Statistical software packages

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Transcript of Statistical software packages

  1. 1. Statistical software packages
  2. 2. Statistics Definition: It is a discipline of mathematics and science both combined, that deal with Collection Manipulation Analysis Interpretation
  3. 3. Uses: Drawing conclusion and inference on which the decision making in any organization depends. Present large data in understandable form e.g. Graphs, tables Comparing data It is the major tool and the foundation of planning in any organization
  4. 4. Manual The Data being dealt with is huge, Analyzing it manually is very time consuming, difficult and many-times erroneous. Computers have proven to be a bliss for statisticians - efficient than doing manual Processes: Simulation storing the data Symbolic calculations Numerical and graphical data analysis Result presentation
  5. 5. Statistical software: There are number of software available to manage statistical data Statistical soft wares. These programs User-friendly Menu driven Interactive Attractive Self- explanatory E.g. BioEstat, Dataplot, MacAnova, MicrOsiris, Greti, Winstats, StatEasy etc
  6. 6. Statistical software:
  7. 7. MS Excel Supports many statistical functions Mean Rank Median
  8. 8. Other Statistical packages: Costat: