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Transcript of Stations

Page 1: Stations

1- Rompecabezas I can recognize questions and their appropriate answers1. Work together in groups of two. 2. Put together the puzzle. In the end you should have a rectangle

that is 3 X 3

Hint: To determine if a puzzle piece is turned the right way, look at the “MG” in the middle of the square. They should all be facing the same way.

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2- Una carta a la familia I can write about my name, how I am, my age, my birthday, where I am from and my telephone number.Use your new international identity. You are going to stay with a family in Ecuatorial Guinea (in Africa) for three weeks. Write them an email that introduces you and gives them a way to contact you if they want to call you before you arrive. Include, your name, how you are, your age, your birthday, where you’re from and your phone number.

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3- Alfabeto de cognadosI can understand new words by comparing them to English. Look through the books and magazines at the station. Write the cognates you find in the alphabet book on the corresponding letter page.Ejemplo: elefante → write ‘elefante’ on the E pageYou can’t repeat any cognates already written on the pages, so make sure you read through them first before writing any new ones down.


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4-La gente hispanaI can understand personal information about others.

Read the information on the bulletin board near the door. Then, answer the questions by writing the person’s name in the blank that corresponds with the description.

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5- GeografíaI can describe a country.Read each description and write the name of the country being described. Then color that country on the map with the color indicated. 1. azul= Está al sur de Bolivia y Paraguay. _________________2. verde= Está al oeste de Brasil y Bolivia. _________________3. rojo= Está al norte de Ecuador y el Perú. ________________4. anaranjado= Está al este de México, pero al oeste de Honduras.

_______________5. violeta= Está en el caribe. Es la isla más grande. _____________6. negro= Está al oeste de la Argentina. Es muy largo. ____________7. café= Está al norte del Perú. Es un país pequeño. ________________8. amarillo= Está al este de la Argentina. ________________

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6- ¡Bailando!I can listen and understand new words by comparing them to English.

Listen to the song Bailando by Enrique Iglesias and complete the activities on the handout. You may play the song as many times as you need during your time at the center.

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7- Matamoscas con Números I can count from 0 - 30.One person is the caller and the others are playing. Caller: Read a number in Spanish to the rest of the group.Players: Be the first one to circle the numeral and get a point.After eight turns, switch roles.

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8- Escribe una conversación I can say how I am and inquire about others. I can introduce myself.I can greet others and say goodbye.I can say my age and ask others theirs and ask when their birthday is.I can use common courtesy expressions.I can ask/say where I am from.

Write a conversation between two or three people (divide yourselves up into at least two groups).

You can include any or all of these tasks: Say hello, introduce yourself, ask names, ask how they are, ask their age/birthday, express courtesy, say goodbye. **Make sure what you write is logical and that each person in the conversation has at

least five lines.

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9- Let’s chat!Now that you have written your conversation, you will

practice reading/saying it. In your divided groups, choose which one of you will read which part of the conversation. Using one of the recorders provided, read your conversation aloud so that Sra. can listen to it.

**Practice at least 3 times before you record. You may not re-record.

*SAY YOUR NAMES INTO RECORDER BEFORE YOU START.*Push red button and begin. Push square to stop.