STATE OF IOWA JUDICIAL RETIREMENT FUND · 2014-05-08 · October 18, 2011 Mr. David Boyd State of...

STATE OF IOWA JUDICIAL RETIREMENT FUND Actuarial Valuation Report as of July 1, 2011

Transcript of STATE OF IOWA JUDICIAL RETIREMENT FUND · 2014-05-08 · October 18, 2011 Mr. David Boyd State of...

Page 1: STATE OF IOWA JUDICIAL RETIREMENT FUND · 2014-05-08 · October 18, 2011 Mr. David Boyd State of Iowa Judicial Retirement Fund State Court Administrator’s Office 1111 E. Court




Actuarial Valuation Report as of July 1, 2011

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Section Page Certification Letter I Executive Summary 1 II Summary of Valuation Results 8 III Plan Accounting Information 17


A Actuarial Assumptions and Methods B Summary of Plan Provisions C System Membership Information

Addendum Statutory Reporting

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October 18, 2011 Mr. David Boyd State of Iowa Judicial Retirement Fund State Court Administrator’s Office 1111 E. Court Ave. Des Moines, IA 50319 Dear Mr. Boyd: At your request, we have performed an actuarial valuation of the Iowa Judicial Retirement Fund prepared as of July 1, 2011. The major findings are included in this report. The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the funded status of the System as of July 1, 2011, to provide the Annual Required Contribution (ARC) and the accounting information under Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statements No. 25 and 27 (GASB 25 and 27). While not verifying the data at source, the actuary performed tests for consistency and reasonability. The promised benefits of the System are included in the actuarially calculated contribution rates which are developed using the Entry Age Normal cost method. An asset smoothing method is used for actuarial valuation purposes. Gains and losses are reflected in the unfunded accrued liability that is being amortized by regular annual contributions as a level dollar amount. The assumptions recommended by the actuary and adopted by the State Court Administrator are, in the aggregate, reasonably related to the experience under the Fund and to reasonable expectations of anticipated experience under the Fund and meet the parameters for the disclosures under GASB 25 and 27. While this is not the first valuation report prepared by Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting LLC, it is the first valuation prepared using Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting’s valuation software (the July 1, 2010 valuation results were developed using Milliman’s valuation software). As part of our transition work, we replicated the July 1, 2010 actuarial valuation. Results were well within acceptable limits, but there were some differences in the key valuation results. The normal cost rate at July, 1, 2010, as determined using CMC’s valuation software, was 20.90% versus 21.21% shown in the July 1, 2010 valuation report. The actuarial accrued liability, calculated using CMC’s valuation software, was $157.7 million compared to $156.0 million in the July 1, 2010 valuation report. These differences are neither unusual nor significant. It is very common for differences in valuation results to occur due to the use of different pension valuation software.


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Mr. David Boyd October 18, 2011 Page 2

We have prepared the Schedule of Funding Progress and Trend Information, which are found in Section 5 of the report. All historical information that references a valuation date prior to July 1, 2010 was prepared by the previous actuarial firm. This is to certify that the independent consulting actuaries are members of the American Academy of Actuaries and have experience in performing valuations for public retirement systems, that the valuation was prepared in accordance with principles of practice prescribed by the Actuarial Standards Board, and that the actuarial calculations were performed by qualified actuaries in accordance with accepted actuarial procedures, based on the current provisions of the retirement system and on actuarial assumptions that are internally consistent and reasonably based on the actual experience of the System. Future actuarial results may differ significantly from the current results presented in this report due to such factors as the following: plan experience differing from that anticipated by the economic or demographic assumptions; changes in economic or demographic assumptions; increases or decreases expected as part of the natural operation of the methodology used for these measurements (such as the end of an amortization period or additional cost or contribution requirements based on the plan’s funded status); and changes in plan provisions or applicable law. Since the potential impact of such factors is outside the scope of a normal annual actuarial valuation, an analysis of the range of results is not presented herein. In our opinion, in order for the System to operate in an actuarially sound manner, contributions equal to the ARC are necessary for future fiscal years. Assuming that these contributions are made to the System, from year to year in the future, at the rates recommended on the basis of the successive actuarial valuations, the continued sufficiency of the retirement fund to provide the benefits called for under the System may be safely anticipated. Respectfully submitted,

Patrice A. Beckham, FSA, EA, FCA, MAAA Brent A. Banister, PhD, FSA, EA, FCA, MAAA Consulting Actuary Senior Actuary PB:BB/kc

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This report presents the results of the July 1, 2011 actuarial valuation for the State of Iowa Judicial Retirement Fund (System). The primary purposes of performing an actuarial valuation are to:

• determine the employer contribution rate required to fund the System on an actuarial basis;

• disclose asset and liability measures as of the valuation date;

• determine the experience of the System since the last valuation date; and

• analyze and report on trends in System contributions, assets, and liabilities over the past several years.

