State Officer Exam1

NEW YORK STATE FBLA STATE OFFICER EXAM 2009 PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST UNTIL DIRECTED TO DO SO Test Directions 1. Comp lete th e info rmati on requested on the answer sheet. PRINT YOUR NAME on the “Name” line. PRINT the name of the event, STATE OFFICER EXAM on the “Subject” line. PRINT the name of your CHAPTER on the “DATE” line. 2. All an swer s will be reco rded o n the an swer sh eet. Please do not write on the test booklet. Scrap paper will be provided. 3. Read each ques tion completely before answering. With a NO. 2 pencil, blacken in you r choices completel y on the answer sheet . Do not make any other marks on the answer sheet, or the scoring machine will reject it. 4. You will be given 6 0 minu tes for the test. You will be given a starti ng signal and a signal after 50 minutes have elapsed.


State Officer Exam1

Transcript of State Officer Exam1

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Test Directions

1. Complete the information requested on the answer sheet.

PRINT YOUR NAME on the “Name” line.PRINT the name of the event, STATE OFFICER EXAM on the“Subject” line.PRINT the name of your CHAPTER on the “DATE” line.

2. All answers will be recorded on the answer sheet.Please do not write on the test booklet.Scrap paper will be provided.

3. Read each question completely before answering. With a NO. 2

pencil, blacken in your choices completely on the answer sheet. Donot make any other marks on the answer sheet, or the scoring machinewill reject it.

4. You will be given 60 minutes for the test. You will be given a startingsignal and a signal after 50 minutes have elapsed.

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1. The first state chapter of FBLA was:A. Iowa

B. VirginiaC. New York D. Pennsylvania

2. The current NYS FBLA president is:A. Courtney FergusonB. Phoebe Farber C. Elias EverettD. Giancarlo Riso

3. New York City is in what district?

A. 1B. 2C. 3ND. 3S

4. Which of the following competitive events have both an objective and production portion?

A. Accounting IIB. EconomicsC. Technology ConceptsD. Impromptu Speaking

5. The current advisor of the State Officer Team is:A. Rachel Goer B. Lisa PerryC. Elizabeth GarofaloD. Gloria LaSota

6. What is the web address for the New York State Website?A. www.nysfbla.comB. www.fbla.orgC.


7. Which of the following competitive events allow 1-3 members to participate?A. Internet Applications ProgrammingB. Introduction to Business CommunicationsC. E-BusinessD. Introduction to Word Processing

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8. A quorum is defined as the following:

A. The minimum number of members necessary to conduct official businessB. Three members are necessary to make an amendmentC. A subcommitteeD. The maximum number of members allowed to conduct official business

9. How much are New York State FBLA dues?A. $4B. $6C. $5D. $12

10. The 2008 National Leadership Conference was held in:A. Denver, COB. Atlanta, GAC. Nashville, TND. Chicago, IL

11. What color candle is lit to symbolize the unity of the organization?A. RedB. WhiteC. BlueD. Orange

12. The present address of FBLA’s National Headquarters is:A. 100 Future Drive, Albany, NYB. 350 Main Street, Rochester, NYC. One FBLA Drive, Chicago, ILD. 1912 Association Drive, Reston, VA

13. Parliamentary Procedure is a system of conducting business when working in agroup. The rules of Parliamentary Procedure as based on a regard for the rightsof:

A. The majority

B. The minorityC. AbsenteesD. All of the above

14. . Which of the following events is classified as a chapter event?A. EconomicsB. Community Service ProjectC. FBLA Principles and Procedures

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15. Which of the following competitive events is classified as a production event?A. Business LawB. Word Processing IIC. MarketingD. Business Communications

16. Which of the following motions concludes the meeting:A. Point of Order B. RescindC. AdjournD. Amend

17. The National FBLA Theme for the 2008-2009 year is:A. Get the EdgeB. Success in ActionC. Lead…Achieve…SucceedD. Leadership in Action

18. The 2009 National Leadership Conference will be held in:A. Chicago, ILB. Nashville, TNC. Anaheim, CA

D. Atlanta, GA

19. The National Association supports the following charity:A. American Cancer SocietyB. American Red CrossC. March of DimesD. Muscular Dystrophy Association

20. The current secretary of the NYS FBLA Board of Trustees is:A. Charlene Nigro

B. Donna Meyer C. Anita HalsteadD. Jennifer McClure

.21. What is the name of the NYS publication for its membership? A. FBLA Hotline

 B. FBLA ExpressC. Professional Edge

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STATE OFFICER EXAM D. Tomorrow’s Business Leader 

