleneck in operations (Ops) and pushedthese formally distinct (and siloed!) organizations to work together in concert to help ensure the consistent delivery ofhigh-quality functionality to the market.

After reviewing the well-known issues with waterfall/phased-gate process environments we'll discuss the necessity ofcreating synchronized value-streams, working on a common cadence, in order to reduce costly delays, rework andquality issues. Non-software engineers need to recognize that delivering 'value' on a 2-4 week cadence need not be aphysical widget... but shared learning across disciplines that helps avoid mistakes from propagating and/or informbetter decision making.

While those with a lean/agile mindset will recognize that the basic DevOps principles can be applied with minimaladaptation for hardware-inclusive systems, we'll discuss how other practices and emerging technologies can addressthe challenges of applying these principles in the development of cyber-physical systems- resulting in betterengineering and business outcomes.


Bryan Smith - [email protected] has been helping software and systems engineering organizations improve how they develop their products forover 20 years. Beginning with companies like Rational Software and IBM, Bryan moved into the world of lean and agilein 2007 at Rally Software (now part of Broadcom). He joined 321 Gang in 2011 and helped launch itsengineering-centric lean/agile consultancy in 2014. As a reseller for IBM, Polarion and Atlassian, 321 Gang providesboth the services and tooling to help its clients successfully implement agility at scale.


How to Realign Engineering Teams for Remote Work with MinimalDisruption

Aaron Perillat - [email protected] Merino - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Perillat, Merino. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Friday, 11:15-12:00

Keywords. requirements management;test management;risk management;system engineering;remote;cloud

Topics. Aviation and Space Systems;E-Commerce, Cloud Services, and System Security;Energy;Healthcare and MedicalDevices;SE Processes and Methods;Transportation;

Abstract. Throughout 2020, due to COVID, many businesses and engineering teams have been forced to make atransition to remote work and distanced collaboration.

This session will focus on better practices for remote work and collaboration. Jama would like to share our experiencesand expertise so you can align your engineering teams to a new remote work reality without jeopardizing quality,efficiency, or timelines.

A client example will also be reviewed. This client relies on those same collaborative features to communicate criticalchanges to remote teams as part of their daily operations. They develop features at a fast pace, often enhancing thefunctionalities of their electric freight vehicles after they’re deployed. Teams need to react fast and change tracks ifnecessary — and collaborate with each other early in the process.

- Learn how you can use a single platform to introduce remote collaboration and conversations into complexworkflows with minimum disruption to your business.- Learn how traceability can help you identify the impact of changes that occur in your supply chain.- Get helpful tips you can implement right away to help your remote teams maintain momentum in the productdevelopment process.- Participate in a Q & A.


Aaron Perillat - [email protected] Perillat is a Sr. Solutions Architect with Jama Software. Aaron has 10+ years of experience in the softwareengineering world with a focus around requirements in industrial and automotive technology. In addition, Aaron has adeep understanding of regulated and risk sensitive industries, working with Jama prospects and customers torecommend process improvements to achieve traceability across their product development process and help easethe burden of increasingly complex and competitive ecosystems.


INCOSE's Guide to Verification and Validation: Context, Progress, andContent

Raymond Wolfgang - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Wolfgang. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 10:30-11:15

Keywords. Verification and Validation;Requirements Working Group;Guide to V&V;INCOSE publications

Topics. SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. This brief will introduce to the community the INCOSE Guide to Verification and Validation, awork-in-progress of the INCOSE Requirements Working Group (RWG). The context of the Guide with respect to theother RWG documents under development will be shared. These other documents are the forthcoming Guide toManaging Requirements (GMR), and the Needs and Requirements Lifecycle Manual (NRLM). A very top-level table ofcontents of the Guide to V&V will be presented, along with a timeframe for completion and release. The attendee willleave with an understanding of what documents are in-process from the RWG, how they will eventually all fit together,and an approximate timeline for their release to the INCOSE community.


Raymond Wolfgang - [email protected] currently works as a Systems Engineer on several programs at Sandia National Laboratories. He hasexperience on many types of projects - from software development work to multi-year defense programs. Currently heperforms system engineering, requirements development and qualification engineering for several developmentproducts. He has also performed requirements engineering and management, safety engineering, and verificationstrategy implementation. Before joining Sandia he worked at the Naval Information Warfare Systems Command(NAVWAR) San Diego (formerly SPAWAR). There, he matured requirements for several programs, performed R&D, andsupported acquisition for several ship-board technology upgrades. His interests include using MBSE to improverequirements analysis, and overall SE process improvement. He has presented at several INCOSE conferences. Agraduate of both Purdue and Penn State Universities in the United States, he is originally from the Philadelphia, USAarea.


Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification and Industrial Challenges

Gavin Jones - [email protected] McConnell - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Jones, McConnell. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 11:15-12:00

Keywords. Analytics;Decision analysis;Digital Engineering;Digital Twin;UQ;Stochastic methods;Probabilistic methods

Topics. Artificial Intelligence;SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. Uncertainty is an inescapable reality that can be found in nearly all types of system analyses. It arises fromsources like measurement inaccuracies, material properties, boundary and initial conditions, and modelingapproximations. With the increasing use of simulation models throughout industry, it has become vital to includeUncertainty Quantification (UQ) in engineering analysis. Moreover, in systems engineering UQ becomes a crucial toolfor identifying the probability and severity of adverse interactions between components, particularly as their numberand complexity increases. This presentation will introduce stochastic methods and Uncertainty Quantification (UQ)tools and show how they form the backbone of digital engineering technologies such as digital twins.

The competitive benefits of UQ include reduced development time and cost, improved designs, better understandingof risk, and quantifiable confidence in analysis results and engineering decisions. This presentation will demonstratehow stochastic methods and UQ can be used to enhance engineering processes with fewer resources and in moresituations. These methods will be shown to be inherently data/application agnostic and thus applicable to theengineering challenges faced by most if not all industries.

Multiple examples and methodologies will be presented to demonstrate the UQ techniques invaluable to meetingindustry challenges. Advanced design of experiments, methods to handle epistemic uncertainty, and analysis of inputsensitivities will all be covered. These examples will demonstrate the need for a paradigm shift toward probabilisticthinking and UQ analyses.

The attendees for this presentation would be engineers, program managers, and data scientists who want to gain anunderstanding of how UQ can maximize insight, improve design robustness, and increase time and resource efficiency.