Section I of the report is a summary of the principal results of the valuation. Section II of the report provides details of the assets and liabilities used in the actuarial valuation. Section III of the report provides the calculation of the Annual Required Contribution, the Net Pension Obligation, and the Annual Pension Cost. Much of this information is necessary for compliance with Statements Number 25 and 27 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The Appendices provide a summary of the data, methods and assumptions used in the preparation of this report. The assumptions and methods used in our calculation are acceptable for purposes of GASB as well as for purposes of determining an appropriate level of contributions to be made to the fund. The 2008 Legislature passed SF2424, which contains statutory reporting requirements for all statewide public retirement systems, including the Judicial Retirement System. This information is contained in the Addendum at the end of this report. While this is not the first valuation report prepared by Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting LLC, it is the first valuation prepared using Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting’s valuation software. The July 1, 2010 valuation results were developed using Milliman’s valuation software. As part of our transition work, we replicated the July 1, 2010 actuarial valuation. Results were well within acceptable limits, but there were some differences in the key valuation results. The normal cost rate at July 1, 2010, as determined using CMC’s valuation software, was 20.90% versus 21.21% shown in the July 1, 2010 valuation report. The actuarial accrued liability, calculated using CMC’s valuation software, was $157.7 million compared to $156.0 million in the July 1, 2010 valuation report. These differences are neither unusual nor significant. It is very common for differences in valuation results to occur due to the use of different pension valuation software. The valuation results provide a “snapshot” view of the System’s financial condition on July 1, 2011. As of July 1, 2011, the System has an unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) of $55 million. The UAAL decreased by $2 million from last year’s amount due to various factors. A more complete analysis of the change in the unfunded actuarial accrued liability from July 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011 is shown on page 14.

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The highlights of the valuation are:

Actuarial Valuation Date Funded Status July 1, 2011 July 1, 2010

Using Actuarial Value of Assets Actuarial Accrued Liability $164,511,490 $156,029,125 Actuarial Assets 109,511,743 99,415,804 Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability $ 54,999,747 $ 56,613,321 Funded Ratio 66.6% 63.7%

Using Market Value of Assets Actuarial Accrued Liability $164,511,490 $156,029,125 Market Assets 111,571,876 91,321,799 Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability $ 52,939,614 $ 64,707,326 Funded Ratio 67.8% 58.5%

The total actuarial required contribution in the 2011 valuation decreased slightly as a percent of payroll, but increased as a dollar amount. The State’s actuarial contribution rate decreased from 31.38% in the 2010 valuation to 31.15% in the 2011 valuation. The statutory contribution rate is 30.60% of pay, resulting in a contribution shortfall of 0.55%, as shown below:

Actuarial Valuation Date Required Contribution Rate July 1, 2011 July 1, 2010 1. Normal Cost $ 5,577,516 $ 5,212,950 2. Amortization Payment 4,736,896 4,795,666 3. Interest 379,798 368,538 4. Total Contribution 10,694,210 10,377,154 (1) + (2) + (3) 5. Expected Member Contributions 2,468,652 2,382,343 6. State Contributions $ 8,225,558 $ 7,994,811 (4) - (5) 7. State Contribution Rate 31.15% 31.38% 8. Statutory Contribution Rate 30.60% 30.60% 9. Shortfall 0.55% 0.78%

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EXPERIENCE July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 In many respects, an actuarial valuation can be thought of as an inventory process. The inventory is taken as of the actuarial valuation date, which for this valuation is July 1, 2011. On that date, the assets available for the payment of benefits are appraised. The assets are compared with the liabilities of the System, which are generally in excess of assets. The actuarial process leads to a method of determining the contributions needed by members and employers in the future to balance the System assets and liabilities. Changes in the System’s assets and liabilities impacted the change in the actuarial contribution rates between the July 1, 2010 and July 1, 2011 actuarial valuations. On the following pages each component is discussed. ASSETS As of July 1, 2011, the System had total funds when measured on a market value basis, of $112 million. This was an increase of $21 million from the July 1, 2010 figure of $91 million. The market value of assets is not used directly in the calculation of contribution rates. An asset valuation method is used to smooth the effect of market fluctuations. See page 10 for the detailed development of the actuarial value of assets as of July 1, 2011. The actuarial value of assets as of July 1, 2011, was $110 million. The annualized dollar-weighted rate of return for FY2011, measured on the actuarial value of assets was approximately 8.2%, and measured on the market value of assets was approximately 19.9%, net of investment expenses. The components of the change in the market and actuarial value of assets for the System (in millions) are set forth below.

Market Value Actuarial Value $(millions) $(millions)

Net Assets, July 1, 2010 $91 $99

· Employer and Member Contributions 11 11

· Benefit Payments and Expenses (9) (9)

· Investment Income 19 9

Net Assets, July 1, 2011 $112 $110

Estimated Rate of Return 19.9% 8.2%

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Due to the strong return on the market value of assets for FY2011 (about 20%), the return on the actuarial value of assets was greater than the assumed rate of 7.5%. Due to the use of an asset smoothing method, there is about $2 million of net deferred investment gain that has not been recognized. Absent unfavorable investment experience in future years to offset the recognition of the deferred gain, it will flow through the asset smoothing method. LIABILITIES The actuarial accrued liability is that portion of the present value of future benefits that will not be paid by future employer normal costs or member contributions. The difference between this liability and asset values at the same date is referred to as the unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL). The unfunded actuarial accrued liability will be reduced if the employer's contributions exceed the employer's normal cost for the year, after allowing for interest on the previous balance of the unfunded actuarial accrued liability. The unfunded actuarial accrued liability as of July 1, 2011 is shown below:

Actuarial Accrued Liability $ 164,511,490 Actuarial Value of Assets 109,511,743 Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability $ 54,999,747

Factors influencing the UAAL from year to year include actual experience versus that expected based on the actuarial assumptions (both asset and liability), changes in actuarial assumptions, procedures or methods and changes in benefit provisions. The actual experience measured in this valuation is that which occurred during the prior plan year (fiscal year 2011). There was an experience gain on both the actuarial value of assets and on the actuarial liabilities. There was no change in the actuarial assumptions and methods. The UAAL decreased from $57 million on July 1, 2010 to $55 million on July 1, 2011. The Fund experienced a total actuarial gain of $2 million for the year ending June 30, 2011. Actuarial experience (gain or loss) is measured by comparing the expected UAAL (developed using the actuarial assumptions) and the actual UAAL. Several factors contributed to the change in the UAAL:

The return on the actuarial value of assets was approximately 8.2%, which is higher than the actuarial assumption of 7.5%. This resulted in an actuarial gain of about $700,000 which decreased the UAAL.

There was an actuarial experience gain on liabilities of around $1.5 million, largely due to lower salaries at July 1, 2011 than expected, which decreased the actuarial liability.

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Between July 1, 2010 and July 1, 2011 the change in the unfunded actuarial accrued liability for the System was as follow (in millions):

$ millions Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability, July 1, 2010 56.6 · effect of contributions less than the actuarial rate 0.2 · expected increase due to amortization method (1.1) · investment experience (0.7) · liability experience1 (1.5) · change in actuarial software 1.7 · change in actuarial assumptions 0.0 · change in benefit provisions 0.0 · other actuarial experience (0.2) Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability, July 1, 2011 55.0

1 Liability gain is about 0.9% of total actuarial accrued liability

An evaluation of the unfunded actuarial accrued liability on a pure dollar basis may not provide a complete analysis since only the difference between the assets and liabilities (which are both large numbers) is reflected. Another way to evaluate the unfunded actuarial accrued liability and the progress made in its funding is to track the funded status, which is the ratio of the actuarial value of assets to the actuarial accrued liability. The funded status is shown in the graph below:

69.6% 69.7%

62.4% 61.6%63.7%








2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011 Year Ended 6/30

Funded Ratio

Funded Ratio

CONTRIBUTION RATES The funding objective of the System is to pay the normal cost rate plus the amortization of each piece of the unfunded actuarial accrued liability over a 25-year period commencing with the valuation date on which the base was created.

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Under the Entry Age Normal cost method, the actuarial contribution rate consists of:

• a "normal cost" for the portion of projected liabilities allocated by the actuarial cost method to service of members during the year following the valuation date,

• an "unfunded actuarial accrued liability contribution" for the excess of the portion of

projected liabilities allocated to service to date over the actuarial value of assets.

Plan Year Beginning July 1, 2011 July 1, 2010

Prior year total contribution rate 40.73% 39.50%

· change due to asset (gains)/losses (0.23%) 0.92% · change due to other actuarial experience (0.29%) 0.25% · change due to change in actuarial software 0.24% 0.00% · change due to actual contribution rate lower 0.05% 0.07% than actuarial rate

Current year total actuarial contribution rate 40.50% 40.73% Member's contribution rate 9.35% 9.35% State's actuarial contribution rate 31.15% 31.38%

Contributions to the System are made by the members and the state. The rates are set in statute. The member contribution rate was 8.70% of pay for FY2010 and increased to 9.35% for FY2011 and beyond. The employer contribution rate is 30.60% of pay so the total statutory contribution rate is 39.95%. The following graph summarizes the actual and the actuarial employer contributions in recent years.



1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

$ M



Year Ended 6/30

Contribution Analysis

Actual Contribution Required Contribution

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COMMENTS Over the period from FY2002 through 2010, the State contributed far less than the actuarial contribution rate and the funded ratio of the System declined. The 2008 Legislature passed SF2424, which provided for significantly higher contributions to the system. However, the investment loss from FY2009 decreased the System’s funded ratio and increased the actuarial contribution rate, offsetting some of the expected improvement in funding from the higher contributions. Due to the strong investment returns in FY2010 and FY2011, the investment loss from FY2009 has now been fully recognized in the asset smoothing method and the market value of assets is greater than the actuarial value. The impact of the remaining unrecognized loss from 2009 was eliminated in this valuation by the very strong investment return for FY2011. Given the strong investment returns in the last two years, coupled with liability gains largely due to lower salary increases than expected based on the actuarial assumption, the System’s funded status has improved. As a result, the actuarial contribution rate is now only slightly higher than the statutory contribution rate. If all actuarial assumptions are met in future years, the funded ratio of the System is expected to increase over time. As with most public retirement systems, the actual investment experience in future years will heavily impact the funding of the System and the sufficiency of the current statutory contribution rates.

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SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL VALUATION RESULTS Actuarial Actuarial Valuation as of Valuation as of July 1, 2011 July 1, 2010

1. SUMMARY OF DATA Active Judges 197 190 Senior Judges and Retired Senior Judges 56 56 Retired Judges 71 71 Beneficiaries of Deceased Judges 53 49 Inactive Vested Judges 8 5 Total Members 385 371

2. ACTIVE PARTICIPANT STATISTICS Total Compensation $ 26,402,700 $ 25,479,600 Average Compensation 134,024 134,103 Average Age 56.8 56.9 Average Service 12.0 12.4

3. ASSET AND LIABILITY INFORMATION Actuarial Accrued Liability $ 164,511,490 $ 156,029,125 Actuarial Value of Assets 109,511,743 99,415,804 Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) 54,999,747 56,613,321 Funded Ratio (Actuarial Value) 66.6% 63.7% Market Value of Assets 111,571,876 91,321,799 Funded Ratio (Market Value) 67.8% 58.5%

4. CONTRIBUTION INFORMATION Normal Cost 21.12% 21.21% UAAL Payment 18.60% 19.52% Total Actuarial Contribution 40.50% 40.73% Less Member Contribution (9.35%) (9.35%) State Contribution 31.15% 31.38% Less Statutory Contribution 30.60% 30.60% Shortfall 0.55% 0.78%

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Year End Year End June 30, 2011 June 30, 2010

Additions 1. Contributions

a. State $ 8,101,876 $ 7,806,398 b. Members 2,475,578 2,222,015 c. Total Contributions (a + b) 10,577,454 10,028,413

2. Investment Income a. Interest $ 1,395,611 $ 1,740,547 b. Dividends 977,203 531,303 c. Gain on Sale of Investments 16,629,148 8,489,547 d. Net Appreciation (245,539) (420,824) e. Investment Expenses (390,028) (366,612) f. Total Investment Income (a + b + c + d + e) 18,366,395 9,973,961

3. Total Additions (1c + 2f) $ 28,943,849 $ 20,002,374

Deductions 4. Deductions

a. Benefit Payments $ 8,680,508 $ 8,003,244 b. Administrative Expense 13,264 9,265 c. Total Deductions (a + b) 8,693,772 8,012,509

5. Net Increase (3 – 4c) $ 20,250,077 $ 11,989,865

6. Net Assets Held in Trust for Pension Benefits a. Beginning of Year $ 91,321,799 $ 79,331,934 b. End of Year $ 111,571,876 $ 91,321,799

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As of July 1, 2011

To arrive at a suitable value for the actuarial valuation, a technique for determining the actuarial value of assets is used which dampens swings in the market value while still indirectly recognizing market values. This methodology smoothes the volatility of market experience by only recognizing 25% of the difference between the expected value (based on the actuarial assumption) and the actual market value.

1. Actuarial Value of Assets as of July 1, 2010 $ 99,415,804

2. Actual Contribution/Disbursements a. Contributions $ 10,577,454 b. Benefit Payments and Refunds (8,693,772) c. Net $ 1,883,682

3. Expected Value of Assets as of July 1, 2011 $ 108,825,032 [(1) x 1.075] + [(2c) x (1.075)1/2]

4. Market Value of Assets as of July 1, 2011 $ 111,571,876

5. Difference Between Market and Expected Values $ 2,746,844 (4) - (3)

6. Actuarial Value of Assets as of July 1, 2011 $ 109,511,743 (3) + [(5) x 25%]

7. Actuarial Value of Assets divided by Market Value of Assets 98.2% (6) / (4)

8. Market Value of Assets less Actuarial Value of Assets $ 2,060,133 (4) - (6)

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1. Active employees a. Retirement Benefit $ 122,584,539 b. Withdrawal Benefit 24,269 c. Pre-Retirement Death Benefit 1,782,950 d. Total $ 124,391,758

2. Inactive Vested Members $ 2,905,476

3. Retirees and Beneficiaries $ 86,757,124

4. Total Present Value of Future Benefits $ 214,054,358

(1d) + (2) + (3)

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1. Present Value of Future Benefits a. Active Employees $ 124,391,758 b. Inactive Employees $ 89,662,600 c. Total $ 214,054,358

2. Present Value of Future Normal Costs $ 49,542,868

3. Total Actuarial Accrued Liability $ 164,511,490 (1c) - (2)

4. Actuarial Value of Assets 109,511,743

5. Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability $ 54,999,747

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July 1, 2011


Actuarial value of assets $ 109,511,743

Present value of future normal costs 49,542,868

Payments on Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability $ 54,999,747

Total Net Assets $ 214,054,358


Present Value of Projected Benefits: Active Members Retirement Benefits $ 122,584,539 Withdrawal Benefits 24,269 Pre-Retirement Death Benefits 1,782,950 Members with Deferred Benefits 2,905,476 Members Receiving Benefits $ 86,757,124

Total Liabilities $ 214,054,358

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The actuarial gain/(loss) is comprised of both the liability and the actuarial asset gain/(loss). Each of these represents the difference between the expected and actual values as of July 1, 2011.