22. Which of the following is not a specific goal of FBLA:A. Create more interest in and understanding of American business enterpriseB. Facilitate the transition from school to work C. Encourage scholarship and promote school loyaltyD. Participate in profit-driven activities

23. Which of the following motions does not need a second?A. Close the meetingB. Question of privilegeC. Lay aside temporarily

D. Refer to committee

24. A motion used to enforce rules within the meeting is called:A. Point of Order B. Suspend Order C. Divide MotionD. Request for Information

25.. The current state president is from:A. Little Falls High SchoolB. Clymer High School

C. Cobleskill-Richmondville High SchoolD. Mamaraneck High School

26. Which school was the recipient of the Chapter of the Year competition for 2008?A. Clymer High SchoolB. Little Falls High SchoolC. Mamaroneck High SchoolD. Carmel High School

27. The founder of FBLA is:A. Hamden L. Forkner 

B. Edward D. Miller C. Conrad N. HiltonD. Jean Buckley

28. Which of the following offices is not an elected position?A. PresidentB. District Vice PresidentC. Parliamentarian

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29. New York State FBLA is said to belong to which administrative region:A. Southern RegionB. Eastern RegionC. Northern RegionD. Mountain-Plains Region

30. Which of the following events is classified as a team event?A. EconomicsB. Job Interview

C. Desktop PublishingD. Word Processing II

31. Which of the following is held in conjunction with the National LeadershipConference and was created to prepare and equip FBLA-PBL members andadvisors with skills and experiences needed to be the leaders of the future?

A. MOUS CertificationB. IC3C. Professional DevelopmentD. Institute for Leaders

32. The New York State FBLA Membership Director is:A. Anita HalsteadB. Peter TambroniC. Jennifer McClureD. Gloria LaSota

33. Who serves as your current NYS Reporter?A. Phoebe Farber B. Elias EverettC. Jackie RapettiD. Bonnie Bethea

34. What is the record of activities discussed at a chapter meeting called?A. ReportB. ItineraryC. MinutesD. Attendance

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STATE OFFICER EXAM35. Campaigning for which office requires that the student must be enrolled in or 

have completed at least one year of bookkeeping or accounting?A. PresidentB. Vice President

C. Treasurer D. Reporter 

36. Any member who believes that the vote just taken could be too close to callshould do the following:A. Call for a Point of Order B. Call for Orders of the DayC. Call for ConsiderationD. Call Division

37. The first local FBLA chapter in NYS was:A. Mamaroneck High SchoolB. Restin High SchoolC. Greece-Athena High SchoolD. Dobbs-Ferry High School

38. A common method for amending a motion would be the following:A. By addition or insertion of something the original motion did not includeB. By eliminating of striking out something from the original motionC. By substitution to eliminate something from the original motion and

substitute something else in its place

D. All of the above

39. In order to become a state officer, candidates must first pass an exam that isadministered at which conference:A. Spring District MeetingB. State Leadership ConferenceC. Fall Leadership WorkshopD. National Leadership Conference

40. This motion provides that all debate and amendments are stopped, and the motionwill be voted on immediately.

A. Postpone indefinitelyB. AmendC. Lay on the TableD. Previous Question

41. Who is New York State FBLA’s Executive Secretary?A. Anita HalsteadB. Peter Tambroni

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STATE OFFICER EXAMC. Elizabeth GarofaloD. Charlene Nigro

42. Motions whose introductions bring business before the assembly are called:

A. Subsidiary MotionsB. Main MotionsC. Privileged MotionsD. Incidental Motions

43. Parliamentary Law dates back to:A. The early beginnings of the English Parliament in the 1200’sB. The First Continental CongressC. King Arthur’s Round TableD. The Roman Empire

44. . An amendment to a motion:A. may bring up a new topic for discussionB. must be germane to the motionC. does not change the motion, it simply clarifies itD. is not allowed time for discussion

45. Which state officer serves as an ex-officio member of committees?A. HistorianB. PresidentC. Parliamentarian

D. District Vice President

46. What is the maximum number of elected state officers possible?A. 19B. 20C. 21D. 22

47. Which state officer is responsible for keeping accurate minutes of all meetings aswell as the timely distribution of them to the remainder of the officer team and theBoard of Trustees?