Gavin Jones - [email protected] Jones, SmartUQ Sr. Application Engineer, is responsible for performing simulation and statistical work for clientsin aerospace, defense, automotive, medical device, gas turbine, and other industries. He is also a key contributor inSmartUQ’s Digital Twin/Digital Thread initiative. Mr. Jones received a B.S. in Engineering Mechanics and a B.S. inMathematics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


Model of Models Methodology

Aleczander Jackson - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Jackson. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 15:15-16:00

Keywords. MBSE;Model Based Systems Engineering;DigitalEngineering;DE;Modularity;Traceability;Reuse;MOSA;Modular Open Systems Architecture;SysML;Systems ModelingLanguage

Topics. SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. A current underutilized benefit of MBSE is reuse of artifacts.Most processes allow for reuse of some, but the more reuse one can get out of their systems engineering data, themore time and cost savings they can observe.The Model of Models Methodology provides a tool-agnostic, SysML-pure, methodology that achieves just this. Throughbreaking models into a vast, modular, library system, components-to-full-blown systems can be shared and reused asnecessary. In addition, through inheritance full-traceability is enabled.Finally, as this scales across an entire organization, the benefits are able to compound, truly providing a significant"bang-for-your-buck".


Aleczander Jackson - [email protected], Chief Engineer of Digital Engineering, bachelors in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science OCSMP ModelUser Certified. Starting in the software development world I started in development of features for the tool vendor NoMagic, creator of MagicDraw. In this position I primarily developed plugins, scripts, and reports for many of No Magic'smajor corporations including Boeing, Ford, and CACI to name a few. Here, I was instrumental in helping theseorganizations develop methods to enable import/export of data in a standard format utilizing SysML, UPDM, and UML.I was then promoted to the role of solution architect, in which I still performed the same work as the softwareengineer, but also became a UML, SysML, and UPDM training developer and instructor teaching alongside individualslike Sandford Friedenthal and being trained by those like Lenny Delligatti. While performing the role of solutionarchitect at No Magic, I also became skilled at selling MBSE to organizations that primarily operate in the domains,explaining how the logical architectures helps them better guarantee success instead of diving straight into physics,and filled the role of consultant where I either helped launch initial architectures with our clients or fix their brokenmodels. Now, as Chief Engineer of Digital Engineering at MTSI, I focus on development of strategy, acquisition of talent,internal training, and kicking off major programs using modeling i.e. Army Long Ranged Hypersonic Weapon andNASA's Advanced Air Mobility before back-filling myself with staff I've trained. My personal goal is to bring in a changein culture where the government begins to reuse existing data they acquired in previous contracts across multipleprograms to reduce new work for acquisition programs and hopefully reduce the amount of time such programs taketo put a product out of the door.


ModelCenter MBSE: The Bridge Between Systems Engineering andMulti-Fidelity Analytical Models

Henrique Correa - [email protected] Lies - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Correa, Lies. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Friday, 10:30-11:15

Keywords. Requirements Validation;Requirements Verification;Behavioral Simulation;Executable Analysis;ExecutableModel;Workflow;Cloud;Distributed Computing;Host;Server;Automation;Integration;High-Fidelity Model;High-FidelityAnalysis;MBSE;MBE;MDAO;Optimization;Trade Studies;ModelCenter;COTS;MagicDraw;Cameo;WindchillModeler;GENESYS;Rhapsody;Aerospace;Defense;Automotive;ADAS;Autonomous Driving

Topics. Autonomous Systems and Resilience;Aviation and Space Systems;E-Commerce, Cloud Services, and SystemSecurity;SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. This session will describe and demonstrate ModelCenter MBSE, an analysis integration framework forCAMEO Systems Modeler, Rhapsody, GENESYS, and PTC Windchill Modeler. ModelCenter MBSE allows engineers tointegrate analysis tools with any SysML model element to validate system behavior, verify requirements satisfaction,and perform trade studies to optimize the system design, resulting in reduced cost, shortened development times, andhigher quality product roll outs .We will demonstrate how engineers can use ModelCenter to automate any engineering analysis tool (COTS tools suchas EXCEL, MATLAB, Creo, ANSYS, HyperMesh, Windchill, and TeamCenter, as well as in-house FORTRAN and Pythoncodes, etc.), and connect these tools together to create automated and repeatable engineering process workflows. Theindividual analysis tools can reside on different operating systems and in different geographical locations. When aworkflow is executed, the integrated analysis tools are executed in the order specified by the workflow, and data isautomatically linked from tool to tool as needed.Finally, we will show how engineers can use ModelCenter MBSE to connect the automated workflows to SysML modelsfor requirements validation, behavioral analysis, and optimization. We will conclude by presenting aerospace industrycase studies from Northrop Grumman and a driveshaft example illustrating the use and benefits of the PhoenixIntegration simulation automation technology.


Henrique Correa - [email protected]: Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, Spring 2018. Experience: Two years ofexperience with Phoenix Integration working in pre-sales, post-sales and support. Undergrad experience from multipleco-ops at Akebono Brake Corporation, a tier 1 automotive OEM and as the Energy Engineer Intern to the University ofKentucky’s utilities division. Henrique joined Phoenix Integration shortly after finishing his bachelor’s degree. He’sworked on multiple product demonstrations, including integration of a variety of Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) toolssuch as CAD, CAE and SysML. He also helps with technical support and with providing ModelCenter training. He hasassisted with or lead over several MBSE training sessions. He was a key resource in developing the new ModelCenterMBSE training course.


Perspectives on the Boeing 737MAX MCAS

Ronald Carson - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Carson. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 15:15-16:00

Keywords. Boeing 737MAX MCAS;Human factors;Aviation regulation;Hazards;Severity;ARP4761;Failures

Topics. Autonomous Systems and Resilience;Aviation and Space Systems;SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. Using publicly available news articles and reports we examine the system design and characteristics of theBoeing 737MAX MCAS (Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System) in the context of two fatal crashes in 2018and 2019. The rationale for the system is explained. The system architecture and operational characteristics aredescribed. Hazard severity classification is examined, along with the required reliability per the regulations. The role ofthe pilots in compensating for failure is highlighted. The regulatory and business environments are also discussed ascontributors.

We describe how assumptions regarding pilot responses were apparently not validated, and contributed to the fatalcrashes of the two airplanes. The human factors implications for automation, training, simulators and manuals aredescribed. Ongoing modifications to the 737MAX, organizational design, and regulations are described.

The attendees will receive an overview of the MCAS including rationale, architecture, and operations during normal andfailure conditions, and understand some consequences of the program and system design assumptions andimplementation. Specific implications for the role of systems engineering are discussed.


Ronald Carson - [email protected]. Ron Carson is an Adjunct Professor of Engineering at Seattle Pacific University, an Affiliate Assistant Professor inIndustrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Washington, a Fellow of the International Council on SystemsEngineering and a certified Expert Systems Engineering Professional. He retired in 2015 as a Technical Fellow inSystems Engineering after 27 years at The Boeing Company. He is the author of numerous articles regardingrequirements analysis, failure modes and effects analysis, and systems engineering measurement. His currentinterests are in quantitatively incorporating sustainability considerations in systems engineering methodologies andeducation. Dr. Carson has a PhD from the University of Washington in Experimental Plasma Physics, and a BS from theCalifornia Institute of Technology in Applied Physics.


Sensitivity Classification of Information Assets Using Machine Learning

Andrew Carson - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Carson. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 11:15-12:00

Keywords. security;cloud architecture;machine learning;classification

Topics. Artificial Intelligence;E-Commerce, Cloud Services, and System Security;

Abstract. Sensitivity classification is crucial for maintaining the privacy of a company’s customers and the security of itsorganization. Classifying data and documents into categories such as Non-Business, Public, General, Confidential, andHighly Confidential enables employees to know how best to handle the labeled data from a privacy and securitystandpoint, what permissions are required for access, and what controls are needed for handling the dataappropriately.

However, data and documents do not classify themselves. Most documents and company sharing sites are manuallygiven a privacy classification by the owners. Sometimes system admins can create policies that automatically assign aprivacy classification, but these must trade off privacy/security with usability and tend to err on the side of usability.Still, some products try to infer the appropriate classification of documents based on content or pattern matching.

Consequently, there is not an automatic or consistent way to identify important intellectual property (IP) or other sortsof important information (e.g., sales leads, other customer information) that does not match these kinds of patterns.This means that important assets can be unclassified or misclassified by users. This problem is especially problematicat large companies and organizations. Focusing on the specific case of SharePoint sites, with thousands of sites andmillions of documents, how does one coherently and consistently classify documents and sites across teams andorganizations?

In this presentation I will discuss this problem in more detail and present a solution, namely, the use of machinelearning supported by a cloud-based architecture. I will begin with the current state of solutions to this problem,present a brief conceptual introduction to machine learning, and then discuss how machine learning can be applied tosolve the problem.In presenting my solution to the problem, I will be discussing the supporting cloud-based architecture design in moredetail, the data and related variables used in the models, the kinds of machine learning models and datatransformation techniques used, and the appropriate evaluation metrics. I will then discuss the results considering thevarious evaluation metrics, system performance, complexity, and other factors that impact the choice of an optimalsolution.

Finally, I conclude with the main challenges that were encountered as well as learnings from the development andimplementation process. I also discuss intended future enhancements and the desired end state for the solution (i.e.,put the best model into production using the architecture described, and use the results to identify misclassified sites,assign classification to unclassified sites, and rank sites based on their level of predicted sensitivity).


Andrew Carson - [email protected] Carson is a Senior Data and Applied Scientist for the Insider Threat Program in Microsoft’s Digital Security & RiskEngineering organization. The Insider Threat Program team is responsible for preventing, detecting, and mitigatinginsider threats and risk internally at Microsoft. In his role, Andy is responsible for providing and analyzing data tosupport team initiatives, building and maintaining models along with supporting architecture, and defining technicalrequirements for partners. Prior to his current role, Andy was a senior consultant in the Seattle area providing dataanalytic capabilities and solutions to area technology companies. He has a Master’s degree in Philosophy fromNorthern Illinois University and a Master’s degree in Data Science from City University New York.


Systems Engineering for Small and Medium Nuclear Projects

Jared Harper - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Harper. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 14:15-15:00

Keywords. Nuclear;Project;Methodology;Process;Small Business;VSE;R&D

Topics. Energy;SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. This presentation indicates the need for and alignment between systems engineering and the nuclearproject domain. Areas of alignment, application principles, and project examples will be demonstrated.

Refer to the .pdf abstract for more information.


Jared Harper - [email protected] presenter of “Systems Engineering for Small and Medium Nuclear Projects” is Jared Harper, a professional engineerwith a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Louisiana Tech University. He has worked in multipleindustries throughout his career, including; 1. Pulp and Paper – 4 months 2. Oil & Gas: Upstream, Midstream, andDownstream – 2.5 years 3. Government Nuclear Waste Management – 2.5 years 4. Commercial Nuclear Power R&D –2.5 years The presenter is responsible for the development and practice of systems engineering processes atTerraPower in Bellevue, WA. He is responsible for the development of the technical planning, assessment, andtechnical measurement processes at TerraPower. He managed the company-wide efforts in 2019 to restructureprocedures to integrate systems engineering into the company’s core engineering practices. He serves in multiple rolesat TerraPower, one of which as the systems engineer for the Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment project. His previousexperiences include: • mechanical fluid systems design, • field engineering, • nuclear procurement engineering, and •project engineering.


Systems Engineering Problem Solving for Undergraduates

Ronald Carson - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Carson. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 13:30-14:15

Keywords. Undergraduate SE Education;Quantitative methods;SE tools;System life cycle

Topics. Education and Workforce Development;SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. Much systems engineering formal education revolves around systems engineering process definition basedon ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 and related materials. One means to gain more respectability in undergraduate engineeringeducation is to enable students to acquire quantitative tools in systems engineering, similar in utility and effectivenessto those acquired in more traditional engineering disciplines.

This presentation will describe the curriculum, methods, and tools used in the Seattle Pacific University upper-division""System Design"" course and how it helps enable undergraduate majors in various engineering disciplines to becomeaware of the scope, processes, tools, and relevance of systems engineering to their current and future careers. Theconsiderations can also apply to experienced engineers seeking to transition into an SE role from another engineeringdiscipline.

Specific topics include problem definition with associated measures of effectiveness as means to evaluate solutions,multi-criteria decision making, anomaly handling and hazard severity in system behavior, redundancy analysis andeffectiveness, use of system design methods like ""N2"" diagrams, interface analysis, system effectiveness measures,reliability analysis, and human-factors considerations. A course goal is to not only expose undergraduate engineers tosystems engineering concepts, but to also give them quantitative tools and methods applicable to contextual thinkingin their various engineering disciplines.

Attendees will receive an overview of the undergraduate course and identification of specific methods and quantitativetools used to introduce undergraduates to systems engineering as more than a set of processes.


Ronald Carson - [email protected]. Ron Carson is an Adjunct Professor of Engineering at Seattle Pacific University, an Affiliate Assistant Professor inIndustrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Washington, a Fellow of the International Council on SystemsEngineering and a certified Expert Systems Engineering Professional. He retired in 2015 as a Technical Fellow inSystems Engineering after 27 years at The Boeing Company. He is the author of numerous articles regardingrequirements analysis and systems engineering measurement, and is the developer of numerous industry systemsengineering training courses. His current interests are in quantitatively incorporating sustainability considerations insystems engineering methodologies and education. Dr. Carson has a PhD from the University of Washington inExperimental Plasma Physics, and a BS from the California Institute of Technology in Applied Physics.


The Future of Performance Design with MBSE: Electric PowertrainExample

Saulius Pavalkis - [email protected] Fanmuy - [email protected] Reimer - [email protected] Lalor - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Pavalkis, Fanmuy, Reimer, Lalor. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Friday, 15:15-16:00

Keywords. MBSE;Design Of Experiment;Trade Studies;SysML;Modelica

Topics. SE Processes and Methods;Transportation;

Abstract. Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is a burgeoning approach for the development of complexsystems. MBSE is the use of models to support systems engineering to both understand the problem and define anoptimal solution to solve it while greatly minimizing costly and time consuming engineering changes late in thedevelopment cycle. The promise of MBSE is to progressively model and simulate systems behavior in accordance withthe needs & scenarios of usage, at any time. This promise avoids the discipline-specific tunnel effect, giving all projectstakeholders the ability to continuously monitor the evolution of system development. If in Aerospace & Defense MBSEis a standard practice, in other Industries it is only now emerging. One of the key success factors of MBSE is to applybest practices based on a sound systems engineering methodology.

Using an electric vehicle powertrain example, we will illustrate how to achieve performance design in the context of asystem architecture utilizing a MBSE methodology called Cyber MagicGrid©. Through this framework, we will cover allphases from analysis of the problem in SysML, definition of a solution utilizing trade studies in Modelica,implementation and assessment of component performance through design of experiment in Process Composer,verification of system performance, and validation of the system against stakeholder requirements in 3DS Experienceplatform. This will demonstrate how this framework helps to manage the complexity of a development program andthus reduce the risk of cost overruns due to late phase re-designs or, worse yet, recalls due to low quality products.


Saulius Pavalkis - [email protected] years at Dassault Systems (No Magic) in model based solutions and R&D Expert in systems modeling, simulation,MBSE ecosystem, interfaces / integrations, traceability, queries INCOSE CSEP, OMG OCSMP, No Magic lifetime modelingand simulation excellence award Community author for simulation ( and MBSE successcases ( Author of multiple papers on MBSE. In 2020 got NAVAIR $20M budget for V&V paperimplementation Representative at INCOSE CAB Supporting MBSE adoption in A&D, T&M and other domains. Majorclients: P&W , Boeing, NASA, BAE Systems, Raytheon Technologies, NGC, FORD


The Powerful Advantages of Developing a "Failure Resume"

Tim Boyd - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Boyd. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 14:15-15:00

Keywords. Failure;Resume;Engineering;Systems;Leadership;Mistake;Fired;Different;Perspective;Planning;Sharing;Mentor;Mentee;Development;Workforce;Team;learning

Topics. Artificial Intelligence;Autonomous Systems and Resilience;Aviation and Space Systems;Education andWorkforce Development;SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. Today’s fast paced and results driven engineering environment, forces us to search for quick win solutionsthat result in immediate impact, while maintaining the trifecta of cost/schedule/quality. This extremely risk adverseenvironment breeds a deep fear of failure as employees are held accountable for the smallest of failures, which canlimit their career potential and minimize years of positive contributions. This environment of fear and doubt inherentlylimits our ability to leverage the power innovation and failure to drive change.

To pivot our culture from avoiding risk to embracing calculated risk, our people need to be comfortable with thepossibility of failure. Just as failures of past engineering designs are necessary to develop improved designs, theexperience of failing provides engineers and leaders with the lessons they need to improve their approach and honetheir craft. Experienced professionals know that failure is a necessary learning experience.

This presentation will gather real world experiences of leaders from various disciplines, backgrounds and experiencelevels, share their ""failure resumes"" and walk us through their favorite ""failure"". Each interviewed leader will alsohighlight the risks they failed to take when they exercised restraint due to the fear of failure. Finally, this topic will alsoshare ways to maximize one's own failures, leverage historical best practices, and re-frame one's perspective to viewfailure positively.


Tim Boyd - [email protected] Boyd specializes in systems engineering, project management and organizational leadership development. He hastechnical experience in a wide variety of mission areas including space, air and ground systems as well as the systemsengineering life cycle. Mr. Boyd currently is the system engineering lead for the ground segment for a new satelliteprogram, which brings enhanced capability to the overhead persistent infrared domain. In this early program phase,Tim is leading the design and development of core data processing and command and control capabilities. He has adiverse background and has previous experience in a multitude of roles: regional ops manager, systems engineer,system performance, project manager, cyber strategy analyst, business development, technical team lead and costaccount manager. Mr. Boyd has been a professional coach, instructor and facilitator with the American Society ofEngineering Education, B/E Aerospace, Boeing, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly Pomona, California Institute ofTechnology, IJK Controls, UCLA and Northrop Grumman. Tim holds multiple certifications in various technical andnon-technical domains and is credited with over 50 technical publications, trade secrets and technology awards in theareas of space, air, cyber, radiometric calibration, systems engineering, software engineering and human capitaldevelopment.


The Role of Analytics in the Digital Twin

Gavin Jones - [email protected] McConnell - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Jones, McConnell. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 16:00-16:45

Keywords. Predictive Analytics;Digital Engineering;Digital Twin;Statistical Calibration;UQ

Topics. Artificial Intelligence;SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. In the era of Industry 4.0, the digital twin has emerged as a new technology that brings together physical andsimulated information to deliver greater value. When paired with the latest in predictive analytics, digital twins can leadto better decision making at each step of the product lifecycle.

For a specific part, product, or system, an authoritative digital truth source can be created. This is a digital,interrogatable repository of all the accumulated data and knowledge concerning that part, product, or system. Usingefficiently sampled data from the trade space of simulations of the system as well as physical test or sensor data, asurrogate model of the simulation may be created and tuned to match real world system performance. Statisticalcalibration is one technique that may be used in this process. Statistical calibration has the advantage over othertechniques of accounting for the imperfect nature of all models by assuming discrepancy between the model beingcalibrated and the physical data set exists. Understanding the discrepancy between the simulation model and physicaldata can help identify model form errors and aid in verification and validation of the simulation.