1. Expected actuarial accrued liability a. Actuarial accrued liability at July 1, 2010 $ 156,029,125 b. Normal cost at July 1, 2010 5,212,950 c. Benefit payments for fiscal year ending June 30, 2011 (8,693,772) d. Interest at 7.5% on (a), (b), and (c) 11,773,033 e. Change in actuarial software 1,679,809 f. Expected actuarial accrued liability at July 1, 2011 $ 166,001,145 (a) + (b) + (c) + (d) + (e)

2. Actuarial accrued liability at July 1, 2011 $ 164,511,490 3. Actuarial accrued liability gain/(loss) $ 1,489,655 (1f) - (2)

4. Expected actuarial value of assets a. Actuarial value of assets at July 1, 2010 $ 99,415,804 b. Contributions for fiscal year ending June 30, 2011 10,577,454 c. Benefit payments and administrative expenses for (8,693,772) fiscal year ending June 30, 2011 d. Interest at 7.5% on (a), (b), and (c) 7,525,546 e. Expected actuarial value of assets at July 1, 2011 $ 108,825,032 (a) + (b) + (c) + (d)

5. Actuarial value of assets at July 1, 2011 $ 109,511,743 6. Actuarial value of assets gain/(loss) $ 686,711 (5) - (4e)

7. Net actuarial gain/(loss) $ 2,176,366 (3) + (6)

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At July 1, 2011

Date Original Amortization Outstanding

Established Amount Payment* Balance July 1, 2009 $57,984,095 $4,838,876 $56,214,152 July 1, 2010 (517,789) (43,210) (510,172) July 1, 2011 (704,233) (58,770) (704,233)

$4,736,896 $54,999,747

* Each base is amortized as a level dollar amount over 25 years

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1. Normal Cost Retirement Benefits $ 5,464,700 Pre-Retirement Death Benefits 101,183 Withdrawal Benefits 11,633 Total $ 5,577,516

2. Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability Actuarial Accrued Liability $ 164,511,490 Actuarial Value of Assets 109,511,743 Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) 54,999,747

3. Amortization Payment on UAAL $ 4,736,896

4. Total Contribution for Fiscal Year $ 10,694,210 [(1) + (3)] x (1.075)1/2

5. Projected Payroll for Fiscal Year $ 26,402,700

6. Total Contribution as Percent of Payroll 40.50%

7. Member Contributions 9.35%

8. State Contribution 31.15% (6) - (7)

9. State Statutory Contribution Rate 30.60%

10. Contribution Rate Shortfall 0.55%

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Schedule of Funding Progress (In Thousands)

Actuarial Actuarial Accrued Unfunded UAAL/ Actuarial Value of Liability AAL Funded Covered Covered Valuation Assets2 (AAL)1 (UAAL) Ratio Payroll Payroll Date (a) (b) (b-a) (a/b) (c) ((b-a)/c) July 1, 2006 $86,110 $123,670 $37,560 70% $24,094 156% July 1, 2007 96,619 138,662 42,043 70% 24,426 172% July 1, 2008 88,198 141,364 53,166 62% 26,663 199% July 1, 2009 93,045 151,029 57,984 62% 26,811 216% July 1, 2010 99,416 156,029 56,613 64% 25,480 222% July 1, 2011 109,512 164,511 55,000 67% 26,403 208%

1 Reporting for years before 2008 is based on the Projected Unit Credit cost method. For 2008 and later, the Entry Age Normal cost method is used.

2 The actuarial value of assets was changed from pure market value to the expected value plus 25% of the difference between actual and expected value effective with the July 1, 2009 valuation.

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Schedule of Employer Contributions

Annual Required Percentage Year Ended Contribution Contributed June 30, 2006 $4,614,846 44% June 30, 2007 7,560,981 27% June 30, 2008 7,552,722 72% June 30, 2009 9,024,252 86% June 30, 2010 8,257,696 95% June 30, 2011 7,994,811 101%

Notes to the Required Schedules:

1. The cost method was Projected Unit Credit for years ending June 30, 2009 and before. After that, the cost method has been Entry Age Normal.

2. The actuarial value of assets was equal to the fair market value for years ending June 30, 2008 and before. The expected value plus 25% of the difference between actual market value and expected value method has been used since year ended June 30, 2009.

3. Economic assumptions are as follows: Inflation rate of 3.25% Investment return rate of 7.50% Salary increases of 4.50% per year. Post-retirement benefit increases vary from 0.00% to 4.50%

4. Each year's change in the UAL is amortized over a closed amortization period of 25 years, determined as a level dollar amount.

