Statement From Vice President Biden on Mitt Romney's VFW Remarks

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  • 7/31/2019 Statement From Vice President Biden on Mitt Romney's VFW Remarks


    Statement from Vice President Biden on Mitt Romney's VFW Remarks

    [email protected] on behalf of Obama for America Press

    [[email protected]]Sent:Tuesday, July 24, 2012 5:14 PM

    To: Obama for America Press [[email protected]]

    For Immediate Release: Tuesday, July 24, 2012

    Contact: Obama for America Press (312) 985-1198

    Statement from Vice President Biden on Mitt Romney's VFW Remarks

    CHICAGO Vice President Joe Biden issued the following statement in response to Mitt Romneys

    remarks to the VFW National Convention today:

    Over the past three years, President Obama has taken the fight directly to Americas enemies,

    confronting al-Qaeda head on and taking out Osama bin Laden. He ended the war in Iraq responsibly

    and has a plan to do the same in Afghanistan. He has done more for Israels security than any

    President since Harry Truman, led international efforts to put the most pressure in history on Iran,

    protected the people of Libya from a brutal dictator and helped rebuild our alliances across the

    globe. He saved our economy from collapse with bold decisions, including the rescue of the

    automobile industry which has made us stronger abroad. Because of President Obamas leadership,

    Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive.

    Today, Governor Romney had an opportunity to fulfill a long-standing promise by laying out his

    foreign policy vision and agenda. He had a chance to say how he would lead as Commander-

    in-Chief. Instead, all we heard from Governor Romney was empty rhetoric and bluster. He

    reflexively criticizes the Presidents policies without offering any alternatives. When he does venture

    a position, its a safe bet that he previously took exactly the opposite position and will probably

    change his mind again and land in the wrong place far out of the mainstream. Or he

    mischaracterizes our record to create a non-existent contrast.

    On Afghanistan:!Governor Romney supported the Presidents timeline to end the war in Afghanistan, then he opposedit and now it is hard to know where he stands. His misguided criticism of the Presidents new defense

    strategy is undermined by the fact that strategy was designed with and supported by the entire

    Defense Department senior leadership, uniform and civilian. It provides for a more agile, flexible

    force, better able to confront aggressors and project power, with strong partnerships to share the

    burden and smart investments in cutting edge capabilities. We proposed a budget to fully fund that

    strategy and keep faith with our veterans.

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  • 7/31/2019 Statement From Vice President Biden on Mitt Romney's VFW Remarks


    On Russia:

    When it comes to Russia which he recently called our number one geo-political foe Governor

    Romney remains mired in a Cold War mindset. We have serious disagreements with Moscow, but our

    cooperation has made the American people more secure. Russia cancelled the sale of cutting edge

    radar to Iran and joined us in imposing the toughest sanctions in history on Tehran. Together, wenegotiated a major nuclear arms reduction treaty New START that virtually the entire Republican

    foreign policy establishment supported but Governor Romney and a very small group of Cold War

    holdovers opposed.

    On Poland and missile defense:

    On the eve of his trip to Poland, the Governor is either profoundly misinformed or misinforming

    the American people. He asserts that the President abandoned a missile defense system in that

    country. President Obama asked me to secure Allied support for a new missile defense plan for

    Europe. Who did we ask to host its main components? Poland, along with Turkey, Romania,

    Germany and Spain. These countries and all of NATO embraced our approach because it protectsmore of Europe more quickly than the old plan.

    On Israel:

    Governor Romney continues his long litany of untruths about our administrations policies toward

    Israel. Weve provided record levels of security assistance, funding for the Iron Dome missile defense

    system that intercepted nearly 80 percent of the rockets recently fired from Gaza, close collaboration

    on longer range missile defense systems, the largest joint military exercises in history, the most

    consistent and comprehensive exchanges ever between our top political, defense, security and

    intelligence officials. And, contrary to Governor Romneys outrageous accusation that the Presidentjoined in the chorus of insults levied against Israel at the United Nations, President Obama has stood

    up repeatedly, publicly and often alone against efforts to delegitimize Israel at the U.N. and around the


    On Iran:

    On Iran, Governor Romney does a compelling job laying out exactly what the Administration is

    already doing. The only step he seems to think we should take that we are not already taking is to

    launch a war. If that is what the Governor is for, he should tell the American people.

    On al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden:

    One thing the Governor did not talk about today was al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. Thats not

    surprising. When he last ran for President, Governor Romney was asked what he would do about bin

    Laden. He said then: it is not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying

    to catch one person. We know how Obama answered that question: by ordering our intelligence

    services to leave no stone unturned in the hunt for bin Laden, and then authorizing one of the highest

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  • 7/31/2019 Statement From Vice President Biden on Mitt Romney's VFW Remarks


    risk missions ever to capture or kill our number one enemy.

    Thanks to President Obamas leadership, bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive -- and

    everything we have learned from Governor Romney today and during this campaign tells the

    American people that a Romney presidency would have resulted in just the opposite.


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