Using statistical calibration and other UQ and analytics techniques, this presentation will introduce attendees to thedigital twin process workflow. The techniques discussed will be shown to be the solution to building and running anefficient and accurate digital twin. Industrial challenges and benefits that come from digital twin implementation will beaddressed.

The presentation will conclude by utilizing systems simulation data combined with UQ and analytics tools todemonstrate a digital twin example for an electric motor. The example will show how data from physical sensors alongwith statistical calibration can improve the accuracy of a digital twin while leading to new insights such as predictivemaintenance or health monitoring.


Gavin Jones - [email protected] Jones, SmartUQ Sr. Application Engineer, is responsible for performing simulation and statistical work for clientsin aerospace, defense, automotive, medical device, gas turbine, and other industries. He is also a key contributor inSmartUQ’s Digital Twin/Digital Thread initiative. Mr. Jones received a B.S. in Engineering Mechanics and a B.S. inMathematics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


The Surprising Benefits of Virtualizing Traditional In-Person Training forComplex Engineering Subjects

Rick Hefner - [email protected] Boyd - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Hefner, Boyd. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 15:15-16:00

Keywords. Virtual;Virtualization;Traditional;Training;In-Person;Cohort;Module;Systems;Engineering;Complex;Topics;Advantages;Disadvantages;Benefits;Improve;Engagement;Retention

Topics. Autonomous Systems and Resilience;Aviation and Space Systems;Education and Workforce Development;SEProcesses and Methods;

Abstract. As most companies begin to modify agreements to host in person cohort training to support the technicaldevelopment of their employees, a variety of providers have transformed their traditional in person courses into virtualflipped classroom formats. This new format has revolutionized the way engineering organizations look at learning anddevelopment, especially for complex engineering subjects such as Systems Engineering.

Historically, the virtual world teaching has a variety of best practice formats ranging anywhere from pre-recordedlectures to live virtual sessions. For something simple such as learning excel, a self-guided online course seems tomake sense. However, for deeper and more intricate topics, different teaching formats are required, each with its ownunique engagement strategies. As more and more virtualized courses are offered, the better the formula becomes.While there are inherent disadvantages to remote learning complex topics, there are numerous advantages that forsome organizations outweigh all the negatives. Not every course is suited for online execution but it is worthre-evaluation if slight modifications to the format could enhance its effectiveness in a virtual format, especially with anever-evolving client base.

This paper will discuss in detail the advantages and disadvantages to the remote learning of complex topics, such asSystems Engineering. It will also discuss the benefits of tailoring not only your course content but one’s delivery styleand techniques that improve engagement and retention of course material when presented in a completely remoteenvironment. Lastly, it will provide a general summary of proven industry best practices for virtual learning byleveraging input and experience from seasoned instructors from different organizations, backgrounds, andgeographical diversity.


Rick Hefner - [email protected]. Rick Hefner serves as the Program Director for Caltech’s Center for Technology and Management Education. He hasover 40 years of experience in aerospace systems design and management. Dr. Hefner has also worked withcompanies in the communications, electronics, and health sciences industries. He is credited with over 100publications, and is active in several professional societies.


The Unforeseen Impacts of Cognitive Bias

Tim Boyd - [email protected]

Maria Grundmann - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Boyd, Grundmann. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 16:00-16:45

Keywords. Geek;Engineer;Unconscious;Bias;Conscious;System;Mitigation;Benefit;Research;Mitigate;Techniques;Prejudice;Unfair;Negative

Topics. Autonomous Systems and Resilience;Aviation and Space Systems;Education and WorkforceDevelopment;Healthcare and Medical Devices;SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. Cognitive bias is often defined as a form of prejudice that results in an unfavorable, or unfair, outcome for aparticular person, group or entity. It unfortunately remains a systemic issue throughout a multitude of industries andcontinues to affect employees around the globe.

The Problem: A legacy system has been used to do much more than its original design specification ever called for. Theusers have developed problematic workarounds for an otherwise intractable Big Data problem. The negative effects ofworkarounds impede optimal use of resources and cause organizational friction. Unfortunately, the legacy systemcannot be replaced, and upgrades are unlikely in the near future. The system in question? The human brain.

In large engineering organizations, scientists and engineers work on extremely complex engineering projects, usuallyleveraging some form of Systems Engineering. These systems require team engagement, collaboration, trust,motivation, and empowerment to drive high performance. If unconscious bias was present in just a small subset ofthat team or organization, it could threaten the culture of the entire organization, one unconscious interaction at atime.

The Mitigation Approach: Use research-based processes and techniques shown to reduce cognitive biases in order toaccount for unconscious bias, trigger more conscious processing when weneed it most, and reduce the data our conscious minds recognize as irrelevant, but our unconscious bias uses to makepoor decisions.

The Benefit: Help our diverse teams mitigate the effects of unconscious bias to achieve their fullpotential. What can we do differently, once we know what everyone else does unconsciously?

This paper will discuss in detail how unconscious bias affects everyone, how it manifests itself in our daily lives, ourcomplex engineering teams, and broader engineering organizations. It will also discuss the negative consequences itcan have if left untouched and unmonitored for an extended period of time. More importantly, it will discuss specificresearch-based processes and steps that have been proven to mitigate the effects of unconscious bias in variousforums within your organization including workforce development.


Tim Boyd - [email protected] Boyd specializes in systems engineering, project management and organizational leadership development. He hastechnical experience in a wide variety of mission areas including space, air and ground systems as well as the systemsengineering life cycle. Mr. Boyd currently is the system engineering lead for the ground segment for a new satelliteprogram, which brings enhanced capability to the overhead persistent infrared domain. In this early program phase,Tim is leading the design and development of core data processing and command and control capabilities. He has adiverse background and has previous experience in a multitude of roles: regional ops manager, systems engineer,system performance, project manager, cyber strategy analyst, business development, technical team lead and costaccount manager. Mr. Boyd has been a professional coach, instructor and facilitator with the American Society ofEngineering Education, B/E Aerospace, Boeing, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly Pomona, California Institute ofTechnology, IJK Controls, UCLA and Northrop Grumman. Tim holds multiple certifications in various technical andnon-technical domains and is credited with over 50 technical publications, trade secrets and technology awards in theareas of space, air, cyber, radiometric calibration, systems engineering, software engineering and human capitaldevelopment.