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Determination of Annual Required Contribution (ARC)

In Accordance with Statement No. 25 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board

1. Normal Cost at July 1, 2011 $ 5,577,516

2. Amortization Payment a. Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) $ 54,999,747 b. Amortization Amount at Beginning of Year 4,736,896

3. Total Annual Required Contribution [(1) + (2b)] x 1.0751/2 $ 10,694,210

4. Projected Payroll for FY2012 $ 26,402,700

5. Member Contribution Rate 9.35%

6. Expected Member Contributions for FY2012 $ 2,468,652 (4) * (5)

7. Annual Required Contribution (ARC) $ 8,225,558

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Development of the Net Pension Obligation and Annual Pension Cost

In Accordance with Statement No. 27 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board

Determination of Net Pension Obligation Net Pension Obligation as of July 1, 2010 $17,108,873 Annual Pension Cost for the Year Ended June 30, 2011 7,797,637 Employer Contributions for the Year Ended June 30, 2011 8,101,876 Net Pension Obligation as of June 30, 2011 $16,804,634 (1) + (2) - (3)

Determination of Annual Pension Cost for FY2012 1. Annual Required Contribution (ARC) $ 8,225,558 2. a. Net Pension Obligation $16,804,634 b. Interest Rate 7.50% c. Interest on Net Pension Obligation $ 1,260,348 3. a. Net Pension Obligation $16,804,634 b. Amortization Factor (25 years) 11.98297 c. Adjustment to ARC $ 1,454,015 [(a) / (b)] x 1.0751/2

4. Annual Pension Cost $ 8,031,891 (1) + (2c) - (3c)

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Actuarial Assumptions Interest 7.5% per annum. Mortality RP-2000 Healthy Annuitant and Employee Mortality Tables with generational improvements and a one year age set back. Turnover 1.0% per year for all participants under age 45. The termination rate

experienced by the system has been very small, and this trend is assumed to continue.

Rate of Disablement; Disabled Life Mortality No incidence of disability was assumed. Salary Increases Salaries will increase 4.5% per annum. Incidence of Retirement The following table indicates the assumed rate of retirement at each age.

Age Rate 50 - 60 3%

61 4 62 10 63 5 64 5 65 20 66 15 67 15

68-71 20 72 100

Spouse’s Benefit 85% of employees were assumed married, with the spouse four years

younger. Internal Revenue Service Limits on Recognized Pay The limit is assumed to increase based on cost of living increases of 3.0%

per year. Retiring Judges Electing Senior Judge Status 80%, with 50% relinquishing at age 74.

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Adjustment to Benefit for Senior Judges Became Senior Judge Adjustment Before 1/1/93 4.5% for life 1/1/93 to 7/1/94 4.5% to age 78 7/1/94 and later 3.375% to age 78 Asset Valuation Method The market value of assets, representing a fair value of System assets, may not necessarily be the best measure of the System’s ongoing ability to meet its obligations. To arrive at a suitable value for the actuarial valuation, a technique for determining the actuarial value of assets is used which dampens volatility in the market value while still indirectly recognizing market value. The specific technique follows:

Step 1: Determine the expected value of plan assets at the current valuation date using the actuarial value of assets from the prior valuation, the actuarial assumption for investment return and the actual receipts and disbursements of the fund for the previous 12 months.

Step 2: Subtract the expected value determined in Step 1 from the total market value of the Fund at

the current valuation date.

Step 3: Multiply the difference between market and expected values determined in Step 2 by 25%.

Step 4: Add the expected value of Step 1 and the product of Step 3 to determine the actuarial value of assets.

Actuarial Cost Method Liabilities and contributions shown in this report are computed using the Individual Entry Age Normal method of funding. Sometimes called the “funding method”, this is a particular technique used by actuaries for establishing the amount of the annual actuarial cost of pension benefits, or normal cost, and the related unfunded actuarial accrued liability. Ordinarily the annual contribution to the System is comprised of (1) the normal cost and (2) an amortization payment on the unfunded actuarial accrued liability. Under the Entry Age Actuarial Cost Method, the Normal Cost is computed as the level percentage of pay which, if paid from the earliest time each member would have been eligible to join the System if it then existed (thus, entry age) until his retirement or termination, would accumulate with interest at the rate assumed in the valuation to a fund sufficient to pay all benefits under the System. The Actuarial Accrued Liability under this method at any point in time is the theoretical amount of the fund that would have accumulated had annual contributions equal to the normal cost been made in prior years (it does not represent the liability for benefits accrued to the valuation date). The Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability is the excess of the actuarial accrued liability over the actuarial value of System assets on the valuation date. Under this method experience gains or losses, i.e. decreases or increases in accrued liabilities attributable to deviations in experience from the actuarial assumptions, adjust the unfunded actuarial accrued liability.

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Amortization Method Level Dollar Amortization Method The amount to be amortized is divided into equal dollar amounts to be paid over a given number of years; part of each payment is interest and part is principal (similar to a mortgage payment on a building). Because payroll can be expected to increase as a result of inflation, level dollar payments generally represent a decreasing percentage of payroll; in dollars adjusted for inflation, the payments can be expected to decrease over time. Amortization Period The amortization period on the existing UAL at July 1, 2009 was set to a closed 25-year period. A new amortization base is established each year, reflecting the difference in actual and expected experience. Each base established after 2009, is amortized over a new closed 25-year period.