A. PresidentB. Executive Vice PresidentC. HistorianD. Secretary

48. The college level division of FBLA is called:A. Phi Theta KappaB. Phi Beta Lambda

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STATE OFFICER EXAMC. Collegiate FBLAD. FBLA – Middle Level

49. The official NYS FBLA colors are:

A. Blue and GoldB. Blue and WhiteC. Blue and RedD. Black and White

50. Elected body of members who coordinate state and district activities:A. Board of TrusteesB. State Advisory BoardC. State Officers

D. PBL Members

51. The FBLA motto is:A. Service, School, DedicationB. Service, Education, ProgressC. Character, Service, AcademicsD. Citizenship, State, School

52. The National FBLA publication is called: A. The Hotline

 B. The Professional Edge

C. Tomorrow’s Business Leader  D. PBL Business Leader 

53. The parliamentary term, “to take from the table” means to:A. continue the consideration of a questionB. reconsider the questionC. repeal action previously takenD. determine the accuracy of a voice vote

54. The 2008-2009 Annual Report of the New York State Association will be editedand compiled by:

A. Elias EverettB. Bonnie BetheaC. Jackie RappetiD. Courtney Ferguson

55. FBLA-PBL Week occurs during the second week of:A. November B. February

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56. American Enterprise Day occurs on which date?

A. February 15B. April 15C. June 15D. November 15

57. Presidential candidates are limited to ______ minutes when delivering their campaign speech:A. 5

B. 4C. 3D. 2

58. How many districts are there in NYS FBLA?A. 13B. 14C. 15D. 16

59. In the installation of officers ceremony, what color candle symbolizes the office

of treasurer?A. BlueB. RedC. OrangeD. Yellow

60 In order to be considered for a State Office, a letter of intent and an interview withthe Board of Trustee conducted by what date of any given year?

A. November 1B. December 5C. December 30

D. December 15

61. What is the 2008-2009 New York State Theme?A. Lead the WayB. Laying the Foundation for our FutureC. Scaling the Mountain of SuccessD. Our Goals, Our Dreams, Our Future

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STATE OFFICER EXAM62. The 2008-2009 State Charity is:

A. Leukemia and Lymphoma SocietyB. Muscular Dystrophy AssociationC. March of Dimes

D. American Diabetes Association

63. Discussing the merits of a motion is called:A. DebateB. Lay on the TableC. AmendD. Appeal

64. At the National Center, a “Wall of Fame” has been created to honor:A. FBLA national scholarship winners

B. National FBLA OfficersC. Chapters giving the top three monetary contributions to the March of 

DimesD. Advisors and state chairs with at least 20 years of experience and

outstanding service

65. What is the name of the FBLA program used to encourage new membership?A. Membership MadnessB. Chapter ChallengeC. Kitty Hollis Memorial ProgramD. Spirit and Unity Challenge

66. The current CEO of the national association is:A. Conrad N. HiltonB. Jean BuckleyC. Jennifer McClureD. Hamden L. Forkner 

67. In what city and state was the 2008 National Fall Leadership Conference held?A. Washington, DCB. Philadelphia, PAC. Buffalo, NY

D. Chicago, IL

68. The official supplier of FBLA resources, emblematic items, and publications is:A. FBLA MarketB. Market PlaceC. FBLA ExpressD. Incentives for Industry

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STATE OFFICER EXAM69. What color candle does the chapter secretary light when inducted into office?

A. GreenB. OrangeC. Yellow

D. Red

70. The Gold Seal Chapter Award of Merit is named for:A. Edward D. Miller B. Hamden Forkner C. Conrad HiltonD. Hollis and Kitty Guy

71. The youngest members of the national organization are said to belong to whichlevel:

A. Middle Level

B. FBLAC. PBLD. Professional Division

72. Which of the following represents a body of local advisors, representing alldistricts, which sets policy for the State Association and in which generaladministration of FBLA is vested?

A. FBLA State Advisory BoardB. FBLA Professional DivisionC. Department of Education State ChairpersonD. FBLA Board of Trustees

73. The FBLA Board of Trustee Chair is:a. Jennifer McClure b. Anita Halsteadc. Donna Meyer d. Peter Tambroni

74. What is the FBLA fiscal year?A. January 1 – December 31B. March 1 – February 28C. May 1 – April 30

D. July 1 – June 30

75. Who serves as the 2008-2009 FBLA National President:A. Courtney FergusonB. Joseph RileyC. Emily AdamsD. Paul Cohen

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1. A2. C3. B4. A5. C6. D7. C8. A

9. B10. B11. B12. D13. D14. B15. B

16. C17. A18. C19. C20. A21. B22. D23. B

24. A25. D26. C27. A28. C29. B30. C

31. D32. B33. C34. C35. C36. D37. D38. D

39. A40. D41. A42. B43. A44. B45. B

46. C47. D48. B49. A50. C51. B52. C53. A

54. B55. B56. D57. A58. C59. A60. D

61. B62. C63. A64. D65. A66. B67. A68. B

69. C70. D71. A72. D73. A74. D75. B

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