What to do about global warming: Examining problem and solutionalternatives

Ronald Carson - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Carson. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Thursday, 16:00-16:45

Keywords. Global warming;Trade study alternatives;Climate change;Carbon dioxide sequestration

Topics. Natural systems;SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. There continues to be global concern regarding whether and how much the earth might be heating and whatis causing it. The dominant paradigm is that human activity is causing unacceptable and unprecedented heating of theatmosphere. This presentation will analyze the contributions of carbon dioxide and the sun itself to global warming,analyze the effects on global average temperatures, describe various mitigation methods include carbon dioxidesequestration and increasing earth's solar reflection coefficient (albedo), estimate the related costs of variousalternatives, and analyze the risk of various solution scenarios.

We demonstrate quantitatively that limiting mitigation to controlling carbon-dioxide emissions is inadequate and howmuch carbon dioxide would need to be removed annually from the atmosphere to prevent exceeding a 2 degree C""tipping point"" temperature increase. We examine and compare the effectiveness and costs of carbon dioxidesequestration to solar power reflection as means to avoid heating the atmosphere. Finally, we examine the apparentrisks and costs of different response scenarios with respect to the uncertainties and characterizations of the ""globalwarming"" problem.

Attendees will appreciate the historical context of the current situation and the costs and risks of various responses.This presentation is based on a series of articles published in LinkedIn:


Ronald Carson - [email protected]. Ron Carson is an Adjunct Professor of Engineering at Seattle Pacific University, an Affiliate Assistant Professor inIndustrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Washington, a Fellow of the International Council on SystemsEngineering and a certified Expert Systems Engineering Professional. He retired in 2015 as a Technical Fellow inSystems Engineering after 27 years at The Boeing Company. His current interests are in quantitatively incorporatingsustainability considerations in systems engineering methodologies and education. Dr. Carson has a PhD from theUniversity of Washington in Experimental Plasma Physics, and a BS from the California Institute of Technology inApplied Physics.

PDC PresentationPDC Presentation#13

An Agile-Like Approach to Hardware Development: The Ejectable DataRecorder (EDR) for Orion’s Ascent Abort 2 (AA-2) Test Flight

Kristina Rojdev - [email protected] Williams - [email protected] Devolites - [email protected] Olansen - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Rojdev, Williams, Devolites, Olansen. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Friday, 10:30-11:15

Keywords. Ejectable Data Recorder;Agile;Hardware;Data-centric Project Management & Systems Engineering

Topics. Aviation and Space Systems;

Abstract. On July 2, 2019, the Ascent Abort 2 (AA-2) Flight Test Vehicle was launched from Cape Canaveral, with thegoal of demonstrating the performance of Orion’s Launch Abort System (LAS) and collecting data from hundreds ofsensors throughout the vehicle. The data collected during this test flight is of paramount importance, as it will be usedto certify the Orion vehicle for human spaceflight. Originally, the data was to be downlinked via a single string networkof antennas on the LAS, with the associated risk of potential data dropouts, as well as loss of data once the LAS wasjettisoned. Thus, additional antennas were added onto the crew module (CM) to support data downlink post-LASjettison, a buffer rebroadcast capability was added to fill in any gaps in data downlink transmissions, and an ejectabledata recorder (EDR) subsystem was added to the CM as a redundant measure to collect all the instrumentation data.

The EDR subsystem was added to the project about one year after the project commenced, which significantly reducedthe available development time when compared with the other subsystems of the AA-2 Test Flight. The project wasfurther accelerated by six months, around the critical design review gate. Due to the schedule compression challengeand the fact that the EDR subsystem was a backup system and not flight critical, the EDR subsystem was furtherchallenged to find a new and more efficient way to develop hardware. Thus, the EDR subsystem experimented withdifferent management and systems engineering processes, team sizes, communication methods, and tools. Someexamples are novel uses of SharePoint as a Data-centric Project Management & Systems Engineering environment, acontinuous testing approach through the lifecycle, and a Skunkworks approach to managing the team.

The EDR subsystem blended Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) hardware with in-house developed hardware andsoftware to create a novel data retrieval capability. The capability evolved rapidly through a hardware in the loopsimulation environment that enabled incremental component updates for not only the EDR subsystem but across theentire Crew Module.

This paper will present an overview of how the EDR subsystem was managed and compare it to an Agile approach tomanaging projects. The paper will further provide a recommended approach to future Agile-like hardwaredevelopment that incorporates lessons learned from the EDR experience.


Kristina Rojdev - [email protected]

Kristina Rojdev received a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Michigan and a M.S. and Ph.D. inAstronautical Engineering from the University of Southern California. She has been with NASA Johnson Space Centerfor over 15 years working on deep space habitats, lunar landers, radiation effects of materials, and shielding of crewfrom deep space radiation. Her expertise lies in applied systems engineering and radiation research. On the AscentAbort 2 Test Flight, she led the development and operations for EDR. She is currently leading systems engineeringefforts associated with the Human Landing System.

PDC Presentation#31

Equipping Tomorrow’s Systems Engineering Workforce

Rick Hefner - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Hefner. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Friday, 16:00-16:45

Keywords. training;workforce;mentoring;career;work environment

Topics. Education and Workforce Development;

Abstract. A recent report by the Aerospace Industries Association, entitled “The Defining Workforce Challenge in U.S.Aerospace & Defense”, identified critical challenges in maintaining the highly skilled and robust defense and aerospaceworkforce essential to our nation’s security and economic prosperity. This comment might also characterize thesystems engineering workforce. Root causes for the shortage include our aging baby boomer-dominated workforce, aserious shortage of SE-ready college graduates, competition from other technology-driven sectors, and the changingtechnology needs of our industry.

This presentation will highlight some of the industry trends effecting the workforce gap and offer some potentialsolutions. New skill sets such as Model-Based Engineering, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and data analyticsrequires today’s practicing systems engineers to learn new design principles and implementation practices associatedwith these technologies. In addition, today’s systems engineering must personally help encourage and equiptomorrow’s workforce, through publicizing career opportunities in SE and mentoring both those entering the workforceand those in the pipeline. Simultaneously, we must foster new work environments that appeal to the Millennials’ careerneeds and the increasing numbers of minorities entering STEM – independence, flex time, and innovation intechnology, processes, and business.