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Summary of Plan Provisions An actuarial valuation involves the projection of the amount and timing of future benefit payments. Summarized below are the principal provisions of the plan which were used to estimate future benefit payments. Credited Service All years of service as a judge are credited. Average Monthly Salary Average monthly basic salary for highest three years as a judge.

Each year’s pay is limited to the compensation limit in Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Accrued Benefit The benefit payable at Normal Retirement Date which the judge

has earned based on average salary and credited service to date. Normal Form The normal form of payment is an annuity payable for the life of

the judge with one-half such amount payable to an eligible surviving spouse with a guarantee that payments totaling at least the amount of the judge’s contributions will be made.

Eligible Spouse A spouse is eligible if married to the judge for at least the one year

preceding death. Retirement Eligibility Age 65 with a minimum of four years service or 20 years of service

and age 50. Mandatory Retirement Date Age 72 for active judges. Age 78 for judges participating in the

Senior Judge Program, unless reappointed at the discretion of the Supreme Court.

Monthly Retirement Benefit Effective July 1, 2006, 3.25% of Average Monthly Salary times

years of credited service subject to a maximum of 65% of final earnings. Prior to 2006 the formula was 3% of average monthly salary times years of service subject to a maximum of 50% until July 1, 1998, 52% from July 1, 1998 until June 30, 2000, 56% from July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001, 60% effective July 1, 2001. Commencing July 1, 1992, a judge or a survivor of a judge who retired before June 1, 1977, shall receive a minimum monthly annuity payment of $500.

Disability Retirement Upon total and permanent disability with a minimum of four years

of credited service, the Judge receives the accrued benefit. Vesting 100% vesting for voluntary terminations after 4 years of credited

service (6 years prior to July 1, 2006). 100% vesting for Judges’ contributions at all times.

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Pre-Retirement Death Benefit Four years of service required. The death benefit payable to an

eligible spouse is one-half the accrued benefit at the date of death. The death benefit shall commence on the later of the date of death or the date the spouse reaches age 60.

Judge’s Required Contribution Rate July 1, 2008, 7.7% of pay. Effective July 1, 2009, 8.7% of pay.

Effective July 1, 2010 and for each subsequent fiscal year until the System attains fully funded status, 9.35% of pay. Thereafter, the member contribution rate is 40% of the actuarially required contribution rate.

State’s Required Contribution Rate For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008, and for each subsequent

fiscal year until the system attains fully funded status, thirty and six-tenths percent of pay. Commencing with the first fiscal year in which the system attains fully funded status, and for each subsequent fiscal year, the percentage rate equal to sixty percent of the actuarially required contribution rate.

Annuity for Senior Judges and Retired Senior Judges (a) Judges retiring and becoming Senior Judges before January 1,

1993: The annuity for all senior judges or retired senior judges will be equal to 3% of the current base salary of the office in which the judge last served before retirement as a judge or senior judge, multiplied by the judge’s years of service prior to retirement as a judge, subject to a maximum of 50% of such current base salary.

(b) Judges retiring and becoming Senior judges on or after January 1, 1993 and before July 1, 1994:

The annuity is the same as (a) above, except that the annuity will increase only until the year in which the judge attains age 78. At that point, it will remain the same until the judges’ death.

(c) Judges retiring and becoming Senior Judges on or after July 1, 1994:

The annuity is the same as (b) above, except that the

percentage increase of the annuity each year is only 75% of the amount that it would have been under (b).

(d) Judges retiring and becoming Senior Judges on or after July 1,


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The annuity is the same as (c) above, except that the maximum benefit is 52% of the current base salary.

(e) Judges retiring and becoming Senior Judges on or after July 1,


The annuity is the same as (d) above, except that the maximum benefit is 56% of the current base salary.

(f) Judges retiring and becoming Senior Judges on or after July 1, 2001:

The annuity is the same as (e) above, except that the maximum benefit is 60% of the current base salary.

(g) Judges retiring and becoming Senior Judges on or after July 1,

2006: The percentage multiplier is 3.25% per year of service and the maximum benefit is 65% of the current base salary.

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Number of Employees Annual Salary Age Male Female Total Male Female Total

under 30 0 0 0 0 0 0

30-34 0 0 0 0 0 035-39 1 2 3 122,400 244,800 367,20040-44 7 4 11 902,700 520,200 1,422,90045-49 15 7 22 1,927,800 912,900 2,840,70050-54 23 9 32 3,146,700 1,193,400 4,340,10055-59 35 10 45 4,753,200 1,346,400 6,099,60060-64 50 13 63 6,742,200 1,739,100 8,481,30065-69 13 1 14 1,769,700 122,400 1,892,100