Rick Hefner - [email protected]. Rick Hefner serves as the Program Director for Caltech’s Center for Technology and Management Education. He hasover 40 years of experience in aerospace systems design and management. Dr. Hefner has also worked withcompanies in the communications, electronics, and health sciences industries. He is credited with over 100publications, and is active in several professional societies.

PDC Presentation#6

On Track to Sounder Requirements - A Sound Transit Light Rail Vehiclecase study?.

Matthew Scott - [email protected] Rubin - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Scott, Rubin. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Friday, 14:15-15:00

Keywords. Stakeholder Needs Transformation;Requirements Engineering;Enterprise Lifecycle;Model Based SystemsEngineering (MBSE);Design for Excellence (DfX);Mass Transit;Light Rail Vehicles;Communications Systems

Topics. Transportation;

Abstract. Sound Transit (ST), the Puget Sound regional transit agency, is preparing to overhaul portions of the light railvehicle (LRV) onboard electronic systems. Historical performance demonstrated a need for improved requirementsthat were transformed from business needs and aligned with overarching enterprise strategies. As a result, ST initiatedan agency-wide effort to incorporate an enterprise lifecycle approach into the development and management ofrequirements. The LRV Electronic Suite Upgrade project is the first implementation of the new approach. Thepresentation will demonstrate how ST applied systems thinking to streamline RFP development, address knowndeficiencies, mitigate risk and validate the enterprise lifecycle approach. Attendees will be provided a model for theirown use.


Matthew Scott - [email protected] Scott is an engineering manager in Systems Engineering and Integration at Sound Transit. Matt leads a team oftalented engineers providing design subject matter expertise across a wide array of networked communications andautomation systems supporting Link light rail, Sounder commuter rail, and Regional Express buses. Since joining theagency in 2018, Matt has embraced the vision of Sound Transit leadership by collaborating with a wide array ofstakeholders to develop a sounder approach to development of design requirements. Matt has provided technicalleadership in systems integration and SCADA for public infrastructure and automated manufacturing throughout NorthAmerica as a plant engineer, manufacturer and consultant. This wide-ranging experience has made Matt a strictadherent to systems thinking, road mapping, and reliability engineering. Matt holds a Bachelor of Science degree fromNorthern Arizona University.

Claire Rubin - [email protected] is a senior systems engineer in the Operations Engineering and Technology group at Sound Transit focused onthe support of the Link light rail vehicle fleet. Claire has a background in transportation engineering and has worked atthe agency for the past four years in various engineering roles from quality management to safety. Prior to SoundTransit, Claire was a senior engineer on the Virgin Trains USA project in Florida. Her role supported both design andconstruction phases, led stakeholder management for over 50+ jurisdictions, and developed requirements for the 350at-grade crossings within the corridor. Claire is a professional engineer in both Washington and Florida and has anMBA from University of Washington and a BE from Vanderbilt University.

PDC Presentation#25

Systems Engineering and the Insider Threat Problem

Andrew Carson - [email protected] Kaleta - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Carson, Kaleta. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Friday, 15:15-16:00

Keywords. insider threat;cloud architecture;security;machine learning

Topics. E-Commerce, Cloud Services, and System Security;

Abstract. From a security threat perspective, one of the most significant emerging trends relates to the insider threat.The insider threat is the malicious or negligent staff member that through intentional or unintentional actions causesharm to an organization. Such insiders often have access to highly sensitive information and systems that can be usedfor theft, sabotage, fraud, and even espionage purposes.

What can organizations do to prevent and detect these insider attacks? In this presentation we discuss the insiderthreat in more detail and how the insider threat differs from traditional external attackers. Consequently, a differentapproach and response is required to effectively address the problem. We then proceed to outline the challenges andsolutions to a system that can effectively address the issue using systems engineering concepts. That is, we apply thelens of systems engineering on the insider threat problem itself to highlight the key features of a successful insiderthreat solution system.

We will cover the larger cybersecurity context and what has changed in recent years, the challenges of addressing theproblem in a large organization (e.g., many stakeholders, dependencies on other departments, technologicalconstraints, cultural expectations, leadership guidelines), the many components involved in any potential solutionsystem (e.g., technology, data, departments), and an approach for relating the components together into a solutionsystem that can effectively address the problem. We conclude that the extensive use of data engineering and machinelearning in a cloud environment, coupled with strong organizational cross-collaboration can effectively address thisgrowing threat.

We will also discuss how the solution system can be evaluated through KPIs, as well as the key considerations andlessons learned from our experience in developing and operating an insider threat solution system. We note thatmachine learning is not always the answer. Rules and signature-based detections are better suited for some insiderthreat use cases. Second, data and engineering effort is necessary to have a solution that scales to the enterprise.Third, people are still needed as this cannot and should not be a fully automated process. Finally, the joint use ofsecurity experts and data experts is valuable in addressing this problem.


Andrew Carson - [email protected] Carson is a Senior Data and Applied Scientist for the Insider Threat Program in Microsoft’s Digital Security & RiskEngineering organization. The Insider Threat Program team is responsible for preventing, detecting, and mitigatinginsider threats and risk internally at Microsoft. In his role, Andy is responsible for providing and analyzing data tosupport team initiatives, building and maintaining models along with supporting architecture, and defining technicalrequirements for partners. Prior to his current role, Andy was a senior consultant in the Seattle area providing dataanalytic capabilities and solutions to area technology companies. He has a Master’s degree in Philosophy fromNorthern Illinois University and a Master’s degree in Data Science from City University New York.

Glenn Kaleta - [email protected] Kaleta leads Microsoft’s enterprise-wide Insider Threat program. The program is driven by a terrific team ofsecurity subject matter experts, data scientists and engineering program managers who proactively collaborate withbusiness, engineering, legal and HR representatives around the globe to identify and reduce insider threat risk. Glennhas led multiple security and investigative teams, including Cloud & Enterprise Security and the Xbox Live Policy &Enforcement teams. Prior to joining Microsoft, Glenn led the worldwide Corporate Investigations organization for TheBoeing Company and held leadership roles at KPMG Forensics and IOActiveSecurity in Seattle, where he led multiple

worldwide forensic engagements and investigations involving internal misconduct. Prior to the private sector, Glennhad a successful career in law enforcement, including assignments leading multiple major crimes investigations and incomputer forensics investigations. He holds multiple patents for the creative use of data to identify and interdicttechnical and behavioral misconduct across large-scale systems.

PDC Presentation#29

Transitioning Legacy Systems to Model-based Systems Engineering

Paul White - [email protected] Swanson - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by White, Swanson. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Friday, 13:30-14:15

Keywords. MBSE;Legacy systems;Sustainment

Topics. Aviation and Space Systems;

Abstract. How do we apply model-based systems engineering (MBSE) to a legacy system? This presentation describeshow to transition a legacy system from a document-based systems engineering (DBSE) approach to an MBSEapproach--based on project experience. Attendees will leave with a greater understanding of how to apply MBSE tolegacy systems, particularly those in system sustainment.

Historically, the United States Air Force (USAF) Minuteman-III (MM-III) program has been highly successful, and systemsengineering has played an important role in MM-III's success. Presently, sustaining the MM-III legacy system ispresenting challenges to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)—specifically with knowledge management (KM),knowledge transfer (KT), incorporation of newer technologies, and maintenance of documentation.

Recognizing the benefits of MBSE, the DoD defined a Digital Engineering Strategy (DES), in 2018, to modernize itscapability to meet current and future demands. This strategy included a challenge by the DoD to adopt industry bestpractices, such as MBSE and the use of models. Now, MBSE is the primary approach for all newer DoD programs.

For a legacy program, however, the transition to MBSE presents formidable challenges. How would a legacy program,that has used DBSE for years, make this transition? To explore how a transition would be done, the IntercontinentalBallistic Missile (ICBM) Systems Directorate (ICBMSD), in partnership with BAE Systems as the Integration SupportContractor (ISC), has been undertaking efforts to implement MBSE for the MM-III.

First, we will discuss an effort to translate the MM-III’s documentation from an older Functional Flow Block Diagram(FFBD) format to the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) activity diagrams. We will present a translation guide that theteam developed and used during this process. We will show how we tracked our work to completion and how weverified the correctness of the SysML diagrams—both syntactically and semantically.

Second, we will describe an effort to model the top-down physical architecture of the MM-III. We will discuss how weresearched and collated information from disparate MM-III documents. We will present how we created the top-downstructure using SysML Block Definition Diagrams (BDD). We will discuss how we are verifying and validating thetop-down structure.

MBSE is benefitting the MM-III system in several ways including:• Providing clear traceability of model elements within the software tool• Creating tailored visualizations, based on the target audience, of the whole system and its parts• Linking different parts of the model to show relationships• Propagating changes automatically throughout the model• Making it easier to review information, pinpoint inaccuracies, and identify missing information• Streamlining the analysis of the impact of a proposed changeThe success of the MBSE initiatives undertaken by ICBMSD and BAE Systems has led the ICBMSD to broaden their

scope and provide our industry team with additional MBSE tasking.

In conclusion, our target audience will leave with ideas about how to apply MBSE to a legacy system.

For more information and authors' professional biographies, please see the attached ""WSRC 2020 Abstract.pdf"" file.


Paul White - [email protected] White is an ICBM GBSD Digital Engineering Branch Lead at BAE Systems at Hill Air Force Base, Utah. He previouslyworked at Kihomac, Astronautics Corporation of America, L-3 Harris, and Raytheon. He has nineteen years ofexperience in the aerospace industry. Paul has been an INCOSE member since 2007 serving in various top leadershiproles in the North Texas (Dallas - Fort Worth) Chapter, Chicagoland Chapter, and Wasatch (Utah) Chapter. He is thecurrent president of the Wasatch Chapter. Paul has been a leader in the annual Great Lakes Regional Conference(GLRC) since 2012 including conference chair for the 6th and 8th conferences. He served as the conference chair forthe first annual Western States Regional Conference (WSRC) in Ogden in 2018; and he chairs the WSRC SteeringCommittee since 2019. He was awarded the INCOSE Outstanding Service Award in 2019. He serves as the DeputyAssistant Director of Technical Events in INCOSE's Technical Operations organization. He has a graduate certificate inSystems Engineering and Architecting from the Stevens Institute of Technology, a Master of Science degree inComputer Science from Texas A&M University-Commerce, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science fromTexas A&M University. He is a Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) through INCOSE and has an ObjectManagement Group (OMG) Certified Systems Modeling Professional (OCSMP): Model Builder – Fundamentalcertification.

Erick Swanson - [email protected] Swanson is a Senior Principal Systems Engineer with BAE Systems at Hill AFB, Utah. At BAE, Erick has worked inintegration, systems-engineering processes, and re-entry physics. He has recently added work on Model-BasedSystems Engineering. Prior to BAE, Erick worked as an aerospace engineer for TRW/ Northrop Grumman, where hespecialized in aerothermodynamics and flight mechanics for re-entry vehicles and missiles and in aircraftaerodynamics, using both experimental and computational approaches. Erick received a Bachelor of AerospaceEngineering and Mechanics from the University of Minnesota (2000) and a Master of Science in Aeronautics andAstronautics (2002) and a Doctor of Philosophy (2008) from Purdue University, with a graduate-school researchspecialization in experimental hypersonic fluid mechanics.

PDC Presentation#2

Using Architecture and MBSE to Develop Validated Requirements

Ronald Carson - [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 by Carson. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

Presented on: Friday, 11:15-12:00

Keywords. Requirements development;Architecture;MBSE;Requirements validation;Structured requirements

Topics. SE Processes and Methods;

Abstract. Requirements incompleteness and ambiguity continue to plague many organizations. The introduction ofMBSE provides an opportunity to relate the structure of the architecture model to the structure of requirements, andsynchronize the data between them.

In this presentation we demonstrate how to use model-based systems engineering and the related architecture todevelop and validate requirements of all types. We first describe the structure of different types of requirements andmap the requirements elements, e.g., function, to elements of the architecture in the MBSE model. We show how theserequirements elements map to specific data elements in a particular MBSE tool for all possible types of requirements.Finally, we show how this method enables validation of the requirements from the architecture.

Attendees will gain an understanding of how to integrate their organizational requirements development and MBSEarchitecture activities by mapping the data elements between them and integrating these into their MBSE tools.


Ronald Carson - [email protected]. Ron Carson is an Adjunct Professor of Engineering at Seattle Pacific University, an Affiliate Assistant Professor inIndustrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Washington, a Fellow of the International Council on SystemsEngineering and a certified Expert Systems Engineering Professional. He retired in 2015 as a Technical Fellow inSystems Engineering after 27 years at The Boeing Company. He is the author of numerous articles regardingrequirements analysis and systems engineering measurement. He has been issued six US patents in satellitecommunications, and two patents regarding “Structured Requirements Generation and Assessment”.