70 & up 6 1 7 810,900 147,900 958,800

Totals 150 47 197 20,175,600 6,227,100 26,402,700


Years of Service

0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35+ Total Age Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count

under 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

30-34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 035-39 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 340-44 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1145-49 13 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 2250-54 12 5 8 6 0 1 0 0 3255-59 7 9 13 10 3 3 0 0 4560-64 6 11 14 15 5 10 2 0 6365-69 0 2 3 3 3 1 2 0 14

70 & up 0 0 0 3 0 2 1 1 7

Totals 48 35 42 38 11 17 5 1 197

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Number of Members Annual Benefit Age Male Female Total Male Female Total

30-34 0 0 0 0 0 035-39 0 0 0 0 0 040-44 0 0 0 0 0 045-49 0 0 0 0 0 050-54 0 0 0 0 0 055-59 1 2 3 31,788 70,461 102,24960-64 2 3 5 103,178 165,137 268,31565-69 0 0 0 0 0 0

70 & up 0 0 0 0 0 0

Totals 3 5 8 134,965 235,598 370,564

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Number of Members Annual Benefit Age Retired Senior Beneficiaries Total Retired Senior Beneficiaries Total

under 55 1 0 2 3 89,505 0 89,505 179,010

55 to 59 3 0 3 6 172,460 0 172,460 344,921

60 to 64 3 13 1 17 225,406 1,043,295 225,406 1,494,108

65 to 69 6 15 2 23 262,309 1,188,871 262,309 1,713,489

70 to 74 13 8 7 28 627,121 558,145 627,121 1,812,387

75 to 79 18 6 5 29 798,747 453,456 798,747 2,050,951

80 to 84 24 2 8 34 1,174,125 152,656 1,174,125 2,500,906

85 to 89 10 0 11 21 343,535 0 343,535 687,071

90 to 94 1 0 10 11 46,474 0 46,474 92,949

95 to 99 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0

100 & over 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

Totals 79 44 53 176 3,739,684 3,396,422 3,739,684 10,875,790

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We have prepared an actuarial valuation of the Iowa Judicial Retirement Fund as of July 1, 2011, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012. The results of the valuation are set forth in this addendum, which reflects the benefit provisions in effect on July 1, 2011. In preparing this report, we relied, without audit, on information (some oral and some in writing) supplied by the System’s staff. This information includes, but is not limited to, statutory provisions, employee data, and financial information. In our examination of these data, we have found them to be reasonably consistent and comparable with data used for other purposes. Since the valuation results are dependent on the integrity of the data supplied, the results can be expected to differ if the underlying data is incomplete, or missing. It should be noted that if any data or other information is inaccurate or incomplete, our calculations may need to be revised. The results in this Addendum have been prepared for the sole purpose of providing the information required under Chapter 97 D.5 of the Iowa code. Calculations are based on the following prescribed methods: Actuarial cost method: Entry Age Normal Amortization method: Level percent of payroll Amortization period: 30 years, open period All other assumptions, methodologies, and System provisions used are consistent with those used in the regular July 1, 2011 valuation for the Iowa Judicial Retirement Fund. The results shown in this Addendum are not consistent with those in the regular July 1, 2011 valuation. The July 1, 2011, valuation results were determined in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles and practices that are consistent with the Actuarial Standards of Practice promulgated by the Actuarial Standards Board and the applicable Guides to Professional Conduct, amplifying opinion and supporting recommendations of the American Academy of Actuaries. The results shown in this Addendum are not necessarily based on the methodologies adopted by the System. We are available to answer any questions on the material contained in this report, or to provide explanations or further details as may be appropriate. The undersigned credentialed actuaries meet the Qualification Standards of the American Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial opinion contained in this report.

Patrice A. Beckham, F.S.A. Date

Brent A. Banister, F.S.A. Date

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SUMMARY OF VALUATION RESULTS UNDER PRESCRIBED METHODOLOGY This addendum report has been prepared to present the results of a valuation of the State of Iowa Judicial Retirement Fund as of July 1, 2010, based on the prescribed methodology under current statutes and regulations issued thereunder. The unfunded actuarial accrued liability has been amortized as a level percent of payroll over 30 years. The payroll growth assumption used was 4%. A summary of principal valuation results from the current and the prior valuation follows.

Actuarial Valuation as of July 1, 2011 July 1, 2010

Summary of Costs

Normal cost at July 1 $ 5,577,516 $ 5,212,950

UAAL amortization 2,844,460 2,927,910

Total 8,421,976 8,140,860

Interest to Year End 631,648 610,565

Total Actuarially Required Contribution 9,053,624 8,751,425 at Year End

Less Employee contributions with interest 2,559,553 2,470,066

State Required Contribution 6,494,071 6,281,359

Expected Payroll FYE $ 26,402,700 $ 25,479,600

State Actuarially Required Contribution 24.60% 24.65% Rate

Funded Status

Actuarial accrued liability $164,511,490 $156,029,125

Actuarial value of assets 109,511,743 99,415,804

Unfunded actuarial accrued liability $ 54,999,747 $ 56,613,321

Funded ratio 66.57% 63.70%

Asset Values

Market value of assets $111,571,876 $ 91,321,799

Actuarial Value of Assets $109,511,743 $ 99,415,804